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Posts posted by BKuzak

  1. WLS put up an article from Daily TV Serials (a great magazine) about the Viki/Joe love story.

    it's not quite right though. it says that Viki split into Niki smith when Joe died (the first time in 1970) but we all know that it was back in 1968 when Viki fell in love with Joe and Victor Lord disapproved. When Viki and Joe married in 1969, Niki was gone and didn't return until 1985 (despite Marcy Wade and Marco Dane trying to make it look like Niki returned.) in 1970, Gillian Spencer decided to leave too and Viki went to look for Joe. She came back as Joanna Dorian playing Viki. then Erika came not even a year later in 1971 when they decided to put Viki with Steve Burke.

    another thing was the magazine said Viki and Joe bought a run down house to fix up but i belive Victor bought them the house when she married the second time. it may have been run down....i don't know. but they did turn it into a nice little "carriage house" as they called it.

  2. I still don't like how they almost rewrote history by saying what a smart move Viki did by marrying Clint twice. Even when Clint was in the hospital, Viki was reminding clint that she was a pretty good judge of him because she married him twice. Of course the truth is that Viki woke up from being NIKi for many months, Clint told her they divorced and so she quickly quietly remarried him, almost like a renewl of vows. It wasn't like Viki consiously divorced him and then remarried him.

  3. and i loved Viki giving birth to Joey. for some reason in all the retrospectives and photo's, they showed Viki when she had Kevin and then Jessica but they did not show Joey at all. for a while i beleive they just didn't air it because i knew it was when Erika was pregnant in real life. but now i finally got to see it. and all the vintage Dorian scenes. really seeing how Robin strasser took that charater from a villan with a normal wardrobe to a very flawed dress up diva. such fun.

  4. I am soooo enjoying all these vintage early 80's Viki and Clint and even Dorian stuff. I hope this person has the Wedding and maybe a little Echo. but for now, i'm enjoying everything. most of these scenes i haven't seen on youtube before.

  5. Honestly, except for her hair being redder than I remember it being in the beginning, she looks almost exactly the same as she did when she first joined the show in 2001. Amazing.

    I remember at the very begining, they didn't put much make-up on her because she was suposed to be "working class" going to wreek havoc on the rich lord family. then when she got the Lord money, she dressed up more and wore a foundation on her face so the frekles wouldn't show as much. She's a very good looking red head.

  6. I wonder if they'll do "fake Viki" played by the woman who played Pamela Buchanan later on. It was around late 1981 when Erika was on her second maturnity leave. Maybe they'll skip over that since it was mostly about the Ted Clayton story. I am loving this Viki/Joe stuff. I remember when she was going to marry Charlie and she told Noella about her husbands...she said she beleived she and Joe would still be married if he hadn't died. sort of like a young version of Joe and Ruth Martin.


  7. They've posted a few more clips since then.

    At the end of the 5th clip, i beleive it was the very first one that Robin strasser did with Erika. I don't beleive it's her very first scene because they didn't say, "the role of Dorian Lord is now being played by..." but i do beleive it's the first one she had with Erika. Viki mentioned Dorian had been away so i figure Claire Labine went "away" and when she came back she was Robin Strasser. How weird that she went to Viki and Joe's house and everything was cordial but things were different then i guess. they just pretty much "put up" with her. and i love all the scenes with Judith Light.

    Like someone else said, I know they are old scenes but many of them are new to me so i can't wait to continue. Clint hasn't even arrived yet. I'm very happy. I've been mising my "viki fix" of new scenes that i used to get at least twice a week for the past 19 years. Now I can have that again, at least for as long as this "Viki & Clint love story" saga continues. It makes me very happy. I've missed Viki.

  8. I watch New Jersey and sometimes Beverly Hills. Who doesn't like a woman who's name is "Vanderpump". Although i did get into a little bit of OC but not too much. the reunion shows are always awesome to watch.

    I loved this week when Joe, Melissa and the gang went to Greg's birthday in the gay bar. I really liked it because without Teressa, everyone had a good time and there was no tension. it was fun to see Joe really have a good time with the gays. Something Joe Gudice wouldn't do. He likes making snide coments and then laghing it off as a joke with idiot Teressa right by his side. Gorga just enjoys having a good time no matter who he's with. and i don't know many gay men who would refuse to lick Gorga during a body shot even with his wife watching. LOL Greg missed a great oportunity. I also liked the "touchy" fun between Gorga and Chris at the bar.

    They did an episode like this last season when Melissa and Joe went out with Albie, Chris and Greg. Again Joe had a great time and Chris called Joe something like "joboken." i hope they have another one next season.

  9. I don't know if we are going to see the emmy's this year on TV but I so hope Robert S words and Erika Slezak take home the gold. I know there are people who will say, "Oh that's just because their show is over." but Bobby hasn't won an award since the 1980's during his first stint in Llanview. I heard he sumitted one with Erika Slezak where they talked about what if Matthew died. i read a new interview with michael Firemen and Bobby said he's enjoying retirement right now so we might not see him again on air.

    and how cool would it be for Erika to beat her own record of most emmy's at for a daytime actress. she already has six and was nominated for seven, it would be great for her to have the 7th award...eighth nomination. At least this year it won't be "So you beat Susan again" like she had to go through for the first five she won. I don't know another actress currently on who is even close to having six daytime emmy's. I heard she sumitted the "just viki" episode where she and her alters were on.

  10. It's said lots of times for a wide range of people, but I think it's definitely true for Larry Lau: somewhere, in that man's attic, is a portrait that ages as he doesn't.

    I beleive that about two people. Erika Slezak and Rob Lowe. Yes Erika changed hairstyles but she's still as beutiful as she was all those years ago when she started on the show. and given all the fashion trends she had to endure day after day for 41 years, she looks even better now. and i'm still waiting for Rob Lowe to age. he's getting a little gray but he's still the best looking man on the planet.

  11. if you think about it, Viki and Clint did come full circle. the first time he proposed to her in 1982, she was behind a "steele grille" in prison for not revealing a story. they didn't know when she was getting out because she would not give up her sorce. Clint even sugested they marry in the prison (it's on youtube somewhere.)

    Then 30 years later in 2012 , when Clint proposed to Viki, he was under house arrest, not knowing if he would ever get out. it's almost kinky, LOL i'm sure if the show had gone on, they would have found someway to get Clint freed.

  12. Happy "St. Erika" day everyone. Mark Derwin i guess always e-mails Erika saying it's St. Erika day...because she started on the show on St. Patricks day (her first air date was probably a couple of weeks later but it's always celebrated on St. Patricks day.) It will always be St. Erika day to me. I've celebrated it "with her" for the past 18 years so it won't change. just that instead of counting number of years, i just celebrate Viki history every year from this year on.

  13. I don't remember that either. And if that did happen, she certainly wasn't wearing a Phantom mask.

    I know Erica was trapped a fire during a Pine Valley fashion show in the early 80's (83 i think). I think that's when Donna Beck Tyler's son died. Phoebe was hosting it and i think she invited Erica because during that time Erica was a big model living in New York.

  14. My mother did her first dance with her second husband to Whitney's song, "One moment in time" back in 95. even someone who was born in the early 80's like me knows about Whitney. I even saw her interview with Oprah a couple of years ago. of course she's been all over those tabloid magazines for decades.

  15. "useless triva" Clint asked Viki to marry him about five times.

    1) When she was in prison 1982.

    2) when she came out of prison, at her house. 82' (more proper with a ring)

    3) 1986 in a resturant (another ring)

    4) in 1998 at the palace resturant when she told him she wanted to stay single (but later changed her mind when it was too late)

    5) in the final episode 2012 when I want to beleive she said yes.

    I might be missing one but i think that's all.

  16. What do you think about a half hour drama about "Life in London". As soon as Gigi thought of living with Kelly and said, "If she can keep her clothes on." I thought perfect drama-edy. you have Kevin the horn dog but real good in business, Joey and Kelly who can always have problems, Rex and Gigi who need to find jobs. I assume Cord and Tina are also living in the "compoud." Tina alone can bring craziness and conflict. and Shayne who has to deal with his new life in London. and then of course Nevil, the crazy butler who takes care of all of them. It just sounds to me like a perfect drama-edy. so many crazies living under one roof.

  17. What i didn't like was how Carlotta first started out like Wanda as the working class woman who ran the diner. Then all of a sudden they glamorized her. She was still running the diner but her hair was more styled and she wore more stylish clothes. I mean she ran a diner in east Llanview, it's not like won the lottery or whatever. At least Wanda prettty much stayed in normal clothes unless she was going to a wedding or a Buchanan event. It would have been nice to see her at the end but i don't know what the point would have been. Unless you found out Carlotta sold the diner so Viki visits and then Wanda comes walking out saying she bought the place and she was now going to run it. Except for Viki and Bo, Wanda really had no ties to Llanview anymore.

    I loved the Niki/Tess stuff of 2005/2006. Mostly because Niki didn't stick around for long periods of time. She'd come out, dress like Niki, make a mess and then become Viki again. then she's come back out and then go back in. I hated the 2002 storyline after a while because it was too much Niki. We can all thank Mark Derwin for deciding to leave the show. They said at the time that the story was going to go on longer but because he was leaving the show, they brought Viki back so she and Ben could have some together time before he went away.

  18. So I am almost sure that Erika Slezak came back from maturnity leave during Asa's costume party? I know she was there for the Solimate(?) story because she has always said how stupid that was. Even years ago when she was on the View they asked about the craziest one and she brought up that story and how they all had to work with the robot. then when one of the "girls" asked if that producer was there anymore, Erika smiled and said, "Nooo!" She was gone for quite a long while though. Maybe because they weren't writing the pregnancy into the story, they had her go off when she started to show it instead of trying to hide it with bulky sweaters and stuff like they do on some TV shows. I glad i wasn't watching then, as good as Christine was, i would have wanted my Viki back after a couple of months.

  19. Yea erika slezak had her kids pretty close together. I think it's one of those (14 months apart) type pregnancies. I have a boss who had kids like that. She was on maturnity leave when i started working there and then when she did come back, it wasn't long before we heard she was pregnant again. Good thing too because her husband died young and her kids were only like five and six. I think now she's too old to "start again" when she eventually finds someone new. Thankfully Erika didn't have to deal with that tragedy (leave the drama to Viki!) LOL

    I just know in a book it said that Erika agreed to put her first pregnancy into the show on the condition that nothing bad happend to Joey at birth. and actually Joey is the least complicated of all Viki's kids. He was never kidnapped as a baby like Kevin and Jessica (and Natalie i guess). They did give Joey asthama but that was when he was a little older. and even then it was Kevin who was beat up in school once, accused of rape, had a child at a young age, ran away from home once, became a ruthless business man against Todd, broke up Andrew and Cassie's marriage etc.. The only bad thing Joey ever really did was date Dorian.

  20. Thank you CarlD. I only had seen one photo before of Christine playing Viki. Nobody can play Viki like Erika Slezak...never! but i think Christine wasn't a bad choice casting. Even as up to 2008 when she came back for the Jared Banks storyline, she aged pretty well. I saw Gillian Spencer at the AMC funeral for Palmer Cortland and i still can't really picture her playing proper Victoria Lord today. she was much better as the more fun Dasiy Courtland. Although it would have been a hoot if she had temporaly played Viki when Erika had the back surgery a couple of years ago.

    Erika was pregnant twice, who played Viki the first time? I know they let her show her pregnancy on the air and made Viki pregnant with Joey at the time. but i don't know who played her during her maturnity leave.

  21. Rafe Garreston was Asa's nephew. I'm almost sure he came on right when Asa did in 1980. he kept Asa's crazy wife Olympia from shooting Asa when he married Samantha in 1981. then he of course went on to marry Samantha himself. He stayed on the show througout the 1980's and left in early 1991 to be with his second wife (and another of Asa's ex wives) Delilah.

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