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Posts posted by lucaslesann23

  1. 27 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    I read that Y&R has planned a 8/24 recap episode and officially starts broadcasting new eps on 8/25, has anyone else seen this yet or got confirmation of chatter elsewhere?


    I know right, and with the situation going the way it is in CA there’s no telling what could happen. 

    I think the 10th, Because RC Cates posted new Music cues and they typically score episodes two weeks out.

  2. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:

    I remember when Muhney really thought he was all that in 2010. I remember he hyped it up big for pilot season that he was leaving the show for some big role and his buddy Hogan Sheffer was hoping to make Adam the show’s supervillain. Meaning Adam would pop up every couple of years to taunt Genoa City like James Stenbeck or something. Pilot season 2010 failed big time and Muhney was back two months later after Adam’s “death” and Victor’s Hawaii speak with that Koa guy.

    😬 and now he spent 5 years begging for that job back and can't stop tweeting about said show lol

  3. 6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Piggybacking off a conversation with @Darn: It is insane to me that Y&R squandered Keith Hamilton Cobb, no matter how difficult he could be IRL. (He was right about Noah and Julia's wedding on AMC tho.) I hadn't seen him in years til I caught a retro Y&R episode on CBS All Access today and goddamn. He had chemistry with everyone IIRC from watching in the past, especially Stafford.


    Unrelated: Like Cobb on AMC, it’s worth discussing too that Kamar de los Reyes was a similar system shock when he came onto OLTL as Antonio. I haven’t seen his intro since I was a kid but I do remember that he was presented raw as hell. He had that voice, he was glowering at poor Carlotta and she seemed absolutely miserable and terrified about him. He was scary. But they knew what they were doing, and they pivoted from that to making him a three dimensional character and sexy romantic lead to their audience. I was obsessed with him and Andy within the year. I’d never seen a Latino man like that on daytime before and I don’t think I have since - including Antonio, whose second run was terrible on many levels.  Another mistake with Antonio: When he left the show with Andy he was going into law school. That’s a versatile role for a character that had been all intense emotions and gave him a new thing to play; I remember I thought it was interesting even back then. But when he came back he was just a cop. It was a lead of color moved out of a IMO more complex professional/power player role. But that’s just me.

    What Did he do that made him "difficult"?

  4. 12 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I definitely think writing is a contributing factor to Stafford’s decline. Part of it is that they began indulging her excesses as well. Early, psycho Phyllis was quieter and colder, which made her eerier and more fascinating to watch, especially as Phyllis tried to play the nice girl to avoid getting exposed. (You saw glimpses of Giggly Heffa when she would secretly laugh at how well her schemes were working.) After her return, Phyllis had little to hide and was a threatening loudmouth, but she of course had better scene partners (Bergman, Rowell, Heather Tom, MTS, CLB, et al) and better writing than she has today. She was OK with Susan Walters’ Diane, but, with her, you could also see how she might steamroll less assertive scene partners. She had a solid adversary with Sharon Case, but once Sharon began her downward spiral post-Cassie/Phick and Amelia Heinle’s weak, sniveling Victoria was the only other female “Alpha,” Phyllis could just stomp through the show with abandon.

    Now we got abby 😖

  5. 6 minutes ago, John said:

    probably east coast but maybe Connecuit again


    ABC does own production buildings in NYC so they wouldnt have the rent. Would actors make a temp move just so GH could film somewhere not in a COVID 19 surge?

    YR and BB are ok in LA rn so i don't think that would be an issue for GH but i wonder how they are gonna do things. Their cast is so bloated rn and tests are expensive. 

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