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Everything posted by AllMyDaysatGH

  1. Nice touch having Sami flash back to those memories of EJ. And WOW, I loved that exchange between Marlena & Sami: "He raped you, he tortured you and made life hell for you. You have hated me for 20 years because I slept with John when married to your father, but you forgive him? Explain that to me" Damn. That was good. I'm totally "anti-spoilers" these days so I skipped right past that next episode preview! LOL. Really loving what you have going here overall JP, keep it up ;-).
  2. Ah so his character will turn out to be Andrew Donovan (noticed in the cast list over -> there)? I know Shane left him a message about meeting up w/him in Salem. But why would he be lying about his name being Riley. LOL maybe I got this wrong haha. Love the sound of Marlena/Sami & Marlena/Stefano!
  3. Loving it so far JackPeyton. Maybe I'm missing it somewhere but what actor do you picture playing the character of Riley?
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