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Gray Bunny

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Posts posted by Gray Bunny

  1. On 9/23/2023 at 6:27 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Way overdue or way too late? The Killing Pool was the last classic story of the 90’s and I loved Edmund and Susan at the time, but their story ended with ED leaving of course. I didn’t think we’d ever seen Edmund again. 

    Yeah, I would've thought he'd pop up around 2014... I think that's when ED's Susan first returned after a 15+ year absence. 

  2. On 9/23/2023 at 10:10 AM, JAS0N47 said:

    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 1/27/86-1/31/86 & 2/3/86-2/7/86:


    FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 2/10/86-2/14/86 & 2/17/86-2/21/86:


    Nice healthy numbers sustained through February. 

    It seems there would be many times at least through the end of the 90's that we'd see higher numbers for most of the soaps in January and February, due to massive snow storms, particularly on the east coast that meant lots of people staying home from work and school. 

  3. 14 hours ago, Taoboi said:



    A whole A$$ mess. BUT...a FUN mess.


    Lord, I can't believe that the SLC ladies are going three-for-three on good episodes. The animosity toward Angie K is really fueling this first set of episodes and Production has been on point with the funny.


    And speaking of funny...MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I've hollered so many times during this episode. And most of it was because of her. Her comments. Her facial reactions (like when Monica interrupted the 'boring' game to spill her affair tea). And she was keeping everyone straight...INCLUDING her friend Meredith. And we all know good and well I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE for ANY moment that Mary drags Little Girl. And I fell out when Heather gave the sh*t-faced drunk assist a la 'Is Jamal coming' style. Thank God, she's back. Honorable mention: 'I'm not talking to you.' and Mary/Monica shopping...more of that dynamic please. 


    As for the rest...


    MEREDITH. Wooooow. Well, I keep saying that an engaged Meredith is a DANGEROUS Meredith. And she continues to prove me right!!! Even Fabulous Ice looked scared when Meredith started dropping tea on Angie K's husband. Uh oh now. But see? The rivalry between Meredith and Angie K continues to give more and more. Moreso than a rivalry between Meredith and Fabulous Ice actually. I want to see where it will go. 


    LISA. Speaking of seeing where a rivalry goes, YES to Fabulous Ice vs Monica. Just the brief moment of it at the dinner...THAT'S how it's done. Monica was coming from a good place, but it was clear that Lisa was getting offended and defensive about it. And you just know that it might continue to stay left because as Monica said in the first episode...Fabulous Ice is all about Fabulous Ice. That said...thank you, Production, for the rollback on the multiple times Fabulous Ice mentioned that ring.


    HEATHER. I had mixed feelings on her this week. She is just soooo jealous over clear high school/college kid trauma. First with Fabulous Ice. Even with Little Girl at times. And now with Angie K. I was just rme at her for her clear jealousy. On the other hand, Heather was actual a fun hot mess this week and I was loving it. Her giggle during Meredith vs Angie K....GUUURL ME!!! Her commentary was just as funny as Mary (her 'oh, s^it' at the beginning of the episode was ALSO ME). And her assist in Mary's dragging of Little Girl was Chef's kiss. God, she was fun. Except for the vomit, of course. 


    ANGIE K. Over her being victim this week. You can't sit there and throw out quips over the host ignoring you when you WERE NOT INVITED IN THE FIRST PLACE, TRICK!!!! And then she KEPT throwing potshots. And THEN she started mess with Meredith at dinner and wondered why Meredith got into it with her after spending the day paying her dust for the most part. Whatever, girl. At least she gave good Confessional looks, I guess.


    MONICA. Looooooooooove her. She continues to be a fun addition. From her commentary to her standing up for herself with Angie K (who WAS talking behind her back...some friend) to her dynamic with Mary (more please!!!) to her vs Fabulous Ice. Monica just keeps giving. And her totally derailing the 'boring' game with her affair tea was great. 




    DRAG HER AGAIN, MARY!!! DRAG HER FOR ME!!! AH!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

    Little Girl has gotten away for too long without anyone holding her accountable. And you know who used to do that...MARY. So to see Mary drag her transparent a$$ again was a thing of beauty. And still hollering over S&it Faced Heather with the assist. It is so clear what WHitLittle Girl is doing that it's shocking no one sees it. But I guess I can give her soooome credit...she's slowly turning into the Ashley Darby of this branch of Housewives. But how much is she an Ashley? I guess we will find out next week when she does the unthinkable...comes for MARY.


    Overall...that was a great episode and I cannot believe how good this show has been after that lackluster last season. See what happens when Production doesn't play favorites?

    Not at all. They need to do something different. 


    Little Girl does not have the wit nor charm of my darling Ashley Darby. Nuh-uh, no way. 

    Whitney's hand at getting this all started up (Angie going for Meredith) was so obvious, as was her smirk at the table. She's sloppy at throwing the brick and hiding the hand, though. I'd sooner compare her to Gizelle. 

    I cannot stand this Angie girl. First of all, I think they can drop the "K". The other shaky voiced Angie H(arrington) isn't coming back. Secondly, talk about a thirsty performance to cause trouble, become relevant, and secure a snowflake.  The confessional look is a low budget Britney Spears ripoff that even Ramona Singer could pull off better. And the botched up face? Gurl, get a refund.  

    Meanwhile, Mary continues to be the kooky unfiltered Greek chorus, calling out mess left and right. Get 'er Mare!  (Her being Little Girl). 

    I'm liking Monica a lot and I like that she instantly called out Angie's B.S. with being a lousy friend and doing too much. She's a keeper, I think. To be continued... 

  4. 2 hours ago, kalbir said:

    As for Guiding Light, Pamela Long departs as HW and there's numerous changes to the writing team, thus the drop. I don't believe GL was in cancel territory in 1986 though.

    Me either. Capitol was still CBS's lowest rated show and B&B hadn't premiered yet, nor taken off, so the idea of having 3 Bell soaps wasn't an idea... yet. 


  5. 1 hour ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    (I think RC's one and only true all-cast event was Chad & Abby and Sonny & Paul's double wedding, and I have no idea how that got green-lit as recent as 2017). 

    The Rex & Chloe scenes (which really worked) I guess were also meant to mirror Alex & Ciara's with the actor swaps I'm assuming.

    I think the last big event, which involved St. Luke's as we knew it coming to an end, was the explosion in summer 2020 which was supposed to be the cliffhanger before the 2 week break for the Olympics that didn't happen. 

    I'd still take Kyle Lowder back as Brady any day. There, I said it. I don't care how unpopular or popular he is. :)

  6. 32 minutes ago, DaytimeFan said:

    Absolutely. I really found Courtney hard to stomach.

    The BravBros podcast has a theory about Courtney and Ralph: they hooked up. I can see it. 

    Also, Drew's dress had to be the least flattering thing I've seen a housewife wear in a long time. Her singing *at* him was cringe and hilarious and tough to watch and just...all of it. They should absolutely divorce because it's an unhealthy marriage that will never, ever, recover. 

    The cringe factor was of epic proportions, sure to go down in Housewives history. It was hilariously weird. 

    I feel like we could learn a lot more about the whole situation if Drew's mom sister had a chance to speak... 

  7. 22 hours ago, Cat said:

    A rumor doing that rounds that sent cold chills down my spine: Leah McSweeney has apparently (in the mind of someone on Twitter X whateveritscalled) been asked to join the next season of the RHONY reboot:blink:


    RHOBH AmsterDAMN episode with Barbies

    All the more reason why I'm sitting Nu-RHONY out. 

    OC's resurgence is proof you can retool, tweak, and bring back faves and keep the long-running casts alive. They panicked and caved with OG RHONY.  I hope they go the OC route with next season's Atlanta and eventually Jersey. 

  8. 15 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Don't have the California Dreams time frame yet, but here's a look at the premiere of SBTB in 1989, and May sweeps weeks of SBTB in 1990 and 1991. They lost a full ratings point between each time frame (4.9 premiere, 3.8 in May 1990 and 2.8 in May 1991).




    Awesome, thanks Jason! 

  9. 16 hours ago, Cheap21 said:

    Its okay for the first episode but i dont want to be hearing about this on episode 10

    I think Bathtub Gate (LOL) will be the catalyst to keep a feud going this season between Meredith and Whitney; meaning Meredith has put a target on Little Girl's back and is just waiting for her to slip up in the proverbial tub again. 

  10. SLC: 

    I enjoyed the premiere! It looks like they're bouncing back, putting the final blow finishing touches to the Jen Shah era, and will forge ahead. 

    Meredith... oh boy, so this season's Petty Fight will be about a bathtub.  "Don't talk about my marriage, don't talk about my bathtub, and don't talk about my kids." In that order. LOL 

    I'm now on the bandwagon of just calling Whitney "Little Girl" because she is the one who won't let the dumb Bad Weather feud die out. She kept it alive on RHUGT and she'll continue on this season against her cousin. Now that Meredith has picked her target this year (first Jen, then Lisa, now Little Girl), she better watch out, because Meredith is lethal. Plus, I like watching Meredith do her Rosie The Robot malfunction ticks, similar to a Ramona Singer meltdown. 

    I'm also warming to the Lisa Barlow praise. She's like The Grande Dame of Salt Lake City. Unfazed, unbothered, totally into her own fabulous self and damn the haters.

    Mary. God bless Mary. Just what the doctor ordered! She will be perfect as a Friend Of role so that I don't get icked out by her personal life and cult church. 

    Heather: "Did you all read my book?"

    Mary (under her breath): "No one's reading that book." 


    I'm liking what I see of the new girl so far as well. Loved the Jen tea she dropped. And in keeping with modern Housewives tradition, this year's marriage under attack will be Lisa and John's. Joy. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    Rough for his age? He is 43, and always tracked a little older than his real age. Plus you have to consider that this plot doesn't bring back a guy who's supposed to have been at a spa. I appreciate it that JPL hasn't wrecked his face with fillers and Botox.

    Whether it's JPL or JKJ, we're getting the sunken in cheeks look. It's Philip Kiriakis of 2023. No one's a baby face forever. 

    On the other current thread subject, DAYS is so weird with their gay male characters. They're either a complete over the top joke like Leo, or they're these chaste straight-laced goody-goodies that come off as the common heterosexual. I don't get it, and clearly neither do the writers. 

  12. 18 minutes ago, marceline said:

    Not me. This man has spent his life trying to destroy our democracy and advance the cause of white supremacy. He is directly responsible for harm done to millions of people in this country. He's made it clear that he will happily spend his every last breath in service of evil. He's earned this pain and I'm happy that I get a chance to watch.

    "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” 

    [!@#$%^&*] him. I hope to see Barack and Michelle dance on his grave to "At Last."

    Agreed. No sympathy. Someone put this man to pasture; he looks like a damn fool with his "I'm just light headed" "I didn't eat" whatever B.S. his team is feeding to the media who eats it right up. Die on the spot next time. #sorrynotsorry 

  13. Meanwhile, I've only started episode 4 of NuRHONY on my own, and I don't feel compelled to continue. If there's already a midseason trailer out, it must be a short season! I'm sure I'll sit down and binge it eventually. 

    Side note: In its place, hubby & I are watching early years of Married to Medicine. We started at Season 3 (I think); the year Dr. Heavenly joins. I am *loving* this show... 

  14. 25 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    Atlanta is only getting a 2 part reunion. Thank god. 

    And here I thought they'd drag out the Drew post-filming divorce drama... which I'm sure they do.  It means so much of everything else is a dud. Glad to know it'll be a tighter reunion. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    Unfortunately, I believe that Al Alarr thought that GH fans would flock to DAYS to see SB. Instead, you have fans like me of both shows who are so glad he's gone from GH but so furious that he's at DAYS. And, adding TB to the mix just compounds the problem. Literally, they played opposite each other 18 years ago. My God, why not hire Martha & Jon (Lily & Holden/ATWT) since they were last together 13 years ago!!! Got plenty of acting couples out of work!

    Isn't that cute... people up top actually thinking viewers are going to soap hop in the year 2023 to see their favorites from two decades prior. Adorable. 

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