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Everything posted by Tishy
Nice usage of the Basic Black and EJ. The dialogue between Luke and Tracy is so real. We all know that Tony Geary ad libs, it sounds like he is adlibbing here too. Excellent job
Thank you Dr Scorpio and the young Dr Patrick Drake. He is as good looking as his father. If I was your age...." She fans her face, Lucy is now wearing a jewel toned wrap around dress. She pleads with the audience, "Now, it's almost at the end of the night and we haven't met our goal yet. Please people, give from your hearts. Think of how many people you will be helping with even five dollars more for AIDS research. Edward, come on, I know you want to write a check for this worthy cause. Bobbie! You too. The Barringtons, we need all your help! Every little bit helps and we need it. Please find it in your heart to give just a little more. There are so many people who will benefit by your donations. Every fifteen seconds, someone dies of AIDS related causes. Fifteen seconds. That's not much time." Alan stands up with his checkbook in hand, "Lucy I will write you a check for ten thousand dollars if you strip." Monica rolls her eyes, "Alan!" Ned jumps up, "Lucy I will match it!" "Ned!" Monica admonishes. "Hey it's for a good cause, Monica." Ned says. Brenda laughs at him, "I always knew you had a thing for Lucy." Ned laughs, "Do you blame me?" From his table, Luke yells, "If you take it off sugar, I will donate a days profits from the club!" Lucy looked around, "Oh my goodness, gentlemen. Can't you do a little better than that? It takes a little more than that for me to take my clothes off." Justus stands up, "Five grand as well Lucy!" The brothers Scorpio lean back and yell, "Five thousand! between the two of us." Carly looks at Jax, "You better not even think about it." "It's for a good cause and it's all in good fun Carly," Jax said. "Hey Lucy, count me in for ten grand as well." Sonny stood up, "Hey Lucy, fifty thousand dollars if you do it." "Mr Corinthios, thats a lot of money." Lucy said. "Are you sure about this?" "Well Lucy," Sonny smiled, "We haven't had a Nurse's Ball in a while. It's been that long since I have seen you half naked. I want this check and this dance if you will, to be in the memory of Stone Cates. Who would really appreciate seeing this if he was with us today." Lucy walks over to the side of the stage and grabs a hat and a chair. Joe Cocker's "You Can Leave Your Hat On" fills the room. Lucy sits down in the chair with the hat on her head and slowly pulls one glove off at a time, using her teeth. She kicks her gold Manolos into the audience and slides around on the chair. She stands up and walks around it, putting one leg on the seat of the chair. Grabbing the hat, she moves it across her body as her hair falls down her back. She then perches it cockeyed on her head. She reaches up her leg and slowly undos her garter that holds her thigh highs in place. Then, she rolls them down and throws them at Edward, winking at him. Lucy walks around the chair and does the same thing with that thigh high, this time throwing it at Justus. Lucy shimmys to the music as only Lucy can and reaches up to her neck She undos the clasp holding her dress together. She coyly looks at the audience as they cheer her on. She finally takes her dress off, revealing an emerald and black teddy. She moves over to the chair wearing that and the hat and sits down, crossing her legs and proclaims the Nurses Ball over. On the way out of the Ball, Jax is watching Carly. Her eyes are narrowed as she is watching Sonny approach Brenda across the room. Carly doesn't like it one bit, but it is so crowded and noisy, she can't make out what is going on. Slyly, Sonny slides up to Brenda who is walking with Ned. "Hey Brenda. Can I bring you home?" Brenda shakes her head, her hair flying over her shoulders, "Not tonight Sonny. I have had a long flight and I really don't want to get into it with you. Besides, don't you have a date with you?" "I'm sure Ned wouldn't mind bringing Alexis home." Sonny remarked. Again Brenda shook her head and started forward. She just didn't want to deal with Sonny tonight. She yawned, "Sonny I am really tired. I am jet lagged. We really don't have anything to talk about." Sonny pulled Brenda into his arms. He leaned down and kissed her lightly. "Oh Brenda I think we do." "I think not." Brenda said haughtily and walked away. Across the room, Carly watches and steams with anger. The crowd was dispersing when Mac came up to Felicia, "Hey Flea, Robert and I are going to join Luke at the club for an after party drink, just a guys thing. You don't mind do you?" Felicia smiled, "Of course not. I am kind of tired and I promised Bobbie I would come over to the Brownstone to help her out with some things.I hope you guys have fun." She leaned up and kissed him. "Tonight was fun, Lucy was in rare form." "That she was. I can't believe that Brenda came back. I wonder what she has in store. Robin will be glad to have her back." Mac replied, putting his arms around her. "Come on Mac! Get your arse in gear! We don't have all night!" Robert yelled. Mac glanced back over his shoulder and indicated that he would be right there. Felicia tucked her arm in his, "Well we have a while to find out. Georgie is getting a ride with Dillion. Maxie said she would stop by tomorrow, she said she had something to talk to Georgie about. Even though she lives in Kelly's I am glad that those two are still getting along." she said. Mac kissed Felicia, "I agree, although at times there is tension." Felicia shooed him along, "I see your very impatient brother waiting. I will see you when you get home, however I won't stay up. I will leave a light on but I am tired. I will also keep my cell phone on in case you need a ride." "Felicia, I just call the station and have them come get me. I don't want to bother you. Now go. I love you." Mac watched as Felicia got in the car and started to drive away. He turned and started walking towards his brother but stopped dead in his tracks when the sound of screeching metal and slamming brakes filled the air. He turned, Felicia's car was smashed and the other car was gone. ~Next time... What will happen to Felicia?
Thanks everyone for the comments...It means a lot coming from you guys. Don't miss the aftermath of the Nurse's Ball, it will change everything
Carly looks at Jax, "Did you know anything about this?" "No I didn't. I want to go say hello. It's been years since I spoke to her." Jax stood up ans walked towards the growing crowd around Brenda. Carly brushed by him, "Like hell you will." She strode through the room, where a small crowd was gathering around Brenda. Ned was hugging her and wishing her well. "Hey I will talk to you later Brenda, but I have to get on stage. Is your stuff at the mansion?" "Yes Ned. I will see you later." Brenda kissed him on the cheek and wished him well. Robin hugs her best friend again, "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were coming. I am so happy. I have so much to tell you." "Well I wanted to meet this hot doctor you have been raving about." Brenda points through the crowd towards Patrick, "That must be him, I have never seen him before and let's face it, if he's hot and living in Port Charles, well I have met him. Oh I am so glad to be home" Brenda said hugging her best friend again. Robin nods, " I know. We so have to get together soon and talk. So much has happened since I last saw you. I want to tell you all about Patrick, He makes me so happy and I know you will like him. Hey Patrick! Come meet Brenda," She beckons. "Patrick is talking to his father, Noah Drake. You'll meet him later, we'll all got out." Carly pushs her way past Robin, "What the hell are you doing here and more importantly, when are you going back?" She asks Brenda. Brenda turns, sees Carly with Jax and smirks, "Carly. Picking up my leftovers again? I would ask you how you are but that would mean that I care. Jax, how are you? I've missed you" Brenda leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. "Keep your hands off of him," Carly said, nostrils flaring, "And you didn't answer my question. When are you going home?" Jax unsuccessfullytries to shut Carly up, "Brenda you look phenomenal. It's good to have you back." " Thanks Jax. And Carly, I'm not going back to Paris. This is home and I am here to stay." Brenda smiled. Brenda didn't notice but Sonny was edging his way on the outside of the crowd. "Like hell this is. Why are you here?" Carly persisted. "I need a reason to be here? I didn't think I did." Robin interupted, "Actually for the first time in my life Brenda, I agree with Carly. Not that I am not happy to see you, but why are you here?" Sonny pushed his way into the crowd and listened intently, "Brenda." Brenda swallowed noticeably, something that Carly immediately caught on, "Hi Sonny. Nice to see you." "So what are you doing here." Sonny asked. "I was offered a modeling contract in New York and will live here. I don't have to travel much and it doesn't take much time. I talked to Ned and he said I could live at the mansion." Brenda explained. Carly snorted, "You are a has been." Jax led Carly away, "Let's go Carly. Let's not make a scene." "Very true. I want you as far away from her as possible." Carly turned back towards Brenda, "I would say I was happy you were back, but I would be lying." Brenda threw her hair back, "Oh Carly, jealous much?" she said as Jax dragged Carly away. Robin leaned in and whispered to Brenda, "What about James?" Brenda whispered back, "He's here, but I didn't want to bring him here tonight. It's not the time or the place. The Quartermaines know about him and are cool with it." "Well, now that Ned is done, Patrick and I are going to talk about how AIDS affects our lives. Go see Ned, I am sure he will want to see you." Robin said. "Brenda..." Sonny started forward Brenda turned towards him, "Not now Sonny. I want to go see Edward. If you want to see me, I am at the Quartermaines." Luke turned to Robert and Mac, "You know what we have to do tonight? It's tradition." Mac laughed, "Oh yes, Most definetly." Robert looked from Luke to Mac, "What are you talking about?" Mac glanced at Felicia, "We have to find some way to get Lucy naked. Every Nurse's Ball, she always ends up naked. Whether she is changing and someone pushes her out into the crowd or the curtain accidently goes up, she is naked. Every year." "No way," Robert brings his beer to his mouth and takes a drink, "Now she is a fine looking woman." "You are totally out of her league Scorpio." Luke laughed. "But our goal tonight is to get her out of her drawers. For the benefit of all the men here, we have too. Trust me, Alan and Ned will join us." Robert got up, "I'll go tell them." "Journey on mate." laughed Mac. Lulu came out of the bathroom to see Dillion there, "Hey Lulu, you look nice." "Hi Dillion. Are you having a good time?" Lulu leaned back against the wall. "Yeah, are you?" "It's ok. I liked watching my parents dance. I had no idea my parents could dance like that." Dillion leaned closer, "Listen Lulu, I am sorry about the other day. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. Especially since I am with Georgie." Lulu looked down, "It's ok, I mean, I like that you kissed me. I don't know Dillion." "What?" "Georgie isn't the only one that likes you. I do too Dillion." Lulu said, staring at him. Dillon stepped closer, "Lulu I didn't know that. I like you too." Dillion leaned over and put his hands on her face. He gently kisses Lulu over and over again, gradually getting more intense.. Neither one noticing that Maxie is at the end of the hallway. ~ Next time... It's the end of the Nurse's Ball....don't miss the last five minutes....
The twist with Sam and Lucky is awesome, I love it. Excellent job!
"I said, I want to have your baby Jax. A little girl. Can't you see it? A beautiful little girl with blond hair and blue eyes just like yours.She would be perfect. I already talked to Lady Jane about it and she is in agreement." Carly cooed. "You talked to my mother before me? Jesus Carly, this world only needs one you." Jax said, amused. Carly swatted his arm, "Hey look at Bobbie! She's great. Plus my kids are great." "Considering their fathers, yes you have done an exceptional job raising your children." "Jax!" "Just stating the facts Carly. Carly, I don't know about us having a child yet. I want to get married first and enjoy being married. Then have a child." Jax said, kissing her head."I also don't want to talk about this now. Not to be consoled, Carly said, "Jax, I really want this. Think of how much fun we can have practicing" Carly grinned. "I know Carly..." Jax was interrupted when Lucy came out onto the stage. She had changed again, into a white peek a boo floor length gown. "Is everyone having a good time? I know I am, seeing everyone dressed in their finest. I love the Nurse's Ball. I hope you are all going and checking out the silent auction as well. Now, Nikolas Cassadine is going to, shall I say, do a performance for us all. Let's give it up for Nikolas!" Lucy walked off the stage, clapping "Nikolas, what's this about?" Emily asked. "I didn't know you were going to do anything. " "Kind of a last minute substitution. Lucy needed someone to talk and she cornered me. Of course I said I would help her out." Nikolas kissed her and walked up to the stage. He grabbed the microphone. "Hello everyone. I am here tonight because I want everyone to know how beautiful a person Emily Quartermaine is. Who here agrees with me?" Nikolas looked at Emily who was blushing, "Does everyone know the beautiful Emily Bowen Quartermaine? She's over there at the Quartermaine table." Nikolas said. "Emily, will you also come up here please? I need you up here" Emily stammered, embarrassed, "Nikolas, what are you doing?" "Come on Emily. Don't leave me hanging up here.... Monica, Alan, Ned, get her up here for me." Nikolas pleaded earnestly. "Go on Em!" Alan yelled, "What's the worst that can happen?" Emily walked towards the stage as Nikolas got a chair from Lucy. He led Emily to it and sat her in it. Emily brought her hands to her mouth and gasped. "Oh Nikolas, what are you doing? You are embarrassing me." "Everyone, I love this woman. I love this woman more than life itself. Emily you are the light of my life, the reason that I want to wake up in the morning. You are like a mother to Spencer and I am proud to have you in my life. You are my best friend and..." Nikolas gets down on one knee, "I would like to ask you to become my wife." Emily jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Yes!" she yelped. The couple kissed while the crowd enthusiastiastically cheered them on. Nikolas slipped a two carat ring on her finger. At the Quartermaine table, Edward turned to the rest of the Quartermaines and said, "I always liked him. Maybe we can talk about merging our companies." Tracy looked scornfully around, "Oh please," and downed a shot. Ned shot a look at his grandfather, "Grandfather, be happy for Emily, and Mother, can it." Monica looked on with pride at her daughter, "Yes Tracy, let Emily have her night." Laura ran up to Nikolas and hugged him, "Oh honey, congratulations." She kissed Emily on the cheek, "And welcome to our family as well. You have made my son so happy for so long. I thank you for that." "Thank you Mrs. Spencer." Emily said, holding her hands out to Laura. "I love Nikolas so much, you know that Lucky patted his brother on the back, "You pulled it off Nikolas! Good job." Elizabeth leaned over and hugged Emily, "Congratulations Em. Let me see the ring." Emily held out her hand, "Oh Nikolas, you have exquisite taste." "Well, I can't take all the credit." Nikolas said, putting his arm around Emily, "Laura helped me out." Emily hugged him back, "I loved it and I was so surprised." Nikolas looked deep in her eyes, "I want to surprise you every day of our lives together." Lucy walks onto the stage, "I want to congratulate Emily Quartermaine and Nikolas Cassadine on their engagement. You pulled it off! I can't wait for the wedding! After a short break, Ned Ashton will sing a medley of songs from his Eddie Maine days. It has been a long time since we have seen him in those leather pants!" She is about to walk off the stage when something catches her eye, "Wait a minute...." Lucy stares into the crowd, "Is that, no it can't be." The crowd looks to where she is looking. "The light is in my eye but is that the former face of Deception Brenda Barrett? Oh my God! It is! Brenda! What are you doing here?" The spotlight shines on Brenda, looking ravishing in a black one shoulder dress. "Brenda!" Robin pushes forward and hugs her best friend. "What are you doing here?" Brenda hugs her best friend, "I'm back. I am here to stay." Over Robin's shoulder, Brenda's eyes connect with Sonny's. ~ Next time... Brenda is back and everyone wants to know why Dillion and Lulu have a confrontation Carly freaks out
Sounds excellent! Can't wait to read it
"Welcome back everyone, wasn't that hunky Dr Drake just wonderful starting the show off?" Lucy said, walking out onto the stage, "Does everyone like my dress?" She twirled in her multicolored layered dress and curtsied to the crowd. "I want you all to know that all the dresses that I will be wearing will be auctioned off as well. Now our next act features some of our favorite couples. Please welcome Dr Lainey Winters and Justus Ward, one of my favorite ex husbands, Alan Quartermaine with his lovely wife Monica and Luke and Laura Spencer. They will be dancing a tango for us followed by a samba! Give it up for our dancing couples!" She walked off the stage as the music began. Alexis Davis was enjoying a drink with Sonny when her ex husband, Ric stopped by. "Alexis, Sonny. What are you doing here together?" "Well tonight is for a good cause and I thought it would be nice to come with the father of my daughter. We had some things to discuss. Not that it is any of your business," Alexis retorted. Ric snorted, "It is my business when a known felon is hanging around my daughter. I told you Alexis, I do not want Sonny around Molly." Sonny smirks, "Well brother, I don't see Molly here. Alexis and I are just having a nice evening together for a good cause." "Oh please Sonny. There must be a hidden agenda here. Alexis is the DA. Sonny you or that thug Morgan must have commited some crime and you need Alexis to get you off." "Now that's enough Ric. Please, just leave us alone." Alexis said, exasperated. Sonny stood up and put his hand on his back, "I would advise you to do what the lady says, Ric." "Alexis, you will be hearing from my attorney regarding the custody issues regarding Molly. Do you even have a lawyer yet?" Ric snapped. "As a matter of fact Ric, I do. Sonny has gotten a lawyer for me. In fact he is one of the best in the state. He will be in touch." Alexis said, "Now please Ric, leave us alone." Astonished, Ric's mouth dropped open, "Sonny got you a lawyer? Are you kidding me? Not one of your better ideas counselor. But it will certainly benefit me. Have a good evening." With that, Ric walked away, chuckling. Alexis turned to Sonny, "This better work Sonny." Sonny held up his hands and smiled, "Trust me! Now if you excuse me, I will be right back." Felicia and Maxie went outside and took a walk. "What's going on Maxie? Want to tell me what's bothering you?" "Oh Mom, I really messed things up with Lucky." Maxie kicked at a rock, "After Jesse was killed things were so messed up for me. I wanted someone to love me and I thought Lucky was it. I really do love him, but he won't take me back." Felicia put her arm around her daughter, "Maxie, you got him hooked on drugs and almost ruined his marriage. You have to accept responsibility for that." Maxie shrugged Felicia's arm off her, "You know, Elizabeth is no saint. I wish people would stop acting like she is one." "Maxie they are married. Married people go through troubled times. You and I don't know what is going on in their marriage. You will find someone to love. Isn't their someone at the hospital that you could go out with?" Felicia counseled. "Please Mom," Maxie stopped and wiped the tears from her eyes, "Everyone knows what I did to Elizabeth. I am the local pariah around here. No one will go out with me." Felicia hugged her daughter again, "You are a beautiful, intelligent young woman. Why don't you enroll at PCU and meet people there, outside of the realm of people you know now. This will give you a chance to get over Lucky and will lead you to new exciting things." "I don't know Mom." Maxie cast her eyes down and sighed, "Let's go back inside. I'm getting cold." Felicia put her hand under Maxie's chin and raised it up, "I love you Maxie." "I love you too Mom." Maxie mumbled. Carly, dressed in a tight gold lame dress, leaned over and kissed Jax passionately, "I love you Jax" "I love you too Carly." Jax smiled. "Having a good time?" She asked, nuzzling up against his neck. Jax moved away and laughed, "Carly, every moment spent with you is an adventure. I would give you the world if I could." Carly leaned back and gazed deeply into his eyes, "Would you?" "Would I what?" "Give me anything I want?" Carly cooed seductively. Jax pushed some strands of her hair back, "Within reason." "Jax." Carly started but stopped when Sonny came over and said hello, "Sonny, how are you?" "Oh I am fine. Jax." Sonny nodded at his rival, "How are the boys?" "Sonny they are fine. Actually Jason has them tonight and we will be picking them up after the ball." Carly replied cooly. Sonny shifted from one foot to the other, "Well I just wanted to say hi. I'll pick up the kids tomorrow." "Bye Sonny" Carly said, "You know, he always knows exactly when to interupt, it's like he has a knack." She put her chin in her hands, "So where were we?" Jax smiled his patented seductive smile, "You wanted me to give you something. So tell me Carly, is it jewels, a trip, or a plane? What do you want?" Carly smiled, "I want to have your baby." ~Next time.... A proposal is made Carly and Jax continue their conversation A blast from the past returns to shake things up
Tishy commented on juniorz1's blog entry in Return to Santa Barbara
I can't wait to see who is behind the takeover. I have my theories, but again, they are just theories... -
WoW! Excellent ending....never saw it coming. Absolutely loved it, so many possibilities
Thank you. Means a lot coming from you.
This is the first of a series of five episodes of the Nurse's Ball. Much action will occur. In the next five episodes, a popular character will return and a beloved heroine will suffer a tragedy that will change the citizens of Port Charles forever.... "Good Evening everyone and welcome to the Nurses Ball! A tradition here in Port Charles to raise money for a very worthy cause, AIDS research." The crowd applauds and whistles as Lucy stands in front of the crowd. Everyone in Port Charles is there dressed in their finest. Lucy is in a black strapless chiffon dress and Manolos. The first of many dress changes for her. "Tonight we have many performances from the talented people of General Hospital. We also have a silent auction in the back room. So please, help yourselves to the food and drink and get those checkbooks ready. This is for a worthy cause!" When the applause died down, she announced, "Now to start off our show we have the very handsome Dr. Noah Drake singing "Jesse's Girl". Give a round of applause to Dr Drake!." Lucy walked off the stage and Noah started to sing. Around the room were several tables filled with the citizens of Port Charles. Everyone from the Quartermaines to the Spencers were there. Bobbie Jones was there with her date, Dr Noah Drake. At their table was Dr Robin Scorpio and Dr Patrick Drake. Across the room was Jasper Jax and his fiancee Carly Corinthos. Carly had stopped at the table to talk to her mother earlier and tell her how beautiful she looked. Carly herself was wearing a rather risque gold lame dress. Sonny Corinthos raised eyebrows when he came with the DA, Alexis Davis. They had reached an amicable agreement regarding Kristina. Now that Alexis was divorced from Ric, Sonny was helping Alexis get the best attorney for the upcoming custody battle for Molly. At the bar, Maxie glared up at the stage, remembering her deceased boyfriend Jesse. She downs a shot and sees Lucky and Elizabeth at a nearby table. It doesn't help that there is quite a noticeable bump around Elizabeth's middle and she is glowing. Elizabeth is wearing a blue off the shoulder dress and Lucky is in a black tux. Maxie moves off her stool and confronts Lucky. "Lucky, Elizabeth." Lucky sighs, "Maxie, please we have gone over this many times. I am staying with Elizabeth. She has forgiven me for sleeping with you and becoming a drug addict. You need to leave us alone." "Yes Maxie, please just leave us alone." Elizabeth pleaded. "Get off your highhorse St. Elizabeth. We all know you are not the saint you claim to be. Lucky loves me!" Maxie cried. Elizabeth shot back, "No he doesn't. He cheated because you got him high. He belongs with me and our children. You have nothing with him. You mean nothing to him. When are you going to realize that" "Shut up Elizabeth. What Lucky and I had was special." Lucky stood up and caught Felicia's eye, "Maxie you are making a scene." "It's just this song, Jesse's Girl. I was Jesse's girl and he loved me. And now he is gone." Maxie burst into tears, "I can't move on." Felicia came over, "Thanks Lucky, let's go Maxie." Lulu, in a peach spaghetti strap dress, was sitting next to Laura. Across the room she saw Dillion and Georgie laughing and having a good time. Lulu sighed, remembering last week when the two of them kissed passionaetly behind Kelly's. He was willing to kiss her and make out with her, but not willing to break up with Georgie. In fact, in public he went out of his way to ignore her and be rude to her. "Honey, what's wrong? Aren't you having a good time?" Laura asked. "Yes Mom," Lulu looked across the room, tears shimmering in her eyes, "It's just so hard. I really like Dillion and he won't pay any attention to me." "Oh honey," Laura leaned over and squeezed Lulu's shoulder, "You are a beautiful young woman and you will find a young man who will love you for you. You are young and you will find someone." Lulu looked at her mother, "But you knew you loved Dad right away." "Well your father and I went through a lot to get to where we are now." Lulu stood up, "Well I won't get anywhere with Dillion if I just sit here with my parents. So I am going to go say Hi." Before Laura could say anything Lulu started weaving through the crowd. She stopped at Dillion's elbow, "Hi Dillion, Hi Georgie. Are you guys having a good time?" Georgie and Dillion turned around, smiles on their faces, "Hi Lulu." "Are you having a good time? Who are you here with?" Georgie asked. "I came with my parents and Lucky and Elizabeth. Georgie you look gorgeous." Lulu commented on Georgie's yellow dress. "Thanks. My Mom helped me pick it out." Dillion started to look uncomfortable, "Well Lulu, is there anything you want?" Georgie swatted him, "Dillion!" "No, just wanted to say Hi. See you guys later." Lulu turned away before they could see the tears coming down her face. Lucy comes out on the stage in a new dress, this time a red Valentino with black Jimmy Choos. "Dr Drake, you were wonderful. Isn't he a hunky doctor? Please everyone, continue to write those checks and make sure you check out the silent auction. We will take a short break before the next act."
This shocks me because you like them so much. Never thought it would happen.
I love it as usual. Great Thanksgiving. Most intrigued by the Mary/Mason/Julia triangle...
Nurse's Ball: The first several episodes take place at the Nurse's Ball. This kickstarts several stories. A tragedy involving a beloved heroine will occur there followed by serious repercussions for one of the contract players. Brenda Barrett returns at the Nurse's Ball and she has a secret that will affect many lives. This will play out over a long period of time and have surprising results for many people. Georgie/Dillion/Lulu. He will have to make a decision. The right one, or to follow his heart. Elizabeth/Lucky/Jason/Emily/Nikolas/Alison Because of what occurs after the Nurse's Ball will have a huge effect on the six of them. I can't get into much more without revealing too many secrets, but a huge story will come up for them. Tracy: Tracy finds love, in the least possible place you could think of. Alexis/Ric He wants custody of Molly and will do anything to get it. She has her job as DA back and her cancer is in remission. Lucy/Scott He will try to win her back, but she has been burned too many times. Patrick/Robin They are in full love mode but she has problems that he can't help her with that will test their love. Carly/Jax/Brenda/Sonny With Brenda back, all of Carly's insecurities come roaring back. She views Brenda as the standard that she could never reach with them. Even though Brenda makes it clear that she wants nothing to do with them, Carly doesn't believe her. But could Carly be right? This is all we can reveal at this time. I hope you all will read it and enjoy it. Please, any suggestions are appreciated.
I am doing a little rewritting of some history. So to explain some things, Here they are. ~Sam McCall was killed in a mob shootout. ~Emily and Sonny....NEVER happened. ~Laura has not been in a catatonic state. She has been alive and well with her children. ~For the people that were on Port Charles, no vampires or vampire slayers. The only mention we will have to that is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Pretty much that is the rewritting of the history.....for now *grin*
Four Shocking Additions To The Cast! Plus Exits...
Tishy commented on Ryan's blog entry in Port Charles
As a HUGE fan of Dr David Hayward, I can't wait to see him here. I hope he stays around for a while.... -
Interview with Tony Geary and Genie Francis
Tishy posted a blog entry in The Citizens of Port Charles
Tishy: Tonight i have the honor to have a few words with two of the biggest legends in daytime, Genie Francis and Tony Geary. They were gracious enough to take some time out of their busy schedules to have a few words with us. Good evening, how are you both? Genie: Doing wonderful. I am so happy to be back working. Tony: I love working with this woman. She is magical. Genie: Oh stop. Tishy: I see you two still bring out the best in each other. Tony: That we do. She is the yin to my yang, the salt to my pepper, the feng to my Genie: Tony! Tony: Ok, Ok. Tishy: So tell us what is coming up for you two. Genie: We have a lot of family interaction. There will be a storyline involving Lucky, Elizabeth and Lulu that we will be involved in. We will also be involved with our second family, the Scorpios. Tony: There is so much history between Luke and Robert. Tishy: Please don't tell me that Robert is going to make a play for Laura? Genie laughs: No, it involves the children and other things that will get me fired if I discuss. Tishy: I hear Scott Baldwin is coming back to town. Tony: You hear right. I love working with Kin. At first, I won't be working with him much. But he will be in the mix. Tishy: Are you both happy with the direction that the storylines are going right now? Tony: They are certainly starting out at a fast clip. Genie: You aren't going to want to miss a single episode, especially in the first ten. A lot of things happen that will change everyone's lives forever. Tishy: It has been a pleasure talking to you both. Have a great evening. -
Way to keep us on our toes! Excellent ending!
Love the wink to Cory Publishing! Another great one!
Tishy: Today we got the chance to sit down with two of our favorite actresses from General Hospital, Sarah Joy Brown and Vanessa Marcil. Here is an excerpt of the interview... Welcome ladies, how does it feel to be back? Vanessa: It feels great Sarah: Like slipping into a nice warm pair of slippers. I feel like I never left. I love the character of Carly. Vanessa: Oh and I love Brenda too. She is so much fun to play. Tishy: Rumor has it that Carly and Brenda will be interacting a lot? Sarah: Well...they have been involved with a lot of the same men. Vanessa: Hey I had em first! Sarah: I have Maurice's kids! Vanessa: Very true... Tishy: What can you tell us about any storylines coming up? Vanessa: The first several episodes start with the Nurse's Ball. There are several acts, plus there is a lot of action off the stage going on Tishy: Like what? Sarah: Well, we really can't give away much, but there is some action between Lulu and Dillion. Maxie stirs things up a little. Carly of course makes a scene. That's really about all I can say. Vanessa: Something big does happen. But we can't reveal it. Tishy: Oh come on, can't you tell us who it involves? Vanessa: Well, a beloved member of the show. Sarah: It will be the umbrella for a lot of stories, and when I mean a lot, I mean a lot. Port Charles won't be the same. Tishy: Well, that was the short excerpt of an interview with Sarah Brown and Vanessa Marcil. Hopefully later this week, we can get another interview with a cast member and find out what other storylines are going to happen!
Excellent episode. I loved it! I love the tension between Bobbie and Noah, it works so well.
Can't wait to see who Alan's killer is!
I want to know when you are going to reveal who is behind the takeover? Now I am even more convinced it is Angela
Thank you! I am hoping to premiere a week from today