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Posts posted by will81

  1. Here are a couple of articles on Eileen's arrival and departure. No concrete first air date, that article comes from Jun 27, 1982.


    The second article lists her last day as Fri Dec 2, 1988 with Brenda taking over Mon Dec 5, 1988


    Also notice Marguerite Ray was added in June 1982, probably around the same time as Eileen



  2. I think Lester hadn't been happy for a while. That's why he left in 1985 to do a tv movie. I think it was a movie of the week that had the potential to be turned into a series called Blade in Hong Kong. He was off Y&R for about six months, he definitely wasn't starved for story back then.


    I am guessing it was a multitude of things, but I feel Lester would have quit regardless of if he had story, I think he was just over it. 



  3. More cast info, this time for Terry Lester. First article is from Thursday Jul 24, 1980. States Lester started as Jack on Tue, so his start date was Jul 22, 1980


    The second states his end date as Sep 1, 1989, and Lester's start on SB as Sep 25, 1989





  4. 1 hour ago, Legacy said:

    I did read somewhere possibly 81 or 82 victor wanted eve to get information on lorie and Leslie so i assume eve was still around stuarts orbit those times.


    Plus didn't stuart recommend eve to victor in 81 so i guess thats how eve was in victors orbit and the rest is history

    Yes in late July 1981 Victor asked Eve to help him, but Eve pretty much disappeared 2 months after that and didn't return until Oct 1982 in Paris with Julia Newman. 


    Actually Victor recommended Eve to Stuart in 1980, he knew her already, it wasn't until after Eve got her job with Stuart that she demanded Victor pay child support. So Bell had set up the Victor story early, I assume the Stuart/Liz thing was only ever supposed to be temporary. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Legacy said:

    Funny i just thought of that, nikki and paul were always close but nikki never interacted with any of pauls family i swear nikki and patty have never had a scene ever or mary and nikki. But thats how bell kept his characters even the ones you think should be close weren't in eachothers orbits.


    Im loving the eve stuff, does anyone know how she started on the show again? I know she used to work for stuart brooks but did she ever interact with any of the brook sisters. Too much interesting loops on the show in that era

    Eve was Jill's housemate, I think they bonded because they both had sons. Eve was in the Stuart/Liz story, but Bell established her fling with Victor pretty quickly, I think within a few months she had shifted to Victor's story. Eve was only on for a year (80-81), then returned about a year later (1982) I guess after that she was really more a guest star.


    Chris was pretty much not appearing by June 1980, apart from Lynn giving birth to twins, David Hassellhoff wanted off the show to pursue primetime, instead he agreed to a new contract, but one where he would only appear sporadically and very rarely. Lynn Topping refused to sign that contract, so she was dismissed and the original plan was to recast. Snapper and Chris didn't appear again until Mar 1981 and Lynn Topping returned with David, who had no luck in the primetime game.


    JLB was pregnant that year and wasn't really appearing much either and had a temp recast when she went on maternity leave (around the time Eve first showed up)


    Leslie still had amnesia, sort of. Peggy was around, but was fighting with her father over Steve Williams.


    Logistically it seems the Brooks sisters were kinda scattered or not really around as much during the time Eve was going after Stuart. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Legacy said:

    Watching this episode just shows the viewers what less technology back then was still able pull off a successful show and every character on did a fantastic job.


    Is this when eve left for good or was there a bigger plot to happen? I know she came back briefly in the 90's but im just curious how she left in the 80's



    Eve and Rick Daros were shown around summer 84 meeting up in a sanatarium, they end up escaping together but that's where it ends and Eve doesn't return until the 90's

  7. Here is some stuff for Patty. 


    First is the announcement that Lilibet Stern signed a 5 year contract with Y&R from Nov 6, 1980. Patty was absent from any synopsis from Jul - Dec. So maybe Tammy Taylor left in Jul and Lilibet first aired in Dec.


    Next is the announcement that Lilibet was leaving and Andrea Evans was taking over, from May 22, 1983


    Last is a few questions from soap fans who don't seem too happy with the recast








  8. So I found this from Jon-Michael Reed's column from an Oct 8, 1983 newspaper. Robert Colbert was officially let go by that point, the last mention I could find of Stuart is from Memorial Day 1983. 






    Y&R Synopsis.jpg

  9. On 5/10/2019 at 7:59 AM, Marquise said:

    i think Katie was written for the teenage public - she had acne problems, love problems and so on. Then she staid for the story with Father Logan. And as far as i remember Katie left with Logan family for Paris in 1989. Storm had a story in 1989 when Taylor came in and then he was also on recurring status.

    They left September 1988. Eric decided to stay with Stephanie due to "Angela" and Beth and Stephen moved to Paris. 

  10. 2 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Has DAYS completely done away with rehearsal given the abhorrent production schedule? 


    I know the actors at Y&R, B&B, and GH still talk about having some sort of rehearsal time, but maybe not to the extend of the 'good old days.' 

    I think so. JLB when she returned said she did a rehearsal with Melissa Reeves and then was told it was a take and that's what aired. They may not be doing it all the time, maybe just when they think a dress rehearsal is good enough.

  11. Joe was her uncle, she was definitely on Summer 1983 according to soap synopsis I have. She would just appear every summer, then full time from 1986. I think the Nina story with Rose was her first proper storyline on the show.


    In terms of the Jabot photographers


    I believe Joe Blair was on at least from 1982. He has a scene with Jack were Jack is telling him about proposing to Patti and Joe is giving him a hard time about it.


    Skip, I am almost certain came on in 1987, pretty sure around the time Nina got a job there as his assistant.


    Then yeah Blade came next I guess in 1992 and I do think Malcolm might have shot some stuff for Jabot or maybe it was Brash & Sassy. Pretty sure I remember scenes of Victoria flirting with Malcolm at the studio in the mid to late 90's. 

  12. Sigh, what this show could have been post Bell if Alden hadn't been pushed out. Though she did create one of my least favourite (to this day) storylines 'The Great Sperm Caper' Hate that story with a passion. Especially that it was Ashley who got pregnant. Even Eileen at the time said she was sure Ashley was not the culprit, that it would be out of character (which I totally agree with). I wonder how she reacted when she found out.


    I would say all three women were thrown under the bus for that storyline. As trashy as Nikki was when she was first introduced and as thug as Diane had become by that point, I still can't deal with the fact they had drag down fights over Victor's sperm. Just cringe worthy to me.

  13. Speaking of Kay and Nikki. I was thinking about Jeanne talking about Melody freezing her out at a certain point and then suddenly being friendly again. Do we know what period this happened? The best I can remember was that Kay and Nikki basically stopped interacting around 1985 when the Nikki/Jack/Ashley/Victor quad (or quin with Matt) was in full swing.


    I don't think they shared a proper scene again until 1996, when Nikki was about to hook up with Josh Landers. Anyone remember them interacting between 1985 - 1995?


    It's a shame since Kay would have been great to have in Nikki's life during her brief period of alcoholism. 


    Also did Nikki spend like 80% or more of her time on the ranch between 1989 - 1999? I don't remember her outside that place much until she took an interest in Jabot around the time Jack and Brad were trying to take over/reclaim Jabot.

  14. 45 minutes ago, Chris B said:


    I’ve always wanted to see her and Kent Masters King as Dru but those videos haven’t surfaced to my knowledge. I haven’t even found a pic of them as Dru. 

    Pretty sure I saw both on YT at some point a long time ago. All I remember thinking is, this isn't Drucilla and no one could play the character but Victoria.

  15. 8 hours ago, Legacy said:

    Also reading these I never knew John Abbott met Victor himself to ask if Julia could be featured with jabot modeling. jack wasn't even apart of Victor's orbit at that time until years later and even that I have no clue, I'm guessing like 85 the earliest or I could be wrong.

    Not sure when Jack met Victor. He was one of the few not at the Victor/Nikki wedding (or am i not remembering that properly). I remember that was the week Patti and Jack's divorce became final. I assume Jack interacted with Nikki first though, which I believe was late 1984 and probably met Victor that way. This was also around the time Victor took over Megeron, so that may have been when they met, this was very late 1984

  16. 1 hour ago, Broderick said:

    Eileen Davidson's version of Ashley just had so many strange nuances, quirks, and tics to her character that it was almost impossible for Bill Bell to pair her with someone initially.   Although Eileen was only 22 or 23 years old when she first came onto the show, she read as older, because of all the eye-rolling, hair-flicking, head-scratching, and impatient cutting off of other character's dialogue that characterized her portrayal.   (We don't usually think of such a young ingenue as developing such a "take charge" personality in scenes, but she definitely did.)   The poor little boy in the lab --- Eileen just ate him up and spat him out.   Same with Eric Garrison and Marc Mergeron.   Eileen just stole all the thunder from their scenes and made them look like patsies.   Eric Braeden was old enough (and experienced enough) not to let Eileen steal all of their scenes together, and I think that's why their pairing initially worked.   Braden and Terry Lester were about the only actors on the show who could "control" Eileen's tendency to snatch a scene completely away from her partner. 

    (And this is why I felt Brenda Epperson bombed epically as Ashley.   Epperson was a very pretty girl, and did a good job of portraying a sweet soap opera heroine, but in no shape, form or fashion did she ever embody the quirky mannerisms that we'd come to expect from the Ashley Abbott character.)         

    I agree a lot with this. Except she got Terry mutliple times when she would imitate and mock a line he delivered, like any sister would do to a brother. Only when Jack was being a smart ass though, but I don't think Terry always expected it. He seemed a bit tacken back a couple times.


    I agree Eileen had a lot of layers that Brenda didn't. When Ashley is cornered by Nikki over her affair with Victor, Eileen does this thing where she tries to make Ashley seem tough and strong, but her voice has a quiver and weakness to it, because she is shaken in that moment. Even though she is basically telling Nikki to get out of her face, her body language and voice give her away.

  17. I see things differently. Ashley was a completely different person with Victor. She was actually more girlish and more like Nikki was when she first met Victor, intelligent and experienced sure, but she would become more submissive with him. Ashley was never the type to have an affair with a married man, and she resisted for months before giving in. He had a hold on her.


    Ashley could never really stand up for herself with Victor. Always forgave him. The only time I remember her really ripping through him was around 2000, when he was double crossing them to keep control of Jabot. Yes she was stoic when the divorce happened in 1992, but she still wasn't brutal enough with him and again eventually forgave him. 


    Nikki was more willing to serve Victor and call him out on his behaviour, she became more of an equal. Ashley couldn't even bring herself to tell Victor she was marrying Steven, she knew if she saw him he would convince her to marry him instead. She knows he is her weakness, it was actually never a very healthy relationship. She even had an abortion partly so she wouldn't hurt Victor and Nikki. I think that changed the course of their relationship, she even took most of the blame for it when they met on the ranch a few months later, but I felt that was the end of whatever great love affair they had. The marriage a few years later, was two people lonely and confused leaning on each other, I think it makes sense the marriage didn't last.

  18. 8 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    I have to say I preferred Brenda in the role of Ashley over Eileen... and I wished the powers that be had lured Brenda back to play the part of Ashley.. since some fans remember her fondly (in fact, I shared a few youtube clips of Brenda as Ashley with viewers who didn't know of her.. and they actually said they would have liked her better if they saw her in the role originally)... and I bet Brenda wouldn't be as expensive as Eileen is.   


    And I think the reason I liked Nixon was because she provided a good balance between character interaction and story bubbles... and the show used the restaurants and parties/balls to great effect to mix up the character interactions.  Bell would have a ball.. and the characters still were situated in their own story bubble (which makes sense because people usually will stay interacting with people they know well.. and maybe do a polite greeting to those they might not know as well)... and I'm sorry.. I didn't like ATWT because everyone was in one another's business even when it didn't make sense.

    I could go either way. They both bring something to the character. It is odd though watching Eileen's initial return to Y&R in 1999. She seems to still be channeling Kristen DiMera to a certain degree. 


    I probably buy Brenda's Ashley being more submissive to Victor than Eileen's. Even though both had strength and vulnerability. They just played the role differently, yet Ashley was still Ashley, though Brenda's Ash was definitely more of a heroine type. I can't see Brenda's Ashley having an affair with a married man.


    Back when the writers knew how to write her character it could work with either of them. I think that shows how good Bell and his team were, because I think writers today don't know how to write a character like Ashley and make her interesting. They just fall into archetypes and tropes with no nuance. 

  19. It is interesting that Bell chose to introduce the recast the way he did, with Steven's death. I am almost sure Brenda's first scene was her in shadow staring out a window in her room, Traci comes in to check on her, but you never really see her face.


    I do wonder why he killed off Steven. Although honestly I can't remember Ashley having much to do in the last year Eileen was on the show and barely remember her being married to Steven. Mostly she seemed to just have scenes with Jack telling him to butt out of Traci and Brad's marriage.



  20. 13 minutes ago, SoapDope said:


    Around that time (1982-83), Ashley was paired with her partner in the lab Brian Forbes (played by Jay Kerr). I have yet to see any scenes/clips of that character. I was a small kid then and I have no memories of him what so ever. I have seen photos, but that's about it. Jay Kerr who played the role trashed his time on it. He said soaps were the bottom of the barrel and that actors would rather do anything else than do soaps. He also said he felt miscast and can't understand why people still remember him from it. He also said his character went to make a phone call and never came back and no one cared. I noticed the Y&R credit has been deleted from his imdb page. It's funny that he trashed soaps when he hasn't acted in years. So how did that work out for him ?

    It seems Ashley was just tossed from one guy to the next. While she was with Brian she met Eric and while with Eric she met Marc and dated both, and it seems Bell was still considering her for Paul. Then she met Victor, though I think she dated his brother Matt first, as she was not yet ready to have an affair with Victor at that point. Victor and Ashley didn't actually hook up until late 1985 when they went on a trip to Corsica. 

  21. Getting back to unusual interactions. Just read a synopsis from Nov 1983 which stated Paul comforted Ashley over her troubles with Dina. Would have never even thought these two had much interaction back then, especially not outside of a professional or group social setting. 

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