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Posts posted by DramatistDreamer

  1. By the way, this "lecture" that Ivanka Trump presented in Japan was very sparsely attended. On the news, cameras caught the rows upon rows of empty seats. 

    You know when there are so few people that everyone pushes to the front to make things look more full at the front? Yeah, that type of empty. 

    Organizers tried to say that not everyone could get in but reporters who were there said that they saw no lines of people waiting to get in. At all.


  2. The GOP is likely trying to divert attention away from that godawful tax reform bill that they're trying to push through, hoping no one will look at it.


    The House GOP Tax Reform bill is so bad, I've read that critics fear it will depress the numbers of those who pursue higher education, especially graduate studies as it threatens to eliminate the school loan payment credit. What do they care, as they clearly want a permanent underclass. As Trump once said he loves the poorly educated and it should be evident as to why-- the poorly educated don't command good wages or good salaried positions.  The corporations can continue to build wealth for their CEOs while barely paying their workers--Trump Inc. included.




  3. 22 minutes ago, adrnyc said:


    That brawl was the best!!! I remember a long shot of the entire set of Caroline's where you just see the entire place going mad - everyone is screaming and fighting with each other. Lucinda then turns to her companion at her table (Ambrose, I think?), yells "See, I told you this was going to be fun!" and throws her champagne glass against the wall. (or on the floor - something like that)



    I howled with laughter when she did that!:lol: It was just so reckless.  I guess today's daytime soaps don't have that type of budget to create that type of scene. The camera work in those scenes was so key.

  4. 17 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Looks like we need Chris Hansen back on the payroll at NBC!   


    And NBC/Access Hollywood needs to release all that audio and B-roll footage of Trump's awful remarks that they've been hiding.


    Reading these accounts of how many women were complicit in leading other women into traps with Weinstein...after the 2016 election, this doesn't surprise me but I'm still disgusted and disappointed nonetheless.


    As for HOC, I was ready for the series to be over for quite sometime, despite the fact that last season was the most compelling it had been in at least two seasons.

    Maybe because I watched and enjoyed the original British series, I always saw it as having a limited run--I didn't expect it to last as long as it has.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Yea, everyone was right..it is 1985,,I was making myself older as I remember watching this in college. 


    The dead body was tied to Shannon being a jewel thief but Marland tied that up...(werent there thugs holding Kim hostage in the Hughes living room) She found the body in "the woods behind her house" Chris and Nancy were in Oakdale during the Costume Ball which was Lisa opening the Yacht Club..I remember her coming in on a boat dressed like Marie Anteniette and Chris and Nancy and George and Martha Washington and being judges of the costumes...a fun goofy bunch of episodes and I wish Marland had kept some of that slightly campy soap fun..


    Yeah, that July 1985 episode shows Kim and Nancy talking about the dead body that Kim discovered with Frank Andropolous.


    I wish someone anywhere could post that Costume Ball because I'd love to see it again. I think I only got to see it once when I was a kid. As it is, there was only once brief snippet that was later put in a flashback that got posted on YT. (I swear Guiding Light fans posted every single costume ball or big event that GL had over the last 30 years of that show!)


    I've heard a few people actually complain that Shannon's character was too campy but there is a great episode in 1986 where half of the patrons at Caroline's get hauled down to the police station after a brawl breaks out at the restaurant. A brawl secretly instigated by Barbara and Lucinda.

    It was hilarious, at least to me.

  6. Also speaking of 1985, Julianne Moore started in April 1985.  She was very recent on the show around the time of Bob and Kim's wedding in '85.


    I don't want to link to a competing blog but I just looked it up and Bob and Kim got married about two weeks after JM's Frannie arrived in April 1985.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    I've more or less unfriended them all, even in real life. Unfortunately, my husband has not done the same.  I'm breaking bread with a Republican for the first time in about 6 months tomorrow. Let's just say I'll be hitting the mimosas hard because this guy is a real tool, although not a Trumper.


    We saw just the other day why communicating via twitter is so dangerous. What if someone hacks his account instead of deleting it? They could claim we're attacking North Korea or who knows what disaster could occur.




    How sad is it that I thought Sessions had sent someone to help the defense, when I read this? In reality he sent a hate crimes expert. I can hardly believe he did the right thing.


    It's unlikely that the DOJ will file hate charges since Iowa has ruled this with a murder charge and a jury found the first defendant guilty. Sessions likely already knew this would happen since there are no hate crimes statutes in Iowa.

    This looks like a superficial show of law and order on the part of the DOJ.

  8. I guess then that Chris and Nancy had not yet moved there when those costume ball episodes aired then but Bob was talking about it?


    I think this was the time that Kim saw the dead body in the park around the time that Shannon first showed up in Oakdale?  That was 1985.  


    Kim's stalker storyline began in earnest early 1986, right?


    I think I'm clear but a nice timeline would help, LOL. 

  9. Speaking of Marland's writing tenure, I came across this interview in the NYTimes and found it quite interesting.

    One particularly informative nugget: At least twice a week, he wrote his own breakdown and he edited every script for consistency's sake.




    Also, apparently he was a chain smoker.


    Fascinating that he really only wanted to stay a year or two because he wanted to launch a new soap.

  10. Over the past few days, I was thinking that when I was a kid,  how this time of year, in particular, was usually a great time for ATWT. 

    Their autumn storylines, leading right through the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year holidays were usually some of the best stories, in the '80s especially.

    There were even some really entertaining Halloween episodes back then.


    This time of year, I tend to really remember how good and comforting and entertaining it could be to watch this show.


    I've seen that July '85 episode before on You Tube, maybe this is a re-upload?

    I wish the actual costume ball episodes that came after were posted too (fingers crossed). I would love to see Lucinda's reaction to being undone with the costumes switches (and by Lisa, no less!)

    Those scenes between Bob and Frannie were special. 


  11. It seems as if DeVos' only goal was to roll back any and all protections for students, particularly when it came to those for-profit schools that are little more than certificate mills. 

    It would be great if she could resign before inflicting yet more damage. She can return to her Clockwork Orange style experimental institutions that she was doing previously.


    So apparently, Brazile is now trying to refute today's trending headlines by furiously retweeting everyone who criticized the sentiment posited in the Politico article. 


  12. Good for Juan.


    WTF happened with Grigor today though?  I didn't see the match but I read that he was up 5-2 and had MP vs. Isner but went on to lose the match.:rolleyes:


    Apparently Sloane hasn't won a match since the U.S. Open.  I guess she can't tear herself away from Jozy Altidore long enough to string some points together--he must be hittin' it from all angles!:lol:

  13. Way at the bottom, Brazile mentions that none of the actions were criminal or illegal, after spending most of the post alluding to exactly that.

    The Democrats will always find a way to diminish any chance they have to rebuild.


    For instance, they should be balancing the investigation on collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia with other very pressing legislative issues like

    exposing this windfall for the wealthy tax reform bill that the GOP is trying to shove through.

    Also the fact that no one in Congress has bothered to renew the CHiP program while children's healthcare languishes.

    The other tons of environmental and consumer protections that are falling by the wayside.

    Is anyone remembering that these issues are also important??

  14. 11 hours ago, Wendy said:

    I think the (very depressing and disheartening) question now to ask is which actors ARE NOT complete pigs? They seem to be a dying breed based on all of these accusations.


    This goes beyond actors, beyond Hollywood.


    It's important to remember that many of the most vocal women (and some men) speaking out are actors, so that may give the impression that it is just actors/directors/producers right now, but it is definitely not the case-- they exist in every walk of life.


    Another case in point, Michael Fallon, Secretary of Defense in Great Britain just stepped down and word is, that his resignation is over inappropriate conduct.

    Michael Fallon, U.K. Defense Secretary, Quits Over Inappropriate Conduct 


    Just the other day, three professors at Dartmouth were placed under investigation for sexual misconduct.

    3 Dartmouth College professors are being investigated for alleged sexual misconduct


    And then there is the news chief at NPR...

    NPR's Head Of News Placed On Leave After Past Harassment Allegations Surface


    Women are starting to really come forward in other industries now.  It's simply that the Hollywood stories get more coverage because of all the perceived "star power".

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