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Posts posted by carolineg

  1. I liked Carly and Jax today and Olivia and Robert.  This Sonny ish is stupid.  There could have been a much better story than this.   Nelle finding him would have been better and I can't stand Nelle.

    Also, Joss wears the most unflattering tops.  I feel like she's worn this one several times too.  I am sure it looks okay in person, but not onscreen.

    Olivia is the opposite of stealth btw.  I don't think Tracey can be so easily fooled by that nitwit.

  2. On ‎1‎/‎16‎/‎2021 at 5:39 PM, Wendy said:


    Technically, though, Drake Hogestyn was Roman with Isabella for about a year or so - until Wayne Northrop returned and the mess began.


    As for this topic, I cannot imagine Michael T. Weiss' Mike Horton ever getting romantic with Carrie Brady (especially since she was literally a kid when his Mike was on screen!)


    Yeah that was what I was trying to say about Roman/RoJohn although the character of Roman changed a lot under DH.  I just couldn't imagine gruff WN and Isabella at all.  Diana, I could maybe see him with, but not Isabella.  Then we could go into the two complete opposite Diana's we saw with GF and JC.  Two totally different characters in every single way.


    I don't think Carrie would have worked with any Mike except RC for obvious reasons.  Did they even acknowledge there was an age difference even with RC?  I don't think so.  I think MTW and RC are pretty close in age though.


    That goes into another creepy pairing with someone who grew up on screen.  AT's Emily with Sonny on GH.  NL's Emily was skeevy enough, but AT would have been a whole other level.

  3. 11 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I can’t imagine Tamara Braun’s Carly seducing Tony.  I can see Laura Wright’s version doing it, but not TB.


    I also cannot imagine David Lewis playing the 1990’s era Edward Quartermaine, especially the story with the Ward family.  Ingle played the sorrow and romance side better.  But I did love David Lewis.




    I can't imagine SJB's Carly married to Jax.  TB's Carly yes, but not SJB's.  I can't remember if SJB's Carly and Jax ever really interacted though. 

  4. It would be humorous if the show found something more objectionable than a Brenda/Dante baby and gave Michael/Brenda a kid.  Outside of the fun Carson reactions, we would probably just be subjected to sad sack Michael whining about it for eternity.

    I don't think Brenda actually slept with him, but the whole scenario was bizarre and unnecessary.  Carly and AJ's reactions were good though.

  5. 47 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    I think the issue with Vanessa is whatever she wants, Frank is unwilling to give it to her.  I always just assumed it was the terms of the contract.  The only times I have seen her say anything about him she was complimentary.  She has made it clear she does not want to be locked down in a long contract, she likes making her TV movies.  Some of that was about her kid, some about how she wants to live her life.  She is also incredibly frugal and smart with her money.


    I love her, but I also think that unless she is going to sign on for at least two years, if not three, then the amount of story she drives is not worth the short term disruption of the entire show.  It happened with both her returns, and both times there was a huge gaping whole where Brenda was or should be for months.  How do you keep playing Sonny and her as great loves when we know she is going to leave soon?


    On the other hand- they need star power and a shuffling of some of the decks.


    And yes, completely ridiculous that they killed AJ off again.  And that strikes me as being in retaliation more than anything I have seen about VM.


    4 hours ago, slick jones said:

    Does anyone seriously want Brenda back under #firefrank?  He makes [!@#$%^&*] out of everything the writers try to do.  Since she's not a pet, he'd likely have her having crypt sex with Brando while Franko watches , chewing the scenery, giving a play by play....


    Coming from the obvious biggest Vanessa/Brenda fan in the virtual room, I am indifferent on her returning.  Does she bring out good game from Mo, Ingo, Laura, and Steve?  Absolutely.  Is she the best romantic interest for both Jax and Sonny?  For sure.  Will she bring some ratings?  Yes.  But there is only so much she can bring in these short term returns, so it has  to be years (not wasted with dayplayers in fakeRome).  I 100% buy Jax and Sonny will always be in love with her forever and ever, but it's always a hard take when she leaves 5 min after professing her undying love to them.  The fact she can still unquestionably drive story means she's valuable, but it would have to be the right situation.  And I mean VM's child is 18 now so I don't think that's stopping her anymore.  I think it's more of a need/wish from FV, which I don't think has happened although I think MB pushes for it, and a meeting of Vanessa's demands, which probably don't fit in to daytime's current climate.  But I think she is one of the few daytime 'stars' that can demand her worth, so she can just wait on the call lol.

  6. 13 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Still makes me laugh to this day

    Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue - Page 114 - General  Hospital - PRIMETIMER

    I've always liked this TJ a lot more than the other one, but he's being really stupid today and the writing isn't doing him any favors either. I will never understand why the writers are having people blame Jordan for Molly's affair. The blame lies with Molly and only Molly.

    OMG STILL HILARIOUS LOL.  I mean I can stan and say Brenda wouldn't do that at fundraiser for Robin and Stone but it's still funny. I want to throw a bread roll at Carly all the time.  Also why are Brenda and Carly at the same table?  That wouldn't ever happen lol.  Poor form Lucy!!!


    Also Carly calling out Brenda after fake sleeping with Michael is awesome.  I wish I could transcribe it, but her saying Brenda was a whore to Sonny and she keeps trying to claw her way into "angel" status was really good. I mean, literally no self awareness, but it was still on point dialogue referencing Brenda trying to be like Lily.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I thought Brenda's last return was fun. They mixed her up with many people and it kept her viable. I loved her enthusiastic greeting to A.J. Her and Robin's reactions were good for that character's standing in the eyes of fans, which makes me all the more upset he's still dead again.

    I thought her and SK's AJ had a lot of chemistry  And I think the show was going there if she didn't have fire chemistry with MB at the time.  VM in the 90's literally had chemistry with everyone except Ricky Martin.

    10 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    I loved Brenda in the ‘90s and her first return, but I felt the magic was *gone* those last two returns. The writing just wasn’t there, and VM’s acting was... inconsistent at best. And I didn’t mean that LW diminished her. The writers seemed to stack the deck in Carly’s favor, which is understandable because she’s the show’s main leading lady. It’s hard when a huge star returns for short stints sometimes.


    VM's acting choices were odd as [!@#$%^&*].. The cackle, the weird pauses, the vacant smile...I can go on and on.  But I think the writing was slanted towards Carly, but it didn't change MB or IR's reactions to her which were still golden.  Even Dante showed signs of life with her.  I get the writing and Brenda never getting the last word with that hosebeast, but it didn't diminish the character to me.  When she told Sonny she loved him but didn't like him or when she said he used to stand for something but now stands for nothing at all was so vintage Brenda.  And yeah, I liked her throwing breadrolls at Carly.  It might not be popular, but her kissing Sonny at the airport in 2013 was still very hot.

  8. 1 minute ago, Faulkner said:

    Her last returns were hot garbage, and it felt like they did all they could to diminish her compared to LW’s Queen Carly.


    As a true blue Brenda fan none of her returns bothered me that much.  They weren't good at all, but I don't think LW diminished her at all.  VM not referring to Carly by name but calling her "THAT GIRL" is kinda legendary.  When GH is all said and done Brenda will always be Sonny's #1 pairing.  And Jax's too.  So it really doesn't matter if she returns or not.

  9. 3 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:



    I heard there were problems BTS, so I wasn't really sure.


    Allegedly she's kinda of diva.  Which I can sorta allow, but not in these times.  But MB literally seems to adore her so I am sure she will be back eventually.  The story is her and FV really got into a screaming match and he hates her.  But she's Brenda Barrett and one of the few people that I think actually has clout today.....even considering her abysmal returns

  10. 6 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Is Vanessa Marcil willing to come back? This would be a pretty good storyline if she was a part of it.


    This isn't a rumor at all, but I have this feeling that an amnesiac Sonny is going to somehow end up with a suddenly alive Nelle.


    It seems like VM is willing to come back.  She pimps S/B all over social media and it's not like she doing anything else lol.  I am not sure FV wants her back.  There are rumors they did not get along.  And I am sure she comes with a hefty price tag still..


    It seems like she managed her money okay so she doesn't need to work to just pay the bills.  I know she has a fondness for Brenda but it's kinda like do it or don't at this point.

  11. 3 minutes ago, SteelCity said:

    Wasn't that actually Eva Longoria standing in?

    Eva appeared as a Brenda look a like but Vanessa actually cameoed.


    2 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    It did with Angel. That was a disaster.


    I do like the Brenda angle but like you said, she'd never keep him from his family. But they're idiots to not play her into it.


    And like you said, everything will revert back to how it was in a few months. I'd love for this to be different. 


    Meanwhile, I appreciate they finally are showing TJ having a POV in all of this. 

    I would play Brenda into this but like Sonny still loves Brenda amnesia/non-amnesia so I am not sure how it changes things.   He's not actively pursuing her, but they never fell out of love.  Or at least not to my knowledge.  If he only had memories up to 1992 or something then I see Brenda as a player in this.

  12. 12 hours ago, full hearts said:


    Yes, it is the same lake house. I can't remember who bought it. I think Skye was kicked out of the Q mansion, there was fighting over ELQ. Then she was living at the lake house. 

    I think Jax owned it?  Because I vaguely remember Brenda being there a lot.  Or maybe Brenda was just being a huge jerk hanging out at Skye's house?  Possibly...  I remember Brenda savagely offering Skye a drink in that living room and Skye calling her a home wrecking whore, but more amazingly articulated than that* I believe that's one of the scenes RC submitted for the Emmys, but both scenes she submitted heavily featured VM/Brenda so that probably was to her detriment.  Not because VM was a better actress (although I will stan her emmy win), but because it was just a lot of Brenda in the reel.  But they also brought her cottage back at that time.  They should bring back that cottage set.  It was cute.  Someone like Sasha should live there.

  13. 14 minutes ago, full hearts said:

    Yes, Sonny already had a story like that with Angel. It dragged. They introduced the lake house set where Alexis lives now during that time. 


    If I remember correctly, didn't Y&R do that story again with Victor when Jack/Brad took over Newman in 1999 but the female character didn't become his love interest. 


    When prompted by synopsis I do remember the Angel story vaguely.  I remember them being in that house and Sonny hiding from Carly or something and Angel and Sonny getting closer.  So is this the same lake house Jax or Skye or Jax/Skye lived in circa 2002?   I remember the living room being similar.  If so how did Alexis get it?

  14. 21 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    @carolineg Ita just a classic soap trope, which was down extremely well and had lasting ramifications on both DAYS (which lasted a long time), and later Y&R.  Victor has disappeared a couple of times over the years with this type of story.


    I just want anything that allows Maurice to bring back some of the charm he used to have as Sonny.  Something completely different than what we have seen since Lily died or since he and Carly fell in love.  It really did wonders for Victor on Y&R (at the time), and gave Nikki the first real competition she had felt in a long time, because Hope also had his child.


    For sure.  I think it would be great for Sonny to do something different.  For Jason/Carly to do something different.  I am sure MB can still be charming, maybe?  It would be nice for Carly to have some serious, non Brenda competition for Sonny for once.  But again, they would have to find an actress that worked.

    3 minutes ago, Dion said:

    I don't know much about what happened with Angel and Sonny, but I do know it happened with Nikolas and Mary...


    I just googled it and Sonny got stabbed by Angel's dad and she found him and tended to him in her cabin in the woods.  Sadly this is the 2nd time I have looked up Angel's character this week lol.  

    Nikolas and Mary and Connor leading to Emily's rape and someones? murder (Sage?).  Which eventually leads to Emily/Sonny and Courtney/Nik.  Gross...

  15. 21 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    In the old soap days, Sonny would have amnesia and end up with a new love interest once all of this is done.  Ava would somehow discover his new life and keep it to herself.  And Jason and Carly would absolutely end up falling in bed while he is gone.  And in true soap tradition, his new lady would be the complete opposite of Carly or Brenda.  Maggie or Hope on the farm type.  And it would lead to years of story and possibly actual growth with Sonny.  Or at least another real chance for him to claim he wants power above everything else.


    If he’s going to be there, I want to see him doing something different for a change.


    I am more for this version of events over Brenda finding Sonny.  It would be such a crappy thing for Brenda to do to keep him from his family, especially knowing who he was from the jump.  It would be very Liz/Jake/Drew/Jason to do that and very un-Brenda like.


    I actually like your whole scenario with the farm type girl and a Jarly hook up, but I would dread a new Sonny love interest because at this point it's clear it's very difficult to find someone MB has chemistry with.  But I am willing to suffer through it if it's temporary, makes Sonny see him and Carly are awful together, ends JaSam for good, and eventually brings Brenda back to reunite with a changed Sonny.


    But this is GH and this amnesia thing will last a few months and everything will go back to exactly the way it was before after this plays out.  Bummer, because I do think this idea has potential.  Also, hasn't this story happened before?  With the aforementioned Angel?  Didn't he meet her after he was shot or stabbed and she saved him and took him to a farm or cabin?

  16. 2 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I think when Stefano kidnapped them and held them hostage at Ridgecrest was when they started to become friends. But hey, right now she's bffs with the man that she thought killed her grandson.

    And Kristen lol.  I mean, by 1986 I am sure it's all water under the bridge, but it is funny.  I would never choose somebody who willingly helped break up my 1st marriage to sing at my 2nd (3rd) husband's wedding ceremony.  But Tamara Price did and we got Lani out of it (that's sarcasm there) so it all ends well.  Ridgecrest is a really good story.  I wish it was still on you tube.

  17. 3 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:



    Seems like a strange way of thinking, but I'm glad they used it to make Liz a completely good character.



    I am sure someone can answer this but how did Liz go from stealing Marlena's husband to being asked to sing at Marlena/RoJohn's wedding?  I know Doc's forgiving but that seems like they were practically bff 6 years later.

  18. 11 minutes ago, beebs said:

    I can see why. DJs death could have been a fascinating story, but was instead basically used as a wedge for Don and Marlena, and it seems they hardly delved into Don's feelings about it. Especially since he had lost another child years before. They instead just made him a nasty,defensive pig, and made Marlena come off as a shut in who only talks to Kellam and literally no one else. It's very bizarre.


    I know SOD doesn't do the best job of filling in character motivations (can you tell I still miss Daytime Serial Newsletter?), but you don't even get a glimmer of what the hell these people are thinking from SOD, and it makes the stories seem 10x worse for it.

    It's kind of true, though early in Laemmle's run, Liz is initially attracted to Don, and Kellam to Marlena, so it isn't entirely out of left field. It's just the fact they had Liz end up with Neil and had Kellam chase after Julie for awhile that sort of...confused the issue. I wonder if they were still saying Julie was Sunny's doppelganger by this point, or did they get another actress to play Sunny in flashbacks?




    From what I have seen of DJ's death (not much mostly the actual death and a little of the aftermath), it was very well acted.  Deidre has her same hysterics, but it actually fit the moment.  We don't get Don's feelings, but we don't get much of Marlena's feelings either.  She seems to have moved on by this point or completely closed herself off about it.  She doesn't even talk to her bff Kellam about it that much.

    I guess I forgot about Liz's attraction to Don because of all the stuff with Neil.  Don't Liz and Don make an actually go of things (sorry to spoil future recaps lol)?  The breakup of Don/Marlena is kind of the nail in coffin for Don.  He really gets no viable love interest after that (I am not counting Maggie).  While Marlena moves on to Roman and the popularity leaves Don out of the picture, as I sort of assume the end game was to have Don/Marlena reunite?  Before Roman/Marlena took off? 

    No idea about Sunny Chandler.  Google gives you a bunch of articles about Sonny/Will when you try to look her up and she doesn't have a soap wiki or soapcentral bio so I guess we may never know.

  19. 33 minutes ago, Franko said:

    The winner of the "MAKE IT STOP!" award for October goes to ...


    A classic soapy image in general, so often used.


    I mean, who doesn't spill their guts to their boss of only a few months ... ?


    The same damn image in one month?!


    I'm not sure why I can accept a network of investigators and informants with the DiMeras, but not with Kellam and Max ... Maybe it's because it's happening so often in a short period of time.


    It does happen. My mother is closer to her ex-mother-in-law than she was with her own mother.


    I'm seriously beginning to wonder if Claus von Bulow watched soaps (other than Dark Shadows).


    Not to trivialize what's going on in 2021, but I'm fascinated by the time element both in fiction and reality. Kellam seems to be riding out the clock to Election Day (which was Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1980). Some U.S. politicians seem to be (publicly) riding out the clock to Inauguration Day (which, as I write, is 10 days and less than 90 minutes away).


    Good lord ... they didn't even frame this as postpartum depression or anything, just that Sally's first resort is considering infanticide (and so soon after D.J. Craig's death).




    I can't remember if Dee said in the 30th Anniversary Scrapbook that she didn't like all of the Kellam story, or just the ending. I think the only stuff from 1980 she liked, and even that was by extension, was when they referenced D.J.'s death when Marlena counseled Stella Lombard (and I get the impression it's largely that she liked working with Elaine Bromka).


    I feel like this 1979-80 stuff with Don and Marlena is mostly weird and dumb.  Stuff happens (DJ dying, Don blaming Marlena, Don's affair) and then for months it seems like Don/Marlena don't do a whole a lot except hang out with Kellam and argue here and there.  And Liz and Don seem to come out of nowhere.  And it does seem odd Marlena has no friends to confide in even though we know her friends exist on the canvas.  I know it's hard to tell from recaps, but this whole Kellam stuff seems awful.  Not looking forward to the rape, especially since the show really doesn't use that history much anymore.  I can understand why she hated it.  For a character so popular, Marlena is not doing much of anything even though major things are happening to her.  Again, it's hard to tell from recaps, but Don just cheated on her why does she want him at her birthday party so badly lol?

  20. 10 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It was McTavish and JFP. Their opus. And yes, Guza's early return had some good stuff (and some very bad).


    Brenda's early return was amazing soap.  I have said this recently, but the Amazing Grace montage is literally the best moment GH has had in 20 years.  It fell off the rails pretty quickly with the all Brenda, all the time stuff and Jax/Brenda was crap, but Jason/Brenda at that time was gold.  But then it went into useless Alcazar stuff, Jason/Courtney and Dobson the butler, so it's definitely a mixed bag.

  21. 3 hours ago, full hearts said:

    I liked Hannah too or maybe it was just the plot that I liked. When Peaky Blinders first premiered back in 2013, the story with Tommy/Grace reminded me of Hannah's. I got what the writers were trying to do if the casting had been different that could have been a more compelling story, imo. Out of all the brenda-bots that is the one I can watch again.


    As for Angel, no desire to watch that era again. 


    I get what you are saying and I think if they cast someone that was less of a doppelganger to Brenda it might have worked, but the whole point of Hannah's story was that she looked like Brenda so Sonny would fall for her.  It wasn't a coincidence she looked like her.  The show actually pointed that out, but again, she could have had other stories.   The show already put her in that mold so it was harder for her to climb out of.  Angel was just sucky.  I don't think she was even trying to look or be like Brenda but her story made her seem that way.

  22. 7 minutes ago, Dion said:

    In 2008, Jason actually refused to give the organization back, so Sonny joined the Zaccharas and ended up in that arranged marriage to Claudia. They reconciled post toxic-spheres and Jason handed the organization back over.




    If/when they do get her back, Kassius could play Brenda's son. Dev's death left room in the teen set afterall.




    Oh and back to today, I was very happy to see Lesley back already. Wasn't too sure about her comments about having had affairs with lots of married men, but I think she was making a bit of a sarcastic joke about it since she initially didn't put it together that Cyrus was referring to Gordon (I mean seriously Laura, I love you, but you told Carly about Cyrus being your brother before you told your own mother?).


    Her son is very handsome but can we please make Alec Jax's somehow?  I take him as Sonny's kid and his looks match up better for that, but I'd prefer Jax. I am an S&Ber for life but I hated how her and Jax ended and I think there is more story there for them.

  23. 1 minute ago, Taoboi said:

    Problematic though the 50th may have been...THAT was Brenda. I would love to see her and Laura on again at the same time. It just takes me back to good times. 


    LOL!! I so forgot about Eva Longoria as the fake Brenda. Didn't she just vanish even though they appear to be writing a story for her?


    Personally, I feel like if (okay WHEN) she comes back it will be as under-wraps as how they brought in the nuNik with no hints or Taggert as well...and IT BETTER BE A FRIDAY CLIFFHANGER. ;)  I even think the reason some of the cast are finally leaving now is to make room. ;);)  But all I am basing that on is that tweeting she was doing before Corona hit. 


    I had no problem with Brenda at the 50th.  Was it petty for her to throw bread rolls at Carly and pretend sleep with Michael?  Absolutely but Brenda can be hella petty.  But I enjoyed the Sonny and Brenda scenes even if Brenda and jax were unnecessarily ruined.

    I don't really trust VM's tweets because she always like I would love to come back, etc. and nothing happens, but it does seem like the obvious chain of reactions if Sonny loses his memory or whatever.

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