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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. *enters quietly*

    Good morning everyone. Thanks tracyluver, ILoveTracyQ, and angel for the reviews on Oh, Baby. :)

    4XCrazy, I'm so sorry that someone left you a review like that. :( You're right. That's not even constructive criticism. Let us know how she responds. Oh, and something else that might be helpful for reasearch purposes, in addition to the SOC character bio., (and this isn't directed at you, just anyone who writes Tracy fanfiction in general): old transcripts. The hit-and-run one is included. We should send it to that lady. ;)












    According to Wizard, Luke receives a call from Holly and goes to track her down right before he's supposed to re-marry Tracy. :angry: And Robert will be a bit tied up with the Q's, mainly Alice, Lulu, Dillon, and Tracy.

  2. Ooh, a lurker? Come in, come in. We don't bite. :)

    And ILoveTracyQ, I was watching The City clips that bellcurve posted earlier, and I just LOVE Tracy/Alex together. *sigh* I want edit tapes now. And, it's so weird to see TK as Danny (I keep thinking "What is Lorenzo doing there?"), but that's sort of OT. Just thought I'd mention it, LOL.













    From SoapDish:

    RMT: Skye turns down Lo's proposal...But they still grow closer.

    Anonymous: So much for leaving at the altar, lol. Thanks, RMT

    RMT: That would be Luke and Tracy.

    Hmm...This means we get a tiny bit of a ceremony. Maybe Robert interrupts? And then when Luke tries to escape, he falls out of a window. These spoilers amuse me, LOL. And I should have mentioned this before, but since Tracy pays Robert to bring Luke home, does this mean an actual JE and TR scene? Can there please be more than one?

  3. LOL ILoveTracyQ. :lol:

    Fanfiction Update: Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 of Oh, Baby have been posted.

    About the spoilers, RMT is reliable. Here are just some of the spoilers he/she has spilled...

    Georgie/Dillon get help from Robin regarding Luke's whereabouts.

    Alcazar puts Lulu's life in danger by saving Skye.

    Tracy makes a promise to God.

    Nikolas saves Maxie's life in an elevator.

    Sam's new career plans consist of going to law school.

    Diego gets out a prison by ratting out another inmate.

    Robin warns Jax about Carly.

    Lorenzo confesses his Manny connection to Jason.

    Nik becomes Luke's new partner.

    Liz asks Jason to protect Lucky.

    Noah slips into a coma.

    Skye sees Lorenzo attacking Manny.












    He LEAVES her at the altar? For real? This better be part of the plan. And aww...Tracy wants her husband home. :)

  4. Can't wait for the update, angel. Speaking of, Chapter 14 of 4XCrazy's Homelands is up.

    I like the icon too, MinervaFan. Interesting ideas for May.

    Did you know???

    In 1982, the role of Felicia Gallant (on Another World) was created especially for Jane Elliot. (posted by ILoveTracyQ at SoapZone) It went to Linda Dano after JE turned it down.

    In 1984, Santa Barbara offered Jane Elliot the role of Augusta Lockridge, but she turned them down because she didn't want to leave New York for California. Louise Sorel got the role, and JE went to play Cynthia Preston on AMC. (posted by CesarFaison of SZ; it was in the "The Soap Opera Book of Lists")

    Some comments: On the old, old SON, someone posted magazine scans, and I remember that SOD had a mention about this. It was inaccurately printed that JE had the role, and in the next issue, which was the one that I saw, SOD had to do the whole "Contrary to what was reported in last issue..." I don't know why I didn't save it. Anyway, just thought it was interesting. :) Oh, and had JE accepted, she and NLG would have played sisters (mentioned by MollyDavisLansingRlz of SZ). JE/WK were paired on DAYS. NLG/WK were paired on GH. JE plays WK's mother on GH. LOL.

    Moving along...In 1993, after JE left GH, it was rumored that she was up for the role of Alexandra Spaulding #2 on GL. (posted by CesarFaison) Guess who Executive Producer of GL? Jill Farren Phelps. <_< The role went to Marj Dusay.

    Also in 1993, Douglas Marland had a role created for Jane Elliot on ATWT, but before she could meet with him about it, he died. :( (posted by CesarFaison; also in an SOD interview with JE that I read)

  5. MinervaFan, here's part of the transcript (from the first episode):

    Tracy: (at top of stairwell, comes down) Looks just about ready.

    Maid: Oh! Ms. Quartermaine.

    Tracy: (laughs) Don't be so surprised. I live here.

    Maid: (smiles) Well, I just wanted to know if there were any last minute instructions.

    Tracy: No.

    Maid: (begins to walk away)

    Tracy: (holds up her index fingers) Yes, there is, on second thought. There is a Dr. Marino coming.

    Maid: Dr. Marino.

    Tracy: (nods) Yes. When he arrives, I'd like you to show him upstairs and ask him if he wouldn't mind waiting. He's a surprise for one of my guests.

    Maid: Yes, ma'am. Is that all?

    Tracy: That's all--

    Maid: (starts to leaves)

    Tracy: --folks. (goes to pour herself some wine) Poor Carla. Her little charade is going to be over as of tonight. (holds up her wine glass) To me--I was kicked out of Port Charles without a dime, but starting tonight, I'm back on top. (sips wine)

    Tracy: (answers door) Oh! You're right on time!

    Fake Edward: I've never missed an entrance in my life.

    Tracy: You look wonderful. Come in! Come in!

    Fake Lila: (looking at the house) Is this real? Oh...Oh, You don't mind, do you? I didn't get a chance to catch dinner. (helping herself to some food)

    Tracy: Oh please, be my guest.

    Fake Edward: Don't mind if I do.

    Fake Ned: (looking in a mirror, fiddling with his hair)

    Tracy: You look very handsome.

    Fake Ned: What about my, my hair? Is it too--

    Tracy: Is it a wig?

    Fake Ned: (looks at her strangely)

    Tracy: I have to get something. Excuse me. (leaves)

    Fake Edward: (to Fake Ned) I must tell you. I cannot stop wondering if you appeared in the production of Richard the Third...

    Fake Ned: Actually, I did.

    Fake Edward: ...I managed to catch a performance. You were magnificent!

    Fake Ned: I played the monk. I had 4 lines.

    Fake Edward: Ah, yes, but those 4 lines were absolutely mesmerizing.

    Tracy: (reenters with a wheelchair) All right! I hate to break up this little reunion, but there's a few things we need to get clear.

    Fake Lila: I thought this was supposed to be a backer's audition.

    Tracy: Well, it is in a way.

    Fake Lila: But where will the audience sit?

    Fake Edward: Not to mention that not one of us have even seen a script yet.

    Tracy: (somewhat awkwardly) Uh, well, I guess I neglected to mention this is an eh...It's an usual audition. (more confident) It's an experiment in interactive theater. You are NEVER to forget that you are Edward and Lila Quartermaine, my parents. And you are Ned Ashton, my son.

    Fake Ned: No problem, Mom.

    Tracy: My son Ned would never call me Mom.

    Fake Ned: Sorry, Mother?

    Tracy: (to Fake Lila) Now, if you'll allow me to help you into your chair--

    Fake Lila: Do I have to?

    Tracy: Do you want to get paid?

    Fake Lila: (laughs) How do I get in?

    Tracy: (while helping her) Careful. That's it. Okay.

    Fake Lila: This is the weirdest backer's audition I've ever seen.

    Fake Edward: (goes off on some Shakespeare tangent)

    Tracy: Could you lose the Shakespeare? My father would never make literary allusions.

    Fake Edward: What a poor, misguided man.

    Tracy: (seems nervous) Did you all read and memorize the background material I gave you?

    Fake Ned: Yeah. There's just one thing though. What if someone recognizes us?

    Tracy: (walks up to him) Oh my God. You're not on a television series, are you?

    Fake Ned: No, but what I mean it, we're playing your family, right? So there must be a family--

    Tracy: Oh! Well, the only person in New York that would recognize my real family is a man named Alex Masters.

    Fake Lila: Should I know who that is?

    Tracy: (in sing-song voice) Absolutely not. (normal voice) Because he's not coming tonight. You see--I've thought of everything.

    That's the end of the first half of the episode. I'll try to get the rest up later. :)

    ETA: ______ (?) has been changed to "backer's." Thanks to bellcurve for the help!

  6. Thanks again, bellcurve! MinervaFan, I don't have an iPod either, but as bellcurve mentioned, you can view the clips with QuickTime Player. I will still try and post the transcripts though. :)

    angel, I am sorry to hear about your father's friend. And I don't think it's wrong at all to want to write at a time like this. Oh, and you're story has been read and reviewed. It's very, very good. I'm so jealous of your and MinervaFan's ability to incorporate narrative.

    MarlandRulez, I love that pic too. I wonder if LC and JE will throw RC another baby shower this time around. I loved reading the SID (was it SID? LOL) article about the last one.

  7. MinervaFan, glad you like the banner. And your story has been read and reviewed. I second what angel posted...wow. :)

    bellcurve, thanks so much for posting that! It was worth waiting the half hour and then downloading another program so I could get it to play. If anyone else is having trouble, go here. I'm pretty sure ILoveTracyQ has seen it before, but everyone else? It's hilarious! :lol:

    Here's some of the dialogue:

    Tracy: You are NEVER to forget that you are Edward and Lila Quartermaine, my parents. And you are Ned Ashton, my son.

    Fake Ned: No problem, Mom.

    Tracy: My son Ned would never call me Mom.

    Fake Ned: Sorry, Mother?

    Fake Edward: Are there certain people you want us to impress tonight?

    Tracy: Just one.

    Fake Lila: Boy, this guy must be loaded!

    Tracy: Could you get into character please?

    Fake Lila: (in British accent) Oh, this gentlemen must be quite well-off.

  8. smirks, angel, MinervaFan and anyone else who has conveyed their deep hatred for the vile character of Sonny Corinthos...I love you!

    MinervaFan, yep. Tracy isn't related to Sonny, and she hasn't given birth to any of his children. There's no reason for TIIC to care about her. <_<

    ~Fanfiction Updates~

    Chapter 12 of Oh, Baby has been posted. Thanks to everyone for reading/reviewing!

    Also...4XCrazy has Chapter 13 of Homelands up.








    According to the Cable Guide Spoilers... (Nothing new here except the dates)

    Wednesday, April 12th: Luke asks Tracy to renew their vows

    Thursday, April 13th: Tracy and Luke agree to renew their vows, so Luke cannot be extradited.

    Friday, April 14th: Lulu realizes that Tracy has feelings for Luke.

    So the question is...Do Luke and Tracy really renew their vows or not?

  9. This post took me forever. I'm trying to do too many things at once, LOL. *waves back to ILoveTracyQ*

    TG had this to say in his latest interview in one of the mags,courtesy of SZ:
    I'm not going to quote it all, but I LOVE the mentions of Jane and Luke/Tracy. I just wish he had more control. It just doesn't seem that TIIC want JE/Tracy romantically paired with TG/Luke. <_<
    Mrs Q: To get tricked in to marriage by Luke Spencer EASILY beats just marrying Luke Spencer in terms of humiliation for a Quartermaine, wouldn't you say?
    Oops. Good point. Although...Ned could've said, "This coming from the woman who let Luke Spencer trick her into marriage." Or something, LOL.

    OneLifeFan, while other sites post spoilers, we just post the TQ ones here, so we can discuss them. The fanfiction updates are also TQ related, which reminds me Chapter 11 of 4XCrazy's "Homelands" is up.

    MinervaFan, the GQ/Lacy Vegas scenes can be found at GQ Daily. Go into the Dillon/Georgie archives. The episode aired May 18, 2005. Here are the scenes with a drunk Tracy. Credit to Shazzer (?). smirks gave me the clips, but I think that's who she got them from. Tracy/Edward reflecting on Lila can be found here. And Tracy lashing out at the Q's/breaking down can be found here. Credit to NeverQuiet. There are other clips from that episode, as well as the actual memorial, but I don't have them saved.

    A bunch of random comments from yesterday's episode. Ready. Set. Go.

    I hated everyone ganging up on Tracy for the umpteenth time. And Skye, Edward and AJ drove ELQ into the ground, not Tracy. Just wanted to clear that up.

    So, TIIC finally mention a bit of Tracy's history, and then they screw it up. It's pretty hard to dump a dead guy, eh...figuratively speaking, LOL. Yes, Dillon, I am talking to you. ETA: I'm not making any sense, LOL, since Dillon said Gino dumped Tracy. Point is, what was said didn't happen.

    I was laughing at Alan and Ned's reaction once they realized it was Tracy's birthday. "Ohh..." "Ohhhhhh." :lol: And Ned called his mother, "Birthday girl." Too cute.

    Loved the little birthday surprise. She got all choked up and everything. Truly an "aww" moment. One of the best scenes in a long, long time. I wanted the Q's to start singing though. And I won't even START on Sonny!

    But Tracy's line about Lulu/Sonny? Who wasn't thinking that? Hilarious. I love my girl. Hope she's on a lot today!












    angel, I thought the same thing in regards to "Beautiful Disaster." I'm sure GH is going to mess this up. It doesn't even sound genuine. TPTB should just use your story. ;)

    About Lulu/Holly...Well, Holly's the reason Luke leaves town, and Lulu is not going to happy about that, so maybe Lulu/Tracy will be on the same side for awhile.

  10. Thanks for the screencaps, Linn. Look at all that (former) goodness. Tracy/Jax, Tracy/Ned/Dillon, Tracy/Coleman. :wub:

    Oh, Baby is updated.

    Comment on one of the Q's scenes:

    Tracy: Do you have any idea what you've done?

    Ned: This coming from the woman who married Luke Spencer.

    Love ya Ned, but Luke Spencer tricked your mother into marriage. Just sayin'. ;)












    Regarding the auction: The RH's spilled it at their event, so unless there are some last minute changes, the auction is happening. The couple-switch, though, who knows? LOL.

    As for the other spoiler...I'd be more excited if he wasn't going to ask her in front of Skye (enough of the jealousy games, please) and if he wasn't going to leave town to rescue Holly. Is the "girl gets left at the altar" spoiler also from SOW? Hmm...poor Tracy if it's her. Oh, and I wish Ned could be the one to realize that Tracy has feelings for Luke, but I suppose he's going to be another business trip. <_<

  11. Oh, how I've missed this place. I know, I know. It's been what? 2 days? LOL. Anyway, you guys are great. :)

    Thoughts on yesterday's Q scenes: JE/Tracy has a new outfit, and it's not a jacket! coolkid, where are ya? ;) *gives Wardrobe standing ovation* And as much as I adore Lacy, it's nice that Tracy was able to have some scenes without her husband for once. I just wish it could go beyond Emily-propping. Plus as smirks pretty much posted, should Alice and Nik really be getting more lines than the rest of the Q's combined? *sigh*

    But as far as being OTT,Tracy is an OTT character,like Luke...larger than life,so I kinda cut her slack in that department
    ILoveTracyQ, I'm with ya on this, and I too cut her slack, although there are some times when I think WHAT did she just do? :o Hope it's all right to bring that into an appreciation thread. I still find JE extremely talented, one of the best (if not the best) actresses that GH has.













    Tracy and Lorenzo, huh? For one night? I like JE and TK scenes, so I'm for it even if it means more of the same old, same old. I'd prefer Tracy with someone who she doesn't normally share screentime with though...say Ric or Lucky. Oh, and of course, I'm looking forward to the birthday surprise!

  12. 4XCrazy, smirks used a clip from that scene in a video, so she might have it. If not, General Hospital Video Theater (GHVT) has decided to reopen during NQ's absence. Registering is still required (but it's free), and you can request clips there.

    So...Luke, Lulu, Skye, and Lorenzo are all on tomorrow according to the previews. Can Tracy also be on? :)

  13. Happy April! *waves to everyone*

    Is it me or did we have almost Tracy overload last week and basically nothing this week?
    Eh, 2 days this week. 3 days last week (1 of which if you blinked, you missed her). So I'd say pretty even. ;)

    Jane Elliot on the late Gloria Monty: "In the late 1970s, Gloria Monty transformed soap opera viewing from a housewives' pastime to 'the' cool thing to do," veteran "GH" actress Jane Elliot said in a release. "As I was a beneficiary of that transformation, I will be eternally grateful and will miss her terribly. I can't wait to see what she does with heaven." Aww...








    Thursday, April 6: Luke has a birthday surprise for Tracy. I'm a bit nervous since Luke/Lulu grow closer the day before. I hope this surprise isn't related.

    Also on Thursday, April 6: Sonny faces the Quartermaines. And on Friday, April 7: Sonny and Emily stand up to the Q's. Tracy HAS to be there, right? Who's gonna bring the snark if she's not?

    From SoapDish: Edward decides he needs to break up 3 relationships for which he will need 3 pawns. Could Lacy be one of these couples?

  14. ILoveTracyQ, I made up "Trena" myself, I think, LOL. And I'm glad you like the updates. Interesting ideas about Coleman. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet (:o), but of course he's going to be involved.

    tracyluver, ah yes, "plausible" is the key word there because the last Trena alliance? Made. No. Sense.

    Regarding Tracy/Coleman...I have no clips except for Shazzer's LuNacy Video. I agree the two were never given a chance. She found him in her bed, and 2 hours later, she was in love. Riiiiiiight. Loved their scenes though...until the jealousy games kicked into full swing. Remember when he was stuck in the elevator with Courtney? "Sweetheart? Are you all right?" Then she was screaming/banging on the door, "We're gonna get you out of there!!!!!" :lol:

    *sigh* I miss Tracy. Think she'll be involved next week when Sonny faces the Q's? Or does that mean "Sonny faces Alan and Monica?" Tracy HAS to be there, just for the laughs. Oh, and this just in from SoapDish: Question: Who is the couple most likely to stay together? Answer: Luke and Tracy. (There were different questions for most of the couples). Not leaving spoiler space because that seems more like speculation than anything. ;)

    ETA: Why do my posts seem to be turning into essays? The last 2 ones, anyway. LOL.

  15. Regarding the "Trena" alliance: Loved JE and CT in scenes together (and I loved their joint interview in Soap Opera Digest, LOL) but why Tracy would ever want to team up with her is beyond me. Didn't it begin by wanting to frame Emily for Mary's murder? Tracy wanted Emily out of the running for Lila's inheritance, right? Something really stupid. At least Tracy came through for Emily in the end. (There's a sentence I'd never thought I'd say, LOL). But then...sometime down the road, Tracy teams up with Helena AGAIN (circa NYE). Love my girl, but come on. :rolleyes:

    In regards to changing history: I'll allow Skye to Tracy's daughter, but Ned MUST remain a Quartermaine. TPTB would have to establish that Ned/Skye never slept together then because of the ick factor. Hey, I just thought of another spoiler (err...rumor that never happened). It was around the time WK was released from contract, yet at the same time, the Q's were rumored to be front and center again. :huh: Something about Ned not being an Ashton, but a Cassadine, and this was going to turn the Quartermaine and Cassadine empires upside down starting with Helena and Tracy.

    This was also around the time Tracy/Helena teamed up again, and it was speculated that Helena blackmailed her into it (or else she'd reveal Ned's paternity). (Then came the wacky speculation that Ned and Skye were switched at birth, LOL.) Anyway, although all the evidence suggested that Ned was a Cassadine, he really wasn't, but he and Lois would leave the country to find out for sure...without any likelihood of returning. Something crazy like that. :lol:

    Fanfiction Updates:

    Oh, Baby: Chapter 10

    The Missing Scenes: Graduation Day

  16. I'm not expecting our girl to be on for the rest of the week, so if she is, it'll be a nice surprise. :)

    And ILoveTracyQ, yes, that is the "spoiler" I was referring to. I hope it's true; just not counting on it. :( Oh, thanks for the heads up about the Luke/Tracy thread in DTS!

  17. *twirls in*

    GH can end my Lacy under one condition...Jane Elliot/Tracy is still given screen time. LOTS of it. With the rest of the Quartermaines. Especially Ned. And Alan. (Does that count as more than one condition? LOL)

    *twirls out*

    *twirls in again*

    Oops...One more thing. No comments on the Edward/Luke/Tracy spoiler from earlier?

    *twirls out again*

    *passes out from all the twirling*

    Just trying to lighten the mood. ;)

  18. Bumping because SoapDish has "scoops"












    Alas, nothing about our girl specifically, but...Both Quartermaine girls are in a heap of trouble, but that is what happens when you get involved with bad boys. Look for the Quartermaines to step in between and protect their own. Skye & Emily? Can Tracy please be involved? She's helped Emily in the past. I'm sure she would help her again.

    Also...Alexis's story will interconnect with the Robert/Holly/Luke story. The story of who caused the outbreak is not dead. It will connect with the Cassadines as suspected. Yeah. Definitely not liking the lack of Tracy.

    And...Dillon will be involved a bit with the Cassadine/Spencer Wars. He will be a great asset to Luke. Where's Luke's wife?

    Finally...It's time for Edward to take back the reigns of all things Quartermaine. But will an interesting and unsuspecting foe prove worthy? Feel free to discuss. :)

  19. ILoveTracyQ, hmm, I hadn't thought about incorporating Lulu. :o She might be around once I get to October, November, etc. And no scoops from me...except the Edward/Luke/Tracy one from earlier.

    Oh, and LOL at the Fake Spoiler, MinervaFan. :lol:

    And angel, I'm glad you are enjoying Oh, Baby. *waits next to angel for possible upcoming scenes*

    ETA: I forgot to answer this...

    I'm just a little curious, what exactly is Luke doing with a gun AND handing it to his teen daughter?
    Not sure where the shotgun came from, but it doesn't surprise me that he has one...As for handing it to his daughter? I have no idea. Really smart, Luke. Really smart. [/sarcasm]
  20. *waves to ILoveTracyQ and tracyluver*

    Thanks for commenting on Oh, Baby over at FF.net, tracyluver. I always get so excited when I have a new review, LOL.

    Regarding the "home" line: I just checked the transcripts. It seems as I shouldn't watch live, do my own recaps, and consult other recaps at the same time, LOL, seeing as the word "home" was never mentioned. :unsure:

    Regarding Lulu: Girl's got a mouth on her, and I personally can take or leave her. But there was so much potential in the beginning. Hmm, could there still be some potential? Look at 'em...


  21. Editing to add: I don't believe Luke pointed the gun at her, but still...

    Regarding Wizard's Timeline...

    According my "calculations," LOL, the spoiler should air April 7th (earliest possible date) or sometime the following week (week of April 10th).












    As for TG's vacation...I bet he's on it and has been pre-taping. Tristan Rogers returns April 13th. A little too close for comfort in regards to the "surprise." I could see Luke handing her the divorce papers and then taking off with Robert to find Holly. :( But I also could also see what MinervaFan posted happening, and then Luke takes off, just because. Or maybe in the event that Tracy does break down, he senses things are getting too cozy, which of course scares him, so he runs off. I just want Lacy to make it to their one year wedding anniversary. :)

  22. About the incorrect spelling...I'm sure one of the moderators could change it.

    Add me to those who aren't enjoying Luke's attitude lately. :angry:












    Aww, ILoveTracyQ, you're supposed to the optimist here. ;) Hmm, just because Luke hands her divorce papers doesn't mean Tracy has to go through with it, right? And we don't even know if the surprise is a divorce. Maybe it's breakfast in bed, LOL.

    How about some positive spumors? From SoapDish: After Edward lets Tracy have it, she breaks down and admits her flaws to Luke. I like this spumor, so hopefully, it doesn't join the rest of them that NEVER happened. <_< (Just a note, but other spumors included with the Tracy/Luke one were...Jason/Nik make a pact to do anything in their power to protect Emily, Carly comes across shocking news--Baby John's paternity, Monica is at the end of her rope in regards to Emily/Sonny, Liz is hurt by the fact that Lucky forgot Cameron's birthday, and Dillon confides in Lulu his insecurites about Georgie/Diego.) They ALL sound plausible, don't they?

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