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Posts posted by Money

  1. I was shocked at how unnatural Kyle looked. It was obvious she had work done maybe even specifically for the reunion. Her face was extra tight and plastic looking and the blue contacts were ugly. Brandi's face was extra plump too. I thought Rinna looked the best.

    Lisa and Kyle made a pact and Eileen and Rinna made a pact. Lisa should want nothing to do with Kyle either and I'm not sure why she chooses to focus solely on Brandi since Kyle was also a part of the shade being thrown at her last year.

    I do think Yolanda was sick but her facial expressions were exaggerated for the sake of the camera.

    The dog comment by Andy is pure Andy. He's messy and he's a s.hit stirrer. As host comparing her to a dog was offensive and I had no problem with Brandi saying F. U. He would never dare to make that comparison to Nene and Nene is just as vile as Brandi.

    I understand Brandi's frustrations as she's her own worst enemy. She practically kissed Lisa's ass to resume their friendship and even though the slap was in severely poor taste, she's no better than Kyle, but since she's now the common enemy of both Lisa and Kyle they're throwing her under the bus.

    Eileen is made of win. Hearing "Ashley" say F.U made me giggle. I'll be here for part 2.

  2. Nene reminded me of big bird with that ugly, yellow wig. Even her beak nose was on point.

    Phaedra was really shady. There Kandi was poring her heart out visibly upset that she would go to Nene instead of coming to her with their issues. Phaedra said they squashed the beef even though Stevie Wonder could see she was lying through her teeth as evidenced by her talking head. I hope Andy shows the clips at the reunion.

    Nene is so ugly. Her behavior has reached the lowest of lows. She was the one who brought Dr Jeff there and immediately attacked him when he tried to hold her accountable for her behavior. Clearly SHE is the root of their problem. Then she has the nerve to threaten his license in the previews. Ugh! She's such a walking dumpster. There is absolutely nothing to like about her. She's just vile, despicable, and nasty and this reunion better be the reunion to beat all reunions as they all read her for filth.

    Was it my tv or did Dr Jeff and a few of the girls had a weird orange glow during the session.

  3. I just noticed that Kandi is really sensitive. She cries in her talking heads, she cries when her mama tells her she doesn't come around, she cried during therapy and she is crying in the previews with Phaedra. Jeez.

    Porsha need to step off. She's trying to make herself relevant by inserting herself between Kandi and Phaedra and Phaedra should know better but since she's fake as a southern belle routine I expect nothing less.

    LOL at Kandi saying she didn't know about Mr Chocolate when a few seconds before Todd is telling Peter she knew. Busted!

    There are no words to describe Nene's horrendous wig on the preview for next week. That monstrosity was awful. She looked like an overgrown cabbage patch kid on crack. And of course she walked away. As usual she could dish it but she can't take it. Nene would never care to have a group therapy to hash out the their problems since she's completely over them so this was clearly production mandated. Greg, my ass. She's such a hypocrite. I really hope they all read her for filth next week.

  4. It's obvious production wanted Cynthia to spill the beans about Mr. Chocolate at the dinner. I have never seen her looked so uncomfortable and it showed. Phaedra threatening to beat anyone's ass is laughable especially since she touts herself as such a Christian. She cusses like a trash box, she's ghetto, slutty, and she deflects. She couldn't pull out that cellphone fast enough when Cynthia started spilling. Her "fix it Jesus" comments are sacrilegious. She isn't fooling anyone and her clothes are at least two sizes too small to fit her sloppy body. She's not svelte and she needs to own it.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Todd is cheating. He looks checked out. It would be interesting if he is the one who files for divorce considering everyone though he wanted a come up with Kandi.

    If Kandi is truly distancing herself from Phaedra it's because she has the receipts and she doesn't want to be dragged with Phaedra. She's using her marital problems with Todd as an excuse.

    Why is Porsha still here?

  5. I watched Monday's ep and it was pretty good ( the episode before was a huge clusterfuck. You mean to tell me that Icabbie had a library filled with books to help them with their mission and they decided they had to blow the joint up right that second without leaving with a few books? Not to mention a holographic Thomas Jefferson?! *sigh* I digress...) Evil Katrina is the only way this character works. I'll miss Henry but since they traveled back in time he'll show up sooner or later if they're renewed for season 3. Crane and Abbie made so many references to their "bond" clearly the writers are listening. When the colonial guys asked Abbie for her papers and she responded "this is wrong on so many levels" I muttered who you tellin'. If they are renewed for a third season I seriously need them to do something with Nicole's facial expressions. The excessive blinks and mouth contortions are really distracting.

  6. What was the spoiler?

    The show still sucks but it seemed like they were maybe learning.

    I guess not.

    It’s interesting that you mentioned that because my friend thinks because the fan response to Katrina has been so overwhelmingly negative they actually tweaked the last few episodes to re-connect Abbie and Crane. I had to remind her that it’s always been negative but given the fact that Mison is now giving interviews stating Crane is in love with Abbie then the folks at SH know season 3 ain’t happening. I agree with Juliajms that they don’t play into their chemistry as they go out of their way to downplay it. The premise of the show was about them being the two witnesses and the narrative revolved around them. All Crane ever talked about was their bond and even though there was no sexual or romantic tension their playful banter and interactions showcased how much they really cared about each other. They had me for life at the beginning of the season when Abbie was stuck in purgatory and Crane promised he would return for her. When they reunited the hugs that followed were EEE! worthy. I personally don’t need them to be romantically involved but their connection since then has been completely erased. Abbie being relegated to token sidekick and playing babysitter to Crane and Katrina’s marital woes is offensive. I skimmed parts of the interview the EP recently gave and when asked about Katrina the arrogant fool seems almost resigned to the fact that all his efforts to make her a lead failed miserably.

    Are you surprised audiences haven’t warmed up more to Katrina?

    The role of writers on a show is you have to fall in love with all of your characters — every one of them — and try to tell the stories from their point-of-view and make sure everyone understands where they are coming from. We’ve all done our best here and Katia is such a fantastic actress. There are a lot of people who have really enjoyed the way that story has borne out and others haven’t.

  7. Now that Hawley's gone he's the least of the show's problems. Last week they had Jenny mention Crane and Abby weren't spending much time together simply to appease the audience. Katrina is everywhere. She's like a distant relative who overstayed her welcome. Abbie is now playing second fiddle to Katrina to solve everything. It's absolutely ridiculous that they now cannot make a uniform decision without consulting Katrina for her infinite wisdom in magical prowess. If the writers think the solution to falling ratings is making the show episodic rather than serial they're delusional. I've come to the conclusion that the dynamics that made the show so unique and refreshing in season 1 is never coming back.

  8. I love that Kenya doesn't take herself seriously. She was so mischievous and playful in last night's episode and her "YAAS!" always kill me. I also like her friendship with Claudia it seems genuine unlike many friendships on this show, however the episode was boring with a capital B. I'm not sure if ATL is deliberately starting off slow or they don't have much content to air but all the episodes seem like filler except literally the last 5 minutes - which are always previewed the week before as if it's the entire episode. If that's the case I might as well tune in to the last 5 minutes each episode since that's the only time something happens. Next week's confrontation with Claudia and Porsha look entertaining but as usual it will only happen during the last 5 minutes of the show.

  9. I taped the latest ep of ATL and simply fast forwarded to the Puerto Rican argument. Claudia's read wasn't epic but it was damn good. Had the argument been longer Claudia's read would've been golden but the argument came off more as sound bites that favored Nene. I hate it when Bravo waits till the last ten minutes of the show interrupted by one commercial so all you get is about 5 minutes worth of drama. Nene's clit comment was gross and disgusting. Clearly she got vulgar because that's all she could up with since she was so hot and bothered. LOL at Kenya when she said 7 times after Nene said she went to college.

  10. Nene is such a hypocrite. She was the one who said that these girls didn’t give 2 sh!ts about her and Cynthia’s friendship and yet there she was creating drama among all four of them which if she really cared about that friendship she would have continue the conversation privately. And if she thinks that Cynthia is really going to sit around two years for her to get the bell whistle for them to hang out again then Cynthia is really pathetic. Then again, she just might be considering all that ass kissing she was doing. Just how many times did she kiss Nene’s cheek? Good grief!

    Both Kenya and Nene were yelling at Porsha to get her attention but since she’s scared Nene’s hooves will come reigning down, Kenya was the one being rude as a motherfucka? Whatever… I hated that Kenya hugged her no matter how fake it was. Its one thing to apologize it’s a whole other thing to be hugging on a maggot. Porsha’s attitude was STANK throughout that entire confrontation. It’s been stank and smug ever since the season started. Soooo thrilled she lost her peach. She’s too stupid to realize the only use Nene has for is to get dirt on the other girls and their so called friendship is fake as hell.

    Preview show Nene copping an attitude with Claudia and I’m not surprised.

    Kandi is boring. She’s become this nosy busybody who, if she isn’t gossiping, is allowing her crazy mama to control her life.

    Phaedra is a complete joke. I’m not condoning what Apollo did but I’m thrilled their sham of a marriage has come to light.

  11. I believe Cosby raped Dickinson since she provided details however I do not believe she was sincere in her emotions during that interview. People are saying she cried real tears and I didn't seen one genuine tear. Granted I didn't watch the entire interview but the clip is all I needed to see. Whether folks want to believe it or not, some of these women want to get on the gravy train if they think they can make a buck. I read a few lines from a woman who claimed Cosby grabbed her arm in a restaurant decades ago and he seemed almost predator like. Really? In public, Cosby seemed "predator like" and you're only now talking about it years after the fact? I cannot wrap my head around the fact that Cosby raped and molested countless women repeatedly and he manipulated and paid each of them off and and every single one of these women were intimidated into silence because he was such a mega star. They were ALL afraid of stepping forward till now. Nah, there's fact then there's fiction.

  12. I loved the Abbie-centric episode lastweek Monday. It was great to have the Mills sisters front and center for a change and it was pretty emotional, which was surprising. When they were saying their goodbyes to the mother and the guys were standing around looking clueless would it have hurt the writers to throw a bone to the Ichabbie shippers and have the guys comfort them instead of the sisters embracing each other? Sheesh!

    Still wondering what ever happened to The Kindred demon they summoned. Apparently he's still wondering around aimlessly.

  13. It's because when women do come forward they are often not believed or are told it's their fault cause of the way they dressed or whatnot. Plus it's traumatic, it's not something easily talked about

    I understand people not believing your claim because of fear/shame. That fear will not diminish years later to accuse the individual. Quite the opposite as people are less likely to believe you because of the time lapse. If I was assaulted I sure as hell ain't going to wait 20, 30+ plus years to say I was violated. I know many women do (for their own personal reasons) but it's really suspect when you suddenly have more than ten women claiming they were assaulted decades later because they suddenly realized social media is their friend.

  14. Cosby never confessed so all we have are rumors at this point regardless of hearsay so I have a problem with the Cosby show being pulled from syndication. This is nothing like Collins where the wife confessed and there's a leaked tape of confessionals. The Cosby show has been in syndication for YEARS and these rumors while they were muted previously is not new. This is condemning the man when nothing is proven.

  15. Whether Cosby is guilty or not I hate it when women wait until years after to state they were raped or sexually assaulted. It just screams suspicion to me. One can argue that they were afraid for whatever reason but then it all it takes is one person and then you have a slew of other women claiming the same thing. You just don’t know if it’s courage or they simply want to get on the gravy train. Considering that this allegation has dogged him before I tend to believe his hands aren’t completely clean. Cancelling all of his promotional gigs isn’t a good move. It’s just adding fuel to the fire and sooner or later he’s going to have to address it because there is absolutely no way he can remain silent.

  16. The threat of another government shutdown is insane to me but then I read an article where a GOP rep stated Americans voted for us inspite of the shutdown last year so we're not concerned about their reactions if another one were to take place. And really, why should they? Those who did not vote and those voted Republican have really short memories. I'm so tired of this immigration issue because it shouldn't be one. If the GOP don't want Obama to proceed with immigration reform then, [!@#$%^&*], do like he's been practically begging them to do and come up with a bill that supersedes his executive action. Republicans love to focus on Mexicans and the border since they're such an easy target, never mind most of the illegals in this country are folks who came legally on a plane and overstayed their visas, especially from white European countries. That never gets talked about because Obama is too inept to make it a part of his defense.

    I've always found the influx of those migrant kids sneaking across the border earlier suspect. When polls were conducted before the influx most Americans favored immigration reform and true to form those very people are now against it.

    If GOP were smart they should at least give the pretense of catering to the Hispanic vote since they'll need them in 2016. They don't have to grant amnesty but give concessions since 1) self deportation will never happen. 2) Attempting to deport 12 million people is stupid 3) Millions of dollars are being circulated among illegals because they cannot legally pay taxes and they're ciphering back all the money they've earned back to their home countries. Since Republicans think they can win without them then the impeachment scare tactics will continue.

  17. This seems to be another show that didn't know why it was a success. Fans praised the diversity, so they brought in more white guys and gave less airtime to the POC. Fans complained about Katrina, so they get the same, or even more.

    I don't think it helps that Tom Mison is just so vacuous as an actor. When I watch he's just taking up space for me.

    I was mostly interested in Abbie's sister, and she seems to be there now for just a sister love triangle, which I doubt anyone wants to see.

    I don't have a problem with Mison. Crane's one liners are part of the charm as his exaggerated reactions to modern society. They're funny but getting predictable. This past episode the jokes felt forced and not organic. I think they honestly don't know what to do with Katrina. She isn't being utilized properly and the subplot of her staying with Headless is tedious because 1) Headless isn't stupid nor patient 2) There's no forward movement. I am definitely not interested in a tri with the sisters over Hawley nor one with Headless and Ichabod over Katrina. I've been reading posts from various boards stating that SL is becoming a rip off of "Supernatural". That's never a good thing. Last week Henry was only shown at the end to grind a piece of artifact into dust and look menacing. Such a waste. And I can't say enough they need to get back to the bond between Ichabod and Abbie. Abbie comes off as patronizing, it's as if she only tolerates Ichabod most times. It's a far cry from the season premiere where their bond was showcased beautifully.

  18. According to an Entertainment Weekly article ratings are at an all time low and I'm wondering about the longevity of the show. This season feels much different than the first. Too many new characters and the show needs to focus more on the witness aspect and the bond between Abbie and Crane rather than the case/monster of the week. Henry's airtime is diminished and he's now become a caricature. I don't care about Jenny or Hawley. Ever since Headless became "humanized" shacking up with Katrina the awe factor is no longer there which is a huge mistake. Whatever happened to that monster they created a few weeks ago that helped them and rode off into the night? That's a huge loose end. A pet peeve of mine is Abbie and her acting. I have not seen the actress in anything outside of SH but she excessively blinks and does this smacking thing with her mouth. I wish she would stop. They need to get back to basics quickly or this will become another good show no one cares about.

  19. Hawley continues to stick out like a sore thumb and it's completely unrealistic that the Demon would leave him alive and chained no less to a stupid rock. The jokes felt forced in this ep but at least The Cap's revelation that he's being used by Henry and his purpose came out quickly. I get that Abbie is a cop but her attitude can be taken down several notches. She was dismissive and several times she kept ordering Ichabod around however the last scene with them and the cappuccino was really cute.

  20. The first three episodes I think were free. The rest I had to subscribe to HuluPlus but since they're offering a promotion I'm good lol. Thanks for directing me to Hulu Dragonflies.

    I hate the new guy because he's out of place. The blonde, surfer dude character isn't working for me and isn't gelling with the distinctive style of she show. He was added to create tension for Ichabod and Abbie and given her character she wouldn't give him the time of day, let alone romantically. I'm really impressed with the diversity with this show and I love the sheriff. We're suppose to hate her but I think she'll end up being one of the good guys. John Noble is fantastic in the role.

    ETA: Abbie threw so much shade at Katrina throughout the eppy I think she's starting to resent her.

  21. After much annoyance from my friend begging me to check this show out, I decided to catch the last three episodes of the first season (since these are the only free episodes on OnDemand and everything prior I have to pay). If anyone know where I can catch season1 for free please PM me. There's no denying that Abbie and Crane have insane chemistry but I'm not ready to ship them. I like the fact that the writers are acutely aware of their chem and plays into it. The two emotional hugs in the season opener were well done. In last night's ep when Abbie said her faith in Crane was her biggest weakness it was great. She could have just as easily said he was her biggest weakness. When he said he is just as devoted to being a witness as he is to his wife and the camera pans to Abbie her expression is blank. The writers play just the right beats with them that always leaves you wondering, if not secretly hoping just a teensy bit they'll actually go there with them. Since I haven't seen most of Season 1 and Ichabod is suppose to be over 200 years old, how is it possible that Henry is his son? Shouldn't he be more of the time line towards at least his fourth great grand son? I'm not sure how long it took Crane to save his wife from Purgatory but I too would have wondered why it took Crane decades to save her and with Abby, not so much. I like the special effects on this show. The show never takes itself too seriously and yet in a way it does.

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