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Posts posted by BKuzak

  1. Wait so there IS a special OLTL magazine?? Did I miss all mention of this?

    You're not the only one who did. I don't think there was much coverage at all and i buy Soap Digest almost every week. They promoted the AMC one i think a month before it came out. but it was a nice suprise when i saw it at Wallmart.

  2. Well i didn't see the People magazine article yet (it's not a special magazine, just an article in the regular weekly one.) but i did get the special One Life tribute magazine, (very happily suprised since there was no preview like they did with AMC) and the regular Digest. Unfortuitly my Soap Opera Weekly (for this week) won't come out until next week because they are a week behind since Thanksgiving. But that's good because it's an extra tribute right before the final episode. the only thing was i thought there would have been more photo's of Viki. I know they needed to do all the other stories and people in Llanview but i just thought there could have been a little more. but i'm just greatful they "stepped up" for the show.

    I'm still not ready for it to be over next week. i can not imagine people who've been watching every day for decades. I've only been doing it for the past 17 years but i know there are people on here who's been watching for many decades, maybe since day one. maybe started with their mother's when they came home from school in the late 60's and then watched it when they had their own kids in the 1980's and then when they retired.

    Personally i don't really care that much about most of the characters. I just want Viki to be happy. I want it to end with her happy and healthy. Just to know that she will be OK living in Llanfair with Clint is the best ending i can hope for.

  3. Bethel Leslie. I don't think she originated the role back in the seventies.

    Actually there were two women to play Ethel Crawford in 1994, there was one who looked older with black hair who was there at the begining of the story when Viki, Sloan were flying in to get her to Llanview. but then when Ethel got on the stand, she was recasted by a thin, tall blonde woman. and then she wasn't seen again. I think it was Hank who mentioned that Ethel died in 1995 because she was his lead witness against Dorian.

  4. That would make sense for them to use Victor's death to do that. Its crazy to think how much story they got out of Victor after he died, most of it ruining the character.

    Yes there was no doubt that Dorian killed Victor in 1976. She wanted his money all for herself. "Tori" didn't have to kill him because he was practicly dead after Dorian witiheld his medication. Dorian would have made sure he never recovered. It was fitting though that Robin Strasser really pushed for Dorian to be "dress-up diva" and flaunt her wealth. even in those recaps from the 70's, it clearly said Dorian really wanted all of victor's "beutiful money" to herself. From the time Robin came on until she left in 2011, she proved she was still living as Mrs. Lord, with "millions from heaven."

    I hate that they brought Victor back in 2003. I still say it could have been an evil twin. The real Victor died in 1976 when Dorian and Tori killed him. If the show lasted forever, they would have eventually brought Asa back as a recast. I truly beleive that.

  5. I remember that "sex" scene between Max and Blair in the hotel. I still say it was one of the hottest scenes on the show ever. They were just going at it all over the hotel room. and because Max was married and "sick" it made the scene so much hotter. I bet it's what sparked Kassie and James to get together.

  6. Thanks so much for reading and commenting - knowing someone reads these is the main reason I post them.

    I appreciate it too! I love these old articles and we thank you for your time. it's fun looking back on old articles and photo's that are long gone to people like me who didn't collect the magaines from the past but wish i had.

    Especially of Soap magazine, something that isn't out anymore. I'm learning to savor ABC soaps in depth because i know that magazine will fold next year. after OLTL ends in January they will only have GH (which they always lean fowards anyway.) and i don't think they will carry on with just one show. and who knows what the future holds for GH. so people who read it or get it in the mail, enjoy it but i wouldn't renew my subcription into the new year.

  7. I always thought Eliane was a dubed down version of Dorian. She was OK but she didn't have Robin's "flaire for the dramatics." She tried. it would have worked much better if they made her one of Dorian's sisters.... Someone who wasn't crazy. I bet she would have stayed on for a lot longer. Nothing would have changed much except that it wouldn't be Dorian, just a sister who ran the intruder and didn't like Viki. She still could have been the mother figure to Cassie. Then when they brought Robin back, they could have kept both actresses. Robin could have played Dorian to the hilt like she did and maybe they could have fought over Jason Webb.

  8. I liked Marco on GH. Well i liked the Marco/Tracy stuff. They were great together, the odd couple. They even got a Soap Opera Weekly (or magazine) cover together. then once she left he was mostly there as Jagger's boxing manager. I don't think there was a time when he left the show, i think he just fadded into the background. He didn't even go to Jagger and Karen's wedding.

  9. Yes i understand what you are saying.

    All i m saying is i would not include most of the Buchanan wives as "Buchanan's". Lindesy Rapport, Blair Damiler, even Tina, they were all gold diggers. I think Tina loves Cord but they just never were able to make it work. She was always running for the next con to get more money. Even Asa would say he didn't consider his ex-wives "real Buchanan's" except Renee. Maybe Sarah gordon could be considerd a true Buchanan wife but it just didn't last very long. and Dallas never married Clint because his heart always belonged to Viki.

    I always beleived when you marry a man, you become one of his family. One day you might even become matriach of his family. You carry his name and you deal with whatever comes your way with him. if you can't deal with it, you divorce and seprate yourself from everything. Viki tried doing that but she just never could completely leave the Buchanan family. and look at her now, even after all the horrible things Clint's done, she's still right by his side, a real Buchanan. Renee did the same with Asa even after they divorced twice.

  10. See i consider Viki, Renee and Nora as honorey Buchanan's. They aren't related but they are the women who can put up with the Buchnanan Men. Viki and Clint are divorced but she can still get to his heart (no pun intended.)

    But I guess most of the Buchanan's are males.

  11. this is two great scenes between Viki and Dorian right before Dorian left in 1987. If this "a relationship to remember" is pretty accurate, the last scene is the final one of Viki and Dorian before Dorian's going away party. You can tell that even though Robin was going through hell againt TPTB (which is why she left,) her scenes with Erica and even Andrea were the bright spots of those last few weeks.

  12. When did OLTL go to color? it's weird because Days of Our Lives was in color on the first episode but maybe NBC had color before ABC? I knwo by the time All My children came aorund, I think they started in color (although whatever is left of the early years have been turned into Black and White episodes.)

  13. Watching that Christmas episode made me sad and happy at the same time. Sad that there will only be one more Christmas for us in Llanview. One last time we will see the beuitful Christmas tree in Llanfair and all the happy familes celebrate in their own way. Who can forget when Todd was in that motel room with that little charlie brown christmas tree when Blair suprised him. and back in the 1990's when they actually did Chrismas eve at St. James church with all christmas pagent (made up of the actors real children.)or early 2000's when Viki lit the christmas tree at Angel Square and all the characters dreamed of what they wanted their lives to be. I think Dorian lit the tree last year but it was just a little part of the episode (which i really liked, especially Echo falling through the chimmney.)

    but then i have to remind myself that we are very lucky to have one more Christmas episode because AMC is ending in September and last Christmas was their final one without them even knowing it. No more Martin Christmases.

  14. And with Steve Burke, aparently that marriage didn't end well. She was in love with Joe but Steve wouldn't give her a divorce until her uncle (played by Erika's real father Walter) came and convinced Steve to let Viki and Joe be happy. I don't know how long she was single but she could have gone by Ms. Lord in between.

  15. Its all amoot point though bc Viki's been married numerous times and hasnt used Lord in a long time. She always goes by the last man she married.

    Until now. the doctors are St. Anne's called her Ms. Lord. That's why i brought it up. Obviously they did it for a reason. I do wish they would bring it up sometime as to why she changed it. Now i guess she is going by Viki Lord at the end just like she was at the begining. Unless she marries Clint at the end, then she'll be Mrs. Buchanan again.

    I just think if she took Randolph, people would be suspious since she has an alter named Jean Randolph. Like if Viki started calling herself Viki Smith, the whole family would be watching her wondering if she was Niki pretending to be Viki.

  16. I guess Viki is just being called, "Ms Lord" now. The doctors at Saint Anne's addressed her as that today. It's weird because even when she divorced Clint, she still called herself Mrs. Buchanan until she married Sloan. I guess she just wanted to put the whole Charlie/Echo thing behind her for good.

  17. I think Viki talked more proper back then. as she aged, she lost some of that proper accent that she used to have. Someitmes i see it but not as much as in clips from the 70's and early 80's. Maybe after Viki married Clint, they toned down her proper voice to make her more even to his cowboy way of speaking.

  18. Vinny looks like he's going to devour her. I thought by the time Erika came along Vinnie was happy with Wanda.

    actually this was probably around the time they were actually dating in real life. This photo has got to be from Erika's first year and i know they dated for a little while back then.

    My view of the photo is that it was around the time Marci Wade was trying to gaslight Viki into thinking Niki was back and perhaps Vinnie was talking to Viki about Niki. You can see Viki was uncomfortble talking about Niki. I don't think Wanda was on yet. and if she was, she would have been pinning for Joe. She and Vinnie didn't get together until a few years later.

  19. Does anyone know if Robin Strasser ever had her portait done for Llanfair? I mean when she first came on. I saw the old scenes from that time and it looks like by then they just did without the photo hanging over the mantal. I know she did a beutiful one decades later when Robin came back to town in the 1990's and bought "La Boulie" but i just wondered if they ever did one for Llanfair to replace Nancy Pinkerton's one. (thanks CarlD BTW. I never saw it before either.)

  20. It was so weird seeing Viki tend bar. I thought Paris Texas was the only time she worked like that. Now we know why she was so good dealing with the truckers in Texas. She had this little experance at the White Lion. I actually can see that Niki would have been a great bartender. I wish they would have done that story sometime.

  21. Yes i remember 1997 was a dark year especially for Viki. Although Dorian and Mel were interesting to watch. I just know viki was mostly seen at Llanfair with Clint panting all over her trying to get her to sleep with him. That's when she consolted Doctor Maude (Ex-Maeve Ryan's Hope.) That could have been a good story but from what i remember she had a few sessions and then that was it. She still couldn't commit to Clint into 1998 and eventually he married Lindsey Rapport and then divorced her and left town. Viki just pretty much stayed in the back ground the rest of the year helping her children.

    Viki didn't get a good story again until 1999 when Ben came along.

  22. If any of you have Netflix, they have the Thelma Todd biopic on there. It's called White Hot.

    Actually several years ago i got both White Hot and The Jane Mansfeild story together as a Loni Anderson package.

    I saw Robin on AMC when Soapnet reviewerd Erica kane's past weddings and went back to her wedding to Tom Cudhay. Now i think that version of the wedding is on Youtube. I also saw her on Coach. I don't remember her on Murphy Brown but I did see her on Knots Landing when that was on Soapnet. I was an avid fan of the show so i saw her episodes several times.

  23. I'm sure AMC will end with the Erica Jackson wedding everyone is waiting for.

    I bet you they will have Viki and Clint think about reuniting. I do think they need to put Erika in the final scene. Viki the character was there at the very first scene, so i'm told. and now that they know they are wrapping things up, we know we won't have a year's worth of Viki's alters. They will probably wrap that story up along with Jess/Tess in the next few months i hope so Viki and Jessica can be "cured" for the final. Viki will probably go off in september like she always does to get the help she needs (for Erika's last vacation) and then come back in October to do whatever storyline they plan on doing with her to wrap things up for January.

    Now that they know they are going off, I hope Tuck can stay on for a while. Maybe have Dorian go off with David on his adventure like Dorian did with Drake when she left Llanview in 2000. let them go off into the sunset together. Rex and Gigi will probably have a big Llanview wedding like Cass and Lila did on Another World's final episode. Maybe Moe and Noel will come back for the wedding.I don't know how they will wrap up the two Todd's of Llanview but it should be iteresting. Maybe Ford will go off to right for Langston.

    it could end with the second double wedding of Natalie, John, Jessica aned Brody. This time without a hitch. or maybe a tripple wedding with Joey and Kelly. That's too much to hope for.

  24. OLTL was the show that could be, and was, anything and everything. I truly believe that of all the soaps on the air now, OLTL was the one that could have thrived and revolutionized soaps if extensive repair work was made. But no one at ABC cared, because a short term profit and long term oblivion are all that matter.

    As sad as it is to say, I don't even think it's "mother" Agnes Nixon cared that much about it in the last few decades. I know she came on during the show's 40th anniversary for two episodes but come on, we all know All My children was her 'baby.' She just glowed every time she talked about it. and she came on it several times during it's 35th anniversary and beyond. remember she came on for the anniversary where Phoeobe had her final episode, then she came on again for Phoebe's funeral and then again as a ghost (i don't know if that was after or for it's 10,0000th episode) and then i think she was on again when Myrtle died but i could be wrong on that one. If they were both her real children, AMC was her star and OLTL was "the other one." If you asked her about OLTL, she's mostly talk about the storylines of the very early years because she hasn't kept up as much after she "gave birth" to AMC.

    Although i do feel very sorry for Agnes because it's like both her children have been sentenced to death at the same time just murdered four months apart. Brian Frons is judge and jury. I do not beleive it was audience participation at all! If he killed one and then said that the other might go eventually, i would say OK it was the audience but to kill off two soaps on the same network that are one by one in a row, No! That was all him! and nobody can tell me any differently!

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