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Posts posted by will81

  1. So not sure if this is well known, but I was browsing through an old NY Times paper online and it happened to be from Sep 9th 1968. I saw the tv listings and noticed Search and Light were not 30 minutes but still 15. The NY Times even had an advertisement right next to the listings advertising the change to 30 minutes that week, so I figured it might be a mistake. I checked through listings for the entire week and neither show was listed as 30 minutes until September 12th 1968 (Thursday) Add to that I checked a few other online newspapers to verify and they were all the same.

    I had always read Sep 9th as the date, it seems it may have happened Sep 12th. Was this common knowledge? As online, most sources state Sep 9th 1968. Not a big deal but for historical soap accuracy I like these details.

    Mon Sep 9th 1968

    12:30 - 1pm Search for Tomorrow (30 minute episode, Guiding Light was pre-empted)

    2:30 and 4pm Art Linklater's House Party aired 

    Tues Sep 10th 1968

    12:30 - 12:45 Search for Tomorrow

    12:45 - 1pm Guiding Light

    2:30 - 3pm Guiding Light (30 minute ep)

    Wed Sep 11th 1968

    12:30 - 12:45 Search for Tomorrow 

    12:45 - 1pm Guiding Light

    2:30 and 4pm Art Linklater's House Party

    Thurs Sep 12th 1968

    12:30 Search

    2:30 Guiding Light

    Both 30 Minutes from this point on


    Is it possible this was a mistake or just happened in some parts and not others?

    I will also post this exact post in the Search topic as well.

  2. Great shot of those 3 ladies!

    I didn't realize they did two in 1996? I know that's the one where Victor got shot, but didn't realize there was another.....

    Which was the one with Don Diamont's butt in it? I think that was 1996, was that the Victor getting shot episode. Funnily here in Australia those episodes aired during the day as normal (well 3 years later)

  3. Lauren's story was criticized at the time due to the fact that she didn't reveal what Shawn was up to to her husband (a private detective) whose father was a police officer.

    And she kept having those fake out fantasies of telling Paul the truth and him being killed. Much of it seemed so odd, since Paul's father was a police officer and Paul was a detective, Shawn probably shouldn't have had such a hold on her.

  4. Thanks for all the info about Jill everyone! I always enjoy knowing airdates for character's first and last episodes....

    Yeah Brenda taped her final scenes as Jill the first time January 18, 1980 so I guess since it was 2 weeks ahead of filming that would lead to February 1, being her last airdate......(was that the scene from the clips I just posted of Stuart kicking her out of his house?) there doesn't seem to be a first airdate for her back in 1973 as she wasn't in the first episode.....I'm assuming she first aired sometime during that first week?

    No the Stuart scenes were from 1979, she then went on to marry Derek, only to have Kay "return from the dead" and kick her out of the house on their honeymoon night. That was at the end of 1979 though, so not too long before she left. I have never seen her last scenes but from what I can tell it wasn't anything major. The Derek/Jill/Kay story had pretty much wrapped up, or at least Jill's involvement.


    The last little part of it had Brock hire a private investigator to spy on Jill and Derek, he recorded a conversation they had and gave the tape to Kay. Kay showed the tape to Derek and wanting to prove she trusted him she refused to listen to it and put it in a safe. Derek didn't trust her and hired a cat burglar (one Douglas Austin, lol) to swipe it, he then made a fake tape with Derek telling Jill he was devoted to Kay and didn't want to see her (Jill) anymore. Just as Derek had suspected Kay held a party and played the tape (the switched one) and he managed to con Kay a little longer. This was basically the end of Brenda's run.

  5. So February 4, 1980 is Bond Gideon's first airdate? When did Brenda Dickson last air in 1980? Not yet sure about Dickson's return date in 1983?

    Oh sorry, I meant to say the week of Feb 4th, not sure it was actually Feb 4th. Brenda's was definitely Feb 1st 1980 which was confirmed in soap press when she left, and Jill appeared the next week, so Bond was on almost straight away. Not 100% about Brenda's return date, but with the snippet above and synopsis I have read I have narrowed it down to Sep 2nd or Sep 5th.


    I can say definitely Dickson's last air date was Jun 23rd 1987. So the turn over was a bit mixed up. Brenda had taped ahead her shows from Monday (Jun 22nd) and Tuesday (Jun 23rd) but hadn't taped her scenes for Jun 19th. Because she was fired before doing that show Jess came on and subbed for her on that date and then took over officially from June 24th, although technically once Jess took on the role Brenda never returned.

    Believe it or not, Paul mentioned calling Steve and Todd about Patty in recent years...

    Oh cool, thanks. I wonder if Bell ever thought of bringing all Paul's family back. I think there were rumors of Patty returning in the 90's. Maybe he might have given April's story to Patty.

  6. Kay had scenes with Jill in March 1980.That would have been Bond.

    Stu and Liz were married in March 1980 but Kay was not at the wedding.Maybe it was a family only affair.Pam Peters returned as Peggy for that event.

    Jill got the job at Jabot in May.Was that still Bond or Deborah? By now Jill and Kay were in completely different stories.Jill and Derek had no interaction, which was kind of strange after all they had been through.


    Deborah came on around July 1980. So Bond's Jill was around from Feb 4th till June/July. She was also the one who dated Steve Williams, Paul's never seen brother (have they even mentioned him since he left in 1981)

    Brenda came back either Sep 2nd or Sep 5th 1983. One of her first scenes is the one with her and Dina in the Abbott house with Jill in the red dress. Her actual first scene is on YT (about 2 seconds of it, lol) I have added below, it is actually more about Paul/Cindy and her being shot, but has Brenda's return right at the tail end.


  7. Did Deborah leave on her own or did they fire her in favor of Brenda returning? She seemed to play more of a "mature" Jill compared to Brenda and even some of Jess, though I liked from what I saw in the clips they still kept some of  the spunk Brenda (and later Jess) kept with her. I loved watching that scene of her rubbing it in Katherine's face that she was now a rich woman and wasn't intimidated by her anymore.....that seemed to really declare what the remainder of the Jill/Kay feud would be about in years to come...


    Officially Deborah left of her own accord. She stated they gave her more story and more money, but she decided to leave anyway. Unofficially there were rumours she was fired. She did come back in 86 as a temp, so it is hard to tell which is the truth.

    That scene you mention is pretty much the only one I have scene of Deborah acting with more malice, all the others show Jill in softer scenes, well except when she tells Phillip off, lol. The many scenes during 83-87 of them taunting each other are classic. Unfortunately it does seem Deborah's Jill had few interactions with Kay. When she came on in 1980, Jill was in the Abbott sphere and it wasn't until 1982 when Jill was about to marry John that Kay got involved in her story again. If they had any interactions prior to that it must have been brief and not story related. Kay however did have scenes with all the Jill's (at least the on contract actresses) Not sure about Melinda Fee.

  8. I think LS was before Andrea Evans. Evans came on after she left as Tina in 83. 

    Yep it was Tammy Taylor from around Apr 1980 - Jul 1980 (approx) then Lilibet Stern Dec 1980 - Jun 1983 then Andrea Evans from around Jun 1983 - Nov 1984. Not sure the exact switch from Tammy to Lilibet, may have been less of a gap, but in synopsis Patty isn't mentioned for a few months, though she may have appeared.

    • All the stuff with Eve Howard! I had no idea Julia Newman was involved in this as well! Quick few questions... What was going on with Victor's supposed "death" in those clips? Was he faking it for some reason? I loved that confrontation between Nikki and Eve - that was pure soap.

    Eve and her boyfriend Max were trying to kill Victor, he figured this out and with Julia faked his death to trap Eve. This was around 1983. Max died and Eve got sent to a mental institution.

    • Lorie Brooks and Vanessa Prentiss! And the courtroom scenes! So full on! Poor Lucas though :( Was Lance still on at this stage?

    Yep Lance was on and he went back and forth on believing Lori's innocence so Victor sneakily took over Prentiss as revenge

    • On a related note, a farewell scene between Stuart and Leslie. Was this Leslie's final farewell from Y&R?

    It was her final farewell, she left December 1982, I think the last of the original characters to leave. She and Maestro took off for Europe for an extended concert tour.

    • The scenes with Jill and little Phillip - you could see the seeds being sown already for all the late 80s stuff with him, Cricket and Nina. Sounds like Phillip already hated his mother a great deal even as a young kid. It was implied that Jill had had a few boyfriends prior to that - was that actually the case? As an aside, very bizarre seeing Deborah Adair playing Jill here - quite understated, very human in fact (compared to what we would later see in the compilation with Brenda Dickson).

    Jill had a few boyfriends I guess, after Phillip was born there was David, Derek, Stuart, John, Andy and John again.

    • Still on Jill for a moment - what was the story behind her and Stuart Brooks?? And also really fascinating to compare 70s Brenda with 80s Brenda in those clips?

    Kay had tricked Derek into marrying her, she made him a deal, if he stayed married to her one year and wanted a divorce she would agree, plus give him his own hair salon (he was a hairdresser) and give Phillip a trust fund, but he couldn't tell Jill the details. Jill was upset and refused to see Derek. She took a job at the Chronicle (Stuart's newspaper) Even though Stuart was sort of dating Liz, Jill felt she and her son needed a provider and she seduced Staurt, his daughters tried to talk sense into him and he dumped Jill, so she faked a pregnancy and pushed him into marriage. They had a somewhat volatile relationship, during a fight she fell down the stairs and was rushed to hospital where Stuart found out she was never pregnant. There is a lot more to that story, way too much to type now, lol.

    • All the scenes with Dina, particularly against Brenda Jill. But the stuff that really stood out for me here was Dina and Ashley. Geez, Ashley HATED her mother with a passion, particularly that hospital room scene (I'm guessing Tracy was in the bed? What was the story there?)

    Yes Ashley hated her mother, especially for the way she felt she treated Traci, who always felt like the ugly duckling, and felt Dina was harsh on her because of her weight. Traci tried to get thin on slimming pills (this was when she and Lauren were fighting over Danny) and Overdosed. That's why she was in the hospital.

    • I also had no idea that Danny Romalotti was even on back in those days - and in storyline with Patti Williams?? I must admit I had a big WTF moment when I saw that clip with Michael Damian and Andrea Evans.

    Danny came on in summer 1981, his first story was a teen romance with Patty. That's why during Jack and Patty's wedding you see Danny looking less than happy.

    • I gather it was Andrea's Patti that shot Jack. But it looked like it was a different Patti that married Jack in the first place (and was that Danny looking on wistfully in the crowd during the wedding ceremony)?

    Yes Andrea's Patty shot Jack, in fact that may have been just as she took over the role. Tammy Taylor (who played Hope on DOOL) played Patty for a few months in 1980 then Lilibet Stern took over until Andrea in 1983.

    • Speaking of wedding ceremonies, lovely to see snippets of Victor/Nikki #1. Side question: had Ashley become involved with the storyline by that stage?

    Not really. I don't really remember that well, but her involvement with Victor really began after she lost her mind from finding out John wasn't her father, they may have been friendly before this though.

    • Nikki cradling Victoria after she fell down the stairs - so sad! And with Jack coming to the rescue afterwards!
    • And lastly, Jill's car accident and Jack coming to her rescue - was that the lead up to THE hook-up scene with the Lindsay Wells photo and ensuing Katherine blackmail?

    Yep that was the lead up, the whole scene is on YT, or was and part of the aftermath.

    Once again, a mega thank you for all these clips! Amazing to watch :)

  9. Here's a long ago question, I hope someone can answer. Did Peggy Brooks ever marry? Did she marry Jack Curtis?

    Yeah she eloped with Jack. They were only married for a couple of months. After the rape Peggy couldn't bring herself to have sex with Jack. He was patient to a point but pretty much raped her as well and she divorced him, pretty dark stuff.

    She almost married Steve Williams just before she left the show, but ran out on him. Not sure if it was on the wedding day or just before

  10. Bill Bell used that same ,rather sexist angle when Peggy Brooks encouraged Joann to glam it up to win back Jack.

    The thinking seemed to be that a woman had to keep up appearances to hold onto a man. Mind you when the man is a young Tom Selleck,or Anthony Herrera maybe that's a fair point.

    Lanna Saunders was Betty.

    I guess it was the times too. Though with women's lib and est I am surprised he didn't do more of a "start by changing how you feel about the inside and it will reflect the beauty on the outside" I think both the stories done could have had a little more depth, though from what I have read about the Joann/Jack story, Brock was building Joann's self esteem and Joann was pretty honest about her emotional feelings about her marriage and self.

    Jack was a douche though by the sounds of it, both women were better off without him.

  11. I only know Bruce was a doctor and Liz's brother. He came to GC when Liz had ovarian cancer (possibly it was uterine cancer) The Henderson's were listed as a main family in pre-show press, not sure if that was a mistake or not.

    I am assuming the character was from GC originally because of the affair with Jennifer. Not sure how long he stayed but I believe while Jennifer was touring with Leslie on her first concert tour around 1973, Jennifer and Bruce were hooking up. I think he lived with his family in Chicago.

    I am more interested in his wife listed only as Ma Henderson. Can't even figure what she did on the show.

  12. As far as I can tell that 1982 episode (thanks for posting btw) is from the first week of May, maybe May 5th at a guess.

    I also believe Thom Bierdz and Kate Linder were friends with Brenda.

    Beth Maitland was pretty forward about Brenda in a recent interview. Brenda talk starts at 22:15 mark.

  13. Yeah so true. The scene of Jack confronting Victor about what he plans to do with Jabot. Lester I think is chewing gum and just seems like a kid who is trying to piss someone off and get in trouble.

    I can't say I understand what his problem really was, he stated Sally Sussman was the driving force in keeping the Abbott's in the scripts and once Bell moved to California and Sally headed for Generations, the Abbotts were minimised. I don't see it. They seem very much in the forefront. Jack had been on air since July 1980. Nine years is a long time to keep a character constantly in the forefront.

  14. It's def one of his last episodes, but i'm sure he made his last appearance the following week, since I don't think he would share his final scene talking to Brad (btw this turned out to be a very touching scene as though he hates him the reality has sunk in that he can't run Jabot without Jack.....) I could be wrong though....but I'd figured the last scene would be him saying goodbye to his whole family...

    Possibly. I was a kid when this aired, but judging by synopsis from that week and the following Jack is not mentioned anywhere after his scene with Brad and in fact the family are shocked that Jack just took off. It seems like a very Jack thing to do (when Lester was in the role) and there was no love lost between Bell and Lester the last six months of the show (something Bill Bell admitted to in an interview with SOD at the time). So I doubt he got some big send off or emotional goodbyes, Bell admitted when Lester announced his departure he lost interest in the character.

    I can confirm Lester's last tape date was Aug 17th 1989 and he began airing on SB Sep 25th 1989.

  15. Question - when Leslie became pregnant by Lance, were they still being played by Janice Lynde and John McCook, or had Victoria Mallory and Dennis Cole taken over by then? Did Victoria's Leslie ever cross paths with Brad before he was written off the canvas?

    John McCook came on to Y&R Oct 1975 while Janice Lynde was in the role. Janice departed Jan 1977 while Leslie and Brad were still married, Victoria began playing Leslie almost the next day. Tom Hallick left in Apr 1978 ( so yes Tom and Victoria were on screen together) Leslie got pregnant by Lance in 1978 while John and Victoria were in the roles. John McCook left in Feb 1980 (he returned briefly in May 1980) and Dennis Cole took over around Feb 1981.

  16. Kind of off topic but something I was just thinking about and wonder if someone could explain this a little better but, what exactly was the Nikki and Tony Disalvo marriage suppose to be about?.....I'm curious because I have seen both of those over the top scenes of with the horses and Paul,Andy and Mary with the pitchfork fighting Tony and his men then the scene where he holds Paul and Andy at gun point and shoots Cindy Lake, but I never understood how Nikki fit into all of this exactly as she is not in any of those scenes......Did Nikki ever have any scenes where she was some damsel in distress cause she was being held captive by Tony or his men....since he comes off so hammy I can just see a young hyperactive Nikki trying to fight him off with her famous loud voice and screams that I'm beginning to think was MTS's trademark from 1979 and the early 80's, LOL....

    From what I remember. Nikki had a porn tape circulating (Boobsie Caswell was the body, they somehow used Nikki's face) Tony owned the master of the tape and Alison Bancroft was blackmailing her with it to get custody of Victoria, or something to that effect. Nikki married Tony solely to get the tape. The Paul story was separate, they just all collided on the night of Nikki's marriage to Tony which I think aired Sep 2nd 1983, incidentally this was when Brenda Dickson returned to the show around Sep 2nd or 5th.

  17. When Chris was working at Jabot, didn't Jack start sniffing around in hopes of bedding her ?

    They got pretty close to it Chris certainly didn't totally discourage him. In fact I think if Chris had been kept on she would have been one of his conquests.

  18. The two blondes with Paul are Pam Warren (Kristine DeBell) and Cindy Lake (DeAnna Robbins)

    Looking at the Abbott house set it appears there have been minor changes over the years. I had forgotten about the drop chandeliers.

    Maybe Chris was being coaxed in the modelling shoot to reflect on first love etc and it brought on sadness due to her situation with Snapper.

    Chris does look like she is getting married. She says I do and has a man in a suit standing next to her. Must have been some sort of wedding layout maybe and it reminded her of Snapper. It may have been why she chose to quit Jabot and head to England.

  19. I wonder if Katherine was weeping because she failed at stopping John from marrying Jill ? I remember seeing the scene where she tried to make Jill look bad in front of John and her party guests by bringing up Phillip. Her boy toy Cash was killed in 82, but this looks to be all from late in the year around the John/Jill marriage.

    I believe the Kay scene was before she tried to stop Jill. Liz was trying to talk her out of it and Kay had memories of Phillip, that is why she is crying and she resolves to send the transcript of the court case Jill brought against the Chancellor estate in 1976 to John.

    The court case made Jill look like a gold digging slut. Kay won and Phillip became a Foster.

  20. Thanks Carl for that. I am always amazed that Y&R was able to get such great performances from such a young and inexperienced cast. Much was always made of the youth and beauty of the show, and while none of the 70's cast picked up Emmys™ I have never heard bad things about them as actors.

    What little I have seen seems to back that up.

  21. This is the only pic I have seen, it is from their wedding which aired the week of Jan 4th 1988, I believe both of them last aired Dec 2nd 1988 and Brenda came on the following Monday, anyone who can verify?


  22. Bethel Leslie took over as Maggie in October 65

    Variety reported in October 66

    Bert Berman, producer of NBC-TV's daytimer, "The Doctors," has brought his crew-back to the newly renovated NBC Studio 3A after six month exile at 1481 Broadway. .

    Apparently Studio 3A was being upgraded for color broadcasting.

    Thanks for that, some more dates of interest.......

    Bethel's first shows started the week of Nov 15th 1965 according to interviews in papers at the time.

    Elizabeth Hubbard joined in Aug 1964

    The cast did a walk out on Nov 17th 1966 ( some sort of union issue? Carson didn't tape that day either) Anyone know what this was about?

    Yeah the papers of the day all started listing The Doctors as being in colour from about Oct 1966, so that makes sense.

  23. I also wanted to know if anyone else was aware that Eve Howard and Rick Daros met in 1984. After Nikki and Victor's wedding. Rick was brought to the mental institution Eve was committed to, he had been found with amnesia. They broke out and headed to Victor's, they stole credit cards and left for Germany to find her son. Apparently Nikki saw Rick at the airport on her way back from her honeymoon to Victor and freaked but he convinced her it was just someone who looked like him.

    I wonder if Bell remembered doing this when Eve returned years later. There was no mention of him when she returned with Cole I don't think.

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