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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. On 8/19/2023 at 4:38 AM, AbcNbc247 said:

    You would think that after all this time, Dee and Suzanne would’ve at least tried to bury the hatchet. And then we’d finally get Marlena/Maggie scenes again. 

    I mean, for gosh sakes, Suzanne Rogers was like one of the only castmembers that appeared in Deidre Hall's epic made-for-TV movie, "Never Say Never: The Deidre Hall Story" Starring Deidre Hall.  We need a movie follow up! 


  2. 5 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    On a superficial level, it's funny to have not watched for years and then see this episode and realize how much some people have aged. It's kind of confronting 🤣.

    Perhaps they should do what General Hospital has been doing these past few years and make everyone blurry.  

    (Seriously though, it is SO jarring to me to see that airbrushed blurriness whenever I check out GH; I keep thinking there's something wrong with my eyes) 


  3. RJ is starting to give me Aly vibes when she began to go off the deep end, wearing long Amish dresses and preaching about Hope's virtues... 

    In the world of B&B, the George Floyd era is over, so Zende and Paris are yesterday's news. Carter will eventually be just a wedding officiant again... I'll be glad if I'm wrong, but we've seen this sort of scenario play out on B&B.... 

    Meanwhile, didn't Rena Sofer leave the show a full year ago and she's still in the opening credits? 

  4. 26 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    I know I harp on how bad DAYS' sets are, but here's an example. Look at the wall behind Wally Kurth. The flat is pieced just a foot or so to the left of the door. It's also pieced a few inches from the draperies on the left.

    Who builds houses/apartments this way? This is standard on so many DAYS sets that I can't believe it -- and no other soap does it. It looks cheap and ugly.


    And all those patterns... oy.  The same eyesore was happening over at Hope's "house" (i.e. room) in an effort to have some sort of semblance to her actual house from years ago. I swear a blind person must be decorating these sets. 

  5. 21 hours ago, EONGLOLTL said:

    You are a rock star Jason!  Very interesting to see Search for Tomorrow's final rating from CBS and first week on NBC.  I wonder what CBS thought of Capital's ratings?  Falling fast!

    As I was going through late '81 and early '82, I actually forgot we were about to see the network switch for SFT. It really is a shame CBS dropped it, considering it was still in the middle of the pack, beating all of NBC and 1, sometimes 2 (Ryan's Hope) ABC shows. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    -- Sets alert: Another disaster. That Iceland hotel room is so ugly, so non-Scandinavian, so non-Ikea in execution that I couldn't stop looking at it. Drapes by Family Dollar.

    Not just in Iceland; Salemites evidently have no clue how to hang drapery properly or buy the right length. Everyone's curtains are crumpled up at the floor. I think the only drapery tailored to the right length are John & Marlena's. 


  7. 19 minutes ago, Taoboi said:



    GET HER, MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






    Heather: "You think I look inbred?"

    Mary: "I do."


    Looks messy, but a good messy and I hope they turn things around from last season. 

    Side note:  This new Housewives trend of the last few years of having constant costume parties needs to be toned down. All the ridiculous wigs, bonnets, beards etc. is a bit overkill. 

  8. Oh yeah, for sure Porsha didn't catch on for me until the epic 10th season (with a spectacular reunion performance), right after her disastrous year on season 9 which could have gotten her the boot. 

    I liked Eva; I didn't have a problem with her like others did. She shined on RHUGT2. And we'll get one more run with her on the Morocco UGT. Otherwise, if she's happier off the show, good for her then. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    John/Marlena's house also defies sense when they have that small ass living room and one hallway that leads to the bathrooms, kitchen, multiple bedrooms, etc all on one floor.  

    The same what I think when I see Chad & Stephanie's new pad. That cramped lil living room/kitchen area is like a studio or a 1 bedroom with lousy square footage. To think two spunky lil kids also live there? C'mon... 

    I hate that Paulina has no windows. I get that they're supposed to be on the "4th wall," but they've gotten lazy at using strategic lighting to convey light shining in through a window. 

    And... what I have complained about now for YEARS... they need to crank up the ambient outdoor noise! Let's hear that air, that wind, crickets, birds, traffic going by, etc. etc. etc.  And someone please set up an oscillating fan so that those plastic leaves and trees show some sort of life to them. 

    And while we're talking about the overall cheapness, I swear they recycle the same five background extras and just put them in various wigs, toupees, and thick-rimmed glasses. 

    End of rant. :) 


  10. 46 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am against Talia falling for Chanel too in some ways.  I find this story too similar to the Allie romance with Chanel "turning" these straight girls onto bisexuality, but it is soapy and could be good if they involve Tripp/Wendy/Johnny. 

    Yeah, it's really teetering on the stereotype that women are more sexually fluid than men, especially black women; that they can so easily be turned or convinced to go the other way. On the flip side, I highly doubt we'd ever see an "alpha male" (ugh, hate that term, BTW) like a Xander or Alex suddenly get a boner for a dude. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    @Gray Bunny, I think that by SLC coming in so hot, so fast, they burned out just as quickly. Season 3 was one of the worst seasons EVER in the entire franchise. 

    Carlos King's podcast recently revealed that production told Heather Gay not to reveal what happened to her black eye. They shot themselves in the foot and made one of their breakout stars look like a damn fool. 

    Oh yeah, I agree on the burnout. The entire cast were doing too much after their newfound fame hit at the end of season one. It was hard to keep track of who hated who and why. 

    Re: Atlanta. If Cynthia Bailey is spending more time back in the ATL, give her a peach. And Porsha, for all the favoritism and whatnot, brought something to the show that has yet to be recaptured. They should either go heavy on returning vets or cut their losses on every single current castmember and start fresh with a brand new perspective. Otherwise, the newbies they've scrounged up as of late are Drew, Sanya, Latoya, and Courtney... A real winning team there. 

  12. 38 minutes ago, NothinButAttitude said:


    I've been saying this for the longest. Production is the issue. It isn't the cast. We saw last year that this cast can deliver when necessary. They are doing it at times this year; however, production is pushing them to do dumb sh*t they did in the past. The only change I'd make to the cast is getting rid of 1 or 2 of the Marlo/Sheree/Sanya crew (most likely, I'd get rid of Sheree again at this point) and bring on 2 new women along with Porsha being brought back. But production needs to be fired. 

    But, but, what about all those awesome camera angles and moody music when someone is walking up a curb, grabbing a vending machine item at the hotel, or making their way out of the bathroom? 

    LOL. I kid. But in all seriousness, if they wish to hold on to their roots (versus doing a total reboot a la NYC), I'd keep Sheree around. I'm sure she [still] needs the money anyhow. 

    I don't know if I already brought this up weeks back when Courtney (aka Wannabe © @Taoboi) debuted, but one of my hubby's clients is from Atlanta and knows Courtney through her former marriage. And she confirmed that she is by no means related to Ralph; it's just a schtick for the show. 


    Re: NuRHONY. We're still at the beginning of episode 3, with Ubah and Brynn both playfully vying for the hot trainer's attention. The show is decent, but it's not popping for me the way Salt Lake City did.  Now granted, SLC also imploded faster than any Housewives show in history, but their first season they came out hot 'n bothered. 

  13. On 8/5/2023 at 10:51 AM, 1974mdp said:

    Oh Lord. I actually love Emily O'Brien, but this is such a horrible idea. Sometimes I feel like DAYS has just turned into a parody of soaps the last few years.

    It really has. It can be so cringey at times. 

    One thought about this awful trend of re-using the same actors in different roles:  I also feel like this is the show's cheap copout to having viewers get used to a new face in a recast role. Instead, we're already familiar with the actor, so it's just a matter of us adjusting our brains to think of them in a different role where their character interacts with a different branch of other characters.

    It's obnoxious. I blame Josh Taylor. LOL (kidding, but you know what I mean...) 

  14. On 8/6/2023 at 2:12 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I believe it was in a 1996 LA Time article where it was revealed that CBS had asked Bill Bell to create a new soap for them, the year before in 1995. Bill Bell wanted nothing to do with this & wanted to be left completely out of it. Their plan was to replace the P&G soaps. They were so brazen doing this in the open & P&G threw whatever is a business "fit" & there was a battle of words between CBS and P&G. P&G won, sorta. CBS agreed to abandon the idea of new soaps and to retain ATWT & GL but they had conditions. 

    For ATWT it was a different way of telling stories, different narrative style. Lynn Liccardo calls it pod story-telling. Where the traditional style could be said to be weaving a tapestry where different strands from different stories were connected in pod story-telling people & their stories would be isolated, standalone. 

    For GL it was a new production model, drastically different. 

    I believe both these changes contributed to the demise of the shows. 


    1996 LATimes.png

    Piggybacking off of this... this was in SOD around April 1996, if I remember correctly. I scanned it some time back: 


  15. 7 minutes ago, JAS0N47 said:

    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 6/29/81-7/3/81 & 7/6/81-7/10/81:



    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 7/13/81-7/17/81 & 7/20/81-7/24/81:



    Thanks as always @JAS0N47

    For as much as we know that a whole new slew of people began watching daytime soaps around this time, at the same time we can see how the AMC/OLTL/GH powerhouse block really did siphon off viewers from CBS & NBC. It's such a steep drop from the top 3 shows; down into the 7's for CBS's leading shows. It's interesting to see at this time, how it's basically a clear cut of ABC top tier, CBS in the middle, NBC at the bottom. 

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