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Posts posted by BKuzak

  1. Funny, isn't that the exact same thing she did with Clint! I'm surprised that beat wasn't played more.... lol come to think of it, no I'm not

    oh you mean at the end when she withheld Clint's medication. I didn't even put that together. but yes Viki at least should have given a little nuge to it but hey maybe in 18 years she'll go back on trial for the atempted murder of Clint. LOL

    and yes i beleive Viki and Clint would be celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary at that time! Viki wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

  2. And even when Dorian didn't rush to get Victor's medication as originally played out on screen, is that really considered murder? His attack did irreparable damage to his body and he later died at the hospital, but I just wonder if Dorian's act of omission would legally be considered murder. I guess if she was a doctor it could be. But then again, I think she had lost her license at that point so there may have been some loopholes?

    I don't know if she should have gotten the death penalty but it's certanly accessory to a murder. but like Nora said...nurse Ethel Crawford was Victor's doctor and she should have made sure he got his medication on time. so Ethel was more guilty than Dorian. maybe that's why Viki put it behind her for 18 years. Viki idollized her father...almost to the point of obsession but she didn't do anything about it for 18 years. It was Sloan who feuled the flames in Viki's head. and the judge hated Dorian so he easily gave her the death penalty. If Nora was actually on Dorian's side as much as she said she was, and Dorian had a decent judge, she probably would have gotten a few years in prison and be out early on good behavor.

  3. Did anyone who actually knew Ivan prior to 1985 ever realize that he returned besides Cassie, Rob and the younger set. I know he later worked in the hospital and Jenny realized he was back during the David storyline, but not much was made of it. It seems they wasted some story not playing on his past with Dorian and Larry. I never understand why they brought him back in the first place.

    and i beleive he was one of Joe Riley's doctor's in the last year of his life so they could have given him scenes with Viki when he returned.

  4. very nice photo of Gillian Spencer as Viki. I've seen the ones of her with joe and Victor (her in that outfit) but not one of her alone. she was so young. i'm glad she had more sucess as Dasiey on AMC. Suprisingly people adored her more for that role than her OLTL or ATWT roles. of course it helped that James Mitchell always said in interviews that he thought Palmer's best match was Dasiey.

    I still wouldn't mind seeing her as Viki. I know she played Viki very different than Erika has. of course at the time the "world" of Llanview didn't center around Viki. She was just Victor Lord's very proper daughter who had issues. it wasn't until Erika came into the role that they really started putting Viki more front and center. and then starting in 1985 with the Niki storyline, they saw how great an actress she really was and really centered everything else around her. they took her to Eterna, Heaven, played her great grandmother in the old west, she ran for mayor, had a stroke......all these front burner storylines one right after the other. She became the leading lady of Llanview. I wonder if they would have done that if Gillian had stayed in the role.

  5. I'm sure OLTL's writers at that time named it the Lord-Manning plant as a nod to history, since it had been established long ago how Viki and Irene were old college friends.

    What i was suprised at was "Lord Manning" was aparently run by Victor Lord and Irene Manning's father. Viki talked about that to Tina when she came to town. it makes things more twisted that Victor would sleep with not only his daughter's roomate but his business partner's daughter. A man he obviouisly thought enough of to go into business with. it makes it weirder, although they didn't press on that part during the story.

  6. what I mean is 80s Nickie looks nothing like Erika Slezaks's Vicki. With that flaming red hair and everything. Her hair doesn't even look like it is a Whig. Her voice is different as well.

    Yes that clip is Erika playing Niki. that 1985 story was a little werid i thought. I mean when Erika played her in 1978 scenes "from the 60's", she acted very much like the Niki we all knew later on. She smoked, she was crude and trashy. but then in 1985 it was like they wanted to rebirth Niki. In the begining of the storyline, she spoke sweet, she didn't drink much and she liked to dance. she wasn't the sexpot she was before or since. and she mostly wore girly dresses instead of the typical Niki clothes that were tight and wilder. It wasn't until later when she was pretending to be Viki to stay out of the looney bin that she started changing into a more agressive Niki.

  7. a little ways into this clip after Cassie's party (12:54) they decided to start dressing poor Viki to look like Bea Arthur's younger sister. LOL The cowl-neck, the long jackets. and it stayed that way well into 1985 too. it's like the more stress Viki was under she figured she'd be OK as long as she continued putting on layers LOL. I guess some women puyt on more make-up but Viki just kept putting layers of clothing on.


  8. Rafe was on the show for a long time too. I'm suprised he didn't get more publicity, being a good looking actor. He started in 1980 (or 81...around the time of Asa's wedding to Samantha.) and then left in 1991 (i assume after Megan and Jake's wedding since he was there for that.) He worked under Asa and then became a cop under Ed Hall until Ed left and i think that's when Rafe got promoted to top cop.

  9. I remember thinking Renee looked stylish in fur but now I can't even remember if she wore one. I think Renee #1 did. How often did AE Tina wear one?

    very often around 1985-1986. when Tina was first becoming a Lord and then marrying Cord (a Buchanan heir.) I don't think she wore one much after that but i know in her final scene in 1990 she wore a fur (can't tell real from fake so you'll have to be the judge"


    hears one of Gabrielle in fur 1988.


  10. That's true, I don't think I ever saw Viki in a hat. I always loved it when they wore dueling minks.

    Yea that's another thing. I think i saw more scenes/photo's of Viki in furs during the 80's than Dorian. Dorian wore the furs in the early 1990's (even making a joke of it when Sloan was bugging her penthouse and had to hide in her closet with all her furs.) and then of course it all went away in the late 1990's when a producer and the actresses were aware of PETA. Jeanne Cooper on Y&R wore one on her show for years, well into the late 1990's when her character eneded up in a homeless shelter with only her fur coat to keep her warm. I'll probably get slauted for saying this but i liked seeing my Diva's in fur coats. It showed that they had money.

    hears one from 1987 Viki wears fur when she sees Maria and then Tina shows up and is also in fur.


  11. get aload of Viki at 23:02. this is the second time i've seen her in a hat! That's Dorian's department, before this FABLOUS person released these old Viki scenes from the early 80's, i've never seen her in hats! in a previous video she went to Cassie Callison's graduation and wore a hat too. I watched her almost relgiously for 18 years from the 90's till the end and i never saw her in a hat (except for the time when she drank Dorian's "tea" and tried on Dorian's clothes in 1998.) and the photo i saw from her wedding to Steve Burke.


  12. I feel bad for Tuc Watkins. Last year at this time he had two shows going. He was on OLTL on a semi-basis and then he had the small role on Desperate Housewives where he was in a few episodes throughout the season. Now he has neither of them. He was on OLTL at the end with "Pa and step Nora" and convinced Matthew to give his baby a chance. There was also a hint of story that he had a baby out there somewhere. If he wanted to, i can see many stories with him involved...without Dorian. There's Viki too that he could have some story with.

    He could go on GH but he already played the evil Doctor Pierce Doorman which turned out to be a pretty interesting role with the sexual harresment case and then when Monica got him into a hotel room, tied him up and almost killed him. although i know he was a recast and the first one was the one she actually had the affair with. Tuc came on at the end of the affair when he decided to slap her with the sexual harresment suit.

  13. Only Bold and Beutiful really does that "on location" stories about love and adventure anymore. to everyone else it's "not in the budjet" they just pretend to send characters on a vacation and then redress an old hotel room that's been used billions of times before and put all the action in that.

    I remember ES said that Paul Raunch used to love going on "vacation." that's when they went to Vienna and Igwazu falls is Argentina and i think Cord and Tina went to Jamaica. and Mendora storyline was set in Austria. and i heard Clint's storyline about the old west took place in the real Arizona but i'm not sure about that. I just know in that era, they really took the show onto different locations...away from "llanview" and New York.

  14. Has anyone watched any of the shows Robin did in the late 80's early 90's. She was quite good on Knots Landing and Coach. She was actually pretty funny on Coach. even though i love Katherine Helmond from Soap and WTB's, I would have perfered they brought Robin back for those final couple of seasons on Florida but by then she was already back on OLTL.

    And her famous line on Knots Landing that soapnet used to show on previews was when she told Karen, "You look like a spotted hippo" in an outfit she was wearing. LOL

    Oh and she did a pretty good smallish role on one episode of Murder She Wrote called "last flight of the dixie dampsel." pretty good episode about this plane that "went down" back in the WW2 war and everyone blamed Jessica's husband so of course she had to go there and clear her husband of murder. Robin played the daughter of one of the men on the flight who also passed away.

  15. I've wondered if people commented on the resemblance between Robin and Elaine before Elaine was cast. I like Elaine's Dorian and I'm glad that she had a chance at the part, but maybe casting her as Melinda in the first place would have been a better idea? I don't know, there's no way to predict these things. Dorian is obviously the stronger choice for a character on the canvas, but when Robin eventually returned, that could have been an interesting dynamic (and Elaine wouldn't have had to be fired). I'm thinking more in tune with what I've read and what I picture of Jane Badler's Melinda with Elaine in the role.

    of they could have done a Todd/Victor type thing. This storyline would have worked much better because these two actually look alike and Elaine could have easily played "twin" Dorian with a "fixed face." Robin being the real Dorian and Elaine being the long lost "twin" sister. and they wouldn't have to change the character much because she could still be whicked and continue her relatinoship with Jason while Dorian comes back and is the dress up DIVA who'll go after Joey. and they can both go after Viki.

  16. I actually thought fiona looked real good with the short hair. It was that era where she was married to Asa and mean to everyone else. it wasn't a great era in OLTL history but 2001 wasn't too bad. I loved that Viki and Gabby were feuding because of what happend with Megan years ago. Gabby's interactions with Todd were great too.

    then of course in 2002 Bo and Gabby fell in love and even Viki warmed up to her (After Niki tried to posion her with cofee. LOL) and by 2003 i guess the writers just lost interest in good Gabby. They should have kept her a little bit with an edge.

  17. He was a great actor and definitely helped pave the way for future diversity on soaps, though that's all gone to hell now.

    I don't quite know what you mean by that. there are black people on soaps now and they are not housekeepers like Sadie Grey was. just look at Young and Restless the Winters family. they had been on that show for years. and on Days Of Our Lives they have Abe Calaver who's been on the show for well over a decade. they had his wife Lexie but the actress wanted to leave the show. sadly General Hospital isn't as good right now (in the black category) but they have Shawn who works at Kelly's and his "ward" who is starting to date Alexis's daughter.

    Agnes Nixon and her soaps paved the way for all of that. I don't think there were black people on Soaps before she started in the 60's and i'm sure they didn't hold down good jobs and were intergrated into the dailey lives of "all the white folk" like they are now. I agree there is a lot of work to do but that is true for all minorities...especially gays. but on this topic, i think we've come a long way from the Sadie Gray days.

  18. 1st) I beleive they announced that his whole name is "William Sloan River Carpenter." (It's on youtube) god knows why they used River as his main name...especially since he's a preacher's son.

    2nd) Poor Jason, no wonder why he left town. First he thought he was going to rase baby Duke with Leanne on the run and then he had a slight chance of raising baby River with Beth.

  19. A lot of the magazines, especially from that time, had errors.

    and you'd think that since the show was only 10 years old (or less) at the time, they would be accurate. it's more unstanding now since most of the soaps on TV are pretty old. the youngest B&B just celebrated 25 years and the oldest GH is 49 years old.

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