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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Excellent points, ILoveTracyQ. In fact, I might have posted something similar forever ago, something about enjoying what I can, when I can...but how much do I hope that TIIC let JE renew her contract in November? (provided JE wants to re-sign) 3 years seemed so long. I can't believe it's almost up. :o

  2. MinervaFan, I loved "Welcome to the Blue Door!" It was very fun!

    ILoveTracyQ, all right, it wasn't that bad. I'm melodramatic sometimes, LOL. And while I did adore the kiss and the "Happy Anniversary," I guess I just expected more...but at least it got a mention, right?

    tracyluver, good to have you back!

    nex4evr, good to see you posting again!






    ILoveTracyQ, I too am hoping for genuine emotions. Please oh please oh please. And if that spoiler about Robert setting up a romantic dinner for our girl is true, I hope it's more because he's starting to admire her and not because he's working for Edward.

    Spumor from SoapDish: Luke gets jealous of Roberts growing fascination with Tracy, which Tracy realizes & takes full advantage of.

  3. *takes deep breath*

    Where do I begin? LOL.

    *gives standing ovation to MinervaFan's thoughtful analysis* Thanks for the PM. I'll respond to it in a bit. Not sure about Boots. I'll see if I can get Friday's clips up soon. Been busy with all the uploading, LOL. And of course, looking forward to your story. In fact, I re-read "Like Lila's Home" last night, and wow. It was even better the 2nd time. I want a meaningful Bobbie/Tracy scene now. Congrats on 200 posts, by the way!

    Hi Rebecca. Love the banner and avatar. I wish I could enjoy Ric/Alexis as much as I used to.

    Keith, yes, competent writers are a must for that type of story. If only...

    MarlandRulez, can't wait to see the painting.

    LOL angel, I agree. Luke needs to wake up and realize what he has.

    And finally, to the poster wearing sunglasses that provided the clips, thanks so much!


    Edit: MinervaFan, here are Friday's clips. Credit to Lori Jo and Geena of Hella Good. Edited to TQ by me. Also...I found this at All Things GQ: The Source. Credit to brianne. Special thanks to our very own kenna for requesting the re-post. And since you're probably wondering what clip it is, LOL, it's Dillon/Tracy at the PCPD in June 2003. "What a stupid place to put a parking meter!" :lol:

  4. First up...

    More fanart (I've used some of these as banners, so you've seen them before)...

    Lacy Xmas Sparkle (posted at SoapBlather, but I changed the black/green font to just green)

    Helena to Tracy: You're next...

    Tracy needs to burn the jacket. ;)

    Lacy Charitable Endowment (posted at SoapBlather, but I fixed the quality of the text)

    Lacy discuss parenting (this one is kind of "eh" - figured I post it anyway, LOL)

    Lacy Valentine's Day

    Happy "39th" B-Day Tracy!

    TQ on the Haunted Star

    "I could make you feel more alive..."

    Teen LuNacy: What if?

    GH: Luke & Tracy

    Tracy and Robert: Luke Who?

    Robin Christopher and Jane Elliot

    RC and JE again...

    "Oh honey, you're home..."

    Luke & Tracy (red/yellow)

    More photos/scans...

    * denotes credit to WallyKurth.net

    6/22/93 SOD: JE and Gerald Anthony COVER

    And yet another headshot

    Sultry Summer DAYS: JE as Anjelica *

    3/10/98 SOD: "Who's Who?" Featuring the Q's *

    1989 scan: JE receives Best Comeback (credit to someone at one of the old SON's)

    Another GL Ross/Carrie get married (Thanks to coolkid for providing the link to this photo; photo from soapoperadigest.com)

    JE attends WK's concert at GHFCW

    May 2005 SOW: "Oh, Craps" Lacy Vegas Wedding (scanned by me)

    1996: Q's Family Photo *

    JE/Tracy w/book (credit to The Gate)

    Tracy/Monica fight in fountain 1 (animation) Credit to GM.

    Tracy/Monica fight in fountain 2 (animation) Credit to GM.

    And finally, just because it's hilarious (not JE/Tracy related) (Thanks to alynn of TWoP)

    And to continue giving credit where it is due... (* still denotes credit to WallyKurth.net) As for anything uncredited, your guess is as good as mine. :o

    Small photo of JE on AMC (credit to wost.org)

    More Tracy/Paul... (credit to The Gate)

    And more Tracy/Paul... (credit to The Gate)

    "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th (credit to Jrsgirl)

    Another "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th (Credit to Jrsgirl)

    Tracy and a Baby Dillon (Credit to Children of General Hospital Site)

    SID 11/25/03 "Next Issue" *

    SID 5/13/03 40th Anniversary Scan *

    JE and Amy Van Horne/Carla at Ted King's birthday (Credit to carlyandlorenzo.com)

    SOW 6/14/03 She's baaaaaack. *

    Carrie and Ross's Wedding Screencap (screencap by me; came from Penny's clip)

    Carrie/Ross: "You may kiss the bride..." (screencap by me; came from Penny's clip)

  5. Bumping...

    June 1989: Pro-Choice actresses get on the soapbox to air their views about a woman's right to abortion. Other GH'ers include Nancy Lee Grahn and Lynn Herring. (I'm going to try and search my old computer for the clips someone posted of this. These actresses made the evening news. ;))
    A little late, but here are the clips I mentioned: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Clips came from SlkyCaramel from SZ. Not sure of the original poster though.

    I also have a snippet from her win on my old computer...
    And yes, I am quoting myself again, LOL. Snippet can be found here. (About 1:30 into it) Clip is in Real Format. Thanks to coolkid for bringing it over in one of the old SON's. Also...Here is a clip featuring JE's nomination clip from DAYS. Credit to the same person from above.

    MinervaFan, thanks so much! *blushes* Feel free to use them for the website. I'd be honored. I have more which aren't at posted at SB. I'll see if I can get them up sometime this weekend.
    *takes deep breath* Whew. I've uploaded the rest of the fanart to MegaUpload (links valid for 1 month) and SendSpace. I had some issues with the quality of the text, but it should be fine now. Let me know if there's a problem. :)

    In no particular order...

    Tracy/Ned: "I love you."

    Tracy/Dillon: "We're supposed to be a team."

    Tracy/Luke/Skye: "I hope it's a big room. I get very athletic."

    Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton on Family Feud

    Luke/Tracy: Happy New Year

    Kick some butt, Tracy Q.

    Tracy Q. Swirl Collage

    Luke/Tracy: Christmas Weave

    Proud to be a Tracy Fan

    Luke/Tracy: Christmas Tree

    "There are certain women..."

    Murder is not supposed to be a game.

    Luke/Tracy: What If?

    Luke/Tracy: Happy Easter

    Luke/Tracy Filmstrip

    Some more stuff... (I found a lot of stuff saved on my old computer. :o)

    1991: Q's near Christmas time Credit to NeverQuiet.

    Includes snippet of Tracy/Larry (it's different than the one in the church) Credit to ?.

    Anna/Robert Wedding #2; you'll see Tracy. Credit to Cheap (?). I used to have the clip of Lucy/Tracy fighting over the bouquet. I've searched and searched and unfortunately, can't find it. :(

    Cast Photos from GL (1982)

    JE photo from the no-longer running The Gate (A Nexis Fansite)

    Ross and Carrie on GL

    JE holding her Emmy

    Small photo of JE on AMC

    Tracy and Paul Scan

    More Tracy/Paul...

    And more Tracy/Paul...

    Tracy/Larry dressed for Alan/Lucy's wedding

    Tracy/Paul marry

    1993ish: JE and WK

    JE headshot

    Another JE headshot (very young)

    JE is SOD's performer of the week for her work during the Lacy wedding.

    JE at GH's 40th Anniversary Party

    JE and Lynn Herring at GH's 40th

    "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

    Another "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

    GH File Folder with autographs

    Tracy and a Baby Dillon

    Eva La Rue and JE photos and autographs

    SID 11/25/03 "Next Issue"

    SID 5/13/03 40th Anniversary Scan

    JE and Amy Van Horne/Carla at Ted King's birthday

    SOW 6/14/03 She's baaaaaack.

    JE black/white photo

    JE on Baby Boom

    SOW Cover 7/30/90: JE/single motherhood

    Anna Lee receives award; JE is pictured.

    And another JE headshot

    And another...

    JE on cover of SOD (Carrie/Ross)

    Carrie and Ross's Wedding Screencap

    Carrie/Ross: "You may kiss the bride..."

    Lucy/Tracy at Alan/Lucy's wedding

    Neil and Anjelica on DAYS get married.

    TG talks about Luke/Tracy's "great combative 'who's on top' sex" (No, I'm not kidding, LOL).

    Edited several times to fix the fanart, to add photos, and to add clips. Enjoy. :D

    Edited once more to correct TK Birthday and Lynn Herring/Jane Elliot links.

  6. 4XCrazy, good to see you posting again. And you're right, ES is younger. According to IMDB.com, there is a 14 (more like 13 and a half if I'm going to be technical, LOL) age difference. Thanks for the compliment on the banner, by the way. :)

    kenna, thanks for the feedback on the fanfiction! And thanks for the info. about Some Kind of Wonderful. I've seen it before, and JE's role is minimal, but some JE is better than none, right?

    MinervaFan, clips for Thursday, May 18, 2006 can be found here. Credit to Geena of Hella Good. I've edited the clips to TQ only (for the most part). Sorry if it takes extra long to download. I've increased the file size to ensure better quality (and yet the quality still isn't perfect). *sigh* I'll try and post the rest of the island clips later. Re: The GH E-Cards...I could take/leave the idea, although that could be because I'm not too sure what it entails, LOL.






    According to Time and Date of SoapDish (sometimes accurate), on Tuesday, June 6, Edward ups the ante for Robert, and on Wednesday, June 7, Robert sets up a romantic dinner for Tracy, but Luke intercepts Robert's note to her. Luke then proceeds to offer him a partnership on the Haunted Star. And on Monday, June 12, Robert turns the tables on Edward. No other Luke/Tracy/Robert/Edward spoilers were posted for that week. Any thoughts? Between the "romantic dinner" and "turning the tables," these spoilers almost sound just like last year's at this time. Or is it just me? LOL.

  7. tracyluver, ILoveTracyQ, Keith, and anyone else who pointed out that this is a JE/Tracy LOVE Thread...Thanks!!!

    angel, good luck on the finals!

    Re: Today's show. Anyone else think when Tracy was screaming off the top of her lungs that she was going to break down? She sounded really upset and sad (as she should be), and even though breaking down isn't something Tracy does regularly, I thought that she might this time. Would've been good dramatic material for JE and TG. Oh well...

    Fanfiction Updates:

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27






    Hmm, angel, good speculation. Luke definitely owes Tracy for forgetting their anniversary. Way to go, Luke. [/sarcasm] And ILoveTracyQ, good point about the "feelings spoiler." We'll just have to wait and see. *crosses fingers*

    Re: The possible triangle...I'm not sure I want Tracy falling for Robert if she's still married. Or I guess...I don't want Tracy messing around behind his back. She'd have to divorce him first, which I, despite everything, still don't want, LOL. I'd be interested in seeing Robert take a liking into Tracy though especially after his comments today.

  8. *enters quietly*

    tracyluver, I don't have much time right now or else I'd find them for you, but pages ago, Linn posted clips from SoapTalk in which JE talked about DH frying her hair. I don't have the rest of the clips of the episode though, but at least it's something. :)

    Some comments about today's show...

    Talk about underwhelming.

    Guess the "feelings" spoiler wasn't true. Figures. *sigh*

    Love Tracy, but as ILoveTracyQ mentioned, why oh why does she put up with this crap?

    I'm tired of the writers putting down Tracy and indirectly JE. Guess what, TIIC? She's NOT 29. She's 59, and she looks darn good despite the atrocious outfits your Wardrobe Department insists on draping her in.

    Psst...The Coleman/Tracy stuff didn't take place on the honeymoon. Did I hear wrong, or did GH screw it up?

    I HATE misleading spoilers. The "unexpected visitors" stuff lasted 2 seconds.

    I did enjoy the brief "Happy Anniversary" and the kiss. There was a little kiss, right? LOL.






    If there's a Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle, then MinervaFan is right. It's not going to be serious. On the plus side, JE might end up getting something to do while TG is away.

    *exits quietly*

  9. Yay! It was so good to see a decent amount of the fabulous Tracy Q! *bows down to her greatness* If you haven't seen today's episode and don't want to be spoiled, don't read the rest of this post.





    Some questions...

    How did Tracy know Dillon was in the Maarkam Islands if she left before him? Did someone at home call her (excellent cell phone reception, LOL)? At first, I thought it was because of the rewrites, but then Lulu asked, "Step-witch, what took you so long?"

    Is Tracy supposed to be in bed with Robert? Or is it Anna? FH has one episode left.

    Some comments...

    LOL at the "If I knew this was going to be a Scorpio family reunion, I would've brought a casserole."

    Loved that Tracy called Holly a "cheap tart" and that Anna agreed.

    Tracy saved them all! Did we expect any less?

    The "scarred for life" stuff is getting old (even if those words weren't used this time), but Anna's "What? It's just a roll in the hay with her husband" made up for it.

    Luke, Luke, Luke. STOP drugging your wife and your best friend.






    RE: SON's spoilers. It sounds as if she has something up her sleeve.

    RE: The "feelings" spoilers. It better not get cut. Something has to happen soon since Luke was ready to cheat on Tracy today. *glares at Luke* And I'm really wondering who these unexpected visitors are. Hmm...

  10. YAY! SHE'S BACK!

    SoapZone spoiled the entrance for me, but that's my own fault. I just had to know if she was on, LOL.

    Catching up from earlier...

    MinervaFan, your story has been read/reviewed. I loved it! Oh, Birthday Clips Here. Credit to Shazzer. Clips edited to Tracy Q. by me. Apologies in advance for the loss of quality. Anyone know how to solve that problem for the future?

    4XCrazy, your story has also been read/reviewed. Awesome job!

    tracyluver, chemistry, huh? I hated chemistry. I was much more of a biology person, but anyway, LOL...Good luck on the other tests!

    MarlandRulez, any spin-off that features Tracy is fine by me, but I bet the island stuff would get old.






    ILoveTracyQ, my guess is that Luke owes Tracy big for leaving her at the altar and then running after Holly. I better not hear a word about that $15 million. As for the "fit to be tied" spoiler...Make no sense unless something is going on between Robert/Tracy. Hmm...

  11. MarlandRulez, does Tracy get to kick Holly's butt? Because then, I'd be all for it. ;)

    ILoveTracyQ, my first instinct was also "no." I don't think the plan was to pair them romantically. Skye served that purpose. (I know, I know. *bites tongue*) Tracy provided the laughs. She was his sparring partner, and nothing more. (Please note the use of the past tense, LOL)

    Fast-forward----->>>> Luke and Tracy clicked. Now what? LOL. The heat is there, no doubt, and we've seen it on more than one occassion, but that's as far as it will go IMO. We'll get glimpses here and there, and nothing else. I just don't believe that TIIC view JE as a viable onscreen romantic partner for TG. I'd love to be wrong about that though. And well, TG does keep mentioning the sex, LOL. Who knows? We might end up with a fade-to-black.

    coolkid, oh man, last year was horrible (pre-Lacy) *digs up episode count*

    January: 2 episodes.

    February: 4 episodes.

    March: 4 episodes.

    April: 5 episodes. (3 of these episodes included Lacy)

    And of course, there was TG's vacation...

    August: 1 episode.

    September: 0 episodes.

    *sighs* It could be worse, JE/Tracy fans, it could be worse.

  12. She wasn't on?!?! The evil SoapNet teaser lied?!?! :angry: Wait a minute...*

    tracyluver, good luck with the AP exams!

    kenna, thanks for the summary!

    And everyone, thanks for the feedback on the fanfic!






    * Me thinks the SoapNet teaser told the truth, but our girl's scene got cut. <_< And back in PC? Seriously?!? WTH? Which soap magazine does "Remote Patrol?" This better be mentioned. Someone else has to notice (and care, LOL) besides us. Hmm...Is it possible that her scenes today were edited out because someone at GH woke up and realized that it wouldn't have made sense? Or am I giving TIIC too much credit? And can she please be on tomorrow? PLEASE?!? This is just getting ridiculous. But yay! "Unexpected visitors!"

  13. Yay! Keith is posting! :)

    I'm glad that helped, MinervaFan. And of course, I'm anticipating the fanfics and the video. *waits anxiously*

    Something to watch for.


    I agree. I haven't watched an entire episode since the auction. I didn't even tune in for Anna's return.

    Fanfiction Update: Chapter 25






    ILoveTracyQ, I assuming "delicate" means something more on the serious front. I have no idea what, and it's hard to speculate about something I don't believe is true, LOL. Sorry; it's just that SoapDish posters noticed that the grammar of the post matches the "scoopster," Spoiler Addict, and I guess her "scoops" have a reputation for being false. I hope it's true though. :)

    nex4evr, yes, I've seen that. ILoveTracyQ mentioned it before too. The spoiler sounds good, doesn't it? And I, for once, am going to be optimistic. ;)

    Oh, can't wait to see FINALLY see Tracy tomorrow! Things are bad when Epiphany, Stan, and Max are getting more airtime than her. Heck, Nurse #2 is probably getting more airtime than her. But *puts on a smile* Eeeeeeeeeeeee! She'll be back, and she will be awesome.

    ETA: Hi to kenna (who I see is online) (I was wondering if you could still sum up JE's acceptance speech from the 1992 SOD Awards, if acceptance speeches were even given; I assume they would be, right? LOL), and hi to tracyluver (who is also on) (I hope those AP exams aren't keeping you too buried in the books).

    ETA again: What does that "Rating: < 0 ( ) 10 >" thing under "Member No." on the left side of the screen mean? I just noticed it, LOL. (I'm pretty sure you're only going to see if if you're signed on, and you'll only see it in your box since I can't see it it anyone else's. And if this isn't making any sense, feel free to ignore me. It's been a long day, and I'm exhausted, LOL). *waves to Ms. Walsh and BellaSorcerer who are lurking*

  14. MinervaFan, I had trouble finding the summaries at first too. Make sure the soap is "The City/Loving" (sounds obvious, but I ended up with Guiding Light recaps more than once, LOL), and make sure the date is in the correct time period (Try Feb. 17, 1997; you'll get Tracy's wedding to Gino), and that should do it. :)

    And now I move on to this...Eeeeeeeeeeeee!






    According to the SoapNet teaser for tomorrow's episode, Tracy sets out to find Luke. Yes, I know she did that like 2 weeks ago, but eeeeeeeeeeee! She's back!

    As for the "delicate" spoiler, I don't believe Boss spilled it. I think she was just restating it. Whatever the case, I doubt it's a pregnancy. TIIC wouldn't do that. *gets evil idea* You know if TIIC made Skye Tracy's daughter, they would have even more fun with this kind of SL, LOL. Just kidding guys. ;) And I'm not sure if this matters, but SoapDish didn't seem to trust the person who posted that spoiler. *sigh* No one knows anything anymore.

  15. Yay! ILoveTracyQ is back! I hear ya about the negativity thing. Looks like a lot of us have been avoiding this place. *sigh* The lack of our girl is so sad. :( And thank you so much for your kind words about the fanfic. You probably know Tracy and the rest of the Quartermaines more than anyone else I've ever "met" online, so when you tell me I've got their personalities down path, it means a lot. Thanks again. As for a hint...*drum roll* The truth comes out. As of right now, Luke's letting Tracy believe that he thinks he's the father, and that's about to change. Yes, kind of confusing, LOL.

    MinervaFan, I posted this before, but this site has detailed episode recaps of The City. Sometimes dialogue is included. It's the next best thing to transcripts and actual clips. ;)

    And Happy Mother's Day to any moms, both lurkers and posters!

  16. This place is dead. :o

    Anyone heard from ILoveTracyQ lately? She hasn't posted in a couple days, which I guess isn't that long ago, but still...We miss you! Hope everything is all right. :)






    There's a Cassadine Ball coming up. John is revealed to be Nik's, blah, blah, blah...Oh, and Tracy's guest is Coleman! And I quote "Expect to see some funny stuff there." As with everything from SoapDish, we'll see. (Lorenzo/Tracy were supposed to be paired at the auction, and Tracy wasn't even there, LOL.) If this is true, I wonder if it's a way to get back at Luke. I really hope Lacy aren't divorcing. *crosses fingers*

  17. MarlandRulez, I'd be all for it if JE went to recurring, even if GL isn't doing too well.

    MinervaFan, thanks so much! *blushes* Feel free to use them for the website. I'd be honored. I have more which aren't at posted at SB. I'll see if I can get them up sometime this weekend. Oh! Zoey Bio. Part 1 and Zoey Bio. Part 2. And this site has episode recaps. It's kind of guessing game as far as exact dates go. You'll see what I mean. ;)

    4XCrazy, I loved the update on Homelands. In the review I left you I accidentally spelled "dialogue" as "dialouge." Just wanted to point that out, LOL.


    SHE MADE IT!!!

    MinervaFan, I'm the wrong person to ask about WMM, but I hope you didn't lose everything. As for SoapTalk, it's a rerun of the episode when JE talks about DH frying her hair (you've seen those clips, I believe), but yes, have your friend tape it. The Anna Lee/Lila portion is very short, but also very sad. :(

    LOL coolkid about the jacket. It's actually one of my favorites though. I like that shade of green on JE, and the sparkles are fun too. LOL.

    MarlandRulez, thanks for posting that. I've seen it before, but when I tried sharing it, the DivX format didn't work for everyone. Also, for those interested...Ross/Carrie were featured in this Guiding Light Wedding Montage. Credit to Penny.
  19. MinveraFan, about AIM, I'll PM you in a minute. I didn't catch the joke, but that's because I didn't catch the scene, LOL. I'm boycotting GH 'til Tracy Q. shows up.

    She also went to his wedding (his second one, I believe).
    Yay! I found the article.

    Other things...

    June 1989: Pro-Choice actresses get on the soapbox to air their views about a woman's right to abortion. Other GH'ers include Nancy Lee Grahn and Lynn Herring. (I'm going to try and search my old computer for the clips someone posted of this. These actresses made the evening news. ;))

    1991: Judi Evans shares what JE taught her.

    2003: JE's return to General Hospital makes The Best of Broadcast.

    Some other tid-bits...

    Jane Elliot was the first "Quartermaine" to win a Daytime Emmy. (David Lewis/Edward Quartermaine was second.) And unless my facts are incorrect, she was also General Hospital's first actress to win one. (The first GH Acting Emmy went to Peter Hansen/Lee Baldwin 2 years earlier.) Facts are based on this. I also have a snippet from her win on my old computer (coolkid posted the original link. coolkid, do you remember where you found it?). Anyway, it went something along the lines of, "Everyone deserves a piece of this (the Emmy), but I'm really glad I get to take it home." She was so happy. It was too cute, LOL. :lol:

    JE owns 5 Soap Opera Digest Awards. These include "Outstanding Villianess" in 1980, "Outstanding Supporting Actress" in 1981 (awards were called the "Soapies" at this time), "Outstanding Villianess" in 1990 (as Anjelica on DAYS), "Oustanding Supporting Actress" in 1992, and "Oustanding Villianess" in 2005. Information can be found here and here.

    Nominations include "Outstanding Villianess" in 1986 (as Cynthia on AMC), "Oustanding Villianess" in 1991 (as Anjelica on DAYS), and "Oustanding Supporting Actress" in 1993). This can be found here.

    And wow...We have nothing better to do...All right, I have nothing better to do than dig up a bunch of old factual information about award shows that mean nothing half the time.

    ETA: *waves to BellaSorcerer.* Come on in. We don't bite. ;)






    According to TV Guide, Holly flirts with a much younger man next week. This has to be Dillon. All right, Tracy. Time to show up on that darn island and kick Holly's butt. Any time now would be great. Any time. *sigh*

  20. Well, GH did remember their 2 month anniversary. ;)

    MinervaFan, I never thanked you for your comments my video, so thanks! I'd like to make more, but I have a hard time coming up with songs to use. Oh, and I'm addicted to your NaNa video. Some other things I haven't commented on...The "You never had this conversation" lyrics with Tracy talking to Dillon about the hit-and-run is perfect. I also love the addition of Tracy/Edward during the hotel fire when the music started to slow down. And the music works well with the "Tracy takes charge" scene with Lulu/Skye/the others (during the whole "let's make Tracy think we want her dead" SL) Finally, I noticed how you kept the audio on for the Alice/Tracy/shot-gun scene, and that too worked well. And wow, I am obsessed with this video, LOL. :lol:

    ETA: More on the video, of course, LOL. The 5 second instrumental break (may not be the right term for such a short break) when Tracy pushes Skye out of the way had me laughing out loud, and I even like Skye for the most part. (I know, I know. I go back and forth, but if I can't get Luke/Tracy on my screen or any of the other Q's, I'll gladly take SkyLo. Anyway...)

  21. MinervaFan, I've read that before, and I also read the online chat in which she denied it, and then I figured it didn't matter since nothing came out of it. Well, that, and it's not really my business. ;) Oh, I cannot wait for the Tracy/Monica fanfic, LOL. :D

    nex4evr, well, Maxie is kind of in a SL, and Mike is recurring, so he doesn't count, but I agree about the rest of them. Still missing our girl though...I just want an explanation. Would that be so hard?

  22. Ooh, a Jane Elliot/Tracy Quartermaine site sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm not that creative, so I'll leave the name of it up to all of you. And MinervaFan, my videos do not have a permanent link. I'm not sure how to go about that either. :o

    May 19th, ILoveTracyQ, May 19th. You brought that good news to this thread, remember? :P About NLG...I remember reading upon her return that JE wanted to work with her (read it off a message board, not the original article). Any comments on that? You wouldn't FF Tracy, right? LOL.






    Luke/Robert and Tracy "for kicks" (and Lulu/Dillon as well) will all be involved in the upcoming Cassadine/source of the virus SL. If true, I guess this leads into TG's annual summer vacation. Anything with TQ is fine by me, but can't it be serious for once? Tracy for kicks? *sigh*

    Also...Dillon moves back into the mansion (without his wife).

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