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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. The DNC server is what he hacked, right? I think the only damaging stuff on there would be Bernie related, and it would be released in hopes of getting CNN and the Trump campaign to keep discussing the leaked audio (which wasn't even bad when you listen to it or read the transcript). 



    Where did those Huma and foundation emails come from? Those seemed to give the media a month's worth of material in August. 

    WikiLeaks doesn't hack they disclose info others get. THe DNC stuff was a lot of nothing as was the foundation stuff. Stone basically admitted he and Assange are potentially working to manufacture. He's a huge conspiracy theorist and just blamed our CIA director for making up the Russian break ins to election info. And Assange has been blowing for months on having info. Where is it? My guess is he's been hoping the Russian trolls with their hacking would find something.


    Ah ok. I am hoping Wednesday comes and goes and if nothing is revealed, things will continue to look upward. But if there is something, I don't think it's anything major, but I think it will be presented like it is.


    Meanwhile, Trump had his own 50 percent gaffe and recently grabbed a female reporter's wrist and silence from the media. At least they are reporting the latest (I assume so anyway). 


    They have tried making that comment from the audio by HRC a story and it went no where. She actually said nothing wrong and you even have Bernie supporters who don't like HRC coming out and supporting it. Sanders this morning on CNN with Jake Tapper make him look like a fool. He said "you're trying to make a non story a story when we have evidence of what we've been saying all along about how the rich don't pay taxes? And Trump's tax plan continues to favor those same people. I think your focus is misdirected."  Of course Tapper is basically a male hair model anyway.


    But didn't the foundation story with the Huma's emails hurt her? I don't think the media even came close to covering Trump's foundation the way they did hers. IMO, the supposed surprise could go either way. Not a big deal like the Bernie audio or somewhat of a big deal like the foundation. I think the media had every right to investigate but once nothing was discovered, they should have let it go, and they didn't. 


  2. The DNC server is what he hacked, right? I think the only damaging stuff on there would be Bernie related, and it would be released in hopes of getting CNN and the Trump campaign to keep discussing the leaked audio (which wasn't even bad when you listen to it or read the transcript). 



    Where did those Huma and foundation emails come from? Those seemed to give the media a month's worth of material in August. 

    WikiLeaks doesn't hack they disclose info others get. THe DNC stuff was a lot of nothing as was the foundation stuff. Stone basically admitted he and Assange are potentially working to manufacture. He's a huge conspiracy theorist and just blamed our CIA director for making up the Russian break ins to election info. And Assange has been blowing for months on having info. Where is it? My guess is he's been hoping the Russian trolls with their hacking would find something.


    Ah ok. I am hoping Wednesday comes and goes and if nothing is revealed, things will continue to look upward. But if there is something, I don't think it's anything major, but I think it will be presented like it is.


    Meanwhile, Trump had his own 50 percent gaffe and recently grabbed a female reporter's wrist and silence from the media. At least they are reporting the latest (I assume so anyway). 


  3. The DNC server is what he hacked, right? I think the only damaging stuff on there would be Bernie related, and it would be released in hopes of getting CNN and the Trump campaign to keep discussing the leaked audio (which wasn't even bad when you listen to it or read the transcript). 


    Where did those Huma and foundation emails come from? Those seemed to give the media a month's worth of material in August. 

  4. Every time I see "October surprise," Wikileaks and Hillary is what comes to mind. I don't buy her and Obama arming Jihadists or whatever Assange says she (or they) did, but it makes me nervous because we know documents have been forged. Plus, whatever isn't forged often gets misinterpreted anyway. 

  5. Alec Baldwin nailed it on SNL tonight as Trump. Kate McKinnon too, "Look, I know you all hate me. You hate my voice and you hate my face. So just elect me President and I swear I will lock myself in the Oval Office for 4 years and never come out. Or don't elect me, and I will continue to run for President every election year until I die." :lol: (that's not an exact transcript but that's the gist)


  6. The New York Times is reporting that they've obtained Trumps tax records from 1995 and it shows he had paid zero federal taxes in years.

    Well according to Trump, that makes him "smart." :rolleyes: But seriously, props to the NYT for stepping it up lately. 


    Meanwhile, Trump: "I don't even think she's loyal to Bill, if you want to know the truth. And really folks, why should she be, right?" Projection, much?


    And: "She's got bad temperament. She could be crazy. She could actually be crazy."


  7. It's not going to connect.


    And no, I don't think Clinton has to be careful re: Bill's affairs. No one undecided is going to side with him on this. Him touching this topic is doom for him, which is why the Republicans have been begging him to drop it.


    More bad news for Donald: He wanted underage Miss USA's sex tape.

    I don't think the affairs are the issue. That works against him. I think she actually had her highest approval numbers ever post-Monica. IMO, she has to be careful with the allegations that she tried to silence women Bill allegedly sexually harassed, assaulted, and/or raped. They can also try to make connections to the 1975 case (I know, she was doing her job), the released audio from her 1980 interview, and the victim's interview from last year (I think it was last year). 

  8. "I can be nastier than she ever can be". Donnie Trump, going all presidential again. -Michael Powell of the NY Times




    Talks about using Bill's infidelities to unnerve her, use her criticisms of Monica and Gennifer against her. Roger Stone wants him to bring up the women she allegedly tried to silence. Me: Clinton needs to be careful with her responses to this. Although, she really needs to be careful with whatever she says about anything. 


    Doesn't think he needs to prepare more rigorously for the next debate; it was his microphone and lectern that were taking up 50% of this thought process. Me: So it's also the podium's fault? Also, I like how he is like "they couldn't hear me..." Dude, the problem was they (and we) DID hear you... loud and clear. 


    Cites audit as reason not to release tax returns.


    Said he got negative and unfair debate questions. 

  9. I was reading the replies, and someone was like, "If she and her campaign built a coughing prevention machine, they need to be rewarded." I don't have asthma, but I have this nagging cough from a cold... Good thing I'm not Hillary. I'd be making very negative headlines. 





    And this was posted before the debate and his latest meltdown... 


  10. Chicago Tribune endorses Johnson and rips into Hillary for the usual... And they of course don't have the facts regarding emails and Benghazi and the foundation. 




    But considering the same newspaper had issues with the "Park Ridge Girl" in 1969, I  guess it's not surprising. But I live a half hour or so south of Chicago and don't like seeing this newspaper doing this crap. I know newspaper endorsements don't mean much anymore, but it still annoys me. 


    BTW, someone should tell the Tribune that Johnson's VP said he wasn't sure if anyone was more qualified than Hillary. 




    :lol::lol::lol: (assuming the Political Insider is right winged?) LOL at all of this especially the coughing prevention machine. 


  11. Just read a headline that says FBI will not reopen case in regards to Hillary's emails. So did the Republicans see how awesome she was during the debate and decide to dig up old news?


    BTW, Michelle did Hillary ad about children. It's like 30 seconds, so I think that's one that will air on TV in the swing states. 

  12. FWIW, the Arizona Republic just endorsed Hillary Clinton - first endorsement of a Democrat since publication began in 1890.


    Edit: I love when you can see how happy she is (and this isn't a reference to people previously giving her a hard time for not smiling; it's just me happy to see her enjoying herself).29931249316_9fed5ec999_c.jpg


    the media easily succumbs to pressure, which is what this will be. There will be more of an effort next time to "prove" they are impartial by taking the hammer to Hillary and giving Trump a soft kiss. 


    No, I don't think so. He already had that break for most of September. I think it's over for him. They gave him his honeymoon after August to try to shore up the numbers, and he responded with the hotel press conference fiasco which they took as an insult - and insulting them is what matters to the press. Then he did this. I think they may try to see if he can come back, but he won't. They're not going to kowtow to Breitbart or Rudy Giuliani. It's not going to happen.


    Watch the debate itself, then watch the press. Everyone - even Fox News - is saying Hillary destroyed him. The most they can spin it is a handful of people trying to claim he was okay for the first 15-30 minutes (he wasn't). It's not changing. Sometimes a cigar is a cigar, if you pardon the tortured backstory.


    Last night, Seth Meyers mentioned that some on Fox News gave her props. He followed it up with a comment along the lines of, "Well, I guess global warming really is a hoax because hell has frozen over." :lol:


    Edit: Per Hollywood Reporter (are they legit?), Trump-Clinton debate officially most-watched debate ever with 84 million viewers.


    Edited again: Twitter analytics ap show that TrumpWon hashtag originated in Russia and Google Trends is showing twice as many searches for "donate Hillary Clinton" than "donate Donald Trump" in the last 24 hours.


  14. I laugh at the enthusiasm argument. I think that a lot of people have forgotten what elections were like before Obama's. This is the norm. The Obama frenzy was the outlier and that's because of the historic nature of his candidacy. There are plenty of us enthusiastic for Hillary but then supporters of Trump and Bernie went crazy.  "Enthusiasm" made Bernie's supporters heckle Elijah Cummings at the DNC while he spoke about his dead father. (That's right. I haven't forgotten). If expressing your choice gets you met with death and rape threats online or someone vandalizing your yard because of a sign then most sensible people will keep their head down. That's not lack of enthusiasm. That's common sense.

    Did you read about the couple whose dog was poisoned after receiving a note about how Hillary should be in prison? I believe they got a note in reference to their yard sign, their car was vandalized as well, and then their dog got sick. The vet said he was poisoned, and the dog died. 


    Edit: Per Washington Post, Google Searches for "registrarse para votar" reached an all-time high during last night's debate. 


    Edit: I just did a search of NAFTA. 5 ridiculous news articles showing up, and only one from Breitbart, how Trump hits Hillary with NAFTA and how debate blows up with NAFTA. WTH?! 

    I hate to tell you but your credibility is lacking when you reference Breitbart. And seriously do you really think the Trumpkins minds are changed? Who do you think is favoring his tweets? Why does favoring a tweet matter anyway? You really get yourself worked up over things that are not going to change. I tend to be a pessimist by nature, but there are just some things that really go beyond the scope of reasonableness.


    That's why I said only one from Breitbart. I don't count that site. Or Drudge. I didn't like seeing the other 4.


    And I have a tendency to associate popularity with re-tweets/favorites, and I know it's ridiculous, but I do it, anyway. It's similar to the large crowds at his rallies. I know they don't matter, but I still don't like hearing about them. 

  16. I wonder if it's fair to talk about her supposed policies as first lady. I mean the health care plan, fine, because she was in charge of that, but prior to 2001, anything he claims is more about Bill than her, isn't it? And how is he going to go back 30 years when the first Bush was still in office?

    GOP strategist Nicolle Wallace: I think that we held @HillaryClinton to very high standards, and she exceeded them



    Edit: I just did a search of NAFTA. 5 ridiculous news articles showing up, and only one from Breitbart, how Trump hits Hillary with NAFTA and how debate blows up with NAFTA. WTH?! 

  17. I just watched Seth Meyer's, A Closer Look. There weren't a lot of Hillary clips (the focus was on Trump and his stupidity), but Hillary's face as Trump was saying "Call Sean Hannity" was hilarious... She just had this smile like, "Seriously?"


    Trump saying he did great in the polls except CNN which he doesn't watch (yet he was citing it as evidence tonight on birtherism). 


    Trump also says no questions tonight about emails, corrupt Clinton foundation or Benghazi.

    Way too many likes on his Tweets... hopefully a bunch of bots. Though either way, it's silly for me to base popularity on social media response. 

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