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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. 4 hours ago, quartermainefan said:


    I am not really sure what Hillary's message was.   She said Trump didn't have the temperament,  but she didn't really address anything that was on the voters minds, clearly,    Where was she on Obamacare or the economy.   It has been consistent for years that a good half of the country didn't like Obamacare, and some with good reason.   She ignored that.  She wasn't interested in discussing that subject and that seems to have been the one of the key issues.   The sad irony for Hillary was of all people it was a Clinton who forgot "the economy, stupid".   Miss Universe, the Gold Star family....they seemed like such great topics at the time but it was just smoke and mirrors for the real issue, which because of her ties to Obama was an issue she really couldn't address.    And maybe she should have since jobs have been picking up and wall street is booming and made her pitch.    We know what she will do for gay rights, abortion rights, civil rights, muslim refugees seeking asylum, latinos here illegally looking to come out of hiding, all very nice, but what was her plan for the guy making $50,000 a year struggling to pay his premiums?



    I thought her message was about coming together. I don't recall her talking about Obamacare too much, other than saying they were going to fix it, and I agree she should have addressed that.


    But the rallies I watched online from the summer were focused on the economy and she explained what she was going to do. I didn't understand it though. I had assumed people with background knowledge would. But maybe she was "too smart" sounding, and so people checked out. Or maybe people didn't even know she was discussing it because her rallies were rarely covered.


    At one point during the primaries, she talked about coal mining jobs not coming back and got a lot of heat for that, so that may be one reason she didn't get into that again. She talked about offering solutions to that, but the "coal miners going out of business" is what got the attention, so I could see why she stayed focused on the economy in general and not these kind of jobs that were never coming back. 


    I read an interesting tweet storm of people who were polled in PA, WI, and MI. According to the data, those who voted Trump saw immigration and terrorism as most important issues. Those who voted Hillary saw foreign policy and economy as most important. You'd think Trump would have been associated with the economy based on election results...


    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    Were these Trump voters? I doubt most of his voters would care either way. 


    I do think that the media never really devoted enough time to how serious these scandals were and instead just went for easier and in their minds likely more juicy stories (like WILL HILLARY BE INDICTED), but they did cover this, I agree. 


    One of the biggest problems with basing so much of the campaign on Trump the way Democrats did was that it all became numbing. I already mentioned this but a week before the election I saw an ad that was just a minute or a minute and a half of him saying terrible things. It just ended up canceling each other out. And I was someone who was voting against him, with no hesitation. I can't imagine how a swing voter or reluctant Trump voter may have reacted.


    Did TV networks cover Trump U/fraud? I read about it online but only from pro Hillary or anti Trump Twitter/Tumblr accounts.


    I also know that Hillary campaign had online ads about it. I always thought she had too many Trump ads and should have aired the ads from pre and during primaries. They were very positive.


    But then someone from another site who lives in a swing state said they actually saw an equal amount of positive and negative ads. 


    What do you mean "it" canceled each other out?


  2. So do you think it was fixed in the sense they only let a few people run, Hillary, Bernie, O'Malley and I think there were 2 others, right? But those 2, along with O'Malley, had no chance. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Vee said:

    Yeah, helpful, thanks, Bernie.


    Wasn't there some thing that said he didn't even hold a job or earn a paycheck until he was 40? So then what was he doing before that? And no way Trump voters would have counted him as their kind of white... 


    I do wish Hillary overrode her campaign though and let Bill advise on the rust belt... those are not all red states. But maybe part of it was what someone upthread said... people in those areas couldn't view her as both lady like and presidential... There are just too many factors to take into consideration. I thought her campaign was extraordinary, but clearly not good enough, but maybe it would have been good enough if the media hadn't normalized Trump... Her approval rating crashed soon after she announced her candidacy. I adore her, but she doesn't have the gift of riling people up, so that could have hurt as well... Comey sure didn't help. Like I said, too much to consider. 


    Thanks to whoever clarified about Bernie's rigging comments. But does the DNC choose people to run? I thought the candidates decide that on their own with the help of their presidential exploration committee? 

  4. 1 hour ago, marceline said:

    I will hate that man forever.


    He was a sore loser imo and only half-hearted campaigned for her. Sick and tired of this rigging stuff. He actually said the system was rigged, I thought, and his supporters believed him with the DNC leaks. There is no way you rig anything in late April, early May. You would do that sooner. Also if IIRC, the results from the primary had a larger percentage of minorities than whites voting for her. If you were going to rig something, wouldn't you have fixed it so that more whites voted for her?


    I read he never ever conceded after he endorsed her in July. And what he built... his coalition or whatever, he couldn't control them. I know there some Hillary supporters who never got on board with Obama and pushed the birther stuff, but that was a minority. She did a much better job of rallying her troops. 

  5. I don't think stronger together was weak. I don't think she had the charisma to rile enough people up, but that shouldn't be a deciding factor. She would have been a better president than candidate. As for the likeability factor, her approval rating was high prior to running. The coverage hurt her.


    And those final days, she campaigned with celebs in addition to going to their concerts, as well as separate rallies. I don't think it was arrogance. I think she and her campaign were trying whatever they could to get votes. A lot of people look up to celebs.


    No one cared when musicians were "feeling the Bern" for Bernie. But Hillary's coverage said she was hanging out with the ultra rich.  I think in August though, she should have been out and about more and not fundraising, but those final days, she was fine. She probably already lost it at that point, partly due to Comey's letter.


  6. 46 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Every ad of Hillary's seemed to be focused on him & not much else, I personally thought she needed to focus on other thing's besides him


    I noticed that too. Then I realized that she put out her positive ads in the primaries and actually before then. (I'm assuming they were on TV at that time?)


    I wonder if it would have helped to air these over the summer and after Labor Day.


    Her campaign also started weekly videos showing the differences she made in people's lives, but they were too long to air on TV. They were powerful but I don't think they reached enough people. 


  7. ^^^Thanks for sharing that post! 


    Do you guys think Hillary's main message was going after Trump? I know she had "stronger together" and that she focused on on economy at her rallies (at least the ones I watched), but I'm seeing people say this.


    I know she criticized his temperament and rhetoric, but isn't it par for the course for candidates to make the other look bad? I actually thought Trump did this more than her and was harsher? 


  8. http://www.aol.com/article/news/2016/11/10/what-americans-said-theyd-heard-about-the-candidates-may-hold-t/21603325/


    30,000 interviews from Gallup. They were asked what they read, saw, or heard about the candidates from July - September, pre-Trump tape.


    Trump's top 3: Speech, President, Immigration
    Clinton's top 3: Emails, Lie, Scandal


    Also high on Trump's list: Mexico and Make
    Also high on Clinton's list: Health and Foundation

    Emails was the most popular word out of all of them. 


    Harvard did a study with information from the primaries, denoting Clinton got the most negative coverage. Seems the same for post-primary. Even with the Trump tape, I think if you tally the minutes dedicated to her "scandals" and health, it would still be more than any negative coverage Trump got.

  9. I haven't caught up on the most recent posts yet, but ugh... I hate that feeling when you wake up and everything is fine for about 2 seconds, and then you remember something terrible. In this case, the terrible thing being the election results. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:


    I am also in Illinois, in Chicago, and my entire office team is devastated. Absolutely enraged this happened. We all voted, make no mistake. We all took it way too seriously to be passive. 


    I wish my coworkers were as devastated as me. Misery does love company. I only know of one who was upset and another who was disappointed. You'd think there'd be more. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Juliajms said:

    I know, this is so hard. I thought I was too cynical to cry over an election, but I found myself doing just that this afternoon.


    I cried this morning, like the ugly cry in the movies, especially as I was holding onto the counter and coughing at the same time. 


    I saw a colleague in the hallway earlier who was walking out the teacher's lounge. She looked so upset. We exchanged knowingly glances before I caught up to her to chat briefly. She said, "I thought of you last night." And then, she went on to say she wished she had stayed out of the lounge because they were putting down Hillary. This is ILLINOIS!!!! 45 minutes south of Chicago. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, GMac said:


    Same here.  I got like 3 hours of sleep last night, up since 3am.  I'm so disillusioned in America.  How the majority of the country embraced this hate monger is beyond my comprehension.


    I cried last night, but it was a quiet cry. I am now crying, and it's ugly. I'm also fighting bronchitis which has gotten worse over the last few days, and I feel like all my coughing is gonna result in me vomiting. Sorry if that's too much information. I guess if that happens, I can at least go home... 

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