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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Bumpety-bump...


    Heard Wally Kurth is back for one episode. Ned and Olivia are supposed to share scenes. Considering Tracy didn't get a reaction to her supposed grandchild "dying," I seriously doubt we will see Ned and Tracy. Still angry they didn't get a goodbye scene.


    And how irritating that Dillon returned to town to keep an eye on his mom, but he barely sees her anymore? When did he move back onto the boat?!

  2. truenorth, I was reading previous posts again. I don't even remember Tracy's expression when Dillon said Luke (still) loves Tracy. I will have to go back and re-watch. Wouldn't it be irritating if GH didn't even show her reaction? Like at ELQ when Nik was talking about his relationship with Brook Lynn, and GH cut to Michael instead of Tracy.


    I do think the new writers are very much into General Mobspital. :( Too much Sonny and co. in my opinion. I also read that Jean P. is a big fan of Maura, so I wonder if that's why Ava gets out of prison, gets a new love interest, gets to be a mob boss, AND gets her baby back. Probably helps that Maura recently won an Emmy for GH, but you need material to do that. Meanwhile, the biggest thing happening in Tracy's life is that she left the living room. :rolleyes:


    Looking forward to Sabrina/Tracy next week. I hope we get to see Tracy be there for her since from the start of their friendship, it's only been Sabrina being there for Tracy. I think hooked joked that Tracy will be throwing Sabrina a baby shower. :lol:

  3. ^^^ But don't most characters who go up against the "good mobster" Sonny end up paying with their life? Wonder if that's what's going to happen with Paul.


    The good vs. bad mobster mentality is ridiculous. They are ALL bad and shouldn't be viewed differently. The idea that Olivia supports Sonny gaining custody of Avery but doesn't want Julian to have custody of Leo is crazy. But we're supposed to see her point 'cause Sonny = such a great father and man and Julian = evil. Personally, I think both of them suck.


    ABC Soaps in Depth's cover has Ava "falling in love." I am assuming that is with Paul. Still wish they kept him involved with ELQ. That would be more in-character than making him a mobster.


    Back to Tracy...She looked really lovely on Thursday. Nice to see her finally get out of the mansion. Think the last time that happened was late July when she and Sabrina had lunch at MetroCourt after Luke left town. She's hardly been on since then. So frustrating.


    60 episodes total at the end of September. Think she's the contract cast member with the least except for Lisa LoCicero And Finola Hughes, but Lisa is slightly below her 'cause of maternity leave, and Finola as well because of her other project. But as far as we know, Jane's been able to work the entire time, but GH is barely writing for her. :(


    Tracy/Sabrina are on Friday...


    Tracy learns what Sabrina has been hiding... so my guess is the pregnancy. 

  4. ^^^ Gino was the only one she knew was a mobster ahead a time, right? (and Anthony, but I'm not sure if that counts as a love interest since she didn't like him). But then, I don't think she liked Gino either. He adored her, but she was with him for the money, right? But yeah...all those men ended up with mob connections. 


    Does Jax count as a love interest? Coleman isn't a mobster either. Not sure if Larry counts since they weren't actually love interests when we met him in the late 80s. Larry did want to marry her again, and not for the money. He really cared about her. Scotty isn't supposed to be a mobster, but with his ties with Ava, I'm not so sure what is going with him.


    Harlan Barrett was tied to the mob, right?


    What about David McCallister?





  5. ^^^ He is, but that seems like something that should have been discussed on screen and not just in a brief mention about wanting to be close to Dillon. I still believe HNY when he said a lot of Tracy and Paul was cut. :(


    I liked yesterday better than today. The Michael/Tracy scenes yesterday were good. Today, Carly/Sonny were back on our screens. Blah. I also liked Emma/Anna yesterday and Sam/Patrick telling them and Danny about the engagement.


    Paul and Tracy were supposed to argue today, but I didn't hear any arguing. She barely addressed his phone call, and Paul was so lying when talking about cleaning up PC with Ric and Scott out of the DA position. How could Tracy not catch on to that? Maybe the new writers will surprise us, and she won't end up looking like a fool. She is now worried about Michael AND Paul getting hurt. Oh boy. She is going to feel so dumb. 





  6. Is tomorrow going to be the 5th day in a row that Paul's been on? He was basically MIA since his return, and now that he's mobbed up, he's on everyday. Too bad he/Tracy couldn't get decent screen time. 


    Is Dillon back on the Haunted Star? I fast forwarded his scenes, but it looked like he and Lulu were on the boat in his bedroom. Putting him back on the boat is a sure way to make Tracy get even less screen time. 


    Jane/Tracy is usually on the lower end of the contract cast's episode counts, so I shouldn't be surprised by what we're getting, but this is just ridiculous now. It feels like she's not even on the show anymore. 

  7. Thanks for posting slick jones. :) I think Tracy/Michael are supposed to be on Friday next week (or Monday 10/5). That's if GH doesn't cut her scenes again. <_<


    I don't know how optimistic I feel about an upcoming story. If the new writers have already had input, it seems like they have no use for her. I am wondering if Hayden being tied to a core family will come to play. I would like Tracy to get that long lost daughter. Not a lot of soapy things have happened to her when you think about it, but I guess Tracy wasn't around from from the rest of 1980-1988 or the rest of 1993-2003 (the short GH stint followed by The City in 1996-1997 wasn't much). And when 2003 rolled around, she was already considered too old for TPTB to care that much about her. 


    Soapy things that did happen: Trying to prove that your sister-in-law's baby was not her brothers, withholding Edward's medicine, falling in love with a man who loved your son's girlfriend (later wife), premature birth, running over your daughter-in-law with your car, step-daughter pregnant with your son's child, being stuck in a burning building, husband's first love waking up, husband's heart attacks and surgery, blackmailed into marriage, falling for mobster you thought was a good guy, parts of Fluke (some of these stories of course better than others).


    Soapy things that didn't happen: Miscarriage, children on canvas dying (but of course coming back to life), amnesia, nervous breakdown (Tracy being involuntarily committed in 2007 could've been really good - Tracy in a therapy would have been a gold mine, but TPTB messed that up), being presumed dead for more than 2 episodes, an illness where she really thought she was going to die (not just looking like death for week), being held hostage without it being played for laughs (Vinnie the mobster, anyone?), being held by gun point (I guess Helena did hold her at gun point twice), her sons being sick more than once (Dillon and the monkey virus was good), getting hit by a car, long lost child showing up... 


    I know some will argue that some of the soapy things wouldn't have worked for Tracy because even Jane herself has said Tracy's not that kind of character who experiences things like that (she said something like that mentioning how Kelly Monaco always used to have to cry and cry and go home exhausted and she didn't have to do that), but anyway, Tracy is still human, and a lot of that stuff could have happened. And Jane would have rocked it. And I am sure I am missing examples from things that did and didn't happen, but hopefully, I still got my point across. 


  8. No one is posting. :(


    When Richard Burgi first came on GH, there was a magazine article about him. It sounded like Paul would be involved with Tracy. I think GH started with cutting a lot of their scenes and eventually decided to cut their story. Burgi ended up with Maura, and Jane ended up with nothing. 


    Not sure what happened with ELQ. Tracy wasn't involved, then she was, then she wasn't. Seems like much of that story was dropped once Nik gained control. Wish GH could have dropped Sonny getting shot. He obviously wasn't going to die. There is no drama there IMO. Just a lot of pointless scenes. Avery being cute is the only good thing about that story. I miss her with the Quartermaines. 

  9. GH cut Tracy/Olivia. <_< Both the National Enquirer and Cable Guide Spoilers had them on today. Olivia wanted Tracy's help to bring Leo home. It was speculated she was going to ask Tracy to keep the baby at the mansion. We have had so many Sonny bedside scenes lately when he clearly isn't going to die, but Tracy's stuff keeps getting cut. Unfair.  

  10. Oops, I thought they were the same person. Thanks hooked for clarifying. 


    Just realized that spoiler pic of Tracy and Paul didn't play out from the same angle. It was sort of a blink and you miss it kind of thing, but I like the angle of the pic better.


    They are really pretty together. Wish he wasn't a mobbie. I HATE the Corinthos focus. Hoping the winter stuff with Monica and Tracy goes beyond the Jason reveal 'cause as far as I'm concerned he's another mobbed up character. 


    Don't know if I buy Tracy sharing so much with Maxie, but those were some fun scenes. Loved the reminder about Tracy and Paul's one night in bed, and Dillon "bouncing" when mentioning Felicia and Mac "doing it." :lol:


  11. I hate being so negative. I just don't think Tracy is going to have a lot to do with Paul out of the picture. It also irritates me that Tracy hasn't been out of that living room in however many weeks. Why isn't she trying to get ELQ back? Why aren't she and Lulu interacting anymore? Why can't she visit Dillon on the Haunted Star?


    Hell, if she and Sabrina are BFF now, why isn't she at the hospital checking in? Sabrina is clearly the supportive one in that friendship. Also, as far as Tracy knows, Michael still views himself as a Quartermaine, so why not be at the hospital for him? Then, she can find out how he is a Corinthos again and turn her back on him. She just basically sits in that living room all day with a newspaper and a drink.


    On the upside - she looked really lovely Friday. I still wish we could have seen more of their relationship. Even now, you can see them clearly falling for each other, but the moment in the spoiler pic below was interrupted by Dillon and Maxie. :mad: Did love Tracy's face though at Maxie and Dillon going on and on. :lol:






    As we know, Maxie talks to Tracy about Tracy and Paul this week. Also, Olivia seeks Tracy's help to bring Leo home. Think she will want to keep that little one in the mansion? Tracy does love babies now, lol. Per HNY - Tracy will not be Paul's first or even second focus now that he's involved with the mob. Monica will be part of 2 upcoming winter story lines as Leslie Charleson is NOT retiring, and she will be hosting a special Quartermaine Christmas episode. I do like the sound of that. I know some don't believe HNY, but based on his signature, it looks like he used to be "Riddle Me This" on SoapDish, and I remember Riddle Me This being accurate. 

  12. I believe HNY. I don't remember all of his spoilers/rumors throughout the years, but I think he's as accurate as anyone can be with all the last minute changes. 


    I also believe Trixie, and she says Paul is behind Sonny's shooting and TJ's kidnapping. It makes sense to me since GH randomly brought up Paul's mob/cartel past the other day. Hate that Tracy appears to be left out. He's her ex-husband. She should get some kind of story out of this. 


    I wish Tracy could be involved, but she's not in any mob spoilers/rumors at all.


    Sounds like maybe Alexis/Paul may get to play when Paul becomes the new DA.


    With Tracy's role at ELQ basically forgotten, it seems like she will be around very little. My guess is she will be popping up in the mansion for some Dillon scenes now and then. The rumor of JE on recurring is floating around again which would mean even less screen time if true. Makes me sad. 





  13. halee, I found out after the fact about Jayne's first Zoo appearance when her official Tumblr apologized for not announcing it. I have a couple download links, but the one I first tried stopped about half way through, so I have to start it over again. I did know about the second appearance, and my DVR is set. Thanks!


    Good to see Queen Tracy. Looks like one appearance next week and 2 the following week. That's an improvement over what we've been getting lately, but I still wish it was more.


    I know I should just be happy she remains on contract. Thought it was odd that Nathan/Maxie had the ending shot in the credits instead of Tracy/Paul. It's not like Tracy/Paul with Sabrina/Michael doesn't make sense considering Tracy/Sabrina's friendship, but Jane is way more of a veteran than Kirsten, so it makes more sense IMO to put Jane last. 




    Next week (probably Friday, 9/18), Dillon and Maxie discuss a problem with Paul and Tracy. Source: TV Source


    Confirmed for 9/18, Paul helps Dillon with a problem with the movie. Source: Soaps in Depth


    The following week, on Monday, 9/21, Maxie asks Tracy about Paul and Tracy. Source: Soaps in Depth


    On Tuesday, 9/22, Olivia seeks Tracy's help. Source: National Enquirer

  14. Thanks for going back and forth with me. :)


    I think the Jenny stuff was the plan (whether it was Cady or someone else), but it was scrapped. I think she was supposed to bring Paul Jr. on and then leave. And Paul Jr. was going to be one of a few teens showing up in PC. 


    One of the magazines had a quote, and it said there were no plans to recast Ned. :( 


    I heard Paul is now behind going after Sonny. I don't know if it was always supposed to be him. Paul was supposed to be the new DA, but that too was changed. 

  15. Bumpety-bump!


    HNY on SoapDish said most of Paul/Tracy/Laura story was scrapped. We knew it had been scaled back, but weren't sure by how much. Now, we know most of it has been cut. :( There will be a little of Paul/Tracy/Laura and Tracy vs. Laura coming up, so I guess that's better than nothing, but it still sucks. :angry: 


    I think Ron was working in our favor. Frank? Not so much. And who knows about Shelly and Jean, but I am not feeling optimistic. 




  16. There used to be a site called Jane Elliot Online run by the same person who ran (runs?) WallyKurth.net... I really liked the magazine article section of that site. It was a collection of scans featuring anything and everything Jane. Wish I had saved them. Those of us who were regular posters on the site were made aware that it was going to be taken down and that we should save what we want, but I still didn't!!! Clearly, I wasn't thinking... :(


    truenorth, love that you have your favorites saved in one place. What a good idea. 


    It really stinks to be a Tracy fan right now. One appearance in May. One appearance in August. Not very much at all in July. At least June was a fabulous month. No Tracy (or Paul) in Soaps In Depth fall previews. Those previews are usually misleading, but I still feel like some mention of her is better than none at all.


    hooked, you cracked me up on Twitter the other day when Frank was like Gold Star for Jane Elliot, and you responded with something like, "Would be nice to see her onscreen and not have Tracy be MIA for more than a month."  :lol: :(



  17. apparently Jane was on Michelle Stafford's periscope yesterday so at least she was working. Can't believe she was on it.


    I tried to view but it was already deleted

    I believe you. I was just confused because the Periscope that WUBS retweeted didn't have Jane. But I guess WUBS was just retweeting the most recent Periscope since the other one had expired. Wish I saw the one with Jane. Can't believe she consented to being filmed, lol. 


    partyperson, I completely forgot about your Life Without You series!!! Poor Tracy!!! 


    LuAnn, don't go back to lurking!!! Stay and post!!! And helenaTRACYclaudia isn't me. I can't take credit for her awesome videos. I do have a channel with videos, but they are from the earlier days of LuNacy.



  18. Hi LuAnn. Welcome back to the thread. :)

    I wish there was a site with a bunch of Tracy clips, other than YouTube. 


    If you do a search of "Tracy" and then any of the following YouTuber's, you may be able to find clips you haven't seen over and over:



    teresagonzalez (some of hers have been removed by Disney, unfortunately)


    Quartermaine Endgame




    GHCentral01 (not as much as the others)


    If you like fan videos, some of my favorite are from helenaTRACYclaudia: https://www.youtube.com/user/helenaTRACYdorian

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