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Posts posted by Adamski

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 5:25 PM, TEdgeofNight said:

    I’m sure that Michele Val Jean is too busy to read this site. Thankfully. The people on here are already telling her how to write HER show. Shaking my head. 

    People are excited about the possibilities of a brand new soap, and are letting their imaginations run free. Is that so bad?

    Personally, I'm enjoying seeing all the creativity on here when it comes to potential  concepts/characters/etc for The Gates. Its fun!

  2. On 3/18/2024 at 12:44 PM, vanguard said:

    And now for their names:

    Wealthy black family:

    Patriarch: Gregory Montgomery

    Matriarch: Valyncia Montgomery

    Adult son: William Montgomery aka Gregory Montgomery, Jr.

    Oldest adult daughter: Olivia Montgomery

    Youngest adult daughter: Tracy Montgomery

    Adult nephew: Curtis Montgomery


    Middle class black family:

    Patriarch: Charles McMillan

    Matriarch: Gracelyn McMillan

    Adopted daughter (niece): Sharon McMillan

    Adopted son (nephew): Trayvon McMillan

    Matriarch's sister (biological mother of Sharon and Trayvon): Yvonne Harris

    Patriarch's male cousin: Damian Ross


    Semi-wealthy white family:

    Patriarch: Jackson "Jack" Hampton

    Matriarch: Jillian Hampton

    Adult son: Bryce Hampton

    Adult daughter: Caitlyn Hampton

    Patriarch's sister: Dr. Abigail "Abby" Hampton 


    A couple of "lone" characters (more to come later when I think of some).

    Sylvia Rivera: Highly paid housekeeper for the Montgomerys.

    Reynaldo Rivera: Sylvia's very gorgeous hunk of a son who owns a highly renowned strip joint in ATL. Gorgeous, but also very shady.


    Ooh, I like the sound of Reynaldo Rivera, haha! Some great ideas here, enjoyed reading them. 

  3. On 3/7/2024 at 6:16 PM, BetterForgotten said:


    MVJ’s talked a lot about how important mentorship is for developing writers - I really hope she gets the chance to nurture new and diverse writing and producing talent as opposed to recycling through the existing pool of elder statesmen in the daytime swamp. 

    I have everything crossed that this is what happens. It's all so exciting!

  4. New writers need to be given a chance - Patrick Mulcahey was once a newcomer to daytime, as was everyone who has ever written for the genre. So hopefully he'll give some new talent a chance on GH.

    On a separate note, I've calculated that PM must be 70 by now. That indicates to me that he's unlikely to quit in a year if he faces resistance, as has happened previously. Surely he sees this as his last chance to make a real mark, and intends to stick around for a while?

  5. On 1/31/2024 at 2:19 PM, MichaelGL said:

    Alfie's prostate cancer storyline has surprisingly turned out to be a well written story, despite how it's been on the backburner for the past month or so. When the show writes Alfie as a real human being, instead of a cartoon, Shane Ritchie delivers. Linda and Alfie's friendship continues to be one of the bright spots on the show. 

    I completely agree, and Kellie Bright and Shane Ritchie work so well together. There's a few reasons why I wish the show had had the nerve to definitively kill off Mick, but freeing up Linda for a new relationship is right up there! 

  6. It's great to hear that Neighbours is being watched in the US now! A while back I was wondering if Mischa Barton and some key cast members would be going over to North America to promote the show when it relaunched, but I guess the US writers' strike put paid to that thanks to talk shows going off air.

    I wonder, have any US based members seen advertising for Neighbours over there? Here in the UK there were posters on bus stops all across the country, and also some billboards, I believe. 

    On another note, I think the four eps per week model is a smart choice. We all have so many distractions available to us now that it makes it easier for new/lapsed viewers to pick up the habit of watching the show, IMO.

  7. 11 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I can’t recall the exact writer but it may have been Michelle Val Jean. When the strike was first announced, a fan asked if there was someone addressing the needs of soap writers which are typically overlooked. She said that yes, there is someone at the top who is meeting with soap writers and addressing their concerns in the negotiations. 

    That does sound positive, thanks so much! 

  8. On 5/27/2023 at 12:55 PM, Chris B said:

    I wonder if the soaps will get picketed once they start filming scab materials. We have multiple soap writers out protesting and I know one mentioned there is someone who is addressing specific soap needs, so this strike is actually personal to them. I wonder how that would go down. We didn't have social media like we do today during the last strike. Could be a big mess for them.

    Sorry, I don't understand what "there is someone who is addressing specific soap needs" means, can you elaborate?

  9. 11 hours ago, AdelaideCate007 said:

    Oh it was defo Joel that got Amy pregnant I think. I just meant that Lance said in his message that he never got to marry Amy but there was still time and raised his eyebrows and they cut to Amy smiling. It was like a reverse of the 20th when Amy appeared in the montage and said for Lance to give her a ring and they cut to Lance in the audience reacting. I would have loved if they had had them finally get together instead of doing another thing of them just hinting at each other, but the moment was cute either way.

    Oh that's brilliant, thank you. There was so much to dissect, they really added loads of small details for the fans. Also - lucky Amy!

  10. On 7/30/2022 at 2:32 AM, AdelaideCate007 said:

    Loved seeing Nina, Lance (should have brought him back in person for Amy instead of just having them hint at it), Billy, Joe, and everyone else in the messages.


    I'm about to watch the finale for the second time, and there was so much to take in, but I got the impression that Amy and Joel hooked up after crossing paths in Cairns. So when Toadie asks if she's pregnant she replies 'Ask me in two weeks' or something. I may be wrong, though. 

    (I did see on Twitter that people are very taken with how the actor who plays Lance looks now).

    Also, thank you everybody for sharing your thoughts on the finale. They really did go out on a beautiful high.

  11. 1 hour ago, vetsoapfan said:


    Right. I agree that the book is fascinating and a must-read, but his petulant and gratuitously nasty swipes at certain individuals reveals Lemay to be quite unpleasant, often hypocritical...and not terribly honest or accurate in some of his accounts, if you actually watched the show during the time period in question.


    How interesting! I'll read the rest of the book with this in mind.

  12. On 1/9/2021 at 4:49 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    I love that book! Lemay's attitude and personality may leave a bad taste in your mouth lol but it's still a really good read. Here's an episode that managed to survive the purge. Eddie Drueding also posted some audio clips on his channel from that time period as well.




    Thanks so much for sharing, that was really fascinating to watch. Victoria Wyndham and Susan Sullivan really pop off the screen, but I can see what Harding Lemay says about George Reinholt!


    I think Lemay comes across fine in the book  - he's self aware enough to acknowledge that he neglected his family as he became completely absorbed by writing the show. When you read about how much thought and care went into writing Another World during that era it's even more tragic that so little of it remains available.

  13. On 1/3/2021 at 5:38 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yeah. For some reason, YT did a massive purge a couple of weeks ago. munecojim and his amazing soap library didn't survive it. 


    Such a shame. I'm currently reading Harding Lemay's 'Eight Years in Another World' and would have liked to watch some of his episodes.

  14. 4 hours ago, All My Shadows said:

    Right? I really have no use for Ronald’s work; but I feel the need to congratulate them just to help cancel out the obsessive jealousy.


    I'm shocked at how awful people have been in this thread. Regardless of what you think of someone as a writer, surely seeing someone celebrate their relationship is a good thing? Especially in a godawful year like this. 

  15. On 7/30/2020 at 7:30 PM, YRBB said:

    It just kills me how KA mispronounces Ron's name every time. She called him Harvilati in these last two interviews. :lol:


    This is GREAT P.R. for her and her exit. She's handling it perfectly.


    Am so glad you picked up on that. I heard it too, but it hadn't occurred to me that she may have been doing it intentionally! That's hilarious.

  16. 21 hours ago, DRW50 said:




    “I did ask Kate Oates, our producer, to not have me murdered,” Tilbrook says. “I was fed up of murders. It’s a very dangerous place to be. You’re better off in the Bronx than Emmerdale village. And she said to me, ‘oh no, of course I won’t’. And she hasn’t. It’s a proper happy ending. Who doesn’t like a happy ending?”



    That's brilliant! Thank you.

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