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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. 13 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I've got to hand it to these people.  The switch appears absolutely seamless.


    God, I hope so, lol.


    ...and here we go...


  2. 11 minutes ago, marceline said:


    The sad thing is that I'm pretty sure the reason Donnie Bone Spur retweeted Britain First is because Prince Harry said he's not invited to the wedding.


    As for the great sexist purge, I see a lot of people on the right playing the whole "Ha-ha! Look at all the people on the left who are predators. Sucks to be you!" But the truth is this is good. We saw what these "lefty" men did to HRC, I'm happy to have them gone before they get the chance to do the same thing to Kamala Harris or Chelsea Clinton (should she decide she wants a political life) or any other woman running for office.


    I'm all for purging these fake ass allies. (Although I'm keeping Franken in the Senate because we need him.)


    I agree. Although, in regards to the most recent purges, Halperin, Rose and Lauer hardly constitute lefties, they are far closer to the right than to the left, especially Halperin and Lauer.

  3. 3 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:


    Oh yes, I remember him and those allegations. As that was from the pre-social media era, I'm not surprised that many people have forgotten about it or never heard of it.


    I remember The Frugal Gourmet also and was shocked when I finally learned why he had disappeared from PBS.

  4. The British Prime Minister has condemned the actions of a U.S. President in a public rebuke. Let that sink in.


  5. People have noted how low-key antagonistic Lauer has been in previous interviews with HRC while seeming obliging toward Trump (who has just accused Joe Scarborough of committing murder) in interviews.


    In terms of the tax "plan" (for the richest), it has cleared the first hurdle in the process. What we can only hope is that pressure continues to mount and someone flakes right before/during the final vote on the Floor, as they've done with other venal  GOP legislative bills.

    Many are complaining how exhausting it feels to try to agitate with calls, e-mails and tweets to get their elected officials to try to do the fair thing.



  6. So the 'Sonic Attacks' that were suspected in Cuba (which Trump used as a pretext to cut diplomatic relations with Cuba, IMO) is now suddenly happening in Uzbekistan.


    What?!  You mean, it is likely that the Cubans should've been taken on their word that they were befuddled by the occurrence, after all?





    5 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    It looks like something out of The Shining. 😨😂


    The White House said it was poor lighting.  I say it's the dark forces present in this current WH at work.

  7. Trump accomplished exactly ZERO during his trip to Asia (except, perhaps to line the coffers of his businesses).

    Maybe if he'd keep his goddamn mouth shut for once, Kim wouldn't have a nuclear clapback for every ridiculous tweet or speech that the Orange Menace sends out into the universe.

    Trump should try shutting it, for once, there might be one less missile test.

  8. Honestly, I haven't finished that article because from what I was reading, I was starting to have some serious questions of who/what Ms. Landsbury might be covering for.

    Angela Landsbury's mentality is in a time-warp. She just can't seem to fathom that a woman might want to look attractive for her own personal appeasement.

    Like, me personally, I like my skin to be smooth, not because I want men touching me but because I like the velvety feel of my own skin. Sometimes I'll put on lipgloss, do my nails when I'm around the apartment just because.  Other times, I'll go outside sans makeup with a hat thrown on, no earrings. And guess what? I've still been hit on!:o

    What she says is perplexing to me.

  9. 10 hours ago, Eric83 said:

    The Pocahontas "joke" was not funny and very inappropriate. However, what I found worse was how he talked to/about the code talkers as if they were aliens. He has no respect or interest for who they are or what they did, so he keeps repeating the word "special", because it's the only word he can find in the pile of mush in his skull.


    1 hour ago, Roman said:

    to add...having a painting of Andrew Jackson overhead. just vile. 


    I generally try to ignore Orange Menace's actions but I truly felt badly for those men. It was such a disrespectful spectacle. The moment was supposed to be about honoring these men and their sacrifices. They are in their 90s, how many times will they get to be honored publicly in this way?

    And the Buffoon-in-Chief ruined the moment.


    Yes, to make matters worse, it right in front of Andrew Jackson who sought about a plan that had genocidal consequences for the Native Americans.

    How very shameful!


    I hope those Navajo Code Talkers and the community in general can recall better times when they were shown respect to erase yesterday's memory.


  10. 12 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    Her career seems to be about the same as usual. I think she's fortunate that she's aging so well (with a little help, presumably) and has a lot of charisma and that a lot of people seem to have grown to expect crazy talk from her. 


    I'm a bit wary of the "EU army" being put in there as a positive thing or something new as that's been in the works for a good while and many are nervous about it (I think it was one of the main weapons used as a cudgel in the Brexit vote).


    That's a fair enough statement. Positive or negative, the U.S. won't have much to say about it at this point though, being on the outside looking in now (I can also see Great Britain occupying a similar position soon).

  11. On 11/22/2017 at 9:44 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    I'm watching Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. on the PBS website and the latest episode features Tea Leoni (Madam Secretary) and Gaby Hoffman (Transparent).

    I had forgotten this piece of information (I read an article about it years ago) but Gaby  Hoffman was especially interested in research the genealogy of her father's side of the family.

    When they showed a photograph, revealing her father's identity, I gasped momentarily before remembering that I had known this information for years!

    They even showed a clip of him in several scenes from As The World Turns and Hoffman talks about the one "family portrait" she had was of her mother holding her, while her sister stood behind the T.V. where a scene from As The World Turns played out on screen with her father since the only time she ever saw him other than in family court was when he was on the T.V.:unsure:

    Yes, her father was Anthony Herrera (James Stenbeck) which she half-joked about his bad guy persona and surviving being 'killed off' multiple times.



    @Hunk Chandler Massey I mentioned the episode a few pages back. Tee-hee!

  12. So the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been investigating Santander Bank and now that Cordray has stepped down and named his replacement (in accordance with Dodd-Frank) and Trump has tried to install his own replacement (for which the Trump administration is facing a lawsuit) Mick Mulvaney.

    Suddenly we discover that Mulvaney (Trump's pick) not only wants to dismantle the CFPB but is connected to a lobbyist for Santander Bank (the subject of the CFPB investigation).

    Boy this administration is ALL about Conflicts of Interest!


    Trump Conflict Of Interest: CFPB Pick Mulvaney Linked To Lobbyist For Bank Facing Possible CFPB Sanctions

  13. Despite that clever clapback that Time threw at Trump, the magazine is still slated to be acquired Koch brothers owned Meredith Corporation.


    Also, speaking of clapbacks, I hear Susan Sarandon is getting dragged (but what else is new?) for some interview she did recently. I don't intend of reading it because Sarandon makes me tired.

  14. Speaking of Generals,

    and he's an Independent with "staunchly conservative views".


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