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Posts posted by will81

  1. Getting back to unusual interactions. Just read a synopsis from Nov 1983 which stated Paul comforted Ashley over her troubles with Dina. Would have never even thought these two had much interaction back then, especially not outside of a professional or group social setting. 

  2. She does capture the spirit of Nikki, while watching I still felt it was Nikki, even if Melody would have done some things differently. I think especially her need to have Kay at the event felt pretty close to the way Melody would have played it.

  3. 20 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    You'd also never know Cricket was their stepsister after John's marriage to Jessica. Oh yeah, they don't act like they know her.........

    That is odd, since Cricket was being pushed onto everyone at that point. I can only imagine Terry Lester's head exploding if Cricket had moved in and joined them for an Abbott family breakfast

  4. They isolated Kay a lot. Makes sense she didn't have many she was close to. I also remember Nikki was pretty isolated during much of the 90's. Or at least barely left the ranch for a long period of time.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    What makes the Patty/Emily story make even less sense was that Patty/Jack divorced.. had closure.. and she was put into the Danny/Paul/Lauren/Traci orbit for the last six months or so of Andrea Evans stint... and the character wasn't hung up on Jack.

    Yeah true, she was trying hard to get back together with Danny. I think Traci's miscarriage was the end of her run? Pretty sure she left about that time. In the divorce scenes she was grown up and a bit jaded, but definitely not hung up on Jack. She was pretty much ready to move on. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I didn't know that Patty intended to kill herself instead of Jack. That makes the Patty/Emily story make even less sense.


    Terry Lester was so good in the scenes where Jack woke up. He kept cringing every time Patty got near him.

    Patty was pretty out of it. I remember Andrea as Patty walking along the street on the way to Jabot muttering to herself and clutching the gun, kinda like Sheila and the letter opener in her purse at the lab after she had that fight with Lauren. Not sure Patty even knew what she was going to do, but once she got in there she held the gun to her head, Jack pleaded, it was his fault take it out on him, not herself and bang, she shot him at least a couple times I think. Not too sure


    I vaugely remember Patty telling Jack she was going to punish him by shooting herself, so he could see what his actions had caused, but maybe I am wrong about that.

  7. Yeah same, I believe Lilibet definitely wanted out, not sure why. She really didn't do anything after Y&R, except a guest spot on a tv show, so maybe she was ready to quit acting all together.


    Bell was full steam ahead with the storyline and I guess he couldn't back down, Andrea did her best, but not being the actress in the role for all the build up of the previous 2-3 years would have made it hard to play out. Andrea had no time to settle in as Patty, so I don't think she ever had a chance to find the character for herself.


    I am surprised Lilibet didn't at least agree to stay a few more months to play out the storyline. Seems odd she would jump ship at such a big moment in the story. About 10 more months and the divorce was final. She probably could have left sooner, after it was discovered she was the shooter, which happened around the time Brenda Dickson returned as Jill.

  8. Andrea Evans was definitely playing Patty when the shooting happened. She did recall the shooting, but only after her therapist had everyone act out the night in question. It all came back to her. Patty had originally intended to kill herself in front of Jack, but he begged her not to shoot herself but to shoot him instead. So she did. I think Patty moved out of the house and she and Jack separated, though may have gone to therapy during this time, though I think Jack got sick of therapy. I remember their divorce became final the same week Nikki and Victor got married. I am sure there was an episode where the wedding was still going on while Patty and Jack were in his office signing the divorce papers.


    Terribly unsatisfying seeing Andrea playing that scene out. Bell had been building to this for quite some time, the affair with Diane, the miscarriage, finding out Jack only married her to secure the presidency of Jabot, Patty was very isolated in the Abbott home, too proud to go to her family for support and had Jill actively working against her. all that stuff was Lilibet, I think Andrea literally took over at the time of the shooting.





  9. 1 hour ago, Paul Raven said:

    Puzzled as to why Liz didn't stay around beyond this as Julianna seemed happy enough with recurring and her relationship with Jill and Kay gave her plenty of oppotunity to be involved.She met Traci at Jill's wedding and that relationship could have been developed also.


    I agree about the Stuart/Gina involvement. I don't recall anything between them. Maybe there is confusion with later when I believe John and Gina were hinted as a possible couple,

    I have a feeling Bell had already decided to go through the divorce and Jill being shot stories. I know he said he rarely planned ahead, but that seems like it was planned ahead. 

    He seemed to be setting Jill up to be as nasty as possible through the divorce to make the idea of Jack or John or Kay being the one to shoot her more believable, she was more ruthless during the divorce story than any other time before. I think Liz being around would have diffused things too much. But that is just a guess. 

  10. Liz was definitely still around until at least Jan 1985, maybe a bit after. When Kay held her dinner for John and Jill and planned to show her 'Winter Cabin Memories' slides, Liz served dinner. Jill had pawned all her jewels to try to get the money to pay off Esther for the negatives and Liz was around for that story. She was definitely gone by the time John found out about the affair though in the summer of 85.

  11. 21 hours ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Wow, I thought that nickname had been around long before Phyllis arrived. Thanks!!

    I always thought fans of the show started it online on the old newsgroups and then Bell incorporated into the show by having Phyllis say it. 

  12. 34 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Well, Nina was a character that had never had a cent to her name or much stability, so I could see her being manipulated by a smooth talker.

    Weren't there some scenes after she first got the money where she had a bunch of hangers on mooching off her and Cricket (of course) had to set her straight about these fake friends?

    Yeah but the fact Cricket, the person who saved her from Rose and was her best friend told her David threatened her and she didn't believe her, was just a little too much to buy. I could get Nina being insecure and being taken for a ride by David (at least by that point) Nina had changed, but it was frustrating to see Cricket giver her word, a woman who never lied to Nina and helped her in every way she could, be totally ignored and called a liar. That was too much. It seemed even over the top for Nina to totally throw Cricket under a bus for David.

  13. 6 hours ago, Soaplovers said:


    I wouldn't have killed Philip.. I would have done a runaway groom situation where Nina is left at the altar with Jill/Katherine gloating.  I think having Nina inherit all the money kind of hindered her character.. she no longer had drive that she had in the first few years of her stint.

    Yeah I never thought of that, but it is true. Bell redeemed the character of Nina and made her more of a long suffering soap heroine. It took all the edge out of her and she lost her motivation, 86-88 Nina would have never fallen for David or Ryan. Re-watching a lot of the David Kimble story, I am amazed at how stupid Nina had to be to push the story.

  14. On 04/11/2017 at 10:31 AM, Soaplovers said:


    Actually the actor quit due to family issues.  If I recall, his brother killed either their mom or dad...and the actor had to leave the show suddenly...hence why Bill bell killed him off.  It did kick off Nina vs jill/Kay in full force.....and Chase/Nina seemed more end game then the stupid bug.

    Oh that's right, I had totally forgotten about that. Though Bell could have recast. I guess that is why he called it one of the bigger mistakes he made.

  15. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    I didn't realize Philip lived this far into 1989. They really upped the heartbreak for his death, with Nina knowing he was off the wagon again and agreeing to keep quiet. Thom Bierdz wasn't much of an actor but he played these types of scenes well. And poor Nina - Tricia Cast always added so much honesty and intelligence and sadness to her work. Telling Rex that she has everything she wants, yet we know (and she soon knows) this can't last. Her relationship with Rex - the two outsiders - is touching. Rex as the outsider of the family added such a fresh perspective on the Chancellor dynamics and the Jill and Katherine dynamics. It's a shame he was so casually disposed of. 

    I always thought Phillip's death was rushed. He hates Nina in Jan 89, still wants to be with Cricket, by April he is married and drinking again and by end of May or start of June he is dead. I think his death might have been last week of May 89. Within a month Nina inherited everything and has moved into an apartment and is trying to hire Esther away from Kay. Almost seems like Bell just needed to get rid of Phillip and resolve everything to push other stories forward. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Up until that point, they had pretty much stuck with the original actors - nobody was fired.


    Not sure what happened with John Considine as Phillip and I think Brian Kerwin was dropped as Greg#2.


    Anyone else Ive forgotten?

    Janice Lynde was technically fired. Although it seemed more a case of she wasn't really happy to be there and would have left anyway but got the pink slip first, so in effect it was a mutual decision. Jon-Michael Reed reported at the time that Janice had been out with a back injury about a month before her departure, and it was implied that TPTB thought she was faking it (sounds a little like Brenda's situation, which more and more I am finding out was not all her fault). 

  17. Lilibet just has more complexity in her portrayal. She seems like a young girl trying to be a woman and being brought back to earth by her father. She is trying to be strong and in control, but begins to realise she isn't. I always felt Andrea was too sure of herself and a little more brittle and vampish, her Patty was quite straight forward, Lilibet seemed more nuanced. The writing was fantastic for her, I can see why Bell wanted LS to stick around, and even come back and I have to say I want to see more of her run. It is amazing between the April/May 82 episode that was floating around earlier (it was labelled Oct 82) when John is telling Patty Jack won't marry her and this later 82 episode, you can see the change in Patty, but also still see the same young woman (I think she is supposed to be 17/18) Bell and co. were doing a great job with the character, shame Lilibet left.

    On 17/10/2017 at 12:07 PM, YRfan23 said:

    I always thought Mamie was on since 1980 with Jack and the first John....though I guess her role extended as The Abbotts became more prominent.......

    So I guess Jack basically  lived in the house all by himself (With Mamie) for almost a whole year before Jerry Douglas came on as John in 1982, haha

    I always heard November 1982, around Thanksgiving. I don't think she was on prior to 1982 though. Jack and John seem mostly to have been shown at Jabot through 80-81. Pretty sure the Abbott home was not even built until 1982. 


    However, there was a scene where John caught Jack and Jill in bed together in 1981, which is partly why he left town the first time. The scene sounds like it took place in the Abbott home, however it may have also just been a corridor and room set.

    On 17/10/2017 at 11:36 AM, Soaplovers said:

    Years ago, there were episodes on youtube from Deborah's last days as Jill and Brenda's first day as Jill back

    I wish I could see those. I do remember in the early days of yt there were heaps of 1982/1983 episodes. I remember clearly watching the Nikki/Kevin/Carolyn story more and Nikki whining to Kay all the time, lol. 

  18. 9 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    French Fans Sept 82 summary has Chris and Jennifer leaving GC to join Snapper in London after begging to get out of her Jabot contract.


    In the months preceding Greg had been showing interest in Chris but that was dropped.


    SOD summaries got skimpier as time went on.


    Funnily enough, around this time Jack used a woman named Gloria to try and break up John and Jill.

    Yes, that must have been where I read it. Thanks.

  19. 57 minutes ago, yrfan1983 said:

    Looking through the '82 SOD recaps - pretty certain they didn't leave town together. After this March episode just posted, I only see one more mention of Karen in the recaps, when she finally signs Andy's divorce papers.

    Lucas stays on through summer '82 to help Lorie with her revenge plot against Victor (which she winds up abandoning when JLB quits). The 9/26/82 recap details Lorie leaving town and saying goodbye to Lucas, but I can't find any mention of him after that, so who knows if he got an official farewell scene? The only person left for him to possibly say goodbye to was Leslie.


    Also can't find any farewell mentions for Chris or Greg.

    I could have sworn I read somewhere that Lucas left with Karen or at least at the same time, and Greg left just after Chris. It said something about him being heartbroken and leaving town. Maybe I made that up in my head to fill the gap, lol.

  20. Wow these eps are awesome thanks to YRfan23 and ltm1997. I am going to do this episode by episode so there isn't a wall of writing.


    March 1982 (from synopsis most likely March 29 - Apr 2 1982)  

    Lorie/Victor - JLB certainly seems the star of the show, Lorie is more in command in her scenes with Victor and without yelling, even when Eric goes there, JLB just owns him with her confident saunter and quiet strength. I would have preferred someone like Lorie around to cut Victor down from time to time. 

    Leslie/Lance/Brooks - All the Leslie/Lance scenes I have seen from this time seem old fashioned compared to what else was going on on the show, almost as if Bell kept them in the past while updating the show. Lance and Leslie together must have been an anti-climax by this point, neither Janice Lynde nor John McCook were there and Lorie, though disappointed by losing Lance, just doesn't seem as invested. Feels like this should have happened a year or more earlier. At the very least I fail to understand why they shipped Lance off and left Leslie behind for another 6 months, only to have her leave GC alone, was Bell planning to keep Leslie around? She left around the last week of December 1982, the last of the old guard so to speak. I also find it odd that Brooks seems perfectly fine not to live with his "mother" Lorie, but is fine to be carted off to live with Leslie and Lance. I too wonder if Brooks knew Leslie was his mother, maybe after he rejected Lance, Leslie decided never to tell him.

    Nikki/Kay - Boy Nikki changed once she married Victor, she seems so young and niave here, like a little girl, I figured she would have grown more after Greg and the Cult. I could never quite connect the 70's Nikki with the mid 80's Nikki, but this helps quite a bit. It does seem once Nikki married Victor her friendship with Kay pretty much dissolved. Kay was back in Jill's world. I wish they had kept this going, I know they were friendly and visited here and there, but they seemed not to have much to do with each other post 1984, other than to catch up. I am almost certain Nikki had nothing to do with the Marge/Kay story, I know MTS wasn't talking to Jeanne, but I thought that was a bit later, like 91/92, Was it the 80's?. Lol at the nurse, about to tell the other patient Nikki is pregnant, what a big mouth.

    Lucas/Karen - Never knew Lucas still blamed Lorie for Vanessa's death, even after the trial. That was a surprise, I assume once Lorie got Prentiss back, Lucas changed his mind. Don't think Karen and Lucas have much chemistry, so I am surprised they end up heading out of GC together (or am I remembering wrong and they didn't)





  21. 22 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    I believe so yes! :)


    Did you ever nail down Heather Tom's start date? I was on google groups and found a couple posts from Dec 14th 1990 that stated Victoria was shown all grown up on the previous days episode (on the phone from boarding school). So I think that settles her start date as Dec 13th 1990. They were even taking polls to see how much they (the show) would age her. 

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