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Posts posted by jam6242

  1. Did you all recognize Lanna Saunders (Marie Horton on Days) playing Polly's niece? I had no idea she was ever on The Doctors. And that was Hector Elizondo playing the waiter.

    I don't remember Nathan Bunker from my previous viewing of the show but he's become one of my favorite characters. I've gotten a kick out of his snark but then I've felt sympathy toward his circumstances too. House Jameson has been fabulous,

  2. It feels like a long time since we've seen Steve Aldrich, hasn't it?

    Speaking of which, when does his snooty mother Mona come on? I'm guessing probably not for quite some time, but I've heard so many raves about actress Meg Mundy that I can't wait to see her.

    I've read that Laryssa Laurent was on TD for many years, so I wonder if Karen became a bit nicer and gained more empathy as time went on. For everyone's sake, I hope so!! LOL

    I've been thinking the same about Steve. But he wasn't originally intended to be a long-term character so that could explain why he hasn't gotten a lot of air time yet. I don't remember Steve being a mama's boy (because he did stand up to her) but she could be very manipulative. Mona was one of the characters I loved to hate. Now with Karen, I remember hating her all the time (so no, she doesn't get more likeable) but I'm actually enjoying her more this time around.

    What does everyone think of Polly's sudden interest in Phillip Townsend? Could she be his mother?

  3. That was definitely a great cliff hanger today and it originally aired on a Friday. Althea was supposed to return on "Monday," so maybe she will be on tomorrow's show. I immediately recognized Bernie Barrow's forehead and head tilt when he talked.

  4. I absolutely hate this Norman Bunker character but I do wonder where they are going with this.

    Carolee and Liz's friendship has been a nice twist. The idea of them as roommates was genius.

    Althea's therapy session was truly nice it was great to see her finally open up about her sons death and what caused her break up with Nick. I like how much in denial she is that she ever loved him.

    I don't want to spoil the story if it hasn't already aired but has the story with Phillip Townsend and Liz already aired? Phillip is listed in the February 1968 script posted earlier in the thread but hasn't been seen yet. Then again the story of Liz drugging herself is what led to the Phillip story and that apparently happened in 1967.

    I don't want to spoil too much but the Liz/Townsend story hasn't happened yet. It should be coming up soon though.

  5. I was just a kid but I remember 1967 was a big year for the counter-culture. There was the Summer of Love in San Francisco. Dr. Timothy Leary was all over TV advocating using LSD and other psychedelic drugs in psychiatry. Paul McCartney became the first Beatle to admit he had used LSD.(and the Beatles were very influential for those too young to have experienced that).

  6. Thanks.

    I guess Janene was a friend of Sandy's?

    Sandy Roberts had a bit part in Medium Cool, one of those paranoia cult films of the late 60s.

    I believe Janene was a friend of Bill's during the storyline involving Kitty Horton's death. She had a flirtation with Doug when he first came to Salem. Joan Van Ark was playing the part by that time.

  7. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it but keep a look out for the orderly who is an extra in the Christmas episode that aired today. I remember this actor being on some CBS soaps but didn't know he was ever on The Doctors. He's better known for prime time.

  8. Thanks for the articles, DRW50! Intellectually, I understand the show couldn't tolerate Reinholt and Courtney causing trouble on the set (if that was truly the case). Still, to me they were irreplaceable. I didn't hate Susan Harney but it was like she was a different character. I didn't care for the subsequent Alices. And I did not like David Canary as Steve, at all.

  9. Today's episodes were up around 5:00 when I watched them (but I see they're down now). Hope this is temporary. The live stream has been working for me the last two days but the station only airs the second half hour.

    Did anyone get to see or download today's episodes from the channel? They seem to be gone now, listed as terms of use violation.

    The channel is still up so hopefully they'll keep uploading, just with a different name now.

    I hope they may reupload those...

  10. So great to see this show again! I was in the 4th grade the first time these episodes aired and obviously missed a lot because I was in school. But seeing these characters again is like seeing some long-lost friends. I'm over the moon about seeing Steve and Carolee's first meeting. And Nick and Althea, sizzling hot as ever. I don't remember the Winters but I thought the scenes with Althea and Dr. Winters were great. So wonderful seeing long scenes again instead of the 30-60 second snippets that we seem to get today. And now I learn where the "Little Boy Doctor" nickname came from for Dr. Rice (his patient). My mom and I used to call Terry Kiser that every time we subsequently saw him in anything but I couldn't remember where Dr. Rice got the name. Funny the things that stick with us!

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