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Posts posted by Money


    I thought something was fishy this morning when I saw that Bravo isn't airing NYC Season 2 next Tuesday anymore. They are pushing back Season 4 to later this spring, and instead, are premiering The Real Housewives of Miami on Feb. 22!!!


    I don't know if I'm pissed or not. I've been wondering when they would premiere Miami, since surely 3 seasons at once would be overkill, and we already knew OC and NYC were playing through the spring. But I was so looking forward to seeing the NYC girls! NYC is popular, so I'm wondering why they are getting the boot/push?

    Has Bravo shot themselves in the foot by going promo-overload for NYC, only now to drop it altogether? They haven't been showing promos for Miami at all.


    Bravo probably decided that NY and OC already has sustained fanbases and they want to get Miami off the ground first, especially off the heels of ATL. I could never get into NY and OC so I'm really looking forward to Miami but it makes no sense that Miami isn't being promo'ed. I know the delay of NY/OC will anger fans of those series

  2. Sigh... BH had a LOT of momentum with the Kyle/Kim fiasco and they had an opportunity to capitalize on that in addition to Camille/Kyle and they failed miserably. The reunion could have been one for the ages but it just flat out sucked.

    I love Andy but he can be exasperating at times, especially when he's kissing ass. He's a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer and an instigator and he loves it, however I absolutely hate it when he allows the wives to dictate to him and he lets it go. Case in point, Kim. He has every right to illicit a response from her about the fight and the fact that she did not want to was a huge buzz kill. Keep in mind that part one was already boring. Of course everyone wanted to know about the circumstances surrounding the fight and the accusations she was an alcoholic. As a fan I felt cheated. These bitches have zero right to privacy if they sign on for a reality show and once it airs they damn well better know they have to discuss it. As a matter of fact BRAVO should have it stipulated in their contracts. I'm tired of these broads with their "let's move on/ I don't want to talk about it" comments when their entire storyline was a focal point for the season.

    I'm still pissed off that the reunion was so damn subpar. I really want to love this show but the reunion did nothing to make me look forward to next season and I blame Andy one hundred percent.

  3. I held out hope that part two of BH's reunion wouldn't bore me to tears but it was actually worse than the first! It was so lame and the editing was horrific. The segments after the husbands were interviewed did not flow with the previous conversations and the entire thing was a total let down. What was even more bizarre was Kim giving Taylor pointers on how to fix her marriage. HUH?! Are you kidding me?! Not to mention Camille an Kyle's back and forth felt completely disjointed. The editing was horrendous! Bravo has to do a hell of a lot better next season. And even worse, Kyle and Kim refused to comment on the alcoholic accusation and the fight. Oh vey!

    Seriously, I can't wait for ATL's. Kim was such a hater with Cynthia's wedding I hope they show the clips at the reunion to get Cynthia's reaction. Poor Cynthia... NOT. I will feel no sympathy for her when she inevitably gets divorced. Her T shirt said it all. Must have been Bravo's not so subtle joke. I noticed Kim and Phaedra (as well as Phaedra and Sheree) were hitting it off in the closing montage. I think they'll be good friends next season. And speaking of Phaedra... this chick has the most ghetto, scandalous laugh I've ever heard. Southern Belle my ass. Her conversation with Sheree was hilarious! I hope she has even more of a presence next season. I heard she questions Nene's real age in the reunion when they go at it. I can't wait! This reunion better not disappoint.

  4. Kyle made weird grimaces the whole damn night, for example when Camille said friends rallied around her during the divorce and when there was that bucket comment. That was nasty.

    Camille. I am starting to make a complete U-turn on this woman. I didn't know she studied English literature and went to film school. She also apparently married Kelse when he was penniless, after all the drug and drinking problems. Even if she did sign the prenuptial agreement, today it would be invalid, because according to California laws it expires after 10 years. His money came from his production business, and Camille helped a lot in that one. If she hadn't covered for his a*s, he wouldn't be as successful as he was. So everything she gets – she earned it. Even if she hadn't, Kelse deserves to spill out as much as she asks. Adrienne wouldn't have spent so much time with her had she thought Camille was an evil bitch, albeit, yes, after she ran away from her from the lunch the two were having. There''s a lot of stuff she did during the season that was downright terrible, but...

    I thought Camille handled herself VERY well during the Reunion - so much so that she made people re-evaluate their assessment of her. When Andy asked her if she thought Kyle was jealous of her and she automatically said NO. It was a great moment for her. Kyle's comeback while absolutely true made her look evil, especially when Camille calmly countered it was catty. Keep in mind that when Andy asked her the same question with 'Live with Andy' the week before she said that she regretted that she kept saying she was jealous because she did not think it was so and she could not blame it on editing. Kyle's smugness throughout the entire interview didn't do her any favors. I don't believe that Camille was genuine but she appeared to be while discussing (women's) insecurities because of the divorce which made her look very sympathetic.

    I have to reiterate that it's really unfortunate that Kim can't articulate her thoughts well because Taylor's insidious comments towards her was really tacky and when she gleefully whispered to Kyle about revealing her "true" state of mind and Kyle said nothing, how in the hell can she fault Kim for not defending her when she doesn't do the same?! Every time Taylor told Kim to "tread carefully" with an ominous tone I wondered how Kyle can just sit there and not utter one word in her defense.

    If Camille renews for next season (and I'm now thinking that she will) Kyle will be the new villain feuding with Taylor and it would serve both bitches right.

    Cheap, I also agree that Taylor's hair looked gorgeous. It was the best I've seen her look unlike Lisa, who looked overly made up and the gaudy jewelry did nothing for her appearance. She looked glamorously fake.

  5. Yeah, this Reunion was really boring. The best parts of the show were already spoiled in the promos. Such a let down!

    Did anyone catch Taylor's face when Lisa reiterated that spending 60k on a five year old was ridiculous? If looks could kill!

    It's too bad that Kim can't defend herself nor articulate her thoughts without stuttering because she was spot on about Taylor and I'm glad she brought up the fact that for someone who's all about advocating non violence she had no problem threatening going Oklahoma on her. She's a master manipulator and it was an interesting tidbit that they all made peace and when the cameras were off she went to Camille and stirred the pot. Of course she tried to deflect, but Andy had her number. I'm glad he tried to help Kim when he saw her struggling to defend herself.

    Interesting that Camille said she was going off from what Taylor said and didn't hear Kyle say the word insecure to her face. This entire fiasco is because of Taylor and none of those bitches called her on it. Amazing!

  6. For the very first time I tweeted Nene and told her her behavior was uncool in the latest eppy. She promptly blocked me. She has such a fat head! Nene's problem is that she think she is ATL. Watch her sing a different tune if BRAVO has enough of her bullshit and threaten to replace her.

    I thought Cynthia was being facetious when she got the call for the modeling gig and said she was going to throw up her food. In the latest eppy she told Nene she couldn't eat because the gig was later in the day. She painted a really disturbing image. The dark circles and bags under her eyes are big enough to pack luggage.

    I forgot to mention the way Phaedra salivated over those strippers I wonder what her reaction would be if Apollo got together with his boys and did the same. I don't think she would be very happy!

  7. Unless Kim was doing a "Naomi Campbell" on Sweetie, I dont see where it is any of Nene' business how Kim treats her PERSONAL Assistant. If she was all that concerned she shouldve spoken to Sweetie herself. Personally I have seebn personal Assistants treated worse, so I didnt get what the problem is, thats Kim and Sweetie's relationship.

    So if Sweetie was Nene's friend or someone who wasn't in a subordinate position it would then be fine for her to speak up? I guess it's true what they say: any one who is perceived to be in a domestic role really doesn't have any rights. Even Khandi commented on how Kim treats her. If I had a problem with how my friend treats their workers it would be logical to go to my friend - not the worker. The only problem was that Nene used what she saw to attack Kim because of her dislike for her. It had nothing to actually do with Sweetie which was unfortunate. Should Sweetie be on the receiving end of a "Naomi Campbell" and be physically abused for it to be unacceptable?

    Sweetie was dead wrong when she said slaves don't get paid. Even though it may be their relationship that doesn't mean it's a healthy one.

  8. How are servants and assistants different? I'd really like to know the difference because I don't see any. They're both employees. They're both bottom of the food chain. They both involve carrying out orders from an employer.

    In my view, it's simply a case of semantics.

    Personal assistants, while catering to someone's personal needs, isn't necessarily indicative of a domestic capacity. They contribute to social, administrative and business needs as well to that of their employer depending on the need specified. Some PAs are very ambitious depending on the level of education required. In some work forces especially corporate you wont even be considered for the position without having a degree.

    Servants are maids, specifically synonymous with domestic duties - which IS the bottom of the ladder. Unless Sweetie does all of their laundry, iron their clothes, cook, clean their bathrooms and clean their home with a fine tooth comb then she's definitely their servant.

    She's clearly her employee. They don't have to be friends for her to be treated with respect which Kim clearly does not extend. If she does in fact call Sweetie those names and feels she's entitled to just because she's giving her a paycheck then it's beyond the pale.

  9. I wonder if Nene's behavior was storyline dictated - it was just bizarre! She's always been a hot head but there was absolutely nothing likable about her last night.

    Sweetie is not a servant and being Kim's personal assistant isn't equative of one, however if Sweetie hasn't told Kim to treat her with more respect it's certainly not Nene's business which was just a cover to further attack her. Sweetie does look unhappy though. The greasy, almost unkept look coupled with the chain smoking made her look nasty. I almost felt sorry for her when she toted all her luggage in front of everyone before Kim told her she could stay.

    I have no use for Cynthia. She's such a spineless bitch.

    Still loving Phaedra. She has officially grown on me. She had some of the best lines and soundbites last night.

  10. Finally saw the latest episode of ATL and people say that Nene is jealous of Kim's success but I don't agree. She's extremely resentful of the fact that she's a trashy gold digger who really can't sing and has gotten fame because of it. It really burns Nene that unlike Kim, everyone has to work hard to be successful and by sheer luck Kim is getting practically everything she wants on a silver platter. There's also underlying racial tension from Nene precisely because of that. Khandi may be accomplished but if Kim was black doing her air head shtick she really wouldn't have gotten as far as Kim has and that's why she's always quick to insult her about Big Poppa and her lack of talent. Nene has ZERO respect for Kim. But I find it funny that she can call her a dumb blonde and when Kim calls her a dumb bitch it's a deal breaker.

    Cynthia is such a doormat. On what planet is she not suppose to be upset of the abrupt closing of Uptown when she invested thousands of dollars. The fact that she isn't even allowed to question it it says Peter is very controlling and he keeps a LOT of things from her. If Cynthia only knew the half of it she would get the hell out of dodge.

    And I definitely wasn't feeling Khandi. It's time she also grew a back bone because it's HER tour bus. If she didn't want it to become the "Nene and Kim show" she should have told Kim to STFU and not bring her. The amount of times they had to stop for a smoke break and put up with Kim and Sweetie's crap was ridiculous.

    I'm not sure if Kim's treatment of Sweetie is racially motivated but she does treat her like a servant and apparently Kim thinks it's justifiable because, according to her, the size of the check means she's perfectly entitled to.

    And who was Sheree referring to as 'you ungrateful bitch!" in the previews? Should be fun :lol:

  11. If Taylor had the best intentions it was ONLY to cover her own ass since Lisa questioned her real involvement in NY. Taylor's entire approach would have made anyone defensive. She immediately went into attack mode demanding Kim leave her name out of it when it's pretty obvious with the conversation between her and Kim in NY at the airport, she backtracked and tried to place the blame squarely on Kim. It's really unfortunate that Kim couldn't string two coherent sentences to defend herself properly instead of sputtering weak diatribe that made her look totally stupid.

    I honestly don't understand how Cedric was allowed to live THIS long with Lisa when he's a grown ass man mooching off of them for YEARS. That sob story about being left at the phone booth at age seven was beyond the pale. She's been talking about getting rid of him since the beginning of the season and now it's clear that it was indeed Cedric whom they were referring to in the reunion episode.

    I get the feeling that Adrienne got the BFF role with Kim and Kyle in this eppy because she missed the blow up in NY. I'm surprised it wasn't Lisa since she's the mother hen of the group but I think they wanted Adrienne to have more of a presence with the women.

    And I also get the feeling that Taylor resents the hell out of Lisa. She even said she was jealous of her friendship with Kyle on the after show.

  12. BH was very entertaining tonight.

    Russel is such a control freak I wouldn't be surprised if he's secretly abusive to Taylor.

    Cedric is a drama queen. It's sickening how he manipulates Lisa into staying with them. Hopefully this will not be an issue next season.

    I'm siding with Kim on this one. There she was minding her own business and Taylor comes up and starts attacking her. That is NOT what Lisa had in mind when she told Taylor to work things out with her. Then Kyle jumped on the bandwagon and didn't even care what she had to say. Taylor is two faced and she definitely instigated the drama but Kim is such a neurotic mess. The chick is a walking poster for suicide. It's clear the tiniest bit of confrontation or friction and she falls apart. Kyle is definitely ashamed of her and she either needs to put up or shut up. She keeps screaming that she did so much for her with little taunts of "don't mess with me" when it's obvious she helped her through a major ordeal but she keeps throwing it back in her face. Kyle was very unlikable and every bit the bully but it's funny - every time they cry they can't produce real tears.

    Kim hiding behind Adrienne when Kyle started attacking her was hilarious if not a bit sad.

    And speaking of Adrienne, she's gorgeous but that mop on her head has GOT to go! A new sleek due will do wonders for her.

  13. EricaKane, Nene thinks her sh!t doesn't stink. She feels entitled to get up in people's faces and people must automatically fall back. She did the same thing to Khandi in season 2 and she was passive aggressive with Cynthia's contract and had the nerve to tell Cynthia she was getting loud with her when Cynthia calmly expressed her frustrations as she went behind her back and had fun at her expense. If Cynthia had gotten loud she would have received the same treatment Khandi and Kim got. Luckily for her there isn't someone as ghetto as her to check her ass.

    ETA: Now more than ever I would love to see someone like Victoria Rowell on the show.

  14. Nene could be the female David Caruso leaving tire tracks behind her on her way to bigger and better only to be a non entity very quickly. If she's gone and her career tanks and they replace her with someone who's a hit she better watch out. It would be great for her if she can strike while the iron's hot and capitalize on her popularity but she better be careful how she proceeds. If I were her I would keep doing ATL while doing outside projects till I'm sure I don't need the show anymore.

    I haven't seen the latest eppy yet but by the previews Nene is a hothead. She can never have an argument without feeling the need to get up in your face and make it physical. She can explode on a dime which can be hugely entertaining but a be a turn off nonetheless.

  15. Reportedly, Nene said she doesn't want to do another season of ATL. I know she wants to branch out but ATL is her bread and butter. It would be stupid of her to quit now in search of notoriety, especially with ATL receiving their best numbers to date.

    ETA: Nene calls Starr Jones a backstabber :lol:


  16. I don't see why the DC girls can't return for a next season; it's not as if their ratings were terrible. Bravo doesn't know to proceed with Michaele and the show has become a casualty because of it. I love to hate her (instead of flat out hating Camille) and she and Cat are the two best things about the show. They should look to replace Mary, Lynda and Stacie and re-tool the series.

    Re: LOL about Camille! I guess Kyle was right when she said she's not interesting without Kelsey since her entire storyline would revolve around the divorce and she declined.

    Here's a sneek peek of next week's ATL:


    Run Cynthia, run!!!

  17. Is the season over for BH already? I'm surprised it ended so abruptly.

    I miss those ATL broads the past two weeks.

    The only series I watch religiously are ATL and BH and I'm starting to ween from BH. I think all the elements to be a truly great series with their own identity is there but something is still missing. I want to love the show but I find myself averagely liking it. I think either of the Collins sisters would be a great addition for the next season.

    WTGH, which elements of Sheree's storyline do you think are fake?

    If I had to get rid of people it would definitely be Cynthia from ATL. She's painfully boring. They should bring on Victoria Rowell. VR was in negotiations with them last year but it fell through. VR mixing it up with Nene and Sheree would be gold. And you know she'll drop digs at YR. :)

    For BH, it would be Kim. And DC, Stacie. They both stick out like sore thumbs.

  18. I'm assuming it would have mattered since an iron clad pre nup would have denied the 50/50 split. Camille would have still walked away with size-able sum but I doubt it would have been half his earnings.

    I hate reveling in others misfortunes but Camille's couldn't happen to a more deserving person. She must be insanely livid with the public humiliation especially since Kelsey wants to marry his new girlfriend so quickly.

    At least she's the one who filed - if that even matters.

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