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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. #6679 July 27, 1999

    Billy apologizes to Kay and Jill for his behavior last night. Mac wants to earn her living and wants to look for a Summer job. Grace is miffed that Tony is invited to the party at Newman ranch but she is not. Tony then receives a letter from the DA's office: he's charged with conspiracy and grand theft auto! Megan does not want her father to find out about Tony just yet. Keith continues to interfere with Ryan and Tricia. The entire Newman family along with Paul and Chris and Lisa gather at the ranch for a pool party to celebrate the court win. Also present are Doris and Millie who announces that she is going to leave for Madison again. In the midst of the celebration Cassie calls Nick "dad" for the first time.

  2. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I noticed that a few weeks ago in the JFP podcast thread, got your back if you need it!


    In any case the first day was indeed a success but as guinea pigs a lot of trial and error is needed. I still want an episode by Zoom like All Rise’s season finale:





    Yes lol that would be cool. Like i said its only 3 days lost so its meh. Lol im sure all the other soaps are taking notes

  3. 1 minute ago, Vizion said:

    Lol I know the other soaps are happy for B&B to be the guinea pig. 


    I will say a few days isn't a big deal but it does seem they weren't as prepared as Brad claimed and it kind of takes the wind out of the sails after doing all those interviews about how ready they are. 


    But if B&B doesn't have enough tests for their small ass cast I don't know what Y&R amd GH are going to do. 


  4. 4 minutes ago, John said:

    Three Months is not the idea of rushing to me. If they had gone back in 2 weeks as originally thought  that would be rushing. 

    It sounds Like Brad has been working on this since March and they just need all their testing capabilities in place which is a good idea


    I do wonder if Days, GH & YR have been planning all these months for their returns?

    Its only 3 days lost. Not that big of a problem imo


  5. Brad kept the cast up to date on when they would return.

    Brad worked with CBS to choose the classics (so idk if that was the same for Y&R).

    Before they start airing new episodes again, Brad says they will have a recap episode.


    And finally story tidbits for those who watch the show:

    Steffy is getting a new man of who the actor has yet to be revealed but he has been cast. Her story is interesting and informative. An issue story Brad said. One that is challenging in America and around the world.


    Brad is still intending to tell love stories but of course no kissing. There will be panning to fireplaces and scrim which is when they show the silhouette. 


    Denise, Katherine and Rena will also have story

  6. Brad did an sod interview 

    Brad kept the cast up to date on when they would return.

    Brad worked with CBS to choose the classics (so idk if that was the same for Y&R).

    Before they start airing new episodes again, Brad says they will have a recap episode.

    And finally story tidbits for those who watch the show:

    Steffy is getting a new man of who the actor has yet to be revealed but he has been cast. Her story is interesting and informative. An issue story Brad said. One that is challenging in America and around the world.

    Brad is still intending to tell love stories but of course no kissing. There will be panning to fireplaces and scrim which is when they show the silhouette. 

    Denise, Katherine and Rena will also have story

  7. 11 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    If my calculations are right, the SOD recap from their July 31, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of July 2-6; 9-13, 1984. The SOD recap from their July 17, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of June 18-22; 25-29, 1984. I think the upcoming 1984 episode is where Victor is reunited with his mother.


    Global update. Wednesday Global/Thursday CBS is 4738, original airdate November 15, 1991.

    John and Dina are planing a party for Brad and Traci's return. Jill is disappointed that Nathan is going to Switzeland alone. She wanted Paul to go with him but Paul explains that a friend of his lost her son and he wants to be there for her. Jack confides in John about what happened between him and Nikki last night. Ashley visits Nikki who is surprised; she expected her the day before. Ashley explains she went yesterday but found Nikki asleep.

    sounds like another random episode 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Vizion said:

    Writer Bradley Bell reveals that the show has been already working to overhaul the studio to allow for social distancing. “We’ve been at the studio and we’ve totally revamped the control room and the hair and makeup room,” he says. “We’ve got plastic dividers up and 6 feet distance between everyone in the booth. We’re going over all the precautions with the studio heads.” Original cast member John McCook (Eric) adds that the actual shooting of scenes will change, as well. “Now if there are four people in a scene, we’re not shooting all four of them at a time,” McCook explains. “We don’t want four actors on the set at once, so we’ll be shooting two people, and then they’ll reverse and shoot the other two people. So, it’s like doing a one-camera show, or doing film. I imagine it’s going to be a little difficult at first, but I am just so glad we’re coming back."

    2 people only? I assume that means any and all extras are gone.this is gonna be weird 

  9. 22 minutes ago, dawn9476 said:

    I am sure the shorter work days will also apply to other soaps so the idea that they will probably go back and film as much as possible to stock in case they have to shut down is out the window. GH was filming 7 episodes a week before the shutdown. I doubt they will be able to do that now with shorter work days. 

    im most curious about Days, they film like 10 eps a week, and won't be 6 months ahead anymore

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