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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. I had seen references to it before but never read an entire article on it until tonight. 


    Meanwhile, "Trump said that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders should have stayed in the race and not thrown his support behind Clinton.

    "He would’ve been a hero," Trump said. "But he made a deal with the devil. She’s the devil. He made a deal with the devil."


    He did admit, however, to looking forward to meeting Clinton later this fall on the debate stage.

    "I look so forward to the debate with Hillary, I look so forward."


    If he's so looking forward to it, why does he keep trying to get out of it? 



  2. ^^^ Hilarious.


    I somehow missed this, but the other day, he got trapped in an elevator for a half hour. The fire department rescued him and the others (or I guess, more accurately, would be they rescued the others...ha)... Then, later on, Trump would blame the fire dept. for not letting any more people into his rally due to public safety/fire hazard concerns. 



  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/07/30/donald-trump-responds-to-the-khan-family-maybe-she-wasnt-allowed-to-have-anything-to-say/


    And the wife spoke on MSNBC...


    O'DONNELL: You were very nervous about going to the convention and actually were reluctant, didn't really want to go out on the stage and especially didn't want to speak because you would not be able to keep your composure and I have to say, I'm just like you. I don't think I would have been able to do what your husband did out there last night. How do you feel now about having gone to the convention and gone out on stage and seen what an impact it's had?


    GHAZALA KHAN: First of all, I thank all America who listened from their heart to my husband's and my heart, and I'm so grateful for that. And it was very nervous because I cannot see my son's picture, and I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are. That's why when I saw the picture at my back I couldn't take it, and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard.


    The father is asking these men take moral stand: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Khan called both men "patriots" and "decent human beings" and appealed to them: "Isn't it time to repudiate Trump?"

  4. :lol: Thanks for that! Getting a good laugh. "No, Sir. You cannot invite Putin to the White House for a sleep over..." "No, Sir. Legos will not be strong enough to build your wall." These people are cracking me up.


    Anyone see the tweets claiming Hillary and her campaign paid them to do this? Oy. 


    Looks like a new hashtag is coming into popularity... Not quite as hilarious (yet?), but it's TrumpSacrifices. 


  5. How did I miss this? lol.


    Trump was wondering if Hillary would say this..."'I’d like to congratulate my Republican opponent for having done something that nobody has ever done in the history of politics in this nation...'"


    "See, I thought she might do something like that. I thought she'd give me a big fat beautiful congratulations. If she did that, would that have been cool? Would that have been great?," Trump said.




    Vee - what's interesting is that we've known the governor server has been hacked in the past... the DNC server... and now this campaign stuff... but was there any proof that Clinton's server was hacked? Don't get me wrong, she made a mistake, but seems like maybe those emails were safer from our enemies there than elsewhere... People didn't even know about her server 'til the Republicans in Congress went after her for Benghazi... (though, I do believe an assistant or someone else had been hacked before that and got access to personal account emails...)


  6. I really hope Bernie and the DNC can get his supporters to calm down. Can you imagine the final night of the DNC when Hillary speaks and they start boo'ing? I'm not saying she's the best candidate, but she's the only other option (no third party is going to get enough votes). The Bernie supporters would be handing the election to Trump, and Trump as president is frightening.

  7. *waves* I got a lot of time until August 6th... So if anyone pops in and wants to say something about Tracy or Jane, I'll happily add to the conversation. 


    On the topic of RC...

    He also gave her the relish - haha. But as ridiculous as that was, it gave her screentime and some hilarious (unintentionally hilarious?) dialogue.

    He gave her the ELQ story and the fight with AJ.

    As mentioned, he gave her Joe Jr. and the water toxin. I mean, she was Patient Zero!!!

    And to quote Jane, he gave her "unrequited love" with Luke.

    Hmm, what else...it wasn't much, but more of ELQ, this time with Nikolas.

    RC apparently had plans for Paul and Tracy.

    His Quartermaine reunion anniversary and Luke's breakdown anniversary episodes were good.

    He did a nice job of keeping up Lulu and Tracy's relationship.

    The Edward memorial episodes were nicely done.

    As far as Tracy goes... his big mess up there was Fluke... and that affected more than just Tracy. 


    Moving onto Jelly...

    She hasn't gotten much other than the illness which resulted in awesome scenes, but it wasn't an awesome story, if that makes sense.

    And of course, Jelly gave her this on again/off again partnership with Hayden.


    ILTQ, maybe GH is removing Tracy from the story if Jane is retiring. I wonder if the plan was to ever make Tracy and Hayden mother and daughter... Like it seemed possible late last year and early this year. Then perhaps Jane brought up retirement (right before the illness story), so the Hayden/Tracy scenes surrounding the illness played out, but then Hayden disappeared from that story. Now if Jane is leaving, instead of being mother/daughter, GH settled on them being sort of friends?


    For those interested, here is what I remember about Guza (prior to Tracy's relationship with Luke)...

    The Dead Man's Hand

    Hotel fire aftermath

    Continual involvement in Dillon's love life

    Lila's Will

    Murder Mystery Week at the Quartermaines


    Guza seemed to have lost interest in Tracy for December 2004 through April 2005. End of April is is when LuNacy started, and as a result, she got more screentime (except in 2011, I believe), but she was also tied to Luke and Lulu. Oh wait, Guza did make her sick in the toxic ball story, so that was something that didn't involve Luke. 


  8. truenorth, the only spoiler for next week is that Tracy is unconvinced by Dillon's claim, and that's for Friday. Fortunately, we do know she is on Monday with Naomi and Hayden because she is in the previews with them. I'm not bored by her scenes, but I do wish GH did more with her only story this year - that being the illness. We got good stuff, but there could have been so much more. 


    Speaking of that illness, Finn is all like, "You're still recovering, your body can't take the trip, blah, blah, blah." Um, she seems fine to me? I read that people can still have seizures have brain worm treatment, but GH is playing that up, so I don't know why Finn is making such a big deal about her taking a trip. It's probably more stressful to stick around in Port Charles, lol.


    I also don't get how Finn is like, "We can't let anyone else know about this" when Tracy said she could have one of her connections take care of it, but here they are in the previews, asking Noemi, and then Sonny is the one who eventually gets to help. So much for keeping it a secret. Tracy could have just gotten someone from her past to handle it, but I guess Sonny had to find his way into another story. 


    I know that Hayden isn't a popular character with a lot of viewers (or so it seems), but I thought at one point, GH would make her Tracy's daughter. Tracy hasn't gotten a long lost kid yet, so why not? Plus, they resemble each other and have bonded. I think now it's more likely that Liz and Hayden are sisters though (same mom, Naomi, but different fathers). 


    The latest in contract news per HNY at Daytime Dish is that Jane wants to retire in the fall when her contract is up, FV wants her to say, but Jane is not being swayed. Grain of salt. I believe HNY has info, but I also believe things are constantly changing, so who knows what the future holds. As hooked pointed out elsewhere, it took 8 years to grow her hair out, and now she is leaving... WTH, lol. 

  9. Hi ILTQ. I'm glad you're still posting. :)


    I hope you are right with your feeling. Maybe they are making Tracy the hospital murderer (and it will be revealed near the end of Jane's contract in October/early November). The brain worms are back! Or rather, the doctors missed some of them. lol. 



  10. Long gone are the days where this thread was hopping. :( 


    Seems like the Tracy/Sabrina/baby stuff was filler. Go figure. 


    I doubt Tracy is getting another story after she just had that medical one. One can argue it wasn't a story about her, but all just to introduce Finn (who I will say over and over again - did NOT save her life, but whatever...), but IMO, it was still a Tracy story. Now did it ever get more than 3 days a week? Nope. Hell, there were 2 weeks during that story, if I'm not mistaken, where she wasn't on AT ALL. Unfortunately, that seems to be an issue with the current powers that be. Unless you're a chosen one, your story gets put on the shelf from time to time. Seems like character fans first care enough to pick the story back up, but general viewers have probably lost interest.


    So that was ONE issue with her story. Another was her actual screen time per episodes was sometimes VERY limited. Not all the time, but how are you gonna tell a character she has brain cancer and then basically have no follow-up? I remember one episode was like... What's wrong with me? Cut. You might have brain cancer. *looks distraught* Cut. So what's the next step? Cut. The episode where she and Finn played Monopoly and she had the seizure at the end was yet another blink and you miss her appearance. Just a bit over 3 minutes.


    Fortunately, the scenes we did get, particularly with Leslie Charleson, were so fabulous that it almost made me forget about the lack of screentime and lack of dedication the writers and producers gave this story. I also enjoyed all of Jane's expressions and her scenes with RPW. GH missed the boat with Ned though. Is Wally even still taping for GH, I wonder?


    Looks like Tracy is on the 27th and the 5th... Was supposed to be the 24th and the 30th, but dates are off by a day now because of the preemption.

  11. truenorth, what would you like me to try and describe? :)


    And yes, I'm sure Tracy's closet is huge as Danny has been exploring in there at least twice. :lol:


    I'm hoping for a long lost kid story, and it wouldn't surprise me if Hayden was supposed to be Tracy's at one point, but I don't think she is now. And I definitely don't think Luke and Tracy have a kid from the past.


    My spec is that this sudden attachment to the baby may lead to a long lost kid, but GH isn't committed to it because Jane seemed ready to retire in her latest interview. If her contract isn't up in the fall, she'd have an out in October (maybe early November) as that's when she first re-signed. I guess time will tell. My fingers are crossed that she doesn't disappear this summer. 

  12. It does seem like GH is going the long-lost child route (either that, or she's completely lost her mind). Both would be an awesome SL, but I'm not getting my hopes up. :( It appears that Jane hasn't taped since late April...


    I think if Luke is really returning in a few weeks, Tracy will run off with him. I don't think Jane will be gone for good at that point, just 'cause we haven't heard anything about her leaving yet...


    I wish Tracy/Finn would get as much as Carly/Finn. *sigh*

  13. And her scenes are far too short! I could not believe one day this past week, she had ONE line, Michael had one line, and they moved off to someone else's scenes!! This hardly counts as having a` storyline! Brain surgery and worried relatives SHOULD warrant lengthy scenes!

    YES, YES, and YES! This is not the first time something similar has happened in this story. I know I'm supposed to be appreciative that the current powers that be cared enough to actually give her material, but it hasn't received proper pacing or air time. How are you going to do a brain biopsy and then keep her offscreen for 5 days? Or how is she going to average maybe 5 minutes, while others are consistently getting 10 minutes or more? It's so frustrating to me. 


    ILTQ, yes, not much Ned at all. I wish he was there when Tracy woke up. As if Ned would actually leave the hospital. So ridiculous. Wally did say he is still taping GH and DAYS, but I'm not sure if GH will focus on him/Tracy or him/Olivia, as there is an upcoming Ned/Olivia spoiler. 


    Tracy is scheduled to be on Thursday this week, and then nothing yet for the following week, but not all spoilers are out. I do think she'll be backburnered though. As for May, at the end of the month, both Wally and Robert Palmer Watkins are doing the Nurses Ball. I'm thinking Tracy won't be there and instead will be recovering offscreen. 

  14. I doubt they'll pair her with ME. They won't put her with a "pet," nor will they put her with someone 20 years younger. I was surprised when they paired her with Joe Scully Jr. and that was a 12 year difference. Jane and Richard S. did look good though. :wub:


    truenorth and others who are interested: hooked passed this on to me earlier, and I wanted to share here... Here is the full length interview. LOTS of good stuff: http://www.tvinsider.com/article/83676/general-hospitals-jane-elliot-dishes-on-her-awesome-50-year-run-in-soaps/


    Haven't watched today, but like yesterday, it seems like very, very little... Though the little that we do get sounds good. Beggars can't be choosers, right? *sigh*

  15. Definitely not enough Tracy today, and really, today was more the rule than the exception. :( 


    truenorth, there is supposed to be an online version, but he hasn't posted it yet. Here is the information from Soap Opera Spy:


    Despite Jane Elliott’s love for her friend, Tony Geary, and Tracy Quartermaine’s love of Luke Spencer, had Luke’s larger-than-life shadow not retreated from the General Hospital (GH) canvas, Tracy would not be getting the rich storylines she is now on the show, said Elliott to Michael Logan in an interview published in next week’s TV Guide.

    After all, said Elliott, “Tracy is an addict and Luke was her drug.” With Luke constantly drawing her in, Tracy would not have the wherewithal to battle Nikolas for ELQ nor the spontaneity go on a tropical vacation retreat on a whim.  Logan’s article declares that Elliott stands alone in daytime as a once wonderfully familiar sight in: strong, rich, commanding divas who led their families and took no prisoners in their personal or professional lives.

    Elliott’s answers to Logan’s questions dripped with Tracy’s inimitable brash, lovable battle-ax attitude. For instance, Logan pointed out how “harrowing” Tracy’s seizures were to see for us viewers. Elliott responded that she was lucky to have “young, buff actors” to catch her every time she dove toward the floor, convulsing. “I’m not some 95-pound ingénue. I’m a substantial, almost 70-year-old woman, and they were terrified of dropping me. I’m like, ‘Good luck to ya’ boys!’”

    In an industry in which actresses of all ages plump, fill, and paralyze their faces to remain cast-able, Elliott looks refreshingly unaltered—and beautiful. And when was the last time an actress over 30 casually mentioned her age in passing to an interviewer?

    The most titillating part of the full-page story on Elliott came in a sidebar about her 51 years in showbiz. She starred in a film with Elvis Presley, “Change of Habit.” Given Presley’s well-known penchant for womanizing, Logan asked if Elliott succumbed to his charms during the filming of the movie. “I’m not going to tell you that we didn’t sleep together,” said Elliott. One can almost see Elliott throwing her head back in a Tracy-like, brazen laugh.

    In addition to GH, Elliott has appeared on Guiding LightAll My ChildrenDays of Our Lives, and Knots Landing.

  16. Less than 5 minutes of Tracy on Wednesday's episode. I save clips from DailyMotion, and I wish my eyes wouldn't wander to see the amount of screen time others get. Makes me jealous. Saw a post on Twitter that the lizard got more!!! (which is probably true).


    And ditto on the worms... I know it happens in real life, but cancer or a mysterious disease could have lasted longer and been so much more emotional. Loved the emotional scenes we did get, but it could have been so much more. 



    Now for something positive... Wally returns this week! Thinking Ned/Tracy for just 2 episodes, but I could be wrong. I better be wrong. In any case, Wally/Jane are going to be great. :)


  17. I suppose I spoke too soon about Jane/Tracy not fairing terribly with screen time...Tracy just had a brain biopsy, and instead of seeing her await the results, she disappears for the last 5 episodes, and the ones before that, she wasn't on much at all. :( I am sure other characters in a similar situation would have gotten a ton. She is only spoiled for Monday and Tuesday this week, and then not again until Monday, the 28th. This stinks!!!! :mad:


    Spoilers for next week...

    Per the Sneak Peek on ABC.com: Tracy requests Monica be the one to pull the plug if need be (she doesn't want to burden Ned or Dillon with that decision); Monica tells Dillon she loves Tracy and doesn't want to lose her; As Monica breaks down, she and Dillon hug, and Tracy catches them, believing Monica once again has her hands on "Ned."

    Per Cable Guide/Magazines: Monica is determined to save Tracy; Tracy's biopsy results come in; Tracy receives encouraging news. 

    Spoilers for the week of 28th...

    Per Magazines and TV Source: Tracy has a secret weapon to get ELQ back; Ned returns; Jason feels drawn to his family (Tracy and Monica, maybe?). 

  18. Congratulations, truenorth! Good to hear that your special day was perfect. :)


    ILTQ, I PM'd you, and yes, some of Tracy's scenes were very, very short, especially from Wednesday's episode. Teresa Gonzalez on Daily Motion uploads clips of some characters, and you can see who gets what... (although sometimes it's slightly off because Dillon/Hayden was included in Tracy's scenes from March 1st since they were discussing her)...


    For comparison's sake, for March 2nd, here are the minutes:

    Tracy: 6:53 

    Maxie/Nina: 7:53

    Jason/Sam: 4:47

    Dante: 6:37

    Ava/Paul and Ava/Sonny: 9:55


    And for March 1st, here are the minutes:

    Tracy: 7:41

    Franco: 8:48

    Alexis/Julian: 4:46

    Jason/Sam: 7:56

    Ava: 7:05


    Looking at that, she's not faring terribly, even though some characters are missing... But after the lack of screen time from the end of 2015 until now, I think she deserves more. ;) But I told hooked I gotta stop complaining. Our girl is FINALLY getting a story! (or so it seems) And Jane has been AMAZING! My favorite scenes so far were when she was coming out of her seizure, while lying on the floor at The Floating Rib. :wub:


    She is spoiled for Monday and Wednesday this week, and for Thursday, on IMDB.com, Jane Elliot is listed as one of the actresses who appears in that episode. At this time, the following others are listed: Matt Cohen (Griffin), Finola Hughes (Anna), Billy Miller (Jason), Matt Riedy (Dr. Mayes), Parry Shen (Brad), Robert Palmer Waktins (Dillon), and Laura Wright (Carly). 


    Spoiler for Week of March 14th:

    Monica hopes to gain information to help Tracy.

  19. I have been fangirling for basically 3 days straight, lol. 


    Love that this seems to be an actual story and........


    Wally Kurth is returning in a recurring capacity, and he tweeted Ned/Tracy coming soon. I hope it's long-term recurring and not just a couple episodes. 

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