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Posts posted by Money

  1. Looking at that clip of Nene on Wendy I like when she said this is the first time the cast had all brown faces. Andy should make it permanent. If NJ, NY and BH could be lily white I don't see why the ATL ladies need a white cast member.

    Porsha is a real ditz. When she said there were 265 days in the preview I was too through. Between her yelling and hollering with the rock climbing like a banshee and giggling about her coochie, her brain is an empty space of nothing. Does this girl even have an education?

    Phaedra was ridiculous with her dodge and her tacky kiddie party. She's almost as bad as Taylor on BH. She needed to put on her big grown panties and own her sh#t.

    Cynthia looked absolutely beautiful in her soundbites.

    Kenya is pathetic. Her desperate ass need to stop being so thirsty for a ring.

    ON WWHLwAndy she talked about Wendy talking trash about her skin. Anyone have the clip on that? Homegirl need to exfoliate and maybe hit up so Proactive while she's at it.

  2. Porsha is definitely a spoiled ditz and it's obvious the producers think so too. Every time she does her soundbites the background music they play underscores how ditzy they think she really is. When she couldn't remember the word recession to describe the state of the economy it was even more obvious. While Kenya said she didn't have her own identity, it reaked of jealously since her only claim to fame is Ms USA. It's why she gets so upset when people can't remember the year or the title. She's desperate to maintain relevancy and she's envious of Porsha's youth and the very same things she holds against her... a husband and a perceived legacy that Porsha never had to work a day in her life for. On top of that she has really bad skin. I like the animosity she has with Cynthia because it gives Cynthia something to do.

    I'm not mad that Kim left the party. She waited two hours for Nene to show up and she owes her nothing. Nene is suddenly above the drama, which she loves to remind people because she ariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiived and the spotlight's on her. For the first time I felt like Nene was a secondary character and took a backseat to the others.

    ETA: I just watched the trailer for "Vanderpump Rules" and I'm definitely not interested in a show about the personal drama of Lisa's twenty - something employees. So disappointing!

  3. I just heard the Senator of South Carolina say the reason he and America like Canadians (unlike people from the South of the border) is because they come in the month of March, spend tons of money, and then swim back up stream. Among other things.... "they know when to leave". This is one of the most vile things The Republicans have spewed against Hispanics.

  4. One of the FOX pundits said the news about Petraeus broke weeks ago but the media kept quite because they wanted to ensure Obama's re-election.

    Rubio is suddenly their answer to diversity because now they can't shut up about his rising star.

    Sean Hannity has the most convenient wakeup call on immigration ever.


    They're now all having light bulb moments because one of the FOX'ers just said they have no problem with amnesty and should make illegals legal but should withhold citizenship which is another issue in itself since many immigrants, especially those who came here as kids, do want that pathway to citizenship. They're just repackaging the "separate but equal" mentality.

    And in bizarre news, Rachel Maddow just devoted an entire segment to making a cocktail. blink.png

  5. There can never be compromise if the Republicans aren't willing to make the effort. That's the bottom line. Instead of being overt and vicious with their attacks on Obama, they're now stilted. I just saw Boehner say the President "must lead" with every bit of superciliousness he had before. It is clear to me they are still determined to see him fail but they're being more tactful and insidious about it. Obama is POTUS and he needs to be aggressive. He has nothing to lose and if he keeps offering conciliatory overtures and it's met with repeated rejection then he needs to throw down the gauntlet. The new strategy seems to be attacking Obama on his promise to reach across the aisle but their definition of compromise is to do everything they propose and if he doesn't he's not compromising. They will then throw a temper tantrum that he lied about real compromise and attack him for being partisan. I really hope the 'pubs prove me wrong. I think they will make a smidgeon of effort for at least self preservation, if nothing else.

    RE: Both GIFS: I thought the terminator one was funny however if it were Obama then yes folks would have a different reaction. By the same token I can take the Obama one in the same stride if it were not for the inclusion of the Nazi similarity which was indeed distasteful.

  6. Chris Matthews is apologizing for his comments about Sandy being a good thing. He sounds very sincere and as he is trying not cry. Kudos to him for this honest unreserved apology.

    I'm watching the repeat right now and I'm stunned. He looks like a little kid knowing he said something really stupid because he got caught up in the moment. The guy might be a bit eccentric and over the top but I like him. I like his passion for Obama, the country and always speaking out against the injustices he feel is done to people without voices. It takes a real man to apologize so sincerely and I applaud him for it

    Aside from the fiscal cliff, immigration reform is now the hot button issue on MSNBC, CNN and even Fox and it's one Obama nor the Republicans can ignore - 1) Because Latinos overwhelmingly voted for Obama and he definitely owes them and 2) The 'pubs know they will never have a presidential office again if they don't broaden their coalition and stop acting like the only people with power in this country is old white men. Let's play ball.

  7. So i'm flipping through channels and i can't remember which station I saw Guilani say the response to Sandy in NY, specifically Staten island, has been abominable and likened it to Katrina. Then pundits chimed in and said it's a double standard because when Katrina hit everyone blamed Bush for the lack of relief efforts and now the media is turning a blind eye because they want Obama to win. It was even suggested that Bloomberg is taking the blame because he also wants Obama to win. All these conspiracy theories... And MSNBC is still saying it's too close to call and we may not know the results until tomorrow.

    The lines to vote here in Maryland have been insane. MSNBC is reporting in other states people are waiting as long as eight hours to vote and some are leaving. I really hope there's no overwhelming fuckery nationally.

  8. I completely agree. I noticed that the NY Times endorsement said that the President would be prepared this time for the partisan opposition. I hope that it was right. I want to see he and the Democratic Congress going to the match. No more of this compromising BS.

    Obama wanted to appear as a "good guy" during his presidency. The man who reached across the aisle and finally found compromise. His idealism was his weakness .The Republicans tried to define him and to an extent it worked. He came across weak and ineffective. This time around he doesn't have to worry about re-election so has the freedom to pursue the "change" he referred to in 2008. If he really thinks the 'pubs are going to be more receptive to bipartisanship now then he didn't learn a damn thing.

  9. Obama won the debate because he was aggressive and actually addressed a lot of the BS the GOP are spewing.i won't say it was a knockdown. Romney held his own to a great extent. I'm just pleased to see that Obama came out more forceful this time.

    Romney just continues to stick his foot in his mouth and no one cares.

    Oh, people care. I thought Romney was effective in pointing out Obama's failure with the economy because Obama still hasn't laid out an effective plan for the next four years and he was absolutely right in stating Obama did not keep his promise to even file legislation for immigration reform when he had both the House and Senate. Obama had no answer for the latter. Both should have been slam dunks for Romeny but he's such a flip flopper all Obama has to do is continue to pick apart the lies he told which isn't very difficult.

    I'm looking at some of the highlights again and I'm trying to understand why Romney thought it was a smart move to start rambling about Obama's pension during the immigration segment. It was a huge WTF moment.

    MSNBC is stating that the woman who asked him how he' differs from Bush wasn't satisfied with his response and she'll be voting for Obama. It's hard to imagine there are still Undecideds at this point.

  10. Romney looks like a greasy car salesman. He has this leer that even when he's smiling you know it's ridiculously fake. I thought it was hilarious when he said he looked through a binder for women candidates to combat the inequality in his cabinet. Absolutely hilarious.

    Candy did good as a moderator. I would have said she was great if she didn't allow both men to go over their allotted two minutes however even she had to fact check Romney on Benghazi and I'm glad she did it. The crowd applauded.

    I don't think there's an undecided latino who would vote for Romney after his stance on immigration.

    And he should have known better to say he cared about 100% of Americans. Obama countering with the 47% in his last statement was perfect.

  11. I'm reading an MSNBC article with talk of an "energized" Obama after his lackluster performance lastnight that leaves me shaking my head. I’m not sure what his reasoning for being passive was during the debate since there is absolutely no reason to give Romney any type of momentum since polls are already showing that undecideds are starting to have a positive view on him. Calling him out on his lies (after a tongue lashing from the Dems) the day after rings hallow. What I find ridiculous is when asked, his advisors said he didn’t bring up the 47% because they shrugged it off saying everyone already knows about it. And that’s there problem - they assumed. The Obama machine are far too savy to being making those type of stupid mistakes.

  12. I think Romney won by a little -- both got some good zingers in. Disappointed that Obama did not call out more of Mitt's BS, though his "Is he keeping his plan a secret because it's so good?" line was good. He needed to crystallize his thesis more though and be more on the offensive.

    Mitt was better -- coming up with a brand new tax plan just in time for the debate was genius. And I wish I had realized that cutting Big Bird while cutting taxes and increasing military spending would make the deficit disappear. It was BS, but kudos to Mitt for getting away with it cause Obama didn't call it out enough.

    It was a good line but the delivery was off and that was the case with most of his salient points that should have been slam dunks. I'll be honest and say that I'm suprised at Obama's performance. He looked tentative and for the life of me I don't know why he kept his head down throughout the first half of the debate. He was even nodding his head at times while Romey was speaking which made it seem like he was actually agreeing with him. Even when he made salient points he let Romney off the hook too many times. Jim asked for specifics and he accused Romney of not providing any when he himself couldn't do it, instead his answers while pertinent, were all over the place. I'll give this round to Romeny - without the meltdown by MSNBC.

  13. Frankly I don't know what he was trying to say other than pander to the elitists and millionaires he was speaking to. And he did go back and sort of quantify what he meant by the tax statement. It doesn't mean he explained it well or what he said made sense or was even correct. This is a guy who's stuck his foot in his mouth multiple times. I guess I've just become immune to his hiccups because he's done it so much it's just almost in one ear out the other.

    Democrats are quick to say that we've finally seen the "real" Romney and I'm still waiting since I have no idea what the hell this guy really believes in. I don't believe his comments were taken out of context but he was pontificating to that audience he felt needed to hear what he was spewing. Maybe he actually meant it but it really doesn't matter because the guy has proven he'll say whatever he feels he has to to different audiences because he's a political opportunist. All I know is that his main goal is to keep the tax cuts for the rich at the expense of everyone else and he has said nothing to refute that belief. He knows his comments were damaging but he knew there would be hell to pay by super pacs which wasn't a luxury he could afford. I don't know why any American would give their vote to this guy.

  14. The bottom line is people will vote for those they feel connected to - be it policies, race and gender. Someone voting for Obama because he's black is no different than a woman voting for Hillary because she would be the first female president, and yet, the former is somehow morally worse because race is involved. People need to get off their high horses. I'm a liberal and I have no problem with people adding negagtive connotations to Obama's name because there are frustrated Democrats who do as well. It doesn't make anyone more superior because they refrain in the name calling when we call each other bitches and hoes.

    And lastly Hillary is looking rough. Damn.

  15. And I know the lettuce thing sounds ridiculous but I am giving a practical example -- Republicans since 2008 have been grandstanding on broad issues and ideals, not specifics. It's so facile to say that illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans. But who wants a job picking produce that earns money not hourly but based on what is picked? Potentially $2 for an entire day's work? Not an American citizen.

    Example of grandstanding--

    "We need to cut spending."

    "OK. Cut what?"

    "Just cut everything. Cuts from every department."

    OK, well that is now happening in January 2013 -- sequestration, due to Congressional Republican action. And every economist agrees it threatens us with almost certain return to recession.

    Though I see your point that not every illegal immigrant is the stereotypical farm worker. We do have a skills gap compared to other developed countries and allowing educated illegals to stay should be a no-brainer.

    The fact is America was built on immigrants. I never understod the argument that undocumented workers steal jobs from Americans when most of those Americans who were outraged would never do the jobs those workers did. I knew of someone personally who would rather collect food stamps than be a trash collector. There's a lot of immigrants who are highly educated and would be huge assets to the economy but lack the documentation. Now most Americans are out of work and they can no longer use those immigrants as scapegoats but there will always be some Republican ready to make that argument instead of seeing the benefit of legalizing those immigrants.

  16. Another insane plan -- deport all 20 million illegal immigrants (which will no doubt increase federal spending as it will take hiring many many ICE officers to turn the Southwest into a police state so we can track them all down and send them away and have lettuce prices skyrocket as nobody is left to pick it.)

    The lettuce picking was unintentionally funny but there's are sector of illegal immigrants who do more than tend to produce. Romney's idea of "self deportation" has go to be one of the craziest, most inhumane goal when many of these immigrants have American children here. They have no problem ripping these immigrants away from their families, and what will become of the millions of kids who are underaged and their parents are deported? Of course Republicans don't care about that little tidbit which will be another burden on tax payers. And illegal immigration doesn't soley affect Hispanics but people from other countries inlcuding Europe but it's never adressed because those immigrants are White. I wont even get into the whole speil of protecting our boarders when anyone with half a brain realizes that jumping the fence isn't the predominant reason there are illegal immigrants in this country but those who came legitmately on a vistor's visa and simply overstayed. I applaud Obama for finally making an attempt to do right by these people.

  17. As always republicans underesitimated Bill. "Too long" "too wonky" "even washington insiders eyes started to glaze"...well not according to neilsen where Bill beat the NFL football game. Clinton is basically the closest thing politics has to a rock star. If they got rid of the amendment he would easily win a third term. It is just a shame Hillary didn't win so Bill could be backdoored into power.

    Dems were nervous and 'pubs were hoping America's love of football would cause folks to tune out and Clinton delivered like I knew he would. He loved every minute of the crowd hanging on his every word and when he first strolled on stage with that cool swagger and [!@#$%^&*] eating grin I knew he was going to kill it. And yes, he's a political rock star. And he knows it.

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