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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. I have to laugh. All the complaints about HRC's coughing, and I didn't see her take one sip of water while Trump was gushing water down by the glassful

    I was worried about her coughing because I know the media would run with it if that happened. Meanwhile, I have a cold and while I was posting on the other site found myself coughing repeatedly... Was thinking, "Glad I'm not debating." I was coughing a lot at work today too; kids were actually concerned (or maybe they just wanted me to take a sick day, so they could get a sub - ha!). :lol:

    I don't think she coughed once or took a sip of water. meanwhile, Trump should have just took the entire pitcher and just glugged the whole thing. he was all over the place. all the fidgeting and jerking back and forth and the faces.....the world watched him tonight. 

    I came across a funny tweet about the water: Trump is widening his lead in the water drinking contest. :lol:


  2. ^^^ And I think a lot of the Gary Johnson voters are Bernie or Busters which is ridiculous because Hillary has practically the same views as Bernie. I guess they still believe the primary was rigged. Didn't Bernie say that at one point earlier in the primary? And then media was all about it after those DNC emails came out... Not going to say that email about wanting to use his religion against him was OK, but it was May... if you were going to rig something, wouldn't you try a lot sooner? And how do you rig it so that so many minorities are voting for her over Bernie but not the white crowd? And wouldn't you rig it so that it wasn't 34 contests to 23 and more like 50 to 7? /end of rambling


    Edit: This pic from the beginning of the debate is great. She was so ready to roll.


  3. I have to laugh. All the complaints about HRC's coughing, and I didn't see her take one sip of water while Trump was gushing water down by the glassful

    I was worried about her coughing because I know the media would run with it if that happened. Meanwhile, I have a cold and while I was posting on the other site found myself coughing repeatedly... Was thinking, "Glad I'm not debating." I was coughing a lot at work today too; kids were actually concerned (or maybe they just wanted me to take a sick day, so they could get a sub - ha!). :lol:

  4. Jane is right. Everyone is replaying the split-screen of his insane expressions and constant movement.

    With Trump being a TV personality I was worried about image. Remember the verdict on the Kennedy/Nixon debates from those who watched it on TV vs Radio.


    And for all the gushing Quartermainefan does about Trump, he looked unhinged tonight. He tried to dominate but was shut down or rambled with stupidity when he asked for extra time. For all the complaints about HRC's lack of charisma, she was poised, thoughtful, humorous, and comfortable. And for Ms. Quartermaine, she looked beautiful. That red suit, I'll now call it her power suit, worked for her.


    So will Trump show for Debate number 2?

    Heh. I'm picky. I don't think it was bad, and red is a good color on her. I just liked the black jackets and black pants better. But I will go on record saying I know nothing about fashion. My students have been trying to give me advice (both clothing and hair) for the last 8 years. A couple years ago, two actually gave me a list of stores to check out. So, I'm not in any position to judge. 

  5. My students are asking me if I'm going to watch the debate. I said, "I don't want to talk about it." Their social studies teachers have assigned them to watch it and compare/contrast the candidates' immigration views. (They could just check their websites, lol). Wonder how much is going to be even dedicated to immigration. Probably, emails, foundation, emails... make America great again by doing something fantastic and tough, and more emails, and maybe the Iraq war vote. I have to look at the Holt's chosen topics again.

  6. I don't think I'm going to watch the debate tomorrow. But I will be checking in here afterwards to see what you guys thought (for those who do watch). As long as Trump stands still on stage and doesn't insult anyone, he'll be declared the winner. And actually, if he does insult someone, he might get praised for telling it how it is. If Hillary raises her voice, coughs, leans on the podium, or wears the wrong outfit, she loses. 


    It should be about their policies and their previous accomplishments or short comings, but let's face it, that's apparently boring to the general public and to the media. (Well, the policies and accomplishments are). And the lack of policy coverage promotes the idea that neither have plans (or they have minimal plans) which is ridiculous. That may apply to Trump, but Hillary has so many plans that those who actually take the time to research and write about them end up criticizing them because they are too detailed (obviously, there a few exceptions). 


    I just don't know what to make out of this.


    Edit: Found this article (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/21/fashion/hillary-clinton-pantsuit-style-2016-campaign.html?_r=0) on wardrobe in January, titled "How Hillary Ended the Clothing Conversation" and gives props to this outfit: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/01/21/fashion/21UNBUTTONED1-WEB/21UNBUTTONED1-WEB-master768.jpg because no one was even talking about it, and you know that rarely happens. 


  7. And Khan could bring his mini-constitution. That would be so awesome.


    How did what Trump said about Khan's family NOT get brought up in the Commander in Chief forum?! That, as well as him wanting to commit war crimes, should have been addressed. 

  8. Trump has invited Gennifer Flowers to debate #1 and she has accepted. 


    Can anyone tell me how Gennifer Flowers has anything to do with Hillary allegedly silencing those Bill allegedly sexually assaulted? (And what's the story behind that?)


    I just thought Gennifer was someone Bill had a consensual relationship with while he was married to Hillary, way before he became President. I think he denied it, but then Gennifer had audio tapes. Clinton's aides at one point said were edited, and so she sued them and then later added Hillary's name to the lawsuit. 


    I wonder if this will actually work to Hillary's advantage because after Monica, her approval reached its highest level ever. 

  9. I hope Hillary can win Ohio. Just looked it up, and Bill won Ohio in 92 and 96, Bush in 00 and 04. Then as we know Obama in 08 and 12. I didn't write down the exact percentages, but from I'm recalling, it's seemed pretty close throughout the years... 

  10. I'm re-watching Cruz go off on Trump and I don't like Cruz, but he seems so passionate in this 10 minute video and so anti-Trump. He doesn't just mention what Trump said about his father or his wife or call Trump a pathological liar, bully, et al.... He talks about respect in general and children hearing what he says. 


    Endorsing him clearly has to be a political move, so he won't lose the GOP vote if he runs for President in the future.

  11. I literally finished reading an article about that. First time in nearly 100 years that the paper endorsed a Democrat. 


    Jane, you were the one who said it's hard to go back to being friends with people are voting for Trump, right? I was thinking about that guy at work and what he said and the job he does every single day with those kids. We're not friends, but we don't hate each other either. We just talk here and there like regular colleagues, I guess. Anyway, I ran into him today, and after we exchanged the typical, "How's it going? Happy Friday," he continued on his way, and I just glared at him with so much disgust. I will never look at him the same way, and I kind of feel like I'm being dramatic, but I don't know.


    I'm still kind of not over the one woman at work going with the whole they're both flawed approach... but at least she doesn't seem to support Trump. 

  12. Does Ohio typically vote Democrat? I think they did the last 2 elections but not sure about previous...


    Not sure what the West Wing cast is capable of, but they are going to be doing Grassroots Organizing Events in Manhoning Valley, Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo tomorrow and in Dayton and Columbus on Sunday.

  13. I think the Dems are more unified than the Republicans, but it wouldn't surprise me if the media made people think otherwise. They are the reasons I keep hearing or reading how Hillary and Trump are both flawed or how this election is about choosing the lesser of the two evils. 


    Hillary Clinton Campaign held press conference calling on moderator, media, and voters to fact check Trump's lies during the debate. They're helping people out by providing 19 pages of fact-checked lies. 




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