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Posts posted by Money

  1. Watching Bill Clinton lastnight was political poetry. And unfortunately his magnetic presence proved that Obama needed that boost that only he Bill could provide.

    I know that the president alone cannot be held responsible for the economy. Obama gladly reminds us that his failures are the fault of Bush and the Republicans in Congress. But, he has had a Democratic Senate for his entire term, and a Democratic House for his first two years. He also refused to get a new chairman of the Federal Reserve when he had the chance, and instead re-appointed Ben Bernanke.

    Whenever something goes right (like the auto bailout), the president has no problem taking all the credit. But all he does is blame others for the things which have gone wrong, which is absolutely cowardly. Personally, I think that blaming Mitch McConnell (the freaking MINORITY leader of the Senate) for our problems is the lamest excuse of all. So he said that he wants Obama to be a one-term president. Does anybody honestly believe that Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich didn't want the same thing for Bill Clinton? Yet, that didn't stop Clinton from working effectively with Congressional Republicans.

    On this agree we agree. Having had both he should have made more progress and he used it as a cushion. It's not until he lost The House and called it a "shellacking" he truly realized people were no longer mesmerized by his hope and change speeches and demanded real change, however you cannot even compare the earlier Republicans to these new breed who flat out does. not. want. anything. to do with Obama. At least some of those earlier Republicans were still willing to compromise on certain issues with Clinton. These Republicans do not want to compromise and they are infintely not interested in bipartisan policies for the sake of moving the country forward. What part of holding a meetinng the day of Obama's inaguaration to get rid of him, not returning any of his phone calls, and declining meetings at the White House is par the course? McConnell publically stating their idea of compromise is if Obama does things their way is a deep level of arrogance, hatred and disrespect.

    And frankly, Obama hasn't gotten enough credit for the auto bailout nor Bin Laden's death because people have already forgotten. I guarantee you if it was Bush, Americans would still be giving that man a free pass at a third re-election after the montrosity of his presidency. It truly amazes me how many avid reminders Americans need - even through a slow economic recovery - to remember where they were four years, let alone eight years ago.

  2. What an absolutely boring part 2. I agree that Marlo rehearsed that line a thousand times before she dropped it. I did have to chuckle when Kim complimented her on a good fasion sense trying to make nice and Marlo dropped the whore comment leaving her stunned.

    And some friend Sherre is because she couldn't contain her gleeful gasp when Marlo said it. And speaking of Ms Sherre, she looked like a timid little lamb in Marlo's prsence. I guess girlie really doesn't want that barracuda putting her on blast again.

    I hated Kroy's comeover. He looked like an old geezer trying to be 26.

    Peter is an !@#$%^&*]. That was even more obvious in pt 2.

    Phaedra loves to play it safe in reunions and if she continues to do that she can leave too. She was just as boring as the entire episode. Hopefully next week goes out with a bang and I'm already on "team Khandi".

  3. Cheap, you got the right one, lol.

    It would serve the show best if Andy drew a had line with Nene. She has a large following but she's not the star to stipulate she doesn't want to work with the other women. She's like a big fish in a little pond and if her ass think she's too big for the show (which clearly she does) then she needs to leave. This season has been FAR from entertaining and it's because the women do not want to interact with each other. Andy has to know this and if he doesn't then he's a damn fool because Nene's soundbites is not enough to carry this show and as much as I love Phaedra neither is her comedy. Getting rid of Sheree was a good start but the show needs a DIVA who isn't afraid to own her s.hit.

  4. Sheree has confirmed she is leaving RHOA but claims it was her choice.

    *does a jig* Dammit, can someone please get Victoria Rowell on the phone!


    I love when Nene did this to Sheree. Why the F is she talking about Nene's kids? She must be really desperate to be relevant to now go after something Nene's son did.

    A few of her gems. I thought Andy was going to pee his pants during that entire confrontation. She really did own Sheree's ass but Nene was such a bully no one could get a word in edge wise. The editing did play a part because there were disticnt instances were Nene had the last word in everything and knowing these women that's not the case.

    There's a part where she snarled at Sheree. It was such a disgusted stank look I've never seen her look so disgusted. Not even Kim have ever gotten that look she gave Sheree. I wish you had gotten a gif of that lol.

  5. Fabulous start to the reunion. This is how a reunion should be and I was highly entertained!

    Nene made some valid points about children's actions not being represtentative of the parent however her entire attitude from jump was defensive. Khandi is right, she really believes she's above them. This is the same chick who had no problem in previous seasons gossipping right along with them but the minute she got fame the women - and the show - is suddenly beneath her and this is why the women are pissed off. Andy should be offended but it's obvious he adores Nene. The editing in the Nene/Sheree confrontation clearly made Nene the winner.

    Sheree is damn lucky that Phaedra considers her a friend because she was really classy in that confrontation and could have put her on blast. I'm tired of Sheree and hope the rumors are true. She provides nothing and it's time for her to leave. She's been saying the same dam thing for over a year and she should have taken Phaedra's advice and thrown his ass in jail. She has no one to blame but herself. It's also clear that Andy loves Phaedra too. He lights up everytime she talks.

    I absolutely hated Khandi's look. She looked like a one trick pony - literally.

    I can beleive Khandi has more money than all the ladies. When will these bitches learn that people with real money never go around telling everyone they're rich. It makes Nene look stupid when it was revealed her "trump check" amounted to a fee of around $25,000.

    Poor Kroy - by the time Kim is finished with him he'll have a nickel left in his pocket.

  6. BH: Taylor was a passive agressive bitch in season 1 and she changed into a simpering victim in season 2 to sell her supposed abuse. She serves no purpose and I'm truly dismayed she's returning. I really thought Andy would have known better and cut his losses. He's starting to bug the hell out of me lately.

  7. Eveylyn is such a dirty skank hoe. The way she was talking about blow jobs let's everyone know her mouth is stank with Chad's cum (not too be too graphic). The rumors are so obviously true. It's obvious he's already cheating on her ass. The last thing I need to hear is Chad saying she has a good p*ssy. What the hell is wrong with this show?

    Susie is desperate to be relevant.

    Tami is working the new hair.

    Jennifer is boring.

    And I could care less about the two new girls especially the one with the bad weave.

    It's either I'm over this show or the show is over itself.

    Any one knows when the new season of Single Ladies start?

  8. Dont see Meeka there...thank god!

    nuGirl: "Please dont call me a bitch"

    Tami: "Bitch, Bitch and more Bitch!" laugh.png

    "All I said is I referenced you being a ho" laugh.png

    Great zingers and I didn't see Meeka so hopefully she's not there.

    I heard of rumors that Evelyn and Jennifer are no longer friends since they were feuding on twitter. Evelyn accused Jennifer of trying to be white so I guess that sealed it lol.

    The slap the girl gave Jennifer was fake as hell and I'm so over Evelyn and her ghetto ass.

    Looking foward to seeing Tami.

  9. I hated the editing in the recent reunion. It felt so rushed it's as if they wanted to get in all of Brandi's zingers cue the obligatory reactions shots and were crunched for time. Part 2 would have had more of an impact if we were shown more fluid conversations and reactions.

    Kyle was ridiculous and she took great pleasure in saying Eddie left Brandi for LeAnne. Brandi totally owned her [!@#$%^&*]. Im glad Cammille defended her (albeit weakly) when Taylor smugly said she rested her case. Kyle came off even worse when they showed the flashbacks with the crutches. That lame excuse about she didn't do it was even lamer everytime she said it since clearly she knew where it was once Kim told her and they both laughed in glee. The reunion had some really fantastic moments but was really ruined with the editing. He should have made it two hours.

    And if the last leg of the reunion is a one on one interview with Kim then I think I'll pass. What a letdown.

  10. BH: If Cammile remains for another season she needs her bitch bone back. She was useless this season.

    Why do I think Marlo was "planted" to give the housewives a little bit of drama this season. I LOVE ATL, but this season it has not had nearly the drama as the other shows have had. While Kim Z and NeNe take their little shots at one another in their circles, they refuse to actually speak to one another even though the elephant in the room so to speak. Marlo adds a little bit of controversy and drama to the franchise IMO.

    Of course Marlo was planted. With the girls forming firm lines in the sand the trip to Africa would have been boring. They needed drama and a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer. I was thinking the other day that there wasn't one episode this season that was must see TV nor were there any episoses that were ratings grabbers like the previous season. I remember when ATL was the talk around the water cooler. The draw is definetly Nene and Kim's relationship and the other relationships with each other. Seperately the show is a dud. Andy needs to mandate they either start speaking to each other or get himself new housewives. And NOT the likes of Marlo.

  11. Marlo is the trashiest housewife since Tamra on the OC and hopefully, unlike the vile Tamra, Bravo bumps Marlo out before she destroys the show. I think when she said faggots, in such a nasty manner to Sherre, sealed her fate. I can't see Andy standing for that. And where did she learn all those etiquette tips? During her seven stints in the slammer?

    Clearly, everyone on BH is jealous of Lisa, which is quite sad. And I don't think it is because of Taylor. Instead perhaps it is because she is this season's breakout star or that she is the leader of the group (a position, I think, both Kyle and Adrienne have designs on). The special thing about this version is that all the women were friends (or at least cared about each other). This made BH rise above all the pettiness on NYC, NJ, and OC. I just think the cast works better as friends than as enemies.

    Keeping Marlo would be a colossal mistake and I would have to tune out for good if it were to happen. ATL doesn't need the likes of this trash bag to bring drama. ATL is pure unadultarated fun without the vileness and mean spiritedness. It's what seperates it from the rest and the tone of the show would infinetly change with this bottom feeding maggot.

    Re: BH: I was expecting more of an attack on Lisa judging from the previews but clearly these women are afraid of her because even in their "attacks" they were careful to choose their words carefully. Everyone knows she's the queen Bee.

  12. I'm truly amazed how beautiful Adrienne actually is and it's bogged down by a drag wardrobe and even drabber hair. Cammile was perfection - flawless hair and makeup. I loved that she called Taylor out but everyone feeling sorry for this bitch is such a letdown. They now all view her as a sainted victim and she's playing the part to the hilt. The last shot of her quivering lips was just nasty. Bravo is so wrong for that.

    I guess it really was "let's all gang up on Lisa". She handled it well.

    I cant wait for Brandi to spice things up. The previews where Taylor tells her it's none of her business and Brandi shuts her down is gold. The dig about her book is priceless. Bravo really knows how to make a preview juicy.

    I would love to see a black female on BH next season.

    Keshia Knight Pulliam is rumored to be joing the cast of RHoA next season

    Ugh, would have rathered Victoria Rowell. Can "Rudy" even hang with these girls?

  13. What an episode of ATL! I actually felt bad for Sherre but she held her own pretty well. Marlo is just scary. Putting all and I do mean ALL of her business on blast like that was not entertaining, just vile and nasty and the show could do without the likes of her. That whole argument was reduced to a juvenile bling/ I have more than you contest and I couldn't believe through all that nonsense when Marlo accused Sheree of having just one rolex. Bitch, seriously?! I would hate for Andy to make her a permanent cast member. Getting drama from this hood rat will bring the entire show down.

    The ladies looked gorgeous during their breakfast and Phaedra was glowing. I loved the pulled back bun and Cynthia making fun of her Marshalls robe was just stupid. And once again she shows how far her mouth is up Nene's ass by immediately running to tattletale. If I were Sheree I wouldn't even have extended the invite. If Cynthia didn't want to go all she had to do was simply decline. I do love her braids though.

    I was surprised to hear that Kim fired Sweetie a few months ago but clearly in this episode there doesn't seem to be much of a friendship. I wish Sweetie would remove herself because Kim still treats her like a dog. And speaking of Ms Kim... she's such a spoiled, entitled, gold digger and I beleive Kroy loves her but felt pressured into marrying her knowing it's what she really wants. He always seems really uncomfortable. She's so materialistic.

    Was that a lace front wig she was wearing on WWHL because while it looked better than the rest it still needed some work.

  14. Caught ATL lastnight and if the cast continues to be segregated next season then it wont work. Marlo and Nene's friendship is as fake as a two dollar bill and Nene is really unlikeable this season. Even though she was brash in the former seasons there was something relatable... almost painfully endearing about her. All of those qualities are gone. Brining Marlo on the trip was such a bitch move but I would expect nothing less from her. And considering she was running around screaming she was rich in the previous episodes, instead of balking, she shouldn't have had a problem dropping ten thousand dollars for the jewelry.

    And her calling Marlo a bitch repeatedly to prove they were cool was nails on a chalk board. It's apparently fine for her to call her that but when Kim calls Sweetie a bitch she's a racist.

    I'm really liking Kim and Kroy. He's so sweet but they're boring.

    Khandi, Cynthia and Phaedra are also boring but Phaedra is really funny. Her soundbites and facial expressions especially when Marlo showed up at the airport were gold.

    ATL is losing the IT factor.

  15. I watched the entire episode of BH since Brave promo'ed the hell out of Camille calling out her abuse and leave it to Bravo to make that the last scene of the show. dry.png

    I'm so over Taylor and her victimized routine. The woman has her act down to the very letter. Every time she wails she's trying to find her voice I gag because she's so damn transparent. She takes phony to new heights. This is the same chick who was a staunch advocate for women's rights last season all the while her husband was beating the [!@#$%^&*] out of her . I have never seen her as a victim. She's a leech and she's a bully. She was a bully last season with Kim and she's a passive aggressive one this season. She thought the other women were going to back her up when she started to attack Lisa and she should have known that neither Kyle, Adrienne, nor Camille would willingly get on Lisa's bad side when they know she's the Queen Bee. And that's precisely why Kyle is loathsome because she's a mean bitch to people like Brandi who she acts is beneath her but would never dare step to Lisa in the same manner.

    Every time Taylor cries there are never any tears.

    Adrienne is so pretty. It's a shame she's in love with those nasty extensions.

  16. NeNe has a point though, in response to Sheree's remarks on the talk show circuit about NeNe: Without badmouthing NeNe, Sheree has nada. She's got nothing going on, there's no buzz to report about, her story is blah. We got to see her and her son buy shoes on yesterday's episode? Fun stuff! Not. And then you have Sheree, Kim, & Phaedra going on about NeNe at the baby shower. The only way for them to be relevant (and interesting) is to badmouth NeNe. With Kim and NeNe never appearing in scenes together, I have a feeling this whole season is going to be all about the back-n-forth talking behind people's backs, and people like Phaedra and Kandi will be the ones playing both sides, although Cynthia could hang with Kim & Sheree too.

    I think the money thing is just her playing it up for the cameras. And boy, NeNe's already cranking out some good zingers! I LMAO yesterday when she talked about how dildos can't say any sweet words, it just goes buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Deadpan. LOL

    But Nene isn't more relevant than Sheree because she sounds dumb for yelling at anyone who would listen she's rich because she's absolutely not. Outside of Celeb Apprentice she has nothing going on besides the modicum - already fleeting - fame she got out of it. She's inflating her own relevance because without her screaming everyone is a hater and she got money, she also doesn't have a storyline but it's going unnoticed since she's she's such a loudmouth, attention seeking bitch.

    The person really trying too hard is Nene. Those zingers use to come so natural. Now I find myself rolling my eyes when she says them.

    It was hilarious when Apollo told Aidan he was getting heavy - just like his mama. Phaedra's expression was gold laugh.png

  17. Nene's need to overcompensate her wealth is ridiculous. Obviously she has more money than she's ever had but this need to let everyone know she's rich wreaks of insecurities. And heffa know she aint buying no nine million dollar house so she needs to sit her ass down.

    Khandi's shorter weave looks good but the long one makes her look matronly. And Nene was right because her thighs in the bathing suit were hella thick.

    I don't have a problem with their sexual exploits but I could do without the incessant conversations about dildos, libidos and oral sex.

    I liked them cracking on Nene's teeth. That whole convo at Kim's was hilarious. And speaking of Kim, that bracelet was f - ugly. Can't believe Kroy paid 22k for that mess.

    Sweetie looked nice. The girl is really trying. Is it me or is she and Kroy really friendly.

  18. My ATL bitches are back and I couldn't be happier

    Anyone surprised how made up Sweetie was. After all the drama with her last year it's like home girl took extra care with her appearance. Now the poor thing instead of looking overly greasy is wearing make up that isn't the right shade for her skin.

    Also surprised Nene was crying over Sheree. She seemed genuinely hurt she didn't believe her. First time I saw Nene run from a fight so kudos to Ms Sheree for holding her own although bringing up her less than stellar teeth back in the day was hitting below the belt, lol

    Not feeling Khandi and her musical vibrators.

    Phaedra is love. wub.png

  19. I haven't been watching BH consistently but did watch last night's episode and Kyle and Kim - especially Kyle - were just disgusting. And what I've noticed about her is that she has no problem attacking Brandi because she feels she's superior to her but if she had beef with someone like Lisa she would be quick to at least try to be civil. Her interactions with Brandi were really uncomfortable because if this was high school there would be news about Brandi committing suicide. I miss the feud with Camille. That at least was entertaining. This is just sad.

    I also found Kim repulsive because she was piggy backing off the nastiness of Kyle. Wasn't this the same chick who couldn't form two coherent sentences to articulate her thoughts when faced with confrontation from Taylor last year? And where was all this family loyalty from Kyle when Taylor was riding her ass nonstop and Kyle kept dismissing Kim at every turn.

    I was really disappointed in Lisa because she was slightly less nasty than Kyle at the luncheon but in a more insidious way with her little snide comments and jokes.

    And from the very little I've seen of Brandi, she's not a good addition to the cast. There's absolutely nothing about her that screams BH housewife.

  20. ATL is back November 6th. Replacing NJ. Promo: HTTP://WWW.BRAVOTV.C...EWIVES-ARE-BACK

    Maybe it's just me, but that looks very uneventful for what you know will be a long season. Maybe they should've tested out a couple new housewives to spice things up. Marlo, the rumored new HW didn't even get a "friend of the housewives" picture or anything, so my guess is that she's a bust. Hopefully that was just a teaser.

    Kandi looks amazing though!

    Love my ATL bitches! I'd rather watch a boring episode of these broads than an "explosive" ep of the other series' any day.

    Nene up in another chick's face ready to clock 'em; Khandi gone country with a bad weave; Peter and Apollo fighting; Sherre and Nene going at it... and best of all, Phaedra!

    Ya'll look at Nene's legs in her photop. She got chicken legs :lol:

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