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Blog Entries posted by aMLCproduction

  1. aMLCproduction
    Bo and Hope’s House

    Bo looks at Megan in shock as she holds a baby in her arms. Hope walks from around Bo to look at the now crying baby.


    “What did you just say?”


    “Oh, Hello Hope. Didn’t even see you there. This is Bo’s son. Bo Dimera the 2nd.”


    “What the hell are you talking about? You’re sick. If you don’t get the hell out of here, I’m going to arrest you myself.”


    “Oh, Bo, would you do that to the mother of your child. Take a look at him. He looks just like you. “


    "Megan why would say these things. I am sure you just didn’t make this up.”


    “Oh no I wouldn’t. See Hope, when you were in jail for all your crimes, I dressed up like you, came over to Bo’s house and it was easy to get him to make love to me since he was drunk.”


    “Oh no.”


    “Oh no…? What does that mean?”

    Bo has a flashback of making love to some one. Or at least it seemed like he did. He never really knew for sure.

    “I remember. I woke up with a bad hangover. And I swear it seemed like I made love to someone. I thought it was you Hope. I don’t remember much but it does make sense.”


    “I don’t believe this. It was that easy huh? You WERE THAT DRUNK?” She punches Bo in the chest a few times out of anger.


    “We went from Kristen to Megan. You don’t care about me Bo Brady! You keep hurting me!.l;”


    “Oh come on Hope. This is a Dimera we are talking about. We don’t know for sure if this baby is mine. It could be a trick. If Megan can trick me into sleeping with her, then there is no telling what else she could do.” He turns to look at Megan.


    “I am not buying this bull for one minute. Let’s go right now to the hospital and get a paternity test done so we can put this matter to rest.”


    “Fine by me.” Megan leaves with her son.


    “I can’t believe this Brady. It’s just one thing after another.”

    Bo, feeling she is about to talk about Kristen again, tries to hush her up by rushing her out the house.


    “We will deal with this later. Let’s just get this Megan mess out of the way.”

    Life in Salem

    Episode: 447 People are going 2 DIE!!

    Written by ML Cooks

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Downtown Salem, Basic Black.

    Justin walks into Kate’s office and is stunned her office is cleaned out and Kate is putting the rest of her things in boxes.

    “What is going on?”


    “That Bitch Vivian Alamain is what happened! Well you were right Justin. Vivian has bought Basic Black. Her first action was to fire me.”


    “This woman does not stop. She is really going to rule all of Salem.”


    “Not if I have anything to say about it. “


    “Do say?”


    “I am going to take on Vivian. She’s not going to get away with this. She will not control me.”

    “That’s what I like to hear. So this means you are going to help me get Philip out of jail?”


    I sure am. I miss my son and I think he’s paid for what he did enough already.”


    “Not only that, the more people we have on this, the more our chances go up in getting back our respective companies. I am glad you joined the war Kate.”


    “Not by choice. It’s time to destroy Vivian once and for all. She has been a thorn in my side for years and I’ve had it. “


    “Looks like Vivian is going down. So what do we need to do to get my cousin out of jail?”


    “I can talk to a few people. I have a new friend in the mayor’s office. Meet me at the county jail in 2 hours.”


    “Will do. Before I leave, do you need any help carrying out some of these belongings?”


    “No, I’m ok. Thank you.”

    Justin, looking into her eyes

    “I look forward in working with you Kate.” He smiles at her and then leaves. Kate stares at him as he walks away and wonders if Justin was flirting with her.

    Spears Mansion

    The door bell rings. Jan wonders who it could be as she goes to open it. She is surprised to see her brother Eric.


    “Eric? What are you doing here?”


    “Well no one has seen much of me so I wanted to remind everyone I am still here in Salem. No really, we are family. I wanted to see how you were doing. From what I understand you have been through a lot. We never really had a chance to connect and I was hoping we could do that today.”

    Jan, smiling, then gives him a hug,

    “Thanks Eric. This means so much to me." She says pulling back and wiping tears from her cheeks. She ushers him in. Eric looks around and sees the mansion is in need of some cleaning. Jan has really let things go.


    “I just feel no one is listening to me. I love Lucas. I love my son. But I have neither Eric. It’s eating me alive. I can’t stand it. Some days I just don’t want to wake up. I have nothing to look forward to.”


    “Why does Lucas have your son?”


    “Because CSB has deemed me unable to provide for Bentley. They gave him to Lucas. And he’s hoping around town with that ugly Eugenia parading my son like it’s going out of style. I’ve lost everything damn it. I just want my son back. Doesn’t any one get that? I have no one Eric.”

    He holds her.

    “You have me. I’m your brother and I will protect you.”


    “Thank you.” They’re tender moment is interrupted with another person ringing the door bell.


    “Christ sakes, since when did all of Salem want to come see Jan today?” She opens the door and a man says,

    “Jan Spears?”


    “I am yes. Can I help you?”


    “You have been served.” He hands her some paperwork.

    Eric walks over to her as Jan opens it.


    “What is it?”


    “Lucas has served me divorce papers and a petition to obtain full custody of Bentley. He’s also asking for spousal and child support” Jan screams in a rage and rips up the paper work.


    “Ok Jan calm down.”


    “Lucas is going to pay for this. God help me he’s not going to win.” Jan looks for her purse.


    “What are you doing?”


    “I’m going to go get my son.” Eric tries to grab her.

    “I don’t think that is a good idea. You’ll only make things worse.”

    Jan releases herself from his grab and then slaps him.

    “Look bro, we are just getting to know one another. The one thing you need to know about me, is that no one stops me once I get going.” She then turns around and then leaves her mansion, intent on taking back her son. Eric is left standing there rubbing his cheek.

    Salem Police Station

    Nicole is sitting in Detective Chris’s office.


    “So what can you do to bring the person who killed my husband Travis to justice?”


    “Why would some one want to kill Travis? Did he have a shady past?”


    “Absolutely not. He was a beautiful human being. A perfect gentleman. He would never harm anyone.”


    “How long have you known him?”


    “About a year.”


    “What did you know about him before he came to Salem?”


    “I know who tried to kill Travis! Her name is Greta Von Crazy Omberg. SHE”S A LUNATIC! She’s been bitten by a rabid raccoon that has made her insane. She kidnapped me and Jan Spears. Held us in a secret room at the Dimera Mansion. I want her brought in now.”


    “This sounds absurd.”


    “Honey, you haven’t been in Salem long enough then. Those kinds of activities I just told you about are the norm in this town.”


    “So you think this Crazy Von Omberg person killed Travis?”


    “Yes, with poison. Cyanide. It was probably meant for me.”


    “And where is this rabid mad woman?”


    “Hell if I know. She seems to always lurk in the shadows. She’s a menace to society. She has to be stopped. She is armed and dangerous and should be shot on site.”


    “Wow you have a vivid imagination.”


    “I get the feeling you are not taking me serious here.”


    “I am. I am putting some men on it. In the mean time Ms Walker, try to remain with friends. Try to always be with someone at all times, just in case Greta comes out from the shadows, two heads are better than one.”


    “Gee thanks, I feel so much better.” She says sarcastically. Nicole gets up and walks out the police station. Nicole walks to her car and sure enough, Greta is lurking in the shadows as the sun sets in Salem. She watches Nicole get in her car and drive off.


    “Very big mistake Nicole. You think you can tango with me. I got news for you bitch. I should have killed you the first time around. Make no mistake now, I will fix that. Greta nearly faints as she wipes the foam coming from her mouth.


    “People in Salem are going to die soon.” Greta hops into her car and nearly hits a telephone pole as she nearly faints again. Her visions are becoming blurred.

    Hotel, Lucas’s and Eugenia’s Suite

    Lucas, speaking on his cell phone,

    “So Jan has been served the papers?”


    “Yes Mr. Horton.”


    “Ok good. The sooner I get this done the better my life will be. Nice work man. Thanks.” He hangs up the phone. He lays his cell phone down and then leans down and picks up Bentley out of his crib. Lucas holds him.

    “You’re so precious. I am not going to let that con artist Jan raise you. You’re going to have a good life with me and Eugenia and your brother Josh In fact when Eugenia gets home from getting baby food, I can tell her the good news. Jan has been served the divorce papers. And that paves the way for my marriage to her. What do you think about that?” Bentley smiles at Lucas but then they hear a pounding at the door. Bentley is startled and begins to cry. Lucas puts him back in his crib and walks over to the door and swings it open. He sees a fuming Jan. She storms in.


    “Give me my son now! I am not leaving here until I get him. Lucas, I am not playing games.”


    “You are unfit to raise him! You’re making him upset. He’s scared of you Jan. Now get the hell out of here.”

    Jan walks over toward the crib to hold her son. Lucas grabs her. She tries to push him off but Lucas pins her against the wall.


    “Jan, I am warning you, you better leave. Things could get ugly in here. My son is here and I don’t want a scene.”


    “Bentley is my son you son of a bitch. My child with Shawn Brady. Are you forgetting that? Shawn Brady lives on through Bentley and there is no way in hell you are going to keep him from me. I don’t care about you or this damn divorcé. You can have it all Lucas. Just not my son. I am not leaving here with out my son. So do what you feel you have to do. God couldn’t even stand in my way with how I feel tonight.” Jan spits in Lucas’s face and then knees him in his manhood. Lucas groans and releases Jan. Jan walks over and picks up her son out his crib and holds him. Jan release tears from her eyes as she is reunited with her son.

    “Jan it’s going to be ok my son. Momma’s here. And we are leaving.”

    Jan approaches the door to leave. Lucas tries to stop her but is in too much pain to do so. Jan opens the door and is scared sh!tless as an eerie looking, rabid and foaming at the mouth Greta Von Omberg is at the door, gun in hand.

    Next time on Life in Salem:

    Greta goes crazy!!!!

  2. aMLCproduction
    Sierra Madre,

    Mona opens her side door and begins to walk into her garage until she sees Daniel passed out in her backyard. She shakes her head at him, She goes back to her resort and turns on the hot water faucet and pulls out a pot from the cabinet, giving time for the water to heat up. She fills the pot with the steaming hot water, walks outside and throws it onto Daniel. He immediately wakes up screaming

    "What the hell!?"


    "Get up you crusty bump. You're making my yard look ugly and your driving my property value down."


    "I'm sorry. Sheesh. " He begins to drool at the mouth and begins to do jumping jacks.


    "You really have lost your mind."


    "I'm the world's strongest man. I have to exercise to keep up my strength"


    "In your dreams homie. Enough with the jiber jabber. I got a surprise for you"


    "I hope I like it"


    "I fixed you a meth sandwich. Let's go inside and have a drug session. I got to put a few thoughts in your ear." Daniel excited that he is about to get his high on, hops , skips, and jumps into her house.

    Episode : 47
    Written by: ML C.


    At Huntington Memorial Hospital

    As Diego is taking a set of vitals on Lauren, she comes too. She sees Chris and she smiles.


    "I'm right here." He says as he caresses her face.


    "How do you feel?"


    "OK I guess. My head hurt really bad. What happened?"


    "You suffered a mild concussion."


    "Lauren, how did this happen to you?"

    Before answering, she has a flashback to Daniel hitting her in the head with the phone. She doesn't know if she should say anything, fearing what will happen to Daniel next. But She realizes that Daniel has a problem and needs to be stopped. He needs help, so she tells the truth.

    "Daniel, he hit me with my phone."


    "What do you mean he hit you. He's supposed to be here on the crazy ward."


    "He escaped. He was talking about this woman after us."


    "That still doesn't give him the right to put his hands on you. He's gone too far."


    "I agree. I'm going to call Chief Williams"


    "I'm going to kill Daniel." Chris says as Diego leaves the room.


    "Chris, please don't do anything stupid. That's why I didn't want to tell you."


    "Lauren, Daniel has to be stopped. He doesn't give a damn about anyone why should we show him any sympathy. He had his hands on you that night at The Blue Note. Why Lauren, Why did he hit you?"

    Lauren, breaking down in tears, not knowing what to make of Daniel's actions and deeply hurt that he hit her,

    "He wanted some money. I wouldn't give it to him. "

    Chris, shaking his head than burying his hands in his face,

    "Lauren, I cannot stand by and watch him do this to you. My father raised me to respect women, and no man for any reason should put his hands on a woman. That's called a Bitch in my book. These damn hospitals can't contain Daniel, and I'm not going to wait until he does something else to you. Lauren I'm not having it. I love you. I am not going to let anything happen to you." He engulfs her in a hug, shedding tears himself, feeling guilty, that he could not prevent this from happening.


    "Lauren I am so sorry. I am so sorry for not being there." He says as he holds her even tighter.


    "Chris, it's OK. You didn't know this was going to happen. Daniel needs help and now that Diego has called Abe, they can arrest him and we can find out what the hell is going on. Something is just not right."


    "Abe better find Daniel before I do. He's not going to get away with this." Chris gets up and leaves her room as she calls out to him but to no avail, he is already gone. Lauren wonders where Daniel is and prays that Chris doesn't find him before Abe does.

    Mona's Mountain Resort.

    Mona is leaned back in her recliner, laxxed, exhaling on her Mary stick. Feeling good she has a moment with Mary and sees, she comes out the moment and looks at Daniel, sitting on the couch, leaned over the glass coffee table, smoking up the meth she has cooked up for him. Mona smiles, as he picks his skin, imagining bugs are biting him and decides to mess with Daniel's head in his delusional state of mind.

    "You OK Danny Boy?"


    "These roaches keep biting me. Damn, there everywhere. Don't you keep a clean house?" He says as he stands up and begins to slap at his arms and face trying to kill the "roaches"

    "You know, you should really invest in an exterminator. Hell give me some bleach and I'll just throw it everywhere."

    Mona, trying to contain her laughter from being amused with Daniel's drug induced hallucinations.

    "Wait." She gets up out her recliner "Don't move"


    "What?," Looking at her with fear building up within him "what is it?"


    "There is a huge roach right on the side of your face" She says as she gets closer to him."


    "Please get it. It' burning my skin"


    "Don't move, I'm bout to get it" Mona snatches her 22 inch flat screen monitor from her tower and slaps Daniel across the face with it. Mona unable to contain her laughter anymore, lets it out as Daniel falls back on the sofa, rubbing his reddened cheek.

    "Damn, is it dead."


    "Yea man." Trying to get herself back together.


    "You didn't have to hit me so fast." Mona explodes into laughter once more.

    Downtown Pasadena

    TC Hotel

    Santino walks into Ty's office without Knocking. Having been on the phone, tells his caller he will call them back, looking at Santino with a serious face

    "You know to knock before you walk into my office. What the hell is your problem."


    "Boss, I know all that. But this is important."


    "Am I about to die?"


    "Daniel has escaped from the psych. ward."


    "Missing? What the fu-" He pauses, bites his lip and turns around to look out the window to view his outside fountain to try and make sense of this unexpected news.


    "Something is not right Tino. If Daniel left the hospital, you would think the first place or person he would call would be me. We're like brothers.You don't know where he is at?" He says looking back at his no2 man.


    "No one knows where he is now, But I can tell you that he was at Lauren's and he hit her with a phone."


    "A phone? That doesn't sound right. This doesn't add up." He turns around to look at the fountain again to collect his thoughts. Ty remains silent.


    "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

    Ty, remaining silent, thinking of all the times Mona acted strangely every time he mentioned Daniel's name. Mona would always shrug him off or change the subject and never would want to talk about him. Then Ty thinks about his theory that Daniel did not really try to commit suicide the night of his Hotel Party and that in fact someone may have set it up to look like a suicide. Ty has finally put two and two together.


    "Boss, you're never this quiet, your quick, Come on your sly Ty. I know you got a plan"


    "I always do. Keep tabs on Mona. Something is not right and I am going to get to the bottom of this. I'm going to look for D myself."

    "Don't count on that happening"

    Ty and Santino turn around and sees Jennifer. Santino looks at Ty then looks at Jenn and leaves, to get on his mission to keep tabs on The Lady in Black.


    "Baby, I've missed you." He says as he greets her, kissing her on the lips, well he tries to anyway until she pulls her lips away, turning her face to the left so he kisses her cheek instead.


    "Is something wrong?"


    "Uhm, yea. I can't believe you wanted to give Jodie a job."


    "Jenn, please, that is not up for discussion. I have something to take care of." He gives her a credit card as he heads out." There, go buy yourself something pretty. I'll get with you later."


    "Ty you better not walk out of here" He blows her a kiss and leaves his office. Jenn is frustrated and confused. As she swaps at Ty's desk knocking off pen's folders and paper work"Life with Ty isn't so great after all." She hears coming from behind her. She turns around and sees Chris. She rolls her eyes at him. Not wanting to admit he was actually right, she tries to hide it with an attitude.

    "Chris, do yourself a favor and stay out of my life."


    "Jenn, that's not why I am here. I could care less about what's going with you. I just know that your man in shining armor of yours is messing with Lauren. Where is he? I know he is hiding Daniel somewhere?"


    "What the hell are you talking about now? I can see why you and Lauren click so much. You both mastered the art of babbling on and blowing out steam."


    "Steam huh, I thought you and Lauren were good friends. What happened to that?"


    "I guess that went out the window when she stop wanting me to be happy. Being with Ty makes me happy. Any friend, for that matter, a so called good friend could respect that."


    "I see Ty has really hypnotized you. What happened to you? What has He done to you?"


    "Suck my ass Chris." She says hastily says as she flicks him off, leaving the office. Chris chuckles, knowing he hit a nerve deep within Jenn. But he doesn't let that stop him from his mission, finding Daniel. He begins to look around in Ty's office.

    Sierra Madre,


    "Your face OK?"


    "It's hurts like you just hit me witch a computer screen."


    "Maybe I was to fast for you. But Listen Danny boy, I know how you can feel better."


    "You read my mind, it's time for another drug session."


    "Not quite, you see, you know your good boy Ty, don't you?"


    "Yes I sure do"


    "Yes. Danny boy he called me this a.m. and told me to inform you he has a nice package for you."


    "I bet it's some more "Tina"


    "You already know playboy. He said to be There by 12." She looks at her watch. "it's 11 now, you can make it to downtown if you leave and start walking now."


    "well can't you give me a ride?"


    "That will be a negative. Now get the hell out of here before I tie you up with my black mambas." Daniel remembering the time in the hospital when Mona was about to inject him with the venom of the black mamba, decides not to test Mona. As he is about to leave he decides he is superman and not afraid of Mona today. He looks at her

    "Can I see what your face looks like? Why do you always wear the veil? Why do you keep your face hidden?" Mona reaches in her bra and pulls out a very small gun and begins to fire in Daniel's direction. Daniel runs out her mountain side dodging bullets, headed back into Pasadena. Once Daniel is out of sight, Santino rides by Mona's resort, just having missed seeing Daniel leave.

    Westwood Park, Mike's House

    Jodie is in the kitchen putting away the dishes she just washed when Mike walks in the front door. She smiles at him.

    Mike, for some reason he thinks Jodie's really beautiful today and he tells her.


    "Thanks's, that's sweet. I wish I felt beautiful on the inside."

    Mike, taking a seat on the sofa, looks at Jodie

    "What makes you say that? Is something wrong?"


    "I'm very nauseated today."


    "I can go get you some ginger ale or something."


    "No thanks. I'm OK. I already got some. This is normal for me so don't be alarmed. All this medication I'm on really drains my body. So many side effects."


    "Well, then have seat, let's watch a movie or something"


    "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something."


    "What's on your mind?"

    Jodie, sitting next to him on the sofa.

    "I was thinking about what Ty said last night."


    "What about it? You mean the job offer?"


    "Yes and-"

    Mike, cutting her off

    "Jodie, you can't be serious. You actually gave it some thought?"


    "Listen, let me explain. I was thinking, what if I did go work for Ty, then maybe I could get close to him and see what is he really doing. Maybe I can find out something."


    "I don't know Jodie. I don't like the sound of this."


    "Mike , please, it's the least I could do for you. You have been so kind and understanding I will be forever grateful. For the first time in a long time, I feel like someone actually cares about me Mike. And that feels good." She says as she wipes away a tear that rolls down her cheek. He scoots closer to her, and holds her.


    "Jodie, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You don't ever have to worry about that. I accept you for who you are." He kisses her on her forehead.


    "That's why I need to do this. For you Mike. I owe you this. You deserve it. Jenn and Ty have done you so wrong. It's not right. You are a good person, and you don't deserve anything they did to you. I have seen Ty's type before. Mike, I used to work the streets of Cleveland, pimps, hoes, drug dealers, I have seen them all. He's up to something. I can feel it. I can work for him, get him to trust me and find out what he's really doing."

    Mike, looking into her eyes,

    "Jodie, I really don't know. Ty is dangerous."


    "Mike, I'm a strong woman, I have been stabbed, shot, robbed, Ty does not scare me. Besides, this is Pasadena, not Cleveland. Ty is just a rich boy, wearing a suit, blowing out hot air."


    "Your very strong minded. Jodie, if this is something you really want to do, then let me know if there is anything I can do to help." just as Jodie is about to respond, she holds her stomach and frowns up.


    "Jodie, are you OK?" Jodie, gets and hurries into the bathroom to vomit. Mike hears, Jodie's moans, and weird cries as she vomits into the toilet. He hates to see her like this, and wonders if there is anything he can do since this so new to him, He is left there to sit and try to take his mind off of Jodie's liquid pain by turning on the tv.

    Back at TC Hotel,

    Daniel enters the back entrance, remembering that only Ty's workers know about it. He slips into the Hotel discreetly, and begins to go to the room Mona told him his "package will be in. Daniel stops suddenly, when he sees a little leprechaun standing down the hall from him. The little chan' laughs at Daniel and runs towards him.

    Ty, forgetting his gun, and securing his safe pulls back up to his hotel,

    as Chris, continues to search the Hotel, opening up doors, in the hallways behind Ty's office. He hears some one running,

    Daniel, in his drug induced state of mind, makes a b-line for the nest room he sees and enters the room, and locks it,

    Ty enters his office, and sees his desk has been ransacked, He pulls his gun out from under his black leather couch and enters the hallways behind his office.

    Daniel, catching his breath, running from the leprechaun, imagined by the meth that is running through his veins, slowly turns around to look in the room he is in. He sees, a body, on a Gurney with iv's and ventilators hooked up to the person. Daniel slowly walks over to get this person identity and he sees

    Ty, hearing foot steps behind him, on impulse, knowing no one is supposed to be in the halls but him turns around and shoots the person walking up behind him. Ty, looks in horror as he realizes he has shot Jennifer!!.....

  3. aMLCproduction
    In an undisclosed location

    A gunshot is heard after Mona tells Sharan to shoot Abe, and Sharan screams, and Mona grins after a moment.


    "That's my baby…"

    Mona looks at her step-father, who has suffered a wound to the shoulder, and is only slightly conscious.

    Abe, trying to look at Sharan,

    "How…how…could you do this to me?"


    "I'm so sorry, Abe…"


    "Don't apologize to this bastard! You did the right thing. But don't worry, I'll take it from here, honey. You just relax until I'm done."


    "What are you going to do to him?"


    "Don't worry about it."

    Mona walks over to Abe, who is lying on the ground helplessly and bleeding, She presses down on the bullet. Abe groans in pain, and Mona smirks.


    "Wow, she really has learned from me…she really did a nice number on you, Abe."


    "Shut up…"


    "But this is only the beginning. Daddy or not, I'm not gonna go any easier on you. You never showed me mercy, always on top of me, so now its time for you to be the one who gets all the pain. All the hurt. All the sting."


    "Then stop yapping and do whatever the hell you are going to do."

    Mona, grabbing Abe by the chin

    "First, we got some things to settle. You told me another man was my father."


    "That's true…my brother, DC. You're dirty mother cheated on me with him."

    Mona, slapping Abe

    "Don't talk that way about her. I don't know her, yet, but I can see why she'd cheat on you. Is that why you molested me? Because I wasn't your own."


    "No…no…it wasn't like that, I-"


    "I don't want to hear your excuses. I got all I need to know, now its time for my special torture to begin, then my Sharan and I can go meet my mother"

    Episode 98: "69"

    Written by ML Cooks, Durand Saint Hilaire and Tara Smith

    Santino drives the limo off an exit on the highway, now entering South Pasadena.


    "So what is this surprise you got for me? Why are we in South Pasadena?"

    Santino, making a few right and left turns,

    "I want to make you feel good. I want to show you how I really feel about you. I want us to continue what we started back in Cleveland." He pulls into a motel parking lot.

    He continues

    "I know you want me just as much as I want you. I've been watching you watching me."

    Jenn, with a seductive smile

    "I want you too Tino." He gets out the limo goes to reserve a room for few hours. Jenn pulls out her mirror and checks to make sure her make up and hair are ok and she does a breathe check by cupping her hand in front of her face and then blowing into it. " A little funky" She says as she pulls out a mint and pops it into her mouth as Santino opens her door


    "Are you ready?"


    "Yes." He puts his hand out and she grabs it as she gets out the limo. They walk to their room, Room 69. Tino slides the key into the slot, and then he opens the door and they walk inside.

    Karl parks his Bentley in the motel parking lot. He pulls out a camera from the back seat and walks over toward room 69.

    "A cheap place for cheep people I suppose"

    Inside, Jenn and Santino are kissing passionately. He grabs a hand full of Jenn's rump and massages it as she bites down on his bottom lip, feeling good from Santino's soft touch. He then picks her up and lays her down onto the bed and climbs into the bed with her. They begin to kiss once again as he runs his fingers up and down her leg, ever so slightly, sending chills through her body. She begins to unbutton his shirt and run her hands all over his chest. Santino goes up a little further, up her thigh, still caressing, making Jenn tremble. He then leans down and begins to lick on Jenn's thigh. She falls back onto the bed as he opens up her legs, going further up her thigh getting closer towards Jenn's muff. As he continues to lick and suck on her inner thigh, he takes one hand and pushes her panties to the side so he can play around with Jenn's canal. He slides his finger inside and his finger is drowned is Jenn's natural juices. Jenn lets out a moan. He then pulls his finger out and does the test of freshness. He indiscreetly runs his wet finger past his nose to get a whiff of what he is about to eat. Once his senses tell him Jenn is smelling yummy, he goes in for the kill by ripping her panties off and burying his face into her pu$$y. Jenn not expecting such a rush lets out a heavy sigh. She then wraps her legs around his head as Santino licks on her clitoris and then slides his tongue in and out of her. Jenn's body quivers which turns Santino on and he adds intensity to his tongue action. He slowly unbuttons his pants, now being hard and turned on, listening to Jenn call out his name as he pleasures her. He begins to massage his dick. Jenn, surprising Santino, take over the show by sitting up and pushing Santino onto the bed. she looks at Santino's gorgeous Latin uncut dick and smiles. Completely turned on, she begins to crawl over toward him and she positions her body so her face is at his dick and her pu$$y is in Santino's face and they both knew what time it was. Santino initiates the sixty nine by pushing down on Jenn's waist so she was sitting on his face. Jenn put her mouth on the tip of Tino's penis, enjoying the taste. As Santino makes love to her pleasure box, Jenn slides her mouth all the way down his 8 and a half shaft till his pubic hair was touching her face and she could smell the slight mustiness of his manhood. As their 69 grew in the intensity of passion, Karl was taking pictures of the entire sin of passion through the window, unbeknownst to the sinners.

    Westwood Park, Lauren's House

    Lauren hangs up the phone when she gets a knock on her door. She opens it to see Daniel.


    "I have been worried about you. You didn't come home last night." Ushering him to come in.


    "I'm sorry. I had a lot on my mind… I had some things I had to sort through. And no, none that had anything to do with Ty or drugs."


    "That never crossed my mind. I know you are done with all of that."


    "How are you? The baby?"


    "We are fine."


    "Lauren, I love you with all my heart. The only reason I am here today standing before you were thought of coming back to you while Mona held me captive. Each and every time she did some sick torturous thing to me, I just said to myself, I will make it through this. God has showed me the error of my ways. And I am a changed man. And I want to prove all this to you. Mona has messed with all of our lives and it's a shame Chris died for something he did not do. I do not blame you for moving on with him, I know you were hurt and confused. So I want you to know, I would be honored to be a father to this child and be a family with you. I want to do it for Chris. "

    Lauren wipes her face as the water works are in full swing. She hugs him, unable to look at him any longer, knowing that this baby could be Chris's or Kevin's. She tries to think of what she should do.

    Daniel pulls back from Lauren

    "Are you ok baby?"


    "I'm sorry, I guess this baby has my emotions going. I'm ok."


    "Good because there is something else I want to say."


    "This doesn't sound good"

    Daniel, smiling then slowly bending down on one knee, pulling out a ring box.

    "Lauran Romoan, will you marry me?"



    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Heath quickly opens the door, of Jodie's room. Jodie turns and sees her good friend Heath. The room is very dark, just the street lamp coming through the window.


    "Heath, you came."

    Her voice is dried, you can barely make out her face due to the limited light in the room.


    "Waited all night…"


    "I am sorry - I was out of town. "

    Heath slowly closes the door behind him, and starts walking toward the bed. He has this frighten look on his face, he knew what was coming next.


    "Diego called me... He said you wanted to see me."

    Heath about was to turn on the lights, to reveal something more frightening than he could have imagined; she lost quite a bit of weight, her face was pale, and cover with gray rings. around her eyes


    "Leave the lights off! …Come closer; I want to see you."

    Heath pulls up the chair closer to the bed.


    "What time is it?"


    "Its eleven fifty five pm."


    "Almost midnight…"


    "Almost Christmas…"


    "Its my birthday…"


    "Happy Birthday…}


    "Its not my birthday yet silly…"

    She looks away from Heath, and fixes her gaze out toward the ceiling.


    "What's your favorite holiday?"


    "I don't have one…"


    "You should…"

    She smiles, and closes her eyes...


    "Mine is Christmas…"


    "Its just a few months away - we should start planning something, a big party -"


    "Yeah - I would love that... We can have everyone there - and Mike too... Oh Christmas, the time of new beginnings.

    Jodie looks at Heath, then she places Heath's hand on his face.


    "You are so beautiful, so pure, I have feeling Christmas is coming early for me this year - "

    Heath remains quiet, as Jodie's voice is gets weaker, and more faint. He tries to keep his eye on her, but he can't with out choking up with tears.


    "Keep talking to me... Say something."


    "I know what you are about to do…"


    "And what is that? Come on, keeping telling me. What am I trying to do?"


    "Can you hear it?"

    Tears starts coming from Heath's eyes, as he watches Jodie.


    "Just listen... "

    Jodie closes her eyes, and opens them again.

    JODIE, closing her eyes and then opening them again

    "Have yourself, a Merry Little Christmas" - "Come on sing with me."


    "I have to warm you, I am not a good singer."


    "Look at the time - Its my birthday."

    Heath smiles. He leans on the bed, and looking at Jodie and starts singing." Have yourself a Merry little Christmas".

    Jodie is looking at the ceiling and listening to the song, thought to herself.

    JODIE, looking up at the ceiling once more, listening to Heath sing, as some thoughts fill her head and she speaks on it,

    "Oh Mike; my darling Mike - Where-ever you are; just hear me... I am so sorry, so sorry... I love you so much; trust me; I am trying; fighting to hold on; But I am too weak - I can't fight this anymore; hope you understand…"

    Heath finish the song, and threre's a long silence in the room. For a moment there, he thought she was dead... And finally she speaks without looking at him.


    "That was beautiful."

    Heath looks up to her, there's this drastic change in her.


    "You should go…"


    "No, I want to stay…"


    "Will you watch me, until I fall asleep?"

    HEATH, his voice trembling

    "Yes…Just don't sleep to long." He said with a smile



    "I just need a second."


    "Yes, and tomorrow we are going to the garden."


    "Yes... I would love that…"


    "Its a date... You and I - tomorrow…"

    Jodie cant keep her eyes open, she closes them and opens them again. The image of Heath is getting blury more and more.

    Heath can feel her hand falling away from him, but he manages to hold a little bit tighter.


    "You can show me how you do it on the catwalk - I heard great things about the show...

    I'll take you to the studio, and dance for you - for you only. You'll be the first judge that auditions this piece…"

    He looks at Her, and Jodie's eyes were closed, He looks away for a second, and looks back, and her eyes were still closed, ... From there, Heath pretended she was still listening, and continues on with the dialogue.


    "Don't you give up now - Not without Mike! You hear me! He is on his way - I know it - you, your one second is up…"

    Jodie slowly moves her fingers, and Heath looks at her; and he burst out of tears, joys, and shock.


    "You are making too much noise…"

    Heath gets up.


    "Forget sleeping... We are going to have a slumber party... Right here, and right now... Its your birthday; remember."

    He moves to the phone, and starts dialing numbers.

    Greater Yonders Cemetery

    Dre walks up to Chris's resting place, torn shirt, barefoot, and drunk like hell. He stumbles a couple of times before reaching the grave.


    "Hey... Its funny how things are.."

    He leans against a headstone directly across from Christ


    "I sometimes wonder why you are in there, and not out here... It's just another sign that life is not fair; we spend most of our time worrying about things that will never change, its not that they don't change; they just can't change - like most people... I am sure we all tried our best to be different; to change the world and mark our marks-and it just can't happen; not to people like me.

    I-I am so lost; and so confused at times - and I - I don't know where did I go wrong…"

    He kneels down in front of the grave.


    "Why is it that nothing ever works out for the better... You are dead, Lauren is pregnant; and I have to kill her - Life is fucked up!!! It aint right man"

    He gets up from the ground, and begins screaming at the headstone.


    " - Is it so wrong of me for wanting to make end meet?, That for keeping myself out of the streets at night; Wanting a roof over my head...I have to kill Lauren. What happened to my American dream - what happened to what I want? What about me?!!!"

    He punches the headstone so hard, his fist start bleeding, and he quickly turns around, and he looks up and there's Lauren standing with a flower arrangement. She stands cold looking at him without a word.

    Undisclosed Location

    Ashley walks into the room where she has Rufus tied up.


    "Please, let me go."


    "Oh I'm gonna let you go alright." She says laughing.


    "What does that mean?"


    "Relax girlfriend "She says snapping her fingers.


    "Look, if you going to let me go then do it, or what ever else you have planned for me just get it done and get it over with."


    "Ohh, why the rush? This is such joy for me to watch you squirm faggot. I'll get it on with it. I want answers damn it. Why do you want to be a woman?" Looking at his package, since Ashley did strip him naked when he first arrived.

    "Such a shame too. All that man gone to waste."


    "Yea I know it's big, but it doesn't matter. I am who I am and I will be who I want to be ok? I don't have to tell you anything. Why should I? It's not like you actually care."


    "No see I was really trying to be a friend. But I see you don't give a damn. With that attitude I think I won't have no regrets of what I am about to do to you."


    "Yes, thank God. Here it comes. Come on you crazy ass bitch. Bring it on."

    Ashley, laughing

    "So think you are big and bad huh. Tough guy huh? Or Tough girl? Who the hell cares?" She walks over to the door and opens it up and reaches down to grab something, which Rufus sees it's a chain saw


    "Get the fu(k outta here! You have got to be shittin me right?"

    Ashley, laughing uncontrollably this time, she revs up the chain saw, and gets closer towards Rufus, letting the smoke and loud noise taunt Rufus.


    "Who's bad now?"

    Rufus, sweating, finally showing her fear,

    "Have you lost your mind, what are you going to do with that?"


    "You want to be a woman right? Well I am here to help" Ashley revs up the chain saw again and swings towards Rufus, cutting off Rufus's dick. Rufus lets out a deathly scream as blood gushes every where.

    The Blue Note

    Ria is sitting at a table that is set for two. She looks at her watch then at the front entrance. She finally sees her friend Lisa. Ria raises her hand up in the air, getting's Lisa's attention, letting her know where she is. Lisa walks over to her.


    "Hey girl, sorry I am late."

    Ria, standing up to hug her

    "I know that's right. How have you been doing?"


    "Still busy as hell. We've seen a rise in criminal activity, murder theft, that kind of thing. It's the effects of the economy. People are getting desperate out here."


    "You aint never lied." A waiter brings over drinks.

    "I took the liberty of ordering us some starters, hope you like cosmos."


    "I do.. thank you. They toast and sip up.

    "So what's going on in you life girl, I haven't seen you in a while?"


    "Well me and my home girl of some years fell out over something stupid."


    "You mean Natalia and that whole Jodie HIV fiasco?"


    "Girl yea. I got caught up with that Bitch Jenn. I wasn't thinking straight."


    "Everything happens for a reason."


    ""Yes they do. I'm trying to get at this new doctor in town."


    "Oh I know Kiko right? Dre's brother?"


    "Yea. Girl it's something about him. I don't know what it is., I have got to have him."


    "Then girl do what you do."


    "It's not that simple right now."


    "Make it simple. What's going on?"


    "He doesn't want to be with me because I've already been with his brother."



    Then they here an announcer come the loud speaker,

    "Every one, put your hands together for tonight's special guest star,…Miss Patti Labelle"

    Ria spits out her drink at hearing the name.


    "Good evening Darlings. It's so good to be here. Everyone, give a round of applause to my daughter. Victoria" Patti points at Ria. Lisa is stunned.


    "Girl don't be shy now. I know you would surprised. You wasn't answering momma's phone calls so I had to come here. I thought something was wrong with my baby" She laughs as the audience laughs to.

    Patti begins singing" If only you knew,…How much I do…do love you"


    "Patti Labelle is your mother?"


    "Yes. Aint this bout a bitch!" She says gulping down her drink and her mother continues to sing her hit song……

  4. aMLCproduction

    Episode : 7

    Written by: ML Cooks
    Story Consult: Grand Marquee

    Mike and police Chief Abe draw there gun approaching Daniels car, just as Lauren opens her front door to see what's going on.


    "Get back inside!"

    Abe sees Daniel with a gunshot wound to the chest. Abe calls 911. Lauren runs down to Daniels car and sees Daniel's blood covered shirt. She screams out and Mike holds her, escorting her into the house. Abe checks for a pulse on Daniel, there is none!

    In Bryan's House.

    Sabryn slaps Bryan

    "Answer me! What is this thing doing here in your house wearing cheap underwear Bryan?"


    "Thing? No honey, refer tome as a woman. Your eyes are not deceiving you."

    Sabryn laughs

    "A woman? Chic please. Your in my man's house, well let me rephrase that .I meant my ex man's house, wearing a cheap bra and pantie set. Looks like you got it from the clearance rack at Wal-Mart. Hell, your lucky I didn't call a nasty Bitch which is exactly what you are!


    "Your man!? No. Ryan is mine."

    Sabryn (cutting her foe off)

    "Oh and you even have a nick name for him. Gag me!"


    "Uhm NO!. Ryan is his name"

    Sabryn(looking at Bryan)

    "Bryan you better start explaining before one of us leaves in a coffin tonight!"

    Bryan just looks dumbfounded.

    The paramedics arrive on the scene in front of Lauren's house. Abe Williams, tells the medics that Daniel has no pulse. The medics immediately begin CPR and first aid as they load him unto the ambulance. The medics, begin to shock Daniel's body, trying to revive him as the ambulance drives away.

    Abe walks into Lauren's house and sees Mike comforting a distraught Lauren.

    Mike signals for Abe to take over the comfort zone. They switch position so Mike can call Jennifer.

    Mike(on the phone)

    "Listen Jenn, its going to be a long night. Some one was shot."


    "Is Lauren OK?"


    "Yea, Look I'm going to drop her off by our place. I don't think she needs to be alone. You can keep her company while I'm gone."


    "But Mike-" The phone clicks.


    "How does Mike know I want to baby sit Lauren tonight. I am tired of this.Always pulling this stunts and expect to be there all the Damn time. What do I get? Nothing.!"

    Mike approaches Abe

    "Listen, can you drop Lauren off at Jennifer's. I'm going to go to the hospital to meet with Dr. Serrano about Daniel."


    "Yea, go ahead. I am going to investigate here." They all split ways.

    Jennifer begins to run a bubble bath awaiting Lauren's arrival. Jenn has some thoughts to herself.

    ( I am tired of Mike pawning problems up on me. I am so sick of all the late nights he works, and then expects me to work in his greasy pub all by myself. I don't want to to work. I want to be catered too.)

    She thinks of Tyler, then continues her thoughts.

    (Ty, said he would take care of me. That sounds good. Plus he's very attractive and got this mysterious edge that I like. Lord help me. What am I to do?) Her thoughts are interrupted when Lauren arrives.

    Back at Bryan's House


    "Breezy please. You're not going to hurt a fly in here tonight." Sabryn puts her purse down and slowly walks over toward Ashley.

    "Shut the hell up. Your not being spoken too. Bryan I'm not going to say it again! What is going on? Why is this woman in your house wearing the K-Mart blue light special"


    "Ok..Ok.. Look! I lied to you both. I've been playing you two."


    "So you've been cheating on me?"


    "Yes!... I lied to Ashley, telling her I have a twin brother named Ryan."


    "I don't believe this! Why did you cheat on me?!" She says as she pounds on his chest.


    "Look,... I don't know..It was a mistake..... I am sorry! It was stupid!"


    "You're right!... You are a sorry Bastard and yes you were stupid for cheating on me with Miss Martha Stewart!"


    "Look breezy, I about had it with that mouth of yours! I have not disrespected you in any way and I demand some respect!"


    "I'm sorry. I think you need to make an appointment with your ear doctor. At no time did I disrespect you! I told the truth. You're a K-mart shopper. Don't be mad about it. Now if I called you a tramp or a slut, now that would be classified as disrespect,....MAYBE! Now get it together!"

    Ashley goes after Sabryn.


    The lady in Black pulls her black in to her mountain resort in Sierra Madre.

    She walks into her house with a ziplock back that contains, some of Daniels DNA, a few hair strands and some blood. She sits it down next to the tv. She turns it on and lights her blunt up as she sees Sharan taking a shower via the secret camera the Lady in Black has installed in the pink roses she sent Sharan. Sharan has put the rose in the bathroom, unknowingly, she is being watched by the woman who rammed Kevin's car door off.

    "My beautiful lady. Such a nice body."

    Sharan gets out of the shower and leaves her bathroom.

    The lady in black ashes her drug stick and looks at her walls where many pictures of Sharan are hung up.

    "Soon Sharan, I will have you. Very soon." The lady in black grabs shovel, goes to her basement, and begins to dig a pit.......
  5. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Salem, City Jail

    Kate is escorted to her son’s jail cell. She sees Justin with Philip already waiting for her.


    “How did I become so lucky? I haven’t seen any of my family in years and yet here we are today. A family reunion.”


    “It’s nice to see again my son. I wouldn’t be so coy. You have no idea what I had to do to spring this into play.”


    “Well I am sure it was appreciated.” He says flashing her a smile.


    “Philip Kirakis, you are free to go.” The guard says as he unlocks Philip’s cell.


    “I thought I would never hear those words. It feels so good.” He says stepping out the jail cell.


    “Let’s all grab some lunch. I am sure you could use a good meal. We can go to Chez Rouge.”

    Justin, enjoying the thought of spending time with Kate

    “A great idea.”


    “And we can talk about this non sense about Vivian Alamain. She will not take what’s rightfully mine. And she’s going to learn that real quick. I’m back Salem. Philip Kiriakis is back on deck.”

    Life in Salem

    Episode 449 Back on Deck

    Written by ML Cooks

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Hotel, Valentine’s Suite

    Nicholas Alamain knocks on his aunt’s door. She opens it.


    “Nick good to see you come in.”


    “Don’t mean to barge in.” He says as he enters and sees Andre.


    “Hello Nicky. You’re not interrupting. I have some errands to attain to.” He walks over to his wife Valentine and gives a peck on the cheek.


    “I’ll call you sweet cheeks.”


    “I’ll be waiting.” He then leaves. She looks at Nick.

    “I already know. You want to talk about the scarecrow, Vivian?”


    “I need an answer. Are you going to join me in taking down your sister? You are the one who really holds all the cards. You wield so much power right now.”


    “I know.” She thinks of how she knows Vivian really set Peter up to die.

    “I do hold a lot of power. And trust me when I say nephew, Vivian will not get away with this. This merger will not take place. If she merges Titian, Dimera, and Alamain, we will have nothing. I might have to bag groceries. And with the unemployment at a whopping 10 percent, I can’t risk any chances. I’ll be damned if my dear old sister will win against me this time. She has always tried to best me. Out do me. Control me. Not this time. It’s time to show her that it’s out with the old and in with the new.”


    “I love when you get passionate about something. It only means we are going to win. I know you well enough to know you don’t stop once you get started.”


    “Indeed. Nick the answer is yes. I will join the war against Vivian Alamain. I have several trump cards I am holding. “


    “Like what?”


    “Got to keep them close to my chest for now dear nephew. In due time, when the time is right.” She says with a smirk, leaving Nick to wonder what Val has up her sleeve.

    Salem University Hospital, Lexie’s Office

    Hope sits on a couch as Lexie walks out from her desk and sits next to her.


    “Thanks for speaking with me. I don’t mean to interrupt your work.”


    “Hope, you’re a dear friend to me. You know I am here for you. “


    “It’s a strange world we live in you know.”


    “What makes you say that?”


    “I mean here we are, you’re Megan Dimera’s sister, who is claiming to have Bo’s baby. Yet here you and I are, chatting.”


    “Hope, you know I am nothing like my sister. I mean I did dive into my Dimera roots at one point in my life and I would never do that again.”


    “Oh no Lexie. It’s not about that. I am so stressed. Maybe I don’t even know what I am saying.”


    “I don’t know what Megan is thinking. I mean, where has she has been all this time. I haven’t seen here around town. She never let me know she was pregnant. “


    “It does really sound far fetched. But once these test results come out, we can move on like Bo says.”


    “Do you think this is Bo’s child?”


    “I really don’t know Lexie. And on top of that, I suspect he and Kristen may have done things they shouldn’t have on Padre Island.”


    “What makes you say that?”


    He was acting very strange. Like he was guilty of something and trying to cover it up by being too nice. Oh God, Lexie, I don’t think I can take much more of this. It’s getting too much for me.”


    “You’re not thinking of using drugs again?” There is a long pause. So long Lexie is stunned that Hope has not responded yet.


    “I have urges Lexie.”

    The Horton House

    Abe is having a session with his physical therapist. Abe is standing by himself for 5 minutes at a time now.


    “This really feels nice.”


    “I bet. You have really been pushing yourself. I don’t want you to over do it to soon though.”


    “I am sick and tired of being in this damned wheel chair.” Just then someone knocks on the door.


    “Come in.”

    Bo walks in.


    “Good looks like we can stop for the day. See you tomorrow Mr. Carver.”


    “Thank you.”


    “I see you’re doing real good man. I am glad to see it. We need you back on the force.”


    I do miss it. So what brings you by?”


    “I needed some one to talk too.”


    “What’s going on? Is it Hope?”


    “Yes. No. It’s so much. Abe my life has literally spun out of control. I don’t know how to get it back on track.”


    “Well tell me what’s going on?”


    “For starters, Megan Dimera showed up on my door step last night claiming to have my kid.”


    “Megan Dimera? Your kid? Is that possible?”


    “I remember one night making love to a woman who I assumed was Hope. Megan had all the details down. So yes we had sex. But this baby part… Throwing me for a loop.”


    “Well she is a Dimera. We all know how they operate. So I assume you got a paternity test done.


    “Lexie is going to call when the results come in.”

    Bo tenses up upon hearing his ex wife’s name. Bo notices

    “My bad, I didn’t mean to bring her up.”


    “No no, it’s ok. Is this Megan Dimera the only issue?”

    Bo pauses, as he thinks about it. He thinks of the two times he made love to Kristen. He also remembers when Kristen told him she loved him when they got back from Padre Island.


    “Bo what is it? Something is really bothering you.”


    “I’m cheating on Hope”


    “What? With who?”


    “This is the crazy part. You will never believe this.”


    “I won’t know until you tell me Bo.”


    “Kristen Blake. Kristen and I are having an affair.”


    “Bo,….I’m at a loss for words. How in the hell did this happen?”


    “Kristen and I become close after Hope left town and went to Pasadena. I helped Kristen deal with the rape. We just connected and it led from there and we haven’t been able to stop. I haven’t been able to stop. She loves me Abe. She told me she loved me.”


    “You are in one hell of a mess. You are messing with two Dimera’s. You better be careful Bo. Never trust a Dimera. They are no good. How are you going to deal with this? What about Hope?”


    “Honestly Abe, I just don’t know. I have no answers. I’m so caught up.”

    Saint Luke’s Church, Cemetery

    Kristen has a white rose in her hand as she walks over to Marlena’s grave. She lays the rose down.

    “I thought I come see a good friend today. It’ so hard to believe that you have been taken always from us so soon Marlena. I wish we could have been friends a lot sooner. You really are an angel. You were there for me after Vince raped me. You saw there was another side to me. You befriended me, forgetting all of our past history. You put all that aside for me and I will always be forever grateful. I hope you are happy and looking down upon with a smile on your face.” She wipes a tear from her eye. She thinks of Bo.

    She continues to speak to Marlena’s tombstone.

    “I’ve done it again Marlena. I have hurt some one. Something I swore that I would never do again. I didn’t mean too. It just happened. I love Bo. I can’t help myself. I am trying to be mature about it though. I think you would be proud of me for that. I'm not using trickery to come in between Bo and Hope. Granted I am sleeping with him, but I told Bo the choice is his. I will not stand in the way. I told Bo how I feel and that I love him. The ball is in his court. I will not be the one to tell Hope about our affair. I’m really a changed woman Marlena. I hope you know I mean no harm.” Kristen then leaves, while still thinking of Bo.

    Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite

    Eugenia and Jan with their sons look at Greta in shock. She has two guns pointed at them. Greta growls.


    “Please Greta, we can get you help. It doesn’t have to end like this.”


    “What is going on? Greta why are you doing this?”


    “You can blame Nicole, and Jan here. I should have killed these bitches a long time ago. Jan, this is our last hurrah. The bad girls club is coming to an end tonight. I want to say thank you for throwing that rabid raccoon on me. Tonight I get my revenge. DAMN IT TO HELL WHERE IS NICOLE!”


    “Nicole? What does she have to do with this?”


    “SHUT UP. You talk too much. Nicole is trying to turn me into the cops. I will not go out like this. I will end this story my way.”

    Eugenia, looking back at Lucas who is passed out on the couch with blood pouring out of his gun shot wound in the arm

    “Please we have to help Lucas.”

    Then the door bell rings.


    “Good that must be Nicole now.” Standing behind the door Greta opens the door. Nicole enters and then out of no where Greta hit’s Nicole in the head with one of the guns in her hand. Nicole passes out immediately to the ground. Greta, in a fit of rage jumps on top of her and continues to hit her in the head with the gun. Eugenia and Jan are horrified as their babies start to cry, having to be subject of this horror show. Greta begins to laugh as she pounds Nicole’s face into the ground Eugenia and Jan wonders what fate awaits them.

    Next Time on Life in Salem

    Vivian makes another major move!

  6. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Salem, City Jail

    Kate is escorted to her son's jail cell. She sees Justin with Philip already waiting for her.


    "How did I become so lucky? I haven't seen any of my family in years and yet here we are today. A family reunion."


    "It's nice to see you again my son. I wouldn't be so coy. You have no idea what I had to do to spring this into play."


    "Well I am sure it was appreciated." He says flashing her a smile.


    "Philip Kirakis, you are free to go." The guard says as he unlocks Philip's cell.


    "I thought I would never hear those words. It feels so good." He says stepping out the jail cell.


    "Let's all grab some lunch. I am sure you could use a good meal. We can go to Chez Rouge."

    Justin, enjoying the thought of spending time with Kate

    "A great idea."


    "And we can talk about this non sense about Vivian Alamain. She will not take what's rightfully mine. And she's going to learn that real quick. I'm back Salem. Philip Kiriakis is back on deck."

    Episode 449 Back on Deck

    Written by ML Cooks

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Hotel, Valentine's Suite

    Nicholas Alamain knocks on his aunt's door. She opens it.


    "Nick good to see you come in."


    "Don't mean to barge in." He says as he enters and sees Andre.


    "Hello Nicky. You're not interrupting. I have some errands to attain too." He walks over to his wife Valentine and gives her a peck on the cheek.


    "I'll call you sweet cheeks."


    "I'll be waiting." He then leaves. She looks at Nick.

    "I already know. You want to talk about the scarecrow, Vivian?"


    "I need an answer. Are you going to join me in taking down your sister? You are the one who really holds all the cards. You wield so much power right now."


    "I know." She thinks of how she knows Vivian really set Peter up to die.

    "I do hold a lot of power. And trust me when I say nephew, Vivian will not get away with this. This merger will not take place. If she merges Titian, Dimera, and Alamain, we will have nothing. I might have to bag groceries. And with the unemployment rate at a whopping 10 percent, I can't risk any chances. I'll be damned if my dear old sister will win against me this time. She has always tried to best me. Out do me. Control me. Not this time. It's time to show her that it's out with the old and in with the new."


    "I love when you get passionate about something. It only means we are going to win. I know you well enough to know you don't stop once you get started."


    "Indeed. Nick the answer is yes. I will join the war against Vivian Alamain. I have several trump cards I am holding. "


    "Like what?"


    "Got to keep them close to my chest for now dear nephew. In due time, when the time is right." She says with a smirk, leaving Nick to wonder what Val has up her sleeve.

    Salem University Hospital, Lexie's Office

    Hope sits on a couch as Lexie walks out from her desk and sits next to her.


    "Thanks for speaking with me. I don't mean to interrupt your work."


    "Hope, you're a dear friend to me. You know I am here for you. "


    "It's a strange world we live in you know."


    "What makes you say that?"


    "I mean here we are, you're Megan Dimera's sister, who is claiming to have Bo's baby. Yet here you and I are, chatting."


    "Hope, you know I am nothing like my sister. I mean I did dive into my Dimera roots at one point in my life and I would never do that again."


    "Oh no Lexie. It's not about that. I am so stressed. Maybe I don't even know what I am saying."


    "I don't know what Megan is thinking. I mean, where has she has been all this time. I haven't seen her around town. She never let me know she was pregnant. "


    "It does really sound far fetched. But once these test results come out, we can move on like Bo says."


    "Do you think this is Bo's child?"


    "I really don't know Lexie. And on top of that, I suspect he and Kristen may have done things they shouldn't have on Padre Island."


    "What makes you say that?"


    "He was acting very strange. Like he was guilty of something and trying to cover it up by being too nice. Oh God, Lexie, I don't think I can take much more of this. It's getting too much for me."


    "You're not thinking of using drugs again?" There is a long pause. So long Lexie is stunned that Hope has not responded yet.


    "I have urges Lexie."

    The Horton House

    Abe is having a session with his physical therapist. Abe is standing by himself for 5 minutes at a time now.


    "This really feels nice."


    "I bet. You have really been pushing yourself. I don't want you to over do it to soon though."


    "I am sick and tired of being in this damned wheel chair." Just then someone knocks on the door.


    "Come in."

    Bo walks in.


    "Good looks like we can stop for the day. See you tomorrow Mr. Carver."


    "Thank you."


    "I see you're doing real good man. I am glad to see it. We need you back on the force."


    I do miss it. So what brings you by?"


    "I needed some one to talk too."


    "What's going on? Is it Hope?"


    "Yes. No. It's so much. Abe my life has literally spun out of control. I don't know how to get it back on track."


    "Well tell me what's going on?"


    "For starters, Megan Dimera showed up on my door step last night claiming to have my kid."


    "Megan Dimera? Your kid? Is that possible?"


    "I remember one night making love to a woman who I assumed was Hope. Megan had all the details down. So yes we had sex. But this baby part… Throwing me for a loop."


    "Well she is a Dimera. We all know how they operate. So I assume you got a paternity test done.


    "Lexie is going to call when the results come in."

    Bo tenses up upon hearing his ex wife's name. Bo notices

    " I didn't mean to bring her up."


    "No no, it's ok. Is this Megan Dimera the only issue?"

    Bo pauses, as he thinks about it. He thinks of the two times he made love to Kristen. He also remembers when Kristen told him she loved him when they got back from Padre Island.


    "Bo what is it? Something is really bothering you."


    "I'm cheating on Hope"


    "What? With who?"


    "This is the crazy part. You will never believe this."


    "I won't know until you tell me Bo."


    "Kristen Blake. Kristen and I are having an affair."


    "Bo,….I'm at a loss for words. How in the hell did this happen?"


    "Kristen and I become close after Hope left town and went to Pasadena. I helped Kristen deal with the rape. We just connected and it led from there and we haven't been able to stop. I haven't been able to stop. She loves me Abe. She told me she loved me."


    "You are in one hell of a mess. You are messing with two Dimera's. You better be careful Bo. Never trust a Dimera. They are no good. How are you going to deal with this? What about Hope?"


    "Honestly Abe, I just don't know. I have no answers. I'm so caught up."

    Saint Luke's Church, Cemetery

    Kristen has a white rose in her hand as she walks over to Marlena's grave. She lays the rose down.

    "I thought I come see a good friend today. It' so hard to believe that you have been taken always from us so soon Marlena. I wish we could have been friends a lot sooner. You really are an angel. You were there for me after Vince raped me. You saw there was another side to me. You befriended me, forgetting all of our past history. You put all that aside for me and I will always be forever grateful. I hope you are happy and looking down upon us with a smile on your face." She wipes a tear from her eye. She thinks of Bo.

    She continues to speak to Marlena's tombstone.

    "I've done it again Marlena. I have hurt some one. Something I swore that I would never do again. I didn't mean too. It just happened. I love Bo. I can't help myself. I am trying to be mature about it though. I think you would be proud of me for that. I'm not using trickery to come in between Bo and Hope. Granted I am sleeping with him, but I told Bo the choice is his. I will not stand in the way. I told Bo how I feel and that I love him. The ball is in his court. I will not be the one to tell Hope about our affair. I'm really a changed woman Marlena. I hope you know I mean no harm." Kristen then leaves, while still thinking of Bo.

    Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia's Suite

    Eugenia and Jan with their sons look at Greta in shock. She has two guns pointed at them. Greta growls.


    "Please Greta, we can get you help. It doesn't have to end like this."


    "What is going on? Greta why are you doing this?"


    "You can blame Nicole, and Jan here. I should have killed these bitches a long time ago. Jan, this is our last hurrah. The bad girls club is coming to an end tonight. I want to say thank you for throwing that rabid raccoon on me. Tonight I get my revenge. DAMN IT TO HELL WHERE IS NICOLE!"


    "Nicole? What does she have to do with this?"


    "SHUT UP. You talk too much. Nicole is trying to turn me into the cops. I will not go out like this. I will end this story my way."

    Eugenia, looking back at Lucas who is passed out on the couch with blood pouring out of his gun shot wound in the arm

    "Please we have to help Lucas."

    Then the door bell rings.


    "Good that must be Nicole now." Standing behind the door Greta opens the door. Nicole enters and then out of no where Greta hit's Nicole in the head with one of the guns in her hand. Nicole passes out immediately to the ground. Greta, in a fit of rage jumps on top of her and continues to hit her in the head with the gun. Eugenia and Jan are horrified as their babies start to cry, having to be subject of this horror show. Greta begins to laugh as she pounds Nicole's face into the ground Eugenia and Jan wonders what fate awaits them.

    Next Time on Life in Salem

    Vivian makes another major move!
  7. aMLCproduction
    Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite

    Jan, with her son Bentley in her arms are stunned to see an eerie looking Greta, with a gun pointed at them.


    “Greta come on, Halloween was weeks ago.” She tries to brush past Greta. Greta puts the tip of the gun against Bentley.

    Greta, growling before she speaks,

    “No one is going anywhere Janet. Now get back in this apartment and no one is going to get hurt.”


    “Greta please, I was just leaving town. I won’t tell anyone I saw you. Hold Lucas at gun point not me. I just got my son back; please let us go in peace. Haven’t you done enough already? Hell I am shocked you are still even living after I threw that rabid raccoon at you.”


    “I know right? I call it miracle rabies.” She laughs. Greta than pushes Jan into the apartment but Jan resists her.


    “This isn’t a game; you have no options or choices right now.”

    Lucas, the pain easing from his manhood after being kneed in it by Jan,

    “What is going on? Greta is that you?”

    Greta, foam dripping from her mouth,

    “Yes, it’s me Lucas. Sorry we can’t catch up; I got to take you hostage now.”

    Jan tries to leave one more time but Greta fires the gun! Lucas is hit in the arm!

    Life in Salem

    Episode 448: Is Vivian getting High?

    Written by ML Cooks

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Downtown Salem, Alamain

    Vivian spins around in her executive office chair when Ivan walks in.


    “I have your lunch Madame. Lobster as you like.”


    “Oh thanks Vivian. Taking over Salem has really worked up my appetite.”


    “Madame, about that, you know you are making a lot of enemies here in Salem. You are ruffling a lot of feathers.”


    “Do you think I give a damn!? For a long time, people have tried to walk all over me. That time is done. I’m the dame of Salem. The bottom feeders of Salem can cry until the cows come home. I still would not care who was mad and for what reason. It’s a dog eat dog world Ivan. And guess what, I’m hungry. In a matter of time, I will own everyone and everything in Salem. Something even Stefano Dimera himself could not accomplish.”


    “Madame, I hate to intrude but I really think you are playing with fire. You can’t take on all of Salem.”


    “Oh but I will. I already have. And I won. I bought Kate’s company and now there is one more piece of property to make everything complete.”


    I know I should not ask.”


    “Yes you should. You’re my servant Ivan. You are supposed to indulge me.”


    “What’s your next move Madame?”


    “I’m going to buy University Hospital and kick the Horton’s out of the hospital forever.”


    “Madame, that’s a huge move. I hope you are joking. The Horton’s? What did they do to you?”


    “It’s not about what the Horton’s did to me. It’s about what Vivian Alamain wants. Once I own University Hospital, everything will be complete.”

    “Not if I have anything to do with it.”

    Ivan and Vivian both turn to look at who it is. Nicholas Alamain.


    “How did you get past security? What the hell are you doing here!?”

    Salem University Hospital

    Megan walks over to the nurse’s station when she sees her sister Lexie doing some charting.

    “Lexie hi.”

    Lexie looks up and sees Megan and has a look of confusion come over her face.


    “Megan, Hi, what’s going on? Who is this?”


    “It’s my baby.”


    “You’re what?”


    “Bo and I had a one night stand and this is our child.”


    “BO! BO BRADY?!”


    “Yes, you act like that is hard to believe. Bo and I did love each other once you know.”


    “I know that but that was over 20 some years ago. I just can’t believe BO would do something like this.”


    “Was does that mean? It’s my fault Bo and I have a child?”


    “I’m not saying that. Never mind. I support you. You’re my sister. We have to stick together. We are all we got after our family has been decimated. Peter was shot and killed and father went over a cliff.”


    “I agree. I am so glad you feel the same way I do. That’s why I need your help.”


    “I’m not going to like this am I?”


    “Look sis, Bo wants a paternity test on our son. I just need you to make sure it says Bo is the father.”


    “Megan, I’m sorry I can’t do that. I already did that to Bo and Hope once with Isaac. I still have not forgiven myself for that.”


    “Lexie PLEASE. I am begging you. I really need your help. Bo and this child are the only things I got.”


    “You have family. You have me, Andre is still in town.”


    “I need Bo. We can be a family.”


    “If Bo isn’t really the child’s father who is and wait a minute, I didn’t even know you were pregnant.”


    “I had a surrogate.”


    “This sounds so absurd.”


    “Please Lexie. Will you help me? Will you make sure the paternity test results say Bo is the father?”

    Lexie looks at her sister not knowing what she should do.


    Bo and Hope arrive at the hospital as well.


    “Hope just calm down. Let’s get these paternity test results and then we’ll take things from here.”


    “I wish I would have known I had to worry about Megan and not Kristen. Where has Megan been all this time? Something just doesn’t seem right here.”


    “You’re right. That’s why we are here. To get to the bottom of this. There is a piece to the missing to this puzzle. I don’t buy for one minute that Megan’s child is mine.”


    “Oh I don’t know, stranger things have happened. Bo if this child turns out to be yours, I don’t know what in the hell I am going to do. I don’t think I could live with it. There is too much stress and strife in our relationship. I don’t think we could survive this. I would have to worry about Kristen and now Megan and your new child.”


    “Would you can it with the Kristen stuff? Nothing is going on between Kristen and I.” He says feeling guilty for lying to Hope in her face.


    “I don’t know Bo. You were acting real strange when you got back from Pa Pa Island. Right before Megan showed up with baby a in tow.”


    “How many times do I have to tell you its Padre Island and how many more times will I have to tell you nothing happened between Kristen and I on the Island? The whole trip was a waste of time. It was a wild goose chase.”


    “You better be telling me the truth Brady. I could not deal with any other heartbreak. I have been through so much this last year. I could not survive if you hurt me.”

    Before Bo could respond Lexie walks over to them.


    “You are here for the test?”


    “I am. Follow me.”

    Bo looks back at Hope. He then walks away with Lexie. Hope wipes tears in her eyes as Megan and Lexie exchange one last look. Megan wonders if her sister will come through for her. She then looks at Hope and smiles at her.

    Back Downtown, Alamain

    Nicholas, walking closer towards Vivian’s desk,

    “Evan, can you leave my aunt and I alone?”


    “It’s Ivan with an I. Yes sir. I’ll be right outside Madame.” Ivan leaves the room.


    “I don’t have anything to say to you Nicky. I don’t want to hear any pity party stories. I don’t feel sorry for you. What’s done is done. I’m not letting you back into Alamain or my new company VAAconglomerate. So if you were here to talk about any of what I just said, you have wasted your time and my own.”


    “When did you become such a bitch? I mean really what is the point of all this? Why is it so important to own Titian, the Kirakis assets and holdings, all of Alamain which by the way is supposed to be a family run company, you own the Dimera Empire and I heard you just bought Basic Black, and now University Hospital? You’re going to take on the Horton’s? WHY?”


    “I am not going to discuss this with you. “


    “Aunt Viv, please? What is going on with you? I used to think of you as my mother. You raised me a better portion of my life. You were fun, loving and caring. I had so much fun with you living at the Alamain Mansion. Even when you and my mother fought over me, I never sided against you. I never hated you for any of the crimes you’ve committed against my mother. For starters burying her alive, framing her for murders at the hospital. I still don’t understand why you are not locked up behind bars somewhere for those crimes. Even after all of that, I still believed in you. “


    “That person is of almost two decades ago. People change. Life changes people. I have been shunned in this town for far too long and it’s time to take my revenge.”


    “By buying up everything in Salem? That’s not how you prove yourself. What is the point of it all? Once you own it all then what? You won’t have anybody to love or to love you. Everyone virtually hates you. You’re going to own Salem and be miserable and alone. Wow some revenge I’d say. If that’s what you want more power to you. It’s kind of an ironic twist of fate. You deserve to be alone. I will not go down with out a fight. I will not let you destroy this family company with your out of touch fantasies. One has to wonder are you getting high off those Chinese Herbs again. Vivian I am warning you. You better stop while you’re ahead. A lot of people in this town won’t let you get away with this. Your fate is being sealed.” After delivering that ominous warning, Vivian’s nephew leaves her office. Vivian is a little unnerved.


    Lucas grabs his arm and falls back onto the couch. Jan with her son Bentley in her arms backs away from the door and a deranged Greta.


    “This is not a game! Do you get that Janice?”


    “I do Greta. Just please don’t hurt my son.”

    Lucas passes out from pain and shock.


    “Greta what is going on why are you doing this?”

    Greta, looking dazed, breathing heavily,

    “Your friend Nicole Sullivan.”


    “Sullivan… That’s the chic that played on Madtv. You mean Walker.”


    “SHUT UP! You know what I am trying to say. She messed up big time. She is trying to get the cops after me.”


    “I don’t understand what I have to do with this? “


    “This is it. This is my final stand. If I am going out I am going out with a bang. The world is going to soon learn about Greta Amish Burg.”


    “Greta please, let’s go get you some help. You’re not thinking clearly. Your name is Greta Von Omberg.”


    “That’s what I said. I know my own name. Now here’s what I want you to do. Get Nicole’s ass over here now!” Just as Greta says that, Eugenia opens the door with her son Josh and is stunned to see a rabid Greta holding Jan and her son at gunpoint and Lucas is shot in the arm.


    “Jan what the hell are you doing here? What is going on? What happened to Lucas?”


    “Stop with the questions. You’re giving me a headache. I’ll tell you what’s going on Euggies, I am taking control here. We are having a party. I am so glad you could join us.”


    “What kind of party?”


    “Greta’s final stand. I’m going out with a bang” She says wiping foam from her mouth and then pulling out another gun and aims it at Eugenia and her son. Greta now has Jan and her son Bentley and Eugenia and her son Josh held at gun point.


    “People in this room are going to die”

    Next Time on Life in Salem:

    Bo/Hope/Megan awaits the paternity test results!

  8. aMLCproduction
    Divine Design

    Ria is walking out of the DD building with her mother Patti at her side as a new day dawns in Pasadena.


    “Remind me, what did Natalia want you to get again?”


    “Natalia ain't leaving her baby's side, so she wanted me to get these papers for her. Just some deals.”


    “That poor woman, I can't believe her infant was shot after she was tricked into thinking that he was dead. I must say, Victoria, I really am proud of you for saving that child's life.”


    “Thanks momma, but you could show it by not calling me by my government name. And I tell you it was some crazy s!it...here I got some good sex and then I have to be Wonder Woman.”


    “You what?”


    “Nothing, momma, nothing.”


    “You know, you really need to stop shunning me from your life so much. I'm your mother and I am not going anywhere anytime soon.”


    “I'm a grown ass woman. Why the hell did you and Jasmine ever come to Pasadena? I was just fine without you.”


    “You never even told anyone I was your mother! And you cheated on your fiancee, you call that fine?”


    “That was a long time ago and I took care of it all on my own.”

    Ria and Patti's conversation is cut short when they see a very familiar tooter booter riding towards Divine Design.


    “Oh hell naw.”


    “What is it?”


    “Look at that thing coming this way.”

    Patti, looking at the tooter booter

    “Victoria, you need to stop being so judgemental toward other people. I have to say I am getting tired of it....some people don't have all the things we have, honey.”


    “Well...sometimes they have more than we do but it gets cut off by a nutcase.”

    Patti, confused

    “Um, what?”


    “Just wait, momma.”

    The tooter booter stops right in front of DD, and out comes none other than Rufus.


    “Rue's back, bitches!”

    Rufus grins as he throws his hands up into the air and laughs as he approaches the DD building. Patti's jaw drops as Ria rolls her eyes at Rufus Taylor returning to Pasadena!

    Episode#123: Pasadena Mourns Kevin!

    Written by: Tara Smith

    Story Editor: ML Cooks

    Shady Pines, Miami

    “Santino and Alexis stand in front of the entrance to Shady Pines.”


    “Ready to do this? You backed out yesterday.”


    “Yeah, I think my nerves just overwhelmed me...but I'm ready. I am ready to face my mother and find out who my long lost sister is.”


    “Well we don't got any time to lose.”

    Alexis, walking into Shady Pines

    “You know, Santino...we haven't known each other for long, but I'm really glad you came here with me. I needed the support.”


    “It was nothing. I needed to get away from Pasadena, Ty, and Jenn anyway.”


    “You know, its weird, you sound like you love Jenn but you want to get away from her.”


    “I do love her but there's too much drama. Too much drama with her, with how our affair got started. We had Ty's father blackmailing us, not to mention I'm not sure how she really feels about me. She freaked out when she learned I was going to Miami, but I needed this.”

    Alexis, nodding as they approach the front desk.

    “Same for me...I am using this to get my mind off of Karim.”

    Alexis and Santino finally get to the front desk, and Alexis leans over to talk to the receptionist.


    “Excuse me....is an Applelonia Jones here?”


    “Hmm, let me check.”

    The receptionist gets on the computer and searches for Alexis's mother, none other than Applelonia Jones.

    Santino, muttering to himself

    “Thats a weird ass name.”

    Receptionist, looking up at Alexis

    “No, I'm sorry, no Applelonia here...she left Shady Pines years ago.”

    Alexis, stunned

    “What?! Where the hell did she go?!”


    “Hmmm....we believe she went to Pasadena, but we're not sure.”




    “Yes, but thats all I can find, I'm sorry.”

    Alexis turns in shock and walks out of Shady Pines, Santino following her.


    “Alexis, are you okay?!”


    “This whole time, my mother has been in Pasadena, and I haven't known it?! And not even a damn call! Hell, even when we all thought Ashley died, I didn't get nothing from her! “


    “Where do you think she is in Pasadena?”


    “I don't know, but I'm sure as hell going to find out.”


    “Come on, Alexis, just calm down...lets go back to Pasadena to find this Applelonia, but you gotta keep your cool.”


    “I find out my mother has been in the town that my sister and I have been in for years now and I'm supposed to be calm?!”

    Santino, gently putting his arms on hers for comfort

    “It'll all be alright..it'll all be alright...”

    As Santino comforts Alexis...they end up leaning in...and kissing! They give in for a moment, but Alexis pulls back.

    Alexis, sighing

    “Um....come on, lets get back home...”

    With that, they head back to the airport.

    Williams House

    Sister Patterson looks at her son, Kevin's, hanging and dead body, totally distraught...she slowly approaches it...she doesn't even know what to do. She just approaches Kevin's body....she cannot believe it....she tries to touch him, but stops....she goes into complete denial.

    Sister Pat

    “No...NO....this must be a nightmare...GET OUT OF MY HEAD, SATAN! YOUR TRICKS WON'T BE WORKING ON ME!”

    Sister Pat wants to wake up...she feels like she just wants to shoot up in her bed and realize that this is all just a bad dream. That Miss Jenkins didn't expose her past at court today, and more importantly that her own son had not committed suicide in her own house.

    Sister Pat, screaming


    Sister Pat puts her hands on her head and closes her eyes hard, hoping that when she opens her eyes, all of this will be gone. However, she opens them, and she still sees Kevin hanging there. She slowly approaches him...she feels his legs...and it begins to sink in that her son is really dead.

    Sister Pat, shaking her head

    “No..not my boy! Not my sweet Kevin! I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER PERSON!”

    Sister Pat cries out, leaning against his leg for a moment, before turning and looking around. She can barely move....she looks all around the wrecked room.

    Sister Pat

    “How...how could this happen?! Oh Lord....oh Lord....NOT KEVIN DAMNIT!”

    Sister Pat walks around the room....she looks on Kevin's nightstand, one of the few things still standing..she sees a note there, and picks it up...it reads:

    "Life isn't what I thought it was .Seeing my mom cheat on my dad, my dad dying, and everything else is just too much for me to handle right now, and that bitch I used to call mom: I hope you're happy, you made my sister crazy, you always treated me like s!it and you let my Father die.

    I hope you rot in hell you ungrateful whore, I hope you find this, and I hope you realize the pain and suffering you've caused this family, so, make an excuse from your Bible outta that one Pat the Bat!"

    Sister Pat drops the note....it slowly falls to the floor, and she looks up at Kevin once again...her own son just blasted her one final time in a suicide note...she stands up, in total shock, and walks towards the wall...."Bye Bitch" is written there in Kevin's blood...she slowly touches the blood...

    Sister Pat

    “My son's blood...my baby's blood...he's talking about me...he cut himself up just to...just to...”

    Sister Pat can barely say it as the tears stream from her eyes.

    Sister Pat

    “Just...just to insult me...”

    Sister Pat cannot take it anymore and screams out again as she slowly sits down...Kevin's blood getting on her hair and clothes...she looks at it on her hands...she begins shaking...suddenly, DC enters.


    “What the hell is going on-“

    DC stops dead in his tracks when he sees the man that he only just found out was his son, and considered a nephew for all his life, hanging dead from the ceiling. DC looks around at the room himself, before seeing Sister Pat slumped against the wall.


    “What happened here?! Oh...Kevin....oh....”

    DC has no words as he approaches Sister Pat. She looks up at him, the pain visible in her eyes.

    Sister Pat

    “He's gone, Don...my baby committed suicide....and he decided to use his own blood and leave me a note telling me off one last time before he died....my baby...my baby is dead! My firstborn! HE'S DEAD!”

    DC sees the note on the ground...he walks over and reads it himself, before slowly putting it down and looking back at Pat...he walks over to her and tries to put his arms around her for comfort, also trying to deal with the fact that his son is dead...but immediately she stands up and throws him away.


    “P-P....Pat....our....our....our son is dead.....just this once...we need....we need...”

    DC chokes up himself as tears fall from his eyes.

    Sister Pat, looking at DC


    Sister Pat begins hitting DC furiously as she goes into a fit of rage. DC has to grab her wrists to keep her back but that doesn't stop her.

    Sister Pat


    DC, crying as well now

    “Pat, calm down! CALM DOWN! He's my son too! And do you think it doesn't hurt?! I walk in here and my son is hanging from a fan! A son I never got to know! I never got to know any of my kids! But this is not the damn time for that! I just want to help you....I just want to help you...”

    DC can barely keep it together during all of this. Sister Pat finally collapses in his arms, both of them crying as he holds her.

    Sister Pat

    “My son's dead, Don...he's gone! The Lord has given up on me.”

    Divine Design

    Ria and Patti follow none other than Rufus Taylor back into the entryway of Divine Design as he returns to Pasadena.


    “Ah, it feels so good to be back on home turf! Springfield had some good men available, but nothing like here...even though sometimes it feels like no one will give me some anymore!”


    “My goodness! You sure do have a mouth on you, don't you?”


    “Forgive me, miss....I can't believe royalty like Patti LaBelle is here in Pasadena...and with this useless ho of all things!”


    “That is my daughter!”

    Rufus, staring for a moment

    “You....are the daughter of Patti LaBelle? Out of all the people in this town....you?! Miss Patti, do you have any available sons?”


    “Forget that, you freak. I want some answers now damnit! Why the hell did you bring your freaky white ass back to Pasadena?!”


    “I had some fun in Springfield for awhile...I met alot of good friends there. One in particular. But I had to come back...my company is here, afterall.”


    “You know that pathetic white girl that took my man owns this place.”

    Rufus, chuckling

    “Well, we'll just see about that. But I hate her as much as you do. It was because of her that I got kidnapped by her crazy sister. But Karim is good looking...mmm I could use some of him now that you speak of it!”


    “Oh now you better just back off my man! I ain't having no white man...or whatever the hell they consider you people who lose your manhood...take my Karim! “


    “Now thats enough! Miss Patti ain't gone have all this foul language! Victoria, don't degrade people based on their choices.”


    “Don't be using my full name in front of this thing, momma!”

    Patti, turning to Rufus

    “And now, as for you: I don't know how you people operate, but this is a place of business. No place for you to be running your mouth off about those activities!”


    “Well, Miss Patti, I-“

    They all turn their attention to the large flatscreen television when a breaking news reports interrupts...they all see a reporter standing in front of the Williams House, and Ria freezes in shock.


    “Hello everyone...we come to you today with a shocking story! Son of former and recently deceased police chief, Abe Williams' son, has been found DEAD inside the Williams family household this morning! Police and various others are crowding the streets around the house as the chaos unfolds!”


    “No...no...it can't be Karim! Not my Karim! But I think he's still-“


    “Kevin Williams is a 30 year old man, and the first child of Abe Williams and his wife Sister Patterson Williams...”




    “Oh damn he was hot too! Damnit all the men in this town are leaving or dying!”


    “I....I...I need to get down there! Come on, momma!”


    “Of...of course!”


    “Well I'm coming too! Might be able to find me a boyfriend or something.”

    Rufus, Ria, and Patti all dart out of DD and head straight to the Williams House!

    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Daniel runs after Jasmine, as a few tears go down Jasmine's cheek after finding out that Daniel and Sharan had sex.


    “Jasmine-Jasmine...wait! We need to talk about this! It was nothing against you...it just sorta happened!”

    Jasmine, turning towards Daniel

    “No, Daniel, its fine...its just, when we had a date...I thought...oh nevermind! Its fine, its fine, I....”

    Sharan, walking up

    “Daniel...Jasmine...whats going on here?”


    “Its nothing, Sharan, its nothing.”


    “Well there has to be something wrong if you're crying...are you sure your alright?”

    However, they see a TV nearby, and Sharan sees the Williams House in the background.


    “Is...is that Kevin's house?”


    “I'm not sure, but it looks like it.”

    Jasmine wipes her eyes as she walks over and turns it up.


    “They believe that Mr. Williams committed suicide...there was a suicide note to his mother written, we believe, and "Bye Bitch" was written in blood on the wall when he was found hanging in his old bedroom...”


    “WHAT?! WHAT?! No...no...they can't mean Kevin, can they!?”

    LaDonna, suddenly walking up behind everyone

    “What about Kevin?”


    “Wait...if they are saying Mr. Williams, and you're here...”

    Sharan, gasping and going completely pale

    “That means that Kevin....Kevin's dead!”




    “I have to get down there! “

    Sharan barely tries to keep it together as she darts out of the hospital, not sure what to feel right now...Daniel and Jasmine immediately follow, and LaDonna watches the news report...her heart skips a beat, and Karim appears behind LaDonna in a wheelchair.


    “Whats going on with Kevin? I heard everyone talking about him.”

    LaDonna, quickly switching off the television and trying to keep herself calm and in control

    “Um...Karim....I need you to stay calm, honey....”

    Karim, getting concerned

    “Whats going on with my brother?!”


    “Karim, baby, please...lets just slowly talk about this...”


    “Damnit, LaDonna, tell me!”


    “Apparently...they found Kevin at your parents' house...and...and....”


    “And what?!”


    “He....Karim...your brother committed suicide.”

    Karim's eyes go wide...he grips the metal on the wheelchair so hard it nearly breaks. He does not know what to say. He at first wonders if LaDonna's just joking, or if she's mistaken....however...he looks at her facial expression...the look in her eyes...and he realizes its truth.


    “I have to go....I have to go! My brother...my brother...the one man I could depend on...I have to go!”


    “No, Karim, you can't leave the hospital!”

    Karim, staring straight at LaDonna

    “I don't GIVE TWO CARE! You tell me my brother committed suicide AND YOU DON'T THINK I'M GOING TO LEAVE THE HOSPITAL?!”

    Karim quickly pushes past LaDonna, and she darts out after him.


    “Karim, NO!”

    Two nurses see Karim trying to leave and they rush to stop him, standing in his way.

    Karim, tears welling up in his eyes


    Karim literally knocks them both to the floor as he breaks out of the hospital! He wheels himself out into the streets, and LaDonna follows in an effort to stop him, but its too late: Karim is already right on his way to his old home!

    Williams House

    Reporters and police crowd the Williams house as they try to get Kevin's body out and conduct an investigation...however, soon, Sister Pat barges out, and she yells out at everyone just going in and out of her house. DC follows behind her.

    Reporter, rushing towards Sister Pat

    “Sister Patterson, were you the one to find your son, were yo-“

    Sister Pat, literally shoving the camera to the ground


    Sister Pat sees police coming over to try to calm her down and get her to stop, but she simply shoves them away as well, and grabs her Bible and begins beating them all. DC can't hold back the tears any longer and cries as well, but he knows this has to stop.

    DC, approaching Pat

    “Pat....this has to stop....please...I know how you feel...”

    Sister Pat


    DC has to grab Sister Pat, holding her back from attacking more people, but she continues to scream and wail.

    For The Birds Rehabiliation Center

    Lynn sits in her chair inside the mental institution...she very slowly rocks back and forth...she barely makes a noise or anything, and just sits there, her body completely still...the TV is on one of the local channels....she slowly sees the reporters talking at the Williams House...and she sees the camera veer to focus on Sister Patterson...

    (On TV)

    Sister Pat, in tears and still attacking everyone


    Lynn's eyes narrow as she sees Sister Patterson....her fists clench....



    (On TV)

    Sister Pat


    Lynn, trying to stand

    “Slut! Whore! Bitch! The slut...whore...bitch.....the slut...whore...bitch!”

    DC, becoming visible on the camera as he once again tries to pull Sister Pat back

    “Pat, Pat, please! I know how it feels....but we can't do this! Not here, not now! Pat, please!”

    Lynn sees her own husband on the tv screen, holding Sister Pat...the woman he cheated on her with! She finally manages to stand and she approaches the television.



    (On TV)

    Sister Pat



    “Come on, Pat...please...” DC puts his arms around Sister Pat again, holding her....

    Lynn slowly approaches the TV....she sees DC hold a crying Sister Patterson....she finally reaches over and manages to grab the TV...



    Lynn THROWS the television on the ground, destroying it, as several orderlies rush in.


    “Miss Whitfield, please...calm down!”



    Lynn begins to try to STOMP the TV into the ground, but the orderlies rush over and have to forcefully sit her back down in her chair as she screams out.



    Lynn's words echo throughout the institution....

    Meanwhile, in Mona and Apple's room,

    Mona and Apple sit together in their room.


    “I feel like something has happened.”


    “Oh, it has, Mona...it has.”


    “And you can't tell me what?”


    “You'll find out soon, my dear, soon...in fact...probably right about now.”

    Suddenly, the door opens, and a nurse walks in.


    “Miss Williams...I need to speak with you outside...privately.”



    Mona gets up and heads outside with the nurse.


    “Ummm....I'm not sure how to say this...but I want you to remain calm. This morning, your mother found your brother, Kevin, hanging from a ceiling fan at her house...I'm very, very sorry for your loss...they believe he commtted suicide.”

    Mona freezes for a split second as shock courses through her. However, after a second or two, it goes away, and Mona feels nothing about this.


    “Well, he really was a dumbass anyway, and its one less man after my Sharan. Tell Sister Patterson that I hope this makes her happy.”

    The nurse is shocked as Mona simply goes right back into her room!


    “What was that about?”


    “With how weird you are, I'm sure you already know, but my brother comitted suicide.”


    “I thought so...but you don't really care, do you, Mona?”


    “Oh please. He was more of a problem to me than anything else. He was constantly obsessed with my Sharan.”




    “How do you-oh nevermind. But yes. I just hope that Sister Patterson is having the time of her life right now as she deals with her son comitting suicide.”

    Mona grins as she thinks about the pain her mother must be going through.


    “On second thought, I think I may request that I can send a taped message to the funeral, whenever it happens. I'm going to have a few choice words for mommy dearest that will make her life even more miserable.”

    Next Time on S.T.E.A.M.:

    Kevin’s Funeral!

  9. aMLCproduction
    Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

    Sister Patterson looks down in shock at the DVD that her daughter, the evil Mona, sent to the funeral!

    Sister Patterson

    "My daughter sent a eulogy?!"

    Karim, from the crowd

    "What?! Mona's going to speak?!"


    "Baby, just stay calm."

    Alexis groans as she watches LaDonna comfort Karim.

    Alexis, whispering

    "He's still my boyfriend, damnit, but why do I even bother anymore?"

    Sister Pat continues to look at the DVD...she is not sure what to do.

    Sister Patterson

    "I can't have my devil of a daughter spreading evilness in my God's house! Oh Kelis I love you but Lord you have all that gayness and sin in ya! I am Sister Patterson and I am not having it!"

    Karim, standing up

    "You know what? Just play the DVD. This funeral is already bad enough with you here, why not let my sister have her say?"

    Miss Jenkins

    "Honey, my granddaughter is so screwed up because of YOU! She don't deserved to get punished for the mistakes you made, so just put that damn thing in and turn it on I'm ready to get home so I can smoke my reefers. You taking all day with your antics. I would take her over your ugly face anyday!"

    Sister Patterson is devastated as her own son and mother continue to shun her, even going so far to say that they prefer Mona. She sheds a tear as a DVD player and TV is wheeled in, and Sister Pat very slowly eases the DVD into its player, and she hesitantly presses the play button.

    Sister Patterson

    "Lord, what evil will my daughter spread today?!"

    Mona, her face coming up, with a smirk on it

    "Hello everyone."

    Episode#125: The Downfall of Sister Patterson

    Written by: Tara Smith
    Story Editor: ML Cooks

    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Kiko sits in his office, doing some paperwork, constantly trying to get his mind off of the revelation his mother dropped on him: His father is DC Williams, the famed brother of deceased, rapist commissioner Abe Williams, and the secret lover of lunatic Sister Patterson Williams, as well as the father of Kelis "Mona" Williams. Kiko watches a small TV on his desk, where they announce that Kevin's funeral is being held today.


    "I can't believe this...DC is my father. Why couldn't momma tell me before now? And my cousin just killed himself. My cousin that hated my brother Dondre. How am I going to tell him that he's related to these people?! I can barely accept it myself. This is just too much."

    Suddenly, Karl Hutchins enters his office.


    "Um, hello?"


    "Why hello there, pretty boy."


    "That's Dr. Whitfield to you. Do you have an appointment? I am a very busy man."


    "No, but I do know something that you may find useful."

    Kiko, raising an eyebrow

    "And that is?"


    "I am Karl Hutchins...Tyler Christopher Hutchins' father."

    Kiko, immediately standing up

    "Get out! Now!"


    "Is that any way to speak to an old man?! I have some information that concerns you, so show some respect!"


    "This better be good."


    "My son has been locked up in jail, thanks to Mona exposing him for his crimes. Not that I could really care, but I heard that he ratted you and your brother out to the police!"

    Kiko, getting alerted

    "What are you talking about?"


    "I think I read something in the newspaper recently about a warrant being out for Dondre Whitfield's arrest. I believe he evaded the police, and they know that he killed Lauren and that you were in on it. So I suggest that you better start packing your bags, whether you plan to go on the run with your brother or join my son."

    Kiko is not sure what to say. He begins to worry that this will lead to everyone discovering the fact that they faked Lauren's death, and he flashes back to his last argument with Lauren.


    "Is something wrong, Dr. Whitfield?"


    "Um...I must ask that you leave this hospital now. Thank you for telling me, I will try to handle it the best can."

    Karl turns and leaves Kiko's office...but as he does, he wonders if and what Kiko is hiding, while inside Kiko wonders how to handle all of this madness!

    Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

    Sister Patterson sits down, while everyone begins to watch Mona's recorded eulogy.


    "Hello, everyone. You thought I was gone, didn't you? I'm sure every single one of you thought that you wouldn't be hearing from me again. Well, fortunately you were wrong! This nice little place let me record a eulogy for my brother's funeral...so, Kevin is dead, huh? Meh. Can't say it was a big loss. What did Kevin add to the world? He always acted like a fool, and you wouldn't know that he was actually DC's son rather than Abe's."

    Karim, under his breath



    "Kevin always caused me more problems than anything else, he was just an annoyance. All he cared about was Sharan...but hey, can I blame him? However, he was really an unnecessary addition to my hunt to get my baby. By the way, baby, I know you're here....I know you're probably crying your eyes out, but I want you to know that Kevin wasn't worth it. He never has been, and he never will be...so, yeah. I'll be back for you soon!"

    Sharan shudders, and Daniel just puts his arm around her for comfort as tears well up in her eyes.


    "Kevin lived in vain, really. He was raised by two screwed up parents, I mean his so called father raped a little girl every night! And we all know that his mother was a cheating slut. Yes I'm talking about you, Sister Patterson! I heard that Kevin told you off right before he killed himself...it was probably the best thing he ever did! You deserved it, you know...you pretend to be a saint, you preach to everyone in the town like you are above them, but really you are so much worse! Its so funny...your son is dead because of YOU! Do you understand that, Pat you crazy bat?! Your son killed himself because of you! I hope you remember that...just think...everyday, you will wake up...knowing that you caused your son to commit suicide. Hell, you practically killed him...you killed your own son. Wow, feels good, doesn't it?"

    Sister Patterson can barely keep it together, and tears already run down her cheek...not only has her family disowned her, her daughter is now blasting her in front of the entire Church. She puts her head in her hands while the eulogy finishes.


    "Well, all I have to say is that Kevin won't be missed! I really hope he's rotting in hell right now...because that's where people go when they kill themselves, right, Pat? I'll be back to see you all in person soon...very, very soon."

    Sister Pat grabs her chest as she cries after Mona's eulogy, while the DVD is removed. She cannot stand the thought of a person that she gave life to burning in hell.

    Ria, whispering to Patti

    "Gotta say, that Mona is one crazy screwed up bitch, but she's right. Sister Pat is a real ho! Dumb old bitch."


    "Victoria, shush!"

    Sister Pat scowls at all of these insults being thrown out at her. Next, Sharan stands up, to give her eulogy.

    Sister Patterson, watching Sharan walk to the front of the courtroom

    "That girl broke my baby's heart and played with him, and they gone let her speak?!"

    Sharan walks to the front of the Church, wiping tears from her eyes while she does. She stands up in front of everyone and tries to smile.


    "Hello, everyone...I know that I don't have the best relationship with all of you, but today isn't about me or anyone else. Its about Kevin, and I knew Kevin very well. Kevin and I...we had a complex relationship. A relationship that didn't have a...it didn't have a happy ending, you know, but we were still in love. Kevin will always have a piece of my heart, and he was really my first love...my first true love! We had so many good times together...yes, there were some bad times, but the good times overshadowed the bad times."

    Sharan tears up once again as she turns to Kevin's coffin, lightly touching it. She looks back to the crowd.


    "The last encounter I had with Kevin...I'm not proud of it, and wha-what he did...I could never see him doing that...but, really, he was so affected by all that had happened. Kevin was a good man, though, a great man, he was an innocent man. The chaos that surrounded him just consumed him, and I hate it. But, I just want everyone to know here and now that...I did love Kevin. I loved him so, so much. Did we end up together? No, but I loved him. I did, I do, and I always will."

    Sharan can't help but cry as she leans down and kisses the coffin.


    "K-Kevin, I'm gonna miss you."

    Sharan goes and sits down, and sniffs, finally letting out more tears after telling Kevin goodbye once and for all.

    Karim slowly stands up, knowing that he has to speak next.

    LaDonna, grabbing his arm

    "You don't have to do this, you know."


    "No, I do, LaDonna, I do. I have to do it for Kevin."

    Karim walks right up to the front of the Church, and takes a deep breath before turning and facing everyone.


    "Everyone here pretty much knows that my brother and I were close. We were close like brothers should be...but Kevin was so much more than my brother. Kevin was my best friend, my confidant. He was the one guy, no, the one PERSON that I could ever trust no matter what. Kevin didn't play no mess...he didn't lie to me like some people in here did. I've trusted so many people, and Kevin's the only one that has always come through. When we were kids, I-I...I always wanted to be just like him. To me, he was like this cool guy that could never screw up, and he never...Kevin never did. He never did me wrong. Until the day that I die, and even after that, he'll always be the guy that I look up to...he was the role model for my life. Not my pops, my mother...Kevin always was, and he always will be. He always gave me advice when I needed it, and most importantly, he was there for me. "

    Karim chokes up, while everyone watches with emotion. Sister Patterson can barely take anymore of this.

    Karim, crying now

    "We-we were there for each other through thick and thin. No matter how much our parents messed with us, no matter how much women lied to us, no matter how much people tried to bring us down, he was there for me! He was THERE FOR ME DAMNIT! Kevin never wanted to hurt anybody, it was everyone else that hurt him! He didn't deserve half the SH!T that my mother, my pops, DC, Mona, Dre, or anyone else shelved out on him!"

    Sister Pat's jaw drops at swearing being used in God's house, and she immediately stands up! Karim only glares at her...giving her a stone cold look, before sitting down! Sister Patterson stands up and slowly goes in front of the Church again, ready to continue the funeral.

    Sister Patterson

    "W-W-We now mus....we now must continue this service for our dear....our dear son, brother, and friend....K-Kevin..."

    Miss Jenkins

    "Hurry it up, you ugly ass nutcase! I ain't getting any younger over here! I am about to miss my stories because of you. We all know you about to show yo ass"

    Ria, chiming in, unable to pass up the opportunity to call out Sister Patterson for once,

    "Yea, you old ho, we don't want to see you up there!"


    "They're right, ma: Just hurry so my brother will never have to be in your presence again."

    Sister Pat looks at them all...the entire Church basically hates her. DC just sits and shakes his head, as does Celeste...it all continues to sink in for her. Everyone hates her...she has really lost everything...her son killed himself, her husband was murdered and turned out to be a pervert, her daughter is a lunatic."

    Sister Patterson


    Miss Jenkins

    "Give it up, Pat, you ain't no servant of the Lord! Just a SLUT!"

    Sister Patterson


    Sister Pat angrily looks out on everyone, the fury and hurt in her eyes. She yells out before continuing.

    Sister Patterson

    "I HAVE ASKED THE LORD FOR FORGIVENESS! But what do I get?! WHAT DO I GET?! Nothing! I try to do the Lord's work, and you all hate me! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU PEOPLE?! I slept with DC! I didn't do what Abe did! I didn't kidnap my OWN DAUGHTER and rape her night after night! I did not KIDNAP SHARAN, I did not torture Daniel, I didn't kill my own husband! But why am I the one that GETS ALL THIS BLAME?!"

    Tears soak Sister Pat's clothing as her massive breakdown continues, and she storms over to Sharan.

    Sister Patterson

    "You played Kevin like a fool! That man in that coffin, you played him like a fool! You screamed DONDRE'S NAME when you two were having sex! You always wanted Dondre, but you strung my son along! "

    Ria, happy that Sister Patterson is calling out Sharan

    "Yes Lawd, get her. Preach Patterson Preach"


    "Sister Patterson, thats not true!"

    Sister Patterson

    "But I don't see no one in here calling you out! Why is it ME?!"

    Sister Patterson storms back to the front of the Church...she walks right over to Kevin's coffin, and lifts the lid up! She continues to cry as she grabs her Holy Water and pours it all over Kevin's body!

    Sister Patterson

    "How could you do it, Kevin?! HOW COULD YOU KILL YOURSELF?! I didn't mean to hurt you, baby, I told you I was sorry! I told you that the night you stormed into my house! I didn't wanna hurt NO ONE! Why can't anyone believe me?! I just try to praise my Lord! But my son kills himself! WHY, Kevin, WHY?! All I did was love you! That's all I did, that's all I did!"

    Sister Pat, in her very fragile state, leans down and literally hugs her son's body! The tears stream from her eyes as Sister Patterson finally loses control of herself.

    Miss Jenkins

    "Stop this madness! You didn't just cheat on your husband, you bitch! You locked me up in my own damn house!"

    Sister Patterson, turning to Miss Jenkins

    "I told you in the court, Miss Jenkins, I told you! You abused me! How could you do that to me?! I was your DAUGHTER!!!! I loved you, Miss Jenkins, I loved you! But you abused me so much...you hit me, you were so tough on me...you weren't never that tough on Celeste! I loved you anyway! I didn't let no one talk about you, Miss Jenkins, I really DIDN'T! Don't know one talk about Miss Jenkins! Why won't you be there for me, Miss Jenkins?! WHY NOT?!!?"

    Celeste weeps herself, watching her sister recall her painful childhood and remembering how much Miss Jenkins abused her.

    Sister Patterson

    "Everyone says I hurt them so much! Everyone has hurt ME! My husband, a man I TOOK VOWS WITH IN THE CHURCH OF THE LORD, kidnapped my daughter! He told me she was dead and that DESTROYED me! Abe lied to me for years! He molested my daughter and even by the time he died he still didn't tell me! He never confessed! How do ya'll think that feels?! My daughter set out to hurt my family so much! MY DAUGHTER KILLED MY HUSBAND! Do you think I enjoy saying that?! Did you think I enjoy watching my daughter face those courts for so many crimes?! My daughter is a LESBIAN! SHE'S A LESBIAN! Do you think I love saying that?!"

    Sister Pat breathes heavily, clutching her chest as she tries to find the breath to continue on, but nonetheless, she holds up.

    Sister Patterson

    "I never wanted none of this! I didn't want NONE OF IT! I am being totally honest when I say that! Kevin, Karim, why didn't you two ever believe this?! Kevin was my FIRSTBORN! My firstborn that committed suicide! I had to be the one to FIND HIM HANGING there!!! Kevin HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! I was your MOTHER! "

    Sister Patterson screams again, finally tossing her BIBLE across the Church!

    Sister Patterson


    Sister Patterson can't take it anymore and finally collapses to the ground! She sobs while she simply sits there, finally defeated. The mighty Sister Patterson finally falls.

    Karim, crying himself, whispering

    "You-you brought this on yourself, ma...you brought this on yourself when you slept with DC....you brought this on yourself...I have to stop this."

    Karim stands, but before he can move, Celeste stands up and looks at him.


    "Dahling, I understand what you are going through and am so sorry, but you lay a finger on her, and you will regret it."

    LaDonna helps Karim sit down, knowing he is not in any state to fight or speak anymore. He continues to sob, while Celeste walks up to the front and approaches her broken sister...Celeste simply sits down, and wraps her arms around Sister Patterson, providing what little comfort she can...

    For the Birds Rehabilitation Center

    Apple and Mona are sitting together inside their cell...Apple's head suddenly perks up. She looks around for a minute, but suddenly, a smirk crosses her face.

    Mona, looking at Apple

    "What's the matter with you?"


    "Ah...another piece has fallen into place."




    "Just wait and see, Mona. But lets just say that one of your greatest foes have been brought down."


    "Now you have me intrigued...did someone finally bring that idiot Daniel off of his high horse?"


    "Not quite, Mona, you'll just have to see. But believe me, with this, in no time we will rule Pasadena...soon, it will be time for us to put our part in everything in motion."


    "You haven't even explained to me what that part is."


    "Patience, Mona, patience...just know that the mighty have fallen. Oh, the mighty have definitely fallen. Your eulogy definitely worked."

    Mona, grinning

    "I still don't know what you're talking about, but just knowing that makes me happy. Those fools think they can keep me silent in here...I've blown through their lives, even while locked up."


    "Indeed you have, indeed you have, and now no one can stop us..."

    Can I Get A Witness West Coast Baptist Church

    By this time, Kevin's coffin has been taken outside to be buried and end the service, and mostly everyone else follows...Sister Pat is silent, Celeste cradling her...DC slowly approaches.

    DC, gently leaning down to take Pat's hand

    "Pat, we need to get out there."


    "Yes, dahling, he is right, we should go."


    "Come on, Pat...they're burying our son. We can't miss this."

    Sister Patterson, getting up

    "Just get away from me...both of you. I can't take none of this anymore. I am done...I just can't take it."

    Sister Patterson walks away from both of them, leaving the two very worried. Sister Pat walks outside, and sees everyone watching while they bury Kevin's body.

    Karim, still crying

    "Kevin...Kevin...man, I just want you to know that...I never stopped loving you, and I'll never forget you...thanks for being such...such a great brother...."

    Karim briefly glances in Sister Pat's direction, tears in both of their eyes, and they exchange a stare. However, Karim simply turns back to watch Kevin's coffin and body be lowered into the ground, and Sister Patterson walks up, wanting to at least be there to watch her son get buried.

    Sister Patterson

    "I've lost everyone...everything...I don't have no one now..."

  10. aMLCproduction
    Westwood Park, Ria's House


    Kiko walks up to the entrance of Ria's house, and Ria stands in the doorway, smirking.
    "Oooh nice to see your fine ass show up here. I've been waiting for you." She says untying her robe to reveal a sexy outfit.
    "Victoria, I really appreciate you doing this for me...I needed a place to meet my brother, where no one would expect, and this was the perfect place. But please don't get the wrong idea. Aint no sexuals happening tonight"
    "I got you and your fine ass brother Dre in my house and you think I aint getting no dick!"
    "You know I'm not going to repay you like that."
    "Boy, you so gay! "
    "You know, thats a really rude insult."
    "That ain't an insult thats what I think you are! What man turns this good !@#$%^&*] down?"
    Kiko, sighing
    "Just tell me when Dre gets here, and be on the lookout for any cops."
    "Don't worry, I got your back, I just wish I could get on top of it."
    Kiko shakes his head and walks inside Ria's house, sitting down in the living room as he waits for Dre.
    Ria sees Dre's car drive up.
    "Well, there's your mandingo brother now!"
    Dre sneaks up to the entrance of Ria's house, making sure no one spots him.
    "Well well well, look who came crawling back. Sharan not giving you any no more? I know she's up that white boy's ass now."
    "Nice to see you too, Ria. " Noticing what she has on

    "What the hell are you wearing? I think you have the wrong idea?"


    "I was hoping I could get two for the price of one.


    "You want to have a three some with me and my bro? You crazy."
    "I don't know what Sharan got that I don't...but get the hell inside before someone sees you."
    Dre walks inside, and greets Kiko.
    "Yo, bro, what you drag me here for?"
    "You're on the run from the police and you ask me that?!"
    "How you know about that?"
    "Well, Karl Hutchins paid me a visit. You just are their main target at the moment. I cannot believe this has spiraled into so much chaos. I never wanted to be apart of this, like I told Lauren right before all this went down. It won't be long until Ty finds out that Lauren's alive."
    "Ty's in jail, he can't do nothing to us."
    "Ty is a powerful crime lord, who's to say he won't get out?"
    "And his rival Mike Dietz is the police chief. He ain't letting Ty's spoiled ass walk out of that place."
    "I guess we'll be joining him soon, then! I can't believe you just went on the run like this!"
    "I ain't done nothing wrong, and I'm not gone let them just lock me up because of Ty!"
    "You faked a woman's death! That's not wrong?!"
    Ria, peeking back in for just a minute before going back outside
    "Wow, you two make my !@#$%^&*] wet when you fight."
    "Bro, you need to just calm down."
    "Where's Lauren now?"
    "I don't think that's any of your business."
    "I've been taking care of her all this time, of course its my business! Where is Lauren?!"
    "She and her newborn baby are doing just fine."
    "She had her baby?!?! She had her baby?! This just keeps getting worse...first the stuff with momma and DC and now this…"
    "Momma and DC?"
    "Just forget it."
    "What's going on with momma?"
    Kiko sighs...he knows that it was basically now or never, because by the time he actually gets up the courage to tell Dre about their parentage, Dre could be in a jail cell.
    "You know DC Williams?"
    "Yea, Abe's brother and Kevin's uncle."
    "He's our father."
    "Momma told me."
    "Momma told you?! She's here?! In Pasadena?!"
    "Sorta...she's in a mental institution. For the Birds."
    "Say what?! Momma was in a mental institution and you didn't tell me?! DC is our father?! Kevin is our cousin?! Mona is our cousin?!"
    "No, Kevin is our brother, and Mona is our sister!"
    Dre's eyes widen as the truth sinks in. All this time, the father that he never got to know is DC. And his mother is here in Pasadena...and his arch rival is his brother!
    Dre storms out of the house, angry. Kiko chases after him.
    "DC is my father...momma's here...to hell with all of you!"
    Ria, confused
    "Did he just say that DC was his father?"
    Kiko, again sighing
    "Yes, Ria, DC Williams is our father."
    Ria, gasping
    "OH HELL NAW! So I slept with your father, and two of your brothers?! Good dick do run in that entire family"
    "Don't remind me. Dre, wait!"
    Kiko chases after Dre, as Dre gets in his car and drives off...


    Episode#126: Parentage Revealed!
    Written by: Tara Smith


    Williams House


    Sister Patterson sits on the floor of her living room...it still has yet to be picked up after Kevin tore it apart so many days ago. Sister Pat tries to read the Bible, but a few more tears fall from her eyes and she just closes it...she is dazed, and she doesn't know what to do.
    Sister Patterson
    "Lord, why you doing this to me? Why you putting me through so much pain?"
    Sister Pat's eyes are stained from all the tears, as just about everyone in her life has shunned her. Mabel "Madea" Jenkins, Sister Pat's cold mother, walks in. Miss Jenkins looks around at the wrecked house.
    "Well damn, just because your son is dead doesn't mean you get to laze around your own damn house!"
    Sister Patterson, looking up at her mother
    "What are you doing here, Miss Jenkins?"
    Miss Jenkins
    "Well, I decided to come to see you one more time."
    Sister Patterson
    "Why is that, Miss Jenkins? Don't you hate me?"
    "Honey you better watch your ugly mouth. You know how I feel about you and all this damn pain you brought your family. But I finally got my say in court, and everyone knows what you did to me and how crazy you are. Thats good enough for me."
    Sister Patterson clenches her fists, just closing her eyes and turning away from her mother, not in the mood to deal with anyone or any more of Madea's insults right now. Miss Jenkins raises her eyebrows.
    "This really has got you down, doesn't it?"
    Sister Patterson
    "My son is dead, Miss Jenkins, and everyone in my life has turned on me.
    Madea stares at her daughter for a moment...Madea groans at first, but for the first time, she sees genuine, true pain inside Sister Patterson's eyes, and also for the first time in her life, she feels genuine sorrow for her daughter."
    Madea, sitting down
    "Honey you gotta break out of this. I know your family ain't no Cosby show but I did not raise no punk."
    Sister Patterson
    "My husband is dead. My third eye don't work no more. My two living children have turned on me. God ain't answering my prayers. What do I have left going for me?!"
    "Patterson, do you think I got through life surrounded by people who love me?
    Sister Pat doesn't answer."
    "No, I didn't. I mean hell everyone knew me as that crazy old woman that gets on high speed car chases, but here's the difference with you: You have had all these people that did love you, I didn't. And they may not love you now, honey, but you can get them back. You gotta rise above all these jackasses trying to get you."
    Sister Patterson, stunned
    "I've never heard you talk like this, Miss Jenkins."
    "Well honey I got some love in me. And don't no child that came out of my uterus fall but not get up."
    Sister Patterson slowly nods...she and Madea stare at her, and for the first time in all of their lives, the mother and daughter lean in and hug! They embrace for a moment, Sister Pat at least enjoying her mother showing love for once.
    Madea, pulling back after a moment
    "Okay honey don't push it!"
    Sister Patterson
    "Thank you, Miss Jenkins. I knew there was a reason I loved you."
    "Well, uh, don't think this means you gone get all this loving from me, I mean what I said about you before still stands."
    Madea gets up, and she briefly gives a smile to Pat, before leaving the Williams House. Next, Celeste enters.
    Celeste, smiling at Pat
    "Hello, dahling. I see you and Miss Jenkins had a nice talk."
    Sister Patterson
    "Yes, Celeste, we did."
    "You know, Sister Pat...I always thought you were crazy, and believe me, dahling, I still do...but after being in Pasadena for a little while, I really see the pain you went through, and are going through...and you don't deserve it."
    Sister Patterson
    "Thank you, Celeste, that means alot to me. I just don't understand it."
    "Oh, dahling, you'll get through it. I know you will...I mean you are Sister Patterson for goodness' sakes. And for the record, I never blamed you or judged you for what you did to Madea."
    Sister Patterson
    "Again, thank you, Celeste...I am glad I at least have my family. And thank you for comforting me at the funeral."
    "I would do it again if I could. But now, I have to go back to Salem...but we will keep in touch, trust me on that. And by the way…"
    Sister Patterson
    Celeste, edging towards the door
    "I'm taking Miss Jenkins back to Salem with me."
    Sister Patterson's eyes widen, and for a moment, she slips back into her old role, and slaps Celeste before grabbing her Bible! Celeste darts out the door, and Sister Patterson chases after her.
    Sister Patterson
    Celeste runs out to her car, where Madea is waiting, and immediately hops in as Sister Patterson approaches.
    Celeste, driving off
    Madea, lighting a cigarette
    "About time I say goodbye to this crazy ass town! Can't say I'll miss ya, Pasadena, but I got to get out of this looney bin!"
    Sister Patterson just watches, hollering but also shaking her head, as Celeste and Madea head to Salem...


    Ivory Inc.


    Karim is at his desk doing some work with LaDonna, trying to get his mind off Kevin.
    LaDonna, turning away from her work for a moment
    "Karim, how are you? You haven't spoke much."
    "I'm better, LaDonna, but I still can't believe any of this."
    "Its gonna be okay, Karim, its gonna be okay. "
    Alexis then walks in, and rolls her eyes at Karim and LaDonna.
    "Well look what we have here."
    "Alexis, not here, not now."
    "Oh shut up! Karim, have you forgotten that I'm your girlfriend?"
    "Please, Alexis, my brother just died."
    "I am really sorry for your loss, but that doesn't give you and LaDonna the right to leech onto each other. What about me, Karim? Did you forget all about me after that crash?"
    "Alexis, to be honest, I still think you lied to me about Ashley and everything she did. I'm sorry, Alexis, but I refuse to be with anymore liars. I already put up with this with Ria and am not going to go through it once again with you. Enough is enough. Hell, you attended that funeral with Santino."
    "You're one to talk! Santino and I are friends, we've been helping each other out."
    "But when I was just friends with LaDonna, that wasn't okay, was it? However, now, LaDonna and I have feelings for each other, and I love her. Its time to move on, Alexis. I'm sorry, but its over."
    Alexis, leaning over the desk and slamming her fist down
    "You BASTARD! I LOVE you and this is how you repay me?! By hooking up with your receptionist?!"
    "We didn't "hook up"!"
    "Save it, Donna. I love you, Karim, I love you so much, and I'm not taking this. You haven't seen the last of me."
    "Actually, I hope I have. Now please, get out."
    Alexis, tears in her eyes
    "How dare you do this to me."
    Alexis turns, and angrily leaves Ivory!
    "Thank goodness she's gone!"
    "I loved Alexis, but you're right...and now we can be together."
    "You mean you want to make us official?"
    Karim, smiling
    "Yes, yes, I do!
    LaDonna leans in and passionately kisses Karim as they finally become a couple!


    Outside of Ivory, Alexis kicks a trashcan over in frustration.
    "I'm tired of Pasadena! I am tired of LaDonna, Sabryn, Bryan, everyone! Speaking of which, I am going to testify against her and get her ass thrown in jail, but first, I'm going to find my mother and be done with all this madness!" Alexis feels slightly light headed but brushes it off from lack of eating.
    Alexis then walks off.


    Back at Westwood Park


    Natalia enters her house with the just released Mark Jr. Natalia smiles as she cradles him in her arms.
    "It feels so good to finally bring you back home with me...and don't worry, what happened that one day will never happen again, little one, I promise."
    As Natalia gets settled in, Bryan walks in.
    Natalia, groaning
    "Do you ever leave me alone?"
    "Excuse me? I barely get to see my son, and I wanted to be there when he came home from the hospital! You and Sabryn need to stop acting like I am banished from seeing my children, it really gets tired."
    "Oh shut up, for once I can agree with your bitch of an ex-fiancee on something. We both know that you're a fool, Bryan, and all you do is think with your little head instead of your big head. "
    "Like you have any room to preach. Doesn't everyone say that you paid that drug dealer that shot my son to stab Dahlia?"
    "First of all, that is not true, and secondly, Dahlia got stabbed two years ago, and she's dead now. It doesn't matter...how I wish Mark was really Mark Jr.'s father."
    "That man is a nutcase and you know it. He will never touch my son."
    "Oh you're lucky he left town, or else I'd have him and we'd be married right now. Hell, I would let him adopt Mark Jr."
    "The hell you would. You'd have to go through me first...YOU are lucky that I haven't pursued full custody of Mark Jr."
    Natalia, getting up close to Bryan and lowering her tone
    "You wouldn't dare."
    "Try me."
    "Stop talking like you can bring me down, Bryan. You know you can't...really, what do you have going for you? You don't have Sabryn, Ashley's dead...your just some egotistical sex addict."
    "That's not true."
    "You slept with Sabryn, Ashley, AND me?! Hell, you played Sabryn and Ashley at the same time. "
    Natalia then leans in and KISSES Bryan.
    Natalia, pulling back for a moment
    "Tell me you didn't enjoy that. Tell me that's not the only reason that you are here."
    Bryan, staring at Natalia
    "Tell me YOU didn't enjoy that."
    Bryan and Natalia are silent for a moment...they both lean in and kiss again! They fall onto the chair, kissing passionately, but Natalia realizes what she's doing and kicks Bryan's shin! Bryan hollers out in pain, grabbing his leg, and falls back.
    Natalia, standing up
    "See? I told you. Now get out."
    Bryan stares at Natalia furiously, before limping out of her house, while Natalia goes back to tending to her son.


    Unnamed Motel


    Lauren is with her son inside the motel...she breast feeds him, and while she does, she continues to think about all the craziness surrounding her at the moment.
    I wonder where Dre went...he got that call and rushed off. I hope the police didn't find him.
    Lauren sighs, and looks down at her son.
    "You're so beautiful...I already love you, and I know you're Kevin's son...but your daddy just killed himself. And I still remember what Kiko said about the fetal alcohol syndrome...do you really have that?"
    Lauren just shakes her head, wondering what to do about all of this.
    "Daniel is with Sharan...Kevin's dead...the police are closing in on Dre and will probably figure out I'm alive, and Ty would kill me. How did I get into all of this?!"
    Lauren looks down at her son again.
    "I think its about time to start getting formula...you'll need it soon, but with Dre on the run, he can't exactly do that, and neither can I…"
    Lauren sits and thinks for a moment.
    "Oh what the hell...you're my child, I need to place your needs over my own…"
    Lauren sits her son down for a moment, while she puts some of her clothes back on, and huge sunglasses so no one will recognize her. She then picks up her son.
    "Well, off we go."
    Lauren then leaves the motel!


    For the Birds Rehabilitation Center


    Apple is sitting with Mona inside of their room.
    "I wonder how the Williams clan took my lovely little eulogy at the funeral…"
    Apple, smirking
    "Oh, I think you rocked them to their core, yet again. Don't you worry, you did well."
    Mona, grinning
    An orderly then walks in.
    "Apple, you have a visitor."
    "You have a visitor?"
    Apple, chuckling
    "Its about time. I knew that they'd come."
    Mona raises an eyebrow as the orderly takes Apple outside to a large room, where the patients can often sit if they are let out of their rooms. She sees Alexis there.
    Apple, approaching her
    "Its been a long time."
    "I guess it has, Mom...so you really are here. Its time for us to have a little chat."
    "Indeed it is."
    "I'm just going to cut to the chase: Who's my long lost sister?"
    Apple's smirk grows into a grin as she is revealed to be Alexis and Ashley's MOTHER!


    Next time on

    Alexis finds out the identity of her hidden sister!


  11. aMLCproduction
    Pasadena Highway

    On the highway, Dre drives his car as fast as he can, still reeling from the shock that DC Williams is his father.


    “How did all this happen to me? I was just some dude that came here after running away from his momma, and I get rolled into all this crazy [!@#$%^&*]. Ty and Lauren, Sharan and Kevin and Mona, and now my own brother tells me that fat guy is my dad...and Kevin is my cousin? Wait, no, Kevin is my brother. All this damn time I've been fighting with my own brother? And my sister is a psycho? Then momma's here...Kiko's known she's here all along and never told me. Damn it all.”

    Dre looks in his rear view mirror to see Kiko's car pulling up behind his.


    “Oh hell naw.”

    Dre speeds up in order to get away from his brother, but Kiko keeps after him.

    Kiko, inside his own car

    “Come on, Dre, just stop and let me talk to you...come on. You have to let me explain everything.”

    Kiko takes out his cell phone and tries to call Dre. In his car, Dre sees Kiko calling, and scowls. He picks up the phone and rolls down the window, then tosses it at Kiko's car!

    Kiko, seeing the phone bounce off his car

    “Oh crap! Damnit, Dre...but I'm not gonna give up. I'm not gonna let you go into a rage and end up like Kevin.”

    Kiko realizes what he just said, and stops for a moment. However, he quickly snaps out of it and continues on after Dre.


    “Dre would never do that...then again, I never thought he'd fake a woman's death, either. I can't take the chance. I just need to talk to him.”

    Back in his car, Dre sees that Kiko is still on his tail.

    Dre, groaning

    “This boy ain't gone quit, is he?”

    Dre finally gives up and pulls over, and Kiko follows. Both of them get out of their cars, and Dre angrily approaches his brother.


    “What is it, Kiko, what?! You gone tell me now that Patti LaBelle is our aunt?!”


    “No, Dre, no...I just want to talk to you. I want to make sure you're okay. I want to explain everything.”


    “Make sure I'm okay?! Explain something?! Explain this: Why Momma was here, right here, and you never told me! And then this crap about DC being our father?”


    “The whole DC thing isn't easy for me to handle either, Dre...I was shocked when she told me, and I only just found out. I don't know how to handle it or what to think...I don't even think he knows. As for momma, I didn't feel comfortable telling anyone that she was here. She's not really herself, Dre...she is in For the Birds because she's totally lost it. I'm not even sure what happened to her. There were times where I wanted to tell you, or was going to, but we got so wrapped up in everything else going on in this crazy town.”


    “I just don't get it, Kiko. You got momma locked up...and we're Williams? We're part of that crazy as hell family? Kevin, who I guess I could call my rival, is actually my brother? That sicko Mona is our sister? It doesn't even make sense. “


    “I know, I feel the same way. I really do. I just want us to stay calm and work this out.”


    “Well I'm not sure if we can do that, man...but...”

    Dre pauses, and Kiko raises an eyebrow.




    “Take me to see momma.”




    “You heard me. Take me to see her.”


    “Dre, I don't know if thats the best i-


    “She's my momma too, I deserve to see her! I need to see her.”

    Kiko, sighing

    “Alright, alright, fine...just come with me. I'll take you right to her.”

    Episode#127: The Long Lost Sister

    Written by: Tara Smith
    Story Editor: ML Cooks

    Lavender Hill, Hutchins Mansion

    Jenn sits in the living room of Ty's very large and expensive mansion...she sits on the couch, watching television reports on Tiger Woods and his infidelity.

    Jenn, shaking her head

    “Damn, he's worse than Ria or me put together.”

    Suddenly, Santino walks in.


    “So I see you're STILL living here, even though the owner of this place hates you?”


    “Well walk right in why don't you? And yes, Ty is in jail and I think he has bigger things on his mind than kicking me out of this house...the only other person living here is Karl, and he's so consumed with things now that Ty's out of the way I don't know if he even remembers that I'm staying here.”


    “You better hope Ty doesn't get out of jail or he's going to fry you, especially after he learns you are mooching off of him even after he dumped you.”


    “Oh, and I suppose he'll just be best buddies with you again? You're out of his good graces too, Tino, since YOU were the one that slept with me behind his back...but I suppose you've forgotten all about that, because the last time you were here you acted like an ass and ran off with some skank!”


    “Don't call Alexis that...I had to help her with something. But I meant what I told you last time...I do love you, in a way, Jenn...but it was nothing more than a small affair. “


    “Bastard. Maybe I considered it a little more than that, but whatever...however, I'm not just going to sit by while you run around with her.”


    “I'm not yours, Jenn. You don't own me. Nothing is even going on between Alexis and I, and I'm not going to let you go after me or her like you did Jodie.”


    “You should know I had good reasoning to investigate Jodie like I did, even if she is gone now. Don't compare the situations, but I do think I have some degree of right to keep you away from that girl...we never ended our relationship, Tino, remember that.”


    “You forgot torture when it comes to Jodie...don't act innocent, Jenn, and you and I never even had a firm relationship to begin with. YOU were the one that was with two people Jenn, not me...and I thought our last confrontation here made it clear where we were headed.”


    “What are you saying?”


    “Jenn, it was fun while it lasted, and I'm sorry, but I think its best if we officially call it quits, right here, right now. We're never going to work, and we were never going to work past what we had: A fun short term fling. I did fall for you, and love you, but really...we'd be kidding ourselves if we went any farther.”

    Jenn, scowling

    “You're just saying all this because while Ty was getting arrested and our affair was coming out, you got close to Alexis...you're just doing this so you can have her. Well, fine, then, Santino, but don't come crawling back once it goes crashing down.”


    “Thats not true, but I assure you I won't come crawling back.”


    “And don't ever cross me again...or you'll regret it. Now get out.”



    Santino leaves, and Jenn angrily grabs a glass of champagne that she was drinking and throws it against the wall as she realizes that she and Santino are officially over.


    T.C. Hotel

    Karl and Patti walk through the T.C. Hotel, now under the control of Karl, as Karl shows her around.


    “This has to be the fanciest hotel that Miss Patti has seen in this town.”


    “Darling, unfortunately, class is not very common in this city...however, I will commend my criminal son on building up a nice hotel. It is very nice...feel free to stay here, if you like.”


    “Oh, no, thank you but I am living with my daughters. I need to keep them under control.”


    “I definitely understand..I made the mistake of not keeping my son on a tighter leash and look where that got him.”


    “Its not your fault. We can't choose our children's paths, but we can try to steer them away from a bad one.”

    Karl, faking sadness

    “I just...I feel so terrible. Like I wasn't a good enough father to him...”

    Patti, comforting him

    “Don't blame yourself. Whats done is done and we can't go back and change that. Now we just have to look to the future.”

    Karl, smiling as Patti walks right into his web

    “Thank you, Patti...your words, your voice are all so soothing.”

    Patti, chuckling

    “Oh you are too kind. I must say, this date today has been really enjoyable.”


    “Oh, it has...it really has. I want to get to know you better, Miss LaBelle...we should go out to lunch and explore the city of Pasadena another time as well.”


    “Indeed we should...you know, I haven't been with any man in awhile, and my track record isn't the greatest, however, you have definitely charmed me. And Miss Patti don't say that alot.”


    “My track record is not the greatest either, but perhaps its time we fix that. “


    “Yes, yes I think it is about time.”


    “However, I wouldn't want to go too deep or too fast, because I have a few things I need to take care of before anything else.”


    “Such as?”


    “I am going to make sure that my son goes to prison and rots there, first of all...and its about time I kick that little whore of his, Jennifer, out of my mansion. After I deal with those two, I am going to restore the Hutchins Empire. Ty has destroyed it, but I am going to rebuild it back to its former glory...and I promise you, Miss LaBelle, that no one is going to stop me.”

    Downtown Pasadena, Pasadena City Jail

    Sabryn sits in her cell alone and flashes back to when she shot Ashley so many times and killed her. She then remembers how Ashley kidnapped Bryan Jr. and Sabryn had to get him back.


    “Damnit...I need my son. And Bryan has him...I saved him from Ashley but he went straight to Bryan. I have to get out of here and get BJ back...”

    Sabryn continues to look around, all alone in her cell, if thats even fathomable considering most of the people in Pasadena act like they have mad cow disease. She can't stop thinking about her baby.

    Sabryn, starting to tear up

    “I just want to be a mother to my son, why did all of this have to happen to me? What have I done wrong? I know I shot Ashley but she's just done so much to me! She tried to steal my fiancee and kidnap my baby, she crashed my wedding! I couldn't just let her live when she was on the run with Bryan Jr.”

    Mike, suddenly walking up to her

    “If its any comfort, and I know its not, I understand how you feel.”

    Sabryn, jumping

    “Oh, sorry, I, um, didn't know anyone was there...”

    Mike, smiling lightly

    “Hey, its okay. Again, I understand why you did what you did. Doesn't make it right, but I understand.”

    Sabryn, raising an eyebrow

    “The police chief understands why I shot a woman seven times?”


    “It doesn't make it right, like I said, but I get it. I had a woman terrorize the love of my life for months on end, right up until the day she died.”


    “Oh...Jodie. She was one of Natalia's models, I think I heard about how Jenn tried to destroy her.”


    “I was once with Jennifer, and really thought I loved her. However, now, most days I want to strangle her...Jodie was the sweetest and nicest woman you'd ever meet, but Jenn just wouldn't stop, and tortured her with the secret of her HIV for so long...Jodie could have spent her last days happy, but she didn't. I still think about Jodie everyday...I miss her.”


    “Wow, I'm sorry.


    “No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be going on and on like that.”


    “Does it look like I have anything better to do? I've lost someone too, just in a different way. I really thought Bryan was the love of my life, but now I just can't stand him. I really did love him and wanted to marry him, but he's lied to me time after time. He lied to me about Ashley, and he also lied to me about sleeping with Natalia. I can't stand to be with him anymore. I can't let myself get hurt again.”

    Mike, nodding

    “I get it. I still hold alot of angry feelings towards Jenn, so I can understand why you killed Ashley. I'd never kill Jenn, but when someone tries to disrupt your happiness, it drives you to do crazy things.”


    “Exactly, and it was when Ashley started messing with my son that I finally had enough. I wasn't going to let her take him form me...if she was still alive and that happened today, I don't think I'd change a thing. However, now I'm in here, and the only friend I really have is Sharan...I've lost everyone else.”

    Mike, smiling

    “No you haven't...you have a friend in me.”





    Mike and Sabryn smile at each other, finding that they have more in common than they thought, and wondering if they can help each other through their tough times...

    7 Eleven

    Lauren heads inside the nearest 7/11 to get formula for her infant son; she's in heavy disguise, and all but ignores the cashier when she walks in. She immediately heads to the area where the milk is, and begins getting some; she smiles at her son.


    "This'll make you feel good, won't it?"

    Lauren stares at her son for a moment; she begins to notice things on his face that are different. Peculiar. He has short eye openings, and his lips are thin. Lauren's concerns are raised.


    "That's not natural...I know babies look different, but...I..."

    Lauren wonders what could have happened to her baby; she thinks back on her pregnancy. Suddenly, she freezes; she remembers all the drinking that she did during her pregnancy.


    "No; it can't be. No. It can't be; my baby's fine."

    She continues to look at her son, and she can't get past how off his facial features look; no healthy baby looks like that.


    "Screw being dead; I can't even take the risk of something happening to this beautiful boy. I have to get to the hospital!"

    Lauren drops the formula and darts out of the store.

    For the Birds Rehabilitation Center

    Alexis stands face to face with her mother, none other than Applelonia, and Apple grins.


    “I need you to tell me, Mom: Who is my long lost sister?!”


    “Oh, don't be in such a rush, Alexis...we haven't seen each other in years and you only want to know about your sister? How about a simple "How are you?"


    “You've been locked up in a mental institution, obviously I know how you've been!”


    “Well, you could still be a bit more warm and respectful.”


    “I know what you did, Mom. You abused Ashley and let all your boyfriends rape her! I read the diary, I know EVERYTHING!”


    “I expected that you'd read it eventually, as much as I never wanted you to know about any of that, I knew you would anyways. I told Ashley I'd kill her if you found out, but apparently, Sabryn did that for me.”


    “How dare you treat her like that! Do you know how much pain she went through?! She turned into a psycho because of you!”


    “Don't blame me for Ashley's insanity over Bryan, that wasn't my fault. I raised you well enough, didn't I? Ashley dug her own hole when she committed all those crimes.”

    Alexis, raising an eyebrow

    “How do you know all this?”

    Apple, chuckling

    “Sister Patterson isn't the only one that knows things automatically, dear.”


    “Oh to hell with it, I used to love you, but after reading all these horrifying things, I don't want to even look at you anymore. I don't care why you're here, and I hope you rot here for all eternity...but I need to know: Who is my other sister? And why didn't you ever tell me?”


    “It wasn't the right time, Alexis...everything has to fall into place perfectly, you know. You'd be surprised at what I've learned about that over the years...however, perhaps now is the time to tell you...”


    “I don't care about things falling into place, you are going to tell me.”


    “Alright then. Your long lost sister is Lauren Roman.”

    Alexis, eyes widening

    “LAUREN?! LAUREN is my sister?!”


    “Yes, yes she is...I know this for a fact.”

    Alexis just stares in shock at this revelation...
    Next on

  12. aMLCproduction
    Westwood Park, Natalia’s House

    Natalia puts her son Mark Jr. in his crib when she hears her door bell. She walks over to the door and opens it and happy to see its Ria.


    “I got a little nervous answering my door. I had flashbacks of Suga shooting my son. But you saved my sons life girl. I will be forever grateful.”


    “It’s nothing. I am sure you would have done the same thing for me.” She walks in Natalia’s house and gives her a hug.


    “I am so blessed to have you as a best friend.”


    “Girl what you got to eat in here I’m hungry. I didn’t want to stay at my house for breakfast. Miss Patti and my sister are working my nerves. I can’t take much more of this. Patti and her music tales from the 80’s. All she says is somebody loves you baby. Her and her new attitude. Girl she is going to drive me to drink.”


    “Maybe you need some sex. You sound so stressed out.”


    “Ooh girl you ain’t never lied. I do need some dick. But on some real sh!t, it’s a new year, 2011. I’m not getting any younger. I want a husband, I want kids. I want a family Natti. It’s time to stop playing games. I want more out of life then some good ass dick.”


    “I think your mother’s new attitude has rubbed off on you.”

    Ria, chuckling

    “Girl you crazy. I just been doing a lot of thinking lately. Looking at my life, I feel empty. I have no one to come home to all night. I have no one in my corner. I want to build something with somebody. Tired of being alone.”


    “I know how you feel. I used to spend a lot of lonely nights pondering over Mark. I have my son now; a lot of things have changed.”


    “How does it feel Natti? Being a mother? What is that like?”

    Natalia, smiling, walking over to Mark Jr’s crib

    “It’s the most beautiful thing in the world. Knowing you created another human being. I mean words can’t even express the feeling honestly. It makes me want to fight harder. I want to make sure M J has the best possible life that I can offer.”


    “This is going to lead into something with Sabryn and or Bryan I know.”

    Natalia, looking up at RIA

    “You’re right. Bryan is unfit to raise MJ. He’s made comments how he wants to sue me for sole custody of our son. I' m not going to let him. I am going to beat him to the punch.”


    “Oh lord, sounds like you are about to hatch one of your plans.”


    “You know me so well. I’m a lioness now I have to protect my family. I have to stop playing games. I have a son to think about now. MJ needs a father figure so I will offer Bryan to be a father to his son with Sabryn and his son with me under one roof. We can be a family.”


    “I see you on the same stuff I’m on. You want you some in house kind of dick. I got ya girl.”


    “The dick is good. But this is for my son. Bryan having a nice dick is an added bonus. But if he refuses, I’ll sue him for sole custody of his son with Sabryn and our son. “


    “Hell naw girl. Sabryn is not going to let you raise her son.”


    “She’ is going to jail. She isn’t going to have a choice. I’ll have the family she’s always wanted.”


    “I know that’s right.”

    Episode:128, D!ck

    Written by ML Cooks

    Downtown Pasadena, City Jail

    Bryan with Bryan Jr in a stroller walks up to Sabryn’s cell. Sabryn smiles at her son.


    “He gets more beautiful every time I see him. How is he?”


    “He’s good. He misses you. He needs his mother.”


    “Well I wouldn’t be in jail if you would just keep your dick in your pants. This is your fault.”


    “I am so sick of you always blaming me. I didn’t tell you to shoot Ashley several times.”


    “And I didn’t ask you to have an affair with Ashley. Now what? You had the affair. Not I. I did what I had to do. I had to put a stop to Ashley’s reign of terror. She’s insane. She kidnapped our son that led to me shooting her. Have you forgotten that?”


    “No I have not.”


    “Good. Then you won’t be too upset when I get out of here, which I will, I will be fighting for sole custody of my son.”


    “Sabryn, you can’t mean that. I am his father.”


    “I know and it makes me sick. I will not let a cheating pig bear any influence on my flesh and blood. BJ will be raised with value. Unlike you. He will be taught to think with his head and not his pant.”


    “You’re taking this too far.”

    “Probably not. I am going to erase you from BJ’s life. He is never going to know you are his father. “


    “I never thought it would come down to this between us. Sabryn I love you. We can still be a family.”


    “NEVER! You have ruined that! You have a child with my enemy. Bad breath Natalia. She would always be there, scheming and plotting because that’s what losers do. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life fighting with her. I have a son to raise now. I have to think of him. I’ve given this a lot of thought and I just think it’s best if you didn’t raise him. You are unfit.”


    “You know, you shot a woman like 6 times. I don’t see how you’re going to get out of that.”


    “You’re wrong. You’ll see that. Enjoy the time you have with BJ now. It’s not going to last long.”


    “I bring BJ down here to see you and this is the thanks I get?”


    “See you in court Bryan.”

    And with that Bryan takes his son and leaves the jail, thinking about his children.

    For the Birds Mental Hospital

    Dre and Kiko are escorted to their mother, Lynn’s room. Lynn is sitting in a wheel chair looking out the window. Dre walks in front of her and kneels down with tears in his eyes


    “Momma it’s me Dondre.”

    Lynn looks at her first born son and looks back outside.


    “Momma what happened? How did you end up in here?”


    “Your father did this to me. He cheated on me. He had an affair and had children with another woman out of wedlock. And one of those spawn is here. And I swear to God I am going to kill her.”


    “Momma what are you talking about?”


    “Your brother tells me her name is Mona. Her father is DC and her mother is Sister Patterson.”

    “This is crazy.


    “I am not crazy.”


    “Momma Kiko tells me that Don is out father? Is that true?”<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

    Lynn, with tears forming in her eyes

    “Yes son. Don DC Williams is your father. He cheated on me. I had a nervous breakdown after he did that. That’s why I was never there for you Dondre. I am so sorry for letting this happen.”


    “It’s not your fault momma. DC did this. He did this to you. I swear I’ll make him pay for this.”


    “Dre, I’ve missed you so much? Why? Why did you run away when you were younger? Do you know how many sleepless nights I had worrying about you? It was only me and your brother. Don left us after I found out he was sleeping with his brother’s wife. He left his family. Oh Dre I am so sorry for not being there for you. I am sorry for making you run away so young.”


    “Momma I don’t blame you so don’t blame yourself. I love you.” He leans in and hugs her and Lynn wraps her arms around her son.

    Then Police Chief Mike Dietz walks into the room.


    “Dondre Whitfield?”


    “Mike, please not now.”


    “Justice waits for no one Kiko. Dre know what he did and it’s time to pay.”


    “What I going on?”


    “Momma I am in some mess but don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”


    “Dondre Whitfield, you are under arrest for assaulting a police officer evading the law. Tyler is also accusing you of killing Lauren Romoan.”


    “Did you have to do this in front of my mother? They just reunited after many years.”

    Mike slapping the cuffs on Dondre

    “You can continue your reunion downtown.” Mike escorts Dre out the room. Lynn is in tears as Kiko shakes his head in disgust.

    The Williams House

    Sister Patterson is sitting in her living room just staring at the wall.

    “This is the home I raised Kevin in. It’s so hard to be here. This house that once had a loving family in it is now empty. Where did I go wrong? How did it get to this point?” Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears a pounding on her door.

    Sister Patterson

    “Only the devil knocks like that damn it. Got me cussing.” She swings the door open and is a little surprised to see the police Chief Mike.

    Sister Patterson

    “I’m sorry brother Mike. The bible meeting is canceled for tonight. I am going through so much. Too much actually. I’ve lost everything.”


    “I’m sorry; I’m not here for the bible meeting. I’m here to arrest you. I have a bench warrant for you.”

    Sister Patterson

    “Do you know who I am?”


    “Yes I know who you are that’s why I am here.”

    Sister Patterson

    “I am Sister Patterson and I will not be arrested. I do God’s work and it’s his work that I only do. You are here on a mission from for the devil. On what grounds are you arresting me?”


    “Judge Hatchet wants you to get a mental evaluation.”

    Sister Patterson

    “So the judge thinks I’m crazy huh?”


    “We all do.”

    Sister Patterson

    “I beg your pardon?”


    “Can we just do this peacefully?”

    Sister Patterson

    “What will every one say? Sister Patterson has been arrested again. What will the church think?”


    “There going to praise the Lord that you are confined to a mental hospital for a long overdue evaluation.” Sister Patterson slaps Mike. Then Mike spins the Sister around and slaps cuffs on her.

    Sister Patterson

    “Get these cuffs off of me. You can’t lock up an agent of God. Have you lost your cotton picking mind? How dare you? I just lost my son and you are here to take me to a crazy hospital?”


    “Yes” He says escorting the sister to her car. Sister Patterson is outraged as Mike drives to the mental facility.

    Huntington Memorial hospital

    Lauren walks into the ER where Kiko is.


    “My baby please, help my baby!”

    Kiko turns around and is stunned to see Lauren


    “Lauren, what are you doing what is going on?”


    “I can’t keep this charade up any longer. I’m coming out of hiding. My baby needs medical attention.”


    “Kiko takes Lauren’s baby and instructs a nurse to get a bed ready and the nursery.


    “Oh please Kiko, please save my baby.”


    “We’ll do the best we can.”

    Then Daniel walks into the hospital. He sees Lauren.

    Daniel, almost speechless

    “No it can’t be. Lauren?”


    “Yes it’s me Daniel.” She runs up and gives him a hug.

    Next on

    Daniel learns that Lauren has a child with Kevin

  13. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Pasadena, Ivory Inc.

    Alexis storms into Karim’s office. She looks and sees Ladonna sitting in his chair writing a memo.


    “How I am not surprised that you’re in Karim’s office. You practically live in here.”


    “This is a business and I am at work.”


    “Oh is that what you call it? Taking Karim away from me is what I call it. I knew that’s what you wanted all this time.”


    “Don’t you have anything else better to do then act like a loser?”


    “You know Bitch; I have been waiting for this for a long time. You went out your way to cast doubt about me in Karim’s eyes. You fed on that and pumped his head up.”

    Ladonna, standing up from the chair and steps out from around the desk to get in Alexis’s face

    “You did that all by yourself. I know you are hiding something and it pertains to your sister’s diary. You’re the one not being truthful and honest with Karim.”


    “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re a phony. You’re a scheming slut. As soon as you saw Karim and I were having serious issues you swooped in like a bald eagle. I am not going to let you get away with this. I will not let you be with Karim.”


    “Oh god you starting to sound like Ashley. What’s next we are going to have a few catfights, and then you’re going to die and come back from the dead and crash my wedding? Its 2011 Alexis come up with something better than that. Something worth my time. How about that?”


    “You think I’m like Ashley. We’ll see. You know nothing about me.”


    “I know you are hiding something from Karim. I will find out what it is.”

    Alexis slaps Ladonna

    “I hate you bitch!”


    “The feeling is mutual. And I also have been waiting to do this”

    Donna sucker punches Alexis in the jaw. Alexis falls back onto one of the leather sofas. Donna hops on top of her and begins to choke Alexis. Alexis grabs a hold of Donnas’ hair and pulls on it, using her other hand to punch her in the face. Alexis lands a punch right in Donnas’ jaw, busting open her lips. Donna finally releases Alexis neck. She throws Donna off of her. She grabs LaDonna’s hair and begin uses it to drag Donna around the room while giving her random punches as she does.


    “Karim is mine and we will be back together.”

    Suddenly Ria walks in. She sees Alexis dragging Ladonna by her hair as Alexis pounds on her head.


    “Oh hell naw! Donna, girl you ok? Get up, punch that hoe in her face, do something. Don’t let the white girl win.”


    “Racist bitch after I handle Donna, you’re next.”


    “It ain’t nothing but a thang. Ria Winters is going to beat some ass up in here today.” Ria runs over and punches Alexis in the face with a right and left hook. Alexis lets go of Donna. Ria follows up with yet another set of punches to the face. Ria then pushes Alexis against the wall as Ria runs up and grabs her head and begins to pound Alexis’s head into the wall.

    Ria, with each pound she utters a word

    “Don’t, (pound) you (pound) ever(pound) (pound) in (pound) your (pound) (pound) life disrespect me again Bitch. (pound) (pound) (pound) I’m the head bitch (pound) in Pasadena. (pound) And don’t you ever forget it. (pound) (pound) (pound) (pound)” Ria then lets go of Alexis and she immediately falls to the ground being knocked out cold from the bangs against the wall.


    “And I don’t want to have this conversation again.” Ria looks at her nails and then blows them.


    “Ladonna, I am disappointed in you girl. You was letting the white girl work you out. “

    DC then walks in. He sees Alexis on the ground and the office a mess.

    “What the hell happened in here?”


    “The white girl got that ass beat.” Ria then walks out of Ivory. DC pulls out his cell phone and calls Alexis an ambulance.

    Episode 129 Death to Sister Patterson!

    Written by ML Cooks

    For The Birds Mental Rehabilitation Center

    Orderlies escort the mighty Sister Patterson into the west wing of the facility and into her room.

    Sister Patterson, shouting, and kicking her legs the entire time,

    “This ain’t no work of the Lord! I am Sister Patterson! You can’t do this to me! I am not crazy! Get your sinning hands of me you fools!” Sister Patterson tries to wrestle out of the cuffs.


    Sister Patterson is so loud she can be heard in the east and north wing of the building.

    In the east wing Lynn hears the animal like howls.


    “It can’t be. It’s the SLUT WHORE BITCH!” She continues to listen to the rampage.

    In Sister Patterson’s room

    “I am Sister Patterson! Oh hear me and hear me now! What is the church going to think? The church’s mother has been checked into the Looney bin. What is Miss Jenkins going to think!? GET OFF ME!!!” A nurse comes in and injects Morphine in the ranting Sister’s arm; Sister Patterson collapses to the ground.

    In the North Wing. Mona and Apple step out their room to see if they can see what’s going on.


    “I don’t believe it. She’s here.”


    “Who? What are you talking about? It sounded like Slutty Patterson.”


    “Oh it is. This is fate. This is our chance. This is your chance to do some real damage to her. I know you want to don’t you.? It’s in your blood.”


    “That sounds about right. It’s time to take out the woman who caused me all my pain. I am going to kill Slutty Patterson.”


    “I just love when you talk like that.” She plants a kiss on her.

    “Death to Sister Patterson!”


    “No no lady. It’s Slutty Patterson.” Mona now kisses her passionately and they step back into the room and make love.

    In Lynn’s room

    Lynn rolls her wheel chair out into the hall to see if she can see her arch enemy.


    “I know it was her. I’d know that ugly voice anywhere. This is my chance. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. This is my time to get my revenge. I am going to kill that slut. I am going to stab that whore. Damn it I am going to cut that bitches head off and eat it for breakfast.” With so much rage and hatred, Lynn gets the energy to get up out her wheel chair and runs through the hall and into the common area where all the wings link up. She pounds on the west Wings door.

    “I’ll kill her! Let me at her! I’m going to kill that BITCH!!”Orderlies immediately rush to her and sedate her.

    Back in Sister Patterson’s room, While Sister Patterson is out stone cold, the orderlies place a restraint jacket on her and then she is then thrown into her bed.

    Now let the madness in the crazy house begin……..

    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Lauren is hugging Daniel. He pushes her off of him.

    Daniel, in disbelief

    “What the Fu(k?”


    “Oh Daniel I know it’s a lot to take in. But it’s me. I’m here. I’m not dead.”


    “What do you mean? I went to your funeral. I don’t understand. I mourned you.”


    “I know Danny and I am so sorry. I had to fake my death.”


    “Fake your death? Are you crazy?”


    “I had to. Tyler had a hit out on me.”




    “Yes baby, I had to do it.”

    Daniel shaking his head,

    “I don’t know what to say. I-. How-. Where in the hell have you been all this time”


    “I’ve been in Pasadena.”



    “That doesn’t matter right now. I’m back. Ty is in jail so I can be free.”


    “You could have come to me with something like this. You could have gone to the police chief. Mike and Ty are enemies he would have been glad to help. I don’t understand why you did this. Just when I make it back to you from the brink of death from being tortured by Mona, you led me to believe you were Killed. My heart ached for you for months. I can’t believe you did this to me. I can’t believe you didn’t trust me enough to come to me with something like this.” Daniel is so mad and confused he slaps Laurens face.

    Just as Lauren rubs her cheek and recovers from shock, a nurse walks over to Lauren.


    “The Doctor has some news on your baby.”


    “What do you mean? Baby! Lauren what is this all about?”

    Lauren, tears immediately forming in her eyes knowing what she is about to tell Danny is going to hurt him, She pulls it together to tell Daniel,

    “It’s true. I had a baby.”

    Daniel is taken aback and really enraged. So much rage he slaps her again.


    “Sir I’m going to have to warn you not to do that again.”


    “A FU(KING BABY!!! Lauren what the hell? I can’t believe you.. What ?-Why….(grunting)MMMM.” He turns around and this time punches a wall.


    “Call security.” The nurse walks over to Daniel and tries to escort him out the hospital. Daniel pushes the nurse down.


    “Please Daniel. Calm down. The baby isn’t yours!” Just then Daniel pauses. He looks into her eyes. His eyes begin to water up.


    “It’s not mine?”


    “You damn right it’s not yours. The baby is black.”

    Lauren, to Daniel

    “I’m so sorry. “


    “You have a black baby?” He smirks and chuckles. He shakes his head and just turns around and walks out the hospital.

    Daniel walks right past Ria who is entering the hospital. She walks further in the E.R. and sees Lauren.


    “Ahh hell naw.”


    “Hi Ria, Yes it’s me. I’m not dead.”


    “Girl you are trippin'. What you mean you ain’t dead? Is this a trick? Did I miss something?”


    “It’s a long story.”


    “Ok Ms. Romoan your baby’s situation is critical, time is of the essence.”


    “Baby? Oh hell naw. Lauren girl I don’t even know what to say. But you best believe after my appointment with Kiko I’m coming to look for you I need to know what’s goings on.” As Ria walks away she talks to herself

    “Back from the dead honey. Is this what it’s coming to now these days?”

    Ria knocks on Kiko’s door, and barges in.


    “I am going to be nice about this. I have a lot going on Ria please, don’t harass me today.”


    “After learning that old played out pimp DC is your father, I wouldn’t want to be bothered with me either.”

    “Is that what you said when you slept with my father or my brother?”


    “Oooohh boo, don’t say that. It sounds so bad doesn’t it? You make me sound like Brooke Forrester on the Bold and the Homeless. See what had happened was, Brooke slept with Ridge, his father Eric, then Ridge’s brother, and now Brooke might have a thing for Ridge son Tommy.”

    Kiko, standing up from his chair

    “Enough! I don’t give a damn about who is sleeping with whom on your lame ass soap operas, that are being canceled left and right. I have work to do. I warned you to stop harassing me. NO I WILL NOT HAVE SEX WITH YOU VICTORIA! End of story. Damn your are a predator!”


    “For you information faggot, I have an emergency.”


    “I’m going to file a restraining order on you.” He picks up the phone to call Mike.

    Ria then yanks the phone from his hand. Then she rips open her blouse.


    “Victoria this is outrageous, you are outrageous.” He grabs her arm and begins to pull her out his office.’


    “No please, wait. I’m in pain. Something is wrong. My girls been tender and hurting. Especially after beating that white girl's ass Alexis .See look. There’s a lump in my right one, Look damn it! I don’t want sex. I WANT TO SAVE MY LIFE!” Ria chokes up and turns away from Kiko not wanting to let him see her at a weak point. He turns to her realizing she is not playing games after all. He spins her around. She is clearly crying.


    “Oh my god. You’re scared. Ria I am so sorry.” He holds her. She pushes him off her.


    “Oh now you want to show me compassion? You’re treat me like a predator”


    “Ria, you are a sexual animal. I’ve never seen anything like it.”


    “Enough with the small talk home boy. Are we gonna get these breast exams cracking or what? I may have lost some time to my life fu(cking around with you.”

    Kiko, now realizes she may be right, if it is breast cancer, he may in the end cost Ria her life. Kiko immediately feels regret and remorse.


    “Wait in the lobby and I will send someone to get your test done.”

    Ria fixing her clothes,

    “It’s about time jackass. And for you not to care about soap operas you sure knew two of them just got the ax. Faggot!” She wipes a tear and walks into the lobby. As she sits down she closes her eyes and says a quick prayer.

    “Lord I am begging you; please don’t let me have breast cancer.” She prays as a tear rolls down her face.

    Downtown Pasadena, Pasadena Public Library.

    Rufus walks inside and over to the tech area. He checks in with his library card and grabs a computer. She opens the search box and types in: Adam4Adam. While the website loads she thinks to herself

    “A new year and it’s time for me to find love. I want to be loved to damn it. It’s time to find Miss Rue a man.”

    She logs into her account and checks her inbox. She sees she has a new message from user on the DL. She opens it up and reads.

    “I read your profile and liked what I saw. I am on the DL here in Pasadena and before we go any further discretion is a must.”


    “Oh come on, this is 2011. No one cares if you lick a little di(k every now and again.”


    “I would like for us to meet up to see what happens.”

    Rue responds

    “I am not really too fond of the DL thing but I am an open minded person. I suppose we can meet. Hit me back up and let me know on like when and where.” Rue hits send.


    “I hope I don’t regret this.”

    Back at For the Birds.

    Apple gets up off the bed from lying with Mona after love making.


    “What you doing? I thought I wore you out.”


    “Oh you did baby. I love how you sex me. But if we want to destroy Slutty Patterson there is something I must do. It will give us the power to do what we need to do.”

    Apple walks over to her dresser drawer and pulls out a few candles, red, white and purple. She then pulls out a silk a silk rope. Apple casts a circle. She then lights the candles and then the silk rope on the altar.


    “This isn’t looking right. What are you doing?”


    “Silence my loved one. I am giving us power.”

    Apple begins to chant:

    "With this rope I bind thine power,
    to be mine for second or hour.
    To make me strong when I am week.
    To give me wisdom that I seek.
    To give me courage as not to flee.
    Thine will be done, so mot it be."

    Apple grabs the silk scarf and sits next to Mona on the bed.


    “What did you just do?”


    “We will now have power and courage. The power and Courage to take on your mother. Like you wanted, Slutty Patterson.”


    “What you do some type a voodoo?”


    “Nothing of the such. Just trust me Mona. Very soon, we will have the power to get revenge on your mother and then break out of here and be happy for the rest of our lives, together.”

    Mona gives Apple a look of bewilderment. She has an uneasy feeling about Apple. As Apple rubs the silk rope around her, the lights begin to flicker in the facility
    Next on :

    Ria learns if she has breast cancer, Alexis gets another surprise, Jasmine gets involved in the madness at the nut house…..

  14. aMLCproduction
    Padre Island</SPAN>

    Kristen sitting alongside the ocean front at a table at a bar opens the envelope to see who killed her brother. Kristen is stunned to see the pictures.


    “Well who is it? Who did it?”

    Kristen hands the pictures to Bo. He looks at them,

    “They are blank. It’s a rouse. See, I told you to let me handle this. But you knew it all. Now you’ve wasted 5 million dollars.”


    “Money is no object to me. I have lots of it. No dollar amount will deter me from getting justice for my brother.”


    “We need to get the hell out of here. Someone is playing games with us. They know we are here, they know you are rich. It could be a set up.”


    “You are right. Someone is trying to throw us off.”


    “Yea and we got to figure out whom. Because whoever it is either killed Peter or knows who did.”


    “Ok, I’m going to get my things.”


    “Kristen wait...”

    She turns around and looks at him. He doesn’t say anything at first.


    “It’s about last night?”




    “Bo, I have no regrets. I don’t feel bad and I dong feel guilty.” She then turns around and walks away without giving him a chance to respond. Bo is simply stuck right now. It’s as if time is standing still. He can’t believe Kristen has no regrets.

    “What is happening here? I should not be feeling like this for Kristen. But I can’t help myself. She does something to me. What am I going to do?”

    Life in Salem

    Episode 443: Vivian owns Salem!

    Written by ML Cooks

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Back in Salem, Downtown to be precise.

    Nicholas, Belle, Justin, Celeste, Valentine, Megan, and Tony all wait alongside with dozens of media outlets such as Fox News, MSNBC, BBC, LA Times, Glamour Magazine, in front of a podium in front of Titian.

    Then Vivian Alamain comes up to the podium. She fixes the microphone to speak into it.

    “Thank you all for coming today. As I have been quoted in the press, something big is about to happen here in Salem and I wanted to take this opportunity to delve into those details. As you all know, I virtually own Salem. I own 100 percent of Titian and 50 percent of Alamain Inc and The Dimera Empire. With my sister, Valentine owning the other half of the latter two. The two of us are a force to be reckoned with. In order to maximize profits margins and streamlining production, I plan to merge all three companies to form VAAmalgamation. This stands for the Vivian Alamain conglomeration. My people are working out all the legalities and it will be official in 4 weeks. I am hosting a ball, The VAAmalgamation Ball. This will signify the opening operations under the banner, VAAmalgamation. In 30 days, the likes of Titian, Dimera and Kirakis will cease to exist. Look out for your invitations in the mail. That is all I have.” Vivian then walks back into the building, leaving everyone stunned, especially Valentine, who was not even informed of this plan.

    Everyone has reactions to what they just heard:


    “I can’t let Vivian do this. I can’t let her kill the Kirakis name. The brand. I won’t let this happen.” Justin leaves intent on stopping Vivian.


    “She’s trying to consolidate her power. I can’t let her do this. My daughter is a Dimera and I will not have Vivian taking what’s due to Lexie away. This war is personal now Vivian Alamain. I will not let you do this.” Celeste leaves the press conference intent on coming up with her plan to stop Vivian Alamain.

    Tony looks at his sister Megan,

    “I know we are not going to stand here and let Vivian kill the Dimera name. Father would roll in his grave.”


    “I trust you will take care of this. I have my own serious issues to take care of. I don’t get into all this business stuff.” Megan leaves and Tony is stunned that she does not want to join the war to protect their name and stake in Dimera.

    “Well I am certainly not going to allow that nut Vivian Alamain merge these companies.” He leaves the press conference.

    A reporter walks up to Nicholas and Belle

    “Mr. Alamain, what role if any at all will you serve in this new company?”


    “I don’t communicate with the elder Alamain. I no longer work at Alamain. There is no room there for me under this charade of a new regime”


    “But isn’t Alamain Inc, part of the family legacy? Is their a family rift?”


    “Vivian is no family of mine. This merger won’t take place. Vivian has done a lot of twisted things and I have a feeling they will come back to haunt her. Too many powerful people are against this merger and it will not take place. That’s a fact.”


    “Is that a threat Mr. Alamain?”


    “No sir. It’s a fact.” Nicholas grabs Belle hand and walks off from the reporter. He walks over to his aunt Valentine.


    “Did you know about this?”


    “No I didn’t. This is the first time I’m hearing it just like you.”


    “Your own sister...... She couldn’t even include you in her “ ...making air quotes ....“merger” plan. She needs you. How is this merger supposed to take place? Are you giving up your shares of Dimera and Alamain? That’s what will happen if you sign onto to this. What’s it going to be Val? Whose side are you on? Mine or that snake sister of yours?”

    Valentine looks at them perplexed as she thinks of what Vivian is doing.

    Midtown Salem, Salem Square

    Alexis is sitting at a table reading a magazine. She notices Robyn walking past her and decides to stop and talk to her.


    “Robyn, wait, I need to talk to you.” She says catching up to her.


    “How dare you speak to me you tramp?”


    “I have some information I think you might find interesting.”


    “Don’t you get tired of messing with people’s lives? First, you had to be hot pants and sleep with my son and his father. You’re a tramp. Don’t you know how deeply Jeremy is hurt by your slutty actions?”


    “Jeremy knows I am sorry for that. It was a mistake.”


    “You’re a mistake. You’re mother should have never given birth to you. You’re a whore... And don’t you ever, speak to me ever again and stay the hell away from my family!”Robyn turns around to begin walking away but she stops when she hears:

    “Does that family include Mike?”

    Robyn turns back around and walks back to her,

    “Keep your damn voice down.”


    “I assume that is a yes. Just admit it. You only hate me because I slept with Mike. You still love him.”


    “Don’t flatter yourself. You don’t know anything about me.”


    “I do know Mike and April are getting it on. Right in his office at the hospital. Looks like you’re a loser too. I can’t have Jeremy and you’re not going to have Mike. He’s moving on with April. I saw it myself. In fact call Mike up right now and ask him.”

    Robyn tries to slap Alexis but Alexis is quicker, by grabbing her hand.


    “Admit it Robyn, you’re losing your touch. You’re not what you used to be.” Alexis smiles at her walking away.


    “Bitch!” She utters at Alexis. She wipes a tear from her cheek.

    “Mike and April?” She says feeling hurt.

    The Carver House

    Lexie gets a knock on her door. She answers it and sees her mother Celeste.


    “Thank God you’re home dahling.” She says hugging her.

    Lexie, face frowning up

    “Mom what’s wrong?”


    “It’s Vivian.”


    “Here we go again. Mom please, you really have to give this up.”


    “Dahling no.... I can’t. She is planning to erase the Dimera name. She is going to merge Titian, Kirakis, and Dimera under some kind of conglomeration.”


    “I don’t understand why are you telling me?”


    “You have to stop her before it’s too late. You are a Dimera by blood. It’s time for us to take what is our’s once and for all dahling. What is Theo going to have? My grandson deserves the riches of the Dimera name. I have been through too much with Stefano not to make this happen. We owe it to ourselves. Let’s continue on the Dimera legacy, in new way. Make the name good. “


    “I can’t believe what you are asking me to do. This will put me at direct odds with Vivian Alamain. This would add to your war with her. I don’t know….. I am raising Theo. Trying to get over Abe and ignore the fact he is with Maggie. I am focusing on becoming chief of staff at University Hospital. I don’t want to add this war to my life.”


    “Dahling, don’t think of it like that. Theo deserves it. It would grant him financial security. Something he can have. Do it for your son dahling.”

    Lexie continues to look at her mother pondering if she join the war against Vivian Alamain and stake a claim in the Dimera Dynasty.

    Back outside of Titan


    “It’s real simple Val. Your rotten sister, or me, join me and in stopping Vivian. She is trying to cut you out. Don’t you see that? What is it going to be? “


    “I can’t answer at this time Nicky. “


    “What do you mean? Why not?”


    “It’s nothing personal. It’s strictly business.” She says coolly then walking inside of Titian.

    Nicholas is furious and looks at Belle.


    “Honey I’m so sorry.”


    “Now Val has turned into Vivian. I thought I could trust her. But she’s like the rest of the family. A back stabber! I can’t believe this is happening. I have to get Valentine on my team. She is the only one who can put a stop to this madness. She has to wise up. Vivian is going to cut her out of everything.”


    “I am sure you will be able to get through to her.”


    “What if I don’t? I have to have a plan B.”


    “A plan B?”


    “I need another avenue to assure that Vivian won’t be able to merge these companies. I need some insider information.”


    “I don’t like where this is going.”


    “Belle, you still work at Titian. You have access to some important information.”


    “Oh no, Nick, I don’t think so. I don’t do that kind of stuff. I want no part in this.”


    “Belle,…… you too? You’re going to betray me too?”


    “Betray you? So Because I won’t be a mole, I am betraying you? What choices are you giving me?”


    “I can’t let Vivian do this. She has to be stopped. I am going to lose everything if I let her take over all these companies. I need your help. In fact, I think you are the only person who can help me.”


    “Nicholas please don’t make it like this. You’re asking me go against what I believe in. I’m not under handed. I can’t do this for you.”


    “Well Belle, it looks I have no one. Everyone is against me!”


    “No I’m NOT! I love you! I’m here for you. Just because I won’t be under handed for you doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”


    “If you can’t help me then that lets me know you really don’t love me.” After saying such a bold statement he walks away.


    “Nicholas! Don’t walk away? How dare you!?”

    He ignores her, gets in his car and speeds off. Belle is left there at the scene in tears.

  15. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Salem, Titian

    Valentine barges right into Vivian’s executive office.

    Vivian, on the phone

    “This ball will be the biggest thing to ever hit Salem. I want all the media outlets there Ivan! Now make it happen damn it.” She slams down the phone, looking up at her sister.


    “What is it? I am a very busy woman. It’s not an easy task running Salem.”


    “I guess you are so busy, you failed to mention to me you plan on taking my shares of Dimera and Alamain. I have been slighted.”


    “Oh please Val; I’ll give you a 49% stake in the new company so you can stop crying.”


    “Then that would mean giving up complete control of everything. I’ll be number two to you.”


    “As it should be. Look, I have been in Salem a lot longer than you have dear sister. I need to win all these companies. I need to have control. No more Dimera, no more Kirakis, no more Titian. It’s all about Vivian Alamain. It’s time to show them what a real woman can do. An Alamain woman. I am going to have my sweet revenge on everyone.”


    “At my expense? How in the hell do you think this merger of yours will work without me signing over my shares?”


    “We are blood. You would do your sister like that?”


    “I most certainly would do my dear OLD sister like that.”


    “I’m not old damn it and stop calling me that! I am wise. I’m the grand Dame of Salem. This is my town and Valentine, you better be on board with this merger. If you know what’s good for you. I don’t want to add you to my list of enemies.”


    “Touche oldie. I own you. You’re forgetting one minor detail.”


    “And what’s that?”


    “I know you set Peter up to die. I own you Vivian. Did you forget that, or do we need to have Lexie Dimera examine you for Alzheimer’s?”


    “Go to hell!”


    “I tan there.”


    “I am not going to let you black mail me. I am in control here! This merger will happen with or without you Valentine. If you even think of exposing my role in Peter’s death, you’ll be sorry. You can take that to the bank. And while you’re there, tell them you knew my role in Peter’s death. If you expose me, you’re only exposing yourself. You’ll go down with me for complicity and withholding information. Not so high and mighty are we dear sister?”


    “You won’t get away with this oldie. I will not give up my shares. “


    “We’ll see. Now get the hell out my office you’re giving me a damn headache.”


    “This is war Vivian Alamain.” And with that said she turns around, walking out the office and making sure to slam the door extra hard to make Vivian’s headache worse.


    “Bitch!” She hollers at Valentine.

    Life in Salem

    Episode 444: Dame of Salem

    Written by ML Cooks
    Story Editor : J Lee Becker

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Salem Place Apts.

    Sami’s Apt.

    The smoke alarm goes off as Sami gets a knock on her door.

    “Damn it! It’s always something.”

    Will, walking out from the spare bedroom,

    “Mom, is everything ok? Do you need some help?”


    “Just your mother screwing things up as usual. Get the door honey.” She says as she tries to salvage her homemade baked macaroni and cheese in the oven.

    Will opens the door to see his dad Lucas and Jan’s son Bentley and Eugenia with her son Josh.

    Lucas, hearing the smoke detector going off and now Arianna crying,

    “What the hell is going on in here?” He says as they walk inside.


    “Everything is fine. Just some well done mac and cheese.”


    “Thanks goodness I am lactose intolerant.”


    “I worked all night on this macaroni and cheese. At least a spoonful Eugenia. Come on… I’m trying to be nice.”

    Destiny brings out a crying Arianna and hands her to Will.


    “Come to daddy angel.” Will holds her over his shoulder and rocks her.


    “You are so good with her Will. You’re a great father.”


    “And he’s going to get even better now that he is living here with me.”


    “What was that? Will you’re going to live here with your mother?”


    “You say that like it’s a bad thing Lucas? Will can’t live in a hotel and be a father to Arianna. You’re in no position to help out considering the things you have just been through. Getting tricked to marry Jan Spears. You have her son Bentley and Eugenia and her son Josh. Me,… I have nothing. So it’s perfect, Will and Arianna will live here until he’s is 18. He’ll get a part time job in the mean time and attend school every day. I will help babysit my granddaughter.”


    “Mom you’re doing it again.”


    “What’s that?”


    “You have not even mentioned Destiny.”


    “Oh,…yeah ok. And Destiny will be living here too.”


    “Mom, I am warning you, if you don’t treat my girlfriend with respect, my family and I will leave.”

    Destiny, smiles at the word family Will used to describe her.


    “I’m sorry Will. It won’t happen again.”


    “Will, are you sure? You don’t think it will be a little crowded here? I mean there are only two bedrooms here. 4 people will be living here.”


    “Well where do you and Eugenia live Lucas?”


    “We are staying at the Salem Inn for now. We have been through a lot and it all happened so fast Sami.”


    “Yea. We had a happy home at the Spear Mansion. We were all fine there until Jan played with my life.”


    “I swear that will never happen to us.” He says looking at Destiny and winking his eye.

    “ You two and love just don’t mix.”


    “I love your dad. And we are going to get married. Sometimes love takes time. And time is what Lucas and I have. Love is not easy”


    “Yea ok…. Let’s eat.” Sami begins to serve everyone. She looks up and sees Eugenia openly breast feeding Josh.

    “Gross, Eugenia can you please cover that up or take it to the bathroom. You’re ruining my appetite.”


    “You’re so rude Sami”


    “No Lucas it’s ok. My apologies Samantha.” Eugenia gets up and excuses herself.


    “You’re rude to everyone Ms. Brady.”


    “Whatever do you mean?”


    “Mom you know what she means. Maybe you need a boyfriend or something.” Will looks back and forth at Sami and Lucas. Lucas catches this look and knows what it means.

    “Sorry son, you’re mother and I will never be. I have moved on with Eugenia. I love her. It’s time to move on with my life. I just dread the fact of going to get all of our things from the Spears Mansion. I know Jan is going to cause a scene. She is out of control.”

    Salem University Hospital

    Carrie walks into John’s room and sees Lexie taking some vitals.

    “Lexie! Is something wrong?”


    “Carrie, oh hi, no just a routine vital check.”


    “So no change in his condition?”


    “Unfortunately not. John is still in a coma.”


    “Thanks Lexie, if you don’t mind I would like some time alone with my dad.”


    “Of course.” Lexie leaves Carrie with John.

    Carrie pulls up a chair and sits next to him.

    “Dad, it’s me Carrie. I came to visit you. Can you hear me in there?.....I wish you’d come back to us. We need you. We miss you. So much has happened since you been in this coma. Austin cheated on me. I am now with Brandon, and your beloved Marlena has been shot and killed. I don’t know how you are going to handle that. That might even kill you yet.” Her personal conversation is interrupted when Belle barges in with tears in her eyes.


    “Belle, what’s the matter?”

    Belle rushes over and just wraps her arms around Carrie. Carrie holds her back.

    “It’s Nicolas. We had a huge fight.”

    Carrie, pulling back from the embrace

    “About what?” She says handing her some tissue


    “This stupid war with his Aunt Vivian. She is going to merge Alamain, Kirakis/Titian, and the Dimera estates to form an empire that will control Salem. Nicholas is trying to stop her and wants me to be under handed for him. He wants me to steal some insider information for him to use against Vivian. I just can’t do it Carrie.”


    “I understand. I just can’t believe Nick would ask you to do something like that.”


    “He basically told me we could not be together if I did not help him. He just left me there Carrie. He walked out on me.” Belle cries even harder as Carrie holds her again.


    “He left me.”

    Salem National Airport

    Bo and Kristen walk inside the airport.


    “What a long flight. I am so glad to be back home in the states. I need a nice hot bath.”


    “I miss my kids and my wife.”

    Kristen, does not respond, somewhat hurt that Bo is talking about his family.


    “Listen Kristen, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I love my wife and I am not ready to tell her about you and I sleeping together again.”


    “What’s this? Bo wants to keep secrets now? I remember a time when you’re whole family crucified mine for keeping secrets. My, my how have the tables have turned?”


    “I’m not proud of this ok. And unlike you, I do have regrets about us making love again. Hope and I have been through so much and we just barely found our way back to each other. She would not be able to handle the fact we had sex again….. God how could I be so stupid!?”


    “It was in the heat of passion. I know you feel something for me as I feel something for you. If you’re heart was truly with Hope, then you would have been able to control yourself last night. You won’t have to worry about me. I will not be the one to tell Hope. That’s your wife; you have to deal with that.”


    “The old Kristen I knew would have blackmailed me or tried to hurt someone with this kind of information. “


    “I’m a new woman now Bo. I am done with the lies and the evil schemes. They get you no where in the end. I will never forget the day I was exposed at my wedding to John. Thanks to that cluck Susan. No one will ever know how humiliated I was. But no more. I have learned from all of that and I am now at peace with the things I have done. I am not saying I am perfect, but I am a different person. Bo, I love our passion. My feelings for you grow stronger day by day. I don’t mean to hurt Hope, but I can’t help how I feel about you.”


    “Kristen PLEASE! Don’t do this! Please don’t talk like that.”


    “Why Bo? Is it too much to handle? Are you afraid I might get some feelings stirred up?”


    “It’s been too late for that. Kristen, I don’t know what is happening here. I am developing feelings for you and they feel so wrong. I feel so guilty. It feels like a forbidden passion. It’s feels almost as if this is a taboo. Me and Kristen Dimera, together? Then I think of what this would do too Hope. She has just recovered from a crack habit. I am so afraid she may slip back to that. I just got her back.”


    “Bo, Hope does not need your pity. If you don’t really love her then why are you with her? All you keep saying is how much you don’t want to hurt. I don’t hear how much you really love her... Do you really want to be with Hope?”


    “I have children with her. We already lost Shawn.”


    “You know, I have a saying my mother used to say. As the world turns, seasons change and so do people. If there is no love between you and Hope, then you are not doing any favors for anybody. People will get hurt more. Look Bo I know you have some things to think about. You have some decisions to make. Again, I will not say a word to anyone about the best night of love making I ever had. I want to thank you for that. Thank you for taking me to ecstasy. I wish all women could experience what you gave me. Just know one thing before I leave.”


    “And what’s that?”


    “I love you.” She smiles and then walks away from him, leaving the airport.

    Bo is left standing there, again speechless by Kristen. He slowly leaves the airport with thoughts of last night’s love session with Kristen.

    “I can’t tell Hope. At least not right now. It would destroy her and I can’t risk her smoking drugs again.” He thinks to himself as he leaves the airport.

  16. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Salem

    Kate is sitting in her executive chair at her desk. She leans back and thinks of her conversation with Justin Kirakis earlier.

    (In Kate’s office yesterday)


    “Indeed. This is why I need you on my team. We must stop Vivian. This merger cannot take place. Victor would roll over in his grave if we allow this. He would be heartbroken to learn his legacy has been destroyed. I urge you Kate, to do it for your son. We have to bail Philip out of jail in order for him to help us.”

    Kate’s thoughts are interrupted when Vivian waltzes in slamming the door behind her.


    “What the hell are you doing and what could you possibly want?”


    “Oh, I want for nothing Kate. Haven’t you heard,... I own Salem now?”


    “I heard bits and pieces here and there. So what did you want to do, come here to gloat?”


    “Actually no. I thought I’d just come by and deliver some news to you in person before you heard it from the press. I am shocked they are not here yet.”


    “What the hell are you talking Vivian? I don’t have time to drag it out of you. “


    “Ok Kate. I own you now. This is my company. I own Basic Black.”


    “You BITCH. I ought to wipe the floor with your face. How! HOW DAMN IT!?”


    “It was so easy, buying out the board and their shares. So now I can add this meager little company to my conglomeration. Thanks Kate. I win against you as always.”


    “I hate you Vivian Alamain!”


    “And your fired Kate Roberts! Pack your things and get the hell out of my company!” Vivian then exits the door as Kate throws a book in her direction but hits the wall instead.


    “Damn you Vivian Alamain!! You won’t get away with this.”

    Episode: 446, Bo Dimera the II

    Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

    Executive Story Consult: Tara Smith

    Salem Jail

    Justin is escorted to Philip’s cell.

    Philip, getting up from his cot,

    “Well it’s about time some family came to see me. I was beginning to think no one cared about me.”


    “That’s not the case at all cousin. You stalked and kidnapped Belle Black. Belle Black, Marlena Evans daughter. You had to do some time for that. Marlena was very well respected and well known.”


    “Yea, well I’m a Kirakis. Our last name carries a lot of weight. What is happening here?”


    “Philip, we have been weakened. “


    “What do you mean?”


    “Vivian owns the Titian, Kirarkis Empire.”


    “Yea, I know about that, I read the papers in here. So you’re telling me you have not rectified this situation? What kind of Kirakis are you? My father would never let something like this stand. What the hell is the matter with you?”


    “Relax. I can’t do this by myself. But that’s not all. Vivian plans to merge all the companies of Salem into one big conglomeration. She is going to virtually own everything and everyone in Salem.”


    “You loser! How did you let it get this far? You’re nothing. My dad would be so disappointed in you.”


    “That’s why I came down here. I need your help.”


    “How can I help and I am still in jail.”


    “Leave that to me.”


    “Oh I get it. So the only time you are interested in getting me out of jail is when you need help. You didn’t give a damn about me before. Why start now?”


    “Philip please. This is not the time to argue. We can deal with this later. We have to stop Vivian Alamain before we lose everything! You’ll be out of here in a few days.” Justin then leaves.

    Philip, thinking of his freedom,

    “I’m about to be free again. “ He smiles as he thinks about that.

    Bo and Hope’s House

    Bo walks in the front door and sees Hope playing a game of hide and seek with his twin daughters Pamela and Addie. Hope looks at him and rushes over to hug him. Bo wraps his arms around Hope and flashes of love making with Kirsten keep going through his mind. Bo holds her even tighter.

    “I love you so much fancy face. I have missed you so much and I am so glad to be home.”

    Hope pulls back and looks into his eyes,

    “Are you ok? Did something happen on Papa Island?”


    “It was Padre Island. And no nothing happened between Kristen and me.”


    “I wasn’t implying that at all. Are you speaking from a guilty conscience?”


    “Hope NO! Nothing happened between Kristen and I. I told you it wouldn’t. Can we drop it? I’m tired and want to take a hot shower and then love my wife. Can that be possible?”


    “You’re so touchy. Something is not right with you. You haven’t even told me if you and Kristen found Peter’s killer.”


    “It was a set up. Some is playing games with us. The trip to Paco Island was a waste of time. I should have not gone. I missed precious time with you and my daughters.”


    “Well we have missed you too.”She gives him another hug.

    “Now go get cleaned up and I’ll make us some dinner.”


    “I love you fancy face.” He walks up the stairs to take a shower.

    Hope sighs and looks at Addie and Pamela,

    “Your daddy is acting strange. He’s hiding something.”

    Java Cafe

    Nicole is sitting at a table, still visibly shaken after Travis's death, as Faye walks over with some coffee.


    “How are you, honey?”


    “My husband just died...gee, mother, I'm chipper!”


    “Nikki, please don't be like that.”


    “Yeah, I'm sorry...I am just pissed off, okay? Travis and I were just about to start our lives together...I mean, he was the only man I had, in the several months that we were together, and that nothing could interfere with! But now, he's dead.”


    “I know you're going through so much pain right now, but I know you can get through this...you've been through so much, you can get through this, and there will be other men!”


    “Ah, yes, there will...just more men that I will either screw over or they'll get killed!”

    Faye, sighing

    “Don't be so negative, Nikki. Speaking of which, not that I want to continue to emphasize Travis's death, but have you reported his murder to the police?”


    “ I did in Las Vegas, but that got me nowhere. However, I know who killed him.”


    “Are you sure?”


    “I'm not stupid, Mom! I know that that psycho Greta Von Amberg killed him.”


    “Don't make assumptions, Nicole. I know that woman is a psycho but didn't she get locked up in a mental institution after Jan Spears exposed her for locking you two up in that Secret Room?”


    “As much as I hate to admit it, Greta's smart. She could have broken out, and she would have gone right after me and try to ruin my life yet again!”


    “Still, be careful, Nikki. You don't want to finger the wrong person.”

    Nicole, groaning

    “I know it was her. And yet again, you do the Faye thing to do and ignore the truth, just like you did when it came to Daddy and all that he did to us and Jan.”


    “No, honey, I didn't mean it like-“


    “I can handle this myself, Faye, thanks.”

    Nicole angrily gets up and storms out of the Java Cafe!


    “I am going to bring Greta down...”

    As Nicole walks off, Greta herself comes out of the shadows.


    “Oh, just you wait Nicole...you're next on my hit list!”

    Greta's mouth foams from the rabies...and suddenly, she has to lean against the wall.


    “What the hell? These rabies really getting to me. I’m shocked I’ve lasted this long on these rabies. Must be miracle rabies“

    Greta slowly walks off.

    Maggie's House

    Jeremy is in the kitchen, still fuming after his argument with Alexis over Robin and Laura's rivalry and Laura being in jail. He curses as he sits at the table, and Robin then enters.


    “Jeremy, honey, what’s wrong?”


    “It’s that whore Alexis.”


    “What is that little slut doing now?”


    “She barged in here trying to tell me, once again, that you were lying and framing Grandma.”


    “Jeremy, I've told you countless times that I am not lying. Your poor grandmother has just gone insane again, and Alexis is trying to get into your head.”


    “Yeah, I know, I am just so sick of her...


    “She keeps trying to mess with all our lives, but I won't allow it. Earlier, she came to me and told me all about how Mike and April were having sex.”


    “Uh, what? Who the hell is April?”

    Robin, shaking her head in disgust



    “I am so tired of them all...Alexis, Mike, everyone!”


    “Don't you worry; they'll be out of our lives and stop annoying us once Laura finally gets committed.”

    Cassie then walks in, and frowns at Jeremy.


    “What’s wrong, baby?”


    “Alexis keeps trying to tell him that I'm lying about what Laura did to me. Little bitch needs to mind her own business.”


    “Ugh, I hate her...but she doesn't matter to us, Jeremy, you can't listen to her...here, how about we go upstairs and I take your mind off things?”

    Jeremy, smirking

    “Sure, I'd like that.”

    Cassie seductively grabs Jeremy and pulls him upstairs, as Robin slams her fist down on the table.


    “Alexis, Laura, April...all three of them are stupid bitches. I can't allow them to run around like this!”

    Salem Police Station

    Nicole walks right into the police station, where Chris is doing some work.


    “Hello, is Bo Brady here?”


    “No, I'm afraid he's not in today, ma'am. Is there something I can help you with?”


    “I'd like to report a murder.”

    Chris, raising his eyebrows



    “It took place in Las Vegas, but everyone involved is a resident of Salem...my husband, Travis Baines, was killed on our wedding night.”


    “I'm so sorry...do you know who killed him?”


    “I have a hunch: Greta Von Amberg, who I am sure you've heard of. I am almost sure that she killed my husband, and I need the police's help to get a hold of her and make her pay”

    Back at Bo and Hope’s House

    Bo walks down the stairs and sees Pam and Addie in their crib sleeping and Hope walks out from the kitchen with a plate of burger and fries for Bo.


    “You really didn’t have to fancy face. I should be doing this for you. I’m so sorry for leaving you and the girls. I should have never gone on that trip with Kristen.”


    “You say that like something bad happened. Did it Bo?”


    “Like what?”

    Hope, arching her eye brow,

    “You act like you’re hiding something from me. You are acting nervous. Did something happen on Paco Island with Kristen? Did you sleep with Kristen again after you told me, in fact you promised me I could trust you?!” She says with a tear forming in her eye and her voice getting louder.


    “Please don’t wake the girls. Calm down.”


    “Don’t tell me to calm down Brady. You’re the one who is not acting right. Now tell me, did you have sex with Kristen, yes or no?”

    Before Bo could answer the door bell rings.

    “Who could that be?”


    “Saved by the bell. Go on, answer the door.”

    Bo walks over to the front door and opens it and is shocked to see Megan Dimera with a baby in her arm.


    “Megan, can I help you?”

    Hope, not understanding why Megan would be there walks closer to the door to see why Megan Dimera is there.


    “Hi Bo. I heard you were back in town. I brought you your only living son.”


    “I do not understand. What kind of sick joke are you playing here?”


    “This is your son Bo. Bo Dimera the II. This is our child.”


    “You’re what!?”


    “I gave birth to Bo’s only living son. We had a passionate night of love making and it produced this beautiful child. We are all family now.” She says smiling. Hope and Bo are speechless as they are taken aback.

    Next Time on Life in Salem:

    Bo and Hope get answers from Megan!

  17. aMLCproduction
    The Dimera House

    Kristen opens the front door after hearing a knock. She is surprised and delighted to see Bo.


    “Bo, Come in.”


    “Don’t mean to barge in like this. Are we alone?”


    “No one is here but the maids. I’ve missed you.” She gives him a hug. He holds her back.

    Bo, pulling away from her

    “Listen, we have to talk”


    “You’ve come to a decision about Hope and I? You chose Hope didn’t you?”


    “No. It’s not that easy. It’s about your sister. I wanted you to hear this from me.”


    “Hear what? Which sister are you talking about?”


    “Megan. Megan is claiming to be pregnant with my child.”


    “What? Bo? How? How could this happen? My sister?”


    “Kristen I am sorry. I was drunk. Megan took advantage of me.”

    Kristen, deeply hurt, wiping a tear rolling down her face,

    “When will you find out if this child is really yours?”


    “Hope and I are waiting on Lexie to call with the paternity test results.”


    “This is a hard one to swallow Bo. You have Hope, Megan and me out on a limb. “


    “I didn’t ask for any of this. What you and I have just happened. Naturally. I can’t control it Kristen. I love you Kristen. I love you.”

    Kristen overjoyed to hear those words from Bo’s mouth, runs up to him and holds him. He wraps his arms around her as well. They look into each others eyes, and giving into to passion Bo kisses her. He then pulls back


    “I can’t do this Kristen. I am hurting so many people. “


    “I love you and you love me. Bo love me. Love me now.” She kisses him and pushes him into the Dimera living room. She begins taking her clothes off and then his. She pushes him onto the couch as they are both naked. He looks at her nice curvy body. Unable to help himself he pulls her down onto to him as Bo and Kristen have a love session in the afternoon.

    Life in Salem

    Episode 450: Love in the Afternoon

    Written by: ML Cooks

    Bo and Hope’s House.

    Hope is in the kitchen feeding Pam and Addie.


    “Where’s daddy?”


    “I don’t know sweetie. (She says as she wonders if Bo is with Kristen or Megan)


    “Guess what girls; I rented some movies for us to watch. Let’s go into the living room and get comfortable.”


    “Ok mommy.” Hope escorts her twins into the living room. She turns her flat screen TV on and gets the movie ready to be watched. Wondering where Bo is, she dials his cell phone number but it goes straight to voicemail. She sighs.

    “I’m losing my family. I’m losing everything.”


    A waiter walks over to Kate, Justin’s and Philip’s table.


    “I’ll have a water crest salad.”


    “Give me the Filet mignon.”


    “While you two eat your bird food, I’m going to eat like a man. Give me a t-bone, well done.”


    “As you wish sir.” The waiter walks away.


    “ Salem …. I see nothing has changed. “


    “A lot has changed my son. Victor is dead, Stefano is dead, and Marlena is dead. Vivian owns Salem . It doesn’t feel like the same place anymore.”


    Well I knew all of that. It’s just going to take an energized go getter like myself to get this rolling. It’s time for things in Salem to be shaken up. 2010 is going to be one hell of a year in Salem . I don’t know what Vivian has on her mind, but she’s a fool if she thinks The Kirakis’s are some push over. And because my dear cousin here Justin couldn’t get the job done, I guess this task rest upon me.”


    “Well Excuse me. I tried. I can’t do this by myself.”

    “I can” he says smugly.


    “I like to see you try. Vivian has garnered a lot of power.”


    “So what does that mean? You could only nip at her heels?”


    “Ok you two. Enough. This is not the way we are going to get back our empires. This is what Vivian wants. Let’s focus.” As she says that, the waiter comes back with their food. Philip’s mouth waters as he is about to dive into a piece of heaven after been served jail food for the past few years.

    Justin smiles at Kate and Kate gives him a flirtatious look.

    Salem Jail

    Mike with April walks over to his mother’s cell.

    Laura, getting off her cot is thrilled.

    “Michael. So glad you came to see me honey.”


    “I miss mom. How are you holding up?”


    “I’m used to being confined. Nothing new for me.” Looking at April

    “I see you brought my attorney. Is everything ok? Did something change?”


    “Oh, no. I just thought I would let you know April and I are dating now.”


    “I hope that is ok with you Mrs. Horton.”


    “It is. I am so glad it’s just not that vial Robin. Mike I am telling you, she is setting me up to be in here.”


    “Mom, please don’t. This is hard for me to deal with. I got my own mother, accusing my son’s mother of faking a fall and framing you for it. “


    “Don’t worry; we will get to the bottom of this. It’s only a matter of time.”


    “Oh I know. Liars never win and Michael you will see I am telling the truth. I have no business being here. Robin is not a good mother for Jeremy. She’s a liar and a cheat. I hope you can come to you senses soon.”


    “I love you mom. Your trial is soon.”


    “I’m counting the days. That’s all I have to do in here. I’m counting the days until Robin is exposed for the lying Bitch she is.”


    “I’ll be back soon; I have an appointment with the board of directors at the hospital.”

    Laura, frowning up,

    “You have a meeting with the board? That can’t be good.”


    “Very interesting to say the least. Something big must be about to happen. I’ll keep you posted.”


    “I love you Michael.” Mike and April leaves, leaving Laura to ponder her thoughts of her freedom.

    Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite

    Greta stops pounding Nicole’s head into the ground. She is unconscious.


    “Please Greta. We have babies. Just let us go. You have to get help. I’m sorry for everything. “


    “No way in hell. It’s over. This ends now.” Greta aims the gun at Jan, then at her son Bentley.


    “Greta, it doesn’t have to end like this.”


    “I thought I asked you to quit talking.” Greta fires the gun in her direction but it misses. Josh and Bentley begin crying.


    “Damn shut those babies up! I can’t take it.”

    Jan and Eugenia both try to comfort their sons. Neither one is getting any quieter.


    “That’s it.” She fires the gun in Jan’s direction but the bullet hit’s Bentley in the back. Jan let’s out this horrible scream.

    Greta screams as well


    Lucas comes too as he hears all the screaming and sees blood pouring from baby Bentley. Lucas is horrified. He’s angry. A rage is building inside him as the cries of the babies get more intense. He jumps up and grabs Greta, knocking the gun out of her hand. He begins to choke her. Pinning her against a wall, he is choking the air out of her body. As the baby cries echo louder in Lucas's head, the tighter his grip becomes on Greta’s neck.

    Eugenia hollers out

    “Lucas No! Stop it!”
    Greta’s face is now purple and she’s making gagging noises.


    “You’re going to kill her.”


    “It’s too late for that.” Lucas drops Greta’s lifeless body onto the floor. Greta is dead. Lucas has killed Greta!
  18. aMLCproduction
    Salem Courthouse

    At the courthouse, almost all of the Hortons, Alexis, and Robin sit and watch as Laura goes on trial for trying to kill Robin. Judge Fitzpatrick looks at Laura.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Dr. Horton, you have been accused of three counts of attempted murder by Dr. Robin Jacobs. How do you plead?


    My client pleads not guilty, your honor.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Prosecution, call your first witness.

    Paul McDaneld, an ADA that is trying Laura's case, stands up.


    Prosecution calls Alexis Kefer to the stand.

    Alexis heads to the stand, and takes oath, before McDaneld begins his questioning.


    Miss Kefer, would you say that Dr. Jacobs' description of the events of that fateful night are accurate?


    Hell no! Robin and I fought, and she fell; that was all. Laura was never even there.


    Now, Miss Kefer, we have reason to doubt your credibility.


    Excuse me?


    You and Dr. Jacobs have feuded ever since she returned to town, correct?


    Yes, that's true.


    Then, why take her side in something like this? Why not side with the defendent in a continued attempt to get her grandson back?


    Objection! Relevance!

    Judge Fitzpatrick



    I am simply making a point that all of this ties back into that: Miss Kefer carrying a torch for the defendent's grandson, Dr. Jacobs' son. Dr. Jacobs did not want you with her son, correct?


    Yes, but-


    Then it makes perfect sense as to why you would lie under oath and not give the correct version of the story. You slept with Dr. Jacobs' ex-husband while you were with their son. In fact, you originally came to Salem when EJ Wells hired you to seduce Lucas Roberts, correct?

    Alexis, getting angry

    How do you know that?!


    All of this puts your credibility in doubt, Miss Kefer. Perhaps you won't be the best witness in this case. No more questions.

    He goes and sits down, and April stands up.


    Miss Kefer, could you perhaps give the court room a recap of this entire situation? What started all of this madness?


    Well, I was dating Jeremy, Mike and Robin's son. And...I really did love him. Then I did something I shouldn't have; I got drunk and slept with Mike. Jeremy found out, and broke up with me; then his mother zoomed into town. Robin basically took charge, hating on me every chance she got. Laura stood up for me and Mike; she told Robin off countless times, and even gave me some advice. That pissed her off, so she's trying to get her thrown back into some sanitarium.


    So it would be fair to say that Dr. Jacobs' accusations stem simply from a grudge?

    Alexis, smirking at Robin



    I think all of this sums Dr. Jacobs' plot perfectly. She was angry at Miss Kefer and Dr. Horton for hurting her son, and my client had a different opinion and didn't have a problem speaking her mind. Dr. Jacobs saw her as a problem and wanted her out of the way. No further questions.

    Alexis gets off of the stand, and next up is Laura. McDaneld questions her first.


    Dr. Horton, you have a long history of mental problems. Mind telling us when they first started?


    Objection! This man's questions have little relevance to the case at hand!


    Your honor, this case is all about determining whether Dr. Horton has indeed gone insane or not. We must examine her history of mental illness so you can make a proper judgement.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Overruled, Counselor Ramirez. Answer the question, doctor.


    It...was many years ago. After I had my beloved daughter, Jennifer, I suffered from depression; it is common for mothers. It increased when my husband had two affairs; one brought him a son, and that was what drove me over the edge. I endangered my daughter, and lapsed into a catatonic state.


    And you were trapped in this catatonic state for many years, correct?


    Yes, but that was because I was being fed drugs by the santarium. I know where you're heading, counselor, and I'm going to stop it; I am fully recovered. I have been for years; many people, such as Stefano DiMera and Peter Blake, have tried to make me look like I've relapsed and have gone insane. Robin is only the latest person to add to the list, but not once have I truly been insane. It is simply because of outside forces.


    Alright. Then give us your description of the events that took place.


    I wasn't even present when Robin hit her head; the second so called event was during an argument that we had. We were arguing over all of this, and she...she just pushed me too far. I didn't mean to put my hands around her neck, it just happened.


    So you are admitting that if pushed too far, you can snap again?


    NO! I didn't even snap; I was not trying to strangle Robin. It was a simple moment of weakness.


    I think all of these events were moments of weakness. When you tried to kill her, when you tried to strangle her, and when you pushed her down the stairs.


    I did not push her down the stairs! Robin threw HERSELF down the stairs after we argued about her actual motives. She wanted to set me up again, and it worked. I can only hope that Judge Fitzpatrick sees through that.


    Why would Dr. Jacobs be so petty? She could have died or gotten seriously injured from such a drastic fall. It seems a bit far for a grudge.


    Because that's who Robin is. I didn't know her when she was with my son, but the Robin of today is very petty. She will stop at nothing to get what she wants; she's not being protective of Jeremy. She's just looking out for her own interests.


    It seems you have some malicious feelings towards her; I think this just proves that Dr. Horton did try to kill Dr. Jacobs. All three times. I rest my case.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Miss Ramirez, would you like to cross examine the witness?


    No, your honor, I wouldn't. I would like to get a move on and call my witness to the stand: Dr. Robin Jacobs herself.

    Laura steps down, and Robin calmly heads up to the stand and takes oath.


    Dr. Jacobs, before you returned to Salem because of Miss Kefer's actions, would you mind re-counting your last time in Salem?


    Objection! Now Miss Ramirez is being irrelevant.


    He got to recount his history, now I need to recount mine.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Once again, overruled.


    What would my last time in Salem have to do with Laura? She wasn't even here when I last visited.


    Answer the question, Dr. Jacobs

    Robin, scowling

    Fine. I came to Salem many years ago, shortly after leaving town, to introduce Mike to his son. That was all.


    Ah, but it wasn't all, was it?


    What do you mean?


    You returned because you had hopes of rekindling your flame with Dr. Horton.


    That's insane.


    This is going no where, your honor!


    Let me get to my point!

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Make it quick, Miss Ramirez.


    You returned to Salem to re-kindle your relationship with Dr. Horton. Yes or no.




    You are under oath.


    Fine. Mike and I never exactly....closed the door entirely on our relationship. I left him because I caught him praying, when he agreed to convert to Judaism to marry me. But then I found out I was pregnant, and I got over our differences of religion...I wanted him back.


    And what happened?


    You know what happened, you bitch. You were the cause.


    Ah, our first sign of Dr. Jacobs being jealous. So you could not re-unite with Dr. Horton because he was involved with me, correct?


    Yes. I left town because he had moved on.


    So you never got over him.


    I never said that.


    You left Salem with very unresolved feelings for Dr. Horton; you two couldn't put things in the past. So it would be safe to say that you carried those feelings around with you.


    No. Absolutely not!

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    Counselor, I fail to see how this has anything to do with this trial.


    Oh, but it does. Dr. Jacobs, I believe that you still carry a torch for Dr. Michael Horton; I believe that you came back to Salem because you were jealous that he slept with Alexis Kefer.


    That's not true! It was because of my son!


    That's what you've tried to tell yourself, isn't it? That's what you've tried to tell everyone around you, isn't it? You've put on a mask to everyone, acting like you are just an over-protective mother. And this was the basis of your last argument with Laura, was it not? When you threw yourself down those stairs at Maggie Horton's house? Laura finally figured you out; she called you out, and you couldn't stand it.


    Laura pushed me down those stairs. She had no regard-


    That is a lie and you know it. All of this is not only because you love your son, but because you still have feelings for Mike. You hate it, but you do, and it has been the basis of every single action that you've done since the day you came back to this town.


    How dare you. What about you, huh? You randomly return to represent Laura in this trial? You're doing the same damn thing; it didn't take a day before you were back in Mike's bed, April. At least with me, I stood my ground against him. You and him are already back together, just like old times.


    And that burns you so much, doesn't it? It hurts you; just like it hurt you that Alexis and Mike slept together. You framed Laura for this crime because she took sides with the woman that slept with YOUR ex! Not because she cheated on your son, she slept with your ex! Everything you have done is been out of spite; this farce of a charge is out of spite, because Laura screwed with your marvelous plan to keep Jeremy under your wing. And you keep him under your wing and away from his father because you are trying to bury those feelings, aren't you? You are angry at Mike for everything he's done, while you've loved him. You are angry at him for sleeping with Alexis. For sleeping with me, for-

    Robin, finally screaming

    ALRIGHT, DAMNIT, ALRIGHT! It's true! I set Laura up all three times. I still carried a torch for Mike.

    Everyone in the court room is stunned, and Jeremy's eyes go wide. He looks from Alexis, to Laura, to Robin.


    Mom, no...



    Mike, standing up

    Robin, is that true?!


    Yes, Mike, it's true. For years, I have tried to put you behind me; I've tried to forget about you. When I found out that you were with April all those years ago, I knew it. I knew that it was over, and so I tried to just put it all behind me. But then you moved to Israel to try to be close to your son, and my hopes got up again. April broke it off with you, and I wondered if maybe we could be a family. Ha, fat chance. As quick as you came to Israel, you went back to Salem, and we didn't get a word from you for YEARS! Years, damnit; I had your son but we barely got a phone call. Then, all of a sudden, you show up again, and guess what? You have another fiancee! And you want to be close to Jeremy again, so you see him, sometimes...but of course, all of your attention is on Carrie. We watched from a distance as you two were so happy...and I wanted to get over you, but you were right there, with the woman that was going to be your wife. Then she left, but that didn't change much; you stuck around for a little while, before taking off again. All of this tortured me, Mike! It put me through so much misery; could I have you, or could I not?! So Jeremy decides to move to Salem to be close with his family, and later on, what do I find out? That you slept with his girl friend! I come back, and then your mother gets on MY case, when I was the one that had been hurt constantly! By you! I tried to deny my feelings, I tried to get rid of them, but you kept yanking my chain. And now, you're back with April. Do you know how much that hurts me?! I finally had enough; I set your mother up. I did it because I was tired of people taking your side; taking whores like Alexis' side. And I did it...because...

    Robin stops, getting choked up as she is overwhelmed with emotion.


    Maybe we should get her out of here.


    NO! I want to here this. This...this is insane. Why else, mom? Why else would you do something so horrible to my grandma?!

    Robin, in tears

    Because I wanted to get back at your father. I hated that I loved him...I hated it, so I thought that maybe this would help me get over it; framing his mother. Maybe this would put that bitch away and I could put your father through something like he put me through.


    That is insane! You love Mike so you frame his mother and try to make her look insane?!


    It's who Robin is.


    No, no, it's not. This is not the woman I married; I married someone kind and loving. Someone who wasn't so petty like this. Robin, I've made a lot of mistakes, and I am sorry...but if you had feelings for me, you should have just told me! I've given you plenty of chances; remember our argument at the hospital? You could have solved this in a way totally different than this!


    I thought I could trust you, Mom! I've asked you over and over if my grandma really tried to kill you, and you assured me that you only wanted her to get better! You made me believe you!


    Jeremy, I love you with all of my heart. Yes, I did come back to Salem because I was furious that Mike had slept with another woman; it made all of my emotions from the past come roaring back. But I also did it because I DID know you were in pain. I wanted to help you and get you away from people like Mike and Alexis! People that make you love them but lead you on; people that make you want to go to the ends of the Earth for them but make you want to throttle them!


    I have never been the best father, I take responsibility for that, but I've tried to fix it. I've tried to make it better, and instead of embracing that, you said my mother tried to kill you, simply because of a vendetta and because she disagreed with you! You left me in the first place, Robin. And you never told me anything else; what did you expect me to do?!


    You're even worse than I thought, Robin! Jeremy, do you see now?! Do you see what I've been trying to tell you all along?!


    I don't know what to think! Mom, you were there for me when my dad wasn't...but now, you've screwed me over too! Both of you have never done anything for me!

    Alexis, running to his side



    And neither have you! Get away from me! I need to get out of here.



    Jeremy darts out of the court room, and Robin quickly gets off the stand to go after him, but she is grabbed by the baliff.

    Judge Fitzpatrick

    I'm puting an end to this circus right now. Dr. Laura Horton, you obviously are not guilty of these charges; you are free to go. On behalf of the town of Salem, I apologize for putting you through all of this. Dr. Robin Jacobs, I hereby order your arrest.

    Many in the court room breathe a sigh of relief, and Laura just sits at the table, not knowing what to think.


    Finally, I'm free...everyone knows that Robin's a liar. This nightmare is over!

    Episode#456: All Bitches Fall Down

    Written by: Tara Smith and ML Cooks

    Alamain Mansion

    Nicholas is alone at the Alamain Mansion, the home of the once great Alamain family, when he hears a knock at the door. He answers it to see Philip Kiriakis!


    Uh, can I help you?

    Philip, walking right in

    The name's Philip Kiriakis. We have a lot to discuss.


    Kiriakis...as in Victor Kiriakis? Wait, Philip Kiriakis...that name sounds familiar.


    And it should.


    You're Belle's ex-husband. You kidnapped her and her daughter and then stalked Belle. Shouldn't you be in jail?


    I've done my time. Besides, prison can't keep a Kiriakis man down for long.


    Well, what the hell do you want with me?


    Justin told me that you'd been dating Belle; when I talked to her, it sounded like you'd gotten her pretty upset. Rumor is that you two had some big argument.


    How is that any of your business?


    Belle is my ex-wife; I need to make up for all that I did to her. She deserves a man who loves her and treats her right. What did you do to her?


    You must have some pretty big balls to walk into the ALAMAIN Mansion and tell me how to treat a woman. Not that I care about Belle anyway; she left me out in the cold. She refused to help me stop YOUR mother.


    My mother? You mean the woman that you tried to sleep with?


    No, the one that gave birth to you. Vivian Alamain.


    Ha. And here I thought you were close to your aunt; I can see why you're not, though. That bitch has taken over this entire town and is destroying my father's legacy. But for you to ask Belle to do something like that? Pretty low.


    Yeah, you've got no place to talk. You kidnapped her and threatened her.


    I never expected Belle to do anything for me; you thought that she would use her power at Titan to help you like that? Belle's too good for that.


    I thought Belle loved me. If she loved me, she would have done it for me, no matter what. That's what lovers do for each other.


    You must not know Belle then; the Belle that I was married to was a good woman. A woman who was also perfect and wouldn't commit a crime for anyone; she stands up for what she believes in. The fact that you left her shows what a jackass you are.


    What was I supposed to do?


    You should've stood by her.


    You didn't do that. She told me everything about what you did; practice what you preach.


    I'm willing to bet that I was much better to Belle than you ever were. Especially with how crappy you've treated her lately. Watch your step, man. Hurt Belle like that again and you'll answer to me.

    Philip walks out of the Alamain Mansion, leaving an angry Nicholas in his wake.

    Salem University Hospital

    Bo stands outside his grandson, Bentley's, room. He watches as he sleeps peacefully, recovering from being shot at such a young age. Bo can't believe what he has been through, and what is going on to his entire family. Hope walks up to him.


    Fancy Face, I thought you were going to be at the court house for a while?


    I was, but it ended a little quicker than expected. I swear, it was an all out mess. Robin broke down on the stand and confessed to setting Laura up; apparently she was never over Mike, and she ranted at him for what he's put her and Jeremy through over the years. It's insanity, but good for Laura.


    Poor Jeremy. Finding out that your mother isn't the perfect woman you think she is can be hard; it takes a lot to get over that, but he will, eventually. I know.


    I know you do...we've been through a lot, haven't we?


    Definitely, but it's all...it's all going to get better. For Laura and Jeremy. For us.

    Hope, sighing

    I'd really like that.

    Bo stares at his wife, knowing that in order to get their lives back on track, he has to end his affair with Kristen. It may hurt him to do it, but he has to.


    So, how's Bentley?


    Doing great; even better than they hoped. He'll be released soon and then he can come home with us.


    That'll be great; I feel horrible, Brady. In all of this chaos, we've totally forgotten about our own grandchildren. Have we even visited Claire? And we let our grandson live with a lunatic for so long...


    I know; I confronted Jan once, but it led to nothing because of all that's happened. But at least he had Lucas, and now we can change everything. We're going to put our family back together, Fancy Face, I promise. We're going to see Claire more often. We're going to adopt Bentley and make him a part of our lives.

    Hope, smiling

    That'll be great. It really will...hopefully the worst has passed.

    She looks at her grandson through the window.


    Bentley Brady...has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?


    Hell no!

    Bo and Hope both turn around to see Jan approaching. Both give each other a worried look.


    The only way that his last name would have ever been Brady would have been if Shawn had made him Bentley Brady, and made me Jan Brady. But that didn't happen, so he's Bentley Spears. What do you two think you are doing here?


    It's over, Jan. We've made the mistake of not keeping a closer eye on Bentley and that ends now; he's our grandson. Lucas asked us to raise Bentley.


    Lucas has NO jurisdiction over MY son.


    And it's what Shawn would want too, you know. He wouldn't want you raising him.


    That's NOT true.


    I am sure it will be easy to convince a judge to give custody to us. We are adopting Bentley and making him a part of our family as soon as possible.


    No. I am Bentley's mother. I will not let that happen.


    You don't have a choice, Jan. You made your decision the minute you started scheming again; you had a chance to be a good mother and you wasted your time on some baby switch. You've been nothing but trouble from the start. You ruined Shawn's life twice. Because of you, Lucas is going to prison and leaving his own family behind.

    Jan, appalled

    That was Greta's fault, NOT mine! She's the one who switched the babies, locked me up in a secret room, and shot Bentley! All of this goes back to her!


    And who threw that racoon on her in the first place?! Who made her leave town? You tortured Belle. You tortured Mimi. You tortured Chloe. You tortured Eugenia.


    You tried to kill my father. You locked my son in a cage for months, then tricked him for even more months. You stole his sperm! It's amazing that Marlena actually gave birth to someone like you; if she was alive today, she'd be disappointed in what you've become. Or what you've always been.


    And now it's over. You're over, Jan. We're getting rid of you for the final time; go get some help, because you really need it. Until that happens, you're not even going to see Bentley again. Because he will be our son now. We're going to protect Bentley from poison like you.


    It's amazing to ME that people like you created the love of my life. You both are making a big mistake.

    Jan turns around and furiously storms off, leaving Bo and Hope to watch.


    What a disturbed woman.


    She's gone now. She's going to be out of Bentley's life, and he'll be in ours. I'm going to make this work, Fancy Face. I promise.

    Hope, looking at her husband

    Really? Do you mean that?

    Bo, hesitant before leaning in and kissing her

    Yes, I mean it. Now, I have to go...there's some business down at the station that I need to take care of.

    Bo turns and leaves, as Hope goes back to watching over their grandson.


    Vivian is inside her office at Titan, the one that once belonged to her late husband, Victor Kiriakis. She is personally filling out the invitations to her ball.

    Vivian, chuckling

    I am sending an invitation to every single address in Salem. This ball must be huge; I want everyone in this town to see that I have taken over. And I want all of my enemies to be there...I want to be able to gloat as they see that Vivian Alamain has finally won! And this time, no one is stopping her.

    She grabs her phone and dials a number.


    Ivan! Get into my office and get these invitations sent out ASAP!

    She hangs up, and smiles.


    Now that that is taken care of, it's time to line up media coverage. I want every single Salem affiliate at this ball; NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX. CNN. MSNBC. They all will be at my ball!

    Vivian begins to make the arrangements, but suddenly, Celeste walks in.

    Vivian, on the phone

    I'll have to call you back.

    She hangs up the phone again, and looks at Celeste.


    Celeste, what could you possibly want now? You are lucky that my secretary had a trial to go to.


    I had to take a quick vacation from Salem, dahling, but I'm back.


    Celeste, I have a ball to plan. I've been through this with you time and time again; we've fought and fought. You can do nothing to stop me. I've already won.


    I'm not here to fight with you, Vivian. As much as I hate you and would like to, I'm not going to waste my time attacking you again. However, I will say that I cannot believe you are doing this. Taking the hospital from the Hortons?? I know why you got revenge on your family and me, but what did the Hortons ever do to you?


    It's simple business, Celeste. It helped in my domination of Salem. You and your cards would not understand.


    You are ruthless. You kicked a good, hard working family out of their own hospital!


    And gave YOUR daughter her old job back! You should be thanking me.


    Alexandra was just fine at the hospital without being the chief-of-staff. You are destroying lives, Vivian. When will it stop? When will you finally end this madness?


    Please, I am destroying no lives. I've gotten my revenge; now it's much more than that. I am on top of Salem. I'm reigning over every single part of it. I am a DiMera AND Kiriakis; something that you, even when sleeping with both patriarchs, could not achieve.


    I had much deeper relationships with Stefano and Victor than you could have ever hoped for.


    Yet I'm the one who married them. Twice. You are just a servant, Celeste. You are not worth my time, so get out.


    Wait, Vivian! Don't go through with this ball! As much as I despise you, dahling, I have to warn you: I have a bad feeling about this. This ball will go very badly for you.

  19. aMLCproduction
    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Jenn is stunned, learning her enemy, Jodie, is HIV positive. She quickly walks away from Diego's door.

    Inside Diego's office,


    "So how have you been feeling Jodie?"


    "For the most part fine. Vomiting every now and again."


    "And I see you are keeping your self busy, modeling for Divine Design."


    "I'd rather not talk about that."


    "So when did you find out you were positive?"

    Jodie, shedding a tear, remembering when she was first told she was HIV positive. Mike holds her

    "It's ok Jodie. I'm here for you. You can do this."

    "I know. It's just hard. Sometimes I wish this was all a bad dream. Or maybe the doctor's got my results mixed up with someone else's."


    "I know it's hard Jodie. If you would like, we can continue this another time."


    "No, no it's ok. You would think after 2 years of knowing, I would be past the denial stage."


    "So you found out in 2006?"




    "Have you had any sexual contact since finding out?" He says, Looking at Mike




    "How did you contract HIV Jodie?"
    Jodie, takes a deep breath before answering

    "I was a prostitute."




    "What's that supposed to mean?"


    "Nothing I'm sorry. Jodie, I'll fax over some stuff to your doctor's from Cleveland and we'll get your meds set up. Now if you would go out to the nurses station, and Dr. Whitfield will draw blood so we can see how your numbers are."


    "Ok, thanks Dr. Serrano."


    "Please call me Diego." Jodie and Mike gets up and leaves the office. From around a corner, Jenn sees Kiko escorting Mike and Jodie back to a private room.

    Jenn(talking to her self)

    "HIV, and Mike is with her. I can't believe this. But I do now hold the trump card Jo Ho." She says with a smile on her face, leaving the hospital.

    Episode: 84, 1 Night Stand!

    Written by: ML Cooks

    Storyline Consultant: Durand Saint Hillarie

    Westwood Park

    Natalia's House

    Natalia is rubbing her belly, talking to the baby inside of her

    "I think it's time we make daddy move in here. Don't you think little one? It's time for us to become a family. Let's give daddy a call" Natalia pulls out her cell phone and calls Mark

    "Good morning"
    Mark, on the phone

    "Is the baby ok?"




    "Than why are you calling?"


    "It's time for us to be a family. We need to be together for this child. I can't raise this baby on my own. I want you to move in here, tonight."


    "That won't be happening."


    "Why not? I am having your baby!"


    "Not by choice."


    "You bastard. This is stressful for me. It's not good for the baby. I've been getting harassing phone calls. I need my man to protect me and his child."

    Mark, thinking of Rufus

    "What do you mean you been getting harassing phone calls?"


    "I really don't want to talk about it. It frightens me."

    Mark, not wanting Rufus to expose his bisexualness to Natalia, and wanting to protect his child from a crazy Rufus, Mark gives in

    "You win. I do want to be a father to this child. Even if his mother is Satan her self. I'll be there later on with my things"


    "Thanks baby. I can't wait till you get here. I love you." Mark just hangs up on Natalia after she say's that. Natalia is a little hurt. "One day he will love me little one. I promise." She says to her baby. Natalia grabs her purse and heads to Divine Design.

    Downtown Pasadena

    Ivory Inc.

    Karim is sitting in his office taking to his secretary Ladonna. She is taking notes as he talks

    "I want you to set up a meeting with everyone. I'm taking over day to day operations here. My brother is taking a leave of absence."


    "Is he ok?"


    "He's just needs some time off. And with Ivory posting a loss of 22 percent of revenue last quarter, he is just unable to put in his all right now. The economy is in trouble, borderline recession and Ivory needs to reorganize to reflect the latest market slump."


    "So that must mean layoff's?"


    "It's the only way Ivory can stay alive and remain competitive. Plus a new and exciting line of fragrances. "

    Don barges into Karim's office

    "Look at my nephew. Living large. Nice office, pretty lil secretary. My brother is right! I show could get used to working round these parts." Walking closer to Karim, Don reaches out to his nephew with open arms "Show your uncle some love" He says slapping Karim's back


    "Donna, can you excuse us. "


    "Sure, I'll get right on that"


    "Thanks you." Ladonna gets up and walks out of the office.


    "That's a good one there."


    "You got a lot of nerve barging into my damn office like this!"


    "Is that how you talk to you old uncle DC. I haven't seen you since you was knee high to a grasshopper boy. What the hell's the matter with you?"


    "I'm a little salty. My uncle slept with my ex fiancée. This just aint sitting on me right."


    "Don't be on that boy. I didn't know who she was. She came to Cleveland looking for my hoe."

    "Hoe, You a pimp?"


    "Not for much longer. I'm about to be working here. With my nephew. I hear Kevin took some time off so this is the perfect time for me and my nephew to get reacquainted. "


    "You? Work here, at Ivory?"


    "Yea boy, you hard of hearing. I used to have my own business in new Orleans before Katrina came and washed it away."


    "What kind of business?"


    "I ran a car wash and a dry cleaners. I also did landscaping, And I owned a few chicken coops. Oh and I can't forget about the rib shack. Now that's real cooking down there boy."


    "And you call all that experience?"


    "Yea boy. So just tell me where my office is. I am ready to make people smell good. Do you think I can get a cologne named after me, DC.." He say smiling.

    Around the corner, inside of Divine Design

    Jodie walks into Natalia's office.


    "Well look at who decided to show up."


    "Nat, I am so sorry."


    "Well you better be. I put everything I had into that fashion show. I've waited all my life for that moment and you took that away from me. I will never forgive you for this."


    "Nat, please. I want to make thing right. I want to make amends. I can't go out like this. I know you had a lot wrapped up in this. But please, I can do this. Give me another shot."


    "You must be flipping crazy. Second chance? Have you seen the tabloids. My face is on all of them with sub titles such a Loser, set-up, disaster, those are the headlines Jodie. I am the joke of the fashion world. I make my first grand foray and it blows up in my face. Our stock is trading at an all time low. I failed."


    "No No No. We can do this again. We can do it over. And it will go right. "

    Ria barge into the office.

    "She's right."

    Jodie, turning to Ria

    "I've been looking for you."


    "Excuse me?"


    "I want to know why you went to Cleveland with Jenn?"


    "What? What is it with Jenn and this fashion shows and Ria what do you have to do with this?"


    "Oh, you're home girl didn't tell you did she? She was in on it with Jenn. Ria helped Jennifer bring my pimp back to Pasadena. That's why I walked out the fashion show. Because Jenn threaten to expose the truth to the tabloids."


    "I can't believe this. And Ria, you are my girl. I can't believe you helped Jenn do this.'


    "Wait a damn minute! First of all I didn't know what the hell Jenn was up to. All she said was she wanted to dig up some dirt on Jodie. I had no idea it was this serious."


    "What? You should have stopped her before she even tried. You knew I was doing a big fashion show. You were in it. Why would you help Jennifer take my dreams away from me? You knew how much I wanted this. To beat Sabryn and Alexis, and show them I am a force to be reckoned with. Show them that I am talented and that I do have what it tales to compete with them. But no! All you bitches played me."


    "You say what? I know you didn't"


    "Yes she did. And you ought to be a shamed of yourself doing your good friend like that."


    "Bitch you don't know me like that."


    "Whatever" looking at Natalia "I promise, I will make this up to you Natalia." Jodie leaves as Ria is still standing in her office. Natalia wipes tears from her eyes.


    "I'm going to excuse you talking crazy girl. You're 6 months pregnant. It's those crazy hormones. When was the last time you got you some girl?"


    "Ria, I mean it, get the hell out. I can't believe you did this to me."

    Ria stands there, looking at her home girl stare out the window. Ria, finally get the picture and leaves Natalia's office. "I really fu(ked up this this time" Ria says to her self.

    The Blue Note

    Kevin is sitting at the bar drinking a beer. Lauren walks in and begins talking to Pierre until she notices Kevin sitting at the bar.


    "Excuse me Pierre. "

    She says walking away over to Kevin. She grabs a seat next to him at the bar.

    Kevin, feeling uneasy being around her, having memories of sleeping with her

    "Lauren, it's been a while. How is Daniel doing?"


    "He's doing great. He's finally turned over a new leaf. He's becoming his own man. He's cut all ties with Tyler."


    "I am glad to hear. It's a shame it took such a tragic ordeal to finally bring Daniel to his senses. One minute he is dead and the next he's not. Didn't Chris Douglas get put to death for stabbing Daniel?


    "As painful as it is to admit it, it's true."


    "How did all this happen?"


    "Some crazy woman, Mona faked his death by cloning Daniel. It was Daniel's clone that was stabbed to death."


    "Cloned? This Mona person really is crazy. "


    "You do know that Daniel saw Sharan while he was held captive in Mona's Dungeon?"


    "What? Why didn't know one tell me this sooner?"


    "Mona is the one who kidnapped Sharan. Mona set up Dondre just like she set up Chris."


    "But no one seems to know where this infamous Mona is."


    "I am sure she and Sharan will be found. And speaking of, Kevin we need to talk about that night?"


    "I think we do. We have not spoke on it since."


    "What do you think we should do about this?"


    "Lauren it was a mistake. You love Daniel and I love Sharan. We don't need to let what happened between us change any of that."


    "I hope we can still remain good friends."


    "Of course we can." He says as he hugs her, and to his surprise Dondre is standing right behind Lauren.


    "It must really run in the family. The so called self righteous Williams family. A family full of cheaters. It always starts with a one night stand." Lauren and Kevin are stunned that Dondre has just learned about that one night stand…….

  20. aMLCproduction
    Spencer gets a call on his office phone. He picks up..
    “Welsh here” “Really.. already?” “ Ok I’ll pass the word” Spencer puts the phone down. He pauses and thinks. He then dials another number.
    “The verdict for Victor Newman has came in already.”

    Episode 100: Victor’s verdict
    Written by ML Cooks

    In the Jail. Avery meets with Daisy.
    Daisy:I though you forgot about me.
    Avery: No I haven’t I’ve been so consumed with Victor’s trial. I just got word his verdict is in so it will be over today. Then it will be time for us to help you get out of here.
    Daisy: Do you think it’s still possible?
    Avery: I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think so.
    Daisy smiles. “ I can’t wait to see my daughter.”
    Avery: I’m pretty confident you will be able to see Lucy soon.

    Roxanne knocks on Nate’s door. He opens and she walks in . Nate gives her a hug.
    Roxanne: Nate what’s the matter? You sounded upset on the phone.
    Nate: It’s Ronan. He’s now harassing me about Sophia’s death. He’s keeps accusing me of hiding something.
    Roxanne: But you are. Nate I really encourage you to tell the truth. You cant play God with Moses’ life. You have to tell Malcolm that Moses is really his son. That’s not being fair to Moses. I think your being selfish if you don’t.
    Nate: Your right. How did I get caught up in this. I hate Malcolm. He didn’t deserve a child.
    Roxanne: That’s not your place to decide that Nate. You need to make things right. Look at you… you’re a mess. You will feel so much better.
    Nate: What is my mom and uncle Neil going to think of me. My career as a doctor. It will all be over for me.
    Roxanne: Nate all that doesn’t matter. You have to do the right thing. I would want to know who my real parents were. In fact I don’t think I could forgive any one for keeping me from my parents.
    Nate: Your right Roxanne.
    Roxanne: I never got to meet my real parents. I was adopted as a baby. Don’t do this to Moses Nate. I beg of you. He deserves the truth. Your family deserves the truth.
    Nate is extremely upset and as a tear coming down his face over the guilt he feels over what he’s done to Moses. Roxanne hold shim as they lay in the couch. She has tears in her eyes as well as she wallows in the fact she was given up for adoption.
    Roxanne: Nate it’s going to be ok. I’m here for you.
    Nate: Thank you Roxanne. They hold each other.
    “Thank you for being here with me Roxanne. I couldn’t think of no one else I would want to be around.
    Roxanne: Not even Abby
    Nate: We both know she’s not into me. She’s into Devon.
    Roxanne: But I got Devon.
    Nate: And Nate got no one.
    Roxanne feels bad and sits up and looks at Nate. He looks back at her.
    Roxanne: Nate, have I ever said to you how sexy I think you are to me.
    Nate smiles at her. “ Never. But you know what.
    Roxanne: What?
    Nate: Your beautiful Roxanne.” They look into each other eyes. They slowly lean closer towards each other until their lips meet. She exhales. But then pulls back.
    Nate; What’s the matter?
    Roxanne: I love Devon Nate. It’s dangerous for me to be here right now. We are both in weaken states of mind. “ She grabs her purse and begins to leave. He gets up and grabs her. He puts his two hands on her face so she looks back into his eyes. Roxanne gets weak in the knees looking at Nate. He leans in and kisses her again. This time she kisses back. Passionately. But she stops and pushes him off her. She then leaves. Nate pours him a drink and thinks of Roxanne.. He’s frustrated.

    Olivia arrives at the Tack house. Nick answers the door.
    Nick: Liv, good to see you. I was about to head to court. My dad’s verdict is in.
    Olivia: Oh my. Well Nick I don’t know how it will turn out but I wish you and your family luck.
    Nick: Thanks Liv. Take care.” Olivia walks over to Phyllis.
    Phyllis:Hi Olivia.
    Olivia: Hi Phyllis, I have some great news for you.
    Phyllis: What’s that?
    Olivia: I’m here to take you to the hospital. Dr. Conrad is here in town on a surprise visit and wants to start the treatment to restore your eyesight.
    Phyllis: Today!!?
    Olivia: Right now.
    Phyllis: I can’t believe it. I’m going to be able to see again. I can see my baby girl.” She wipes tears of joy.

    In Verdon Lou. Sheila comes out from behind the curtain
    Dru:Tell us who you got back there?
    Sheila: Its not time yet.” She pulls out a cell phone.
    Dru: You ordering some food for us. We are hungry. I like chicken wings and get some ranch sauce. Sharon what you want girl?
    Sharon: Yes Sheila we haven’t eaten in days.
    Sheila: Good then.” She walks outside to have her conversation in private. Its an international call to Paris.
    “Hi, its momma bear.”
    Voice:Mother hello, how are things?
    Sheila: Momma bear has things under control. I think its about time for to come to Genoa City. The time is right to move onward with our plan.
    Voice: Good I can see my man.
    Sheila: You mean Scotty?
    Voice: Yes, He think I’m Vandalynn.
    Sheila: Good work Mary. Lauren is going to flip when she learns her son is in love with Sheila Carter’s daughter.
    Mary: I’ll pack and be there soon.
    Sheila: Don’t tell Scotty. Surprise him.
    Mary: Will do.
    Sheila: And when you get in Genoa City you know what you have to do right?
    Mary: I sure do.
    Sheila: That’s mommas girl. I’ll be in touch. Contact me when you arrive in GC.” Sheila hangs up. Sheila walks back inside
    Dru: Look at that ugly grin on your face.
    Sheila: Soon my family will be reunited right here in Genoa City
    Dru: Crazy Bitch!.

    Downtown Genoa City. People fill into the courtroom along with spectators of big media to hear the Victor Newman Verdict. Victor is brought into the courtroom in cuffs. He stops and looks at all the people’s faces that testified against him, Jack, Lauren, Billy, and Ashley to name a few. He looks at Katherine and smiles at her. She smiles back. Victor takes a deep breath. As he walks over to his seat.

    A local reporter begins to report on the story.
    Reporter: Today is the moment of truth. Will business Tycoon Victor Newman be found guilty of all the heinous crimes he’s accused of. From murder to insider trading and even kidnapping. We are about to find out in a few moments if The Great Victor Newman will walk out a free man.”

    Mathis walks in and looks at Victor’s Legal time. He only sees Rafe and Avery.
    Mathis: The last time we were hear I notice you were missing some of your legal time. The same thing this time. Is there a reason?
    Spencer looks at Avery with a grin.
    Avery: Your honor Leslie Michelson has resign from the case.
    Mathis: Damn. Part of your legal team bailed on you Mr. Newman. Could that be a sign of things to come?” He looks over to the jury foreman and puts his hand out for the verdict. The foreman hands it to Judge Mathis. Mathis opens the envelope. He looks up at Victor. Then back down at the verdict. He hands it back to the foreman.
    Mathis then looks at the jury: Did all of you agree to the verdict?
    The Jury: Yes.
    Mathis: The state of Wisconsin finds the accused Victor Newman

    GUILTY AS CHARGED ON ALL COUNTS!!” Genoa City is stunned!!..
  21. aMLCproduction
    With all the massive changes happening here on LIS, I thought it was time to release some story previews for 2010. With the recent flurry of casting cuts and newer characters coming on board, I wanted to give fans something to look forward too.

    I am trying to get LIS back to family, love and romance. Those three things were seriously lacking when I came on board. Also we will be seeing every cast member have a storyline. Before I came back on board, we would only see so and so one time a month and there story was at a stand still and other stories were some what isolated. All that has changed now. We will see more of an ensemble cast feel. More character interactions to help advance story.

    The major storyline on LIS right now is Vivian’s take over of Salem. Almost every single storyline and character will be woven into this umbrella plot. This story is being used as a launch pad to begin new stories and to showcase characters we have not seen in a long time. Vivian just about owns everything in Salem and it’s now time to see the deziens of Salem take back what’s rightfully theirs. There are a lot of surprises in store for this plot. It’s really going to bring the families of Salem to the forefront and play out for some time to come.

    Another big storyline I am showcasing right now is the love triangle of Bo/Hope/and Kristen. This story was set up the last time I was CO HW and I am so happy I get to play it up upon my return. This story has so many angles and so many twists but I want to assure the readers of one thing: Kristen will NOT be the villain in this one, nor will it be Hope. Also there is another character coming back to Salem that will blow this story right out of the water. Stay tuned for that.

    In an effort to par down the cast and broaden the story base, another round of cuts will take place VERY SOON. LIS was extremely bloated when I came back. A lot of these characters were non essential players and it drained the story base.

    Also to help build up the families in Salem; since LIS has said goodbye to icons like, Marlena, John, Stefano, and Victor to name a few, I am bringing back some cast members that I am sure will make readers happy. These characters that will return will help the story base and compliment what I have in place.

    One last teaser, 2010 will be the year of the Hortons. They will be front and ceneter.

    It’s going to be an exciting ride teases HW ML Cooks.

  22. aMLCproduction
    Lexie walks into University Hospital.

    Dr. Michael Horton, expecting her, greets her by the nurses station.


    “Thank you for meeting with me Mike.”


    “No problem. It’s good to see you again. We really haven’t spoken since I’ve dropped back in Salem.” He says escorting her to her office.


    “You’ve been back since Christmas and it’s almost April. This town is not that big.”


    “You’re right. But this is Salem. Like, sorry for your loss.”


    “Thank you Mike.”


    “So I understand you are looking to come back on staff here?”


    “Yes I do. I miss the practice. I miss caring for people. It’s in my blood Mike. “


    “If you don’t mind me saying, the last few years, you haven’t-”

    Lexie, cutting him off

    “I know, I know Mike. I have done some things I am not proud of.. I was going some things within myself. I lost control of myself and my life. But I have repented. I am a changed woman. I look back on the things I did and I feel so ashamed. It sickens me that I acted like my father, a true evil Dimera. I am ready to give back. I want to continue to help and care for others.” She says wiping a tear from her cheek. She continues” Sometimes, people need second chances.”

    Mike, thinks of his own situation with his son Jeremy. Lexie’s last statement really resonates renewed strength to repair the rift that exist between him and his son.

    “You know Lexie, you’re absolutely right. Welcome back to Salem University Hospital.”

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo2A7rZhZGA (Click to view the offical Life in Salem opening)

    Episdoe:240, Second Chances

    Written by: ML Cooks

    Midtown Salem

    Salem Place Apartments

    Marlena continues to pound on Sami’s door

    “Samantha open this door. What’s going on in there? I heard screaming”

    Inside the apartment, in Sami’s bedroom. “Sami” lays on top of Sami, who is still restrained to her bed with her mouth taped shut. Stan looks into Sami’s eyes and says

    “Well I guess this is my first test.” Stan gets up off of Sami and looks in the mirror to make sure, he looks just like Sami. He smiles at himself and exit’s the bedroom as poor Sami tries with her might to make a sound, a hoot, a holler or something. “Sami” opens the door.


    “Sami, are you ok? I heard screaming”


    “Everything is fine.”


    “Then what was all that screaming about?”

    “Mom, please don’t ask.”


    “What do you mean don’t ask? You’re my daughter and I heard shouting. Now tell me what’s going on!”

    Sami, turning around, getting nervous, walking away

    “If you must know, I have company”




    “I have a guest over mom. A date. There, are you happy?”


    “Oh my….Oh my.. Sami I had no idea you moved on with some one else already.”


    “It’s none of your business. What are you doing here? He’s waiting.”


    “How dare you?”


    “Oh spare me Saint Marlena. You’re no mother of the year.”


    “I will not have you talk to me this way.”


    “You’re in my house. If you don’t like what I have to say or how I say it, then I suggest you leave.” “Sami” touts back, walking over towards the door and opening it.


    “Something is not right here.”


    “What are you talking about?”


    “Something is very off about you.” She says walking closer toward her.

    “Sami”, getting nervous

    “Look just get out ok! I don’t have time for you to play Nancy Drew.” After she says that, they hear some glass shattering coming from the bedroom. Marlena begins to walk over to the bedroom door. “Sami” sweats bullets as his plan to impersonate Sami is about to be exposed before it can even start. It seems “Sami” did not pass his test.

    The Pent House Grille

    Nicholas and Belle are seat at a table.

    “I don’t remember the last time I was here.”


    “I find that surprising.”


    “Why do you say that?”


    “With all the money you have, I thought you dined in fancy places like this all the time.”


    “Yea, well looks can be deceiving.”


    “I don’t understand.”


    “Not only is Alamain is on the verge of bankruptcy, it may now collapse due to in fighting.”


    “Your family is fighting?”


    “Literally. Vivian and Valentine got into a catfight.”


    “You can’t be serious. Aren’t they sisters? It reminds me of my sister Sami and her sister Carrie.”


    “Sisters in deed. I guess that’s women for you.”


    “Hey, I don’t like that. Not all women are catty.”


    “Ahh, I was just kidding.” he says looking over the menu.


    “Everything looks so good.”


    “You look better” He says leaning in to kiss her. So why did you want to come here and eat?”


    “I have something to tell you.”


    “Uh-oh, Those are the notorious words spoken when some one has something bad to say.”


    “Wow, now you’re making this even harder.”


    “So it is something bad?” He leans back, disappointed and a little hurt.


    “I took a job today here at Titian. I am going to be the new face of Bella magazine.”


    “I don’t understand. How would is that bad for us?

    “It means that I will have to travel a lot, for extended periods.”


    “So what are you trying to say? It’s over?”

    Celeste rings the door bell to the Dimera mansion. Lexie answers it. Lexie smiles and hug her mother.

    “I have some wonderful news mom!”


    “Wonderful darling.” She says entering the houses.


    “Mike Horton put me back on staff at Salem U. He’s giving me a second chance.”


    “Lexie darling I am so happy for you.” She says hugging her daughter again.


    “This will look good in the custody battle.”


    “Yes darling, about that.”


    “Mom, what’s going on? I can tell something is wrong.”

    “Darling, I don’t know how you are going to feel about this.”


    “Mom just tell me what is going on.”


    “Darling, Abe and Maggie are dating.” Lexie is stunned.

    Back at the hospital

    Jan holds her baby in her arms. She is overjoyed holding her first newborn child. Lucas smiles at the warming scene.


    “She’s beautiful. Looks just look her mother.”


    “Thank you.” he walks over to her and wraps his arm around her.


    “Jan I love you. And I can’t wait to be a family with you. Me you and this little one.”


    “That is so sweet. I could not be any happier.” She kisses him. “I love you too.”


    “She’s been here a few days now, do you have a name for her yet?”


    “I sure do. I’m going to call her…..”

    Back at the Dimera mansion, after getting over the shock of just learning her ex husband Abe is dating Maggie, Lexie decides to go visit her secret family in the basement. She goes through a few secret doors and makes her way to the room where her family is.


    “Surprised to see you here.”


    “It’s good to have you here.”


    “Congratulations on your new job at the hospital.”


    “How do you know about that?


    “I know everything.”

    Lexie again wonders if Peter is in on this charade as well but decides not ask, realizing the less she knows, the better things will be for her in the long run. She looks at her supposedly dead father.

    “How is he doing? Who has been treating him thus far?”


    “No one. We’ve just been lucky so far.”


    “He looks comatose.”


    “He is.” That is until The great Stefano Dimera opens his eyes…….

  23. aMLCproduction
    Downtown Pasadena

    TC Hotel, Ty's Office

    Jenn, looking at Ty with anger in her eyes

    "I thought I told you I want you to stay away from Jodie."


    "Here we go again. Jenn I also told you that I run a business. I need help around here."


    "Well I can help you."

    Ty, getting up and walking over to her

    "I don't want my pretty lady working. I want to take care of you" He says as he holds her in his arms trying to ease the tension she's feeling.. She pushes him off


    "You told me you could make me happy. I asked you to leave Jodie alone and you just can't. I don't like that slut."


    "Why? Because you saw her kissing all over Mike? Remember in my limo, we almost made love? You're just as guilty as Mike and Jodie are. I bet you never told him what you and I did right before you caught Jodie straddling over him. So frankly you have no reason not to like Jodie."


    "And now you are defending her and making excuses for her. Ty, this is not the life you promised me. You shoot me, you leave me alone at night, and you give me credit cards to get me out the way. And now it seems like you can't pry yourself from Jodie."


    "What are you worried about? I love you. I think you're just jealous of Jodie. You have no reason to be. And please stop brining up the fact I shot you. It was an accident. Now if you will excuse me I have a business to run." He walks past her and out his office.

    Jenn shakes her head in disgust.

    "Being with Ty was supposed to make me happy." She wipes a tear rolling down her face. In the heat of her anger, she throws everything off of Ty's desk, leaving his office in disarray. After looking at the mess she has made, she decides to grab her purse and leave.

    Episode: 55, 2places,1person

    Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches

    Westwood Park, Mike's House

    Jodie pulls some fresh strawberry muffins from the oven. Mike walks in the front door.


    "It sure smells good in here"


    "Fresh strawberry muffins."


    "Good because I am hungry." He says as he walks into his kitchen, grabbing a seat at his breakfast nook.


    "So how did it go? Did you place the ad in the paper?"


    "Yes I did. Hopefully I will get a lot of calls."


    "Private Investigator Mike Dietz."


    "I like how that sounds. This could be a great opportunity. I could help solve crimes and not be bound by the police men's code of ethics."


    "It could be very fun and dangerous."


    "I guess you could say that."


    "Speaking of, I stopped by to see Ty today."

    Mike, putting his muffin down,

    "Oh yea? And what did he have to say?"


    "Well he is going to give me a job at his Hotel."


    "Jodie, I still have reservations about you working with him."


    "Don't worry about it Mike. I told you I dealt with his kind before. Ty is a light weight compared to the gangsters back in Cleveland. This will be a piece of cake. I'll get Ty to trust me and then penetrate into his dirty dealings."


    "I love this aggressive side to you."


    "Do you?" She says smiling

    Mike, he smiles back

    "I sure do. I guess I can make Ty my first case. We can do this together."


    "I love the sound of it." She says finishing up her muffin. "I have to go meet with Alexis"


    "You're going to model for her?"


    "I really don't know. I have to see what she's talking about. I don't want my past being splattered all over the tabloids. I could see the headlines now, Prostitute turned Model. I bet Jenn would have a field day with that one."


    "Probably so"


    "I'll se you later"


    "Be careful" He smiles at her as she leaves the house. He continues to eat his muffin. He gets a knock at the door. He opens it up and is surprised to see Jenn.

    Pasadena Court House

    The court has come back under control after Judy has thrown her gavel into the crowd but luckily it misses people and crashes into the wall.


    "That was uncalled for."


    "I suggest watch how you talk to me Madame. We have a bail hearing to get through." Judy looks at the District Attorney Stacy Dash

    "State your case Ms. Dash."

    Stacey stands up

    "Your honor, what we have before the court today are a pair of cold hearted killers who don't know how to drive. Sabryn Genet and Ashley Jones have a known violent history towards one another. Ms Genet has even attack the deceased 's sister Alexis Jones." She says pointing in her direction. As if on cue, Alexis takes a tissue and dabs her eyes to make it seem like she's crying.

    "Your honor, Ms Genet has demonstrated that she has violent tendencies. So the state recommends that the defendants remain behind bars until the trial date. That's it your honor." Stacy takes her seat and comforts a distraught Alexis.

    Judge; looking at Lisa

    "Your turn Madame."

    Lisa, standing up

    "Ya honor. The only thing that is goings on here, is a series of adverse misfortune events."

    Judy arches an eyebrow, impressed with Lisa's upgrade with the English Language.

    Lisa continues

    " It was a dark and stormy night your honor" Upon saying that a few people in the court room including Stacy snicker..

    Judy rolling her eyes

    "Don't tell me your going to tell me a bedtime story"


    "If you would relax, and pump your brakes you would find out that, it fact, it actually was a dark and stormy night. The defendants will testify to that."


    "Proceed Madame"


    Uhm Hmm, but anyway.. Some of the worst storms ever passed over this city that night. Sabryn and Bryan have never broken the law before. Sabryn is a fashion designer, owning SG corporation, and Bryan is a pillar of our community ya honor. The night in question was an accident and therefore my clients should be free on bail. They pose no threat to the community. Not only that your honor, Ms Genet is 2 months pregnant. My client will not put her child at risk"


    "Objection your honor"

    Lisa, looking at Stacy, with a crazy look

    "No you didn't" Stacy rolls her eyes at Lisa.


    "Overruled." Stacy and Lisa sits back down

    Judy looks at Alexis and Bryan and Sabryn in the eyes one at a time with a mean face. She looks over her notes

    "I've already made my decision.. I have decided to let the defendants post bail." Sabryn and Bryan breathe a sigh of relief and hold each other. Lisa gives Stacy a smirky smile.


    "This trial will resume 4 weeks from today. Court is now adjourned." Judy pounds her gavel that Bird has brought to her and pounds it and walks out her courtroom. Alexis gives Sabryn the evil eyes

    Alexis, to Stacy

    "I can't believe this. Those murders should have been locked up."


    "It's ok. This is only round one. I never lose a case so Bryan and Sabryn will be locked up for life when I am done with those two." When Alexis hears those magic words, , she has a devilishly grin on her face

    Lauren's House,

    Lauren, looking at Chris with blood on his hands

    "You killed Daniel."


    "Lauren, no you got it wrong!" he says getting up.


    "Stay away from me" She says as she starts to panic. She grabs the phone and dials 911

    "I have an emergency, some one has been stabbed," Upon saying that, Lauren breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably as the words exit her lips and the full emotional effect of the situation takes hold on her. She kneels down to the floor. Chris approaches her.


    "Stay away from me!!" She says getting up


    "Lauren, I don't know what happened? I didn't stab Daniel" He says pleading with her. Police Cheif Abe Williams arrives with a CSI team. Abe looks at Daniel who lies on the floor cold dead, with a knife in the chest. Abe checks for a pulse.


    "He's gone"

    Lauren breaks into a storm of tears again. AN officer comforts her. She looks at Chris

    "You killed him you bastard! He didn't deserve to die!" The officer takes Lauren outside Abe looks at Chris.


    "Chief, I don't know how this happened."


    "What the hell do mean you don't know? You got blood over your hands and clothes."


    "It was the blackout. I couldn't see anything."


    "Well you about to see my jail. You're under arrest." Abe says pulling out his cuffs.


    "I didn't kill anyone!"


    "Yea yea, DO you know how many times I've heard that story. You have the right to remain silent…" Abe says reading him his rights as he escorts Chris out of Lauren's House.

    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Diego walks in Natalia's room


    "Please tell me my baby is ok?"


    "The baby is fine."


    "Thank God"


    "How did this happen? "

    Mark, walking into the room

    "That's what I would like to know too. What the hell were you doing in Dahlia's room?"


    "I was visiting her. I was making sure she was ok since I heard she awoke from her coma."


    "Yeah, I'm sure. How did you two fly out the window?"


    "I was looking out the window, telling her how I hope we can be friends, and how I hope she could be the God Mother of our child."


    "You just couldn't help yourself could you? You had to rub it in her face"


    "It was not like that. I really want Dahlia and I to be friends"


    "Just spare me this fake saint act! How did you two end up in the garbage truck!?


    "Out of nowhere she sat up on the side of the bed. She said she knew that we had sex and that I'm carrying your child Mark. She already knew."


    "Damn, thanks to Doctor Big Mouth, Dahlia must have over heard us talking about it."


    "Don't blame me for you sins of passion. Natalia, we're going to keep you here over night for observation. I'm going to check with Abe to see if anyone has found Dahlia." Diego leaves the room.


    "I really don't know what to say right now."


    "You could tell me you love me"


    "Natalia get real. We will never be a family and I will never love you. If this child is mine than I will sue for sole paternal rights. You're an unfit mother already and you've only been pregnant for what, a few weeks. So all these plans and dreams of us being together, you can cancel all that. Hell would have to freeze over a few times before I ever be with you."


    "Anything is possible."


    "The thought of you makes me ill." Mark leaves her room.


    "We will be a family Mark. I'm carrying your child." Her thoughts are interrupted when Alexis walks into her room.

    In the Hospital Parking lot, upon approaching his car, Mark sees the tires of his Ford Focus slashed and windows busted out. He thinks of the person who keeps calling and hanging up .

    "Damn, Can't people just leave me alone? Now I got this to worry about." He pulls out his cell phone to call a tow truck

    Back at The Hospital,

    Police Chief Abe Williams walks over to Diego


    "Any news on Dahlia?"


    "My men searched the entire landfill. We did not find her. We believe she was dropped in the trash compacter."


    "Wow, that poor soul. So sad…… A trash compacter" Diego ponders off into space, thinking how he never got a chance to get to know Dahlia a little better.


    "Was Daniel Cosgrove brought in?"


    "Yes sir he was. Died of stab wound to the heart sometime last night."


    "Something really strange is going on in this city." Just as he says that, he remembers Mona telling him to take a back seat while some events go down in Pasadena. Abe wonders if Mona is behind all the ring-a-marow that's been happening lately.


    "Very strange indeed." Diego notices Abe is off into another world.

    "Are you ok chief?"


    "Yes. I just need to grab a beer." Abe walks off.

    Diego thinks of Natalia

    "Looks like Natalia and I will have to make other arrangements now that Dahlia is dead." He says as he walks into his office.

    Meanwhile, In Sierra Madre

    Mona is in her mountain resort, cementing off her windows and the exits so no one can enter. Tired she lights a blunt. Smoking her Mary stick she has a Mary moment. She sees,. After coming out her moment, she makes sure all the doorways and windows are all cemented shut. She grabs her magic bag, and walks down to her dungeon. Mona walks over to Sharan, who is lying in a bed chained up. Mona caresses her face as she sleeps. Mona smiles. She kisses her brown beauty on the lips. Still smoking on her Mary stick, Mona walks over to the chains and handcuffs that hang from the ceiling. Mona ashes her drugs stick against the skin of a person who is chained up in the chains and cuffs.


    "Welcome to hell Daniel!" Daniel screams as the red hot cherry of the blunt burns his skin. If Daniel was stabbed to death at Lauren's, then how is he chained up in Mona's Dungeon right now? And where is Dondre?

  24. aMLCproduction
    Huntington Memorial Hospital

    Diego, looking at Natalia

    "I heard everything. You paid someone to stab Dahlia, and you slept with Mark. I knew something was not right with him."


    "You have no idea on what your talking about. You must of heard wrong. Clean you ears out." Natalia swiftly walks away and around a corner and breathes a sigh of relief.


    "I know what I heard." He goes to his office

    Ria walks up to Natalia and hands her some coffee.

    "Are you ok? It look like you seen a ghost."


    "I'm good. Just need to catch my breath." She sips on her coffee. Thinking of Suga and the money.., that is until Bryan walks by her.

    Ria watches Natalia stare down Bryan

    "Uh-oh, I know that look."


    "What look?"


    "That's the same look you had in your eyes when you saw Mark at the shop. Girl what are you up to now?


    " I told you we needed a plan to get those Bitches back who done us wrong. Now I know how I am going to get Sabryn back and get some money at the same time." *Thinking to herself* "And I can pay Suga her money" "Sabryn does have one up on me. It's time to even the score. Bryan does own that club downtown. I know it's doing real good. It's time I make an investment. And I can get my revenge on Sabryn for firing me."


    "That's my girl."


    "You always told me, use what I got to get what I want."


    "What about Mark?"


    "I love Mark, I want to have his child, so we can be together forever. Bryan is just strictly business. A side show. No one can change how I feel about Mark. I'll call you later and let you know how it went."


    "Ok, I'm going to try and meet up with Karim and try to talk some sense into that knuckle head" They wish each other good luck as they part ways, with Natalia stalking Bryan.

    Episode: 40

    Written by:ML Cooks with MON!QUEB!TCHE$
    In Dahlia's room

    Mark is sitting next to her holding her hand against his face,

    "I'm praying for you Dahlia. I am so sorry I let you down. This shouldn't even be happening to you right now. If I could trade places with you I would in a heart beat. I can't lose you mamasita. I miss you. I miss holding you. Smelling your hair. Looking into your eyes. I miss your scent, your soft touch. Please Dahlia, you got to pull through this and open your eyes. I promise you better days are ahead" Mark is interrupted by Diego, who clears his throat.


    "Yes doctor?"


    "Visiting hours are over. You must leave now."


    "You don't have to be so rude about it."


    "You got a lot of nerve."


    "Excuse me?"


    "Please Mr. Mortimer, just be on your way. Thank you in advance for your cooperation." Mark gets up, kisses Dahlia on the forehead. He exchanges looks with Diego before walking out. Diego looks out the door window to ensure Mark has left. He closes the blind so no one can see inside Dahlia's room. He looks at Dahlia and walks over to her. He admires her beauty. Looking at her resting so peacefully, he caresses her face.

    "People have done you wrong. Your man cheated on you, and Natalia tried to have you killed. " He pauses, thinking of the ill fated events that Dahlia has had to endure lately.

    "You don't have to worry about them no more. I'm going to protect you."

    Westwood Park, Lauren's House

    Lauren and Chris step out of the shower. They hold each other and kiss.


    "I haven't felt this good in a long time."


    "There's a lot more where that came from. I'm Doctor feel good " He holds her as he grabs a hand full of her rump and shakes it, then smacks it. They kiss again.

    "Get dressed. I got a surprise for you."


    "I love surprises. Can I get a clue?"


    "Sure, I hope you like Jazz."


    "Were going to see Norman Brown at the Old Pasadena Jazz fest aren't we?"


    "That's why I am so attracted to you. Your smart, and beautiful." They kiss yet again as they get dressed for the concert.

    Back at the hospital.

    Daniel looks nervously at Mona, who again is dressed up like a white nurse. Mona motions for him to sit down. He does and she joins him


    "How in the hell did you get in here?"


    "I'm resourceful. I'm full of surprises. I'm like a box of chocolate, you never what you're going to get when I'm involved. I thought you knew that, then again, look at who I am talking too. The dumbest of them all."


    "Look, I won't tell anyone you tried to kill me. Just please leave Me and Lauren alone."


    "I can't do that Danny boy. This is so much fun for me. It makes me wet, knowing I am making you suffer. And besides you're a loose cannon and I have to keep you under my control. I can't let you mess things up for me. I'm so close to getting Sharan, I can taste her. And how sweet she is going to taste."


    "You are out of you're mind. You'll never get away with it. You need to be in this psyc ward. Not me"


    "I shot you and got away with it. I faked my death and got away with it. You must not know about me" Mona suddenly stabs him with another high does of meth.


    "You bitch"


    "What!" Mona forgetting where she's at, calms herself, as to not give her disguise up.

    "Danny Boy, you just said the wrong thing to me." The meth begins to kick into Daniel's system.

    "Soon Danny boy, you will be a memory to this world. Mark my words. You're a dead man." Mona leaves on that last chilling note. Daniel feels as if bugs are crawling on his skin and he begins to pick at his skin while thinking of an escape from the psycward. He sees a janitor leaving the locked facility and makes a dash out for the door. He succeeds and makes it out into the parking lot. High off meth again, Daniel sets out in Pasadena.

    Ty's limo pulls up to Brookside Park. Santino opens that door and Ty and Jenn steps out. Ty whispers to Santino, "Find Mona, and go over on Colorado Blvd and get my money from M.J." Santino nods and drives off.


    "I can't wait to see Norman Brown play."


    "I can't wait to get you home again so I can lay it on you."


    "You so nasty. But I love it." They kiss. She turns around and is about to head over to the seating area until she spots someone she really doesn't want to see.

    "I don't believe this" Jenn turns around and sees Lauren, with Chris.


    "Oh here we go. I'm going to have to hear another one of Lauren's preacher services.

    The Jump Off


    "A prostitute?"

    Jodie has tears in her eyes.

    "Yes. That's why I left Cleveland. I wanted to start a new. Get away from all of that. I want a new life. I want to turn over a new leaf."


    "I can't tell. You're still letting men buy you. The for sale sign is written all over you. How much would you have charged Ty Jodie? How much are your kisses, how much are blowjobs, and how much for your pus-"

    Jodie, cutting him off

    "Please don't say that. I was not going to sleep with him."


    "I don't know that. Your actions tell me a different story. I don't know if I can trust you. Do you handout coupons too? Buy one head job, get the other one free? I don't even know what to say right now. You are full of surprises"


    "Please don't say that. You don't understand."


    "Understand what? Make me understand Jodie. What else are you hiding?"


    "Mike, please, don't do this. I am asking you to trust me."


    " Trust? That's a good one Jodie. I don't know if I can do that Jodie. I told you how Jenn left me. I don't want to be hurt again and it seems that's how this is going to turn out."


    "Mike, I care for you. Deeply. It was just dinner. That's all. What can I do to get you to believe me?'


    "Tell me what you are running from? What are you hiding? Why should I believe you wasn't going to sleep with Ty?"

    Jodie has tears rolling down her face. She whispers

    " Because I have HIV"………

  25. aMLCproduction
    The Blue Note

    Ria enters the front doorway Pierre greets her

    “Evening Madame?”


    “Hey, I have a reservation for Winters.”


    “Ah yes, your other two parties have not arrived yet.”


    “Thanks” She replies back as Pierre escorts her to the patio dining room. She sees Kevin looking out over the deck. She walks over to him


    “I just want to say that I heard about Sharan and I am sorry for what happened.”


    “Are you really?”


    “Yes I am. Is that hard to believe?”


    “I don’t know what to believe these days.’

    “If there is anything I can do please let me know.”


    “There is actually. Tell me why your ex part time lover kidnap Sharan.”


    “Dre? He kidnapped Sharan?”


    “Uh, yea. You said you heard what happened.”


    “I did but I didn’t know Dre kidnapped her.”


    “Well he did.”


    “No, no, no. He wouldn’t do something like that. That’s not like him.”


    “You would be the one to defend him.”


    “It’s not about that Kev. I just know Dre and he would not kidnap Sharan. That doesn’t make sense.”

    Ria has a flashback of catching Dre and Ria kissing at Ashley’s funeral and Kevin has is own flashback of Sharan calling out Dre’s name while making love to her.


    “Kevin, I have something to you.” She says aloud as she thinks” Yup, I’m going to do what this Bitch did to me. Exposing my affair with Dre. Nosey ass Bitch.”


    “I am listening.”


    “I don’t want to make things more complicated but I feel you need to know what Sharan did.”

    Kevin, looking at her

    “What do you mean what she did?”


    “I caught Dre and Sharan kissing at Ashley’s funeral.”

    Those words are like a knife through Kevin’s heart. He stares out into the pond and doesn’t say anything.


    “Kev, I am really sorry you had to find out like this.”


    “I bet.”


    “For what it’s worth, I really don’t believe Dre kidnapped Sharan.”


    “Ria, just leave me alone.” Ria smiles and leaves The Blue Note and heads to the City Jail to see Dondre.

    Episode : 61, 3some

    Written by: ML C with Monique Bitches

    Lavender Hill, Ty’s Mansion

    Jenn continues screaming as she looks upon a burned body in a wheel chair. Ty, who just pulled up in his limo runs over to Jenn


    “What the hell is the matter?” He says as he approaches his front door. He sees a charred body in a wheel chair

    “What the hell?” A maid grabs Jenn and escort her to the living room. Ty pulls out his cell phone and calls Dr. Diego Serrano.

    Down the street, the lady wearing red high heels, who delivered the body to Ty’s door step pulls out her cell phone and makes a call.

    Sierra Madre

    Mona’s Underground Bunker

    Mona who is relentlessly digging a tunnel through the mountain side stops and puts her shovel down upon hearing her cell phone ring.


    “Holla at me”

    Miss Red High Heels

    “Package has been signed, sealed and delivered.”


    “Excellent. I know Ty is going to sh!t bricks when he finds out who the charred body is. Good work, stay out the way and I will be in contact for the next move.” <Mona hangs up her cell phone and says

    “Checkmate” With a smile on her face

    Meanwhile Diego, with his medical bag has arrived at Ty’s mansion.


    “You are full of surprises. What the hell is this?” The doctor says looking at the charred body


    “I don’t know doc. I came home and Jenn was screaming her heart out .”

    Diego begins to take vital signs as Ty rolls the body in the house.


    “Well do you know who did this?”


    “Maybe” Thinking of Mona.

    Sabryn pulls up to the workers entrance of her Fashion House, S.G.

    Avoiding the media blitz that’s camped outside her building, she gets off the elevator on floor 25. Gilbert greets as she rushes into her office. Gilbert closes the door behind him.


    “Is everything ok?”


    “No. Alexis is trying to destroy me.”


    “I know all that. But you was like a cheetah coming in here”


    “Oh, I just didn’t want to face anyone yet. So tell me, how’s S.G. doing?”


    “It’s getting worse. Our stock value has dipped 50%, we’ve lost another 10 percent of the market share and we have now sunk to 5th place in the fashion industry. and Alexis’s Divine Design is now number 4 and she hasn’t even launched her West Coast office yet. The tabloids and news papers are having a field day with every twist and turn your soap opera like life takes.”


    “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I don’t even know where to start to save face. This is a disaster and Alexis is exploiting this to the fullest degree.”


    “25% of stores in the country have pulled our clothing lines off the racks and word keeps coming in the more stores will be taking our clothes off the rack. S.G. is now officially in the black. Point blank, S.G. is broke.”


    “It’s happening so fast. It’s time to make cuts. We can start by closing our Pasadena store around the corner.”


    “Are you sure? It’s number 1 in the country for SG”


    “We can open up a little boutique downstairs here. Bring those customers here, closer to me. My customers need to meet me so I can show them I’m not a bad person.”


    “Well if you’re sure. I’ll draw up the papers then.”


    “I’m sure. We need money and we have to consolidate. Sell the store.”

    Alexis walks in

    “What a nice office you have.”


    “I’ll call security.”


    “No need Gilly. I’ve been waiting for this Bitch.”


    “Oh God not again. Sabryn you’re pregnant!”


    “Gilly, please leave us alone.”


    “Yea, Gilly do that.” Gilbert leaves the room as Sabryn and Alexis square each other up

    The Jump Off

    Natalia walks in and sees Bryan wiping down shot glasses. She walks over to him


    “Welcome to freedom”


    “What are you doing here? The bar isn’t open.”


    “That’s ok. I can’t drink no way.”


    “And why is that?”


    “I am pregnant.”

    Bryan drops the shot glass that’s currently in, or was in his hand as he flashes back in his mind, to having sex with a woman on one of the pool tables in his club, then Natalia telling him that it was her he slept with.


    “You can’t be serious.”


    “I am. Oh, don’t worry. It’s not yours.”


    “There is a God.”


    “What does that mean?”


    “A child with you? Sabryn will kill us both.”


    “Maybe you but not me. “

    “Look I don’t want no problems. You took all my money so you have no business here. Forget about that night, lose that DVD you got of us, forget my name. Just stay the hell away from me and Sabryn. We are going to be a family and I will not let no one mess that up.”


    “A family? Sabryn’s pregnant?”


    “Just leave.”


    “Congratulations. I’m so happy for the two of you.”


    “That’s scary.”


    “Well I just came by to see how you were doing but if you’re going to be rude about it, I’ll be on my way.”


    “Yes, do that.”

    Natalia, squinting her eyes at him

    “I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you.” She says as she leaves, leaving Bryan to wonder what she meant about her last statement.


    “I swear I am not going to let Natalia ruin things for my family. And there‘s no way she can blackmail me again because I can turn the tables on her, with Mark.”

    Westwood Park, Mark’s House

    Rufus walks up to Mark and plants a kiss on him. Mark pushes Rufus away then sucker punches him


    “What’s the matter with you man?”


    “What’s the matter with you?”


    “Listen, I’m not that same person anymore. You need to get out of here.”


    “Your not the same person? Yea I saw you with Natalia. She’s pregnant too. With your child. Sorry about Dahlia. Well then not really because with her dead, that’ will be one less person I will have to take care of.”


    “What do you mean take care of? ”


    “You know what it means. I’m here to get my man back.” Rufus walks up to him again and kisses him. Mark again pushes Rufus off him and walks away.


    “What’s the matter?”


    “I told you, I’m not bisexual no more. I am into women only.”


    “How convient. You only want to be with whomever got your meal ticket huh. That’s how it was between us huh? That’s the reason why you left me. The well dried up”


    “It was not like that.”


    “Shut the hell up. You can’t play with people’s emotions like that. As soon as you found out, I was cut out from my parent’s money, bam, you disappeared. You was only with me for the money.”


    “You got it all wrong. I found God.”

    Rufus slaps Mark across the face.

    “You better find me. I don’t want to have to make heads roll in this city. You already know I am nothing to be played with. “ As Mark’s secret little gay lover says that, Natalia begins banging on the door. As Natalia bangs on the door, she wonder’s who tooter booter, is in Mark’s driveway.

    Rufus peaks in the peep hole.

    “Isn’t this lovely? We can tell her our good news. Maybe, we can even have a three some.”

    Mark shakes his head, his bisexual secret is about to come to light.

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