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Ms. Quartermaine

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Posts posted by Ms. Quartermaine

  1. Hi amello. I'm glad you stopped in, and yes, feel free to post often (You might just get that appliance after all. ;)). Tracy's hardly on GH anyway, so you're really not missing her by not watching. But whether she's on or not, we always find something to discuss, LOL.


    Story time! *gathers everyone in a circle*

    I just got done visiting another board, one that I consider to be comprised of intelligent viewers, but one of posters said something not so nice about JE's acting. And yes, it's just her opinion, and of course, I'm not obligated to agree, but still...

    So, I offer this question: Why is it that when someone puts down one of our faves, we kind of get upset about it? Or is it just me? I doubt it, considering the amount of hostility I've witnessed. I mean, chances are these people don't even know each other by name, and yet they'll (and I'm sure I can include "we" in this as well; at least those of us who post at other places) argue repeatedly about why so-and-so is the worst actress on the planet or why so-and-so is the most boring character to ever be seen on soaps. Anyway...

    Then I start thinking...(warning fellow TQ fans, you might not like the rest of the post; promise me you will never kick me out of this thread, LOL)...What if JE isn't as great as we believe her to be? Sure, there have been times when she (and others) have done something that's made us go "WTH?" (Case and point: The beginning of the "Let's make Tracy think Luke wants her dead" SL. IMO, most of the acting, including JE's, seemed incredibly forced: "Dillon!!!!!!!!!! Call the cops! Luke is trying to murder me.") Yes, horrific writing played a big role in that, and even the likes of JE and TG couldn't spin that crap into gold, which is why I tend to over look it, but...

    (Don't look TQ fans, don't look, LOL) [small voice] Has there ever been a TQ moment that was supposed to be dramatic that didn't turn to be because of the acting? Like for those watching, Tracy on the phone after she hit Jenny, or Tracy telling Ned that she hit Jenny (Can you tell I've been reading transcripts? LOL. I'll upload them when I can...Someone, please remind me if I forget.) And yes, some not so good acting choices out of a millon excellent ones isn't bad by any means, but every time I see a post that insists JE isn't all that, it gets me wondering...and I don't like it, because I do think she's all that. Is she perfect? Goodness, no. No one is. But I do adore watching her onscreen, and I don't like having the slightest thought that's she less of an actress than I believe. [/small voice]

    Whew. I hope that make sense. Please don't hate me. Just blame in on real life and Genie Francis's return. Heh. Thanks everyone for reading. If I'm not around much for the rest of the week, know that I'm well and just taking a break from everything GH/Internet related. You all know I can't stay away for long, so no worries. *hugs to all* Will miss ya dearly.

  2. nex is here! You know what? We should write the magazines. I remember she got a mention in the "Speak Out" section in Soaps In Depth before: "Fans praised Jane Elliot's ability to effortlessly segue between comedy and drama" (had to go find the mag to get the exact quote, LOL). Now, I while agree, I certainly didn't take the time out to write that, and no one here ever confessed, LOL, so there are other people are out there. ;)

    Also...In another issue, once again in the "Speak Out" section, there's a bit about the unexpected Luke/Tracy marriage and how it turned out to be a pleasant surprise that's keeping viewers in stitches. *reflects* Aww...I loved my Lacy.

    Edit: Sorry this took so long to post. My Internet decided to die (for the 4th time this afternoon/evening). *cries for a moment* Eh, it only went out for 5 minutes this time, so it's all good.

  3. ILoveTracyQ, what kind of exit SL do you have in mind? I'm unfortunately convinced that GH is going to ruin Tracy with this one. *waits to see recap of your, I'm sure, fabulous letter*

    Question: how do you think GF's return(and I'm sure they already knew she'd be back,when they wrote this week's shows(including tomorrow's) will affect the spoilers,especially those relating to Tracy?
    You just had to bring this up, didn't you? :P







    The Luke/Tracy conversation: Yeah, bet this scene was written because of GF's return.

    Motherhood spoiler: Eh...With Mama Laura returning, Evil Step Mama Tracy is going to have take a back seat. Yes, Laura's not returning until after the summer, but I'm sure Tracy's role won't be as important as planned (and really, it couldn't have been that important to begin with, LOL).

    Lorenzo/Tracy: I'm intrigued, but I can't see this being for than a couple scenes in the first place. My guess? No change.

    Week of July 3rd: Could GH have know about GF? If yes, I vote "no change." If not, decline in importance with a large possiblity of cut scenes. *cries*

    Tossing this out there: Anyone think the plan was Robert/Tracy this summer until FH decided to return


  4. MinervaFan? Still brilliant! *claps*

    ILoveTracyQ, I knew you'd like that. :D BTW, I see you changed your name on SoapZone. I'm assuming it's a reference to DAYS. I don't watch, but that's what I gathered from other posts. And LOL to your comment there about one of the magazines picking it up. That'd be great.

    Edit: *waves to MinervaFan* According to SZ recaps...No TQ. *sigh* But Dillon mentioned AJ, and that's kind of neat. Work with me. I'm trying to lighten the mood here. LOL.







    Regarding SOD: Gotta love how the Q's are all clumped together and at the bottom of the previews. [/sarcasm] You know what, though? It's okay. Because in SID, Guza mentioned our girl by name, so maybe that means something.

    From SoapDish: JE will finish filming in October. GH asked her to remain on the show in a recurring capacity, but she turned them down. (Probably more so speculation than anything since her contract's up and GF is returning, but if true? I'm SO glad she walked away completely. I'd rather that happen that see her even less than we see her now.) How am I doing with the whole "being positive" thing? ;)

  5. Hi tracyluver! Are you posting on your computer? If so, I guess that means you got it to work. Yay! Regarding LJ: Okay, I'll try and search for you, so I can add you. :D

    What you said kind of outlined the problem...

    Before TG requested that he and JE be paired, JE had spend months (November 2004 through April 2005) on the backburner. The beginning of 2005 wasn't a good time to be a TQ fan because she was never on. :o She made brief appearances in which she attended AJ and Michael's memorials, b-tched at Georgie, got b-tched at by Emily...Let's put in this way: She got more screentime in May 2005 than in Jan. through April combined. Anyhoo! *breathes*

    During TG's 3 month summer vacation, GH made it very clear that they had no interest in JE unless she was paired with TG. Luke went on an "errand" for Lorenzo, and Tracy went to Europe, which we didn't even know about until Justus mentioned it. Anyway, from late July to early October, JE appeared in 1 scene total (a scene where Tracy was completely OOC seeing as Lorenzo threatened her life, and she was like "Oh, okay. We'll do things your way," but I digress...). Basically, since the marriage, Tracy has hardly been seen without Luke. That's why I think the end of Lacy means the end of Tracy, and hee! That rhymes! LOL. And I'm done rambling now.

    Much love to you all! I need to get off the internet.

  6. Oops. I had to go and never signed off, LOL.

    ILoveTracyQ, sorry about that. It's just something I can see happening. Tracy is EVIL. She withheld Daddy's heart medication, blah, blah, blah. JE's contract is up. (SoapDish already has JE out, along with TK, and one another, LOL.) It just fits. *sigh* Hey, do you know what kind of stuff TPTB had planned for GA and JE?

    tracyluver, I don't want to ruin your happy mood, but she'll be onscreen from October to at least November 16th. And the article said she's coming out of the catatonic state. You know what it is? I'm jealous. I'm jealous that the entire online community (sans us and I guess a couple others, LOL) are getting what they want. I wish I could be happy about it.

    Edit #1: *waves to Bella* Post something. Cheer us up. LOL.

    Edit #2: *waves to kenna* Come on TQ fans! Post some stuff! Happy things!

    *passes around cyber-brownies*

    :DTime to be POSITIVE!!!! :D

    1. Tracy WILL be on Wednesday!

    2. Tracy has scenes with Lorenzo coming up!

    3. The Week of July 3rd features Luke/Tracy heavily.

    4. Tracy got a mention in the summer previews!

    5. We have MinervaFan's amazing fanfic! (I messed up the pattern of colors here. Oops.)

    6. We have angel's "Beautiful Disaster."

    7. We have coolkid's "The Half Haven't Been Told" which has been updated!

    8. We have 4XCrazy's "Homelands."

    9. We have my "Oh, Baby."

    10. If JE leaves, she might be better off. And we won't have to complain about her being wasted.

    11. If JE leaves, another soap *might* get her.

    12. If JE leaves, she *might* get an exit SL; an exit SL is better than just disappearing.

    13. GF isn't returning until October. There's still time to enjoy Tracy.

    14. GF's return appears to be limited. Sure, Luke/Tracy could be done, but our girl doesn't need a man.

    15. GF's return *might* give JE some decent material. She might get actual DRAMA.

    16. And the most positive thing of all...We still have this thread. *hugs to everyone*

  7. Psst...It's so going to be revealed that Tracy's been paying doctors to drug Laura to keep her in the catatonic state, so that she can have Luke all to herself. *pauses* All right. I shouldn't give TPTB ideas.

    *hugs to everybody*

    Thanks for posting so soon, ILoveTracyQ. You always make me feel better. :)

    Keith, that might be. I mean, what is GH going to do if GF doesn't stick around? Put Laura in a vegetative state again? (*thinks* Hmm...It's possible. Emmy reels for TG, JMB, TC, and even GV...) I just can't see Luke/Tracy doing much with one another after he/Laura are reunited. Unless she's there to hold a hand or something.

    *sigh* ILoveTracyQ, I can see her doing short-term stints, and yeah, that's not good for us, LOL. And yes, I agree. WHY did we have to find out about this so soon? I hate waiting and not knowing what is going on.

    [small voice] You know, I'd almost be excited about the Luke/Laura reunion if our girl wasn't currently married to Luke. [/small voice] *thinks some more* Yep. Jax should've just married Tracy, LOL.

    *waves to tracyluver* Ooh, I'm adding you to my Friends List on LJ (Or I will do that as soon as I figure it out, LOL. Can you post a link to your main page?). :D I'm worried about the thread too. You guys are great, but every time there's a lack of TQ on our screens, it gets too quiet in here. If JE's off GH for good, what's going to happen to us? *cries*

  8. Not leaving spoiler space. It's Casting News. It'll be on every soap magazine. So unless you plan on staying in your home and off the computer for the next 4 months, this news isn't going to be a secret. Sorry if this sounds harsh. I'm a VERY pissy mood.

    coolkid, you are so right! *bites nails* Even if Tracy finds out after Luke does, she's going to do whatever she can to stop it. She's just not going to sit back and watch. Will she?

  9. Bumping because it's official...







    Genie Francis returns to GH: Laura to join Luke for 'General Hospital' wedding anniversary. (Returns in October for a limited run...Looks like she has the option of sticking around.)

    Anniversary's in November. JE might be gone...or on recurring. Timing kind of works, doesn't it? Tracy gets her heart broken again and then leaves Port Charles. *Ms. Q sits in the corner and cries*

    Edit: *waves to coolkid again* Say something that'll cheer me up. Please? LOL.

  10. MinervaFan, regarding the fanfic...You are brilliant! :D And as Keith mentioned, the News, Discuss the Soaps, and Daytime Emmy boards were wiped out.

    *sigh* I miss Tracy. Justus's memorial is Wednesday (per Cable Guide Spoilers) and since that's the date of the Tracy/Luke conversation, I guess that'll be it for the week. So far, just 5 episodes this month, and in most of those, she hardly appeared anyway. <_<

    *waves to Bella*

    Edit: *waves to coolkid*

  11. Can I write it about Tracy looking at JE's recent storylines (or lack thereof?)
    I don't know if you're serious or not, but that would be really interesting to read. :D

    Bella, here are some clips you've requested via PM (hope you don't mind me posting them here)...

    January 31, 2006. Credit to Shazzer.

    Part 1: Luke returns! Tracy meets the chimp!

    Part 2: Lulu adores the chimp. Luke explains everything. Nik, Lucky, and Liz arrive. Nik wants Lulu to live at Wyndemere. Skye and Lorenzo arrive.

    Part 3: Luke missed Skye. Skye's over him. She/Lorenzo kiss before Lorenzo leaves. Lulu makes a decision.

    Part 4: Luke doesn't feel well. Georgie, Dillon, and Lulu return with information regarding the chimp. Arguing ensues. The chimp leaves. Everyone except Luke follows. Luke collapses.

    Coming up: Tracy is worried about Luke. Dillon suspects a government conspiracy. Luke feigns delirium to win Skye back. Lulu faints.

  12. MinervaFan, I personally enjoyed the latest story. It was something different, and I really liked it. Thanks for the feedback on mine, by the way. The original version of that chapter was nothing like that at all, LOL, but I'm glad I made the changes. And I hope everything's okay on the dad front.

    coolkid, yes, it is a shame. *sigh* Why would we want Jane Elliot on our screens when we can have Natalia Livingston instead? :rolleyes:

    ILoveTracyQ, I wish I had a clip, but here is a screencap. smirks posted the clips to the first part of the episode, so she might have this one stored somewhere. And that play sounds so adorable. I wish I could've seen it. I love those things. LOL.







    Oh man! GH can't have Lorenzo/Tracy fool around because Luke/Skye appear to run off together. No. No. No. *shakes head* ELQ related? Fine. I could go for TQ doing some business stuff, but can I please see her office this time? The teens? I guess that's fine too. I can't complain. JE will be onscreen regardless, right?

    Re: The Laura Thing: If it's going to get JE dramatic material, once again, I can't complain. It might be a mere 1 or 2 scenes, but eh...I'll take what I can when I can especially if the following is true...

    SoapDish has JE on recurring again (in light of GF's return). Of course, SD also has TK, JI, and LC on recurring, and RC, JJY, SD, and JZ gone. GF isn't that essential to dump all those people.

    Kind of OT, but ILoveTracyQ, you know how my mother's not a big Q fan? (I know I mentioned it a few times, and I remember you saying you two probably wouldn't get along on anything GH related, LOL.) Anyway, I had a family graduation party today, and I was telling her about GF's possible return, and she responded, "Why? She's not even good." I thought you'd agree. :)

    Edit: Forgot to comment on a couple things. About the "those left behind will have a big SL"...someone's pointed this out already, but is it going to be as big as as the adventure SL in October, the one that lasted an entire three days? "This fall, Luke and Tracy join Lorenzo and Skye on a HUGE adventure." Riiiiiight. I hate Guza. Also...I'd like Tracy to come to the rescue, but I'm still convinced the motherhood spoiler relates to a Lulu pregnancy. But then if GF returns (BTW, someone at SZ met her at some event or something, and she said that she's considering returning and that she and GH have had several "nice talks" recently), we can forget about JE playing a role...Or not, since she'd still be the baby's grandmother. *sigh* This really shouldn't bother me as much as it does.

  13. Guess what I forgot to mention yesterday? June 23rd was the date of Luke/Tracy's first kiss? Me? Obsessed? LOL.

    Will respond to MinervaFan's post in a bit, but first I have to share these excellent spoilers!






    The Luke/Tracy/Laura mention from before has made the Cable Guide Spoilers. (We got a CGS! *dances around* This happens June 28th.)

    *saving the best for last*

    According to Wizard of SoapDish (Reminder: He/she is 1 of the 2 real insiders at SD): Lorenzo will be sharing company with Tracy. (This better not be trick wording, as in sharing the company of ELQ, because if it is, I take back what I said about it being the best.)

    *the real best*

    And the Week of July 3rd is heavy for Luke/Tracy, but not as heavy as Jason/Sam/Manny/Lucky/Elizabeth/Alexis and Sonny/Carly. (I could've guessed that, LOL). But yay for Lacy!

  14. Hmm, ILoveTracyQ, you may have just given me an idea. ;) That second spoiler came from About.com, but not under the Scoops and Spoilers Section. Mindy's Mix or something. She had other stuff too that's set for the future, so the Q scene could still be coming. I'm going to stop dreaming now.

    LOL about Trax. *sigh* I hated that he treated her like garbage, and this is kind of random, but remember when he locked her in the closet by pretending to seduce her, and she fell for it? I hated that too, although that probably falls under the "treated her like garbage" category, but anyway...

    If you're selfish, then so am I. We can be selfish together, LOL. I just can't stand the idea that JE might be tossed aside. *prays to the Soap Gods that WK is placed back on contract and Tracy/Ned get to run ELQ together ONSCREEN* I want Tracy/Ned. Tracy/Edward. Tracy/Dillon. Tracy/Monica. Tracy/Alan. Tracy/Jax. (You know I had to add that, LOL). I just want Tracy!TV. *thinks* All right. TPTB can start by having TQ be on for more than 5 minutes/week. Baby steps, you know? :lol:

    *thinks again* Wow. There is really nothing to talk about. Oh, ILoveTracyQ, have you ever checked out this story? I know I posted the link a little while back, but it might've gotten lost in a mega-post, LOL. In any case, I think you'll like it.

    What else? What else? MinervaFan, loved the fic! Your Past!Fics are so wonderful. When I read the part where she found out Edward passed her report off as his own, I literally said, "Oh my God." LOL. But yay Tracy for getting him back! She's just so smart. Heh.

    *thinks some more* Happy thoughts everyone! It's Friday! Enjoy the weekend!

    RUMOR ALERT (not anything positive, so it might be better to skip this)






    From Sage's Column: Rumor is that Mfundo's axing was just the beginning and there are plans in place to trim down the Quartermaine family considerably. Thank goodness it's just a rumor. It's been a rumor for a long time, right? Remember when LC, SD, and WK (err...that turned out to be true) were supposed to go to recurring? Assuming it is true, though, I just don't understand. Let's trim the Corinthos family, hmm? Not the Q's. And what's the point? Tt's not like getting rid of the Q's is going to free up air time. They hardly get it the way it is. Budget reasons? *sigh* Okay. Ms. Q needs to stop rambling and go write something. And now, I'm referring to myself in the 3rd person, LOL. I'm not crazy. I promise. :)

  15. *joins the party*

    Keith, I wish I knew the original source of that spoiler. I saw it on another board and brought it here. Please let it be true. Please let it be true.

    angel and tracyluver, don't feel like outcasts. We love ya. :D Thanks for the feedback (either here or at LJ)! Any favorite parts?

    tracyluver, any particular reason you're getting your hair done? ;)

    Edit: SPOILER?





    Much to our dismay Justus passes on and it is just going to be heartbreaking over at the Q's. He is so part of their family and Edward just takes this news so very hard. It's as if he is crying out for Lila for comfort knowing that she feels his pain! Ned, Lainey, Tracy, Alan, Monica, Emily and all the Q's gather together to support one another during this pressing time. Alice is there not only to polish Luke's new shoes but to keep everyone in control! Um. *speechless* Is this still supposed to happen? Or is this a recap of what should've happened?

  16. *waves to everyone*

    No TQ this week?!? :angry: *flings barware*

    Chapter 40 is here!

    angel, I highly doubt GH would ever kill of Laura. I also doubt GF would return for that.

    At one point, I could've taken/left Laura, but I just don't want her back anymore, and it does have to do with the fact that I'm a JE/Tracy fan. It'd be different if she had a SL outside Luke. I don't know. I get that no one is ever going to be happy on a show, and couples aren't supposed to last forever, but GH sure knows how to piss off its fanbases, LOL. We TQ fans are tame when it comes to some of them...Or maybe there are just less of us (*sobs*), and we're less vocal?

    nex4evr, I'm glad you liked the positivity (Thanks to Keith, I now know that's a real word, LOL) I brought into this thread. :D Any time, JE gets decent material (drama/comedy), they'll praise her there. It does my Tracy-loving heart good. Re: Clips...I wish I had them to share, but I don't. *cries*

    MinervaFan, will read the newest story later. And as you know, I love the letter. Oh, and I hope you get better soon. *sends Get-Well Card and flowers*

    coolkid, yay! You popped in!

    ILoveTracyQ, you make perfect sense, and while I agree she's being wasted, and I HATE it, I'm still glad that she's on GH. *sigh* So much potential since her return though. So freakin' much. Even before Luke/Tracy...

    I mean, come on, Jax and Tracy almost married! LOL. And while I could never see them falling in love, there is respect there. And if Jax/Tracy had been together at the time of Lila's Memorial, there could've been some good scenes. IR and JE shine together, do they not? But noooo...the entire SL is all about Tracy desperately pining after a man, much younger and of course much sexier than her "old" self. :rolleyes: I won't even get started on the potential with Brook Lynn. *kicks TPTB* Then there's other things like TQ not getting a role in the her son's a kidnapping, stalking pervert SL, the AJ returns/dies/dies again SL, finding out about Justus's death, becoming CEO of ELQ again...

    And now that I've depressed everyone enough, I've stumbled across this spoiler...







    Luke and Tracy have a heart-to-heart about his marriage to Laura. Luke then goes to see Laura. (We must focus on the first part. :D) And it does sound good, doesn't it? A little tiny better than what we're used to? Right? Work with me guys.

  17. MinervaFan, I haven't even began the letter yet. :o Have to start working on that. Maybe it'll make me feel better.

    ILoveTracyQ, wow, what a long post, LOL. That's all right though. It's made up for you not posting. ;) How about you still stick around here? We'll try very hard to remain positive (effective the post after mine, LOL), or we'll warn everyone if negative thoughts follow. Please. [/begging]

    Re: Dumping JE for GF: I love JE, but I don't think she is all that expensive. She's said in the past that had she stayed on the show year and year, her salary would have accumulated. Instead, she started from scratch each time she returned. Or something like that. In any case, GH would need to do a lot more than get rid of JE to pay for GF. *sigh* I guess getting rid of her would be a start though. (Feel free to tell me if I'm not making sense and or rambling...)

    Re: Fanfiction: If FF.net isn't being cooperative by tomorrow, I'll definitely post on LJ.

    Per SZ...Edward is "visiting" Sonny. Um, can someone please tell Tracy, Monica, and Alan that their nephew is dead?

    Edit: Starting on this page (site might be down for a bit), you'll find some JE praise for her scenes when Tracy had to give up the Charitable Endowment position (July 4, 2005). I've read it before, but if you haven't, you'll love it. If you go back even further (say, an entire year), you'll find pages and pages of praise for her work during Lila's Memorial. Just trying to bring some happy things into this thread. :D

  18. You know what, angel? I bet the "writers" just forgot that Tracy wasn't CEO anymore. These are the same writers that admitted to forgetting that Emily was adopted, and so she shouldn't have resembled a Q ancestor in their Pirates of the Caribbean SL.

    coolkid, you can relax. JE wasn't on. Tracy was just mentioned.

    MinervaFan, I have written more of Oh, Baby, but I was waiting until Fanfiction.net let me post it. If it doesn't work today, I'll probably post in on LJ instead.






    From SOW: The Return Of Laura

    Inside sources confirm Genie Francis is in talks with GH to reprise the role of Laura. Sources say she is asking for a lot of money. Still, that hasn't stopped GH from laying the groundwork for her return. This week, Luke visits his mentally ill wife at Shadybrook A rep says that that don't comment on rumors but would love to have her back.

    I get that Luke will always love Laura, but at the moment, should she really be referred to as his wife? If we're going to be legal about it, his wife is Tracy, but whatever. *sigh* If only JE could get screentime without TG...I'd say screw the Lacy marriage, let Laura return, and have Tracy do business stuff with Daddy and Ned, but nooooo...It's Lacy, or no Tracy. :( *cries*

  19. *dances again* tracyluver is here! :D BTW, yeah, I knew that about JMB. When word got out that Lulu was being SORAS'ed, she was supposed to be 15, and then word got out that a 21 (now 22) year old would be playing the part. :o But GH made her 17 at the LnL wedding. LOL about spelling "presence." I have a hard time with that word too.

    MinervaFan, I'm just assuming it's going to be about Luke. Tracy's all about him and no one else. TPTB are evil.

    *sigh* I miss ILoveTracyQ already, and it hasn't even been 24 hours, LOL.






    Tracy will probably have to deal with helping he through it by telling her of how she was young when she had Ned too ( just how old was she, anyway?)
    I bet TPTB don't go there. JE can't be given decent material. It's a rule...or something, unless it's Sweeps, and even then, it's not guaranteed. :rolleyes: As for her age when Ned was born, no one knows. LOL. We've guessed she was just out of boarding school...18 or so.
  20. angel has posted! angel has posted! *dances around in circles* Makes perfect sense. You know what else is being a b-tch? Fanfiction.net. <_<

    Re: The CEO position: So...Who had it before? I thought Lorenzo, but didn't he give everything to Carly? There's a frightening thought. I still can't believe the Quartermaines let Lorenzo take over in the first place. I place the blame on Edward, Monica, and Skye. And Emily since she let Monica vote for her. *shakes head* Yay for TQ as CEO though! Does this mean she is no longer being reduced to Haunted Star Hostess (cute as those scenes might have been)? She is much better suited for ELQ.

    I'm not mad at Eddie Q. Not at all. It should've been Jason. I am so evil sometimes, LOL.

    Per SZ: Sonny wants the Haunted Star for Emily. Where's Tracy so she can laugh in his face?

    Edit #1: Per SZ: GH just compared Sonny/Emily to Luke/Laura. :o






    From SoapDish: Tracy prepares for battle.

    Heh. I love the wording of that. If true, I'm guessing it's Luke/Holly related. Go get your man, Spunky.

  21. *cries* No, ILoveTracyQ, no. A few weeks?!? *cries again*

    I understand though. :) These boards get to be vicious places, LOL, and it's kind of their fault all the soaps are in the toilet.

    *begins speech* I hardly watch GH anymore. I used to watch to watch for well...entertainment purposes, and even during the Internet Age (can I call it that?), I watched for entertainment purposes. Heh. Am I being repetitive? LOL. And then I discovered the boards, and I started analyzing EVERYTHING! From SLs to actor's performances. Plus, all those spoilers; most of which don't even play out. I argue about fictional characters with my own family members (in the event that we do discuss GH) (i.e. My mother is convinced Sonny is a good person and that AJ is the root of all evil...Oh, and the Q's are boring, Jason and Sam are fun and exciting, and Carly is the greatest mom eva! My sister is the same. :o) Boards, I get it. We're supposed to debate and such, but should I be going this far with my own mother? *ends speech* Anyway...I hope you do return soon. We'll miss you. *hugs*

    MinervaFan, I just got on! Looking forward to the next story.

  22. *sigh* Yeah, it doesn't surprise me. I'm just jealous, LOL.

    Hey, guess what TQ fans? Our girl is CEO of ELQ again! Must've happened offscreen, but at least it happened, right? Am I being positive enough?

    Previews for tomorrow: Sonny and Luke are at the Haunted Star. Sonny has a business proposal for Luke: He wants the casino. Heh. Too bad Tracy can't show up and claim that boat as hers.

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