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Posts posted by edgeofnik

  1. 14 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Speaking about rumors flying around about an upcoming death in the DiMera family, word on the street is Jake is going to die but Stefan will soon resurface. Not sure if that rumor is true or not after the fake decapitation rumor surrounding Abby’s death lol.

    Other than throwing a wrench in Gabi's latest relationship, what's the point? Stefan wasn't *that* memorable and whatever was interesting about him, pretty much got wiped with Jake. Not sure how you even really separate the two at this point - except for the bad Philly accent.

    Perhaps, Stefan and Abby are recuperating in the same place.

  2. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Hilary on Y&R is a somewhat recent example.

    Ugh. I forgot about that. At least, she wasn't murdered. I still don't get why they kill off important characters like that because the actor leaves. There's so many ways to create an effective exit that allows the remaining partner character to continue, which relates directly to Chad. Like the audience wouldn't buy yet another break-up? Please.

  3. 17 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    But it was posted the day before the episode aired, so something got f*cked up lol

    Was that episode originally scheduled to air earlier?  That's the problem with pre-emptions. The clips are uploaded days in advance for a number of technical, logistical and approval reasons. Very little is done in real time when it comes to TV promotion.

    And, yes, you'd think someone who oversees B&B's socials would've addressed the timing, It's only going to get worse with more hearings in the next couple of weeks and the, again, in September.

  4. 1 hour ago, dragonflies said:

    They did that the other day as well, they posted a clip from the next episode before it aired

    The week's clips are pre-posted in the queue based on the original air dates. When pre-emptions occur, someone has to manually change the release date. The B&B socials interns are failing! lol

  5. 11 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    No I think it's the Sheila assists him to help with Finn spoiler, they're going to move him somewhere is my guess

    She's hugely popular, this is already getting huge backlash

    Hugely may be overstating it. Li still needs a lot more development, but B&B is way overstocked with women in her age group (Taylor, Brooke, Donna, Quinn, Katie, Sheila, Li). A better *twist* would've been if Li's daughter (Finn's sister) was the one behind this - a doctor who works with Bridget. She could've been added as a potential pairing for Thomas, Wyatt, Zende, etc.

  6. 12 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    NBC's scheduling note, like last week, states that it is an optional special report for any affiliates airing "Days" while the hearing is on.  

    Optional: Likely means the hearing's ratings dropped even further on Thursday.  The same thing happened with the 2nd impeachment hearings - after networks saw the low interest, they stopped full pre-emptions. I wonder why they aren't in prime time when the vast majority of people could watch.

    Fun fact: during Watergate, instead of all Big 3 airing the hearings, they eventually rotated the days so that soaps could continue airing - aka the networks could keep making $$$.

  7. So two of the most exciting scenes in terms of production involved Sheila - Taylor going over the edge and now the Li car chase. Yet another reason why Sheila as a catalyst makes the show better. They just need to make her less lethal. lol

    Still unsure why they'd start the intriguing Li/Sheila both caring for Finn and both having self-interests in partnering - jail/Finn and wiping it in just a couple of episodes. That unlikely partnership could've been interesting.

  8. 12 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Xander and Alexander Kiriakis

    Y&R had John Silva and John Abbott on canvas concurrently for 10+ years. I always thought it was strange because Silva came several years after Abbott had been established. No clue what they were thinking even if Silva was supposed to be short-term.

  9. 19 hours ago, Tonksadora said:

    What do the fans of the show figure is the reason it is so popular internationally?

    1. LA - not some fictional midwest or east coast small town

    2. Fashion industry filled with rich people living glamorous lives

    3. 30-minute format

    4. Remotes - even the outdoor scenes in the CBS studio lot give it a production edge.

    5. Almost strictly romance driven storylines - not crime, courts, hospitals, mobs, etc. Even the business stories are straight forward and not that convoluted - fights for FC ownership/CEO - and they usually have a romantic angle.

  10. Out of curiosity, I checked out B&B's YT channel since they've been uploading from the beginning. I decided to start with S4 because of Bric.

    Felicia/Macy were the only ones with some sense when it came to their mothers. Stephanie being so desperate to hold on to Eric is cringe-worthy. OC, that desperation kicked the Stephanie/Brooke relationship into the Katherine/Jill stratosphere, but still.

    Sally/Clarke: great dialogue played by solid actors, who had excellent timing, but the premise is vile. The writers should've established that Clarke had *some* feelings/attraction to Sally - they did have history. I'm skipping their scenes, unless I see Darla!

    If B&B brought back Margo, Lauren Koslow could plausibly recreate 'new' flashback from 30+ years ago because she's barely aged!

    From his first scenes, Jake doesn't work.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Videnbas said:

    In this case, though, it could have been a great use of history. Sheila and this particular guard go back almost 30 years. He was her faithful sidekick for a very long time. But the big letdown was not letting us see them interact or letting us see how they pulled off the prison break.

    The "right" way to do this would have been to build up to the prison break slowly - letting us see Mike and Sheila reconnecting, plotting in secret, almost getting caught, figuring out a plan and carrying it out with a real possibility of failure. That would have been a riveting storyline. Not just letting all that happen off screen over the weekend and then going "oh, well, Sheila escaped".

    I'm guessing the writers thought the shock of Sheila showing up at Li's was a bigger 'bang' for the audience rather than adding more scenes that would result in the obvious. Considering B&B's tendency to over-dialogue 'why did I drink???' and repetitive scenes that don't advance the story, it's not a bad call.

    And, for the record, I totally loved the Mike/Sheila friendship back in the day - especially when Mike spun the blood tests, which was an unexpected twist, because the audience never knew if the results would hold. Further proof that Sheila as a pot-stirrer for a normally bland show works far better than Sheila as psycho.

  12. DAYS should embrace the part-time actors - Port Charles 13-week stories was actually a good idea, but not always executed well.


    As an hour show, DAYS can embrace something similar - core contract players on for consistency and then have 8- 13- or 16-week contained stories that involve these part-timers. To some extent, DAYS production model already forces odd continuity - cliffhanger than that story isn't seen for 2 or 3 episodes, etc.

    No death on DAYS matters - it can't with the continually revivals. If neither actor wanted to play Abby, there's certainly enough material to craft a viable split with Chabby - send her off to Boston, etc. Let Chad move forward and, if the character is needed, bring back one of the actors or recast. It's pretty basic soap stuff.

  13. Here's what will really happen:

    Someone finds a decapitated body wearing clothes exactly like Abby's. No head in sight. Someone has arranged for DNA to prove it's Abby. The reason? Honestly, we don't care about whatever BS reason they give because it'll be forgotten in 2 episodes. I suppose Abby had to fake her death because she uncovered something so big, blah blah blah.

    BTW - Does Abby have an in with Dr. Rolf? I can't remember. Has Abby visited the men's prison lately or is it a nonbinary prison?

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