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Posts posted by Skylover

  1. 28 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    What DOES still surprise me (and I know it should not, by this time), is how the same hack writers and producers keep getting shuttled around from one soap to another, even though they have extensive track records of failure.


    Interesting. The UK soap producers are the same. I wish the US soaps never went to 1 hour. I think it eventually ruined them. 6 eps per week for the UK ones is bad too. I hope they don't carry on increasing their output.


    28 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    Bert wasn't your classic soap matriarch, serving cookies and coffee and sage advice to everyone. She was pushy and bossy, and Bill cheated on her, and her voice was shrill, and she didn't take any sh!t from anyone, but she was beloved until the day she died and continues to be.


    She seems fascinating. From the 50s clips I've seen she definitely comes across quite a fiery lady. From comments it seems she might have mellowed a bit later on. I really like Papa Bauer from the clips I've seen. Mark Hulswit's Ed was handsome. I often worry about the future of soaps. I don't want Neighbours to go anywhere.



  2. 2 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    Look for the 1950 radio eps about Meta Bauer's murder trial, and any 1966 eps you can find (there may be 25-30) on youtube. They are great. Maureen Bauer's death is on YT as well. All worth your time.


    Brilliant thanks, I love learning about the history of soap! :) 

  3. 6 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    I have never seen an episode guide for TGL. Only a few soaps (like dark Shadows) have full guides like that readily available. You can, however, listen to a long string of radio eps from 1950 (which I have linked in an earlier post, a few pages ago) which has the air-dates and brief synopses included. And many of the avail;able episodes on youtube have synopses and airdates included too.


    Thanks! :) 

  4. Thanks @vetsoapfan.


    1 hour ago, vetsoapfan said:

    The television incarnation of the 1950s and onward felt like a completely separate entity from the radio version of the 1930s and 1940s, but the show was quite solid in its continuity and history from the 1950s to about 1983-4.


    Do you know what led to the decision to ultimately change the storyline for the TV version and distance itself from its roots? While keeping the same name etc? Did this not annoy people at the time? Probably too far back to know!


    17 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    No one loved TGL more than I did, and because it had been so consistent, well-written, and dedicated to using history for so long, the amputation of the earlier decades, which this show endured under Kobe and Long in 1983-4, was devastating to watch.


    What was the best era of Guiding Light? Who are the best characters and what are the most renowned storylines? Sorry for all the questions. I imagine you're not old enough to know about the 50s era!

  5. 33 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    For the most part, yes. When the Bauers became the central focus in 1948, a few odd characters from before still existed, but they mostly gave way to the Bauers and their acquaintances. When they moved to TV, all things pre-Bauer were gone.


    Thanks. I'm intrigued by this soap. I think it's amazing that it was going from 1937 to 2009. Such an incredibly long time. A complete travesty that they decided to cancel it. I really like the matriarch Bert from what I've seen. It does seem weird that they'd almost erase everything from existence pre-1948, but I suppose history and nostalgia weren't such prominent things for soaps in those days like they are now, I'm surprised they didn't eventually try and hark back to the past though.


    How did GL change over the years @All My Shadows? And how does it compare to ATWT and Days?

  6. On 8/22/2018 at 10:20 PM, vetsoapfan said:

    Yes. The earliest episode of the radio version which still exists is from 1940. Months' worth of 1950 still exist too, and are available in a wonderful collection of MP3 CDs. The main story that year was about Meta Bauer facing murder charges after killing her husband Ted. (He deserved it.)


    On 8/22/2018 at 10:33 PM, dc11786 said:

    There is a long string of episodes, I want to say almost a year's worth, from 1950 leading up and including the trial of Meta Bauer, one of the show's original heroines, for the murder. I don't want to spoil too much for you. I believe the episodes are available on youtube. If not, the Old Time Radio Researchers Library should have them and other soap episodes.


    Thank you. Am I right in thinking from reading online that not much from the 30s/40s lasted into the 50s/60s/70s/80s incarnation of the show?


    I was intrigued to read that an actor called Sam Wanamaker was on the show, who is the father of a very famous UK actress called Zoe Wanamaker.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    That was 1996, I believe, after Erica fell from a scaffolding during a shoot and became addicted to painkillers. (Michael Sabatino, the guy looking sheepish in the crowd, played her doctor/dealer/lover Jonathan Kinder.) She was high as a kite while giving that speech, which is why she was having those paranoid delusions.


    I LOVED that speech. Can you imagine how many memes that would have produced if it happened 20 years later?


    Thanks. It is good. I just watched some of her 1970 scenes and she looks nothing like her later self.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I can't believe they found a way to humiliate Sharon further getting her involved with one of those dumb teen miscreants.


    At least there's something interesting going on. That and Ruby are the only decent things going on. And Sharon's never been moral compass of Walford anyway so it's in character.

  9. Yeah, it's like Hayley has half her brain missing. I don't feel sorry for her, I mainly just skip her crap scenes. She's not a good actress either. If anything she should have been tied to the Taylors as she even looks too skanky to be a Slater which is quite an achievement, and I wish they wouldn't act like Keanu would look twice at her if this was real life as he obviously wouldn't, neither would he at Sharon either but I admit that story is quite entertaining so won't complain.

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