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Everything posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. I can't wait for the Skye/Adam scenes. Ugh, can't believe AMC never lured her back! I'm a little disappointed Jacqueline's a turning out to be a big liar. I was loving her & Brandon together but this is still good, interesting drama. What's her beef with Erica? LOL. Hayley continues to be a hot mess.Your doing well at selling this story! Looking forward to next week ;-)
  2. Your descriptive way of setting up the Hayley/Erica scene was really gripping & well done. I could picture everything happening. That was a nice moment between Hayley & Erica and I appreciated the Kendall mentions and getting some insight into how Erica felt when she died ;'-).
  3. "I certainly will not embarrass Adam Chandler on national television. If that's what you're looking for, hire one of his other ex-wives. I hear Brooke English is looking for work." LMAO Another great episode, loved the Hayley/Adam moments. Looking forward to Skye producing WAVE. You've really got something good going here with Skye/Erica/Hayley
  4. The Erica vs. Skye bitchfest was hilarious. LOL at Skye saying "Bitch, no one cares about Erica Kane. Have a seat" Would she really say that? Sounded like someone over here
  5. Great moment w/Haley and Skye! So Skye does realize Hayley is drinking? And LOVE the title!
  6. That was a nice goodbye between Erica and Opal. I chuckled a bit when Erica said "my Grandchildren" ;-P I can't wait for Skye/Hayley, either. Wonder if she'll realize? Your handing Hayley falling off the wagon very well (why am I not surprised? LOL) - I'm loving the descriptive dialogue. Keep it up SoapBoy, your doing a fantastic job!
  7. SoapBoy, WOW at Haley drinking again. Bold move, this could get interesting with Erica co-hosting with her. Will she help when she finds out or will she join in? LOL I can't stand to watch Y&R, so I'm not sure if Angell and Sean ever had scenes together there, but picturing them together from this fanfic makes me think they're totally hot together ;-). Overall great episode & I liked the title as well
  8. LOL....love Skye vs. Blair. "I'll send you running back to the farm" LMAO! Team Skye ;-) I didn't think Erica would accept, we'll see how this goes When's JR going to get murdered by Zach for killing Kendall? Jk, LOL
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