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Posts posted by carolineg

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Rafe is a super obnoxious guy they shoehorned into the show, though. And on paper, for me, it's just another cop. Thrilling! I'm not saying Cosgrove was any great shakes but at least they had some fans. They have never invested in Kristian solo, whereas Bo soared with both Billie and Carly.

    I get that.  But Rafe to me was 1000 times less shoehorned and obnoxious than Daniel, so it didn't bother me as much.  Rafe is pretty benign to me.  I don't have strong feelings for him one way or another.  I liked him and Sami in the beginning, but I have no real investment in him.  I think it's odd they tried Kristian/Hope with people like Franco, Jude, John, and Justin while Bo was around, but I think it's due to Kristian's stints.  Bo had a chance to explore other options without the albatross of Hope when Hope was presumed "dead".  KA always was tied to Bo, basically her entire run and by the time he left it was very hard to invest in a pairing with someone else after all they had been through with children and grandchildren etc.   It would be like Marlena taking up with someone brand new if John died again.  It's just not believable as a true love even if Hope was obviously much younger.  The supercouple cross they bear is still the same, but Marlena had a whole life before John, while Hope has only really been paired with Bo as an adult.  

  2. 19 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Yeah I will never understand why they decided to go that route with Aiden. It was already a miracle they had found a character that most people were OK having Hope paired with. Why ruin it? 
    But fundamentally j swift IDs part of the problem: leaving Bo out there was leaving a huge Damocles sword over whatever pairing they could try for her. They should have unplugged that cord a lot sooner.

    I think everyone still had hope PR would be back. It was a weird limbo for awhile.  DC is fairly charming he just always is the death knell for any soap, but I liked them.  KA isn't without her charms but she is so much tied to Bo in a way I just don't think other Days supercouples are.  She never was not tied to Bo and never really had her own story in the way Marlena did.  Even Jack and Jen exist okay on their own, even though I think Jack is way too tied to Jen.

    16 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Because they worship Galen Gering BTS and banked on those two being gangbusters.


    I again don't think Rafe/Hope are bad on paper.  I don't think the actors had the worst chemistry either, but they had the worst stories.  And Hope was basically fighting her own nieces for his attention.  Gross.

  3. 1 hour ago, j swift said:

    I agree, one of the great unknowns in soaps is which characters who were one part of a supercouple could survive on their own.  For example, in my opinion, DAYS Hope really suffered as a character without a resolution regarding Bo, whereas GH's Felicia went on to a number of successful pairings after Frisco left town. 


    It's weird Hope suffered so much without Bo, but she was basically tied to Bo her entire run.  I thought her and Aiden were good until that was ruined.  I do think out of DAYS big supercouples Marlena, Steve, Kayla, Bo, and Shane could stand on their own.  John and Kim not so much.

    Even with GH's big supercouples, Laura and Luke stood okay without each other.  Anna, Robert, Holly, Sonny, Brenda were fine on their own.  Duke and Frisco never wowed me that much on their own though, but they never really ventured out much of their original pairings.

  4. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Idk. I guess it was just too much, too fast. Rushing something always ruins it. They were so determined to further ruin Charlie that they just shoved it all into the one episode instead of providing us with any kind of motivation or understanding of what drove this to happen. 


    And I do see lots of wasted potential. Probably the most I've seen from any actor or character in a while. Overall, I just don't get it. Why is he being killed off when there are other rapists and even murderers running around Salem playing the victim? I mentioned my suspicions about it a few pages back in this thread, but it's still disappointing.

    I like MM and think he's a find as Charlie and at least as charismatic as RSW, but I do think it's Charlie's time to go. I totally get what your saying though.  Why kill Charlie, but keep Ben, Kristen, Ava and so on and so forth. 

    I do find it odd they throw Nicole into the mix of suspects, but not Lucas, at least not yet.

    It's not exactly rushed either.  It's like they started the story, then dropped it, then come back to it, but it played out for awhile.  It's the pacing that's off.  I almost wish they go back to JER pacing:  A stories MWF, and B stories TTH.  Because certain stories play out over several days then are completely dropped for weeks.

  5. 1 minute ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I usually don't say this that much, but today's episode was BAD.


    The acting was good for the most part, but everything else about it, particularly the writing was ridiculous. And with 

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    Ben and Ciara having another shared dream tomorrow

    I fear that tomorrow is going to be just as bad as today.


    Yet at the same time, I feel more determined than ever to keep watching, no matter how bad it may get.


    I thought the episode was okay.  There are just major issues with the Charlie story.  Or I guess maybe it's holes in John's story?  What ever happened with the Jan thing?  Is John getting treatment for his anger issues?  Or is Marlena just cooing at him to calm down? And Tripp worrying about things like Charlie getting custody of Henry?  That would never, ever happen under any circumstance.

     This Allie/Claire/Charlie stuff and eventual fallout seems good on paper, but the execution is poor.  It makes sense Charlie has all these people after him, but everyone built up to "I am going to murder Charlie" in basically an episode lol.

    The Ava/Rafe/Nicole stuff was silly though. And sadly, both Ava and Kristen were brought back not be villains but weak victims.  

  6. 25 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Not bad at all lol


    I really liked that first Brady/Kristen storyline in 2012-2013, but I don't see them as this endgame couple that they've been portrayed as these last few years. If they broke up for good, I wouldn't have a problem with it.


    And agreed on Paul. The retcon was stupid, but I accepted it because he was such a good actor, and the chemistry he had with both Wills, and a lot of other actors was great.


    I actually agree on Brady/Kristen with ED in the beginning.  They were hot, but the story relied on Brady being a clueless idiot a lot-which is fine.  It's just a decade later I would hope he wouldn't be as clueless and EM and SH don't have the same chemistry.   I actually really enjoyed the Kristen/Brady/John/Marlena stuff back then until it completely fell off the rails with John/Marlena acting super out of character.  John still being into Kristen?  Marlena being accused of being ridiculous for hating Kristen?  Lol the story ended poorly and it messed up Jarlena for awhile, but ED was such a breath of fresh air for the show back then.  I just think it negatively effected John, Marlena, and Brady for awhile.

  7. 12 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Yep. She was going to be his new mommy. 



    Is it bad still to this day when I see Brady/Kristen together I vividly remember the scene where Kristen tells little Brady I am going to be your new mommy?  And he was all upset and told John and Marlena?  Lol, I don't remember much else about little Brady and Kristen, but I will never forget that scene and never get over it.  Brady has always been a dim bulb, but I wish he grasped the depths that woman went to for his father.  It will never not be skeevy.

    1 minute ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Ooh I agree on that, in bringing Carrie (Christie Clarke) back permanently as well as Paul Narita (Christopher Sean preferably, but he's too busy getting work nowadays). Also a +1 on Austin Peck vs. Muldoon on a return of Austin. 


    They just need BALANCE. All the whitebread couples of the 00's have been replaced by people with too gray in the scale of evil villains. When you're pushing a leading male character that used to be a serial killer, you know you've run out of "good guys". 


    At this point, Chloe has mostly rebounded from some downright awful character assassination (prostitution; scheming against Jenn for Daniel, all that weird garbage with Deimos, etc) 


    I love Paul.  Even if he is an awful retcon that literally had John impregnating 3 woman in the span of like 3 years.  I think Christopher Sean made the role though.  Let's face it, he was much more interesting than Sonny/Will always.


    I like Carrie too because of her interesting dynamics with Roman/Anna/John/Marlena.  It was nice to watch CC grow up and have such a bond with her parents and step parents and not be so nutso crazy about John like Sami was/is.  Although I do sorta of love Sami will never let John/Marlena live down an affair they had almost 30 years ago even though they are married and have been for decades.  Never stop holding a grudge Sami!


    I know Carrie/Austin and Shawn/Belle are "whitebread" couples, but Belle and Carrie were both pretty scandalous with their affairs.  Idk, I thought Carrie/Sami/Austin/Mike/Lucas were really interesting throughout the 90's.  Less so in the 2000's.  The show needs more young heroes for sure.  John and Steve aren't going to be around forever and they are clearly too old to be in the action/adventure stories they are in now.

    I often have felt bad for NB/Chloe.  It's clear a lot of writers had no idea what to do with Chloe, so they wrote her out or made her character so unrecognizable she was a hooker?  I think I easily forgave her because I knew it was just awful writing and she seems like a real team player.

  8. 8 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I totally get this.  Up until 2008, except for Lucas & Sami, "Days" was dominated by these vanilla couples and it was overkill and sooo simplistic.  But after years and years of being force-fed leads like EJ, Theresa, and Ben, I am nostalgic for couples like Shawn & Belle and Austin & Carrie.  Perhaps I only like them in theory and, in practice, I'd be over them after a couple months on contract, but I just feel like the hero has been out of fashion in most fiction for the past 10-15 years and I tend to always favor the underdog . . . somewhere along the line, to me anyway, the hero really became the underdog.


    And Chloe is a wild card . . . after she returned in 2007, they've really taken a lot of left turns with her and I don't consider her a heroine anymore.  I really like how unpredictable she can be and have come to appreciate Nadia Bjorlin, even if her acting is very questionable.  I hate that she's always on the chopping block, but she keeps coming back so . . .


    I feel you about Austin, but I think he's been really misused . . . Lucas (and his other brother, Philip) IS more interesting, but Austin has a compelling backstory and they could really build on how screwed over he's been by almost everyone in his life.  Patrick Muldoon did not work out at all in 2011 and Austin Peck only excels at "goofy," but AP would be my pick . . . or recast.  But Carrie definitely has more value as a character at any given time than Austin.


    I loved Carrie.  I would love if she came back.  She is such a perfect counterpart to Sami, a role Belle, IMO, can't fill.   I want to like Belle and Belle/Shawn so bad because she's John/Marlena's daughter, but Carrie is just a better character.  Let's face it, Belle was a child for most of Sami's best scheming years and Belle/Sami never really had much of a rivalry over the years except for a few spats here and there.

    As far as Carrie/Austin, I like them just fine and I think I prefer AP in the role.  The thing about Carrie/Austin is a lot of major events for them occur off screen (the birth of their baby, their break up, the affairs, the make up) so I am not sure they have to be endgame.  I think they could easily recast Mike and stick Carrie with him.  Or (don't hate me), pair her with Rafe.  I thought they were okay.  I am not sure CC's available though, and like KMC's Robin on GH, I don't think you can recast. 

    I would prioritize bringing Carrie back over dullsville Eric any day of the week.  Honestly, out of all Jarlena's brood I'd dump Eric and Brady and bring Paul back and keep Carrie, Sami, and Belle.  

  9. 2 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    You mean embarrassed  by the nod to it on Days or what happened at AMC?
    Because after she left AMC she was incandescent and disgusted that she got killed off that way. She has said many times that the writer/producer team at the time hated her and wanted her death - despite having been on the show forever - be as humiliatingly pedestrian as possible.



    I agree with everyone. I can live with them killing off Laura in theory but for her to be killed in such an unremarkable way to further a bad storyline and a pretty dreadful character that will be gone in 18 months does not register as the death worthy of a legendary character, recast or not.

    It is reducing a core of DAYS history as a footnote in the B-level storyline of a mediocre villain. Really insulting.


    I thought Cady looked embarrassed by the nod to it on days.  It really didn't fit the scene 

    I can't really speak about her AMC death.  I am not a huge Dixie fan, but it was insulting.  I can't say I was much of an AMC watcher at the time.  She returned in the end, so CM probably got over much of her bad feelings about it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Days could've had a small funeral service at St. Luke's. Laura's death happened suddenly after all.  Or a small memorial service at the Horton home. It's strange to see a legendary Days character get a crappy death. Hopeful Dr. Rolf will bring her back. I never saw the previous Laura's. But i loved when JB's Laura walked into the courtroom. And exposed all of Kate's secrets.

    It does seem like a very pointless death. With Jen gone, the fallout isnt going to be good either. I know JLB's Laura isnt everyone's favorite but I liked her. And it's a shame they killed her off with little to no fanfare much like they did with Bill.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Vee said:

    That is just tacky. If you insist on always doing ABC Daytime callbacks you can do that after the death of some rando, not the funeral for a character like Laura Horton. Ron never gets tone.

    Right? It's not even something he wrote.  And it could have been done anytime during Cadys run.  Like the morning after the Jack/Kate reveal.  Not in the middle of her mother's funeral. It took you completely out of the scene.


    1 minute ago, victoria foxton said:

    Marlena and Laura friendship dates by to the 70's. She was also close to Maggie. Laura was even close to Viv. While teaming up to expose Kate. Plus Viv saved Laura from the mental institution. Which kept drugging Laura for decades. To milk money from the Horton's. Laura deserved better than this. This was beyond pathetic.  Not even a funeral. Even Sonny got funeral over at GH.

    Agreed. Although Sonnys funeral was lame. I know there are budgets and guarantees and things but Marlenas scenes with Allie could have aired next week and Marlena could have attended the pre funeral or whatever they were doing at the Horton house. Lucas should have been there as well for his sister.

  12. 12 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Because ABC has spent the better part of 20 years making Carly, Jason, and Sonny the central characters of the show and the stories only showcase their points of views and rooting value.


    Not to mention these same characters have been “protecting” Michael as a storyline for over 20 years, and Nelle was hurting the precious.


    Or maybe no matter how great an actor they have playing Nina, that character does not work, hasn’t worked, and isn’t easy to root for because they are not successful.


    And maybe the fans of this show, especially the ones vocal online are pretty much trash.  The only time I have agreed with one of their campaigns was when Genie Francis was let go.

    GH Facebook rarely lines up with any of my opinions and I am not really a Carly fan, but Nina is very hard to sympathize with. I really dont care about nelle or nina at all.  The only person I sorta care about in all this is Jax. Not because he has done anything noteworthy in 20 years but because I liked Jax in the 90s.

  13. 53 minutes ago, Antoyne said:

    How tacky, the day of Laura’s funeral he decides to do a haha look this is how Cady’s former character died 🙄

    Same. While it was a "clever" shout out. It was completely ill timed and inappropriate.  Everyone involved looked embarrassed.  Maybe they could have left it at Julie offering as a wink, wink to the audience but they didn't need to continue with it.

  14. 54 minutes ago, Skin said:


    This is the reason I opened the thread. Those deaths hurt so much, were so cruelly done and felt so purposeless. It felt like they just wanted to gut GH's heart, and I don't see the purpose as to why. Emily was killed for Nikolas' manpain, but Georgie is a head scratcher. It felt like they just wanted to make the serial killer storyline important. These deaths would be the equivalent of AMC killing Bianca off, or One Life To Live killing off Jessica or Natalie.


    Why gut a historic family for no reason?  

    In both the case of Georgie and Emily, the show killed off the most rootable heroine in their age ranges and left a big hole in both age groups.  And it's not like Georgie or Emily had no place to go story wise. They could have drove story for years.  Plus killing off all Monica's kids and husband in a span of a few years is excessive.

  15. 9 minutes ago, cassadine1991 said:

    Didn’t he cheat on his former wife with Kristen Alderson?

    That was the rumor but I think he and his ex wife got their marriage annulled which i thought was weird. They were only married a few months but were together for a few years before that.  I remember seeing a picture of his ex wife and she was very pretty.  Certainly better looking than ka... 

  16. 3 minutes ago, te. said:

    Age, I guess, in combination of Deidre and Drake just being comfortable at this point playing off each other that they might just not allow themselves to have chemistry with other actors.


    I am not sure that's it. I don't think Dee/Drake got into that comfort zone until the 2000's.  They do have great chemistry from the jump though.  Good casting, although Drake looks a lot younger than Marlena/Roman in 1986, but by like 1995 Deidre almost looks younger than him so whatever?  I don't think they didn't allow themselves to not have chemistry with others (DH was pretty good with Kate), but I think Deidre did lose chem with Wayne in his return.


    The thing about Ciara and Ben is I buy they are soulmates. I don't even like them much, but I do think they are very much in love.  VK and RSW have good chemistry.  I just don't need to be hit over the head with their psychic connection.  They are never going to be Bo/Hope or John/Marlena.  I don't think they have ever even had an argument lol.  I fully accept them as a decent young pairing (even with him being a serial killer), but I get irritated about them being portrayed as the greatest love of all time.  I think if Ron scaled back on all that crap, a lot of people would like Cin more.  I would like Cin more.  I think Ron is squandering one of the few new(er) pairings with genuine chemistry to play something that isn't there instead of letting the chemistry flow organically.

  18. On 2/12/2021 at 12:57 PM, prefab1 said:

    One unfortunate effect of those "food poisoning" scenes is it made me wonder where Ciara goes to the bathroom if she's locked 24/7 in a glass cage with only a bed. Does she have a chamber pot under the bed or something? 

    I assume its similar to Marlena's Paris cage that had an unseen bathroom that allowed Marlena to change into her elaborate clothes and hair everyday. That's not sarcastic.  That's literally what I just assumed lol. This show..  I may be giving Ron too much credit 

    9 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    I'd rather have seen John and Marlena play Romeo and Juliet, LOL.  Hell, give me Doug and Julie role playing! I'd take anything else. Even Victor and Maggie. LOL.


    It's really time to let them go. If Konefal doesn't want to be here full time and if the show doesn't want to recast ... Ron or Albert Alarr are stubbornly holding onto RSW as Ben for some reason. Dump Ben and bring back JJ.

    The thought of the DH's doing Romeo and Juliet all OTT and gaspy sort of gives me life. I think I would truly enjoy that lol

  19. 11 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Inversely characters like Taylor and Lexi were *more* interesting when they were not used as

    Amanda's foil because by that point writers were writing Amanda as the center of the show and not only would she inevitably get the upper hand but the characters going up against her had to be as unlikeable as possible on the way to it.

    One reason the Allison/Amanda dynamic worked is that while Allison was weaker, she was a character we were supposed to root for (even though, frankly, she didn't always deserve it) so while Amanda would win the professional bouts, things usually balanced themselves out for her in some way.



    Very true.  I agree with @Soaplovers that Jo was more evenly matched to Amanda but I enjoyed Amanda/Alison much more.  It was more central and a true rivalry, but at the same time a sort of love/hate thing.  You know they actually really did care about one another even when they were at odds.  Amanda delivered bitchy one liners the entire show, but it was always more significant with Alison. Maybe because it was the first Amanda rivalry, but I still think it was the best.

    But again, I like Alison.  She was my fave, so I might be seeing things differently than others.  Taylor and Lexi vs. Amanda was fine, but Amanda was always going to win that.   

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