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Posts posted by Vee

  1. He's still going. It's insane.



    Meanwhile, on Kavanaugh:



  2. The latest Trump presser is beyond description, but suffice to say he is a mess. Daniel Dale's Twitter has it all.

  3. Kavanaugh is wildly unpopular in polling, so the public does care and people are very much paying attention - he's trended at some point almost everyday for over a week. Whether or not the GOP rams it through (which I doubt), everyone is watching. Defeatism is not pragmatism.



  4. He's going directly to jail:



  5. Original series writer (and FWWM co-writer) Robert Engels talks TP.


    Another interview with longtime Lynch collaborator Charlotte Stewart (Betty Briggs).


    On Catherine Coulson and Jack Nance:


    Well, gosh, I knew them both very well. Actually, after Catherine and Jack divorced and she moved to Oregon and remarried, she was with the Shakespeare Festival in Oregon and Jack was kind of at loose ends after. It was before Twin Peaks, he was in a terrible place. He was doing films with David but he was just drinking so heavily. Life was a mess. And I found him in a rehab place. Somebody said “Did you know Jack?” and I said what, he’s dead? No, he’s in rehab. So I called him up and he had no place to live. I got him out of the rehab and let him live in my house because I was single at the time. And we became very close friends and that’s where we were living when David pulled us into the Twin Peaks series.


    He met Kelly and got married and then she died. He had just such a tragic life. Jack was a really good and long friend of mine and I always stayed in touch with Catherine when she was in Oregon and we would go to the Twin Peaks festivals always. She’d come up from Oregon, I would come up from L.A. and we’d spend three or four days together in Seattle or North Bend and of course the last time I saw her was in North Bend. It was two years ago, I believe almost three years ago now when she had called me and told me she had lung cancer and she was just telling me and David and nobody else. She was very weak and was not doing well and I knew it wouldn’t be long. We made a date to see each other when we were working on Season 3. I was shooting on a Friday. She was supposed to arrive on Friday and shoot on Saturday.


    We were going to go out to dinner Friday night and when I got there the people in wardrobe said “Oh Catherine isn’t coming”. I said what? She would never miss out on this. As it turned out she didn’t. She insisted on doing the part as it was written and David sent a film crew to her. They filmed it with him on Skype directing her and she died three days later. When you see her in the new Twin Peaks, she was dying. That was her dying. She was so loved. You know people loved her so much. It was just impossible to think she could die. It was really hard.


    That blurred line between art and real life. It makes her scenes so much more powerful.


    Well, she insisted on it. It wasn’t David saying “oh well let’s go shoot the scene anyway”, he was ready to kick it out. She insisted that this be her swansong. That’s not the right term but you know what I mean. That was her telling him how much she loved him, the fans and everybody else which was so incredibly powerful.

  6. I don't trust Avenatti, who I think is out for himself first. I don't want him holding public office and I think he'll immolate himself if he tries.


    That being said: He's a street fighter, he's good at doing what a lot of Democratic politicians can't be seen doing, and he serves a useful purpose in situations like these if his ammunition is legit. if he has a real story - and he apparently is telling part of it on Maddow tonight - I welcome that, and I welcome him coming forward with it on Wednesday as promised. Sometimes you need guys like him.

  7. After her stint on GH, Tonja Walker tested for Skye on AMC and Tina on OLTL before Paul Rauch created the role of Alex Olanov for her.


    Tangentially, Jill Larson got Ursula Blackwell at OLTL because Louise Sorel did a show with her on the NY stage. Sorel introduced her to Rauch, who was still dating LS at the time.

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