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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Bumping because...

    Oh, Baby: Chapter 9

    But more importantly...












    From SoapZone: According to Tracey/Poolless (owner of Wally Kurth's official site), WK has been working "a little." Bring on the Tracy/Ned scenes! Although...he's probably just filming some standard Quartermaine scenes that are required every 2 months or so. <_< But some Tracy/Ned is better than no Tracy/Ned, right? At least mother and son will be in the same room. ;)

  2. MinervaFan, Clarissa has the best screencaps in terms of quality IMO. Other screencaps can be found at Shaurice's Creations and General Hospital Happenings Two.

    Tracy!Tuesday Recap

    Tracy wakes up a hungover Luke by banging 2 pans (?) together. She wants Luke off her boat. After the opening credits, the scenes alternate between Nik/Lulu and Tracy/Luke, and we find out from Lulu that the boat will indeed be Tracy's after she pays Luke taxes. Lulu wants Nik to help Luke out.

    Back on the Haunted Star, as ILoveTracyQ mentioned, Luke insists that Tracy is only going through with this so he'll come back home. (Aww...) Tracy tells him that no one is going to help him out on this one. Meanwhile, Nik tells Lulu that he can't help Luke. That boat, as Tracy's mother would say, is going to be hers [insert British accent] "immediately."

    Later on, Nik approaches Luke. He is deciding to help him out after all, but Luke doesn't want his help. Lulu shows up later, and Luke knows that she went to Nik. Luke will not let a Cassadine help him. He has pride, but Lulu wants to know where his pride was when he married Tracy (the evil witch :rolleyes:) and let her save him from his money problems.

    This is when Tracy shows up. She is taking inventory and is going to sell "every single piece of crap on this boat starting with that (the naked portrait of Helena)." Lulu confronts Tracy, and the two start to argue. Does Tracy think she can just walk--Yes, Tracy does think she can. She is tired of Lulu's mouth (as am I, LOL). More and more arguing. Luke fires a shotgun at the ceiling. (The looks on Tracy and Lulu's faces are hilarious.) Luke then orders Tracy out, and she obliges.

    Wardrobe Watch...Couldn't see much since she had a fur coat on, but it's NOT a jacket! It's very business-ish. I like it. I like her hair too; it has "oomph," LOL. :)

    ETA: This was mentioned at SZ, but does anyone else think Tracy punching Luke was a cover-up for a black eye TG had gotten in RL? I know ILoveTracyQ thinks so. ;) So do I. Hmm...

  3. kenna, good to see you posting again and glad you are liking the fic. :)

    From Shauricreations...

    Scene 1: Skye tumbles; Lorenzo will do whatever it takes to protect Skye and their baby.

    Scene 4: Tracy joins in on Alexis/Luke's conversation.

    Previews: Tracy wants Luke off her boat.

    And Keith and smirks are posting too! Thanks for the compliment on the fanfic, smirks, and I'm glad I could provide you with some clips. Wish there were more. Hopefully, NQ.net will be up and running soon.

    As I said in another post, after rewatching the previews, it just looks like Luke is hungover. He might be on the ground or a table, LOL, but there's a pillow under his head. I don't think Tracy hit him.

    ILoveTracyQ, I have no idea. I just hope it's a good surprise. Hmm, what would Tracy like?

  4. More details...

    Regarding the reaction: We weren't allowed to see Tracy's immediate reaction. Too bad. I'm sure JE would've have rocked it with just one look.

    Regarding Luke/Alexis: It's all very unclear in the beginning, but at the end, Alexis basically tells Luke that since he embezzled the $$$, he is required by law to repay Tracy, or else she will get control of the boat. Then Tracy shows up and says, "Told ya so." I don't think a divorce is in the works. :)

    Oh, and one point in the episode (during the $15 million conversation), Luke tells Tracy he is going to sue her. For battery. Tracy goes, "Ha. You should have ducked." I just thought it was cute, LOL. Not that I condone hitting. She better not hit him over the Haunted Star, but Luke has to end up on the ground somehow. *sigh* Semi OT--Luke didn't have the bandage/black eye from the get-go, did he? Think TG got into a RL fight?)

    And a shallow note (a good shallow though, LOL)...Jane Elliot looked REALLY pretty today.

    ETA: I re-watched the previews. Luke is lying next to an empty glass. I think he's just hungover.

  5. You're welcome.

    I thought divorce, but since I was on the phone, I didn't get to hear much of the conversation. I heard Justus's name and "conflict of interest," but that's about it. A divorce was not the kind of surprise I was hoping for.

    As for the reaction...Luke asked Tracy if she meant to push her, and then the scene ended on his face. She came back on after the commerical, but I missed JE's reaction because I was on the computer, LOL. Will watch after the episode is over and let you know. :)

    ETA: Last scene: Tracy is sitting there timing how many minutes Luke has left before he loses the tub. He owes her $30,000. Alexis/Nik have some kind of plan. Alexis doesn't want to see Luke lose. Nikolas decides to bet...what else? 30 grand. Elizabeth, Lucky, Tracy, and Luke are all watching. "Mr. Cassadine loses, and so does Mrs. Spencer." Luke is excited. Tracy? Not so much. She walks away. Luke tells his Spanky not to worry. She can still work there--hanging coats. She gently touches his face and whispers that he's going to be the one working for her.

    ETA again: Eeeeeeeeeeee! Tracy previews! Luke is on the ground. He looks like he's in pain. :o Tracy wants him off her boat.

  6. LIVE Update.

    Scene 1: Tracy tells Luke that Skye fell. Skye agrees. :)

    Scene 2: Tracy tells Luke he shouldn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He angrily asks her if she meant for Skye to fall down the stairs. :o

    Scene 3: Tracy tells Luke that Skye is clumsy and fell. Luke says it's hard to keep balance when someone is throwing insults in your face (something like that). Tracy says Skye isn't fragile; she gives it as good as it gets. Luke tells his wife she should be thankful for his defense. Tracy says Luke wouldn't let Lorenzo kill her because he needs her for his meal ticket. They argue about the 15 million dollars for the 39,342,281th time since they've been married (love my Lacy, but come on). Tracy threatens to sell the boat again. Luke meets up with Alexis about some kind of legal business.

    Scene 4: I was on the phone. I have no idea what happened except Skye/Lorenzo were at the hospital, and Tracy's name came up a few times. And on the Haunted Star, Luke and Alexis were discussing something. Tracy showed up and said, "Told you so," but I don't know why.

    Scene 5: Skye/Lorenzo at the hospital. Lorenzo is worried about her living so close to Tracy. Skye says it's fine. Luke approaches Liz/Lucky who have won again. He tells them to take their money and walk away. Tracy says that was a noble gesture, but she still wants her money. Luke tells her to stop doggin' his heels, and Tracy barks at him. LOL.

  7. 4XCrazy, I'm glad you are enjoying Oh, Baby. :) As for Friday's episode...The Fall. Credit to Shaurice.

    I blame both characters...or neither of them, LOL, because it was an accident. Tracy definitely didn't intend on pushing Skye.

    Can't wait for our girl's scenes today. I just hope this isn't the only time she's on this week. :(

  8. Thanks angel!

    Semi-OT: I was watching Family Feud today (I can't believe I spent my Sunday afternoon watching the Game Show Network, LOL), and I remembered when Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton were on it back in November for the Naughty vs. Nice Soap Opera Special. We've had a lot of new JE fans join since then, and if anyone is interested you can find the clips here. JE is a real joy to watch in-character and out-of-character. Just something I thought I'd pass along. :)

  9. Bumping because she was on...

    "Gangsters Get in Free Night?" :lol:

    Skye to Tracy: Luke will never love you.

    Me: And the point of that was?

    Skye taking Tracy's place as hostess? Totally.Not.Cool.

    Pregnant woman falls down the stairs for the 930,324,520th time...If you haven't watched, you're going to know when it's coming, and you're going to know exactly what's going to happen. If the character of Luke hasn't completely turned the majority of Tracy and Skye fans against each other, this is going to. :( But yay for Luke: Get your hands off my wife!!!

    ETA: Looks like I may have been wrong. The online community seems to be either blaming both characters or none of them at all. Yay for civility! :)

  10. But...but...she's the hostess. ;) She HAS to be on, right?












    Skye still has to fall down the stairs (err...3 steps at the Haunted Star, I suppose). Since Lorenzo is going to confront Tracy/Luke about it on Monday, she might fall at the end of today. So...there's a chance Tracy will be on with her "evil" grin, so Lorenzo and the audience are led to believe she did it. Am I making sense?

  11. *sneaks in*

    PleaseLetThereBeMoreThan5SecondsOfTracyToday. PleaseLetThereBeMoreThan5SecondsOfTracyToday.

    That is all.

    *sneaks out*

    Oops, a couple more things. Looking forward to your fic, ILoveTracyQ. And at least you know who will be back in time for Sweeps. :)

  12. MinervaFan's newest fic can be found here. :) And the next 2 chapters of mine are up.












    From SoapDish: Edward and Tracy get Luke arrested. I could see it happening. Maybe. As a way to get TG offscreen for the summer. Never mind. These spoilers aren't that far ahead. Any other thoughts?

  13. Maybe 10 seconds, ILoveTracyQ. ;) Oh, and MinervaFan popped in on LJ and FF.net; her home computer's internet access isn't working well, but once she gets it fixed, I'm sure she'll stop in here. :)

    Regarding outfit details: I can't describe, so I found pictures, LOL...Top Portion, Side View, and Back Side. And did anyone else notice the different hairstyles? Here and here. They are different, right? Or is it just me?

    You're welcome, tracyluver! And thanks for the compliment on the fanfic! I love JE's hair up too. :D

  14. Just searched for the promo...I found it! :D

    ABC Soap Scoop (Scroll down to "DAYTIME" and click on "Soap Scoop.")

    Her hair is up (reminds me of her hair for AJ's memorial, but a bit "higher," LOL), her earrings match her necklace (as always), and it looks like she might be wearing a jacket (but it's not "recycled"). I think she looks good. Oh, and Tracy and Luke are adorable. :)

    ETA: We get Skye/Luke, Lulu/Luke, and Dillon/Luke today, but NO Tracy/Luke? *sigh*

  15. JE does look good in anything, doesn't she, tracyluver? I thought she looked fine in her outfit yesterday. In fact, fur aside, I'd rather Tracy wore more outfits like that than those long jackets she always seems to have on.

    To answer your questions...










    Skye is supposed to fall down the stairs sometime this week, and Lorenzo is supposed to blame Tracy for it. So...I think that was the writers' way of setting it all up.









    2. That's actually a really good question, but I don't have an answer, LOL.

    3. Wardrobe can go 2 ways with this: JE is going to look stunning (and we will have to take back all the bad things we said about GH's Wardrobe Department ;) or Tracy is going to think she looks stunning, while all the characters get to laugh and make fun. And I really hope Tracy doesn't change because Luke wants her to. Luke can accept her for who she is, or take a hike as far as I'm concerned.

    4. Lunacy_Icons is a great place for avatars, or you can make your own with Adobe or PaintShopPro. After you get one that you want...

    a. Right click, save picture as.

    b. Go to My Controls (top, near right of the screen)

    c. In the left column, under Personal Profile, click "Edit Avatar Settings."

    d. Then click "Browse" where it says "Upload a new image from your computer." (You'll find your saved icon here; click on whatever you saved it as.)

    e. Click "Udpate Avatar"

    Hope that works! :)

  16. Hmm...What can I say that hasn't already been said? Loved yesterday's scenes on the Haunted Star. It's about time someone mentioned the wardrobe, LOL. (coolkid, where are ya? ;)) And I really hope today's show isn't just Luke/Skye/Lulu.

    OT-4XCrazy's fanfic has been updated. :D

  17. Aww, ILoveTracyQ, you shouldn't feel horrible about that. ;) If I loved Lulu, I'd tell you why, but I don't, LOL. I personally can take or leave her.

    Regarding the ABC Soap Scoop...I can't believe Lacy made it along with Alexis/Sam and Jason/Emily/Sonny. I'm glad they did though. :D

    Click here for the first 2 chapters of my Ficathon story. I have other chapters written, but I'm going to wait to see what people think before uploading them.

  18. Bumping 'cause our girl got a mention...

    Luke/Lulu are at the Haunted Star discussing...who else? Skye.

    Later, Luke calls "Spanky."

    Lulu: You called the step-witch?!?

    Luke: (paraphrased) That's my wife, and unlike any other women I have ever known, she doesn't waste my time trying to tell me my true feelings.

    PREVIEWS: Luke wants Tracy to be his hostess! :) *ignores the fact that JE is in "recycled" wardrobe*


    Credit to Sheri of SoapZone: The Haunted Star Re-Opens. Luke is with Tracy on The Haunted Star. They look at each other and SMILE.

  19. *waves to everyone*

    angel, you've been writing a little? ;) Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

    ILoveTracyQ, good point about the scoops being a bunch of guessing. So and so might happen. There's a chance that so and so will happen. LOL.

    About the Ficathon...My fanfic is so not going places. :(












    Regarding the Haunted Star: I believe Luke focuses his attention on it to get his mind of Skye. Are we supposed to assume he's still hung up on her? One day he's kissing his wife, telling her he can make her happier than she's ever been, and the next day, he's trying to rekindle things with his mistress. *sigh*

    Tracy tries a different approach, hmm? Maybe flattery? Maybe she goes too far and admits to being in love and say blames it on the alcohol? ;) Yes, I still wish that spumor came true.

    From GHH2: The Quartermaines are going to try a modern day tactic to the problem of Emily and Sonny: An Intervention! Oh boy. Is Tracy going to be there? Ned? Please don't tell me TIIC are bring John Ingle back for this.

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