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Heartbreaking episode. Again I loved the Mary/Mason scenes at the end. And the Gina/Joann fight, i can so see it happening. Excellent job in bringing this to life again
HOLY S H I T EJ as a Cassadine!!!! What a twist! Just the mere thought that Stefano and Helena could procreate sends shivers down my spine
"So you two having a nice night out? Where's Patrick and James?" Sonny asked. He signaled to the waiter for a drink and leaned back in his chair, fully aware of the drama going on around him regarding Carly and Brenda and not caring. Amused at the situation going on around her, Brenda answered, "James is with Ned. He didn't mind watching him so I could go out with Robin. I was thinking of hiring a nanny though." Sonny raised his hand to accept his drink and offered, "Leticia is always available if you want to bring James over. She is very good with Michael and Morgan and she loves kids." "Yeah, Carly won't mind that one." Brenda said sarcastically. "Patrick's on call tonight." Robin sipped her margarita, "Brenda and I haven't seen much of each other so we decided to come out tonight. I need the relaxation. Obviously my life has turned upside down recently." "I know Robin," Sonny said sympathetically, "I know you and Felicia were close." Robin shook her head. She wanted to have fun tonight and not get depressed. Plus watching Carly at the bar watch Brenda was fun. Brenda leaned over and laid a hand on Sonny's arm, "What have you been up to lately? I haven't seen you around much." Brenda cooed as she sipped her margarita. Sonny leaned back in his chair,he knew exactly what Brenda was doing, "a little of this, a little of that." "How's Jason?" Brenda looked from Robin to Sonny, "Can you believe I once was married to him." Robin interjected, "I can't." She looked down at her pager, "Shoot, my pager is going off, it's the hospital. I have to go. Sonny do you mind bringing Brenda home? I would appreciate it. Brenda you don't mind do you?" Brenda shook her head, her hair smoothly falling into place down her back, "Not at all Robin. Call me later." Robin walked out into the hallway and too her car. She jumped when a hand came down on her shoulder. It was Patrick and he leaned in and kissed her passionately. "Did you like the page I just sent you?" "That was you?" Robin said, tightening her embrace. "Yep, I left the hospital and thought we could, you know. Come here." Patrick said. He pulled her into a coat room and started to kiss her passionately. Her hands ran over his chest feverishly and she lightly scratched his chest. She pulled his shirt off and kissed his chest. He quickly discarded her shirt and bra, molding her breasts in his hands. Robin's fingers nimbly undid his pants and she also quickly undid her jeans. Patrick put a condom on, then picked her up. Robin wrapped her legs around his waist as he entered her. She gasped and bit down lightly on his shoulder. They moved together, their passion for each other knowing no bounds. They were both breathing heavily as they both came. Robin kept her legs wrapped tightly around him, not wanting to let go. Patrick tenderly kissed her. "I love you Robin" He breathed in her ear. "I love you too." She responded, eyes closed. Jax walked into Metro Court and walked towards an angry Carly. She leaned up and kissed him, but he could sense something was amiss. Checking out the restaurant, he immediately spotted the cause of Carly's mood. "Carly. What's wrong?" She looked away and ordered a drink, "Nothing. What makes you think something is wrong?" "Oh I don't know. Because Brenda and Sonny are here having drinks. I know how you are Carly." Jax answered knowingly. "Don't bother hiding it from me." Carly whipped around and retorted, "I don't know why she has to throw it in my face that she could get Sonny back. That's not what is really bothering me Jax. I am afraid that she will try to get her claws into you and you will want her back." Patiently Jax took her in his arms and kissed her, "Carly, it has been over between Brenda and I for years. It is you that I love. You are going to have to trust that. You are going to have to trust me." "Well then, you are going to have to prove it to me." Carly said. "How can I prove it to you? Can't you trust me?" Carly looked him squarely in the eye and gave him an ultimatium, "In one month, I want us to get married." Back in Metro Court, Sonny stared at Brenda, "I know what you are doing and you know what? It's working." "What are you talking about?" Brenda said innocently. "Making Carly jealous. If you really wanted to make her jealous, you would kiss me." Sonny said, edging his seat closer. "Kiss you, you want me to kiss you?" Brenda laughed. "In your dreams Sonny." Sonny inched closer, "You know you want me too. It used to be so good between us. Let me take you out to dinner. Let me show you that I have changed. Let's give us another chance." "Another chance for you to trample all over my heart again? You will just go back to Carly if given half a chance. I think you are only using me to get to her. Forget it Sonny. I have a son to think about." Brenda said, raising her drink and sipping it "I never got over you Brenda. It's always been you." Sonny leaned over and kissed her. He put his hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her close. He pulled back briefly to look into her surprised eyes and kissed her again and again. "Come home with me Brenda." he whispered huskily. Brenda stood up and smiled faintly, "No Sonny, it won't work." She walked away. Once she got out to the foyer she leaned against the wall, her heart racing. Sonny could still get to her. Elizabeth knocked on the door to her and Lucky's loft before letting herself in. Nikolas and Emily were there as well as Lucky. "Hi everyone. Lucky, can I talk to you for a moment?" He looked at her coldly, "Now is not a good time. But feel free to get some of yours and Cameron's stuff." His voice was so cold she could barely recognize it. Nikolas stepped over to his brother and said in a low voice, "Come on Lucky, hear her out. At least she was brave enough to come here." "Please Lucky, let's just go to the bedroom and talk." Elizabeth pleaded. Lucky shook his head, "I am not ready. I can't help it, I am too mad. Give me a couple days to cool down Liz, then we can talk. I will call you." Emily stood up, "Come on Liz, I will go into the bedroom and help you get some things together." She and Elizabeth walked into the bedroom, leaving the brothers alone. "Come on Lucky, cut her some slack. She took you back when you were sleeping with Maxie. The least you could do is hear her out." Nikolas tried reasoning. Lucky stared down his brother, "Do you know how guilty I feel right now? Maxie is dead because of me. My wife is pregnant with another man's baby which she convinently forgot to tell me about. I can't do this right now. I look at Elizabeth and I see Maxie in her final moments. Plus I see Jason. I just can't do it." "Ok, ok. But talk to her soon. She will need you." Nikolas implored. "I will." Lucky said, walking towards the kitchen to get a drink. In the bedroom Emily whirled around on Elizabeth, startling her, "How could you sleep with my brother? How could you do this to Lucky? Have you no conscience?" "Emily you don't understand." Elizabeth said, opening up some drawers to get some clothes. "Oh really," Emily folded her arms, "Tell me what I don't understand." Elizabeth faced her, "I had just seen Lucky with Maxie and I went to Jason. He had just lost Sam not to long ago. We were both upset and lonely and one thing led to another." "So why didn't you tell either one of them about the paternity? You realize that you could have saved a whole lot of pain if you had been truthful." Emily said self righteously. "Oh shut up Emily. I know I made a mistake. People make mistakes. We aren't all perfect like you." Elizabeth said, trying to get past her. Emily moved quickly to block her. "I can't believe that you did this to my brother. This is my brother we are talking about. Not to mention your husband." Elizabeth spoke calmly, yet getting more angry , "Emily, please move out of my way. This is none of your business. This is between me and Lucky." Emily backed away, "I will tell you this, we are no longer friends." ~Next time Elizabeth has no where to go as Nikolas looks for her Jason has a lover Robert picks up Mac at the police station
I like number 1 as you see everyone and it is beautiful and simple. Followed by number three
SO good. Just so good. Love that Julia finally told Mason about Mary. The interaction between Sophia and Ted was so real, I felt like I was watching it on TV. You did an excellent job
Love the episode. I can totally see Carly saying everything that she did. I also loved David and his cameraphone. Classic!
Luke's Club....late. Mac was at the bar, drunk. He had been drinking everyday since Maxie had shot herself at Felicia's memorial service. Friends and family had been by to visit everyday and he had been drunk every time. Even Robert was concerned. Bobbie had stopped by one afternoon to see how he was and he was passed out. Robin came by to check on him and bring him breakfast. It was nine am and he was already drinking. Everyone was worried for him. Luke went over and sits down next to Mac. "Hey Mac. I think you have had enough. Let me get you a ride home. You need to ease up on the liquor." Mac looks at Luke scornfully, " Luke give it up. I came to a realization in the last few days. Maxie was right. I let her down in so many ways and now she is gone. I was a worse father to her than Frisco ever was. I couldn't control her. I couldn't see what was in front of me. I made her do the things that she did. All of this happening is my fault." "You know that isn't true Mac." Luke said softly, "Maxie was very troubled and she hid it well." "Spare me the platitudes Luke. They are beneath you." Mac spit out angrily, "Now I would appreciate it if you got me another drink. It's a bar, it's why I am here. To drink my troubles away." Luke looks over his shoulder and beckons to Laura, who is eating dinner with Bobbie. Laura comes over, "Hi Mac. How are you tonight? What's going on?" "Let's see, my wife is dead and my daughter is too. Not too good." Mac replied sarcastically. "Mac, I think you need to go home. You have had a lot to drink." Laura said soothingly. Mac laughs, "It dulls the pain." "It won't bring Felicia or Maxie back." Laura said. "You have to know that." Mac turned to her, "Let me ask you this Laura, what would you do if you lost Luke in a tragic accident and one of your kids killed themselves at his memorial service? How would you react?" Laura looked at him sadly and replied, "Mac, I am like you. I have other children. You have Georgie that you have raised and Robin also. I would be strong for them. They need you. You are the parent. You cannot keep drowning your sorrows like this". "Spare me the politically correct answer. Now Luke, are you going to get me another drink or what?" Mac said, turning his back on Luke and Laura. Luke walks over to Bobbie and sits down, "Barbara Jean, how is my favorite sister tonight?" He grabs a french fry and pops it in his mouth, "I have a favor to ask." "You want me to drive Mac home." Bobbie said. "Look at him. He's a wreck. Plus you both have a lot in common so I thought it would be nice. You lost BJ and he lost Maxie and you both love Flea." Bobbie stood up and grabbed her purse. "Luke are you going soft on me?" Luke smiled devilishly, "Never!" Metro Court...late Alexis and Sonny were dining together with Kristina and Molly and discussing her case for custody of Molly. She wanted to take Ric down for all he had down to her and to Sam. Sonny just wanted to do it because, well he was Sonny. "Alexis, I said it was going to work, it will work. Trust me." "You know I hate it when you say trust me." Alexis said, looking over at Molly and helping her with her food, "That's like asking the devil if it's warm in hell." "Mommy what's hell." Kristina inquired. Sonny looked at Kristina and answered, "It's a place in the middle of the Earth where it's really hot and you don't ever want to go there." "Sonny!" "What?" Sonny smiled, "Come on Alexis, you know I want you to have custody of Molly. No way should Ric even have any type of access to her. He is not a fit parent. I have done many things wrong, but I know how to parent. Ric doesn't. He's selfish and greedy and evil. Look what he did to you when you were having chemo and tried to get custody. That's just wrong." Alexis took a bite of her salad, "Sonny you get no argument from me, I agree with you. Everyone is going along with this?" "Alexis you are well liked and I called in a couple favors. Carly is all over it, as is Jax. Carly wants revenge against him and will do anything to get it. I hated asking Jax for help but he is one of your best friends. You know Ric is watching your every move. I said I would do the dirty work. I even contacted Elizabeth." Sonny took a bite of his lasagna. "You know Alexis, my lasagna is better. Much better. I should tell Carly." "Of course it is Sonny," Alexis said condesceningly, "But Elizabeth? I will believe it when I see it. She has always had a soft spot for you." "You should believe me more Alexis." Sonny turned to Kristina as Carly walked by and headed towards the bar, "Kristina, Daddy loves you." Sonny stood up and kissed Kristina, "Alexis, I will see you later. Trust me!" Carly stopped at the bar and asked for a drink. "Have you seen Jax tonight?" She asked the bartender. When he shook his head she surveryed the crowd. Inwardly she groaned when she saw that Robin and Brenda were across the room from Alexis and Sonny. Of course, Sonny was facing Brenda. Jealousy rose in Carly and she was growing irritated. She had a feeling that Brenda was back in town to either take Jax away from her or get Sonny once and for all. Carly didn't want Sonny, but she didn't want Brenda to have him either. Plus, Carly was not convinced that Sonny or Jax was the father of Brenda's baby. She glanced over at their table again. She would kill to be able to hear their conversation. "So Robin, how are things going? Tell me what's going on." Brenda asked, concerned. "Well Uncle Mac is a wreck and I don't think my father is helping much. Everything about that house reminds him of Felicia and Maxie." Robin sighed and took a sip of her margarita. "Plus he also thinks he's a failure as a father. I just don't know what to do. I don't know what to tell him. I tell him all the time he did a great job with me and then he tells me that he's not because if he was a good father, I never would have gotten involved with Stone and have HIV."" "Oh God Robin, that's awful. He is just being irrational. The only thing you can do is just listen to him when he needs you. Are you staying at the house?" Brenda counseled. Robin shook her head, "Not anymore. I was for a while, but he finally told me to go home. Patrick agreed with him. Patrick has been wonderful through all of this, completely supportive of my needs." Brenda sipped her margarita, "I wish he wasn't on call tonight so he could have come out with us. He's a nice guy, totally perfect for you. It is nice to get out." Brenda looked up, "Oh Robin, Sonny is here and he is staring." Robin laughed, "That's funny because Carly is at the bar and she is watching him watch you I guess. She is so jealous." Brenda laughed, "She hates us and I don't care. I have no idea what Jax sees in her. I can see what Sonny did, but not Jax. She still thinks that Jax is the father of James. Of course I won't give her a straight answer either. Can you imagine if I hooked up with Sonny again? She would have a heart attack." Brenda said cattily. "You aren't thinking..." "Nope, not going to happen. He's tried to see me a couple times and we have talked. He is so out of my system." Brenda stated firmly. "Brenda, has there been anyone since" Robin stopped abruptly, "Hi Sonny. How are you?" Brenda whipped around in her chair, "Hi Sonny want to join us?" Brenda asked wickedly. Sonny pulled up a chair, "I think I will." ~Next time Sonny and Brenda talk while Carly gets more jealous Patrick and Robin have a romantic evening Elizabeth and Lucky fight
Excellent reveal and I love the way you wrote it. Never suspected Annie. Great Episode
Robin opened the door to Kelly's and sat down at one of the tables. She checked her watch and realized she was early. Her mother, Anna, was leaving later that day and Robin was meeting her before she left for New York. Kelly's was empty, except for Lulu who was in and out of the back room. The door opened, "Hello Robin." Robin stood up and kissed her mother's cheek. "Hi Mom. Are you all packed?" "Yes I am," Anna sat down and contemplated her daughter, "How are you feeling?" "I am ok." Robin sighed, "As you know, I moved back into the brownstone today. It was nice getting back to my place. Although it seems like this past week has been unreal." Anna walked up to the counter and got coffees for her and Robin. Sitting back down she commented, "I know. Poor Maxie was in a lot of pain. The note that she left was so sad. I am afraid that Mac will blame himself for her suicide." "Mom you have no idea how she would run after Lucky. It almost ruined Lucky and Liz's marriage. I know she blames a lot on Frisco too." Robin hung her head, "This is just not right. I wish I could make the pain go away. I myself feel that I have lost so much in my life, now I have lost Felicia and Maxie as well." "Robin;" Anna looked at her daughter with concern, "Are you ok with my leaving?" Robin threw her hair back and smiled, "Of course I am Mom. I understand the life that you are leading. When I saw you in Pine Valley we made amends and everything was ok." "Ok, because I am well aware that Robert is not ever going to be Father of the Year." Anna said. "Isn't that right." Robin laughed. "I can't forgive him for everything that he has done but he is trying. Strangely enough he and Patrick get along well. Mom, they are so much alike it is scary." Anna laughed, "Women are always attracted to men who are like their fathers." Anna said lightly. The door of Kelly's opened and Patrick walked in. "Were your ears ringing?" Anna laughed. Patrick leaned down and kissed Robin's cheek, "Nope. How are the two of you today? Anna I understand you are leaving today?" "Yes I am." Anna glanced at her watch and stood up, "Robin, I have to leave to catch my flight. Please let me know if you need anything. I am just a phone call away." She hugged her daughter and held her back at arms length. "Remember that I love you and I always will." She glanced over at Patrick, "Patrick, take care of my daughter or you will have me to contend with. Ask Robert what I am talking about." Anna kissed Robin again and left Kelly's. Robin's eyes filled with tears as she watched her mother leave. Patrick put his arms around her, "I love you Robin." "I love you too Patrick." Lucky opens the door and sees Elizabeth sitting on the couch with her feet up, "We need to talk." Lucky says, throwing his keys down on the table near the door. "I know." Elizabeth puts her book down and sits up. "I have been waiting for you to come to me to talk." Lucky sat down across from Elizabeth for a long time, his gaze fixed on her. Finally he spoke, "Liz, we have been through so much together over so many years. You saw me through my addiction and my rehab and you could have left me. I am tending to believe that what Maxie was saying was because of her obsession with me." He paused and with pain in his voice he asked, "But for some reason their is doubt eating away at me. What Maxie said, is it true? Is Jason the father of our baby?" For a long time Elizabeth didn't say anything. Then she nodded. "Yes." She whispered. "Yes he is. I am so sorry Lucky." Angrily Lucky jumped up and started pacing the room, "Were you ever going to tell me? You let me go through everything, the drug addiction, everything, thinking that I was the guilty one when you two obviously were sleeping together. How many times Liz? How many times did you sleep with Jason? Was it once a week, three times a week. How many?" In a small voice she said, "Once. Lucky I swear it" "I don't believe you! All those times you took late shifts at the hospital, were you meeting Jason for sex! You did this to get back at me for sleeping with Maxie. I only slept with her for drugs, because I was addicted. What was your excuse? Was he better than me? When we were making love, were you thinking of him?" Lucky shouted. "No Lucky!" Liz fired back, "It was one time. Not long after Sam died and he came back. I saw you and Maxie together in OUR bed and I was upset and I ended up at his house. I was upset and I went to him as a friend. Go ask him if you don't believe me." Lucky looked at her scornfully, "Yeah right. I don't believe you. Is this baby mine?" Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her protruding belly, "What Maxie said is true. I had a paternity test and Jason is the father. I didn't want to ruin your rehab so I kept quiet." "Didn't think I could handle it." "Something like that." Liz fired back. "You need to get out of here. Go back to your lover. I am way too angry. Since Maxie's death, which I blame myself for by the way, I have had way too much on my mind. I just want to be alone. I don't care where you go, just go." Lucky shouted. "Lucky, " Elizabeth pleaded, "Let me stay." In a cold, hard voice, he said, "Get the hell out." Carly impatiently rang the doorbell at the Quartermaine mansion several times before Alice answered, "About time." Carly said as she pushed her way through, "I'm looking for Brenda." "Brenda is upstairs with the baby." Alice said. "She is putting him down for his nap." "Then either you go get her or I will." Carly said, taking off her gloves, "And I don't think you want me going up there." Tracy walked out into the foyer, martini in hand, "Look what the cat dragged in. What do you want?" "I need to speak to Brenda." Carly said impatiently, "Not that you care" "Go get her Alice. I will entertain our guest." Tracy narrowed her eyes and sipped her martini. "Someone must have told you about Brenda's baby and you must be dying to know the million dollar question. Who's the Daddy?" Carly's nostrils flared, "Do you know?" Tracy laughed, "Do you think if I knew the paternity of this child I would tell you? You must be dying to know if the father is Sonny, your former lover or Jax the current one. That's why you are here. It's not like you and Brenda are the best of friends." Carly's eyes narrowed, "You really are a [!@#$%^&*]." Tracy laughed and walked up the stairs, passing Brenda on the way, "Yes, yes I am.... Brenda crossed her arms and sighed, "What do you want?" Carly walked into the living room like she owned the place, "You know why I am here. I want to know if that kid of yours is Sonny's or Jax's?" Brenda looked away and smirked, "Give me one good reason why I should discuss the paternity of James with the likes of you." "Jax is my fiancee, so I deserve to know." "Ask him, he will tell you if he's the father." "I am asking you Brenda. Is he or Sonny the father?" "Why do you care Carly?" Brenda said, walking past her towards the French doors, "James is my son." Carly poured herself a glass of water, "I care because it affects me." Brenda threw her hands up in exasperation, "No it doesn't. Get that through your head." "Then tell me who the father is." "When you come up with a good, valid reason, I will gladly tell you. Until then, why don't you just go home and do as I suggest, ask Jax." Brenda said. "Because I am not going to tell you. Jax is your fiance and you should trust his word." Carly picked up her purse and go tin Brenda's face, "You know both Sonny and Jax say I am the best they ever had." Brenda laughed, "Funny because Sonny already wants me back and how long have I been here?" ~Next time Mac tries to dull the pain he is feeling. Brenda and Robin enjoy a girls night out.
Kirsten Storms has been released from the role of Maxie Jones. As Maxie was killed onscreen, she will not be recast. Executive Producer Tishy has this to say, "The character of Maxie was brought into such a direction that she could not be saved. Having her be the hit and run driver made sense. Kirsten took the news well. It also will push story for the Scorpios, the SPencers and even the Quartermaines. We wish Kirsten well" As for now, they are no other casting departures scheduled for the Citizens of Port Charles. Another episode will be posted later today.
Loved this episode! I loved the interaction between David and Alan. You wrote him very well. I liked the Lucky/Sam/Jason byplay as well. I can't wait to see how this plays out. Loved this episode!
Mac rushed forward, "Maxie where have you been? We have been so worried about you. How could you miss the funeral? Did something happen?" He hugged her close and looked her deep into her eyes. "You could say that." Maxie said as she checked out the crowd in the foyer of the Quartermaine mansion. "Well what happened?" Mac asked. "Are you ok? I have been going out of my mind with worry for you." Maxie pulled back and whispered, "I'm sorry Uncle Mac." Then she reached inside his coat pocket and grabbed his gun. In a cold, hard voice she said, "Georgie, get out of here. GO upstairs or something. I don't want you here for this." In that moment, Taggert, Jason, Sonny's bodyguards and the other cops in the room pulled out their guns and trained them on Maxie. Mac stepped forward and said calmly, "Maxie, what's going on? Everyone else, lower your guns." Reluctantly they followed his orders. Georgie stepped forward, "Maxie what are you doing? Are you insane?" "I'm drunk but I know EXACTLY what I am doing." Maxie retorted to the crowd . "You know, I am looking around. Where is my father? Did the great Frisco Jones have some important assignment that kept him away from his ex wife's and the mother of his children's funeral? Not that he was ever up for Father of the Year, but you get the picture. Sean, I see you could make it and you are the head honcho at the WSB. Why the hell isn't my father here?" Sean cautiously left Tiffany's side, "Maxie I tried everything I could. I even talked to the President. For national security reasons he couldn't be released from his assignment. I am so sorry that he couldn't be here, but he will be in touch with you and Georgie soon." Maxie scoffed, "Tell him not to bother. There was only one person who loved me uncondtionally and she is gone." "Maxie we all love you. Let us help you." Mac pleaded. Maxie's eyes roamed the room and landed on Lucky. With comtempt in her voice she says, "No you don't." She again glances around the room and sees Taggert standing next to Alexis. Angrily she said, "I had a little visit this morning from our favorite neighborhood detective. Uncle Mac, you should be real proud. He always gets his man." She finished sarcastically. Mac turns around and demands, "What did you say to Maxie that has her this upset?" Alexis cleared her throat. "Mac, Now is not the right time for this." "You questioned Maxie without telling me? What about some professional courtesy here? My God Alexis! You couldn't have consulted me!" Alexis said quietly, "We were just following up like any normal investigation. It was just a couple questions. Maxie is well over the legal age. We were looking to rule her out. We never believed that she was the driver of the car." Sonny and Jason were moving closer together. Maxie noticed this, pointed the gun at Elizabeth and said, "If you move another inch towards me, I shoot St. Elizabeth here. Understand me? My mother is dead and I have nothing to lose. Understand me, nothing." "All right Maxie, we just don't want anyone to get hurt." Sonny said. "There are a lot more people in here with guns that know how to use them. If anyone is going to get hurt, it's probably going to be you." Maxie snorted, "Do you really think I care Mr Mobster? My mother is never coming back and guess what people. The reason I didn't show up at my own mother's funeral is because Taggert asked me where my car was. Yes everyone, if you haven't figured it out, I was the one driving the car that hit my mother. I killed her." Shock and gasps went through the room. "I don't believe it Maxie. Taggert is wrong." Mac said, "Tell her Taggert." Taggert walked towards Maxie and she swung the gun at him, "Maxie we can work through this. All I asked you today was where your car was. I don't know anything else. It's still an ongoing investigation" Maxie put the gun to her head, "Get away from me!" Everyone backed away and Maxie started to cry. "Damnit I was upset that night. As I was leaving, alone again I saw Lucky kissing St. Elizabeth and I started to cry. You used me Lucky for sex. He used me and threw me away like yesterdays trash. I was crying because it should be me on his arm! Especially since that baby isn't even his!....That's right Elizabeth. I know your secret. Were you ever going to tell him? We all know that after Sam died Liz and Jason slept together. Their was a paternity test and I saw it first Liz. The baby is Jason's and you are lying about it!" Jason stared straight ahead, but Lucky turned to Elizabeth, "Is this true? You slept with Jason?" "You're not going to believe me Lucky? I just killed my mother and have admitted it to a room of people. I have nothing to lose. So I was crying and driving and I wiped my eyes and heard a bump. I looked back but I didn't see anything. It was dark out. So I kept going. I didn't put two and two together until Taggert came to see me. Then I realized that I killed my mother. How do you think I can live with that?" Maxie sobbed. Georgie stepped forward, "Maxie, it's ok. It was an accident. I still love you with all my heart. You know that. We are closer than sisters, you are my best friend. I need you in my life." Maxie started waving the gun around, "SHUT UP! Everyone just shut up. Georgie, get out of here please!!!! I have had it. I can't go on like this. So Lucky, what do you think about your St. Elizabeth now?" Lulu crossed her arms and said, "You are making this up because my brother chose Liz over you." Luke put his hand on her shoulder and drew her back behind him, "Shhh." "Oh yeah Lulu? What about at the Nurse's Ball when you were kissing my sister's boyfriend? What do you have to say about that?" Maxie yelled. "You act all virtuous but you are just like all the other members of your family. Georgie flew forward but Robert stopped her from getting to Maxie, "Stop it Maxie!... Just stop it. Please!" She pleaded. "Why all the Spencers women are sluts. Look at Ruby, she ran a brothel. Bobbie, well can't get much sluttier than her, her being a prostutite and all. Oh, except maybe for Carly who what, has slept with every man over the age of 18 that she isn't related to in Port Charles. St Elizabeth is carrying Jason's child. Laura has an illegitmate son and Lulu is making out with Dillion at the Nurse's Ball. Runs in the family." Maxie said spitefully. Luke angrily said, "Look here Maxie, just stop it. You need some help here. You are blaming everyone else in the world but you are the one who needs help. Your family wants to help. Let them. Robin edged forward, "Please Maxie. You and Georgie are the closest things that I have to sisters. I love you and want to help. Please let us. Your mother was in an accident and we can help you." Sobbing, Maxie pleaded, "Lucky take me back. It's you I need." Lucky edged closer to his wife, "You need to listen to your family." "You're right." Maxie stood still and took a deep breath, "I need my Mom." She pointed the gun at her head and pulled the trigger. ~Next time... Maxie's confession has reprecussions through Port Charles as Lucky and Elizabeth have a serious discussion. Robin and Patrick finally have some alone time Carly and Brenda have a confrontation over James
Tishy commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
Carrington Garland for Kelly! Or Robin Wright Penn. Eileen Davidson, I love her as Ashley and Kristen on DAYS, was awful as Kelly. Ashton, I like the thought of Charles Shaughnessy. Will have to think on the others -
Today's episode, The Destruction of Maxie will be delayed due to my Christmas party tonight. It will be posted tomorrow night. We will reveal that Maxie reveals some secrets that will destroy many lives in Port Charles. She is a train wreck and she is going full speed ahead. Everyone is in for a big shock. No one is spared from the wrath of Maxie. Stay tuned...
Holy Cow! Love the Sophia part and I love the Augusta/Pamela interaction. Excellent job. You are doing a great job at keeping the storylines diversified and not all in one place. If that makes sense.
Episode 9: The Memorial Service
Tishy commented on Tishy's blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
Thanks! Wait until next episode. Maxie will blow everything out of the water and then some. Hopefully someday they will be back on a more permananet basis -
The church started filling up early for Felicia's memorial service. All of Felicia's friends and loved ones were able to make it, except for Frisco who Sean Donely said couldn't off his assignment in time. He was in deep cover and for national security couldn't get out. Kevin Collins was in Europe and Lucy tried contacting him again. His answering service indicated that he hadn't yet called in for his messages. But Tiffany and Sean as well as Anna Devane were able to make it. Mac, Georgie, Robert and Robin sat in the front, with an empty seat for Maxie who had yet to show up. "Georgie." Georgie was sitting next to him and Dillion, "Do you know where Maxie is? She's not here yet and no one has seen her." Georgie shook her head, "I called her this morning and she said she was just leaving . She was almost ready. She should be here by now." Georgie said, looking worried and checking the pews behind her. "I hate to start without her but it's getting really late. I will be right back and try calling her. If I can't reach her, well, we are going to have to start. The pastor told me that he has to leave shortly after." Mac got up and walked into the foyer of the church. Lucy was sitting next to Scott, "Scott, last night you know, doesn't mean that." Scott looked at her, "Lucy, lets not discuss this. We ARE in a church." Mac came back and said to Georgie, "Her cell phone is off. We have to start." He nodded towards the pastor to begin. "Felicia Scorpio was a light and an inspiration to many people. A light that was extinguished too soon. We have come together today to celebrate her life and remember her. The family would like to invite anyone to speak to come up and share theie memories of Felicia." The Pastor said. Luke got up and stood at the pulpit. "Flea was such a spitfire. She didn't have a mean bone in her body, she was a friend to everyone. She always had a smile on her face. She was such a beautiful soul." Luke paused and looked out at the crowd, "There was only one time I think that I didn't see her with a smile on her face. It was when Georgie was born. I think a lot of people remember will remember this as half of Port Charles witnessed it. God in his infinite wisdom decided to give Felicia the honor to have Georgie in my club. May the Lord only allow Felicia to have that honor. Georgie I love you, but it was horrible when it was happening. What a miracle Felicia was and giving birth on the floor of my club just proves it. What is our loss on Earth, is Heaven's gain. Flea, know that you are loved and we will never forget you. I will miss you every single day." Luke was followed by Robin. "I have known Felicia almost all my life. First as a friend of my parents, then as my uncle's wife. She helped me with so many problems. I felt I could go to her with anything. I went to her with my boy problems, especially when I was just starting out with Stone. Even two weeks ago I was asking her advice in the love department. Robin took a deep breath as she started to choke up, "The one thing that Felicia taught me was patience. Felicia, I want to be just like you when I grow up. You made Uncle Mac so happy. Thank you Felicia, for being you. I love you." Robin started to walk away and burst into tears. Patrick came up to help her back to her seat where he sat, his arm around her. Sean Donely got up and stood at the pulpit, "Felicia was like a daughter to me. I met her twenty something years ago. Like Luke said, she was a spitfire. She was full of courage and passion. She lit up every room she walked into. She was always up for an adventure. You could tell Felicia that she couldn't do something and boom, she is right there doing it." Sean paused and gathered his thoughts, "There was nothing she couldn't or wouldn't do. She loved Maxie and Georgie so much. They were her reason for living, the light of her soul. When she was pregnant, she positively glowed. She wanted them so much and was so proud of them. Mac, she often told me of the love you two shared. You were the love of her life. I hope you know that. Felicia, I know you are looking down at all of us and want us to be happy, but we will all be a little less happy knowing that the world is without you." Sean sat down and sniffles could be heard throughout the church. After a moment, the Pastor stood up. "The family would like to thank everyone for celebrating Felicia's life. Please join them at the Quartermaines for a luncheon. This concludes the service. Peace be with you all." The Reception The citizens of Port Charles were mingling around the foyer and living room of the Quartermaine manse. Anna walked up to Mac and kissed him on the cheek, "Mac, I want to offer my condolences. Do you know where Robin is? I would like to see her. Is she doing all right?" "She is doing as well as can be expected. She has Patrick staying with her, he is never far from her side. Have you met him yet?" Mac asked. "Yes. I have met her young man, Patrick. I like him a lot." Anna said warmly, "And Mac, I am so sorry. Have the police found anything yet?" "Alexis is handling everything right now, along with Taggert. I know they have some leads. Yes, Robin has a good guy. Patrick is a lot like Robert though I have to tell you." Mac said. Anna laughed, "Lord help her!" "Indeed"! Brenda was holding James in the living room when Jax and Carly walked in, "Good lord, they allowed you to procreate?" Carly said. "That can't be your kid." "Carly this is not the time or the place." Jax admonished, "Brenda it is good seeing you, however horrible the circumstances. What's the little fellar's name?" "James" "James what?" Carly asked, nostrils flaring. "James Edward." "You know what I mean." Haughtily, Brenda walked out the room, "I know exactly what you mean." Sean and Tiffany were standing with Monica, Alan and Bobbie. "This is so terrible." Tiffany popped a shrimp in her mouth, "I can't believe that Felicia is gone." Bobbie sighed, "I know. It's such a shock. I don't know if they have any leads either." "I haven't heard anything." Alan remarked, "but Monica and I have been in the hospital since the accident." Sean asked, "Did anyone see anything?" "Not that we are aware of." Monica said. "So Tiffany, how is CNN?" "I love it. Sean is based out of Washington so I am working out of the DC office. I am a political correspondent. You would think that since my husband is head of the WSB that he would give me scoops but he doesn't." Tiffany laughed. Sean kissed Tiffany's cheek, "I have to keep the country safe, you know that Tiff." Bobbie said earnestly, "What happened to Frisco, how come he couldn't make it Sean?" "Well Bobbie," Sean sighed, "I wish I could have pulled him out of where he is but he is so deep undercover that we couldn't. I even asked the President if I could. He said no. For national security reasons it was impossible. I have explained it to Georgie who seemed to accept it, but Maxie has yet to turn up. When and if she arrives, I will tell her." "It's just too bad that he had to miss it Sean." Monica said. "I know." Across the foyer, Elizabeth, Lucky, Nikolas and Emily were standing by the buffet table. "So Emily, we really haven't spoken to you since the Ball. Were you surprised that Nikolas proposed?" Emily blushed, "Well, we had talked about it so I knew it was coming. I just didn't know it was coming that night. So yes I was shocked." Lucky slapped Nikolas on the back, "You did well brother." "Yes he did." Emily said. "Our wedding was perfect. You guys threw us an awesome wedding." Elizabeth reminisinced. "That was a fun day." Nikolas said, "Hectic but fun." "It was perfect Elizabeth, because you are perfect." Lucky said. "And you are carrying my perfect child." Nikolas punched his brother, "You are such a sap." "You would be the same way if Emily was pregnant. Cameron is perfect and whether we have a girl or a boy, this child will be perfect." Lucky remarked. Elizabeth and Emily laughed, "Men!" Laura walked up to Luke. "I love you Luke." She leaned up and gave him a kiss on his temple. "I love you too babe." He rubbed his arms up and down her side. "Look at our children, they look so happy." Laura remarked, "Except for Lulu. She looks so lost." Luke kissed Laura, "I'll go talk to her. Cheer her up." "Thanks Luke." The door opened and a very intoxicated Maxie walked in, "Well, well well. The gangs all here." She took a drink of her beer, "I have a few words I want to say." ~Next time... Maxie implodes....
Having computer problems at home, so if all goes well, Felicia's Memorial Service should be posted sometime tonight. The following episode, the driver of the hit and run will be revealed in the most explosive episode yet! Stay tuned...
Tracy's reaction to the fact that Ned was going to be CEO was priceless. Amazing job writing it. Of course, it's inspired that Monica will vote the opposite way of Alan, just because. Excellent job as always
WOW! I never saw Kirk but it makes perfect sense. It ties Eden into story for a long time and with other members of her family. Excellent reveal and excellent timing!
"This, this is your son? Brenda are you serious?" Sonny stammered. "When? How old is he?" Ned stood up, "Now is the time that I will leave. Brenda, call me if you need anything." "I will Ned. Thanks." Brenda waited until Ned left before answering, "Yes Sonny, he is my son. James is six months old." "You know I have to ask this. Is he mine?" Sonny asked. Brenda sighed, putting her hand to her eyes and facing him, "No Sonny he's not. I know you are trying to populate the city of Port Charles, but James is not yours. He was born on time. The last time we slept together was over 18 months ago. There is no way James is yours. It's impossible that he is yours." "Is he Jax' baby?" Sonny asked. "I really don't see how that is any of your business. But for the record, the father is not Jax either. That is all I will say about it. It's not something I want to discuss. Please respect that." Brenda said sternly. Sonny sat down, "I get it, I get it. Can I at least see him?" Brenda turned to James, "James, this is my friend Sonny. Want to go see him, maybe play some games? He has a son a little older than you, maybe you two can be friends." She handed James over to Sonny, "Not like Carly would ever let James within a mile of Morgan." Sonny laughed, "You got a point there. James you are a handsome little boy. You have those dark beautiful eyes like your mother. God Brenda, you were always beautiful, but now even more so. Being a mother agrees with you." "I love him with all my heart. But Sonny, James and I were on our way out. We are going to the Scorpio house to see what I can do for Robin. I know she's a mess. She and Felicia were always close and I want to see what I can do for her." Brenda paused and took James back. She grabbed his coat and started puttin git on. "I take it you will be at the funeral?" "Of course. Here, I will walk you out." Sonny offered. "Thanks." There was a knock on Lucy's penthouse at the Metro Court. Dressed casually in sweats and wiping tears she answered the door, "Scott, um, what are you doing here?" He stepped in, "I thought you might like a friend." "Thanks, but I think I would rather be alone." "I don't think so. Let me come in for a little while." He walked past her and into the living room. "Ok." She drew her hair back and went to sit down on the couch. She cleared her throat, "How is Serena?" Scott sat across from her on the coffee table, "Serena's good. She's in her senior year at high school now. She wanted to go to boarding school so I let her go. She's happy where she is." "I still write to her occasionally. I hope she gets my letters. I always send them to Gail and Lee. Do you think we can we call her later?" Lucy asked hopefully. "Tonight's not a good night. She has a field hockey game. We always call each other on Mondays. Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow and you can call her? I know she would love to hear from you." Scott offered. "Really? She would?" Lucy asked., her face lighting up. Scott patted her knee, "Of course she would. Now tell me Lucy, how are you really doing?" Lucy looked away, tearing welling up in her eyes. "Not very good." "Oh Lucccyyy, come here." He sat down next to her and gathered her in his arms. She curled up in his arms and cried. When she finished crying, she looked deeply in his eyes and kissed him longingly. She pulled away and kissed him again. "Lucy are you sure?" "I need you Scott, more than ever. Please Scott, make love to me." Brenda knocked on the door to the Scorpio house and waited while Robin answered. "Hi Brenda, Hi James. How is my godchild?" Robin asked. "He's good. Sonny came over and found out about him. He naturally assumed he was the father. Anyways, how are you doing?" Brenda asked, giving Robin a much needed hug. Robin closed the door behind Brenda and said, "Not well, I think we are all shocked. My father, Mac, Bobbie, Maxie, Georgie, Dillion and Patrick are here. There is a ton of food here. So many people came by with food. The Quartermaines sent their cook over with a turkey and all the trimmings. Maxie is a wreck, so whatever she says to you, don't take it personal." Brenda shrugged off her coat, "I won't." She followed Robin into the living room and greeted everyone. "Hello everyone. I am so sorry for what has happened." Everyone looked at Brenda in shock. Seeing her carry a baby was shocking. Bobbie recovered first, "Brenda who's this?" "This is my son, James." Bobbie walked over, "Oh I have to hold him, it's the grandmother in me. You don't mind do you?" Brenda shook her head and handed James to Bobbie. Brenda walked over to Mac, "How are you Mac. I am so sorry. What can I do?" Mac mumbled, "There is nothing that can be done. The funeral will be in two days from now. We are waiting to hear from Sean Donely to see if he can get Frisco here in time for the funeral." Maxie brought a drink to her lips and swallowed, "Don't count on it. When could we ever count on Frisco. My mother dies and we won't be here. He is not a true father." "He'll try Maxie" Georgie said, from her perch next to Dillion. Maxie huffed, "Yeah whatever." Robin brought Brenda over to Patrick, "I'm sorry you two are meeting under these circumstances. Brenda this is Patrick. Patrick Drake, this is my best friend in the world, Brenda Barrett." Patrick shook her hand, "I have heard about you. Welcome back. And congrats on the baby." "Thanks. I'm surprised Luke and Laura aren't here." Robert walked up to them, "Luke and Laura are at home with Lulu. Naturally she is upset. She saw most of it I understand." Dillion looked at Georgie and squeezed her hand, "Georgie, I need to go outside and get some fresh air. I will be back momentarily. You don't mind do you?" Georgie nodded as Dillion walked outside. Once outside he called Lulu. Lulu was sitting dejectedly in her bedroom staring at the wall. She saw that it was Dillion calling and said, "Dillion! I am so glad you called. Where are you?" "I am at Georgie's." Dillion sighed, "Oh Lulu. I don't know what to do. She is a wreck right now. Everyone is. I want to see you but I can't leave Georgie right now. It will devastate her. Maybe in a little while when everything quiets down we can be together." Lulu closed her eyes. She knew this was coming. "You have to do the right thing." "I can't leave her right now Lulu. It will kill her." Lulu whispered, "I know. Give her my best." She hung up the phone and turned into her pillow, bursting into tears. ~Next time Felicia's Memorial Service
Alexis walks in, determined into the police station to locate Taggert. "Ok Taggert. Felicia Scorpio was killed last night. This is a vehichular homicide we are looking at. What were you and Lucky able to recover from the crime scene?" Taggert perches on his desk, "Well, not to many people recall seeing anything and half the people there were half in the bag. The other half were the doctors and the nurses who were too busy trying to save her life to look for clues. A couple people think it was a dark blue or green, possibly black sporty car that hit Felicia. Also, the other car went over the center line. We confirmed it by the tire tracks. Speed may have been a factor, but not from Felicia's end, she had barely started." "Great, a dark night with no moon and a dark sports car. Not a lot to go on. Follow up with people." "Another problem is that a lot of people were trying to talk to Brenda Barrett and didn't notice anything until it was over." Taggert remarked, throwing a file down, "Lucky is out following up with people as we speak. I am going to head out myself and tackle the other half of the list." "Thanks Taggert, I want to get this solved for Mac as quickly as possible." Taggert agreed and picked up his jacket. "We are also checking garages to make sure any dark cars with damage to the front, that they contact us. We also want to wrap this up quickly for Mac." "Keep me informed Taggert." Alexis said as Taggert left the police station. Lucy, Laura and Bobbie were gathered in the living room in the Spencer house. Mac and the family were making arrangements for the funeral and the women were making phone calls to notify people. Even though Lucy was no longer with Kevin, she called his answering service who informed her that he was away and would check his messages. Bobbie called Tiffany Hill, who now worked for CNN. Tiffany promised that she and Sean Donely, head of the WSB would be there for the funeral. Tiffany also promised to have Sean locate Frisco as well. Laura called Anna Devane who promised to grab the first flight to Port Charles. The three women, diverse in many ways but united in grief, were there to make a photo album for the funeral. Lucy hands Bobbie a picture of Felicia with Mac and the girls, "I can't believe this. I feel so empty inside." "I know. I just wanted Luke to hold me all night." Laura said. Bobbie looked up, "Where is he now?" "At the Scorpios. There is a lot of press because she was the wife of the commissioner. He's just trying to do the best that he can." Laura responded. Bobbie laughed, "A bottle of Scotch with Robert will do." The women laughed. Lucy put a picture down, "It doesn't feel right to laugh." Laura hugged her, "Felicia will want us to move on. I am just worried about Maxie and Georgie, especially Maxie. She is so emotional right now. I hope Sean can get in touch with Frisco. Not that he is available much, but they lost Tony, now Felicia. They need him. Not that Mac isn't enough, he is, but." She hurried to finish. "We know what you mean Laura," Bobbie said. "Look at this picture. It's of Felicia and Frisco when they got married. They looked so young. I like this picture of her and Tony. Let's include that." Laura said. "Hey Bobbie, were you able to get in touch with Lucas and let him know what happened?" Bobbie sighed, "I still can't believe that after he came out he enlisted. I called his commanding officer and they are getting word to him in Afghanistan. It's unfortunate that he can't come home, but that's the Army. He will probably call home tonight or tomorrow when he gets home." Lucy looked at Bobbie sympathetically, "It must be hard to have him over there, especially right now. But he is fighting for our country." Bobbie handed Laura a picture of Tony, Bobbie, Mac and Felicia. "It is. Look at this picture. I always loved this one." "We all looked so much younger." Lucy said. There was a knock on the door and Laura went to go get it. "Is Lucy here? I was told she might be." Lucy whipped around, scattering pictures everywhere. "What are you doing here?" Lucy gasped. "Why do you think I am here. Hello Lucy, I have missed you a great deal." Scott Baldwin said. The doorbell rang at the Quartermaines and Alice went to go get it. Seated in the living room were Ned and Brenda. Alice came back and announced, "Miss Brenda, you have a guest. Mr Corinithos is here to see you." Ned looked at Brenda, "You don't have to talk to him. I will gladly tell him to go away." Brenda stood up, "No, just stay here. I will deal with this." Brenda walked into the foyer and saw her former lover, "Hello Sonny." "Brenda. How are you this morning? Did you hear about Felicia?" Brenda nodded. "Alan told us before he left for the hospital this morning. What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing." Brenda pushed her hair back, "I was tired of Paris so I came back. I was offered a modeling contract in New York and took it. That won't be a problem will it?" She asked, amused. "Can I come in?" "Why?" "Brenda, we have a lot to talk about." "Sonnnny, no we don't. Go back to Carly." Brenda turned and walked towards the living room, glanced in and closed the door. "Ohhh waiiit. Ned told me she is with Jax. Is that true?" Sonny rubbed his chin, "Yes, yes she is Brenda. But thats not important." Brenda cut him off, "Oh I get it. You would love it if you and I got back together and we could rub it in her face. Since she is with Jax and all. Not gonna happen Sonny. Don't even think about it." "How do you know what I am thinking?" Brenda laughed, "I know exactly how you operate Sonny Corinthos. Don't even begin to think that I don't. This is me you are talking about. I know you better than anyone, even Carly and Jason." A noise caught Sonny's attention. "Brenda, what is that?" Brenda whipped around and headed for the living room, Sonny following close behind. She opened the door and saw Ned holding James. "I'll take him. James, what's the matter?" She cooed. She walked around the room and rocked him up and down "Are you hungry? Are you tired? I know that flight was really long yesterday and we are in a strange place. But there are lots of toys here. Shhhh, Mommy loves you." "Brenda, this is your son?" Sonny sais incredously "Sonny," Brenda turned and faced him, kissing James, "Meet James Edward Barrett. Yes he is my son." ~Next time Sonny wants to know who James' father is Lulu and Dillion have an awkward conversation Lucy finds comfort
With great sadness the executive producer of The Citizens of Port Charles is announcing that Kristina Wagner has left the show. Kristina asked to be let out of her contract and we obliged. Ms. Wagner had this to comment, "I loved the character of Felicia so much, but I need to take time off to be with my family. What a way to go. I am open to come back and do dream sequences, but never a long term thing. I love everyone I worked with and will miss them dearly." When asked if she knew who the driver of the car who hit her was, she said yes. We have also heard a rumor that another character will soon be released. This is just a rumor. The starting dates for Billy Warlock and Arianne Zuker have been pushed back. No start date yet, but they remain on contract. For storyline purposes, their story is being pushed back so it can be properly told. Does this mean they will come back together? Rumor has it they may....
"Christ, that's Felicia! Someone help her!" Mac screamed. Mac turned and saw some of the doctors, "Patrick! Noah! That's Felicia in the car!" Robert and Luke had to restrain him with all their might from running foward. "Mac, let them do their work! If you go over there, you will make it harder for them!" Luke screams in his ear. Patrick, Noah and Robin were already running to the car which is maybe 100 yards down the road. The car was hit on the driver side and the other car kept driving. The windsheild was smashed and when the doctors' get there, Felicia is unresponsive. Elizabeth, Bobbie and Emily followed behind, "What can we do?" Bobbie asked. "We need to get her out of the car and get her neck stabilized." Patrick said, "Can you also get some clothes, some towels or something? She is bleeding pretty badly. Robin, in my car I have some first aid things. I might have something to stabilize her neck. Elizabeth, call 911 and tell them what's going on, keep them on the line. Tell them we need police as well." "Gotcha" When Robin came back with it, he fastened a neck collar around Felicia's neck. He, Noah, Emily and Elizabeth gently remove Felicia from the car and lay her down on the street. "Jesus" Noah said, glancing at his son, "Elizabeth how long will the ambulance be?" "Three minutes. Taggert is on his way as well." Elizabeth replied, glancing over at the growing crowd. Patrick mumbled to his father, "I don't think we have three minutes. Her neck is supported, I am going to start CPR." Bobbie comes back with the towels and presses them against her head where the blood seems to be coming from. She is in full nurse mode. Alan comes up behind her to get an understanding of the situation. She relays what is going on. Alan then asks Emily, "Emily will you go tell Mac that the ambulance will be here shortly and Taggert is on his way. Have Robert bring him to the hospital. I don't see Georgie or Maxie, they may have already left. Someone needs to find them. Will you call Dillion and have him take Georgie to the hospital. I think she left with Dillion. Can you try calling Maxie as well?" "Dad, is Felicia going to be all right?" Emily asked, worry in her voice. "I am not going to lie to you, it doesn't look good. The EMTs are just getting here and I want to help the doctors. I will see you at the hospital." Alan kisses Emily, "I love you Em" "I love you too." Emily hurried over to Mac and relayed the information to him and Robert. Mac and Robert left for the hospital just as Taggert arrived Because it was a crime scene, Taggert and Lucky started questioning people if the had seen anything and if they had, let them know. Then they were free to go. The doctors and nurses had scrambled into their cars and hurried to the hospital to perform the inevitable surgery, while Patrick and Noah jumped into the ambulance to continue working. The Hospital... Georgie runs into the emergency room at the same time that Felicia is being rolled in. "Uncle Mac, What happened?" "Hit and run." Despair in his voice "Are you ok? Were you in the car?" Georgie asked, worry seeping into her voice. Mac hugged her tightly, "No, I wasn't. Robert and I were going to Luke's. Felicia was going to head home alone. I don't know what's going on yet. No one has been out yet. Do you know where Maxie is? We can't locate her." Georgie shook her head, "She was upset because Lucky told her again that he was staying with Elizabeth. I have tried her cell but I bet she turned it off. She must be at Kelly's." Mac looked over at Robert and beckoned him over, "Can you do us a favor?" "Anything brother." "Maxie is not answering her phone. Can you check out her room at Kelly's?" Mac asked. Robert was about to answer when Alan came out and called Mac, Georgie and Robert to a side room. "Look, I am being honest with you. Her lungs have collapsed, her ribs are shattered and some of her vertebrae in her back are broken. She also has a massive head injury and massive internal bleeding. Dr. Drake is operating, but it doesn't look good. She may not make it through the operation. I would suggest you call everywhere you can think of and locate Maxie. Please let me know if I can do anything. Monica is in there, we have our best surgeons in there. Robin is in there as well. I wouldn't go far and stay in here." Robert wrapped a consoling arm around his brother, "Just keep us informed Alan." Alan walked back into the operating room when Maxie came flying in. "Lucky stopped by Kelly's. Is Mom all right? Can I see her?" When she noticed the tears on Georgie's and Mac's eyes, she moaned, "Noooooo. Is she?" Mac opened up his arms and she fell into them, "She's alive but Maxie, it doesn't look good. You have to prepare yourself Maxie, she might not make it." Maxie pounded on his chest, "You are lying to me! Not our mother! Georgie, tell me the truth." Georgie sobbed, "Maxie, Alan was just here. Alan wouldn't lie. She has massive bleeding internally and collapsed lungs" Georgie sniffed, "I guess someone just hit her and took off. Dr. Drake is operating, and Monica and Robin are in there too." Georgie wrapped her arms around Maxie and the two sisters cried together. Robert got up and slipped out of the room. He saw Luke and Laura in the corner and apprised them of the situation. He asked them to call their friends, especially Lucy and anyone else they could think of. In Robert's opinion, he didn't think Felicia would last through the night. Robert walked back into the private waiting room. Hours passed before Robin pushed open the door with tears streaming down her face. She ran in yelling, "Uncle Mac, come quick!" Mac, Maxie and Georgie scrambled over each other but Alan stopped them in their tracks. "Oh Mac, girls, I am so sorry. She's gone. She passed away a few minutes ago." Maxie flew at Alan and pushed him, trying to get by him and into the ER room, "You are lying to us! You are just trying to hurt us! I want to see her." Robin and Georgie start to sob as Mac stood stoically. Alan shook his head and said softly, "I don't think that's a good idea." "Bring her back! Bring her back!" Maxie yelled. "Tell them to bring my mother back!" Robin tried to pull herself together. "Maxie, everything was done that could be done. We tried everything we could. There were just too many injuries." Mac sat down and started to cry. Georgie sat down next to him and sobbed on his shoulder. Defensively Maxie stood there and kept demanding to see her mother. Finally, after about ten minutes, Robert pulled everyone together. "Let's go home. There is nothing more we can do here." Maxie turned around and slapped Robert across the face, "Don't you get it! I am NOT leaving my mother here alone." Mac stood up and hugged Maxie, "We need to go. It's best for all of us. But Robert, can you get everyone out of here first? I don't want everyone swarming on the girls tonight. We'll meet you at your car." Robert nodded. He led Robin out of the room and into the waiting room. He caught Luke's eye and nodded. He spoke quickly to Luke and the swiftly led Robin outside. Laura turned into Luke's arms and started to cry. Luke wrapped his arms around Laura. He always had an affection for Felicia. Lucy came rushing in and Luke broke the news to her. She sank into a chair and just cried. She didn't look up until she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Lucy," "I'm sorry Bobbie, it's just, this is so awful....Felicia was my very best friend in the world. I miss her so much." Lucy blew her nose. "Lucy I don't want you to be alone tonight. Come stay with us at the brownhouse." Bobbie offered. Lucy squeezed Bobbie's hand, "I would like that." "Me too Lucy. This is the worst night Port Charles has seen in a long time." ~Next time.. Word spreads of Felicia's death Brenda's secret is revealed The investigation into the hit and run starts
You will find out very soon....