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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Thanks for the compliments on the fic!

    MinervaFan, Alexis is also one of my favorites. (ILoveTracyQ, watch out...Alexis fans are taking over this thread, LOL.) But I just can't get into this SL with Sam. Love NLG. Love Alexis. I suppose my Sam hate (it's not even hate...it's just indifference) is greater than my Alexis love or something.

    Anyway...TRACY! TRACY! TRACY! Where is she? This is just getting ridiculous. Hmm...We should bombard Frons with emails. Why not, right? RC/Skye fans did it with the whole AMC rumor, BH/Liz fans did it with the Cameron being killed off rumor, NLG/Alexis fans did it with Alexis losing custody rumor, and so on. We can demand that we know TracyQ's location. Or not. :P It's a bit of a different scenario here, and well, I guess it is kind of childish; at least in our case, it would be. *sigh*

    Ooh! We could do little DYK facts. I mean, most us know that WK/JE played lovers on DAYS, but surely, there are other things not all of us know such as...

    On the morning of the 2004 Emmy nominations announcements, JE congratulated SC with a "Was Mama right, or was Mama right?" This is just too cute.

    3 days into Lesli Kay's (Lois #2) new job, TPTB decided to give her dressing room (the one next to JE's) away to a day player and move LK elsewhere. JE found out, went to TPTB to get the move reversed, and got the job done. (Also included within the link a mention of the baby shower JE and Leslie Charleson threw for Robin Christopher.)

    Rick Hearst would like to work with Jane Elliot. Could we call them Tric? I remember the one scene where Ric was questioning Tracy on the stand, and he called her "dear," LOL.

    I don't have a link for this (can't find it), but a few years ago (2000 maybe) Becky Herbst and Amber Tamblyn were on a mission to replace the photos of GH stars that were hung up in the hallway (not sure if the photos were of Emmy winners, or just more experienced actors, or what). In any case, the girls successfully removed JE's photo and intended on blaming it on Michael Saucedo (Ex-Juan) if JE ever returned. Wonder what happened with this? LOL.

    WK and JE are (or used to be) real life neighbors. His daughter and her daughter used to play together, despite the 6 year age difference. They go on beach days and everything, and WK/JE used to carpool to work. She also went to his wedding (his second one, I believe). Aww. *sniff* I miss Ned.

    Deidre Hall and Jane Elliot keynoted the "Wise Women, Well Women" seminar at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, IL last April.

    Natalia has nothing but praise for Jane Elliot. Now, if she could only take lessons...

    What did Jane Elliot do when she found Rick Hearst and Steve Burton wrestling in the dressing room hallways? :lol:

    If it's not 100% cotton, she don't buy it. Also included: Why she loves playing Tracy. (This goes along with the SOD article...The one thing JE hates about Tracy is her wardrobe, LOL. The nylons especially. She would like to wear sweats, LOL.)

    JE didn't rehearse the scenes surrounding the Anna Lee Tribute/Lila Memorial. This excerpt is really sad. :(

    From an SOD article...JE's daughter hates that has mother plays evil. She used to go to work with her, and JE would have the monitor on in the dressing room to keep up with what is happening, but as soon as JE went to film, her daughter turned that monitor off. JE's mother hated it also.

    Don't have the link, but when JE's daughter was younger, she used to tell everyone that "Mom" worked in a beauty parlor due to the endless amount of time she spent in Hair/Make-Up. That's so adorable.

    JE wore slippers for the Liz/Lucky wedding...It might've been in the one of the mags. I remember reading it on another board. Not sure of the source.

    JE took her shoes off and tried to find shade during the filming of Anna/Robert's wedding, according to Kimberly McCollough. Pointless fact, I know. I still thought it was cute, LOL.

    JE is one of the people that KMc would've liked to work with but never got the chance. Maybe that'll change since KMc is back now?

    And well, I think that's enough. Enjoy. :)

  2. *waves to BellaSorcerer who is also lurking*

    tracyluver, you have it figured out somewhere in there, LOL. Basically, Tracy knows that Luke's not the father, and Luke knows that he's not the father. However, Tracy is letting Luke believe that he's the father, and Luke is letting Tracy believe that he thinks is the father. Does that make sense? :lol: This is all going to be revealed very soon.

    Oh, and I'm assuming no Tracy today? I'm boycotting GH 'til she shows up on that darn island, LOL.

  3. Chapter 22 has been posted. :)

    MinervaFan, here are some addresses...Thanks to LorenzoandSkyelover of SZ.

    General Hospital

    Re: Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, CA 90027

    Robert Guza Jr. OR Charles Pratt, Jr.

    Head Writer

    Re: Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Brian Frons

    President of ABC Daytime

    ABC, Inc.

    2100 Riverside Drive

    Burbank CA 91506

    [email protected]

    Jill F. Phelps

    Executive Producer

    "General Hospital" ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Ave.

    Hollywood, CA 90027

    [email protected]

    Jane Elliot

    "General Hospital"

    c/o ABC-TV

    4151 Prospect Avenue

    Hollywood, California 90027

    Soap Opera Digest

    Sound Off

    Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

    261 Madison Avenue

    NY NY 10016

    Soap Opera Weekly

    Public Opinion

    Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

    261 Madison Ave

    NY NY 10016

    Soaps In Depth

    Speak Out

    Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

    270 Sylvan Ave.

    Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

    [email protected]

  4. *waves to FrenchFan who is lurking*

    MinervaFan, thanks for sharing those. I'd had never seen the "Dear Tracy" and "Tracy Bella" one before. As for clips...Tracy breaks down; Dillon approaches his mother. and Tracy/Dillon discuss Edward and rejection. Credit to Arie.

    Regarding JE's contract: I just don't see TPTB offering her 2 more years. :( I guess TG is in her corner, but still...I hope I'm wrong.






    As ILoveTracyQ mentioned, I realize that these are the same PTB who had Tracy disappear to Europe without a single mention for most of the summer, so I guess it's not "out there" to believe they'd have her disappear again. It's just...I don't know. Would SOW give Lacy part of the cover story, if Tracy were only going to be on one day during Sweeps? Maybe she really was supposed to swoop down and rescue Holly/Robert/Luke, LOL, meaning TPTB did give her part to Anna. All right. Probably not. I just think the middle part of the SL is missing here.

    And yes, the adventure is ridiculous, and while I should be glad that Tracy doesn't get to look like an idiot like the rest of them, I'm not. It would've been hilarious to see her involved. I'm obviously biased, but our girl would've made this SL so much better. Here's hoping we get an anniversary mention! And no divorce! :D

  5. Anyone have comments on the video? Pretty please?

    MinervaFan, well JE's contract is up in November, so she might be leaving soon...Or accepting recurring status (i.e. WK/Ned). :(

    So...Pita of SZ did an Episode Count vs. Minute Count from May 1 through May 5. You don't even need a stop watch to add JE's numbers. ZERO episodes=ZERO minutes. <_<






    Various quotes from SoapDish...

    Anybody wondering on what jet Tracy got lost on and where it took her?

    They gave her part to Anna. JE should be thanking them for that.

    So was Tracy supposed to swoop down and save them instead?

    Yup. Pretty much. You notice this started out as a Luke/Tracy story. It will end that way, too. Too bad the middle is f-----.

    Tracy always loses out to the beauties.

    I'd say this time Tracy ended up being the winner. The less involvement in this story, the better for her.

    I dont know about that. At least she would be on screen and get a paycheck.

    More speculation (it's basically a repeat of the info. I posted this morning):

    I think there were a LOT of shift with this story, not just with Tracy. Like Scrubs/Lulu/Dillon being there. I think that before FH signed it was just suppose to be Luke/Holly/Robert and Tracy. Then when Fin signed they took Tracy out put Anna in. After that they added Robin cause you can't have both her parents on the show and not have her w/ them. I think Patrick was a last second add on on the Scrubs side cause you can't have these two apart for two weeks and then have them have sex at the last week of may. And Lu/Dillon were added as the Luke side of things.

    I think that before FH was suppose to be here, Patrick and Robin were suppose to stay at P.C. Patrick dealing with the JaSam/Alexis and with the L&L2 cause there were suppose to be much more platonic scenes between Liz/Patrick to drive Lucky crazy, while Robin was suppose to deal with the LJ/CarJax thing much sooner and now that Robin is away, Maxie is filled in as a holding place till Robin gets back.

    This could also explain why there weren't any Lulu/Robin scenes in which they discussed going to the islands, or scenes in which Lulu asked Dillon to go...This Sweeps has been completely mumbled-jumbled. I hope TPTB get fried. *evil laugh*

  6. So, I'm not watching, but I gather from recaps that Robin/Patrick and Lulu/Dillon were all on a plane on their way to the Markham Islands. We get to see them on the plane, but NOT Tracy? And guess what? It didn't take them 2 weeks to reach their destination either. *sigh* I hate this. :(

  7. Great job with edited video, MinervaFan. Tracy/Coleman were really lovey-dovey in those clips, weren't they? LOL.







    MinervaFan, rumor had it TG pitched an adventure SL for himself, JE, TR, and ES. FH had not been included, but her surprise return changed things: It led to the involvement of Robin in the Markham Islands Adventure, and therefore Anna wouldn't have to show up in Port Charles to be able to interact with her daughter. With Robin involved, TPTB also decided to add Lulu, Dillon, and Patrick. (No room for Tracy, I presume?)

    Apparently, Tracy was going to have a much larger role in this SL. Speculation is based on the SOW article, as well as the writing up until a few weeks ago (all that "You're in love with Luke" stuff, being left at the altar, Robert playing into her insecurities...) Now, Tracy is just going to be thrown in at the end, so the final result can be Luke/Tracy realizing that they really are a couple, just like TG's idea, except it won't make as much sense (seeing as everything in the middle has been cut).

    As with almost everything from SoapDish, grain of salt, TracyQ fans, grain of salt. :)

  8. kenna, I have no idea, but MinervaFan knows how to make screencaps, so maybe she can tell you how to do that. I'm pretty sure it requires some technology I don't know the name of, LOL. Did JE give a speech? Could you summarize that for us? And I don't have that song. Sorry. :( Have you tried different sites for free mp3 downloads?

    MinervaFan, you and Shazzer are awesome. Thanks. And now I present you with Bad Day. I might have to edit since there is a lot of Tracy/Dillon in the beginning (which would have worked if I also ended with them...or something; I tried "counteracting" it by ending with several Tracy/Luke clips). I'll wait to see what you all think. Other characters include: Edward/Luke/Alan/Monica/Ned/Skye/Lorenzo/Justus/Lois/Georgie/Alice (some "blink and you miss 'em"). Enjoy. :D

    And for those who visit SoapDish, some interesting discussion about Jane Elliot/Tracy today regarding the Markham Islands. Makes you wonder what's really going on...if anything is going on at all.

    ETA: I'm also wondering where 4XCrazy is. And kenna, I'm glad you're enjoying "Oh, Baby."

  9. ILoveTracyQ, that could be it too. We'll find out sooner or later, and MinervaFan, you need to be writing for GH. :)

    Question for MinervaFan, smirks, or kenna, our video queens: I've been working on another video, and one of the clips I used has super huge dimensions (nice technical wording, isn't it? LOL), so after saving it, ALL the clips ended up with super huge dimensions. It looks fine if I view it at 50% (instead of 100%), but it's still a rather large file, so not only is it taking up a lot of space on my hard-drive, it's also going to take an extra long time for dial-up users to download. Is there any way I can fix this? :) *Ms. Q hopes this made sense*

    ETA: I needed to add kenna to the list of video queens. :)

  10. Yes! The video is here! Sorry about the dial-up issues. Great video, MinervaFan. The first "Na na na na na" goes so well with the clip. Cool effects too. I like the fade one, when one clip becomes another (but the first one is still kind of visible). Not sure if it's called "fade" or not, but it's neat. And that clip of Tracy full of smiles on the HS is too cute. This doesn't related to JE/Tracy at all, but SC's "I'm scarred for life" face cracks me up everytime. I also loved the ending. :D One comment...Much as I loved the Robert/Tracy scenes, the video seemed to spend too much time on them. Maybe if their clips were used throughout, it'd be different. Don't worry, though. I'm not suggesting that you back and edit everything. Just something I noticed.







    angel, I doubt FH was being hypothetical, LOL. Those must be the scenes with TG and JE that had her laughing that one morning. Hopefully, this talk of the divorce helps Luke/Tracy to realize how much they need each other. ;)

  11. All right Tracy Q. fans...I'm getting straight to the point. Gather round. We're going to need each other to get through this. *cyber-hugs for everyone* (I hope I'm just overreacting...)






    Finola Hughes quote from Soaps In Depth: "Guza can take serious things like a divorce between Tracy and Luke and turn it into this hilarious campy thing..."

    I guess our girl is less than thrilled about the Holly/Luke escapades, and she demands a divorce? And go figure...it's going to be hilarious, except I won't be laughing. We need to be careful what we wish for. We wanted Tracy on the island...Oh, she'll be on that island all right, wanting a divorce. Luke/Tracy better make it to their 1 year anniversary. <_<

    *thinks positively* Isn't Robert supposed to move in with the Q's? Perhaps the divorce never gets filed? I'm just so confused. There have been numerous pro-Lacy articles in the magazines as of late. TG still loves JE, right? Not "love" love, but you all know what I mean. *sigh* I'm tired of these possible rewrites. I NEED to find out what is going on.

    ETA: Hi angel! *cyber-hugs*

  12. Oh jeez. It looks like on Monday, Holly's taking a bath, and Luke and Robert are going to help. :rolleyes: Come on, Tracy. Any minute now would be the perfect time to show up and kick Luke's butt.

    Aww, thanks ILoveTracyQ. It means a lot to me that you're enjoying the story. And congrats on leaving the 50th review! I don't have a prize though. :P Oh, I'd be fine with the explanation, "I got lost." At least, it's something...

    And LOL MinervaFan. You need to write a fic about that. :lol:

    ETA: Page 61.

  13. LOL, ILoveTracyQ. Sorry. It's a bad habit. About the island...[whisper] Yeah, I sort of just assumed that she filmed there since she had scenes with FH, and Anna never returns to PC. I guess it's possible the scenes are in that run down "vacation" house (in the media pics) though. Oops. [/whisper]

    The week of the 22nd? Eh...[chants] We can do it. We can do it. [/chants] :lol: After all...We made it from July 20th to October 7th (yes, it's sad that I have the dates memorized) with 1 TQ scene. This should be nothing, LOL.

    MinervaFan, ooh, I am anticipating that Tracy/Monica fanfic.

    Chapter 21 has been posted.

  14. Oh no...You know it's bad when we start talking about Jane Elliot's hair. :lol:

    So, let's recap (SPOILERS INCLUDED...KIND OF):

    Soap Opera Weekly: Our couple is important enough to be on the cover. *Ms. Q smiles gleefully, despite the horrific photo-shop job* We get a cutesy article that tells us to expect "fireworks" between Robert, Holly, Luke, and Tracy, as Tracy tracks down her husband. TG states that JE is going to make the ridiculous SL realistic...All right, I added the ridiculous part. ;)

    General Hospital: Tracy sets off to find her husband, but the Super Sonic Port Charles Jet is not working, so it's taking her an extremely loooooooooooooong time to get to the islands, or so we are led to believe. We have a lot of questions: Did her plane crash? Has she been kidnapped? Is she lurking about Luke and co.'s camp site, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash her fury? Is she on the wrong island? Has she given up and returned to Port Charles? Naturally, all this is taking place offscreen.

    Finola Hughes's Blog: She filmed scenes with JE. Lots and lots of laughing on set. Too bad I couldn't have been there, LOL, because it sounded fun. In any case, JE has filmed some scenes on the fake island set, so Tracy must must be involved, unless the scenes are cut. FH is only back for 5 episodes, right? TIIC wouldn't cut her scenes, would they?

    Soaps In Depth: Tracy is at home worried if her husband and Holly are "getting it on." I'm guessing this article was completed before FH's wrote in her blog. Not sure how the interviewing/printing process works, but I'm certain it's impossible to have the magazine done in such a short amount of time. However...if Tracy IS at home (and let's say she did give up, even though she wouldn't do that), it says she's "worried." Are we supposed to assume she's worried, or will be able to see that? And of course, this is all provided that Tracy returns to Port Charles.

    I'm betting there's been some rewriting going on. I believe she was supposed to be involved from the beginning (hence SOW). GH decided to add the younger crew (Dillon/Lulu/Robin/Patrick) and figured, "Pfft. Who needs the character of Tracy?" GH doesn't want to write for her, so she is sent offscreen to search for husband, which GH obviously forgets about seeing as the SID article has her at home (either that, or SID can't keep its facts straight...or Tracy does indeed come home). Whatever the case may be, somewhere down the line, GH realizes they are making a big mistake by not including JE/Tracy...and voila! She's getting scenes with TG and FH. Heh. I have no idea. I wish I knew WHAT was going on...

    Been lurking at SoapDish...They want a ladies night out with Holly/Anna/Tracy/Monica. Holly is on my "You are so evil" list, but eh...JE is so much fun when she gets to play drunk. I'd go for it.

  15. ILoveTracyQ, yes, it's a cute article (was that the SID one you were waiting for?), although I wish JE could voice her opinion once in awhile. And I know, I know. We'll see our girl eventually. I'm just tired of waiting. And why did JE have to get the shaft for most of this SL? *thinks* I suppose it's for the better seeing that Holly/Robert/Luke all look like idiots. Stupid it as it, though, I still wish Tracy would come out and play. Oh, did you see the post at SD about Coleman/Markham Islands? Someone said Coleman should've accompanied his "mama" on this adventure, so she wouldn't have ended up lost in the jungle. :lol:

    MinervaFan, thanks for the laugh. LOL.

    nex4evr, smirks is on a mission to find the clip, but I'm not sure if she heard back from the person or not. Until then...here is the transcript. One of the best TQ episodes ever since her return. JE was more awesome than usual, and it was just...wow. One of the best Lacy episodes too. :) *sigh* We need more scenes like those. I hope someone finds a clip because you (and MinervaFan) would LOVE it. Thanks for the compliment, by the way.

  16. Yep, ILoveTracyQ, but it was over the span of a few months. I'm glad you like them. And MinervaFan, I responded to your PM. Thanks to both of you for the feedback. :)

    ILoveTracyQ knows this already, but here is an SID Luke/Tracy snippet. It's good...and bad. Good because it's pro-Lacy, and bad, well, because it says Tracy's at home (as opposed to on her way to the Markham Islands). <_<






    SOD's cover story is about Anna's return. Still no mention of Tracy. *sigh* FH mentioned scenes with JE. TG said JE had a part in the SL, and that she was going to make it realistic. I just don't get it. Where is she? Why isn't she in any spoilers? She is going to show up eventually, right? I'm tired of waiting. Goodness, I'm acting like an impatient 4 year-old, LOL.

  17. I hate how if the situation were reversed and Luke were tracking Tracy down,we'd see every step of it.
    Yep. Meanwhile, Tracy would still be offscreen; that is until Luke found her. *sigh*

    Now, for your viewing pleasure, I'm providing the link to the home of some of my older fanart, LOL: Click Me. :)

    ETA: 60 pages of JE/Tracy luuuuuurve!

  18. Holly wants Luke. Luke reminds her that he's a married man. Aww, I love Luke.

    5 mintues later...

    Luke wants Holly. Holly reminds him that he's a married man. Luke says Spanky Buns is used to the infidelity. Damnit, I hate Luke.

    This is not making any sense. *sigh* It's been over 24 hours since Tracy's plane took off. Do TIIC think we don't care WHERE she is?

  19. Thanks to everyone for reviewing "Oh, Baby." :)

    MinervaFan, I've been on the hunt for more clips and never realized how many GQ Daily had that featured Tracy. Since there are a lot, I'm just going to give you the dates and a brief summary, and if you're interested, you can check them out.

    June 15, 2004

    Dillon/Brook Lynn run off, which worries their parents. Later, Ned/Lois, and Tracy are relieved that their children are all right. (Clips 7, 9 and 10)

    July 14, 2004

    After learning of Lila's death, Dillon returns home and immediately asks his mother if she's okay. (Clip 5)

    July 16, 2004

    It's Lila's memorial, and Dillon wants the family to lay off Tracy; later Tracy gives a eulogy. (Clips 2 and 4)

    August 2, 2004

    While dressed as a girl, Dillon has a run in with Tracy. (Clips 6 and 7)

    August 26, 2004

    Tracy blames Georgie for Sage's death; the Q freezer is now a crime scene, and Mac attempts to take control; Nikolas and Emily believe Faith killed Sage; Mac believes Nikolas or Emily killed her (Tracy observes in the background) (Clips 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 11)

    August 27, 2004

    Dillon has an encounter with the killer; Tracy wants to go after Dillon, but Mac goes instead; Dillon is fine; Tracy foolishly (I love her, but seriously...) blackmails Felicia in a room full of people, and Felicia threatens to ruin Tracy; the family gangs up on Tracy; the family arms itself with weapons (Tracy's part is cut off) (Clip 1, 3, and 5)

    August 30, 2004

    The family gathers in the boathouse; the family returns to the house; the teens find out that Mary Bishop is the killer; the power comes back on (Tracy does her own thing in the background); Tracy tries to call Lorenzo, but Dillon graps the phone out of her hand; Dillon rips into his mother. (Clips 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10)

    I'll add more later.

    ILoveTracyQ, I love your version of what should happen, and actually, Tracy didn't kick the gun, but she did grab it from Helena, and then she ended up on the ground, but that's only because Luke told her to "get down" and "hit the floor." :lol:

  20. *waves to everyone*

    Ready. Set. Go! It's the super huge mega clip post! :D

    tracyluver, these are the Trax clips I have (also, see below):

    1996: Tracy pulls Jax into a kiss (end of the montage). (Credit to Shazzer)

    November 2003 Part 1: Tracy/Jax talk in the park; Skye interrupts. (Credit to Skye; once again, she asked that I not credit her since she didn't clip them, but rather got them from someone else)

    November 2003 Part 2: Tracy/Jax/Skye talk in the park. (Credit to Skye; see above)

    November/December 2003: Tracy/Jax discuss the Dead Man's Hand. (Credit to Skye; see above)

    December 2005: Tracy is the only person that can help Jax. (Credit to Shazzer)

    nex4evr, I found one of the "hair" clips (Credit to GQ Daily):

    July 2004 Part 1: Sage slaps Dillon; Tracy enters.

    July 2004 Part 2: Tracy doesn't want Dillon working for Ned (includes "hair" clips).

    MinervaFan! Eeeeeeeee! I just found some engagement clips!!!! (credit to GQ Daily, so there are only clips of Tracy/Jax if Dillon is also in the scene)

    April 2004 Part 1: Tracy has an extraordinary announcement; she's getting married!

    April 2004 Part 2: No Tracy in this clip, but the family reacts.

    April 2004 Part 3: No Tracy in this clip, but Dillon wants to stop the marriage.

    April 2004 Part 4: Tracy and Jax are moving in together.

    Engagement Party Clips (credit to GQ Daily)

    May 2004 Part 1: Tracy is happy that Dillon arrived.

    May 2004 Part 2: Tracy proposes a toast to Lorenzo; Lorenzo has some hurtful words for Tracy; Dillon approaches his mother.


    ILoveTracyQ, don't get too excited. Holly said that Luke had a good life in Port Charles: a beautiful daughter who loves him, a woman he's love with, and a wife. BTW, more Holly/Robert/Luke in the previews (still dressed in their costumes). I wish I knew if Tracy's plane landed yet. ;)

    ETA: kenna, thanks so much for the clips! I didn't remember that Tracy/Jax kiss.






    I might have to wait until the week of May 22nd? Are you kidding me?!? Oh well...It'll be worth it in the end, right?

  21. First up...Some clips!

    Credit to Shazzer; I've edited to the clips to JE/Tracy scenes (so you won't get the rest of the episode). Unfortunately, some quality was lost. :(

    April 12th and 13th: Luke asks Tracy to renew their vows; Robert returns to town; Luke plans to rescue Holly.

    April 13th and 14th: Lulu finds Tracy looking at a photo of Lila; Robert gives "Sparky Butt" and Luke some time alone; Luke leaves Tracy at the altar.

    Clip came from Skye of GHVT, but she told me not to credit her, since she got them from someone else (who she can't remember). In any case....

    November 2003: Luke, Skye, Scott, Tracy, Sam talk on the Haunted Star. (Check out that look Luke gives his future wife ;), and LOL @ Tracy pushing Skye aside.)

    ILoveTracyQ, keep that "rumor" away from SoapDish. :P And here is Finola's blog.

    nex4evr, if you know the date, you can check out the archives at GQ Daily. If Georgie/Dillon were both featured in the scene, the clips might be there. I wish I could find the clip of Dillon in a South American jail where he pretended to be crazy, and then Tracy showed up and said, "Sweetheart, are we off our meds again?" LOL. If I run across it, I'll be sure to share.

    As for the video, nex4evr, MinervaFan (loved "Army of Me" by the way, but I think "I'm Not That Girl" is my favorite so far) and smirks might be better at explaining it. I'm convinced Windows Movie Maker is a basic program, when it apparently isn't, LOL. I just don't know how to do anything more advanced.






    From Anonymous of SD: Luke and Tracy: Is true love in the air? Don't laugh.

  22. I don't have time to respond to everything right now, but I had to pop because...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (I am such a fangirl, sometimes, LOL)






    From Finola Hughes's Blog:

    Anyway, I had SO much fun at GH this week, there was one morning I literally laughed for three hours (very professional), but I was working with Tony and Jane (Luke and Tracy) and they are ridiculous, in a very good way!

    I don't care if we have to wait until the week of May 15th to see Tracy; we still get to see her! ILoveTracyQ, your optimism paid off! :D

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