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Everything posted by MichaelGL

  1. MichaelGL

    Sex Me! #113

    OMG what an ending. I really hope Mark Jr. is alright. Really liked the scene between Sharan and Mona too. Can't wait for the next episode to see what happens with Mark Jr. and I do wonder if Ty will go down with Mona.
  2. MichaelGL


    Very Good casting choices. Nice to see Alfonso back. Your casting of Janet Zarish is an excellent one. I loved her on on OLTL, and it sucked that OLTL killed her off. I'm very curious as to what you will have in store for her.
  3. Wow what a ending. Hmmm a reunion behind bars? Only in soaps lol Has anyone told you that you have incredible tastes in casting? Gah Karim must have really pissed off karma to be hit by Ashley's car and then get run over. I'm interested in this diary saga and where it leads to.
  4. MichaelGL

    Episode 128

    Great episode. Lots of mystery surround Edmund's kidnapping. It would have been great karma if he was stashed in a flooding cave like he did with Reva lol. Mindy/Rick/Roxie...juicy. Can't wait for what you have in store for them.
  5. MichaelGL

    Episode 122

    Awesome scene at Spaulding Enterprises. I love how you have both Phillip and A-M plotting to take back control of Spaulding. Let the games begin! Hmmm any plans for something to develop between A-M and Mel?
  6. MichaelGL

    Amend! #108

    Sister Patterson is still my favoirte part of your show lol. Awesome show! Love Sabryn and Ashley's confrontation.
  7. About the Show The Heritage of Hope is a fan fiction based on the now defunct soap The Doctors. The Doctors was a soap that aired on NBC from April 1, 1963 to December 31, 1982. The Heritage of Hope begins at the time when The Doctors ended, in the year 1983. However the twist is that the one of the show’s leading characters, Dr. Steve Aldrich (Laurence Lau) has been in a coma for the last three years. Steve’s coma erases the last three years of The Doctors but creates a mystery of sorts, of what has really happened while our leading doctor was sleeping. Like The Doctors, Heritage of Hope is set in Madison. The show revolves around the lives of four doctors, Matt Powers (Jerry ver Dorn), Maggie Fielding (Deborah Adair), Althea Davis (Robin Mattson), and Steve Aldrich whom all work at Hope Memorial Hospital. Accompanying the medical Powers family and the wealthy Aldrich family are the poor and struggling Simpson, Parker, and Kalikrates families and the wealthy Winthrop and Kincaid families.
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