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Posts posted by jam6242

  1. I must have seen her but I don't really have any specific memories of Bethel Leslie as Maggie either. I also don't remember Nick being engaged to Liz (I'm assuming this is Liz Wilson they're referring too). But I'm beyond thrilled to see this since I never thought I would ever see so much as a clip again.

  2. Yeah, he didn't seem to have a lot of regard for the medium. I read Grayson Hall's biography and it seemed he was frustrated that he didn't do greater things. It's a shame he didn't seem to appreciate that he provided much entertainment for so many people.

  3. I loved the Susan/Julie rivalry. That's what really hooked me on the show even before Doug showed up. Julie rarely lacked a nemesis though. I guess Julie's mother was her nemesis for a while, after Addie married Doug, lol! Next would be Phyllis Anderson, who hated Julie for marrying Bob. You know Julie was always blamed for that but she actually resisted Bob for a long time and he was going to leave Phyllis anyway. But Phyllis felt betrayed because she had treated Julie like a daughter after Julie's husband, Scott, was killed. Then Julie's son, David, would be next, along with his girlfriend, Brooke Hamilton. And then Doug's first wife, Kim, showed up. Julie had started turning into the heroine around this point. I guess Lee was her last big nemesis.

  4. Denise was just hard to replace (she topped the fan polls for years). My biggest gripe with Bennye was her chirpy voice. I found it irritating. Otherwise, she wasn't really horrible. I still don't know why Days didn't try to hold on to Denise. I remember reading an interview with her and she said that there was no disagreement, her contract just quietly expired and GH snatched her up in the meantime. sad.png

  5. I believe Denise was still there when Susan had her baby. I also wish Days would release some dvds or put the early episodes on a streaming service. I think Sony now owns Crackle so that would seem a logical place to put it. And a bit of trivia, Bill Hayes' grandson, David Samuel, was one of the original founders of Crackle (called Grouper when it started). Even though I watched back then I missed a lot because I had to go to school, lol. And, of course, I've forgotten some things.

  6. Thanks for the articles! Coincidentally, I just saw Mark Tapscott on a "Maverick" rerun. Encore Western is a great place to see the older soap stars in their earlier roles. I recently saw Peggy McCay also on "Maverick," and John Lupton on "Gunsmoke."

    And I never knew until his death that Edward Mallory was married to Suzanne Zenor. Maybe he learned his lesson from his earlier marriage to Joyce Bulifant which seemed to be documented a lot in the magazines.

  7. These scenes are what drew me back to Guiding Light after not watching for several years. I was channel surfing and "Nola" caught my eye. I fell in love with her right away and rooted for her. Of course, I had missed everything leading up to this, or otherwise I might have been more sympathetic to Kelly and Morgan. Just adore Lisa Brown!

  8. I can't remember whether David found out about Brooke scheming. Shortly after all this occurred is when he had the car accident and was believed dead (while he was actually living with Valerie Grant and her family).

    I'm also not sure whether Alice found out about the rape. Of course, Tom knew the whole story the entire time but went along with Laura's wishes not to say anything. This story took place over a period of eight years and I do believe by the time the truth came out that the rape had been downplayed so that may not have been a factor in everyone's reaction.

    Amy, I liked Stanley Kamel on "Monk," too, as well as Days, of course. I think I have a few articles strictly about him. I'll try to find them and post them.

  9. Regarding Julie and Alice being at odds, Julie had moved into Doug's home when she was pregnant with Bob Anderson's baby (nothing romantic at that point). Julie's son David misunderstood something he saw between Doug and Julie and jumped to the conclusion that Doug was the father of the baby. Brooke Hamilton was stirring things up too. Somehow they convinced Alice that Doug and Julie were having an affair while he had been married to Addie (which was false) and Alice was furious with them both. Alice also was hard on Bill and Laura when Mickey had his heart attack (blaming them).

  10. She had sex with a stranger in the park? If a character did that today he or she would be called a slut.

    Yes, and she got pregnant. Previously, she had a drunken one-night stand with David Martin, also resulting in pregnancy. Yet she was always considered the "good girl," and treated sympathetically. Shows what good writing and acting can do.

  11. I remember Stanley Kamel playing Eric Peters. I thought the storyline of Susan Martin having sex with a stranger (who turned out to be Eric) in a park was very interesting. Susan convinced herself and everyone else that she had been raped. I still remember Eric's brother, Greg, beating him badly when he learned that Eric was the man in the park. I'm trying to remember how Susan finally remembered what really happened. Maybe in her therapy sessions with Laura.

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