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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. *waves to everyone*

    4XCrazy, no problem. I have some other more recent TQ clips if you need 'em. Glad you didn't get into trouble. And thanks for putting all the stories together! :)











    From RMT: Nik and Luke reluctantly partner up to prevent Tracy from getting her hands on the Haunted Star. WHY can't Tracy and Luke team up? And run the Haunted Star together? *sigh*

    From HIFAF: With JI returning, Tracy might end up staying in PC after all this summer. All right. This is better than the other HIFAF rumor, isn't it?

  2. Hope you didn't get into trouble, 4XCrazy. :)











    ILoveTracyQ, I'd be inclined to agree, except that Luke confronting Tracy about Skye=serious conversation. Will TPTB allow that? ;)

    From HIFAF (Heard It From A Friend) of SoapDish: Tracy may join Luke on an adventure (don't get excited) when TG takes his annual summer vacation (told ya so). WTH? An adventure OFFSCREEN? *sigh* Guess it doesn't matter since JE would spend most of the summer offscreen regardless. And if this ends up being true, at least we'll know that Luke/Tracy are together. Am I trying too hard to be positive about this? ;)

  3. Aww, I'm sorry about that, ILoveTracyQ. :(

    I loved the kiss too, tracyluver. Is it too much to hope that it leads somewhere? Oh, who am I kidding? I thought the Charitable Endowment scenes in July were going to lead somewhere, LOL. I'm tired of the whole "1 step forward, 2 steps back" thing. It's not that I have a problem with taking it slowly. I'm glad that Lacy isn't an Insta!Romance. I just want something more than the same-old, same-old.

    I also love your avatar, smirks.

    angel has her Spoiler Ficathon story here! It's really good! :D

    And welcome 4XCrazy! It's always good to have another TQ fan on board! I'm looking forward to the next chapter of Homelands. It's very "real" if that makes sense. BTW, no Luke/Tracy today (according to the Live Post at SZ). :(












    From MellowFellow of SoapDish

    Clue: "Funny times are ahead for this couple."

    Answer: Luke/Tracy

    Funnier than usual? Is this even considered a spoiler? LOL. It's almost like saying, "Sonny feels betrayed." Guess we'll see. TG and JE can both bring the laughs, and I'll gladly welcome any scenes with the two of them, even though comedy routine has gotten old. Note to TIIC: They can do SO much more!

  4. LOL smirks. Good point.

    Hmm...Since this is an "all-cast" event, any chance Ned will show up? He and Tracy need to be discussing ELQ or something.

    Oh one more thing...Was anyone else disappointed that Tracy didn't mention Brook Lynn yesterday after Georgie defended Diego? Are we supposed to assume she no longer exists? <_<

  5. 2 days of JE/Tracy is better than 1. ;) *tries to be optimistic*











    From Wubs: On March 23rd, our girl threatens her husband: The party begins. Wizard and RMT both spilled that Tracy warns Luke to make a profit off the Haunted Star, or else she'll sell it. Me thinks the 2 spoilers are related. And if I have to wait until March 23rd too see Tracy again...UGHHHHHHHH!

    ETA: Page 33! :D

  6. Thanks MinveraFan and smirks! Will give it a go after I'm done here.

    Speaking of...How much do I love it here? LOL. You guys are great! The JE/Tracy love is great! It's just great. Heh. Repetitive much? :lol: In all seriousness though, I really love this place. :)

  7. *twirls in*

    I might need to stop at SOC in a bit. Our girl needs defending, and ILoveTracyQ is doing her best, but it wouldn't hurt if I stopped in. You too, coolkid! ;) One comment though: How can anyone insist that Tracy ran ELQ badly when we NEVER saw her run the company in the first place?

    Thanks for the information, MinveraFan! Will post them later.

    coolkid, if GH insists on "recycling" wardrobe, it should recycle the good stuff. Time to put JE in the hotel fire outfit again. ;) And the "Spankinator" comment had me laughing out loud. LOL.

    *twirls out*

    ETA: Oh no! ILoveTracyQ is done posting in that thread at SOC! :o

    *runs to SOC*

  8. angel, I agree about all the interruptions. That's one of the reasons I enjoyed Friday's so much (before GQ interrupted, that is). smirks pointed it out too. No Skye. No Alice. Just Luke and his Spankybuns. It should be like that more often.

    LOL coolkid. Hotel fire? Most recent? ;) It was nice though...much better than whatever the hell she wore on NYE. And today's episode isn't bad. Tracy gets to call Luke on his garbage: "Wooing another woman in front of your wife is obnoxious -- even for you." Go Tracy Go! And wait 'til you see what's she going to do tomorrow (not that I'm advocating that kind of behavior; I just understand it). Oh, and Luke has a NEW name (kind of) for his wife: "Spankster." LOL.

    Any comments on "Ooh, eat your heart out, Mr. Spencer?" :lol:

  9. MinervaFan, perhaps Keith means that watching the entire episode is just too much...which it is IMO. Can I get a spin-off of Luke and the Quartermaines? ;) Before I forget, question about LiveJournal. I joined Lunacy Icons, but I have no idea how to post something that isn't a reply...meaning, I made some icons, but don't know how to share them. I think that makes sense, LOL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    I liked that Tracy had on a new outfit,but JE has a figure. WHY do they dress her in stuff like that?

    Although that outfit was better than the robes I guess.

    I forgot to respond to this, but I agree. WTH is that? I almost miss the robes/jackets, LOL. Wish I knew what happened to outifts like these...



    angel, can't wait to read it. You are doing a wonderful job. :)

    MarlandRulez, I understand where you're coming from, but Luke is the one who tricked Tracy into marriage. Why should she let him out of it? Not to mention Luke has made it clear to Skye that the $$$ is more important to him than being with her. Why would Skye want to be with someone like that?

  10. In regards to the spoilers, RMT has been reliable, but he (?) did not post the "surprise" one. Someone asked RMT to confirm/deny, but he said he couldn't because he doesn't know what's going on past March.

    MinveraFan, thanks for the links to Lunacy Icons and the JE Fans Yahoo Group!

    As for Skye...I don't hate her; don't love her either, but I do think RC and JE work well together.

    Here's hoping for a continuation of Friday's episode! :D

  11. Aww, it's nice to see everyone in this thread so happy. The question is...How long will it last? ;)

    kenna, your clips worked for me. I like how Shazzer put all the Lacy-ness together.

    I'm hoping for follow-up as well, smirks, and ILoveTracyQ, I'm with ya. Why did GQ have to interrupt? Then again, I did love Tracy's reaction to being caught, LOL.

    Oh coolkid, you crack me up. It's about time she had on something new. *gives Wardrobe a standing ovation*

    Keith, I liked how the Teen!Tracy did the whole "Ha!" thing. It was very JE/Tracy like.

    You're welcome, MinervaFan! I agree with your assessment of that scene, or at least the Luke part. He seemed serious to me. I just wish I didn't know about a certain spoiler for May Sweeps. :( But *tries to be positive* it'll be good to have JI/Edward back on canvas.

    LOL @ the Easter Bunny comment, angel. I agree. We definitely need more scenes like those.

    Any comments on Tracy loosening up and eating peanuts at the end? :lol:

  12. *throws more confetti* :D

    I'm surprised no one has posted since the episode aired. Come on, TQ fans! ;)

    ILoveTracyQ, I'm a bit late, but here are some details:

    Luke's version: Luke enters through the patio, and an enamored Tracy tells him she shouldn't be there; she's worried that her father might see them (or something). Luke wants to take Tracy for a ride. She dreamily responds, "I thought you'd never ask." They are about to kiss just as 2006!Tracy objects to this scenario.

    Tracy's version: A gardner (I believe) drags Luke into the den. He has Tracy's scarf. She wants to know if he stole it. A nervous Luke tells her he used it as a reason to see her. He fidgets around a bit and finally manages to ask her out. The young Tracy does her version of JE's Tracy laugh and is all like, "I wouldn't be caught dead with you." Cut back to 2006.

    Tracy tells Luke that they didn't meet when they were younger, so there's no use in speculating what could've been. Luke tells her it isn't too late. He can still take her places, make her happier than she's ever been. He is massaging her shoulders. Tracy tells him, "You're good." She turns her head, so she can kiss him, and just as they're about to, Dillon/Georgie interrupt.

    I think I need to write TIIC a pro-Lacy letter. :)

  13. *waves to everyone*

    It's good to have you back, tracyluver.

    Guess who's in the previews? ;) Tracy, in NON-recycled wardrobe, LOL, is telling Dillon and Georgie that they're going to have the time of their lives. Luke is there too. Can this please mean Lacy scenes?

    Other spoilers/rumors that never happened...

    From Summer 2004

    A green-eyed Tracy plans to ruin Courtney. (This was scheduled to air the week of Lila's memorial; I guess we should be glad that it didn't.)

    From Winter 2005

    Helena blackmails Tracy into helping her. (Instead, Helena provided Tracy with money for saving ELQ.)

    From Summer 2005

    Tracy ends up pregnant with Coleman's baby. :lol: Rumors are too fun sometimes, LOL.

    The Quartermaines get trapped at Lorenzo's during the hurricane. (Instead, Lorenzo threw them out.)

    Tracy comes up with a plan to save GH, Bobbie, and her family from Durant's lawsuit. (Technically, this did happen, except Tracy's "plan" was having Luke come up with a plan.)

    Tracy convinces Alan to fire Bobbie from the hospital.

    Tracy takes matters into her own hands to save ELQ.

    From 2006

    Tracy re-gains control of ELQ after Lorenzo gives up his shares in order to help Skye. (Instead, Lorenzo found Skye on his own.)

    The Spencer family continues to grow as Luke becomes a father figure to Lulu. When he needs a helping hand, will Tracy come through in a way that no one could have predicted? (Maybe this was referring to the Lacy parenting conversation.)

    Big Alice threatens Lulu with bodily harm and warns her not to side with Tracy over her father.

    Tracy forces Lulu to volunteer at GH.

    Luke and Tracy find themselves in an odd position when Lulu takes a liking into Dillon, and the feeling is mutual. (Anonymous "scoopsters" said that this SL would be family oriented. Supposedly, the writers were very invested in it. Luke was supposed to be the focus, but Skye was supposed to play a crucial role in regards to her family issues. And the Tracy/Dillon dynamic was going to play into this as well. The entire SL was supposed to rival the Lucky Coma SL in terms of emotion and heart and contribute to TG's and RC's Emmy Reels.)

    Dillon witnesses his mother's vulnerability.

    Tracy tries to kill Luke. (This was the one ILoveTracyQ was referring to.) While trying to kill Luke, she accidentally shoots Skye. *shakes head*

    Tracy gives Lulu hallucinogens to slip into Skye's drink; Skye sees Lorenzo/Carly together and intends to shoot Carly, but shoots Lorenzo instead.

    Luke/Tracy's plan to gain control of ELQ is foiled by Carly.

    Tracy follows Skye/Lorenzo to Manhattan.

    The virus kills Edward; when Tracy learns Luke is responsible for unleashing the virus that killed her father, she ends their relationship. Luke has a harder time letting of her than he thought.

    In his will, Edward makes Tracy/Lorenzo co-CEOs and Jason CFO.

    Tracy is Skye's mama.

    In her delirium, Skye tells Tracy that she's pregnant.

    Skye moves out; Tracy wins.

    I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy. ;)

  14. I edited my other post enough, LOL. I'm going to make another one.

    I don't even think it was 15 minutes of airtime. She had 1 scene total, I believe, with Skye/Lorenzo/Diego. It lasted for maybe 2 minutes. :angry:

    And yay! ILoveTracyQ is going to write a fanfic. I can't wait to read it. :)












    From SZ (source unidentified): After Tracy kicks GQ out of the mansion, she uses Diego to break them up.

    Who couldn't see this coming? It's Georgie/Dillon/Sage all over again. *sigh* WHY can't Tracy do something else? When Edward returns, can the two of them team up to get ELQ away from Carly? Please? Or can Monica/Tracy get trapped together somewhere? Yes, that was random, LOL. Seriously, though, anything but the teens. What's Coleman up to?

  15. Thanks ILoveTracyQ and MinervaFan for the advice. I still need a choose a spoiler to write about, so we'll see what happens. :)

    Still no JE/Tracy...I bet Friday is the only day she'll be on, and for what? To b-tch about GQ? Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. It's like Jan. thru April 2005 all over again. I fear she'll average 4 episodes/month until her contract runs out. :(

    ETA: At the bottom of the page, it says ILoveTracyQ, kenna, and MinervaFan are all on. And of course I'm also on. Party in the TQ thread! :lol:

    ETA again: That's true about TG's vacations. TIIC couldn't have Tracy be there for her son/granddaughter, now could they? Nope. She spends most of the summer in Europe and weeks shows up one day bound and gagged in a Miami warehouse. *sigh* It's even worse now, though, because TG is onscreen, and JE isn't.

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