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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Fanfiction Updates! :D

    Oh, Baby: Chapter 17; I've had this chapter written for awhile, but I didn't want to post it until I had a good idea where I was going with the chapter after it. Sorry it took so long.

    ILoveTracyQ, do you remember that poem I posted a long, long time ago? It summarized what happened Tracy Q. SL wise since her return in April 2003. But then I had to stop in Feb. 2005 since she JE was so wrongfully placed on the backburner. <_< In any case, I started it again once Lacy picked up, adding bits and pieces when I had the time. For anyone interested, Ode to Tracy Q is what I came up with. Sorry if it's hard to read. It wouldn't let me space it correctly.

  2. MinervaFan, interesting speculation about Tracy/Dillon, but something tells me the writers weren't going for that. ;)

    smirks, I can upload the heart attack scenes for MinervaFan if you don't have easy access to them. Just let me know. :)

    ILoveTracyQ, rollerblading accident, huh? Not as exciting as getting into a fight, LOL, but still, it sounded kind of serious. It’s sad that JE and TG had to come up with the idea to have it happen on screen. Shouldn’t the writers be doing that? Regarding SOW...Since SZ had it almost word for word, should I bother getting it? And while I'm glad JE/TG made the cover, that is some cheap photo-shopping. Aren’t these people professionals? LOL.

    *hopes that Tracy is ON today*







    I can't wait to see if she ends up on the island. :lol:

  3. Aww, thanks guys. I'm glad I can help. :)

    nex4evr, here are the scenes from the "Let's make Tracy think Luke wants to kill her" SL. My comments are in blue.

    ~Clips from Shazzer of NQ.net (except 1/11/06: Part 2 which is from GQ Daily)~

    1/11/06: Part 1: Here is how things are going to be from now on. I love seeing Tracy in charge! Look how happy she is. :)

    1/11/06: Part 2: The rich wife believes that the husband is trying to kill her... JE/Tracy is not in this scene, but it's part of the SL.

    1/11/06: Part 3: Someone should have killed you a long time ago. Disturbing scene, or at least I thought so.

    1/12/06: Part 1: Oh my God! You could have killed me! Love Jane Elliot, but she went a bit over-the-top in this scene IMO. Oh, and Dillon? Your mom IS capable of fear? Remember Helena?

    1/12/06: Part 2: Dillon! Call the cops! Luke is planning to murder me. This includes the "fighting over the mail" scene; and again, more OTT acting going on, by everyone involved. Not even these talented actors could overcome the horrific writing. JMO of course.

    1/12/06: Part 3: I'm on to you, you snake. Poor Tracy.

    1/12/06: Part 4: You didn't really poison [Tracy], did you? Nice one, Luke. [/sarcasm]

    ~Clip 1/13/06: Part 1 is from Shazzer; the rest are from one of the ladies of NQ.net (Geena? Misty? Lori Jo?)~

    1/13/06: Part 1: I didn't mean for my mom to get hurt. A little late for that, Dillon.

    Note: The remaining clips do not feature JE/Tracy but might be important in understanding the entire SL.

    1/13/06: Part 2: My mom cannot swim at the beach on a good day with the sun shining. You tell me how she's going to survive in that lake! Actually, Tracy can swim, but continuity? Who needs it? ;)

    1/13/06: Part 3: I knew she loved me. I loved her too. Dillon gives his "My mom's a b-tch, but I loved her and never wished for her to die" speech.

    1/13/06: Part 4: There was an accident, Alan. Mom's car went off the road. Nice to see Alan get involved.

    More coming later...

    And whew! That took forever, LOL. One more thing...Lulu/Robert are in the previews for tomorrow. Can Tracy please be on?

  4. Christmas 2005 Montage. LC and JE don't need dialogue. ;)

    More clips...Credit to Arie.

    Feb. 9 and 10, 2004: Includes Monica warning Tracy/Helena; Emily/Monica/Tracy screaming for the helicopters; Tracy refusing to pray with Justus/Edward.

    Feb. 11, 2004: Includes Edward/Justus/Tracy talking about the treasure; Helena warning Tracy/Edward.

    Feb. 12, 2004: Includes Edward wanting to take responsibility for the hotel fire; Edward/Tracy arguing about parenting.

    Tracy misses being part of Dillon's life.

    Tracy and Dillon at Kelly's (part 1)

    Tracy and Dillon at Kelly's (part 2) LOL @ "Do not gesticulate with your cutlery!" :lol:

    Regarding the article: Must. Not. Get. Too. Excited. It almost sounds as though JE will have a substantial role. *crosses fingers* Question: Is Tracy going to be heading to the Markam Islands too?

    ETA: *waves to ILoveTracyQ*

    ETA (again): More clips! (from the hotel fire)

  5. I do remember when she came back briefly in 96' I think? When she saw Ned perform as Eddie Maine for the first time, that was funny!
    '96 is right. For those who haven't seen it, a clip can be found here. Credit to WallyKurth.net. Hmm, what can I say that hasn't already been said? I guess the '93 banishment scenes, but I mention those all the time, LOL.

    More clips...

    Credit to Arie.

    Part 1: I'm going to tell the family who you really are.

    Part 2: And by the way, I want 5 million.

    Credit to Cheap21. (real player format)

    That's grandiose even for an alcoholic.

    Credit to GQ Daily.

    It's gonna take more than a fire to keep me away from my boys.

    Credit to NancyFan.com.

    The people call Tracy Quartermaine to the stand...

    Credit to ?.

    The Q's during Xmas 2004.

    Credit to GQ Daily.

    Part 1: I think Uncle Alan almost killed Alexis Davis.

    Part 2: We're gonna handle this by getting rid of the evidence.

    Part 4 (missing Part 3): I'd like to report an accident.

    Credit to GQ Daily. (Side note: Jane Elliot looks really good in these scenes.)

    Part 1: Here's the deal...

    Part 2: Blackmail is a very ugly word...but everyone benefits.

    Credit to Cheap21.

    Part 3: You're tiresome Emily. Get to the point.

    MinervaFan, some of us were hoping for that when Luke left for the summer. Instead, Tracy disappeared to Europe for 2 months, which is a shame because Dillon could have used her help considering he was being arrested for drugging/kidnapping/stripping/taking nude photos of his niece, who also happened to be Tracy's granddaughter. But TPTB are idiots...Guess that's why we call them TIIC. ;)

    Today's Episode: *shakes head* That blouse/short jacket thingambob was outrageous, LOL, but we haven't seen it before, so I guess that's good. Robert/Tracy? I'm not sure I appreciate him having fun at her expense, and I wish their final scene had been continued, but I can't complain much. At least she was on (albeit 10 seconds). It's something, right? :)

    ETA: Just realized this now, but congratulations to angel for making the 1000th post in the JE/Tracy Thread! *claps*

  6. Welcome Pilar. It's always nice to have another Tracy fan on board. :)

    For MinervaFan...Full of Grace and Won't U Please B Nice? And have you seen smirk's wonderful Quartermaine video? Click me. Also...GQ Daily has the Dillon/Georgie/Luke/Tracy Vegas clips among others. It's under May 18, 2005 in the archives. The rest of the episode is here. Credit to Misty. And of course the morning after. I'll get some more up later. Just a note, but my superhero name might have to be changed to SendSpace Girl, LOL, because YouSendIt is being evil. <_<













    From SoapDish: Edward's got a plan and an eye for power. Tracy better watch her back. Any thoughts? I wonder if the "After Edward lets her have, Tracy breaks down and admits her flaws to Luke" spoiler is still happening?

  7. *waves to everyone*

    Oh and the Luke being in Tracy's heart thing,was it just me,or did that just not ring true?
    It sounded strange, hearing her admit it, but since she did, can Luke/Tracy please move along? That means no more conversations about the 15 million. No more stupid games. There still can be fun, just...Oh, I don't know! LOL.

    Thanks for bringing the prettiness of the icons here, MinervaFan! The "Just Married" one to the far right is my favorite...and the "Huggles" one...and the "Wicked" one...LOL. And aww to the Alan/Tracy "best mother" icon and "Her worst fears are coming true."

    tracyluver! You're back! We're all hoping for our girl to have a substantial role this May Sweeps. And LOL about the hair. This isn't the first time. It happened months ago. Click me! and Click me! The first one is a no-no. Whoever did her hair (or rather, didn't do it) for that scene should be fired. Nice wardrobe, though. ;)

    angel, yes! She finally changed. And coolkid, it's a NEW jacket, but Wardrobe should save the new outfits for when JE appears for more than 3 seconds. Seriously. Love my Q's, but what was that today? Edward, Dillon, and Georgie had all the speaking parts. Tracy "ssshhh'ed" Edward twice, muttered something about Luke and later something about Georgie.












    The Media Net pics for the auction are out. No Tracy. :( No Skye and Alexis either. Or Lulu. Or Monica/Bobbie, but that's not surprising.

  8. angel, aww, headaches are no fun. :( And yes, bring on the Robert/Tracy scenes!

    Linn, now only if Tracy were in Luke's heart...

    nex4evr, our girl needs to make her husband suffer. ;)

    coolkid, I'll hope with ya. A Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle would be so better than re-doing a Robert/Holly/Luke one. *sigh*












    Luke/Robert/Holly/Anna - The Glory Days return to GH as there will be a resumption of old times. "The Wild Bunch" also brings in more people affecting Lulu, Robin, Dillon and Tracy. Anna is every bit the super heroine for was before. Tracy got a mention! That's good, right? I mean, yeah, she should be included in that quad, but I can't complain...much.

    The Q's - The return of John Ingle means the Q's will be back front and center. Edward is not pleased that Luke is a member of the family and is really not pleased when he brings Robert back with him. Front and center? Riiiiiight. Still waiting for the Q's to be brought back to their former glory. And are we just going to pretend that JA's Edward never existed? He wasn't pleased with Luke. So are TIIC going to "re-do" this all? Am I making sense? LOL.

  9. *waves to angel* Aww, are you sick? :(

    Tracy!Monday Recap:

    Scene 1: Repeat of Friday's. Tracy: "Luke Spencer! Damn you!" There is a crashing noise. Tracy wants go upstairs, but Ned stops her. Luke already made a fool out of her. Ned calls the ceremony a farce. Tracy said this "farce" meant something to her. Aww, my poor Tracy. Dillon is being a brat. It's not like any of this matters because she and Luke were married to begin with. The sound of a Bentley is heard, as Luke makes a run for it. Alan: "He stole the Bentley! Luke Spencer! Damn you!" What were TPTB going for here? Seriously. Alan was such a cartoon in this scene, fists raised and everything. I did laugh, though. Upstairs, Robert grabs Lulu and demands she tell him where Luke went. Nice way to handle a teenage girl, Robert. [/sarcasm]

    Scene 2: Lulu pretends she doesn't know where Luke is. Later, Tracy (with a different hairstyle...I'm serious...It's different, LOL. You can tell the scenes were filmed on separate days.) finds Lulu/Robert upstairs. She dismisses Lulu. Robert wants answers from Tracy. She doesn't have any. Robert: "Do I look stupid? Tracy: "I have an answer for that." :lol: If Tracy doesn't cooperate, Robert's going to have her arrested for being an accessory.

    Downstairs, Alan wants to call the police because Luke stole the Bentley. Alice wants him to hang up the phone. If he doesn't, she and the other servants will go on strike. No breakfast, no cocktail hour, no doing laundry, etc. Monica freaks. When is she going to fire Alice? She wants Alan to put down the phone. Alan is angry: "Why do you let lunatics run the asylum." Ned: "We can't tell the difference." Lulu enters. Dillon feels bad that Luke left her again. Ned said Georgie and Dillon can move back (so they'll be around Lulu, and I guess keep her company).

    Scene 3: Tracy's starts threatening Robert with injuctions and child abandoment. Robert tells her no need to so snarky. He's trying to help her. By threatening to have her arrested? Robert said it was just to get her attention. Tracy: "You have it!" Robert tells her that Luke humilated her in front of the family and that there needs to be consequences. Tracy says there will be. She can defend herself. Her new mission in life is to make Luke beg for mercy. Go Tracy, go!

    Scene 4: Tracy returns to the den/living room area. She wants Alice to escort Robert to the door. Robert runs like a girl (*shakes head* What are they doing to him?) Alan wants to eat. The family exits the den. Ned puts an arm around his mother, as they walk out together. Aww...Why couldn't we have gotten a nice conversation? Inside the den, Lorenzo is all like "Alone. At last." Skye tells him she feels sorry for Tracy. It's every woman's worst nightmare to be left at the altar. Aww, Skye's being nice.

    Scene 5: Tracy is back upstairs, trying to find clues. She makes a phone call, but Lulu enters. Lulu tells her just because Luke left for another adventure doesn't mean he doesn't care. Tracy doesn't need her fake sympathy. Enter Dillon. Blah, blah, be nice to Lulu, blah, blah, blah, she's trying to help. All right. True. But Dillon, hello? Your mom just got left at the altar? Why don't you try and be nice? Anyway, Luke's sudden disappearance is cause for a celebration. Tracy would like nothing better than to have Luke out of her house and out of her heart. Aww... Tracy leaves. Dillon knows she's lying. So does Lulu. Lulu tells Dillon she knows where her father is.

  10. Fanfiction Update: Chapter 16 of Oh, Baby.











    ILoveTracyQ, I bet the Tracy/Robert scene will be played for laughs (and I plan on laughing, LOL), and that's it. I guess Dillon could tell Luke, but when is he going to see him again? Sometime after May Sweeps? Seems pointless. And yes, the time-line for these spoilers is messed up, LOL, but here's a guess: Tracy will be on one day this week...today. The SL will then be put on hold (for much more ahem, interesting stories, of course, I mean, can't get enough of Jason and Soily) until April 24th, when all these spoilers will begin to air. <_< I hope it's worth the wait.

  11. Wow! Look at all these posts! :D *waves to everyone* And yay angel has posted! And yeah, where is Keith? We're missing tracyluver and kenna too.

    Thanks Linn for the clips!

    coolkid, LOL about the babysitter. It's funny...but sad at the same time. I'm sure some of us here have read JE's comments about people going up to her and calling her names in front of her younger children because she wouldn't leave Ned and Jenny alone. :blink: That's just horrible.

    MinervaFan, I'm sorry about the clips. What have I uploaded for you that I can upload again, LOL? If you can put a small list together, I'll try and get them up as soon as possible. Also...Your story has been read/reviewed, and I'll join the fanlisting later. Thanks for posting the link!

    I'm just going to provide the following here, since I'm here now, LOL. Hope that's okay.

    Vids: Mvids and clips can be found at General Hospital Video Theater and Never Quiet. NQ is not up and running at the moment, so GHVT has been reopened. Tracy/Luke/Skye clips (among others) are at Shaurice's Creations.

    Caps: Clarissa's Creations (quality over quanity) and Shaurice's Creations (quanity over quality)

    Spoilers: General Hospital Happenings Two, Soap Opera Network, SoapZone Scoops & Spoilers, and Wubs.

    Fanfic: How Do You Deal With All This LuNacy?

    Discussion: This site, obviously. ;) Also...Soap Opera Central GH Message Boards, Television Without Pity, and SoapZone.

    ILoveTracyQ, wasn't it bellcurve who posted the Fake Quartermaine scenes? The 3rd part hasn't been posted yet. Ooh, another line from that Monica/Tracy scene..."I don't know why I'm always so self-destructive." Aww...Not too much Monica/Tracy to comment on recently, but *thinking* they were on the same side for the whole Heather/Edward fiasco, but it was "I hate to admit it, but Tracy is right," or "As much I hate to agree with Tracy, she has a point." Hmm, what else happened semi-recently? Tracy told Alan to "be nice to her [Monica]" during AJ's memorial. And of course the 2.7 second Xmas scene when Tracy had a gift for Monica. Then Monica went to hug her, and Tracy put her hands up, as did Monica, and they both backed away. :lol:

    nex4evr, I don't have clips of JE on SoapTalk, but she and Scott Clifton were on Family Feud this past November. Clips can be found here under "Talk Shows and Game Shows." You will have to scroll a bit.

    smirks, thanks for putting in the request, and thanks for the other clips you posted. I remember first watching the 'Take me; I'm yours" scene. I thought, "What is she doing?" :lol:

    ETA: Page 49!

  12. I hope everyone had a nice holiday. And if you don't celebrate, I hope you had a nice Sunday.

    angel and nex4evr are online! Come on in!

    Ooh, I get to be Queen and YouSendIt Girl. :D LOL. And as MinervaFan mentioned, ILoveTracyQ, your comments are so insightful. I really enjoy reading them. And smirks has posted! (You also have insightful comments, by the way. :)) Regarding Lulu...She annoys me at times, but I don't hate her. I also loved the Tracy/Lulu scenes. Can I hope for some bonding while Luke is gone?












    From Soap Opera Central (original source ?):

    My comments are italicized.

    Monday, April 24th: Lulu, Dillon and Alice lock Robert in the Quartermaine freezer. Though Robert manipulates Lulu and Dillon into releasing him, Tracy knocks Robert out to stop him from leaving. So...are Dillon/Tracy *gasp* on the same side for once?

    Tuesday, April 25th: Tracy decides to free Robert after he plays on her insecurities about Luke being with Holly. Not nice, Robert. Not nice. But at least it's appears to be definite that Tracy loves Luke. FINALLY. This might be going somewhere. However, Dillon, Alice and Lulu stop Tracy from freeing Robert by tying her up. I wonder if we're going to see this, or if Tracy ends up cornered, and the next scene she's tied up. I'm tired of this happening to our girl. Can't SHE tie someone up for once? ;) Oh, and I guess this means Dillon/Tracy aren't on the same side anymore. A disappointed Edward realizes what Dillon, Alice and Lulu are up to. And what is he going to do about it?

    Wednesday, April 26th: Dillon walks in on Tracy and Robert trying to untie each other, but mistakenly believes they are having an "intimate" moment. How much do I love this spoiler? Sounds fun, doesn't it?

    Thursday, April 27th: Luke outwits Robert. Is there where Holly replaces Tracy in the SL? <_<

    Friday, April 28th: Carly's bachelor auction leads to some peculiar and awkward pairings. I wonder if Tracy and Lorenzo are still a go. Not sure if she's even attending since she's married, but if she does...Wardrobe: LET JANE ELLIOT DRESS HERSELF! Thank you.

    From RMT of SoapDish (similar to above):

    Robert manipulates Lulu and Dillon and plays into Tracy's insecurities.

    Dillon is horrified by what he sees...or what he thinks he sees. This must be referring to the "intimate" moment spoiler.

    Monica has some heartfelt advice for Skye. All right. Not a Tracy spoiler, but even though Monica/Skye have been working my last nerve recently, this does sound nice. I just wish we could get Monica/Tracy scenes like this.

  13. What? No comments on the the SC imitating JE clip? ;)

    nex4evr, here are some clips of Tracy's vulnerable side during the epidemic when Dillon almost died...

    Credit to GQ Daily.

    2/13/06 Part 1: Dillon wants Tracy to save his energy.

    2/13/06 Part 2: Dillon recalls Tracy's advice; Tracy gives him her consent to marry Georgie.

    2/13/06 Part 3: Tracy refuses to accept the fact that Dillon is going to die.

    2/13/06 Part 4: The wedding begins.

    Credit to the ladies at NQ.net.

    2/15/06 Part 1: Tracy goes to the chapel.

    2/15/06 Part 2: Tracy bargains with God.

    2/15/06 Part 3: Luke and Tracy talk in the chapel; Tracy gets her miracle.

    And another clip you might like...

    Credit to Skye, I believe.

    5/9/05: Tracy tells Luke she needs her family.

    I'll try and get the TG/JE interview up a bit later. :)

    Nice icons, MinervaFan. :)

    Edited to add...

    JE/TG Joint Soaps In Depth Interview

    JE/TG Scan Part 1

    JE/TG Scan Part 2

    JE/TG Scan Part 3

    JE/TG Joint Soap Opera Weekly Interview

    JE/TG Scan Part 1

    JE/TG Scan Part 2

    *The above scans will only be available for 7 days or 10 downloads, which ever comes first.

  14. I may not post again before Monday so if I don't, Happy Easter to everyone celebrating !
    Thanks for reminding me! To those celebrating: Happy Easter! Enjoy yourselves. :)

    Oops, coolkid. :o After re-watching the scenes, I guess the dress wasn't that bad, but Wardrobe could've done soooo much better. And thanks for the quote. I had read something similar before. Anyway, I decided to check out GQ Daily to see if that site had the SoapTalk clip, and it did! Click here. SC imitating JE? Hilarious.

    *gives ILoveTracyQ a standing ovation* I loved your post! I just hope all of the latest events aren't dropped like that come May Sweeps.

    Regarding make-up, I agree, ILoveTracyQ, that minimal/no make-up works best. I loved the "softer" look the morning/afternoon she had once she returned to the Q's after the Lacy marriage (the one where she wanted Dillon to snap a photo of Skye/Luke together). It suited her really well.

    Ooh, MinervaFan, you're writing another fic? Can't wait to read it. :)












    Monday, April 24th: Robert and Tracy find themselves locked in a room together.

    Source: "Cable Guide Spoilers" from SoapDish (included a mix of real and fake scoops; another posted said the Robert/Tracy one is happening, which sounds about right considering the ABC Media Net pics)

  15. No problem, MinervaFan. Any other requests you have, just post them here. As I mentioned, smirks and I both have a lot of clips. smirks, by any chance, have you run across the 7/04/05 Charitable Endowment scenes? I'm still interested in those if you can find them. :)

    MinervaFan, yes, she and DH are best friends. They wrote about their friendship in SOD sometime last year. Really nice read. I've scanned the article if you or anyone else who hasn't read it is interested: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

    I'll comment more on today's episode tomorrow. Luke Spencer isn't worth the energy right now. <_<

  16. MarlandRulez, I'm gonna let ILoveTracyQ handle the history. She has the best memory.

    MinervaFan, ask and you shall receive. ;) Credit to Shazzer. Clips include other scenes as well. Oh, and I LOVE your scenario.

    Scene 1: Robert arrives at the Q's.

    Scene 2: Tracy plays along to keep Luke from being extradited.

    Scene 3: Robert as the best man; Skye as the maid honor; Lulu finds out that Luke/Tracy are renewing their vows.

    Scene 4: Luke/Tracy invites the Q's to the wedding.

    Scene 5: Alice informs Tracy that she was ordained by an online ministry; Luke/Lulu discuss Laura/Tracy.

    Scene 6: Tracy looks at a photo of her mother; Lulu realizes that Tracy cares for Luke.

    Question: Am I the only one who didn't like Tracy's hair during the Trax engagement? LOL.

  17. nex4evr and MinervaFan, you're welcome. :)

    I’m sorry, but I cannot defend that outfit. (coolkid, what do you think about it? At least it’s new, right?) Yes, it was short notice, but surely Tracy has a white suit in her closet somewhere. She could have worn that (or whatever she’s wearing in the ABC Media Net pics), or she could have gone into Monica’s closet, LOL. Almost anything but what she had on. About the makeup, yes, very harsh. JE could have gotten away with it too, if she weren’t wearing white as in this photo. Oh well. I still love my girl, although I am jealous that Alice got a better wedding dress.

    More comments on wardrobe/hair/make-up…

    ILoveTracyQ, is this the photo you are referring to? It’s hard to see the outfit, but I like it better than yesterday’s.

    JE’s hair right before leaving Dillon with the Q’s. The lighter color is nice, but I prefer it a bit longer.

    JE’s hair during the hotel fire. Is this the swingy chin length bob you mentioned?

    JE’s hair during the Trax engagement. The color is fine, but it’s too flat IMO. It needs more “oomph” or something, LOL.

    This is one of my favorites since her return, I think. Some other ones...Click me. Click me too. And me! And I like the make-up in this one. And that’s enough about that, LOL.

    The renewal of the vows scene played out better than I thought it would. Interesting speculation, ILoveTracyQ, about her expecting him to leave/make his escape. Don't know why she'd subject herself to the humiliation though. Err, I guess if it were to save Luke, but still...

    Oh, and I agree about Luke. She is an unmitigated !@#$%^&*], a backstabber? She can’t be trusted for a second? Oh, the things she could say about Luke.

    Lulu/Tracy were rushed, and while I would prefer Dillon/Tracy or Ned/Tracy, I can’t complain much. The conversation was civil. No name calling. No scheming. Almost sentimental. *runs away from ILoveTracyQ* ;)

    BTW, angel, tracyluver, smirks, Keith, kenna, and anyone I may have forgotten. Come out, come out wherever you are. ;)

  18. No thoughts about today's show? :o

    ETA: nex4evr, I've uploaded some more clips.

    Credit to Shaurice.

    10-11-05: Luke & Tracy share breakfast (part 1).

    10-11-05: Luke & Tracy share breakfast (part 2).

    Credit to Shazzer.

    10-28-05: Tracy insults Courtney.

    Credit to Shazzer.

    11-30-05: Luke wants Tracy to loosen up; she suspects he's up to something.

    11-30-05: Tracy wants Lulu to find out what Luke is up to.

    11-30-05: Lulu is willing to help Tracy out...for a price.

    Credit to Shazzer.

    1-5-06: Luke & Tracy discuss parenting.

  19. Ms.Q what are you doing with Jax/Tracy?
    It's a secret. ;) I actually have the next couple of chapters written. I just keep revising everything, so we'll see what happens.

    And nex4evr, you're welcome. Those were some of the best scenes in the last year. I'll try to get some other clips up later.

    Random comments on today's show:

    Skye as Tracy's maid of honor? LOL. The scene was played for laughs, and I laughed, so it's all good.

    I LOVED Tracy trying to buy Luke extra time. Luke to Tracy: "Why are you helping me?" Tracy to Luke: "Why am I helping you?" But Tracy fawning all over Luke? Eh...I know it was part of the plan, but it reminded me too much of Skye fawning over Lorenzo.

    Ned is on! Ned is on! But how much did I hate the Q's refusing to be a part of Tracy's wedding? And Lulu of all people gets them to change their minds. Nice scene with Lulu/Tracy at the end. I think she actually thanked Tracy for helping out her dad, and then she realized Tracy had feelings for him, although that part wasn't supposed to happen 'til tomorrow.

    Tracy entering the den/living room area, looking all sad (I'd be sad too if they put me in an outfit like that; see below), and then looking at the photo of Lila? Aww... JE rocks. We all know it.

    Who did JE piss off in Wardrobe? J/K. In all seriousness though, WTH was she wearing? Tracy, Tracy, Tracy, I know you have a better sense of fashion than that. She would have been better off keeping the blue jacket on. Trust me, LOL, because that dress, which I can't even begin to describe, was hideous. *sigh* Alice had a better wedding dress (part of Alice's daydream, don't ask). Note to Wardrobe: Next time, let JE dress herself. ;)

    Luke/Lulu ending their conversation by mentioning one of Tracy's good qualities? Me likey.

    It looks like Holly's call to Luke is part of Robert's plan. (He overheard Luke/Lulu discussing the plan to out wit him.) But then judging by the previews (who our girl is noticeably missing from), I don't know.

    Other happenings...

    SoapDish has the rumor of JE going to recurring again. As well as RC and TK. MM is once again rumored to be out the door. I'm not leaving spoiler face since these were first "spilled" months ago, and there has yet to be confirmation. Just thought I'd pass it along anyway.

  20. MinervaFan, I'm glad I could help with the clips. The links expire in 6 days, but if you need me to upload them again after that, I will. And your latest fanfic? Beatiful. :)

    Fanfiction Updates: Oh, Baby: Chapter 15 and Homelands: Chapter 16

    Or, you could just have Jason shoot him....
    LOL. Ned mentioned something like that months ago. *goes to find transcript*

    Tracy: Daddy, if you'd like to come up with the 15 million, I can divorce him and we'll be rid of him.

    Ned: You can hire a hit man for less than 15 mil. I think Jason needs work. :lol:











    What is GH doing to our girl? It doesn't sound good, that's for sure. :(

    So, are there going to be a lot of guests at this wedding? I hope Ned is there. Oh, and Luke? Next time you plan on getting re-married, turn off the damn cell phone.

  21. nex4evr, here are some clips:

    Credit to GQ Daily.

    5/18/05: Part 1: As part of Luke's plan to lure Tracy to Vegas, Dillon calls her and tells her that he and Georgie just got married.

    5/18/05: Part 2: Tracy shows up at Dillon and Georgie's motel room; Luke hides.

    5/18/05: Part 3: Dillon insists that he loves Georgie, and someday Tracy will too; Tracy heads to the bar.

    Credit to Misty of NQ.net. (And thanks to smirks for sending me the clips.)

    5/18/05: Part 4: Luke finds a drunk Tracy.

    (There were Tracy/Skye scenes in the beginning of the 5/18/05 episode, but I don't have them saved.)

    Credit to Misty again, I believe.

    5/19/05: Part 1: Tracy wakes up as Mrs. Luke Spencer.

    (I don't have the rest of 5/19/05.)

    Credit to Skye of GHVT/NQ, I believe.

    5/20/05: Part 1: The Q's find out about the Luke/Tracy marriage.

    5/20/05: Part 2: Ned welcomes Luke to the family; Luke makes a toast to "blushing bride."

    5/20/05: Part 3: Tracy explains the set-up.

    Credit to carlyandlorenzo.com.

    5/20/05: Part 4: Lorenzo arrives at the Q's.

    The yousendit.com clips expire in 7 days (I can upload them again after that if necessary.) Enjoy. :)

  22. nex4evr, smirks and I have several Tracy clips. If you're interested, and if I have the ones you're looking for, I'll upload them. Let me know. :)

    LIVE update. No Tracy yet. :( Luke/Lulu on the Haunted Star for a couple scenes, and then Luke/Lulu/Lucky in the hospital. SkyLo are at Jesse's funeral. Now Luke/Lulu/Lucky are at the funeral. *sigh* Where's our girl?

    ETA: More Luke/Lulu/Lucky at the funeral. No speaking though. (Well, the 3 of them aren't speaking.) A lot of sad faces. OT-I didn't care for Jesse, but this funeral is getting me teary-eyed. Go figure, LOL.

    ETA again: SkyLo in the den at the Q's. They end up kissing. Luke enters. Alice has a martini for him. Tracy's voice: If that's my worthless husband, I need to speak to him now. Luke: "As if this day could get any worse." He enters the den and sees SkyLo.

    ETA again: SkyLo are happy together. Skye tells Luke to find some joy in his life. Tracy (in recycled wardrobe) barges in. She's going on and on about some bill. Luke: "Marry me." Tracy: We're already married. He picks her up and kisses her. Tracy: "Whew." Luke: "My precious, little, pink popsicle, I want to renew our vows." Tracy: "Why would you want to do that?" Luke and Skye exchange glances. Jerk.

    Previews: Robert is at the Q's. Luke: "What are you doing here?" Robert is going to take him into custody. Tracy: "My husband isn't going anywhere."

  23. So glad to see you posting, nex4evr. Unfortunately, the amount of JE/Tracy sites out there is limited. Soap Opera Central provides a character bio. as well as an actor bio. Soap Opera Digest online has an actor bio. too. There is also a TracyQ Ficathon and Lunacy Icons community on Live Journal. Hmm, what else? Several Tracy transcripts can be found here. If anyone else has anything to add, feel free. :)

    Interesting story, coolkid, and ILoveTracyQ, I'm glad you liked the banner.

    ETA: Page 46!






    Think Tracy will be on a lot today? Or just 5 seconds at the end? <_< So...If the wedding is supposed to take place Friday, and she's still in her wedding attire the week of April 24th, that's one long day...even for soap opera time, LOL. I have no idea what's going on with Robert and Tracy, but that spoiler pic amuses me.

  24. psychofan, you can take a spoiler/rumor that never happened or use one of MinervaFan's suggestions on the previous page. :)











    We got spoiler pics!!! (These air the week of April 24th.) Click me! Those are some strange facial expressions going on there. Any thoughts? Don't forget me! Tracy and Robert! Robert and Tracy! Our girl has a NEW outfit! And are her hands tied behind her back? :o

    ILoveTracyQ, I'm assuming Lulu realizes that Tracy has feelings for Luke after he leaves her at the altar. Not cool, Luke, not cool. *shakes head*

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