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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. They seem to get rid of most of their new characters very quickly (or just leave them standing around doing nothing) but I hope Greg stays. That would provide more consequences for the inevitable Tanya/Max reunion, and he is also way too hot to get rid of - the show isn't big in eye candy now.

    Agreed, and it's a trend that I find a bit bothersome.

    Here's a trailer of David Essex's arrival on the square.


  2. Today's episode was written by Daran Little, and he did not disappoint. Very good episode overall.

    Nina and Nitin's scenes today should be used as their acting reels for next years awards. Those scenes were the best yet in their story.

    I even found enjoyment out of the Christian and Syed scenes today, as they had plenty of depth to them with Christian feeling insecure about Syed and Zaniab reconciling.

    I'm loving Lydia's interactions with the square. That brief exchange with Pat, Janine, and Ricky outside of the Vic was refreshing as we don't seem them as a family unit (Pat is usually absent) very often these days. Then Lydia stopping by in a car and referring to Pat's hooking days upon seeing her on the street corner, ROFL :lol: Poor Pat cannot escape the digs about her hooker past.

  3. I agree - although it's hard to imagine Nola as a businesswoman I'd like to see Mona in that area.

    Who was Theo again?

    I find that bit about MJ fantasizing as a temptress to be strange. Was this after Kathy Glass left?

    I wish they'd had Maggie carry to term. It would be something new for an estranged, older soap couple to have a child. In some ways this would have caused even more conflict for them.

    I liked reading about Mona vowing to put her energy in business as well. You have a point about Nola. IMO if they were going to get her involved in business, they should have done it realistically, not happen over night. Wasn't she like a singer earlier in her run? I know she did have a part in running The Medicine at one point.

    M.J.'s fantasy was indeed strange. Not sure if it was after KG left the room.

    Later on other over the hill couples like Matt and Maggie would have children; AMC's Joe & Ruth and ATWT's Bob and Kim.

  4. Thank you so much for these scans Carl.

    Intriguing how much of the synopsis involves Mona and Nola's corporate wars at The Chronicle. The show was obviously getting into the trend of business intrigue, as were other soaps at this time. I think of all the trends the show tried to go with, I think this one was the most that made sense and the show should have kept, rather going the sci-fi route.

    Never knew Mike and Katy were "married" or that they had such a relationship described in the scan.

    I know Maggie eventually loses the baby, but it would have been a great choice IMO, if the writers had Maggie's baby survive.

  5. So Republicans are attacking Obama on his policy on Israel, to have it return to its pre-1967 borders, but today it has come out that around 2003, George W. Bush supported the very same policy :rolleyes:

    Thanks Max for you views on the GOP candidates, you have a point that Romney really doesn't appeal to a whole bunch of people within the Republican party.

  6. Max, what do you think about Romney? Polls show him in a lead against the remaining known possible candidates, and Romney, to the ignorance of the media, is making campaign moves and stops. If Daniels doesn't run, I can see Romney easily capturing the nomination. However there appears to a lack of excitement where he's concerned, so far.

    Then there's Hermain Cain who I'm constantly hearing about from other conservatives. So far he seems like a long shot at capturing the nomination, but who knows, stranger things have been known to happen.

  7. And this man is considered one of the greatest GOP intellectuals?


    I am so sick of this "end of the world" nonsense from some on the right. My goodness, you would think America was the equivalent of Haiti or Somalia from what some on on the right are saying. The truth is, America is still what it was some 15-20 years ago, perhaps even better. People in third world countries still long to live here and still risk their very lives to come here. However we the American people are supposed to believe that the country is all of sudden at risk of becoming or already is a police state? The day when I'm not allowed to step outside my front door and freely decide what to do with my life, is the day when the right is justified in using such drastic phrases as "teetering on the abyss" and whatnot. Just because the man that occupies the white house has a different set of beliefs policy-wise than you do, does not mean it's the end of times.

    And you know what? Newt is one those most guilty of painting this picture.

    Don't get me started on the food stamp issue, on one hand the right touts the unemployment numbers as a weapon against the president, and in the other they're cutting services for those who are unemployed. Can they pick which issue to spin? Either there are a large number of people suffering right now that need help from the GOVERNMENT, or the economy is getting better, and help from the GOVERNMENT is no longer needed. Pick one and stick with it for Christ sake!

    End of rant.

  8. Everyone came off better then I imagined them. B & W have the personality of a two blocks of wood, but MADD didn't come off bad and Zimmer came off very, very well, especially her reprisal of Reva's "death," and resurection, with her sense of humor. Everytime I have seen her interviewed she has been too ON, and here she comes off as a normal person. I forgot how good she looked before the HUGE freakin' wait gain. By the end of the show she WAS a sloppy, Bert Bauer.

    Agreed, KZ looked radiant in the interview, what the hell happened?

    Rauch comes off cocky as usual, I remember a SOD interview he did around 2000 or so, and it had him in the same leather chair that is shown in the video, I think with a cigar as well. My goodness, after leaving Another World, the success of his tenure (thanks to LeMay) sure got to his head.

  9. It took me awhile, but I finally purchased 21! (I already listened to such songs as "Turning Tables", "Rolling in the Deep", and "Set Fire to Rain", exercising an unbelievable amount of discipline from looking up more of the album online.)

    I love the track "He Won't Go", a track not mentioned in this thread. Overall the album is great, not able to match 19, but a wonderful follow up album. Adele's cover of "Love Song" is dreamy, to put it simply. "Rumour Has It" has a catchy beat to it, and goes back to Adele's bluesy/R&B roots.

  10. Today's episode; goodness it's always so refreshing when we get these scenes focused on the dysfunction of the Brannings, especially with Carol involved.

    Rainee is quite clingy, I hope though the show becomes interested in changing that, over time of course. I really like the actress.

  11. Yeahhhh nuBen...I keep getting the sense that show wants to do more with his bullying storyline, that perhaps Ben will turn out to be gay, and the guy that is bullying him actually is attracted to him. But I can't tell heads or tails of the story so far. Abi and Jay are a cute couple, I can't believe the show has made me like Jay of all people.

    My interest with the Ian storyline didn't pique until the end of the show when Jane vowed to fight Ian. Since I started watching back in Sept. 2010, I haven't seen a feisty Jane, so I hope the story stays on its current track, without Jane reverting to her usual weepy self.

    I'm loving Lydia's interaction with the cast. Loved her ordering around Ricky today :lol:

  12. Thank you for clearing up more of this, saynotoursoap. Can you tell us something about Hank Iverson?

    MichaelGL, I have some photos of the Penny/Jerry wedding and reception, from a Digest. I will try to post them in a few days.

    Thanks! I would appreciate that Carl.

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