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Marissa Gallant

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Posts posted by Marissa Gallant

  1. 4 hours ago, chrisml said:

    I never got the feeling that the Dobsons cared about practicalities like consistency, history, common sense, etc. They just wrote whatever came into their minds in a given day. That's why so much of their second return is brilliant and ridiculous in equal measure. I wonder if they had a different exec producer if their second stint would have been more successful--one who would have stopped them from some of their more ridiculous moments (Augusta's fantasies about rapist Dash for ex.). 

    Was that the Dobsons? I thought Augusta's fantasies were Rausch. But I was not watching at that point. It does get difficult to keep track during the later years.

  2. SB was also FABULOUS at recasts. Judith McConnell and Jed Allan were pretty good.😉

    I agree about giving the dude a different name though. I don’t hate the actor, he just isn't working as Keith.

    I also feel that the Minx story should have changed. Instead of Janis Paige playing Minx who had a midlife baby, what if Minx had a baby before she met Tiger. And JP was Lionel's older half-sister. Minx died off screen and Lionel and Augusta find out about the baby from the Will. It's just too insane to me that Minx could keep tabs on Brick,but not her own daughter. 


  3. 16 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    He did have talks with Jill Farren Phelps. In an interview with Santa Barbara Online, he said:

    "Yes, I had lunch with the Executive Producer, and was offered a great deal of money to return. It simply wasn't time - my prime-time career was doing well, I still had issues with the story, and just wasn't ready to go back."

    As for the world travels, he was gone from July 1989 to February 1990, and Terry Lester exited in the fall of 1990.

    I can't, either. I feel like doing The Bold and the Beautiful might have reminded him of why he left daytime.

    Not to argue with him, but his prime time career was going well? I didn't think he had much of a prime time career. I was in college then, so I guess I just missed that. What did he do?

  4. @j swiftThanks. I knew that was basically the story, but it's still confusing. I'm so over selfish Kelly. She truly annoys me.

    Moving on, I have seen the Terry Lester Gordon Thomas transition episode. I know Terry Lester's version of this. TPTB forgot to renew his contract, so he packed up and left. Can't blame him. But what happened with GT? His agent calls and says, hey instead of taking a nap this afternoon, can you play Mason? They need you there in five minutes. There was just too much chaos backstage at this point. It HAD to have been stressful for the cast and crew.

  5. I am so confused by the Kelly/Quinn/Robert story. I guess I glanced away at the wrong time because one minute Cruz and Robert were at the crazy lady's house. The next, they were on a chaingang. And Flame is living in the walls? Kelly is super pissed at Eden because Robert loved her first? Or is there a different reason? I'm lost

  6. On 1/16/2023 at 8:08 PM, Keri said:

    Yeah what is the point of that? Just seems contemptuous.

    Is there a point to this storyline with Sophia getting into acting again? Or does it start and fizzle.

    It's just another thing to come between her and CC. It's got some good things within it, but ultimately it fizzles. And I love her, but the end of it is kind of Oh well. 

    I feel like ending storylines on this show was a weakness. Like no one at the top realized that it is okay for stories to have long, gratifying endings. This was more "We don't know what to do with the movie, burn it. We don't know how to end Who killed Maddie make it her sister."

  7. Back to Julia and Mason. I'm getting better at accepting Terry Lester as Mason now that he's about to leave. But as I watch the beginning of the end of their first marriage, I have to admit it is written well. They are both trying. But Julia really is ignoring him. I don't think that you should necessarily fuss over a man, but maybe make a point of staying in town on his birthday. Given a choice, she is choosing Dash every single time. Wrong move, Julia. 

    Then the flip side is that Mason shouldn't have been so insecure. And he's really a jerk when he's drinking. He fell off the wagon hard. So I don't blame Julia for saying Nope.

  8. On 1/9/2023 at 6:49 PM, j swift said:

    I think the problem with Jade and Laken is that they were always going to be made redundant by Kelly.  Sure, the show had a bifurcated story for the first summer with a teen plot and an adult plot.  But, after the first year what stories could Laken play that weren't better told using Kelly?

    Yes, the show needed different class structures and Jade served as the ingenue who aspired for upward mobility.  But, Laken had no definite personality or role (as a character, actress aside).  She wasn't a professional like Julia who could try cases, she didn't have any chronic stressors like Mason or Gina which would haunt her future relationships.  She loved and admired her parents, so she was never rebellious even when her grandmother killed her bird.  They set up the character for failure by never giving her any distinct obstacles regardless of who they cast.

    I see your point, but I disagree. Laken had issues with both of her parents. Her dad was a cheater and her mom was too. Her mom could also be downright cruel. That could have led to rebellion. She could have had all sorts of stories. Yes, Laken was a good character- not a nymphette type, the archetypal "Good girl". However, the inner good vs need to rebel against those two could have played a LOT more.  She could have been the one discovered during the teen summer of fun instead of Jade. This caused friction between her and Jade. Or better yet, she didn't get discovered.  But the time with Peaches caused her to WANT to be a star. She takes acting in college. When she graduates, she turns to Sophia for advice, not Augusta. Augusta freaks because Sophia had her husband and now has her daughter. 

    Kelly couldn't have been any of that. 

    Jade can run off to Salem to be Jennifer Horton because I needed that. 

  9. 14 hours ago, j swift said:

    You've covered Julia, Augusta, and Gina so:

    Eden - instantly no - she's got that psychic connection to Cruz and he would rescue her within a day, no cell phone needed

    Kelly - she's already freed herself from an old western town, and she avoided ever being captured by Flame, so she's out

    Laken - the Lockridge's never had that kind of liquidity to come up with a reasonable ransom

    Santana - too high maintenance and I don't have access to pharmaceuticals

    Brandon - he's already been kidnapped many times before and he's a willy little bastard

    Minx - she'll kill your pet for an appetizer and she's has a potion of youth, so she's got nothing to loose

    Sophia - would disguise herself as a man and escape due to her knowledge of all of the underground tunnels in Santa Barbara

    Thus, I agree it's got to be Ted - my only concern is that it would take weeks before anyone realized he was missing...


    Yeah, I would never go for Minx either. 

    Ted's in Europe, he's fine.

    Brick might be an easy target. 

    I would not go after Sophia because CC would kill me. Even when they're divorced he's very protective of his wife. 

  10. Yes! Thank you for playing with me. I was watching this at work because it's a very slow time for me, but I'm trying to stay quiet. Then the kidnapper (poor fella) asked Augusta if she wanted some pizza. She started yelling, "Do I look like pizza people? No. I'm french wine and Russian caviar people. Pizza people park my car for me." And not laughing was the hardest part of that. Between that and her calling the Blue Sky Brigade "The little blue people".

  11. Augusta was just kidnapped and her captors already regret this. Lol. Robert is also kidnapped, but his kidnappers don't regret it.

    Which makes me wonder, if you were going to kidnap a character, which would be the easiest and who would you never kidnap?

    I wouldn't kidnap Gina, because they'd probably pay me to NOT give her back.

    Julia is out because she is on par with Augusta. 

    CC would kill me with his bare hands.

    Lionel would be delightful and get in on the scheme. So he's going to be my pick


  12. 3 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Haha. And we know how I feel about Terry Lester as Mason!

    I know, Right? Carmen isn't really even what I would call a Major character. Important, yes, but not major. CZ was so motherly and nurturing. And, actually old enough to be his mom. KM lacks all of that. So, that’s probably what is bothering me so very much.

  13. 50 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Do we know why they replaced Carmen Zapata?

    I do not. Maybe they thought they wanted someone younger for the Carmen had an affair storyline, maybe Zapata was not able to return, or didn't want to. 

    Fake-Carmen is a fine actress, but it was easier for me to buy TL as Mason than this woman as Carmen

  14. Finally to the Lionel and Sophia one night stand. I've said it before, I'll say it again, the show DID NOT PLAY THAT FOR ALL IT’S WORTH! Holy cow, that triangle could have been fuel for years. 

    I know that they sort of went there with CC constantly throwing it in her face, but they should have REALLY went there.

  15. I'm hopefully getting to the end of this Shaman storyline. I want to skip it and at the same time, I want to watch it. The art theft story is ramping up. It's a story that gives Lionel and Augusta more screen time, so that's good. But the criticism of everyone being in their own bubble is DEAD ON accurate. 

    As far as Suzanne, I have never seen it. Not sure that I want too either. I'm struggling to get through 90. I really just want to start over. To go back to the stories that made me happy. 

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