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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. *waves to MinervaFan* I'll upload the others a bit later, but the Tracy/Dillon one has been edited into one of my previous posts. And the "mail-to" part is optional. Click the link it gives you (the link that's titled whatever you saved the file as), and then copy the URL from the address bar. :)

    Here is is again:

    ETA again: Tracy leaves Dillon *wipes tear* Such a sad scene. (Credit to Arie)

    LIVE Update

    Luke/Robert in tacky hotel: Offscreen, Holly ties Luke to the bed, steals his pants, and leaves. Robert calls the authorities. He says "Sparky Butt" won't be posting his bail since she's angry about the Holly situation. He leaves. A hooker frees Luke. She wants to spend some with him. Luke wants to, but he can't: He's meeting an old flame.

    The Quartermaines: Skye comes inside from the terrace. Edward believes there is a prowler. Skye says it's a dog. Alice comes running in with a baseball bat. She's going to take care of the trespasser. Edward believes Lorenzo made Skye a target. Later, Dillon, Lulu, Georgie, Monica, and Alan join. The teens tell the adults about the shooting. Edward blames Lorenzo. (Tracy's not with the rest of them, so I guess this means she'll still heading to the islands. Darn. That's a long flight for soap opera time. ;))

    Luke/Robert/Holly in fancy hotel: Holly is relaxing in a nice hotel. Luke enters. She wants to know how she found him. Luke is interested in the money he stole from her. Robert comes in with a gun. He wants them to put their hands up. Luke is still going on about the money. He/Holly banter. Robert just looks at them oddly. (I swear, it's the Luke/Tracy/$15 million conversation all over again).

    Back at the Q's... Edward wants Dillon and Georgie spending the night with the Q's. It's all right because Tracy isn't there to give them a hard time. (Yes, I get that, but where is she?) Monica/Alan decide to go to the hospital to be with Jason. Lorenzo enters. Alan doesn't want him there. Lorenzo hopes that Skye believes he's not responsible for the hit.

    Previews: The Q's are not worthy of the previews, but Robert yells at Luke/Holly to shut up. Luke wants Robert to shoot Holly. Robert wants Holly to shoot Luke, so they can run off together. *sings* Oh, where oh where is Tracy? I wonder if JE is on vacation.

    ILoveTracyQ, I love your optimism. It makes me smile. :) But didn't SC say Dillon "dies" and then "dies" again? I know. I know. Can't compare to SC to TG, but things do get changed. I just wouldn't put it past TPTB to have Tracy return to the mansion near the end of May and mutter something about not being able to find Luke. (*throws hands in the air* So much for my "no more pessimism" idea, LOL) About the story...Thanks so much for the compliment. I could give a hint as to who was watching them, but it'll be revealed soon enough. As for Tracy/Jax, my ultimate goal is to keep Tracy/Luke (obviously, Coleman gets involved too), so we'll see what happens.

  2. *sigh* Looking at all those spoilers...I just can't be optimistic. I can't. I guess I shouldn't post at all then. :( Well, I guess I will post this...






    I just HATE that the original plan seemed to include our girl (based on the article). WTH happened? Is Dillon going to wonder where his mother is? Are we supposed to pretend that the plane never landed? Are we supposed to pretend that she ended up on the wrong island? Is she on the right island but LOST? I need explanations. Surely, I'm not asking for much. *sigh* Tracy on an adventure would be so much fun too.

    Edited: That's it. I'm done being pessimistic. *thinks happy thoughts* :D

  3. Good morning. *waves to everyone*

    coolkid, she goes when she's nominated, doesn't she? Too bad the pre-noms go to the younger ladies (Natalia Livingston? Seriously.) The virus SL stuff would at least get JE a nomination.

    MinervaFan, why are you making us wait? ;)

    Keith, I'm pretty sure the photo came from the "Beauty Secrets" section of Soaps In Depth (circa July/August 2005); it consisted of an article about Tracy's wardrobe (the long jackets).

    ILoveTracyQ, glad you're enjoying the story.

    Interesting tidbit from SD: The subject of a young Steve Burton and his past crushes came up, and someone said he admitted to having a crush on JE. Anyone know anything about this? :lol: SD added her name to SB's other crushes...Lynn Herring, Kristina Wagner, Emma Samms, Charlotte Ross (from Days), and Kimberly McCullough.






    Today, the Q's believe Lorenzo is responsible for the hit on Jason. I'm going to assume that Tracy's not in attendance since she's too busy tracking down her husband. If she is at this Q meeting, then I guess that's all the proof we need that her part in the adventure has been cut. :o Sorry for being so negative. I do realize that SOW had an article, but things get rewritten all the time. If she never ends up on that island, SOW is going to be deadtome. First, we get fun Vegas wedding photos, but NO wedding, and then we get fun Tracy island adventure article, but NO Tracy. <_<

    From Anonymous at SD: (after Sweeps) Robert is going to be drawn to Tracy and the best triangle yet to come will probably be Robert/Tracy/Luke. (This person also said that Sarah Webber was returning, but the other stuff sounded plausible.) I'm being negative again, but I highly doubt JE/Tracy is going to be the center of a love triangle...unless it's all about the humilation or something.

  4. Long post ahead...

    Getting sentimental again, but I love this place. You all are so wonderful. :D

    Love the banner, MinervaFan. Has anyone ever shared the "Tracy leaves Dillon" (April 2003) clip with you? I can upload it if you haven't seen it. You'll love it.

    angel, LOL about Dillon. Leaving his mother tied and gagged in a freezer overnight. Nice one...considering the last person locked in the freezer ended up dead. :o Ah...Murder Not!Mystery Week. An entire week of Q's (sans Ned). Absolutely no Sonny, no Carly, no Jason, no Sam (a miracle in itself). In fact, other than the Q's, the teens, Felicia, Mac, and Faith were the ONLY characters featured. And well, Nikolas (for Emily), but I'm still trying to forget their scenes. Oh wait...Mary Bishop too, even though she spent most of the week in Emily's closet with a gardening tool. Scaaaaaaaaary...Except not. ;)

    *tries to recall the episodes* Anyone, feel free to add comments (I'll try to provide some background for those who haven't seen this)...

    Oh! ILoveTracyQ mentioned this before, but Justus said, "How many of you can honestly say you've been faithful to your spouses? Alan, Monica, Tracy?" Hellooooo, this was before Coleman (which some people don't consider cheating anyway), but still...Tracy never ever cheated. Although, we did get a funny line out of it. Monica: At least I have a husband to cheat on. Tracy: Shut up!

    There was a lame (but well, cute, I guess) court scene. Felicia was the judge (she was going to decide if Edward was no longer eligible for Lila's inheritance since he/Heather were found together in bed...Actually, they fell on top of Monica/Alan, who were also in bed) Anyway, somewhere down the line, Edward objected to whatever Justus said, and Tracy's like, "You can't object! He's your attorney!" Just something little I remember, LOL. Oh and Justus's "My client tripped!" (regarding the fall onto the bed) Alan/Monica/Tracy (simultaneously): WHAT?!?

    Heather pretending to be Lila's spirit? Totally.Not.Cool. Did love Tracy's comment about not wanting to hold hands with all her family members though (I guess in an effort to bring the spirit back or something...)

    Hmm...One of the teens saw the Not!Mystery Person in the hallway and thought it was Tracy, and I think it was Trent (short-lived character) that told Dillon, "Well, your mother is kind of scary."

    Tracy blackmailed Felicia in a room full of people. Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. Quartermaine 101. *sigh* Love my girl, but that was stupid.

    Later (or was it before?), Dillon had a run in with the murderer, and I don't remember Tracy being very concerned. Then Edward had a line, something about Tracy not caring about Dillon. That ticked me off. Those who were watching, do you know what I'm talking about? LOL.

    Some goodness (not word for word):

    (Monica, Alan, Tracy, and Edward are walking down the stairs...)

    Tracy: The stairs can be pretty treacherous in the dark.

    Alan: Who said anything about stairways?

    Edward: Is that a threat?

    Monica: Stay away from her, Alan.

    (Sage entered Nikolas and Emily's room earlier that evening. Nikolas had been in a mental institution; Emily helped him escape.)

    Nikolas: She seemed nervous, almost frightened.

    Tracy: Well, who wouldn't be? Wandering around a strange house in the dark and running into an escaped mental patient!


    Heh. I :wub: Tracy.

    ETA: MinervaFan, the Robert/Tracy/Edward scene is in the "Caught by the teens and the maid" clip. Lovely JE banner, by the way.

    ETA again: Tracy leaves Dillon *wipes tear* Such a sad scene. (Credit to Arie)

  5. Good morning! *waves*

    Credit to GQ Daily.

    2/13/06 Part 1: Dillon wants Tracy to save his energy.

    2/13/06 Part 2: Dillon recalls Tracy's advice; Tracy gives him her consent to marry Georgie.

    2/13/06 Part 3: Tracy refuses to accept the fact that Dillon is going to die.

    2/13/06 Part 4: The wedding begins.

    According to spoilers, there was supposed to be a Tracy/Mac scene (before Part 4), but nooooooo. It got cut. :angry: That look they exchanged at the end would've have been 10x better if we were able to see that scene. *sigh*

    Credit to Skye (?).

    5/9/05: Tracy tells Luke she needs her family.

    Credit to the ladies at NQ.net.

    2/15/06: Tracy and Luke talk in the chapel; Tracy gets her miracle.

    Oh, and Ms.Q? Isn't there a scene with Edward, Tracy and Robert missing in here somewhere?
    I don't think so.

    "A Little Less Conversation" by Jennifer. Includes clips from the "plotting Tracy's death" and "monkey head" episodes only, but it's still fun to watch. :)

    ETA: Chapter 19 of Oh, Baby is up.

  6. nex4evr, both clips are featured in Shazzer's "Won't U Please B Nice" Luke/Tracy Video. You get to hear the dialogue of the 2nd one. smirks might have the Alice/Tracy one with dialogue. Actually, smirks, do you have the clip from the beginning of May when Tracy takes the gun from Helena, and Luke shouts at her to "get down" and "hit the floor?" And then Tracy's lying on the ground, with the gun, and Luke is all like, "Give me that." LOL. I thought it was fun, and those who haven't seen it would probably like it. :) *sigh* Lacy-rific memories. (Ha, get it? Terrific. All right. I'm done trying to lighten the mood, LOL.)
  7. Aww, this thread is becoming depressing again (*cyber hugs for everyone*), and I'm afraid I'm not going to help matters much.

    Did TG win Best Actor? And not a word of thanks to freakin' Jane Elliot? What a maroon.....
    Well, I was disappointed, and still am, LOL, but to be fair he didn't get the Emmy based on his work with her. Then again, he added that "3 year" comment, which doesn't fit with my logic. *sigh* Love the video, MinervaFan.

    ILoveTracyQ, not only was her son the suspect, her granddaughter was the victim, but do we get Tracy scenes? No. Do we get Ned scenes? No. :angry: I'm hoping JE will fare better during TG's vacation this summer since TR will be around, and Robert will be mixing it up with the Q's. I guess we'll see.

    angel, they don't have to say anything. We'll have to pretend that she never went to the Island in the first place.

    Anyone wondering about rewrites? Dillon/Lulu and Patrick/Robin weren't part of the original adventure plan, or at least according to SoapDish, LOL. Tracy/Luke made the COVER of Soap Opera Weekly and had a cute little article dedicated to them, but it doesn't seem like much of it is going to play out.

    Okay...Bringing in some goodness. Hope this is all right, but since the Real Emmys neglected to give us any JE/Tracy in the GH Montage, I've decided to share Skye's (of GHVT) Emmy video (which includes a bit of TQ): Click Me.

  8. Bumping because angel is on. *waves*

    Emmy News...

    In the beginning, Tom Bergeron summed up the soaps in some random order. There were 3 GH mentions...One of them being the Luke/Tracy marriage. :D (the other ones were the trainwreck and Luke bringing home a chimp and a virus)

    No JE/Tracy in the GH Montage. No surprise there, I guess.

    And finally, congrats to Tony Geary. It's sweet that he thanked Robin Christopher for making the last 3 years of work pleasurable for him (something like that), but what about Jane Elliot? A little mention would've been nice. Oh well. Am I being too critical? LOL.

    ETA: Page 57. *waves to nex4evr*

    ETA (again): And now coolkid is on. *waves*

    ETA (for a 3rd time, LOL): Hi tracyluver!

  9. kenna, I provided feedback at GHVT. All positive. MinervaFan, you should post your videos there. :D

    Thanks ILoveTracyQ for commenting on the banner. I'm going to keep the Luke/Tracy one here and use the Robert/Tracy one at GHVT.

    Hmm, a lot of TQ mentions:

    Lulu: "I want to know if your mom really hooked up with Robert Scorpio."

    Dillon: [spits out his water] [later] "...I just have a very hard time imagining my mother, mistakenly or otherwise, having -- se--"

    Lulu: "Sex? The word is sex."

    I thought the scenes were cute.

    Some more mentions:

    Nikolas: Luke, Tracy, and Robert are all adults, supposedly. They can take care of themselves.

    Heh. Supposedly? Are we going to get to see her taking care of herself?

    Dillon: "Look, I know my mom's a walking nightmare, but I love her and I care about her. I can't help it. Believe me, I've tried. I just -- I don't -- I don't want her to get caught up in some freaky misadventure with Luke."

    Aww, Dillon. I don't care how many times you give that speech. I still love it, LOL, but wait a minute...Is he insinuating that he tried to stop loving her? Eh, well...The rest sounded nice.

    So, about our girl...Is she still in the air? Did her plane crash in the jungle? WHERE is she? Will we see her before the middle of MAY? :o

  10. MinervaFan, clips come from GH Video Theatre in the clips section under "Daily Clips." Each segment is posted, sometimes in parts. Descriptions of each follow if the clipper has the time. In the past, the clips were organized by character/stories, but Feb. Sweeps resulted in several characters sharing several scenes, and posting individual segments turned out to be easier. And well, now with NQ down, Shazzer is doing all the hard work on her own, so I don't expect her to separate the Q's from Liz/Lucky from Sonny/Carly/Emily, etc. What I do is save the clips and then separate them myself using Windows Movie Maker even though quality is sometimes lost. But that's a whole lot of extra information, LOL.

    Clips from yesterday (Credit to Shazzer)...

    Dillon is scarred for life. (Love his reaction to seeing Tracy, LOL.)

    Tracy puts Dillon's mind at ease.

    And she's off to the Maarkam Islands...

    About the island...Oh, MinervaFan, someone is going to have to write fanfiction about this. ;) As for the outfit...I noticed. Didn't give it much thought other than Ugh. More recycled wardrobe... but it'd be neat if JE or TIIC (I doubt the latter) meant to add subtext.

    Another thing...A few days ago, Tracy said that Alice was the only one in the house that hadn't accused her of falling in love with Luke. Um, did I miss a Ned/Tracy scene? Or a Tracy/Alan scene? Or did this all take place offscreen?

    ETA: I made a Robert/Tracy banner and am debating whether or not to use it. What do you guys think? :P (I ultimately want Luke/Tracy, but I could get behind Robert/Tracy for a little bit.)

  11. MinervaFan...Wednesday's Clips (credit to Shazzer)

    Daddy to the rescue...or not.

    Caught by the teens and the maid...

    Untying Tracy...

    Tracy, Robert, and a pair of handcuffs... :P






    Well, Tracy being kidnapped and being held against her will is quite common nowadays, so it wouldn't surprise me, LOL, but I'm guessing ILoveTracyQ is right about her getting lost. That is so going to happen. I want to see her going in circles though. :lol: Love the pine cone/anniversary idea, by the way.

  12. ILoveTracyQ, she's on! I figured as much since there was that last ABC Media Net pic that hadn't aired, but still...3 short scenes? *shakes head* She's on her way to the Markaam (Markam?) Islands. So...I repeat angel's question: Why isn't she in the pics? Are Dillon and crew going to leave her in the jungle? :o And since next week is all Holly/Robert/Luke and a game of cat and mouse...where is Tracy going to be hiding? How long will JE be off screen? I need answers to these questions, LOL.

    Aww, MinervaFan, you sound disappointed in Tracy. Loved the revised vid and can't wait to see what smirks suggested. Yay about the car! :D

    tracyluver, someone on another board said Dillon should have walked in at that point. Seeing his mother on the ground under...yeah, not going to finish. :P

  13. MinervaFan, that 2nd video is so sad. :( I loved the still shots at the beginning. And I second what ILoveTracyQ posted, but other than that which is such a little detail anyway...Wonderful, wonderful job. *claps* I'm so jealous of your and smirks's ability to create such amazing vids.

    Speculation based on yesterday's show:

    Skye: You're not off the hook, though, you know. When you take your place on that stage -- hmm -- some lucky woman's going to write a huge check just for the privilege of spending her time with you. I can't wait to see who picks you.

    Lorenzo: Be careful what you wish for.

    Could it be Tracy? :lol:






    About the island...SOW had that article and TG's comments, so I'm almost sure ILoveTracyQ is right. Then again...One of the magazines had the article about Courtney returning to PC with a new attitude, and instead, she returned with the same attitude, and then the virus killed her. Eh, I'm just being pessimistic. ;) Those island photos seem fun though, so hopefully, it doesn't take Tracy too long to join in. And an anniversary mention would be great. *crosses fingers*

    From Anonymous at SD: Tracy and Luke will be for real, but who and what will get in their way? There's been so many things at SD that have never come to pass, so as with everything else, I guess we wait and see...

  14. Aww, MinervaFan, I liked the 2 Robert/Tracy scenes. Of course there would've been more scenes if I were writing, but I digress, LOL. JE and TR work well together. Of course, JE works will with anyone and anything. Me? Biased? No. :P Oh, and I'll post clips as soon as they become available. Shazzer said she'll have them up tomorrow.

    *waves to LadyAshton who is lurking* Come on in. :)

    SPOILER MENTION (because I don't know how to let things go)





    ABC Media Pics feature Robert/Holly/Luke/Robin/Patrick/Dillon/Lulu on the adventure. And I'm going to assume our girl is on the ELQ jet and is going to surprise them all. ;)

  15. nex4evr, thanks for sharing that. I had seen that before but didn't have it on my computer. I love the whole "We're Quartermaines. We automatically love each other...but what do we love more than family? What is it, Daddy? Say it. It's money, Daddy. We love money more." That's not word for word, but close enough. LOL.

    How dare my TV screen go black during the 2nd Tracy/Robert scene. <_< I just missed 3 or 4 seconds or so, but still...Out of all the places it could have gone out. *sigh* I did get to see most of it though, so I can't complain much. "You'll do anything to save the man you love." And later, "I went to college. Not secret agent school." Ooh! And Tracy got to sit on Robert's lap, and it was her idea. :lol:

  16. tracyluver, the best I can do for you is a transcript leading up to Dillon's birth. Credit to wallykurth.net. Sorry I don't have any clips. :(

    nex4evr, I'm glad you love the clips/banner. :) I was disappointed too at first, but it could be her choice. She might not even be at the Emmys.

    And ILoveTracyQ, yes, I've noticed that too. It's TG and JE, or just TG. *shakes head in disappointment*

    MinervaFan, this includes a snippet of Tracy/Larry. Nothing big. Credit to Rigger (?). I don't like snakes either. :o

    4XCrazy, she's ON (7 scenes too although they're short) But...I'm tired of Tracy being tied and gagged especially as her son just stands by and enjoys it. *sighs* And for Monica to encourage it? *shakes head again* What happened to maturity?

  17. Thanks for the screencaps, MinervaFan. She is so young there. 22 or so, right? Wow. I love the 4th one (top row).

    ILoveTracyQ, Jax found out in Chapter 15. As for Tracy/Luke...This is going sound repetitive, but Tracy knows that Luke's not the father, and Luke knows that he's not the father. However...Tracy is letting Luke believe that he's the father, and Luke is letting Tracy believe that he thinks is the father. Does that make sense? This was in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. Lots of mind games going on, but everything will be resolved (err, as close as it can get to resolved at this point) in a future chapter. Oh boy, I'm confusing myself. I hope I didn't confuse you. :)

    Tracy/Luke? Tracy/Robert? I love Lacy, but these upcoming freezer scenes have me intrigued.

    *hopes for more than 5 seconds of TQ, and she better end up on that darn island (yes, I'm still on that)*

  18. Edit: *sing-song voice* I got something in the mail..... I got something in the maaaaaiiiillll!!! Be prepared, boys and girls. Be prepared.... *ebil, sing-songy laughter*
    Between this and your super secret JE project mentioned on LJ, I am so confused, LOL, but whatever might be going on has me interested. :)

    Some Clips…Credit to Shazzer.

    Nov. 1: Tracy can't remember their nuptials; she wants Luke to enlighten her.

    Nov. 30: Luke massages Tracy's shoulders; she ends up on top of him.

    Dec. 13: Tracy/Luke exchange glances at the PCPD.

    Jan. 17: Tracy/Skye and Tracy/Lulu after faking her death.

    March 10: Luke/Tracy kiss…almost.






    While Luke's away, someone will play? Hmm...I'm still not opposed to Tracy/Robert, but I reserve the right to change my mind. ;)

  19. I believe that Keith is on stage. I remember him mentioning acting classes at one point. I think. Sounds cool though. I'm glad you had a fun time, Keith. I was in Drama Club in Elementary School. Does that count? I did have to try out. :P We performed "Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky," and I got to be a moon child. But enough about that, LOL.

    The fact that she's not on 24/7 makes me appreciate her more when I do get to see her.
    How much do I agree with this? If she were say Sonny, and appeared 4 days a week, 7 scenes a day, sure we'd be happy to see her, but not nearly as happy as we are now.

    MinervaFan, we must look on the bright side. It was a NEW outfit! ;)






    According to TV Guide, TR will be around well past May Sweeps, as Robert moves in with the Quartermaines. TR states, "I have no idea how they plan to justify that," but he's learned not to ask questions this time around.

    So...What does this mean? Luke's going to gone most of the summer and into September, even some of October. I hope there's a lot of Tracy/Robert interaction to come. :D

  20. tracyluver, once you have an icon...

    Click on My Controls (top, mid-right of the screen)

    In the left column under Personal Profile, click Edit Avatar Settings.

    If your icon has a URL, enter it where it says Enter a URL to an online avatar image.

    If your icon is saved on your computer, click Browse where is stays Upload a new image from your computer.

    Click Update Avatar.

    Hope that helps. Oh, and the reveal is set for a few chapters down the road...maybe more than a few. ;)


    Lulu calls Dillon over. He notices the couch has been moved and sees Robert knocked out on the ground. Lulu called him since he's good with capers. Dillon reminds her that he promised Georgie he wouldn't get involved in capers anymore. Lulu wants him to think of this as a movie. Someone is coming. Lulu pushes Dillon onto the couch and kisses him. Alice finds them.

    Alice is uspet that Dillon is cheating on Georgie. Lulu takes the blame. She wants Alice to go back to cleaning, so she and Dillon can work this out on their own. Meanwhile, Robert is waking up. He is groaning. Dillon tries to cover it up. Alice no longer believes Dillon is cheating on Georgie. She wants to know why the couch is moved. She finds Robert on the ground. He stands up, and she punches him because she wants to save "Mr. Luke" from foot-flogging.

    Dillon is leading the way to the Quartermaine freezer. Alice had Robert over his back. Dillon isn't sure this is a good idea since Robert is a "super-spy." He's not going to be happy when he wakes up. Alice tells Dillon and Lulu they did the right thing. She's going to distract the rest of the Q's. Lulu and Dillon have to stay with Robert. Lulu wants to do whatever is necessary to protect her dad.

    Robert is waking up. He says he's not talking. He doesn't realize that he's in the Q freezer 'til the teenagers tell him. He then realizes that Lulu knocked him out. He should know better than to turn his back on a Spencer, any Spencer. Robert is convinced their plan isn't going to work. Lulu tells him it's already working. No one is ever going to find him since the Q's never go down to the freezer, and Alice isn't going to tell anyone. They are going to keep him tied up until Luke returns home. Robert tells them by that time, Luke might be dead.

    Edward enters the den. He wants a drink. Alice is trying to re-organize the room. Tracy enters. (Yay! New outfit! New outfit! It's light and spring-y, but almost looks like pajamas, LOL). Anyway, she wants a martini. Edward fears that Alice has fallen in love and that is why she is acting like this. He brings up the last time she fell in love...with Dobson. Tracy is giving him a strange look. (This is such a random scene, LOL.) Tracy finds something of Robert's that was left on the ground. Meanwhile, Robert tells Lulu and Dillon that Holly is dangerous. Lulu doesn't believe that Holly will hurt Luke after he saves her. Robert brings up the antidote and how she was going to let all those people die. Lulu and Dillon might be reconsidering.

    Lulu and Dillon are outside the freezer, discussing Robert. Dillon thinks they should believe him and let him go. Lulu isn't too sure. Dillon thinks Robert will be able to handle Holly. The two of them re-enter the freezer. They have decided to let him go, under 1 condition: Robert doesn't turn Luke in. Robert says he can't agree to that. He stands up. He tricked them into thinking they were holding him hostage. He wanted to see if they had any information, which they didn't. Now he's out to turn to Luke in. He'll have Luke call Lulu after he's incarcerated. He leaves. There is a banging sound. Then, Dillon and Lulu leave the freezer. Robert is on the ground. Tracy has a pan or something in her hand. Dillon and Lulu are surprised. I think Tracy smirks at them.

    And that's the end. About 5 seconds total. :( Hopefully, tomorrow is better.

    Previews: Why put Robert/Tracy in the previews when you can put Jax/Carly, Ric/Sam, and Sonny in them? <_<

  21. Look at everyone posting! :D

    coolkid, thanks for the compliment on the banner. According to ABC Media Pics, we are getting a new outfit this week. I'm thinking Monday-Wednesday is one day in GH land, so we should have plenty of time to look at it.

    MinervaFan, wonderful video. I, too, loved the use of still shots and clips. And that song is beautiful. Interesting idea about the next challenge.

    angel, your stories have been read and reviewed. Keep up the great work!

    4XCrazy has posted! As always, loving "Homelands."

    smirks, thanks. That doesn't sound too difficult.

    bellcurve, you are awesome for posting that! Can't wait 'til I can watch it.

    ILoveTracyQ, yes, she should be on. Hopefully, for more than 5 seconds at the end.

    This post reminds me of a grocery list or something. :lol:






    According to Wizard, Lulu and Dillon come to Robert and Luke's aide. Hmm, is our girl traveling alone or what? I really want to see her interacting with someone. And I wonder where Robin fits in. Assuming this is all true (and it should be based on the SOW article), and Tracy ends up on the island...You don't think she's going to be in her typical wardrobe, do you? LOL.

    According to an anonymous poster, Luke and friends go camping (presumably on the island). This is when Robert/Holly/Luke end up in the same sleeping bag. I'm going to pretend that Tracy kicks Luke out of hers. LOL.

  22. smirks, I'm thinking the kiss was October 13th. It was 2 days after the breakfast episode, I believe. The jacket is still green in those scenes. Question: I'm assuming all your clips are saved to discs. How do you get them like that? Is it easy to do? LOL. I ask because all the clips I have are taking up so much space on my hard drive.

    MinervaFan, your story has been read and reviewed, and of course, LOVE the icons. That "Peel me a freakin' grape" had me laughing out loud for some reason. :lol:

    ILoveTracyQ, don't worry about it. We won't hate you. :)

    Part 5 of angel's "Ghost of You" has been posted.











    SoapDish has Tracy/Dillon/Lulu/Robin all going after Luke/Holly/Robert/Anna. Someone speculated Robin would be leading them (Tracy/Dillon/Lulu) since she has the most experience as far as the adventures go. And later, all 8 characters end up on the run. :lol: I could go for that. Doubt it's true, but it sounds fun.

    About tomorrow's episode: I really hope Tracy is on for more than the last 5 seconds. We know she knocks Robert out, and that has to happen and the end. I just hope it's not her only role tomorrow.

    ETA: coolkid is on! *waves*

  23. I guess we can't complain about the current hair too much. At least JE doesn't have braids pinned to her head anymore, LOL. Thanks for bringing over the prettiness, MinervaFan.

    Some more goodies...

    Look what I found today: JE as Cleopatra and Cleopatra and The Pharaoh. The latter one amuses me because if you look really quickly, it almost looks like Ingo Rademacher is the Pharaoh (which he of course isn't...IR was what? 6 at the time? LOL), but if you forget that for a second, it's like Tracy and Jax are dressed in ridiculous costumes. Or maybe it's just me. :lol: There are several other photos at this site and 2 video clips as well. JE appeared in "The Pharaoh" and "Return of the Pharaoh" (that'll help when searching). Oh, and there used to be a lot of sounds clips at DH's Official Site, but I couldn't find them. :(

  24. Hypemuzak, who I think is tracyluvr on this board, made this icon a while back.
    I thought Hypemuzak was 4XCrazy (who is also LaRed at FF.net), but I could be wrong. Oh, and that icon came from an episode in October. I don't have the clip, but smirks might. :) Ooh, smirks do you have Luke/Tracy's first kiss from June, I think? MinervaFan, you would probably love that. :D

    ETA: angel's on! *waves* Hope you're feeling better. :)

  25. Keith! Where have you been? ;)

    MinervaFan, thanks for your help with FF.net! Also...Don't quote me on this, but Handcuffs and Determination might be JE/WK's first scene together as mother and son. Credit to wallykurth.net. Clips are in RealPlayer Format.

    smirks, I don't remember Luke kissing Tracy in white either. MinervaFan, you are going to love the "I hope it's a big room; I get very athletic" scene. LOL. Skye's constant eye rolling/sighing in the background is annoying, but other than that, hilarious. :lol:

    Regarding DAYS...most of you might know about this, but the only clip I know of is Adrienne's and Justin's wedding (also at wallykurth.net), but there's not much Justin/Anjelica action. There are transcripts too. This one, in which Anjelica fantasizes about her and Justin and their baby, sounds interesting. :lol:

    Random comment: How strange is it when you search "Jane Elliot" on IMDB.com, the first choice that comes up is Actress, All My Children? Shouldn't it be Actress, General Hospital since that's her most well-known role?

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