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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 5 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:

    I would love to have ATWT back, but as was mentioned, it was more of an issue of P&G wanting to get out of the soap business than the network. Also, so much time has passed since cancellation, I'm afraid the numbers wouldn't be there and it would eventually just fail and be off our screens soon after. More should have been done to save GL and ATWT from cancellation and AMC and OLTL for that matter. I feel of the two P&G soaps, ATWT had the most potential for being saved because it was actually performing better but P&G wasn't interested in injecting time, money or effort into a dying genre. It's unfortunate but networks have become complacent and they're okay with keeping these soaps on as long as they're profitable or they don't have a viable cheaper product they to replace them. Look at AMC and OLTL being replaced by cheap talk shows that quickly disappeared from the schedule. 


    As soon as Passions was cancelled and then GL and ATWT, there was so much chatter about soaps not making it into 2020. The cancellations of OLTL and AMC soon after only added to that concern. The fact that we still have 4 soaps in 2020 is amazing. 4 soaps with great potential but unfortunately no one knows what can be done to save them or whether it's even possible. I hope they can last, but I also hope they can thrive. 

    Like ATWT and GL were P&G OLTL and AMC was frons. all these cancellations were poor decison making, Wasn't passions doing well in the 18-24 demos?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Errol said:


    Yeah. Truly sad. I wish we could blame CBS but it wasn't them. Not entirely at least.


    I've always been fascinated with TV ratings. So I'm happy to share what we else see. Just glad there is interest in seeing the massive amount of data there is even though Live+SD is still really important.

    I just like getting a fuller picture of things, especially when it comes to the soaps. It gets annoying hearing how the ratings suck 😂

  3. 35 minutes ago, Errol said:


    I totally thought of porn when I read this the first time...


    Don't think I'd put too much weight into that rumor, but if I were P&G I would  say "nah" too. To leave broadcast to move to cable at the time would have been a huge downgrade. Now, not so much.


    CBS didn't cancel the soaps. The production company did, which was P&G. 

    Yeah, they wanted to get out of the soap game right?

    And thank you Errol for publishing the live + 7s i am not surprised days gets two renewals in one year and YR four years

  4. 24 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    The Talk has been struggling in the ratings before the pandemic. I remember reading an article saying they hope Marie could help them increase their ratings.


    I wish they'd cancel it and bring back ATWT.

    P&G won't give away the rights. I read a rumor don't know if its true that lifetime wanted to pick up ATWT when it was canned but P&G said nah.

  5. 47 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:


    Thanks for the ratings. It's interesting to get another perspective of the numbers for soaps. Also, not surprising that game shows don't see major jumps from non-live viewing.


    When Nielsen calculates the Live +7 ratings, those numbers only include the live ratings and any viewing of the episode on DVR within 7 days. It doesn't include any viewing that occurs online, on demand thru cable services or on streaming platforms. Is that correct? 

    right?, The soaps seem to be doing pretty ok with the delayed viewing, I really want to see Streaming numbers.

  6. 26 minutes ago, GLATWT88 said:


    Well, that's true. There's so many factors that come into play nowadays than just traditional same day numbers from Nielsen. I mean CW's lowest rated show, Dynasty, has been renewed for a fourth season and it averages around 500k viewers an episode with awfully low demos. However, it performs really well internationally. 


    I think nowadays when networks decide whether to cancel or renew a show they take into account how these shows perform on streaming platforms and international figures and not just same day domestic numbers. TV consumption has changed. I would be interested to see the streaming numbers for the soaps. 

    I guess that explains days, Number one on NBC app = Two renewals in one year.
    I think YR and bold do super well on CBS All Access, And Internationally.
    I wonder how GH does on hulu and ABCS site.

  7. 21 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    LOL TBH I’ve always hated the share and HH’s being the main factor as opposed to the actual number of viewers. I have to admit I gave up on the Nielsens as network were renewing shows in the 2’s in recent years, I mean CBS even renewed a prime time show getting less than Y&R in daytime. Too many other factors at play nowadays. 

    Exactly, Neilson is so outdated lol. 
    I want to see Streaming numbers.


    11 minutes ago, YRBB said:

    God, how wonderful it is to rewatch such a classic in really crisp HD. And such great storylines: The yearlong takeover arriving at another unforgettable climax ("I will crush you!"). So soapy but it's the great acting by Bergman that sells those last few moments. He looks terrified. Mac and Katherine; a great story that led to even better things. Sexy Jill and Malcolm flirting. And you can say all you want about Christine (and I have), but the scenes about her not being pregnant were rather touching thanks to beautiful execution. They also seem to have only cut one scene. This recaptured the feeling I had 20 years ago watching this. It hurts my soul the show in all its HD glory isn't streaming on AA.  

    I've seen the clip a million times on youtube, But chills seeing the whole thing on TV. the takeover really took a year? wow, Sounds really good

  9. 6 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    Y&R’s ratings for a 1981 episode with an almost entirely different cast is insane! If they don’t see the value in putting this on CBS All Access they are truly insane!

    I wish we could see the streaming numbers for regular episodes. But I really want to see the cbs all access numbers for these classics

  10. 10 hours ago, Darn said:


    Knowing Frank and how he runs GH they will likely want to rush out a subpar product just to have new episodes.


    I wonder if Y&R or B&B will use this opportunity to do a soft reset, reassess their canvas and get rid of dead weight, start new stories or even offer something as simple as a time jump so viewers can more readily jump into the action. Or will they continue with all of the current incredibly boring stories they're telling?


    I mean, this is unprecedented, the people running daytime have been on a bullet train for decades with no chance to sit back and reflect, this could be that chance. But will they do something about it or continue floundering?

    I hope JG does what you suggest,

  11. 1 minute ago, sheilaforever said:

    The Y&R choices are soooooo grand! B&B‘s pale badly compared to this, even though the episodes itself are solid.



    I wish they didn't include 2012 and 2014 episodes, Other than that though! This week sounds gooood. Im guessing the first ep is the attic fight?

  12. 5 minutes ago, LondonScribe said:

    My mind initially went to any of the other writers under Griffith, but at this stage, I don’t trust a considered and wise choice would be made to cover the positions of Griffith/Morina, whether a ‘cost effective’ hire is made or promotions from within. 

    Or how about ‘talent sharing’ under the Sony banner, ie Albert Alarr or Greg Meng from Days Of Our Lives (for example). 


    *It’s probably not necessary for me to say so, but none of the above ‘flight of fantasy’ is steeped in any knowledge or fact. 

    If they fire Griffith, I think we will just get a promotion from within, Probably one of the Associate HWs, James Harmon Brown, Sarah Bibel, Amanda Beall, 

  13. 22 minutes ago, LondonScribe said:

    My goodness, that is rough.


    Slightly ugly question, this, but given the nature of Furlough and the financial hit that just about everything will take, what are the chances that a few of the writers won’t have jobs to come back to? 

    Maybe, I guess if they want to find a new HW now would be a good time since technically JG isn't employed rn.

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