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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

     It was an odd time for Y&R, mainly because the EP and Co-HW at the time had became dictatorial but was also emotionally unmoored due to crises in his own personal life that some pretty reckless story decisions were made. There wasn’t much else going outside of Terrible Tom and Sheila running the show except for the Phick affair, a very critically panned JT & Mac relationship, and Bobby Marsino being killed off and Brittany leaving town. 


    Haha after Eric & Quinn concocted a trap she fell right into she became a busybody waitressing at a restaurant, eavesdropping on everyone and passing along secrets until she stopped appearing shortly

    after Bill was shot due to Brown’s run for political office. As far as we know she’s still there.

    I didn't really watch BB when she first came back, Did they mention the looking like phyllis stuff?

  2. 42 minutes ago, Darn said:


    How did that end up? Is Sheila still alive? I remember watching the first few weeks of her return but they were trying so hard to make it work (and it could never work, not with Eric, he'd be an utter moron for take her back into his life) that I got frustrated and bored.

    Shes still alive. Shes a waitress. Last we saw of her she was serving bread sticks than just disappeared off canvas

  3. 31 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    At least they started it off with the shock and brought back James although the whole story was utterly pointless-Sheila’s portrait, threatening Charlie, all the characters kept going to the same restaurant where she worked etc 


     I’m not sure why the 2005 story went off the rails, probably because they didn’t want to fully address the whole B&B story aside from Michael calling Eric for information and using the Sugar tomfoolery. Not to mention they completely devolved Sheila———Sheila talking to herself in the mirror? Sheila was crazy but not batshit crazy. Sheila lecturing Terrible Tom on how smoking a doobie is morally wrong? GMAFB! 


    What??? 😂

  4. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I’d say time jump because it be easier and more creative. For Y&R for example they could have everyone worried about Sharon who’s become a shut in during her treatments and fearful for her health while have something classic like Nikki drinking again due to quarantine.


    In B&B’s case I imagine Steffy helped save Forrester with fashionable masks or something lol while as for Sally’s story I’d say Flo is in a coma and Sally “got better” OR say Sally contracted the virus and lived while Flo can’t explain her “mysterious concussion” but since Sally had coronavirus everyone thinks that’s why Sally thought she was dying. 

    LOL just my thoughts.

    Those are good ideas!,  OT but For YR i like JG but i don't understand why he doesn't have a co HW.

  5. 5 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Haha I was still hoping that at least Y&R and B&B still do some silly Zoom special episode to at least do an update or something lol. I wonder if there’s been any rewrites to either show since the suspension to address whole COVID-19 thing. They could easily write it in if they wanted to do a like time jump. 

    But second wave? I wonder if that’s why The CW has broken up their 2020-2021 schedule into quarters, with none of the big dramas coming back until Spring 2021. 

    Maybe, they probably wrote out all the love scenes and touching etc, I wonder if they will do a time jump or just say the episodes are now happening in july instead of april

  6. 15 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    I saw that! That pushes B&B through to it’s 35th year. Haha at least B&B was able to end on a cliffhanger. I heard some chatter that B&B was looking at possibly resuming production next month but hadn’t heard any follow up unless we see Sally and Wyatt yelling at each other over Skype LOL.

    I think they will be back early July, We will see, I hope they get alot of things filmed before they might have to shut down again because of that second wave

  7. On 5/13/2020 at 11:56 AM, Chris B said:

    I wonder what ever happened to the DS continuation on CW. With Corona we know they never shot a pilot, but I’d love to see what they were coming up with. I know many were upset by the news, but I’d love a new Dark Shadows. I hope that by the time it happens they move it to a streaming service where I feel they’d be able to do it justice. 

    I wonder too, 

  8. 14 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    LOL I remember SOD and SPW being very critical of this. And then Eddie Drueding inserting rare commentary that was very critical as well on his website. It’s interesting Phelps even felt the need to defend the John/Felicia story in 2020 I think she has had time to read Eddie’s very scathing review of them a devoted on a website almost generally free of any opinion. 



    I don’t entirely blame MO though. I mean first she had that cop Alex. Then it was getting engaged to Tyler that went nowhere. Then was shacking up with Stitch who had already been with her sister & mom and was given a wicked stepson who then turned out to have a brain tumor and needed diapers 🙃. The affairs with Scott and Arturo were pointless, I can’t believe no one has even came up with anything remotely interesting for Abby to do other than she sides with Adam occasionally.


    Yes Hilary was originally intended to be Dru’s daughter from her street days and hence why she was the revenge seeker, but the show got scared of VR backlash so they came up with that convoluted half retcon story of a drunk Neil and drunk Rose Turner to explain what Neil was doing on his drinking binge after Dru’s death, what even Latham very poorly addressed until Olivia popped in to tell Neil to “sober up” and yes just like magic Neil was sober again!





    Oh that would have been good ugh. And this was griffiths idea? I wonder if any of his stuff now is being cut, or hes just burnt out

  9. 7 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    TBH that first year wasn’t bad. I didn’t mind the Noah & Abby recasts at all. Sure the  always coming and going KS whined publicly but he wasn’t much missed. And Ordway looked more like Victor & Ashley’s daughter much more than Rylan. I’m glad Griffith picked back up the Leslie plot and I hated the show later wasted her again. Hilary vs. Leslie would have been way more epic, and Devon & Hilary should have moved into the Chancellor mansion etc.


    I’m not sure what any of the writers had planned and how or what got disrupted. Summer being Jack’s daughter, Lauren having a fun full fledged affair with Carmine, Hilary being a long lost daughter of Dru’s, and Nikki having a secret child out there somewhere all sounded like great ideas but for whatever the writing staff got scared of their own proposals and backed out or in Griffith’s case broke down and hauled themselves up in their office LOL. Later on we had the very mysterious, haunted and tragic Kelly played by Cynthia Watros. Then Watros left and next thing ya know we see a very giddy head over heels  Cady McClain as Kelly going to the opera with Jack. None of  it made zero sense whatsoever.

    Griffith Locked himself in his office?

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