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Posts posted by BoldRestless

  1. 13 minutes ago, JAS0N47 said:
    Thanks, so the answers are this (as of November 5, 2023):
    Possible Airdates: 9555 airdates
    Aired: 9176 episodes
    Full Preemptions: 379 preemptions
    Possible Airdates: 15810 airdates
    Aired: 15400 episodes
    Full Preemptions: 410 preemptions
    Possible Airdates: 13205 airdates
    Aired: 12739 episodes
    Full Preemptions: 466 preemptions

    Y&R has more than GH despite the 10 year difference!  And according to your site, Days has 413 but they will soon be surpassed, as they presumably will never have a preemption again!

  2. 13 hours ago, fivethej said:

    Is that scene in the vault? If not, does anyone have it?

    I've been looking for it forever!


    6 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    Cool, thanks. This is from January 1986, after Shawn had Andy shot (but the first short scene with Ashley and Marc might be from a different time). I remember this had been uploaded before. I think these scenes had been posted in French, German, and Italian at some point!

  3. 23 minutes ago, fivethej said:

    11/11/92 contains Victor attacking Ryan until Neil & Brad stop it. Unfortunately, the ending is missing with Victor telling Connie to call the police because he wants to press charges, and proceeds to go over to Ryan's office with 2 police officers and arrest Ryan.

    That fight scene was hilarious. Hope more of November 1992 pops up, especially when Ryan was in jail.

  4. 14 minutes ago, AlexGrimaldi said:


    Ciao 🙂

    In 1992 clips I uploaded Ryan and Nina first one night stand (spring 1992) in italian 

    In july 2001 clips: Ryan and Victoria talking about their love story (full of 91-92-93 flashbacks) in italian 

    In 2011 full episodes: july 5-6-7-8 in english 

    Grazie mille :) 

  5. 4 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:


    I feel like if a 95/96 year old Bell was still alive and active like a Jimmy Carter this would have been a full blown week of a Christine tribute.

    it also makes me wonder why the Bells never brought out their shares of Y&R from Columbia/Sony and made Y&R a Bell production only. The last time JG even tried with a B&B crossover was with Deacon and Nikki, everything else had been a flop. 

    I thought about this too when I found out Bill and Maria were rich enough to buy Jay-Z and Beyonce's house! If only. Not that B&B is so great, but they clearly care more about the legacy of the show.


    I feel like in recent years they've gone too far from Bell's vision of Christine as perfect and made her seem overly bitter. They act like she's so awful to hold a "grudge" against Phyllis for trying to murder her!

  6. 2 hours ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Anyone watch live today? I set "record" on my Hulu DVR but for some reason it's delayed. Wondering if there were any "new" vintage clips...

    The furthest back was Nina and Cricket from 1988 after Chance was home from the hospital. There were some clips of Danny and Cricket around 1990, but then basically nothing until the 2000s. There were two clips from the other day...


    I missed that Esther was wearing the same outfit from LA, LOL! That moment should have been an opportunity to show a Cricket/Kay clip.


    I truly don't know what LLB thought was in this episode that made it different. It was a typical Y&R episode of characters wandering through the park, coffeehouse, and jazz club, plus old clips (thankfully in color). Same format we've been seeing where they run into someone or talk about someone and then show clips of that person. I still think Nikki's episode was by far the best, because it was her alone reflecting, not this formula. You would think Cricket would have reflected on her first day as a lawyer, or the cases she did, her mom dying of AIDS, being raped or sexually harassed, but it was more about setting up a new contrived triangle with Phyllis and Danny.

  7. 1 hour ago, Gray Bunny said:

    I remember this one. On January 1st, 1999, they did a "Soap Classics" episode. It was originally going to be the 1990 episode with Reva driving off the bridge in the Florida Keys, but made a quick change and aired an episode from July of 1993, the episode that featured Michael Zaslow for which he earned his 1994 Emmy. Zaslow had just passed away a few weeks back. Maureen Garrett was filmed doing a special intro/ending for the episode, explaining the episode's significance and acknowledging Zaslow's passing. 

    I didn't know they were originally going to show Reva driving off the bridge! Cool bit of trivia.

  8. 39 minutes ago, Errol said:

    According to TMZ, a friend discovered Tyler after entering his apartment with a key that they had been previously been given since they hadn't heard from him. The person soon after found Tyler already dead in his bedroom and called 911. TMZ claims to have sources who've told them that "it appeared he had been dead for some time." 

    When they say "some time," they don't speculate or specify, likely because a coroner's report needs to be filed and toxicology tests need to be run. As of now, it's unclear when (date) Tyler officially died.


    That's sad. I didn't see any of the obituaries mention that he had been under conservatorship for a brain injury, and suing his sister for misuse of funds: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/general-hospital-star-mired-in-off-screen-guardianship-drama


    Whatever happened with the money, and she of course alleges there was no impropriety, Tyler's friends and family must be wondering if he may still be alive had he had still had a guardian to get him help right away. :( 

  9. 2 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    The notes that I have show that GL reran their 1995 Christmas episode on 12/25/98 and 1/1/99 was a repeat of the 7/16/93 episode that heavily featured Roger Thorpe.

    Thank you! That's what I thought.


    12 hours ago, JAS0N47 said:

    Getting there! Typing up March 1990 today, so that only leaves April 1990-August 1991 to finish up. Will try to average typing one month a day, so that puts the finish around November 18 for the complete list of preemptions for all soaps from January 1979-December 1999!  :) 


    Wow! :D 

  10. Added to the vault, courtesy of @ustonmi1982


    (if anyone has any episodes to share and needs help converting to VHS, please PM me or email me! BoldRestless at gmail)

    Y&R 9/28/92 first segment (we have in full already)
    Y&R 10/27/92 full (new!)
    Y&R 10/28/92 first segment (new!)
    Y&R 10/13/92 full (new!)
    Y&R 11/11/92 first half (new!)
    Y&R 12/1/92 intro (4 minutes) (new!)
    Y&R 12/23/92 most (better quality than what we had)

    Y&R 1/12/93 full (better quality than what we had)

    Y&R 2/24/95 first segment (we have in full)
    Y&R 2/28/95 full (new!)
    Y&R 4/7/95 full (new!)
    Y&R 6/9/95 partial  (we have the episode)
    Y&R 10/12/95 partial (we have the episode)

    Y&R 4/9/1997 clip

  11. 1 hour ago, BoldKara said:

    Yes if you're able to get the 28 Feb 1995 Y&R episode into its vault, that would be amazing! And thank you!

    This whole conversation reminded me of something!


    Back in July, @ustonmi1982 generously came forward to offer some Sheila-centric Y&R episodes. They sent me the raw footage from the tapes to edit and date but that was during that time when both vaults were offline for a long while, and then I completely forgot about them. I'm uploading now. :) 

    Here's a list of B&B that were on those tapes. I will post a list of the Y&R on that thread, which may be of interest since it's a lot of Sheila stuff. That will take longer as there was quite a bit of Y&R.


    B&B 7/3/98 full (new in English!)
    B&B 8/5/98 partial  (new in English!)
    B&B 8/7/98 full (new in English!)
    B&B 9/17/98 clip (new in English!)
    B&B 12/31/98 (very short clip) 


  12. 2 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    I thought it was a repeat too. 

    did you mean 12/25/98 for the one above though?

    Yes, corrected.

    I am pretty sure Thanksgiving 1999 wasn't a new episode. Recap for Wed 11/24 ends with Brad kissing Nikki and bringing her into his room and shutting the door, then Monday 11/29 they wake up in bed together, so it's fairly clear there wasn't an episode in between.


  13. Thank you @JAS0N47 this is amazing!


    GL may have had classics on 12/25/98 and 1/1/99 - can anyone confirm? Soap Central says GL did not air for the holiday on 1/1/99 and has a blank for 12/25/98



    6/29/94 episode was repeated on 7/11/94 (the only new episode airing in between was a July 4th special).

    12/25/98 preempted, rebroadcast of 12/26/1988

    11/25/99 Soap Central has as preempted, you have it as a special airing - probably a repeat but I don't know what. @YRfan23 do you know?

    12/31/99 preempted, rebroadcast of 12/29/89

    I don't have the preemptions for B&B.


  14. 8 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Sadly I can't add 2/28/95 to the vault because I still don't have access to it 😕 @BoldRestless you still can't too right? 

    No, I don't have edit access, but I have been able to upload as Guest Contributor.


    I don't understand what you guys are talking about because I see this episode already in the February 1995 folder and also in the numbered folder under #1986.




  15. 1 hour ago, JAS0N47 said:

    I only put the Top 50 highest-rated weeks on those lists above, so 3/26/84-3/30/84 is the 50th best week of YR in the 1980's.

    Here are the 50 worst-rated weeks of YR in the 1980's, the worst 3 weeks all being from May 1982 (the only weeks where YR rated under a 6.0):

    5/3/82-5/7/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    5.6    26    199    99                                
    5/17/82-5/21/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    5.9    26    199    99                                
    5/10/82-5/14/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    5.9    28    198    99                                
    9/7/81-9/11/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6    27    192    99    Preempted Monday- US Open Tennis                            
    7/13/87-7/17/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.1    22    206    98    Preempted Wed/Fri- New Card Sharks & Price Is Right 1; Mon ep- 1230-1246PM PBO (161 affs; 4.7/16); Tue- special airing 1PM                            
    9/28/81-10/2/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.2    26    193    99                                
    9/14/87-9/18/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.3    25    206    96    Mon ep (185 affs; breakout; 6.2/24); Tue ep- 1231-1244 & 101-130PM (42 mins); Tue ep- 1244-101PM PBO (79 affs; 4.3/18)                            
    10/5/81-10/9/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.3    26    192    99    Preempted Tuesday- CBS News Special Report                            
    11/2/81-11/6/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.6    28    194    99                                
    5/24/82-5/28/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.7    27    199    99                                
    6/7/82-6/11/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.7    27    199    99                                
    4/26/82-4/30/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.7    28    199    99                                
    5/31/82-6/4/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.8    26    199    99                                
    9/21/87-9/25/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.8    26    209    99                                
    10/19/81-10/23/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.8    28    195    99                                
    3/29/82-4/2/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.8    28    198    99    Monday episode- 1230-1257 & 103-130PM (54 minutes)                            
    4/12/82-4/16/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.8    28    198    99                                
    12/5/88-12/9/88    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    27    213    99    Wed ep- 1230-1238 & 106-108PM (10 mins); Thu ep- 1231-1247 & 1-130PM (46 mins); Wed ep- 1250-106 & 108-124PM PBO (213 affs; 3.5/14)                            
    6/1/81-6/5/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    27    196    99                                
    4/27/81-5/1/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    28    196    99                                
    10/26/81-10/30/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    29    195    99                                
    4/19/82-4/23/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    29    198    99                                
    9/1/80-9/5/80    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    29    195    99    Preempted Monday- US Open Tennis                            
    9/14/81-9/18/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    6.9    30    194    99                                
    7/20/87-7/24/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    25    207    99    Preempted Thu- New Card Sharks & Price Is Right 1                            
    8/31/87-9/4/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    27    209    99                                
    9/7/87-9/11/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    27    209    99    Preempted Mon/Fri- US Open Tennis                            
    10/12/87-10/16/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    28    209    99                                
    4/25/88-4/29/88    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    28    211    99                                
    5/18/81-5/22/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    28    196    99                                
    10/18/82-10/22/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    29    202    99                                
    10/20/80-10/24/80    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    29    196    98    Thursday episode (54 minutes)                            
    4/29/85-5/3/85    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    29    208    99                                
    5/13/85-5/17/85    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    29    208    99                                
    5/20/85-5/24/85    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    29    208    99                                
    10/4/82-10/8/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    30    202    99                                
    9/27/82-10/1/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7    30    202    99                                
    8/3/87-8/7/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    25    208    99    Preempted Monday- Hearings & $25,000 Pyramid                            
    3/15/82-3/19/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    27    195    99                                
    5/27/85-5/31/85    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    27    208    99                                
    8/29/88-9/2/88    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    27    216    99                                
    12/1/80-12/5/80    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    28    196    99                                
    5/18/87-5/22/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    28    209    99    Friday episode- 1-130PM (30 minutes) is a breakout (109 affs; 4.1/16; not counted in ratings)                            
    8/31/81-9/4/81    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    28    193    99                                
    9/16/85-9/20/85    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    28    208    99                                
    10/25/82-10/29/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    29    202    99                                
    10/6/86-10/10/86    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    29    208    99                                
    12/6/82-12/10/82    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    29    201    99                                
    4/6/87-4/10/87    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    29    208    99                                
    9/8/80-9/12/80    Young and the Restless    CBS    7.1    29    195    99    Monday episode (54 minutes)



    So then this is actual lowest rated week from the 80s. 


    THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS: Week of May 3 - May 7, 1982

    (12:30pm - 60 minutes - CBS)

    Leslie said she would marry Lance.  Lucas agreed that Brooks should know that Lance was his father.  Nikki collapsed after her wedding to Kevin.  Snapper left for London without Chris.  Andy split when Jill stood him up to be with John.  Jack told Patty he would marry her.  Carl got a vice squad job with Capt. Alex Morgan, who was involved with racket boss Pete Walker.  Victor refused one last fling with Nikki before her marriage.

  16. Y&R's highest rated and lowest rated weeks. Not what you would expect. Kay's surgery is an all time classic! The lowest rated week is only two weeks before Nikki & Victor's wedding.




    The Young and the Restless: Sparky and Vinnie kidnapped Traci, dragging Danny along when he tried to rescue her. Unable to kill them as instructed by Vinnie, Sparky gave Traci and Danny enough drugs to knock them out. Vinnie was arrested after he shot Sparky in the back. With help from Sparky, Carl and Frank rescued Traci and Danny. Patty warned Jack to quit stalling their divorce. Believing  Danny was cavorting with Traci, Lauren cozied up to Paul. Julia realized that she had wanted to marry Victor so she could have a baby. In Hawaii, Andy checked out Melissa's death with husband-and-wife private investigative team, Kimo and Kathy. Nikki fretted that Victor might marry Julia. Rick nixed showing Nikki a manuscript that he's writing.


    Y&R's lowest rated week

    MONDAY MARCH 26, 1984 - FRIDAY MARCH 30, 1984

    The Young and the Restless: Jack was floored that Marc thinks Dina and John were never legally divorced. Ashley caught onto Jack's plot to undermine her Jabot teen-aged cosmetic line. Jack plotted to hire teen model Cricket away from Jabot. Kay's surgery was a success, but she feels insecure about her new look. Nikki refused to leave Victor.- who's in the dumps about his impotency. Carol was hurt that Jack talked about his sexual conquests in front of her, then wondered if he'd treat her differently if she weren't crippled. Jack and Jill panicked when Carl realized she wasn't alone during the fateful snow storm that led to her and Jack's indiscretion. Jack refused to let Diane break her Jabot contract to accept a New York modeling offer.

  17. 3 hours ago, TEdgeofNight said:

    As both you and Jason have determined, yes, GL was definitely an original on 12/26/97. While I can't give you a synopsis, I can tell you which characters appeared in the episode. For GL only, I have an extensive listing of which characters appeared on specific air dates from 1982 onward. There are days missing when the vcr didn't record.

    Ohhh, that's very helpful to know. Thanks for confirming, and I may just come back to pick your brain on more GL!

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