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Everything posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan


    Episode#66 -Stephanie helps Kim up and asks her if she’s alright, Kim says she thinks so, but it’s hard walking. -Rex Balsom tells Steve and Kayla he will investigate some things, in the meantime Steve and Kayla examine Llanview a bit. -An ambulance arrives to take Andre’s body away, as they do Faux Roman tells Tony he will have to arrest him. John stops him and asks Tony where he has been the past eleven years. -Hattie tells Marlena she was in a good mood today, and also she found out about the DiMera’s true intentions. -Hope has a sudden pain in her stomach! -EJ says into the air quietly that his father’s era is over and his has just begun….he says he never barely even saw his father anyway, but he knows the DiMera history. He then says his first move will be to take down Basic Black, John/Roman’s company. And at the same time he will be planning on how to get Sami. -Sami and Lucas bond, they share a kiss but Lucas shoves Sami away, saying he has not completely gotten over Carrie yet, and is still in pain from her betrayal. -Vivian arrives at the ward Sam has been commited to, and Sam asks what she’s doing here. -The police tell Kate and Shawn they will start a search, and Kate tells Shawn this is all his fault! -Chelsea just walks away from Abby in anger, and heads to the Java Café. -EJ thinks to himself that he won’t get Sami if she finds out who he really is….so he must conceal it for now….but it will come out…someday….
  2. WHOA! Eric and Nicole...MARRIED?! Didn't expect that one. Great cliffhanger ending Phoenix!!!! Loving all of this.
  3. daysfan


    WOW! Annie was...unexpected. I never even considered her. Great work King, that was a great twist and reveal.
  4. She's only been on for a few days, but I already love Judy! And, I wonder what Sarah's secret is. If it is another guy (which it might not be), I just hope you won't fade Lauren to the back ground like they did with Jan on Days. However, I have a feeling it's not a man, even though it could be, and also I know your not as stupid as JER.
  5. daysfan


    Episode#65 -Vivian decides to pay Sam a visit at the ward she had been committed to. -The fire in the trash can continues to rise as Victor privately declares he has gone back to his old ways. -Margaret thinks to herself while working that she can use Victor to help get Todd and Todd Jr. back. -Everyone in the Pub is shocked to see Tony, John asks if he is Tony or someone else, Tony tells them all he is the actual Tony, and that he shot Andre! -Chelsea is torn over losing Max, she runs into Abby and tells her about it! Abby however adds no sympathy and tells Chelsea she deserved it, because what Max told her is exactly right. -Philip takes Belle and Claire to some kind of house outside of Salem. Belle begs him to stop this and let them go, but Philip tells her he won’t lose her and Claire! -Kate barges into the police station and asks Shawn what in the world he is talking about! Shawn tells her that her son is a psycho and kidnapped Belle and Claire! -Marlena and Hattie flee the DiMera Mansion, after they are gone Marlena asks Hattie how she knew she had been kidnapped and why she rescued her. -EJ is alone in the Salem Inn, he has a picture of Sami at his desk, he looks at it and declares her his Queen of the Night. He says his father was a non success with his Queen of the Night and bringing down the good people of Salem, but he will not fail with either…..
  6. daysfan


    YAY! This should be interesting!
  7. daysfan


    Episode#64 -Marlena’s rescuer is revealed to be Hattie Adams! -Nikki reveals while alone that she and Victor had a child together years ago! She remembers how years ago she fleed from Llanview and met Victor, then she remembers how they had an affair together…but so did he and Viki! Nikki then remembers how she was pregnant and gave the child up for adoption. She wonders where it is now! -Marie finds Laura having a break down, she quickly calls for someone to come help. Bill rushes in and tries to help Laura. -Nicole tells Eric to spare her his pity, and shoves him off then walks off. -Chelsea tries to make an excuse, but Max tells her to just stop, he says she has had too many chances, but she destroyed them all! He tells her that she is never going to grow up, because she won’t stop until she gets what she wants. Chelsea pleads for him to just stop and listen, but Max says he’s not going to listen to it anymore. He tells her that she ran over her own brother and killed him, yet it didn’t even phase her and she just continued to go off and try to get her parents together. He says she never takes responsibility for her actions, so they are through! He tosses Chelsea out of the garage! -Rex and Willow get to know each other a little more, and Rex ends up telling Willow all about his problems with Mimi, she advises him to just forget her. -Andre’s shooter walks right into the Pub, and it is revealed to be the REAL Tony DiMera! -Shawn informs the police that Philip has kidnapped Belle and Claire, Kate is walking in and overhears it! She is shocked! -Steve and Kayla meet with Rex Balsom, and tell him all about someone in Llanview possibly faking Steve’s death. -While in the Lord Mauselom, Kim suddenly falls down in pain. -Victor is in his office alone, he has been there for a while, thinking about all that has transpired within the last few years. He also reveals that he has found out about Philip’s little stunt earlier, and he then says in a low tone that that only solidifies his decision. He has a bunch of pictures on his desk, the people in the pictures are Nikki, Viki, Caroline, Stefano, Jan, Nicole, John, Faux Roman, Bo, Hope, Marlena, Kim, Steve, Kayla, Shawn, Belle, and Sami. He takes the pictures of Caroline and Viki, and then he puts them on the side of his desk. He takes the rest and grabs a lighter, he then sets all of the pictures on fire! He calmly drops them all in the small trash can next to him, as the flames go up he says softly “You all will pay….every single one of you.” and the screen fades to black with the flames rising from the trash can and Victor’s ice cold glare.
  8. Probably a little bit after Christmas, because I can't see anyone going before that.
  9. A CASTING BLOOD BATH STRIKES LIFE IN SALEM!!!!!!! WHO WILL BE ITS VICTIMS?!!!!!? As previously mentioned in the winter previews, there are many cuts coming for Life in Salem. "It's not going to be a serial killer storyline...but it will be like one! There will be huge casting decisions, and I have to say that some fan faves will be fired from Life in Salem...." the headwriter says "The cast is just too big...and with it growing some must be cut." No casting cuts have bene revealed yet.....so everyone is wondering this: Who will be cut? There is also no confirmation of how many people will be cut, but sources say it will be AT LEAST half the cast. Perhaps even more. Also, many contracts end this winter, and rumours are most of them will not be renewed. Time will tell who will be cut! So stay tuned to Life in Salem!
  10. WINTER PREVIEWS! "November Sweeps was a great success," comments Life in Salem's writer "But the winter will be even better!" Here are some things readers can expect to see this winter.... John/Marlena: Well, the shocker in November was that John is really Roman Brady! John seems to have already accepted this....but has he really? Mabye he has, but mabye he hasn't. Marlena will be helping him along the way as he deals with his new family, his old ones, and others. They will be front and center during sweeps, John will also have to deal with the DiMera's as well. So he will have his hands full with all of this. As for Marlena, she will have quite a bit on her plate to. Because first of all Kristen's back! Meaning trouble for both John and Marlena! Then of course Sam is also at large....Marlena will be trying to get Sam;s sanity back together, and it could or could not work. Sam's going to have her own story....but we can't go into that. And, to make things even more complicated for Marlena, Hattie's back! Hattie was recently revealed to be the mystery person that saved Marlena from Alex and Stefano, but will she make Marlena repay her? Lucas/Sami/EJ: This story is going to slowly grow during the winter, Lumi will return, but they will not reunite just yet. The main focus of this storyline during winter will be Sami continue to mature.It will be taken gradually, and Lucas will be right there to guide her....but so will EJ! EJ is a DiMera, but how? This will be revealed sometime during winter. And sources say he is not Elvis Jr. or Benjy! Lilly/Max/Erin: This triangle has just begun and will grow during the beginning of November! SParks are flying between Erin and Max as readers can easily tell! Lilly is also as seen slowly losing her sanity, and she has a strange secret. The secret will be revealed as Abby will finally remember and expose her along with some help. Lilly isn't the only problem here though.... there is another that will blossom into a new storyline! Faux Roman: He will have a NEW love interest this winter. It's not Hattie, it's not Marlena, and it's not Anna! He will also be searching for his actual identity during winter....but we're notgoing into detail! Philip/Belle/Shawn/Jan: This story has turned into chaos! First of all, Belle and Shawn are cousins! Meaning Claire is a child of cousins! But the headwriter tells us he will fix that problem. And, Philip has kidnapped Belle and Claire! Some of winter will be Shawn searching for them, but with the help of Victor, Philip will keep evading them until eventually Belle and Claire are found. Philip is intent on keeping his family....but how far will he go before he is stopped? Then we have Jan, she will bond with Shawn, but after a while, she will have to move on from him. "I must say, this storyline will probably conclude during Winter, and I can say at least one or two of the people in this quad should be gone by Winter's end." the headwriter told us Caroline/Victor/Nikki/Viki/Clint: This storyline did not kick off in November like expected... but it does not need it's not happening! Caroline will be busy with this John drama....but will bond with Victor along the way. It has been revealed Nikki and Victor had a child together....which will not fair well at all with anyone! Their child will eventually be brought on, but probably not during Winter, but it could happen. Viki will finally be back and Clint (Jerry Ver Dorn) will have a short stint as he and Viki finally end things. One question remains: Will Viki stick around Salem and if so will she get in a relationship with Victor? Steve/Kayla: They will continue their adventures in Llanview for the beginning of November and finally figure out who faked Steve's death! It will be shocking and cause rifts between certain people....eventually they will leave Llanview and head back to Salem. Steve will probably get his memory back during winter sometime, and he and Kayla will reunite....but Steve will remember something no one knows! And it could destroy him and Kayla's marriage forever! And, rumours are swirling Benjy Hawk DiMera will be back. Greta/Eric/Nicole: This triangle will go on for most of Winter... Greta will gradually get to where she can forgive Eric for what happened years ago between him and Nicole. Meanwhile Eric will be comforting Nicole over losing Austin, but also he bonds with Greta. Who will Eric end up getting together with? Time will tell. Bo/Hope/Megan:: Bo and Hope will reunite as always, and will give birth to their baby during winter! But Megan will be after Bo, and will take very, very drastic measures to get him that could split Bo and Hope apart all over again! Abe/Lexie: Tek's murder trial/investigation will continue but not for long! We cannot go into much detail but eventually Lexie will be ousted which transforms her into a true DiMera. Rex/Cassie/Willow: Willow and Rex will grow very close this winter that could lead to danger for Rex! Willow's going to be trouble for the whole town! Cassie will be very upset at Rex's new women, even after she managed to get rid of Mimi! But Cassie will get distracted when she meets a new man! Kate/Vivian: Kate's story has finally begun! Her story begun during November Sweeps, readers just didn't know. The rivalry between her and Vivian is being re energized and they will not both be after Victor, but they will be rival in businesses! Vivian still loves Victor, but that won't be touched for a bit. The main focus will be on the buisness rivalry! May the best woman and business win! Cast Cuts: Rumours are that half of the cast is going to be gone by winters end....but who will leave? This has fans in an worry as ANYONE could recieve their pink slip! Other: Forrest Alamain, Kristen Blake and possibly other roles played by Eileen Davidson, an unknown man, Nicholas and Lawerence Alamain will all be back this winter! Each playing major roles in new storylines! Chelsea and Jeremy are back and stories will soon begin! Rumours are swirling that Billie is leaving but the headwriter says absolutely not and the story planned for her is still on! She will have a new man in store! Tony's back and has a big story planned with Anna and the huge secret we have been hinting at for months will FINALLY be revealed! Kim will still be backburner....however rumours are amuck that Shane's coming back!
  11. Hehe, loved the ending. And I can just imagine a cold look on Victor's face of blankness but you can tell he is evil just by the way he looks at Roman.
  12. daysfan


    Episode#63 -The hooker tells Rex her name is Willow, and then she says he looks like he needs someone to talk to. -Bo Buchanon directs Steve and Kayla to Rex Balsom, saying he could probably help them. -Chelsea slaps Max and asks him with who, Max says Lilly Spears. Chelsea asks “Wait ,is she related to that loony chick Jan Spears?” Max says yeah, and Chelsea groans and yells that they had a relationship and he deserted her, Max turns around and says to her they might have had a chance if she hadn’t pulled all those stunts with Bo’s email! -Maggie mourns Mickey. Alice tries to cheer Maggie up and tells her Mickey is at peace like Tom was and still is, she tells her to be thankful for the time she had with Mickey, and he, like Tom, is watching down on them right now. -Andre is hit in the chest and he falls to the ground breathing heavily, some rush down to him while others try to find the person who shot him. Lexie yells they need to get Andre to a hospital, but Andre says no, and laughs as he tells them these are his final moments. He tells them he may not have won the battle against them, but the phoenix will rise again. He continues to laugh as he thinks about all the pain he caused as the Salem Slasher, framing John, and the past four years. He tells them he may not have succeeded in killing them, but he did succeed in wreaking havoc and carrying on the DiMera legacy while all the others were gone. He yells that he curses Salem and all of it’s citizens and former citizens, then chokes out one final laugh as he dies. -No one comes, Stefano mutters to himself why didn’t he get some kind of doctor as his hencman after Wihelm Rolf died, he kicks Alex and says “It is too late now, Alex is dead, meaning I have lost another one of my henchman. Ah well, he was not much use to me anymore after he fell off that cliff.” Stefano tells the guards to remove Alex’s corpse from the mansion, and then have someone place it in the sea on an island that is some distance from Morgan Island, so it looks like they have just found the body. The guards bow and grab Alex’s corpse and leave the room. -Nikki wonders if it is too risky being in Salem, and wonders if Victor will find out her secret! -Shawn bursts into the police office and yells that their has been a kidnapping! -Abe sits in his jail cell and wonders if someone implanted that evidence the police found in his house. -Greta worries what the consequences will be of revealing her paternity to Salem. -Eric bumps into Nicole once again at Salem Place, Nicole groans and turns around saying she is bumping into him too much lately, Eric grabs her and tells her he is sorry about her losing Austin. -Melissa and Sarah comfort each other over Mickey’s death. Laura hears about it and is shocked, which results in her having a breakdown! -Marlena and her rescuer rush to escape the DiMera mansion, as they try to get out a window Marlena’s rescuer is REVEALED! -Nikki is sitting in a lonely and dark room at the Kiriakis mansion, she says again Victor can never find out her secret. She says Victor can never find out that SHE AND VICTOR HAD A CHILD TOGETHER!
  13. daysfan

    HOT SEX!!!!

    OMGS!!!!!! *DIES*
  14. daysfan


    Episode#62 -Maggie rushes in to her house to see Mickey on the ground, she screams and tells Mickey she will call 911, but Mickey weakly tells her to stop, saying the inevitable has come. -Alex falls after being shot, clutching his neck, he screams for Stefano to help him, Stefano calls for someone to get a medic or something in here! -Andre laughs and says indeed he did, he then shoves John off and Bo tells Andre to put his hands up or he swears he’ll shoot! Victor, Caroline, Sami, Lucas, Lexie, Celeste, Faux Roman, and Anna all happen to walk in. Andre tells them they are just in time, and Anna screams “TONY?!” Faux Roman pulls out his gun as well as everyone else stands back in horror, Andre tells Anna it’s not Tony, and it’s Andre! Victor scoffs and says “Your alive still? Why don’t you just give up? You’re a nutcase and have lost every single time you rival us.” Andre just laughs and responds that everyone in this room is about to die, Anna walks up and slaps Andre, and attacks him but Andre pushes her off and grabs her, he tells them if anyone shoots Anna will die, but all of a sudden a shot from someone fires through the window and hits Andre! -Marlena sighs as she cannot get the door open, but all of a sudden someone swings it open! Viewers cannot see the face but Marlena is shocked to see who her rescuer is! -Stephanie and Kim walk around the cemetery in Llanview, seeing if there is anything about Steve there like a grave or something, and they walk straight into the Lord Mauselom! -Max tells Chelsea he’s moved on, she is horrified. He tells her it’s true. -Belle screams for Philip to stop, but Philip is in a panic and tells her he loves her and Claire too much to lose them now, he pushes both of them in his car and drives off before Shawn can stop him! -Rex is walking around in one of the bad parts of Salem, he is in emotional pain after al that has happened with Mimi today, and while he is alone he finally admits he still loves her! As he is sitting on a bench a woman (Annie Burgstede) walks by and says “Hey stranger.” -Bonnie visits Mimi in jail, and tells her she is gonna get Mimi out of this okay and Mimi will get her marriage back. Mimi tells Bonnie she has lost Shawn for good and right now they need to focus on how to get her free, she wonders how all this evidence was even found anyway! She says she gets why Cassie would frame her, but she doesn’t get how they found evidence that supports Cassie. -Jan is alone in Belle and Philip’s loft, she sits down and remembers how she was the one who pushed Cassie out the window, she then thinks to herself that Mimi has to go down for it, and then she also recalls how she got all that strange FAKE evidence on her doorstep that stated that Jan was under hypnosis by the DiMera’s a couple of years ago when she tried to kill Victor, stalked Shawn, kidnapped him, and blackmailed Mimi. She then also wonders who sent her the file on Claire and the video of Mimi and Bonnie talking about Claire. -When Abby runs into Lilly she has odd flashbacks of her and Lilly in the secret room of the Spears Mansion, but Abby brushes them off. -Maggie tells Mickey they can’t give up now, but Mickey says they are not giving up, but simply accepting what has to happen sooner or later, Melissa and Sarah come down from upstairs are shocked to see Mickey like this, Melissa tries to call 911 but Mickey says to her the same thing he said to Maggie. Maggie, Melissa, and Sarah are all in tears after a few minutes, Mickey is getting to the point where he cannot breath anymore and Mickey tells them between breaths that his life is complete because he had wonderful children, a great family, and most of all a great wife. Melissa and Sarah kiss Mickey goodbye and tell him goodbye very emotionally and both break down in each other’s arms, Maggie finally kisses Mickey one last time, accepting the fact he has to go, and she tells him she loves him, he manages to barely smile and he gets out before he slips away “Goodbye, my love.” and he closes his eyes and we see Mickey’s spirit leaving his body and going up with Tom Horton to heaven. Maggie says “Rest in Peace Mickey.” and the screen fades to black with an image on screen of the loving, wonderful, kind, Mickey Horton.
  15. daysfan


    For Willow, I think Bree Williamson could work, she seemed good as Tess on OLTL so depending on where you take Willow Bree might work. Most would probably laugh, but Heather Lauren Olson could work for Willow as well.
  16. daysfan


    Episode#61 -Marlena breaks free of her chains and tries to figure out a way to get the door open! -John yells that that can’t be true and that according to him Andre died in Aremid! Andre tells him yes he was in Aremid, but he nearly escaped death yet again. Bo yells for him to just stop and Andre asks if the real Tony would lock everyone up in a castle, or not an island, and then he says Tony wouldn’t start a serial killer either. Bo, Hope, John, and Billie all realize it’s true! John grabs ahold of Andre and tells him now he will pay for framing him for his murder! -Chelsea heads over to Max’s garage, and sees that he isn’t there, but he soon walks in and he is shocked to see Chelsea! -The police inform Mimi they have to arrest her for the attempted murder of Cassie Brady! Mimi is shocked and screams that she’s innocent. Rex angrily storms out of the loft. -Faux Roman and Anna have a nice, friendly reunion and Faux Roman asks what she’s doing back in Salem. -Erin wonders why she feels these strange feelings for Max. -Steve and Kayla head to the police station, while Kim and Stephanie investigate other parts of Llanview. -Nicole just tells Eric and Greta to buzz off and she walks off, wallowing in the pain of losing Austin. -Cassie wonders if her plan will work, she then says to herself that Jan will get hers soon enough, but she has to get rid of Mimi somehow, so this is her chance! -As Mimi is pulled off by the police, Shawn holds Claire, tears start to stream down his face and he tells her she is a sweet, sweet and promising girl that didn’t deserve to be a child of cousins, he tells her even though she is, she’s his little girl. Philip finally loses it and grabs Claire out of Shawn’s arms, telling him never to touch his daughter again. -Lilly runs into Abby while walking around town. -Margaret recognizes Nikki and runs off, Nikki wonders if she’s seen Margaret before. -Steve and Kayla arrive at the police station and tell Bo Buchanon they need some files. -Chelsea tells Max she’s baaack. She goes over to kiss him but he stops her. -Mickey is at his house, and has a sudden heart attack! -Philip tells Shawn he is not getting his daughter or his wife, Shawn is confused and tells him Belle is his cousin, Philip grabs Belle and Claire in a panic and pulls them out of the loft. -As Alex and Stefano walk into Stefano’s office, someone, from the courtyard, aims at Alex and shoots him in the neck!
  17. I sort of agree, I mean, you have killed off alot of people and might be even the person who's killed off the most people out of all the blogs on SONBC, lol. Butttt, if it is either a very minor death like some character that is only featured for a week or two died, I would be okay with that, and if you have to kill off like one or two major characters I would be okay, but I even doubt that. I am just being honest, because Drew is right, you have had alot of deaths. And, FINALLY, an episode that is still long but not as long as one of those cliifhanger ones.
  18. daysfan


    Episode#60 -Everyone is shocked when Mimi admits to knowing the secret about Claire, Belle is angry and attacks Mimi! -Faux Roman is shocked to see Anna DiMera (Leann Hungley) standing before him! -Andre arrives at the Brady Pub, and busts in with a gun in his hands! -Steve, Kayla, and co. exit the plane, Kayla suggests that they start at the police station. -Nikki decides to break into the Kiriakis mansion and wait for Victor in his rooom, as she manages to bust through the window she runs into Margaret! -Erin backs away from Lilly, half scared, she tells her to calm down. Lilly tells her she’s not going to be calm when some woman is kissing her boyfreind! Lilly tries to attack Erin in a fit of rage, but Max stops her and kisses her. -Greta claims Eric is just trying to protect is girlfreind! Eric tells her Nicole and him have both moved on, but Greta is hesitant to believe him. -Everyone at the Pub is shocked to see Andre! Bo grabs his ugn out of his pocket and aims it Andre, thinking it is Tony, and tells him to freeze. John just happens to walk in as well and once hse sees Andre he attacks him, Andre manages to throw John off by hitting him in the stomach. Bo asks how he escaped from prison, and Andre just smirks and tells him the Phoenix will always rise again. -Mimi and Belle get into an intense catfight, Bonnie pulls Belle off of Mimi and Belle punches her, saying she knew about all this too. Mimi screams for everyone to stop and she begs Shawn to forgive her, telling him she loves him and did not want this to happen. Philip yells that if this is true then his daughter is a child of two cousins! Rex confronts Mimi and tells her he thought she had changed, but he was wrong. Mimi continues to beg for forgiveness, and Shawn asks why she did it. Mimi replies that she only did it because she was afraid if he knew the truth he would run straight back to Belle because everyone in that room knows that they love each other! -Marlena tells Stefano that he will never win no matter what! Stefano just laughs and as him and Alex leave the dungeon, Marlena discovers a loose bolt in her cuffs, and uses it to her advantage! -Andre points the gun at John, and tells John to back off of him, Andre tells everyone that they have been fools! Everyone is confused, and Andre scoffs and tells them he has been back for four years and no one has had enough of a brain to figure out the truth, Bo just tells him to stop taunting them and tell them what’s going on, Andre finally says “I am not Tony you imbeceils….I am his cousin Andre!” -Mimi gets angry herself and yells at Shawn saying she knows what she did was wrong, but if she hadn’t he would be with his own cousin right now! Tears stream out of Mimi’s eyes and she said that he knows that he would never have stayed with her if he knew Claire was his child. She then claims he never even loved her that much. Shawn says he did, but now he is not so sure! He tells her is divorcing her today! The police come down and interrupt everything, saying they have found some incriminating evidence while investigating where Cassie fell.
  19. daysfan


    Episode#59 -Erin pulls back from the kiss with Max, telling him she is sorry, he says that it’s him that should be sorry. Lilly watches through the doorway and barges in, telling Erin to stay away from Max. -Marlena asks Stefano how she has those memories then, Stefano tells them Alex managed to implant them into her when he hypnotized her. Marlena calls Alex and Stefano monsters! Stefano taunts her saying John won’t save her this time. -Kayla answers Steve by saying Benjy was Stefano DiMera’s good son that they met on their honeymoon, she says that he is living with his grandfather Orion now. Steve begins to have more memories just as the plane sets down. -Philip yells that what Jan is claiming can’t be true. Jan tells him it is, and then exclaims that Mimi knew the whole time! -Ivan asks Vivian how she did all of what she did. Vivian explains to Ivan that it all started when she arrived in town back in June, she says she had been watching everyone, and she wanted Victor back and revenge on Kate. She then tells Ivan she thought that if she made Victor’s family happy, he would be happy and love her. She then tells him that is why she interfered in the lives of Bo, Hope, Billie, Patrick, Shawn, and others. She also says she went after Kate’s family to get revenge on Kate. She says she woke Jan up from her coma because she knew Shawn would never be happy with Mimi, Chelsea was Kate’s grandaughter so that is why she went after her, and she poisoned Caroline because Caroline loved Victor, and finally attacked Kate. -Eric walks into the midst of Nicole and Greta’s fight, and manages to break it up. -Lexie hears Abe is arrested for Tek’s murder and is overjoyed yet at the same time sad. -Hope groans and walks away, Billie then tells Bo they have been going in circles like this for months, and it’s time it all ends. She tells him she wants to sever their relationship. -Faux Roman is walking through town, wonderin what to do, and runs into Anna DiMera! -Laura tells Jeremy she has not talked to his father in quite some time. -Shawn is enraged by Jan’s statements and grabs her, Jan pulls a disc out of the file and tells him to watch it. Shawn is confused, Jan breaks free of his grip and puts in the DVD player! It turns on and shows Mimi talking to Bonnie about Claire and how she shouldn’t keep the secret any longer, Shawn, Belle, Philipl, and Rex are all horrified. Mimi screams “No!” and Shawn asks her if all this is true, Mimi and Bonnie try to deny it, but Mimi finally breaks and admits that Jan is right, and she knew everything and has known it for months!
  20. I know how you feel King, because I had to do the exact same thing in my blog when I really love them too. You were very bold and brave to do this!!! But, at least you identified them as a supercouple!!!! I hate it when people say they're not.
  21. daysfan


    Episode#58 -Shawn tells Jan to just get on with it, and tells her nothing she has to say will change nothing, Jan says yes it will, and tells them she has a file on Claire! Mimi and Bonnie realize what is going on and begin to panic! -Abe is enraged. They tell him that they found Tek’s gun stuffed in one of Abe’s drawers! -As Steve, Kayla, Kim, and Stephanie set off for Llanview Steve has a memory of a little boy named Benjy, he walks over to Kayla and asks her who Benjy is. -Erin and Max spend time together, and they share a kiss. -Marlena asks what is going on. Stefano tells her that things are not as they seem, she is confused. Stefano tells her that this all was a DiMera trick….and that Alex was never her husband at all! She didn’t even know him until a year ago! Marlena is shocked. -Laura tells Jeremy she plans on sticking around through the holidays, Jeremy asks her how his father is. -EJ thinks to himself that Sami can never find out who he is. -The police find Mimi;s earring right where Cassie fell! -Bo asks Billie what she needs, and Billie tells him it’s time they talk about their relationship. -Megan spies on Bo, Billie, and Hope. She swears to herself she will get Bo back. -Andre heads to the Brady Pub, where he will finally reveal his true identity! -Nicole and Greta get in a fight over what happened with Eric at the Salem Inn. -Belle is outraged and asks Jan how she got that, Jan tells them she found it at her home, she then says to everyone that inside that file it reveals that Shawn is Claire’s biological father! Shawn, Belle, and Philip all stand in shock. Freeze Frame.
  22. Because it is November Sweeps, Life in Salem has decided to air for this weekend and this weekend ONLY special weekend episodes!!!!! One will be posted on Saturday, and the next on Sunday!!!! Stay tuned to Life in Salem!!!!
  23. daysfan


    Episode#57 -The next day has arrived. Andre readies to reveal himself to the citizens of Salem. He says to himself that soon they all will be dead. -Kayla convinces Steve to let her, Kim, and Stephanie go to Llanview with him. They board the plane and take off. -Chelsea is devastated over her being exposed yesterday, she wonders how Hope found that evidence in the first place, she tells herself that things are just getting worse and worse for her. Her parents are apart, she can’t remember the person that attacked her, and now her father hates her. -EJ and Sami spend time together, causing them to bond. -Hope runs into Bo at the Brady Pub, she tells him she is sorry for not believing him all those months ago with the email at Morgan Island. Bo forgives her, and Billie comes in telling Bo they need to talk. -Chloe and Brady make a shocking decision! They decide even though they just came back, they are leaving Salem because Brady is just not ready to accept his new family yet. They say goodbye to John, and take their daughter and board a plane out of Salem! -The Horton’s continue to spend time together. Jeremy gets to know Laura a bit, and he asks her if she is going to be in town for a while. -Stefano tells Alex it is time to reveal to Marlena the truth. Alex walks into the dungeon and takes Marlena’s blindfold off. Marlena screams when she sees Stefano standing before her. -John searches throughout Salem for Marlena. -The police tell Abe they have searched his house, and must arrest him! -Jan walks into the loft, she thinks to herself that now Shawn and her are bonded for life, because she implanted herself with his baby! She has Claire’s DNA file in her hand, and knocks on the door to Philip and Belle’s loft, Mimi and Shawn are inside along with Rex and Bonnie. Philip opens the door and Shawn tells Jan to leave, saying that she doesn’t belong here and she never will, because they all know that evidence she had that proved she was innocent of kidnapping Shawn and trying to kill Victor is not true. Jan walks into the loft anyway, and tells them all that does not matter, but what does is that file, and what is inside will change everyone’s lives forever!
  24. Life in Salem has made two shocking cuts, they just fired Nadia Bjorling (Chloe Lane Black) and Kyle Lower (Brady Black). The headwriter suddenly scrapped their story, and their fire was immediate. "I know this seems stupid since I just brought them back, but I have realized there is really no room for them right now. I could bring them back in the future, but for now they will have to be gone." he commented Bjorlin and Lowder are expected to last air on Episode#57.
  25. daysfan


    Glad you are reading Drew!!!! Llanview is Llanview, Pennsylvania, the place where the ABC soap One Life to Live takes place. There is a crossover between OLTL and Life in Salem going on right now, Erika Slezak has brought her character Viki Lord Davidson here just her alternate personality, Nikki Smith seems to have had a mysterious past with Victor, and Victor acts like he hates her. Steve has been investigating his death, and found out his death is linked to Llanview somehow, so he, Kayla, Stephanie, and Kimberly will be heading there probably on Episode#57. I hope that clears you up!
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