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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. Having gotten into Emmerdale since the helicopter crash I've been looking at some past youtube vids of the show. What are some of the shows best years to start with? From an outsiders standpoint, one of my favorite scenes the Chris Tate's dying in 2003, which seems to be a good year with some of the other stuff that was going on.

  2. The Mike/Nancy/Matt/Maggie storyline has actually heated up within the past few days. I enjoyed the confrontation scenes between Matt/Maggie/Mike and seeing Mike reel from his confrontation with Nancy.

  3. I just find it a bit hypocritical of the right (not pointing at anyone in this thread) to continuously hammer this administration for having not sent a big name to the rally to unite Europe (because that appears what it mostly was in general, a unity rally for much of Europe) when it was a few years ago the right endlessly ridiculed Obama for visiting France. In addition the right heavily criticized France for not supporting President Bush during his invasion of Iraq, going so far as to start a campaign to rename French Fries! America has been and continues to be on the forefront of this war on terror and has been since day one. With the countless deaths of our service men and women all of a sudden America and this administration gets heat for not sending a high profile superstar to a rally that was most likely never intended to be such a huge event in the first place? Let's see who attends the unity rally for the attacks that recently happened in Nigeria..... wait, there probably won't be one or if there just happens to be one, the media will ignore such an event and not care who attended it. Overall I just don't find it a subsequent issue to focus on considering there's more pressing issues facing this administration and congress. Secondly America's stance on terror has remained unchanged since 9/11, in which we've been the the number one country to pour all of its resources and power into uniting our allies to fight the very same extremists that are behind this tragedy that happened in Paris.

  4. Every country sent their leader. Even if he didn't want to go, sometimes you gotta. How come Saudi Arabla and Russia can send someone but America can't? This has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative because even liberals like Jon Stewart are pointing this out. The adminstration f-ed up here, not Obama. They probably didn't even tell him it was happening and didn't realize everyone was going.

    But America did send someone it simply wasnt a high profile name.
  5. I didn't know Allen Potter was at TD as early as 1967. He seemed to be a quite an successful EP for the show and I wonder if he had remained EP throughout the 70s if it would have remained on air a bit longer.

    It's amazing seeing a different actress portray Maggie and getting to see Dr. John Rice. What was the story behind Althea's pregnancy out of wedlock?

  6. Thanks for posting the link to the video Carl.

    Rewatching some of that stuff from 1995/1996 just makes me angry again, aside from the Roger storyline, I stumbled upon scenes where Frank discovered Nadine's body and Cutter's death. There doesn't really seem to be a bright spot on the show around this time.

  7. The Robert Calhoun era is such a fascinating time to me for GL. Such an easy and almost seamless transition from Pam Long to Curlee/Demorest and IMO stories seemed to build and only get better in the last few years of Long's second tenure. I've watched episodes of GL from 89-90 and the Reva/Dylan/Billy stuff was incredible, the Alan-Michael/Harley and Blake/Roger/Holly material was great television as well. I just loved everything about the show around this time, and yet I feel its the most overlooked period for the show.

  8. The more I see about the thinking of the American populace, the more comfortable I am in saying that they simply don't think that deeply.

    I've seen some of the most asinine, flawed, primitive thinking when it comes to this election. "Obama didn't fix the economy in three years." (How on earth was anybody supposed to fix the economy in three years? Even if the Congress had cooperated?) Obama didn't bring about hope and change. (Please articulate to me specifically what you thought "hope and change" would look like. Because if you can't describe it don't blame the man for not doing it.) And my favorite, “I’m tired of the Republicans blaming all the debt on Democrats, so let them take over and see what they do.” (Yes. Someone actually said that. What the [!@#$%^&*]?!) I've seen people complaining that the power isn't back on in NYC and NJ. Who in their right mind thinks you can recover from a hurricane in three days. We've genuinely become a country of thoughtless, simple-minded infants with absolutely no understanding of the process it takes to get anything accomplished. That's why we have birthers and truthers and people who think the BLS cooked the books last month. As a culture we've completely lost the skill of critical thinking.

    And don't get me started on undecided voters.


  9. Goldendogs so basically George Romney, who was on welfare when he first came to the US is a self described victim? Those who are low income white families (and there are many) in the right leaning south that depend on food stamps and welfare are going to vote for Obama? Even though the electoral map contradicts this?

    Its because of the questions above that prove Romneys statement to be false. It wasn't the truth, it was a huge falsehood that broadly paints half the country as lazy moochers. To add, it even paints Mitts own father as some lazy unmotivated moocher, but I guess in Romneys case its like you say; the truth hurts.

  10. Boy, Fox News is in overdrive today, hyping up the response from the Obama admin in light of the attacks, as being apologetic. There seems to be quite a disconnect within the GOP today between those like Peggy Noonan and the people at Fox news/Romney campaign.

  11. Sorry I don't mean to kick a dead horse here, I know its been discussed earlier but in regards to the voter i.d. issue; I don't understand the rush to have it for THIS election? A nice compromise and a more logical step would be to slowly but surely implement these new voter i.d. laws, so that at least by 2014 or 2016 every voter; black, white, asian, or hispanic; young or old would have had enough time to get their i.d. However the sudden rush to make sure everyone has their i.d. to vote for this election, the presidential election, makes the GOP's motivation for this more obvious than ever, especially knowing WHO this will affect, who said constituents may vote for, and the ever seldom occurence of actual voter fraud. I ask, why quickly implement this when a slower implementation of this would make sure EVERY voter has an i.d. for an election?

    I dont have an issue with the request for a picture i.d. to vote, just the timing and how its being carried out.

  12. If theres one thing I will never understand is the belief from the right that Obama is some far left liberal, or yet has governed as one. I'm quite the liberal myself and I've got to say I've been quite disappointed in the past four years, barely any so called ar left policies have been implemented.

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